Peliee Bleuer - · u.rps all rn~ to eall t1w poUce LIIUII.e- ... Mon. thru...

--- :rultllta- - - ... a.-- Roood .... ...... .-e for tJMo DeW ..... ,. .-etncal \IM'h i.n the ..,... A .... ,..,. bae eaten 1t and 1.11 - 10' IUOO "* liDeo tbal ... AltMoiP d>e ... - - _.., ... 12 ouch - oat:r --·-· ._ ..... ,.._ __ _ all - * tM X.. Pvk Deal a-t- At G.-.Ji. "'" - _.,. • u.oao ..... u- --..--lil>eoal ......... u Pepcro calla :.M ne-w au.t.taboll Outio s..--·· a ...... ,.._. bwJt -- TOI&piDc wu b'ult iD t.h. .... , J,hlro by :Jw Walker 1- ___,. o6 tiw1r m tlletr -·--. 'n. Walbr tamil)'. :r.-c. a..te. and NMMa., ...,... _..,_,.__aDd oiMal:a .Cf'eC7 aad ... - IB ,.,._.,. wboa Geoqe I - ·- IDBa __ Tiwy __ .., tD •rtJe _.. ltal't .... - ,. ..:..!!i =:, :;- .,..,. •1 Do! I Dor !.!:: :."...:!.: At Petrucci s .... piaaniq ........ ,. ..,. .Jio. CIDdy LH ol.. -..,\.t Do' I Do•" ,. U.. - 6 0... Iae. Cbaeludn .., '-4er!IIC at Potruea's li&IJl - Clot. JT. DUuoer ill t.auni. 'no. n- .- nmo tluoua• Ju_, t. Adl&a 8ooll .DiKvaioa 10 1!5 liD. Boo Bnnnn aDd Jeus ..... .Aadn& ........ AllDe Ka.iD .... lll tJw •liDcal .... _., allout _.,... _... of ,_,., bappy ........... Raia - BhlDe Booll: SaW: 10 ht.nxcl'!l bf:aul8 tile nrPBiq L1L to :t -. llooU. N<Onliap. w1t.b a buffet - Utaliaa aDd -old .-1 Zl<. _, w--,. All ..- - - ,.,.. - pur- tl>rouat> Call 'I2IO-SDI ebae ol. ... for and GHI Board Again Taddea Heat &emption Requests lJT Jlary ...... The Homes. IDe. (Gffi) Boud at Directon met iD replar aeaaioD on Thursday. September 23. The board Jllllde IIBal determiDatiou on what JDCht have beeD tbe Jut nq-u for rehabilitation-related eumptioiiL lD llddf\iall. .-Je iupectioa requiremnta Went dleeueed. At ..... _ ..wac, .lwll' iOWed. aaocher coun _.r _ .... __ _,... __ !hat __ ...... ......... ._ ___ ___ _ ___ .,.. ___ ,.. __ bad __ _ .. _____ ...... , .... --...-..----.. , ..... , ___ tor--la--IM or.----. ............................. A-a.ra.-1-n:O!I -c-. .. -- -n.. "'-"- ... ...- ...... - __ .,.__ .... _ ... ..._--- ------- -'LOot ... - ......... ._... -- - eoiJ- ....... - ---·---- _Mol'_,_._ ·---------- ............ __ ----- ----- - ... - ..__.- .. - tC ... -- IF al.-Q """"""- .. _. lo-- ........ - ...... WQ.-.. -----to ------""'- ... ---·- -- .... lin'•- ... -- ------ n..-..... -- ... A - Ia - I of .... a ..._ ,...- ..... ,._._..., .... -- - - ,_ - ....... .... ,_ of - ia- - ...... ..._ ___ _., ....... ,. ___ - n.- ___ .. _..,..lie_ toller dloel.- pub.._ -lie-- .............. ,.._.. ..... fhttnc ... - .... - ...... .._ - !rom GH!. ,. ._uw- ...... .... --- _ .... __ _ -""""- WW..."--Appai .... , a.-lloll at,- a ..... -... X Wlute aac1 GreeaWJt ........ .,. Emor7 a.r..u. baft beeD DaiDed to to Wriareo &ad W'tt.lll De.ocratic 9tatr IICiallllft Leo E. Green Tbe will COIUIUlt GreeD and bu DP-.ocratte rol- lequea on JDajor LUu.n fac Jn& ttw Zlrd Dutnct. Peliee Bleuer A re..le , ..... ,.t wu ._.ult.- ed .-ith a dead!y wrapon oa OcL 11 I 10 L.a. wtwn .sOe- Mr apart:-.ent JWar t.llecrut aad I...a.llaide aDd ... ptnq l.ftto {"Bit' C:&l' Ttlro DOD-rnidrftt -...lea ber ear UM1 ODe!' leaned mr.o the wom&n'• car aDd thre-&t- efted he-r ... u. a k:J.uft. The wo.- IM ...... ,.S to drnoe oil but .-- punt»d by tbe .era whe-n aM .ue.pted: to NtorD to M-r reei- detlctt. tbe poUee were t'alJ- ed., ta. two ...a were- located cberpd. O.W ol t1w wu e.bupd wiU. --.all aad b&tte-ry aad e&1'1'71Dc a deedly weapoa WUil I..Dlnlt to UIJUft: the Clltlwr wu charpd u .a The fonwr wu lacaronated an twu ol boDd; U.. Jatter wu rP- - .... ! - ,.noaal X Kc:Gratb em.d a bnall1q aad eetertac wiUdl oecurftd -- Mazcb lJl .. 9pftachW Lake ap&l'tJanit. Pa.rt ol tlM' lt1"0Pft'tY .... ,. reco•- ered ud a DOilftSident wu at- -. Aeco<diD& to Police CllJ<,I Wll- ba-. T_ I...ane. ...-era! Gl'ftftbPit ,- 1'be Greenbe-lt EneuioD Bome-- -...ken Club will hold their IDOllthly on WeodDHday, October 210. at 8 p m. tn the .bome ot Wlth 1.\)ne Ko- ran The- Le>ada Tra.tninc Procram will. two oy llax1n• Mullikin on · 'Hhusn, 6 !o,-:>r La:eor Y.ears" and will J1Ve a pre:wntatlvr. ··y,· 0men and ve- Pf'e'SIIlon" Mtmbersl' .. ;J .!1 open to wbo LS 1n:t>r!'"ste-d ;n leanunc mon on subJC!'C(.s prewnt- ed U.rouch :he- Ex- tf'aslon Str...-:c.-. and t:.S. [)epa.rt- fiN'Dt ol A1'!'11." .J!ture For furthe!'r LDfOftD&tlOn Irene Szafran. pres1dPBt ot :h4> club. at t7t--lla .._--:-1 ___ ... __ __ "'<: _('.-.c, .OO..c • •t.oT FALL SPECIAL ------ --- ... ··-·· .... ----.-·--- "-c ..... .. a --"'""'"- a-···"--. 474-11888 = = 'I r-_L-Ji GreeriJelt L;i L.J"1 rutural Center I The GreenbelJ .Rrts Trust I present IN TRIBUTE I TO THE ELEANOR ROOSEVELT I IDGH SCHOOL ORCHESTRA (J The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra 27 lll. &rl'ft:t1llC a hleiti'ft dru& cleaWr wbo bad •haded lor - - two ...... Tl>e -- cen wM wen wen s.t. ...uBp L. a..- Cpl .1o1m .... Loum. Pfc. Da..W R. "'- aDd 081cer Ralpll 1. A IN - Spriqblll Lab W"M eatencl- "Y ..,. o1 t11o lllllodted -..,. door. It ... laler that a aetpbor '-'! eMil tbe- JUIIPK'( e.l:ilabiq up to the- balcoft7 bu.t - l&llod to - tbe police. tlwlkiDc tbal tbe P"'""" IDicbt baw -IIJf:ea, tbe resicteGl who wu toeked out. C'hief t... u.rps all to eall t1w poUce LIIUII.e-- dial,t'E7 wbe-a &DY a.c- tmQ La IIH'!l &ad llll't tar depe.rt- DM-at eMQ.& tt out.. 'rboe- pobc<e nu.lwr ia "TtM-tt r,..,a auto lS tlw moet rre.IK'IIt})t cr"ime- lll KC'Ool"dd:n& to C'tue-1' Lane. 'l"be · put -....keftd the"' W9ft four c-.- ol c.r or l'pi!IIJien Wm.c taken. Thf'M' ot tllleo catiM oa HanOYer and ooe Ln Spnnahill LAD. b add.Jtioa tbere ....... a car ..... aad a ea. ol &ttftlllpu-d ..... tMft ... -- Tl>o u&o..., A JaO.- _.,..Ie .... aloo - 011 Han- ..... Plnry -- stoleft a ..- ............ DNt.a BooWry llWI: Iac. ''- GrHD..,. Sboppma c--. we1'e ... t...:. a yard ... auto wllklt. -... at.oliHl =.,. -::-::.:::::: = -z-. ,.,.. ,_ Clad,- llkX...W. '"'-"""' ..... ..- - Bill Hol- lazwl. aateadotd a P\&Wk s.t.ey 1M Canft"Sity 011 0MaW'&l'e at s..tord.. O.&a......... froc.. Ott. j to let- In on tiM i.Japor- U&Jttt ot .suctr specialbed t.ra.n- i:DC'. C'taief 1..alw DOted that Ow ..,.,._ pJ'O'IriOt m. ..:.t uaport&Dt llnk lletweftl OW C'ltlHI!I aDd ltw -... Conducted by Sergiu Commisaiona WedMSdoy, Ncwember 10, 8 p.m. Pomp and Cin:umstance March No. 1 Symphony No. 2 Pictures at an Exhibition Elgar Sibellue .i!l{ousaorslQo Conducted by Sel'll'iu Comiuioua . Cail 47 '-4621 ; ./) Greenbelt Federal CREDIT UNION IS authoNed by the federal to accept the DIRECT DEPOSIT of your: Social Security leiMflts y.A. lenefits Civil Service Annuity PaymenhL Military Pci'ychecks · Private Employer Paychecks Th 1.s is an iSeal way to fund your share draft account. Funda on deposit will earn dividends. )'OW ,... will 1le . Safe and Convenient for :JOUl" immediate ue STOP 1n today - we have fonaa authoriaiJac direct depMit and Will belp you with them. From then on it's aD ,automatic. Savinr'! insured to StOO,OOO by National Credit Caion istrat1or.. a t: .S. Go"'ernmftlt APDCY· Phone: 474-5900 Mon. thru Thun.: 9:00 a.m. - 3: OO·p.m. Friday: 9: 00 a.m. -7 p.m.. 112 Centerway (P.O. lox 157) Md. 20770 c 6rttttbdt lJlews 'ieuiew AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Volume 45, Number 49 P.O. Box 68, Greenbelt. )faryland 20770 Thursday. Oct 21. 1982 Everything You tver Wanted to Know About Cable TV ... Storer Is Coming: ·by BIB Rowland One of thit! country's ra- pidly expanding "consumer services" ia about to be mar- keted in a _._ml.jpr way in Greenbelt. ca- ble television. The provider : S t o r e r Communications, which holds the sole fran- chose granted by the city for thit! purpose. And the potential cUBtomers : At first. those pei'IIODS living in som,ething less than half of the 8000 residences within Greenbelt's city limits. Those who decide to subscribe to Storer'• cabJe service will be joiniq an explodillg c: both in the way Americans televiajon sicnab, and in theJ' baTe an.ilable to watc . natioa:wi• sarveJ' in July foun that one-third of the country's .. telm..ion houabolds'' were booked to eable. an increase of percent in just one year. Seldom doee a week &'0 by with- out at leut OM artiele in & WaalliBatoa ...,.paper or in a national news mapsine on an-- - other development in the big battle to cnb --,; ........ NOW' it's nea.rt,._sl'me for some of OneDbelt'• -citizens to start deci4lac wloetllor it's to be OUT with. the rabbit-ear or the rust- inc antenna ,n the roof, Ot:T with pictures that won't quite focus and stations that won't quite tune in, OUT with nothing to watch tonight but what the television broadcasters h.ap-- pen to be offering--and IN with what "is promised to be terrific l'ft'eption of a mind-boggling ar- ray of up to 70 channels provid- ing not only commercial and poblk broadcasting program ming, but sueh additional ehoiee as all-sports, all-news. all-mo ies, all--weather, all-edu.cationa. all-r'e'liciou.s ... and even your city touncil in action! So it's .. eabfe." But ... Do I want' r>o.._Y need Wbat do I have!' to do to get it'! After I have it, what have I And if 1 don't like it. can I get rid of Thia article attempt• to put a bit of nonjudgmental light on ques- tions such as those before Decl- aion Day arrive.s.. The_ infonna- tion, for the mo.t part, bas been Manager for Storer's operations in Prince Geo,.es County; from materials published by Storer i.n.eludi.D., formal written presen tations ued last year when it was eompetinc for both county ancl city of Greerabelt franchises and ita monthly pJ"'CT&&D guide issued to aubaeriben; &Dd from tbe <itT• oable ordinaDee and franellioe ..-nt with Stonr . Wloela-T Storer Commaaications of Md., IDe., ia a of Storer BroedcutiDc which OWXUI radio &Dd te · atationa aDCl -- akat 400- eable teleri- ,;o, JO or oo "*"*- Late in 1981. just before Prince G1e0rwes County its franchise to Jn!!tal1 cable m the northern part of the county, Greenbelt's- dty council agreed to the city's own 1>-year franl."hJse with the firm. In beeommg the seventeenth munictpa!ity within the county to reach such an in- dependent agreement w1th Stor- er. Greenbelt assured 1tself o-f at least some degree of control over cable television sen1ce. program- ming, and su.b5Ctlption rates within the city---4.nd also secured for the city's treasury a fran- chise fee to be paid by Storer at the rate of five percent of pro- gram revenues generated withi.n the city. In addition. Storer IS to provide a start-up fund o! $10,000 to promote community- acceaa programming within Greenbelt, with additional eon- tributions at the rate of one per- cent of program Storer will al8o provide and teehnical help to the city government and to citizen groups for uae in providing local pro- gnmrainc. At leu.t initi•lly, Storer's ca- ble aemce will rome to Green- belt from the firm's eomple:x of antennas and encineering equip- ment in Hyatt&ville. The city's cable system is to t,e.· interlinked with the systems of the county and of municipalities with- !n the county. Wllo Can Have Cable? Who will be able to subscribe to Storer's The answer should be simple, but _it isn't. The eitTs legal agreement with Stor- er in e:lfect both permits and ob- liptes the firm to provide cable- service to all who it within the city's boundaries. But the ability of the dty to gfant such an exclusive franchise to Storer is really based on only one fac- tor: the lecal power of the city to say ''yes' 'or "no" when people to run tables or what- on or acroSs the dty's public rights-of-way I e.g., streets). Despite the city fran- chtse, Storer may not extend its cable onto private property 'tll.-ith- out the of the owner. Where freestanding -are involved. there is no prob1em. Eaeh homeowner deeides indhrid- ually whether or not to allo_w Storer to run a cable to the house. But the large majority of Greenbelters live m "attachN"-l multi-unit dweflings - eithe'r' apartments, condominiums, or some- tonn· of cooperative. To bring the cable into an apart- ment building, Storer must get pennis.sion from the building's owner. For condominiums and l."o--ops. the membership must ap- prove letting the cable cross .. common areas.•· As of mid-October, 'Storer was still trying to work out agree- menU with various of the apart- mentleondo, co-op developments in Greenbelt. Entry permission had been received from Cbarles- towne Village condominiums and from most of the apartments al0ft8' Crescent Road and Park- wa.y in the eenter part of the city. · Greenbelt Homes, Inc., would need a membership meet- ing to deeide the issue. Windsor Gre-en's homeowners association - CABLE. ,_.. S. eol. I WARNING! A po88ibly rabid rattOOn was picked up in Greenbelt yes- terday. Residents are warned to avoid any poasible contact with . animals, especially rac- COOid. bats and skunks. Pets &houkl be kept indoors or on a leash. Rabin clinin will be set· up within the next few weeks. Owners should makeo certain their peU are vaui- ••ted. I i\ TICKETS ON SALE IN SALUTE OF ELEANOR ROOSEVELT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA WEDNESDAY, .,VEMBER 10, 1982 crt Finance Depa-. City of Greenbelt Ofllces 25C,_...Ioad ADULTS $9.60 • STUDENTS AND SENIOR CITIZENS $7.50 v Cndid1tes Views H .._ bv Barbara Ukov.·ski Dcle!ir&te-s. She a re- The Jaycees pt>at oft'enders eou-rt aDd held Octo- ber 11 in the Gre_enbelt Li- m""ntloned that she had ecj'>yeti brarv was not t!:c- l'Ut and throutch Greenbelt and dried affair surh t>n'nt:' can had t'"tabh..;hed a newskottli"r for turn out to be. .Startmg a ft>edhack. half hour later than planned Dt'moc:ratic incumbent Joan because both candidate:: and Pitktn favort>d improve-d l':eahh audience meandered JD grad- ·{'arP, !!l&it>ty from crime, and ually and facing an e;;:rly cLot-· for the t>lderly. Work •1r. a off time set by the library's task Coree for the aced. htkm new conservation policy, the wa!'i also ff)r a hill-of-riarhL fr,r evening was further cut up .. by candidates coming from handgun violations and for and leaving for other for- drug pushers .. She fa- urns. vore-d bills fot trock .ntl St>vertheles.!. m" Jaycet• for the pro'tection of director Ed manaKt"d tt) !<pouses. Pitkin aays she has run it: fairly :<m••oth mt.•;[ whistle blowers pro- James had arranged for tht> ft'd- t:dion ¥:t for .tate emploYft$. eral to speak first, H t. with followed by statt' and tht>n l"oun- J{::uJ -. laid. JneumbeDt Charla .. Bua" for one oflke had arn\'ed after .:!:w-:: he had goae on tn Committee, streued the need for of another officE" James rnerf"ly -_. fundiq for educatioe. said, ''I'm glad I'm not ronning Federal rutt.dts will aft'ed us. f.or oft\ce," laughed and then ht- said, there hu beuz. a deftly sa .. to it that that c-andi- 75'";. rutbac:k in YOCatiaaal reba- date had a chan« to speak. bilitation and educ:atioa. .... .,.,.. [_-. S. Senaft> - Each candidate land is going to be .... aely im- sent a ref>resentative to speak for by the DeW federaiDa,." him. Larry Hopn, Jr. -spoke Ryan said. Thia year for his father, Rapublinn f'ounty one of oaly nineteea atate8 that Exrcutive Larry Hogan. He ended C.he year iJl the biaS &.cl accused U.S. Senator Paul Sar- also bas &D exceneat boad: n.tiq_ banes of doing nothmg while in Gerard Devlin. iD· otfiee and further a.ceused him of cumbeot;,_ia rice-dlairmall of the ••giving away thf" Panama clnal." Sre CANDIDATD. 1 having DO legislatwn enarted in- to law and none proposed to help the unemployed, tnterest rates. poor and elderly. In C'Ontrast, he proclaimed t)lat Larry Hogan has built up a record of eoneem for his ronstituent.s and of thinp done . for Sarbanea. John Porter m.aiDtali..t that S.rbanes was for ••puttiDC this country back on traek. •• He reminded people that S&rbanes had one. of the highest voting rerords in the Senate, working every day the Senate was 1n session. Sarbanes kas personal integ- rity, strong traditional values and is a h1gh quality, ha!'d work- ing individual, he said. State Seaate Republ1can Burt Oliver stated he for jobs, educatiOn, com- pletion of the 100-mile Metro sys- tem, mcluding the Greenbelt sta- tion, immedtate construction of a new state pnson, Mandated mini- mum sentences for violent crimes. the elimmat1on of the ... te pro- perty tax for people 62 fyears old and over and maintaining services for the elderly. He would like the police to keep statistics on the age of vietima u well as and thinka that juve- nile! who commit violent crimes should be tried as adults.. He proposed housing for the elderly. Democratic tandidate Leo Green thought that the most im- portant question wu what the national economy ia aoing to do to the State <'lf Maryl&Dd. He proposed that a eoaH'"- tion of experieneed people, would be needed to meet the coming problems. He offered his team to do the job. Be also propoeed aggreui ve joM pJ'OCI'Ul!i, .er- 'riees for senior rit:iseDa,. &Dd revamping of the erbaiul ju.stiee qotem. His in the General Assembb' aDd u mayor of Bowie has prepared him on aU )nels, be said. 0 State Loaiolaton Sharon Metealfe. llepobliean, aald her baell:powwt u a rocia- &ered nurse, Iter ....... -, com- . mon .. .,.. aad abilKy to co& tho ·job done would p...mde the lead· enhip needed m dto a- ot &··· AGENDA Regular Meetiq of <lty Coaitcil . Monday, 'Oct. 25, _1982 8:00 P..M- I. ORGANIZATION L Call to Onle< 2. Roll Call 1. Call to Order 3. Meditation . Pledge of Alleciaoee til the Fl¥ . ' 4. Minutes of Council· Meebnp · Minutes of Repla.r Meeting of Oc:tobet 4, 1982 . I )(inuteS of Work Session of 'Octobet- 6, 1982 t 5. Additions to J.tenda by Councilmen Kana- l"!r I II. COMMUNICATIONS 6. ud Req\IISt.s 7. Administr&tin Reportl 8. Committee . Reportl! Advisory PI&Dninc Board III. OLD BUSINESS. 9. Propoeals for Consult- int Semc- - Nortll EDd Sehool IV. NEW BUSINESS 10. OrdiDanft to Amet>d. City Ethiea Law 11. Reoo1o9011 for J:Jouor a.-.ett RiP Sehool Sympboaico.e-.. 12. Appoia- to Puk --A<tri. Or)' Jloud IS. Po- ot Road Salt in with ·, - ot Jlu7ta.d 14..11--

Transcript of Peliee Bleuer - · u.rps all rn~ to eall t1w poUce LIIUII.e- ... Mon. thru...

Page 1: Peliee Bleuer - · u.rps all rn~ to eall t1w poUce LIIUII.e- ... Mon. thru Thun.: 9:00 a.m. - 3: OO·p.m. Friday: 9: 00 a.m. - 7 p.m.. 112 Centerway (P.O.

---~·--~· :rultllta-- - ... a.-- Roood .... ~-wtllool-...... .-e ~ for tJMo DeW .....,. .-etncal \IM'h i.n the ..,... A .... ,..,. bae eaten 1t and 1.11

- 10' IUOO "* liDeo tbal

... AltMoiP d>e ... - -_.., ... 12 ouch - oat:r --·-· ._.....,.._ __ _ all - * tM X.. Pvk Deal

a-t- At G.-.Ji. • "'" - _.,. • u.oao ..... u- • --..--lil>eoal ......... u

Pepcro calla :.M ne-w au.t.taboll

~ Outio s..--·· -· a ......,.._. .tr~tu~ bwJt ~ --TOI&piDc Ca.:~t:#- wu b'ult iD t.h. ...., J,hlro by :Jw Walker 1----Tiwy~ltill ___,. o6 tiw1r ~ m tlletr -·--. 'n. Walbr tamil)'. ~ :r.-c. a..te. and NMMa., ...,... _..,_,.__aDd oiMal:a ~ .Cf'eC7 aad ... - IB ,.,._.,. wboa Geoqe I

- ·- IDBa of~ __ Tiwy __ ..,

~rica tD •rtJe _.. ltal't .... -,. ..:..!!i =:, :;-• .,..,. •1 Do! I Dor !.!:: :."...:!.: ~ '!:'.:;.~ At Petrucci s ~ .... piaaniq in~nu ~-

........,. ..,. .Jio. CIDdy LH ol.. -..,\.t Do' I Do•" ,. U.. ~nt - 6 0... Iae. Cbaeludn .., '-4er!IIC at Potruea's li&IJl -~- Clot. JT. DUuoer ~. ill t.auni. 'no. ~- n- .- nmo tluoua• Ju_, t.

Adl&a 8ooll .DiKvaioa 10 1!5 liD. Boo Bnnnn aDd Jeus ..... .Aadn&· ........ ~ AllDe Ka.iD .... lll tJw •liDcal .... _., allout • _.,... • _...

~-~- of ,_,., bappy ........... Raia - BhlDe Booll: SaW: 10 ht.nxcl'!l bf:aul8 tile nrPBiq

L1L to :t -. llooU. N<Onliap. w1t.b a buffet - Utaliaa aDd -old .-1 -· Zl<. ~~ee ~....,.. _, w--,. All ..-- - ,.,.. - pur- tl>rouat> ~- Call 'I2IO-SDI ebae ol. ... u~ ~ for t~ and

GHI Board Again Taddea Heat &emption Requests

lJT Jlary ...... The G~ Homes. IDe. (Gffi) Boud at Directon

met iD replar aeaaioD on Thursday. September 23. The board Jllllde IIBal determiDatiou on what JDCht have beeD tbe Jut nq-u for rehabilitation-related eumptioiiL lD llddf\iall. .-Je iupectioa requiremnta Went dleeueed.

At ~ ....._ • ..wac, .lwll' iOWed. aaocher coun _.r _ .... __ _,... __ !hat __ ...... ......... ._ ___ -~,.,. ___ _ ___ .,.. ___ ,.. __ bad __ _ .. ~----- _____ ......,.... --...-..----.. ,....., ___ tor--la--IM or.----. ............................. A-a.ra.-1-n:O!I

-c-. .. -- -n.. "'-"- ... ...- ...... -__ .,.__ .... _ ... ..._---------- -'LOot ·aa..~r~ ... - ......... ._... -- - eoiJ- ....... ----·---- _Mol'_,_._ ·---------- ............ __ ----- -------~--- - ... -..__.-.. - tC ... -- IF • al.-Q """"""- .. _. lo--

........ -......WQ.-.. -----to ------""'- ... ---·--- .... lin'•- ... -------- n..-..... -- ... A - Ia - I ~ of .... a ~11< ..._ ,...­.....,._._..., .... toU..~

-- - • - ,_ - ....... ....,_ of - ia-...,._~,_- - ...... ..._ ___ _.,.......,. ___ - n.- ___ .. _..,..lie_ toller dloel.- pub.._ -lie-­.............. ,.._.. ..... to~,.,.-· fhttnc ... ~ -....- ...... .._ - !rom GH!. ,. ._uw-...... ~ .... --- _ .... __ _ ~.,..--- -""""-

WW..."--Appai...., C..lllalllalelao~

a.-lloll at,- a.....-... ~ X Wlute aac1 GreeaWJt ........ .,. Emor7 a.r..u. baft beeD DaiDed to • ~ to Wriareo &ad ~t W'tt.lll De.ocratic 9tatr Srt~e IICiallllft Leo E. Green

Tbe coeta~t(H will COIUIUlt ~th GreeD and bu DP-.ocratte rol­lequea on JDajor LUu.n fac Jn& ttw Zlrd ~ Dutnct.

Peliee Bleuer ~--.--..... A re..le ,.....,.t wu ._.ult.-

ed .-ith a dead!y wrapon oa OcL 11 • I 10 L.a. wtwn .sOe- ~ft Mr apart:-.ent JWar t.llecrut aad I...a.llaide aDd ... ptnq l.ftto

{"Bit' C:&l' Ttlro DOD-rnidrftt -...lea ~ ber ear UM1 ODe!' leaned

mr.o the wom&n'• car aDd thre-&t-efted he-r ... u. a k:J.uft. The wo.-IM ......,.S to drnoe oil but .-­punt»d by tbe .era whe-n aM .ue.pted: to NtorD to M-r reei­detlctt. tbe poUee were t'alJ-ed., ta. two ...a were- located cberpd. O.W ol t1w wu e.bupd wiU. --.all aad b&tte-ry aad e&1'1'71Dc a deedly weapoa WUil I..Dlnlt to UIJUft: the Clltlwr wu charpd u .a ~pl..i« The fonwr wu lacaronated an twu ol boDd; U.. Jatter wu rP­

-....! - ,.noaal ftC~. ~ T~ X Kc:Gratb

em.d a bnall1q aad eetertac

~ wiUdl oecurftd -- Mazcb lJl .. 9pftachW Lake ap&l'tJanit.

Pa.rt ol tlM' lt1"0Pft'tY ....,. reco•­ered ud a DOilftSident wu at--. Aeco<diD& to Police CllJ<,I Wll-ba-. T_ I...ane. ...-era! Gl'ftftbPit ,-

1'be Greenbe-lt EneuioD Bome-­-...ken Club will hold their IDOllthly ID~~lnC on WeodDHday, October 210. at 8 p m. tn the .bome ot SibJr~ Wlth 1.\)ne Ko­ran co-host.~&


The- Le>ada Tra.tninc Procram will. two C:'le-~ oy llax1n• Mullikin on · 'Hhusn,6 !o,-:>r La:eor Y.ears" and t.~:nn;e P~:bbs will J1Ve a pre:wntatlvr. v~ ··y,· 0men and ve­Pf'e'SIIlon"

Mtmbersl' .. ;J .!1 open to a.nyon~ wbo LS 1n:t>r!'"ste-d ;n leanunc mon on var:o~.·~ subJC!'C(.s prewnt­ed U.rouch :he-"W" Ex­tf'aslon Str...-:c.-. and t:.S. [)epa.rt­fiN'Dt ol A1'!'11." .J!ture For furthe!'r LDfOftD&tlOn ~a1. Irene Szafran. pres1dPBt ot :h4> club. at t7t--lla

.._--:-1 ___ ... __ __

"'<: _('.-.c, .OO..c • •t.oT ""I~

FALL SPECIAL --------- ... ··-·· .... ----.-·---"-c ..... ..-.,,..,~os~,.. ~t: .. ~.,~s a ....cct:~•fS

--"'""'"­a-···"--. 474-11888


= ,GJ~ = ~~:_,;L.;~·d 'I ~'\ r-_L-Ji GreeriJelt L;i L.J"1

rutural ~ Center I The GreenbelJ .Rrts Trust I




~~~cw-=lr ~ a!Y~ (J

The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra

27 lll. &rl'ft:t1llC a hleiti'ft dru& cleaWr wbo bad •haded captu~

lor - - two ...... Tl>e -­cen wM wen ~ wen s.t. ...uBp L. a..- Cpl .1o1m .... Loum. Pfc. Da..W R. "'- aDd 081cer Ralpll 1. ~-

A IN - Spriqblll Lab ~t W"M eatencl- "Y ..,. o1 t11o lllllodted -..,. door. It ... laler ~ that a aetpbor '-'! eMil tbe- JUIIPK'( e.l:ilabiq up to the- balcoft7 bu.t

- l&llod to - tbe police. tlwlkiDc tbal tbe P"'""" IDicbt baw -IIJf:ea, tbe resicteGl who wu toeked out. C'hief t... u.rps all rn~ to eall t1w poUce LIIUII.e-­

dial,t'E7 wbe-a &DY ~lOUS a.c­tmQ La IIH'!l &ad llll't tar depe.rt­DM-at eMQ.& tt out.. 'rboe- pobc<e ~DC7 nu.lwr ia ·l'h-~

"TtM-tt r,..,a auto lS tlw moet rre.IK'IIt})t ~ cr"ime- lll

G~-ll. KC'Ool"dd:n& to C'tue-1' Lane. 'l"be · put -....keftd the"' W9ft four c-.- ol c.r ~ or l'pi!IIJien Wm.c taken. Thf'M' ot tllleo catiM ~ oa HanOYer ~ and ooe Ln Spnnahill LAD. b add.Jtioa tbere ....... a car ..... aad a ea. ol &ttftlllpu-d

..... tMft ... -- Tl>o u&o..., }ft«-~ A JaO.-_.,..Ie .... aloo - 011 Han­

..... Plnry ~ -- stoleft ~~ a

..- ............ DNt.a BooWry llWI: Iac. ''- GrHD..,. Sboppma c--. ~ we1'e ... t...:. a yard

-~-... auto wllklt. -... ~ at.oliHl

=.,. -::-::.:::::: = ~ -z-. ,.,.. ~t ~u.n\ca-

,_ -· Clad,- llkX...W. '"'-"""' ..... ..- - Bill Hol­lazwl. aateadotd a P\&Wk s.t.ey ~--by 1M Canft"Sity 011 0MaW'&l'e at s..tord.. O.&a......... froc.. Ott. j to let- In ~atia&' on tiM i.Japor­U&Jttt ot .suctr specialbed t.ra.n­i:DC'. C'taief 1..alw DOted that Ow

..,.,._ ~t ~Jwrs pJ'O'IriOt m. ..:.t uaport&Dt llnk lletweftl OW C'ltlHI!I aDd ltw poiic~ -...

Conducted by Sergiu Commisaiona WedMSdoy, Ncwember 10, 8 p.m.

Pomp and Cin:umstance March No. 1

Symphony No. 2 Pictures at an Exhibition

Elgar Sibellue

.i!l{ousaorslQo !RaT~ Conducted by Sel'll'iu Comiuioua .

Cail 47 '-4621 ; ./)

Greenbelt Federal CREDIT UNION

IS authoNed by the federal ~vemment to accept the


Social Security leiMflts y.A. lenefits Civil Service Annuity PaymenhL Military Pci'ychecks

· Private Employer Paychecks Th 1.s is an iSeal way to fund your share draft account.

Funda on deposit will earn dividends. )'OW ,... will 1le .

Safe and Convenient for :JOUl" immediate ue

STOP 1n today - we have fonaa authoriaiJac direct depMit and Will belp you with them. From then on it's aD ,automatic.

Savinr'! insured to StOO,OOO by National Credit Caion A~ istrat1or.. a t: .S. Go"'ernmftlt APDCY·

Phone: 474-5900 Mon. thru Thun.:

9:00 a.m. - 3: OO·p.m.

Friday: 9: 00 a.m. - 7 p.m..

112 Centerway (P.O. lox 157) ~belt, Md. 20770

c 6rttttbdt


Volume 45, Number 49 P.O. Box 68, Greenbelt. )faryland 20770 Thursday. Oct 21. 1982

Everything You tver Wanted to Know About Cable TV ... Storer Is Coming:

·by BIB Rowland One of thit! country's ra­

pidly expanding "consumer services" ia about to be mar­keted in a _._ml.jpr way in Greenbelt. ~l'VlCe: ca­ble television. The provider : S t o r e r Communications, which holds the sole fran­chose granted by the city for thit! purpose. And the potential cUBtomers : At first. those pei'IIODS living in som,ething less than half of the 8000 residences within Greenbelt's city limits.

Those who decide to subscribe to Storer'• cabJe service will be joiniq an explodillg c: both in the way Americans televiajon sicnab, and in theJ' baTe an.ilable to watc . natioa:wi• sarveJ' in July foun that one-third of the country's .. telm..ion houabolds'' were booked to eable. an increase of ~~even percent in just one year. Seldom doee a week &'0 by with­out at leut OM artiele in &

WaalliBatoa ...,.paper or in a national news mapsine on an-- -other development in the big battle to cnb --,; ........

NOW' it's nea.rt,._sl'me for some of OneDbelt'• -citizens to start deci4lac wloetllor it's to be OUT with. the rabbit-ear or the rust­inc antenna ,n the roof, Ot:T with pictures that won't quite focus and stations that won't quite tune in, OUT with nothing to watch tonight but what the l~al television broadcasters h.ap-­pen to be offering--and IN with what "is promised to be terrific l'ft'eption of a mind-boggling ar­ray of up to 70 channels provid­ing not only commercial and poblk broadcasting program ming, but sueh additional ehoiee as all-sports, all-news. all-mo ies, all--weather, all-edu.cationa. all-r'e'liciou.s ... and even your city touncil in action!

So it's .. eabfe." But ... Do I want' it~ r>o.._Y need it~ Wbat do I have!' to do to get it'! After I have it, what have I got~ And if 1 don't like it. can I get rid of it~ Thia article attempt• to put a bit of nonjudgmental light on ques­tions such as those before Decl­aion Day arrive.s.. The_ infonna­tion, for the mo.t part, bas been

J!~.!;:,:." ~~~7sie;Y;!;! Manager for Storer's operations in Prince Geo,.es County; from materials published by Storer i.n.eludi.D., formal written presen tations ued last year when it was eompetinc for both county ancl city of Greerabelt franchises and ita monthly pJ"'CT&&D guide issued to aubaeriben; &Dd from tbe <itT• oable ordinaDee and franellioe ..-nt with Stonr .

Wloela-T Storer Commaaications of Md.,

IDe., ia a -~ of Storer BroedcutiDc which OWXUI

radio &Dd te · atationa aDCl -- akat 400-eable teleri­,;o, -~til JO or oo "*"*-

Late in 1981. just before Prince G1e0rwes County ~warded Sto~r its franchise to Jn!!tal1 cable m the northern part of the county, Greenbelt's- dty council agreed to the city's own 1>-year franl."hJse with the firm. In beeommg the seventeenth munictpa!ity within the county to reach such an in­dependent agreement w1th Stor­er. Greenbelt assured 1tself o-f at least some degree of control over cable television sen1ce. program­ming, and su.b5Ctlption rates within the city---4.nd also secured for the city's treasury a fran­chise fee to be paid by Storer at the rate of five percent of pro­gram revenues generated withi.n the city. In addition. Storer IS

to provide a start-up fund o! $10,000 to promote community­acceaa programming within Greenbelt, with additional eon­tributions at the rate of one per­cent of program reveiui~s. Storer will al8o provide vide~uipment and teehnical help to the city government and to citizen groups for uae in providing local pro­gnmrainc.

At leu.t initi•lly, Storer's ca­ble aemce will rome to Green­belt from the firm's eomple:x of antennas and encineering equip­ment in Hyatt&ville. The city's cable system is to t,e.· interlinked with the systems of the county and of municipalities with­!n the county.

Wllo Can Have Cable? Who will be able to subscribe

to Storer's Cable~ The answer should be simple, but _it isn't. The eitTs legal agreement with Stor­er in e:lfect both permits and ob­liptes the firm to provide cable­service to all who V~--ant it within the city's boundaries. But the ability of the dty to gfant such an exclusive franchise to Storer is really based on only one fac­tor: the lecal power of the city to say ''yes' 'or "no" when people ~t to run tables or what-

have-yo~ on or acroSs the dty's public rights-of-way I e.g., streets). Despite the city fran­chtse, Storer may not extend its cable onto private property 'tll.-ith­out the perm~siDn of the owner.

Where freestanding hom~ -are involved. there is no prob1em. Eaeh homeowner deeides indhrid­ually whether or not to allo_w Storer to run a cable to the house. But the large majority of Greenbelters live m "attachN"-l multi-unit dweflings - eithe'r' apartments, condominiums, or some- tonn· of cooperative. To bring the cable into an apart­ment building, Storer must get pennis.sion from the building's owner. For condominiums and l."o--ops. the membership must ap­prove letting the cable cross .. common areas.•·

As of mid-October, 'Storer was still trying to work out agree­menU with various of the apart­mentleondo, co-op developments in Greenbelt. Entry permission had been received from Cbarles­towne Village condominiums and from most of the apartments al0ft8' Crescent Road and Park­wa.y in the eenter part of the city. · Greenbelt Homes, Inc., would need a membership meet­ing to deeide the issue. Windsor Gre-en's homeowners association

- CABLE. ,_.. S. eol. I

WARNING! A po88ibly rabid rattOOn was picked up in Greenbelt yes­terday. Residents are warned to avoid any poasible contact with . animals, especially rac­COOid. bats and skunks. Pets &houkl be kept indoors or on a leash. Rabin clinin will be set· up within the next few weeks. Owners should makeo certain their peU are vaui­



~ Baltimo'!~!:'~ony ~ '~ IN SALUTE OF




crt Finance Depa-. City of Greenbelt Ofllces



v Cndid1tes Exp~ Views H .._

bv Barbara Ukov.·ski Dcle!ir&te-s. She s~ a re-The Jaycees "Candidate~ pt>at oft'enders eou-rt aDd

~ight'• held ~lnnday. Octo- ~~,~~~tr.;~l~ra;:~~£'tc:~:;~r~ ber 11 in the Gre_enbelt Li- m""ntloned that she had ecj'>yeti brarv was not t!:c- l'Ut and \\a!k~ng throutch Greenbelt and dried affair surh t>n'nt:' can had t'"tabh..;hed a newskottli"r for turn out to be. .Startmg a ft>edhack. half hour later than planned Dt'moc:ratic incumbent Joan because both candidate:: and Pitktn favort>d improve-d l':eahh audience meandered JD grad- ·{'arP, !!l&it>ty from crime, and ~•n ually and facing an e;;:rly cLot-· for the t>lderly. Work in~ •1r. a off time set by the library's task Coree for the aced. htkm new conservation policy, the wa!'i also ff)r a hill-of-riarhL fr,r

evening was further cut up ~::pi~e =·dat~e. ~:~~~:..: .. f•~; by candidates coming from handgun violations and for and leaving for other for- drug pushers .. She aJ~, fa-urns. vore-d bills fot trock co-.erin~r .ntl

St>vertheles.!. m" Jaycet• for the pro'tection of bat~ft-ci director Ed Jam~:;;; manaKt"d tt) !<pouses. Pitkin aays she has run it: fairly :<m••oth mt.•;[ sponso~a whistle blowers pro­James had arranged for tht> ft'd- t:dion ¥:t for .tate emploYft$. eral candidate~ to speak first, H t. with en~rocmeatal followed by statt' and tht>n l"oun- J{::uJ ~O.:igb, -. laid.

~\ec:n~eld;::d ~~h:: 1:e cZ~d~;::~ JneumbeDt Charla .. Bua"

for one oflke had arn\'ed after ~~:~t::e-:::•-::nm: .:!:w-:: he had goae on tn th~ d1S<·u~1on Committee, streued the need for of another officE" James rnerf"ly -_. adequa~ fundiq for educatioe. said, ''I'm glad I'm not ronning Federal rutt.dts will aft'ed us. f.or oft\ce," laughed and then ht- said, ai~ there hu beuz. a deftly sa .. to it that that c-andi- 75'";. rutbac:k in YOCatiaaal reba-date had a chan« to speak. bilitation and educ:atioa. .... .,.,.. [_-. S. Senaft> - Each candidate land is going to be ....aely im­sent a ref>resentative to speak for ~ted by the DeW federaiDa,." him. Larry Hopn, Jr. -spoke Ryan said. Thia year for his father, Rapublinn f'ounty i:~ one of oaly nineteea atate8 that Exrcutive Larry Hogan. He ended C.he year iJl the biaS &.cl accused U.S. Senator Paul Sar- also bas &D exceneat boad: n.tiq_ banes of doing nothmg while in Gerard Devlin. ~ iD· otfiee and further a.ceused him of cumbeot;,_ia rice-dlairmall of the ••giving away thf" Panama clnal." Sre CANDIDATD. ..,~.,cal. 1 having DO legislatwn enarted in-to law and none proposed to help the unemployed, tnterest rates. poor and elderly. In C'Ontrast, he proclaimed t)lat Larry Hogan has built up a record of eoneem for his ronstituent.s and of g~tiDg thinp done . for Sarbanea. John Porter m.aiDtali..t that S.rbanes was for ••puttiDC this country back on traek. •• He reminded people that S&rbanes had one. of the highest voting rerords in the Senate, working every day the Senate was 1n session. Sarbanes kas tr~mendOus personal integ­rity, strong traditional values and is a h1gh quality, ha!'d work­ing individual, he said.

State Seaate Republ1can Burt Oliver stated

he w~ for jobs, educatiOn, com­pletion of the 100-mile Metro sys­tem, mcluding the Greenbelt sta­tion, immedtate construction of a new state pnson, Mandated mini­mum sentences for violent crimes. the elimmat1on of the ... te pro­perty tax for people 62 fyears old and over and maintaining ~te services for the elderly. He would like the police to keep statistics on the age of vietima u well as criminal~ and thinka that juve­nile! who commit violent crimes should be tried as adults.. He proposed ~hared housing for the elderly.

Democratic tandidate Leo Green thought that the most im­portant question wu what the national economy ia aoing to do to the State <'lf Maryl&Dd. He proposed that teamwork~ a eoaH'"­tion of experieneed people, would be needed to meet the coming problems. He offered his team to do the job. Be also propoeed aggreui ve joM pJ'OCI'Ul!i, .er­'riees for senior rit:iseDa,. &Dd • revamping of the erbaiul ju.stiee qotem. His ~Dd in the General Assembb' aDd u mayor of Bowie has prepared him on aU )nels, be said. 0 •

State Loaiolaton Sharon Metealfe. llepobliean,

aald her baell:powwt u a rocia­&ered nurse, Iter .......-, com- . mon .. .,.. aad abilKy to co& tho

·job done would p...mde the lead· enhip needed m dto a- ot


Regular Meetiq of <lty Coaitcil .

Monday, 'Oct. 25, _1982 8:00 P..M-

I. ORGANIZATION L Call to Onle< 2. Roll Call 1. Call to Order 3. Meditation .

Pledge of Alleciaoee til the Fl¥ . '

4. Minutes of Council· Meebnp

· Minutes of Repla.r Meeting of Oc:tobet 4, 1982 . I

)(inuteS of Who~/ Work Session of 'Octobet- 6, 1982 t

5. Additions to J.tenda by Councilmen Kana­l"!r I ~

II. COMMUNICATIONS 6. P~titions ud Req\IISt.s 7. Administr&tin Reportl 8. Committee . Reportl!

Advisory PI&Dninc Board

III. OLD BUSINESS. 9. Propoeals for Consult­

int Semc- - Nortll EDd Sehool

IV. NEW BUSINESS 10. OrdiDanft to Amet>d.

City Ethiea Law 11. Reoo1o9011 for J:Jouor

a.-.ett RiP Sehool Sympboaico.e-..

12. Appoia- to Puk --A<tri. Or)' Jloud IS. Po- ot Road Salt

in Coaj~ with ·,

- ot Jlu7ta.d 14..11--

Page 2: Peliee Bleuer - · u.rps all rn~ to eall t1w poUce LIIUII.e- ... Mon. thru Thun.: 9:00 a.m. - 3: OO·p.m. Friday: 9: 00 a.m. - 7 p.m.. 112 Centerway (P.O.

' -~


--­..,_ .. -.... ,_,._ ...,.,.,.,. __ _, .... .___ ........ _._..:·--. .......

c..,....., ..... ....-......~ --...... ....,..._ s...z- ....... ,...... a.:...:....o.- ..... .,.,... -- o..-·· ..... -~· :':-• - ~ ;o.. .:.._ .,._,.~~·.--..G. ...... ...o, j.; : ... --.. ~ ~ J.,... ~ Wa .._.... c..,...,_ ~*' .. -~ a..., ~ .. ~ ~ lilhd'l .-. ..-..:" E ;•~ ... -- """"'•• a.. ~...,.~;:)>-a.-.,- 0'"~ ~ "oee -: a;.a-·: -=' .,..__ ~ r:: s.c-.. .. ~ ~ s.....,. J- ,_ ~ ... -:;.. 5-·- .: .... -T.-..-'- T.,ra . 0"1,. "'*" .,,_,. ...,._ .. -• lit..::

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....-:"- ......... ....... _...~ .......... ~ .......... .._,.., __ -OP--.__ E ...... Sllobt•• Vee...._ 1!1.,; ~<.-.4 Sec h"ttowa -•~•"• • ;I" • _.......~,,~ ___ .. ..._ ti.J8IIC:IliPTI()IrCS sa o--.,...:.:::._....,. .. "'9"'"'- .,.: .. -~ :~oe _...., ,......_.T=-: =.: ::·=~-~ ... ~::•-;_ ~~ .. .=: .... 1311 ,..~ .. )Dell .._.41wf ....... ·~ .... ~ .,.,..., •• ~- ~ .... - Wbe:...,. =-~- -IC~ .r- I~-· •...-., ~ ~-,. "--

\"olume 45 • .Sumter ~9 Thur~ay. Ck: · -!~ 2:. ::J~~

.P•• c.-. St•~ies leleeati•• b~ Rebetta Wolf

' \\nat ...-ould <ll1Zen3 ,_,f G...,..nbelt do r' w~-~.:cr'C. faced a nuclear attack . ..,_ \\"ould the-)o· ha,;e t::---:~ • ~--,.:.· ~ · the coulltry<ide~ And 1f ""· ...-here ,..ould the:.- :··' \\'. J:.J Greenbelt policemen and firem~ be expected ~ ~~.1· • .l.!"!:i

pro\·ide ~f"\·ices. whde t~1r famil~ !eft-:"

~:J the r:;: ~:;~r~~ ;:~: r~ .. -;!,:~~ .,._,:~~~h:~ ;~~:~ .. s:_:~· ~ ~~,:~ \ft ~tJJlC. follow:nlf •:3' pr~"~tr.- >n tlw- p~ml:!oc· -~.~: -~ ... '.._ ::' tatioa 011 frde-ral ~ ,·,)un:y S·J- ..,...:Jld h.av~ ad'Va~ ·- • :t.~r .. " . ..r ~! ~ CrtSu R~at.on P!a~~ ~1":. art.a..-k I~~""': ·.;ar..- .t.: .-.j,.·

Speaker Jle-rt [).,nn .,....~~t,...) .vJ~ :!'t~ days. :o.>e-'1.-Jo·-··-· _.- ... ,.._., that tbfo !trate-«Y o! .. .c-r•!:~ N>'-•- aN!a.:~ an~ m<>r~ catzoa" was "'nta!:z.@d •Jnd..-~ !h.. ·•~re ~ralfk ;am.s.. :- -· Cartn' adJII1ni•trat1~~n. wh~n t~<:" r :::oad w-eath~r. ~._.. raral EBWrtrPR>r'Y )fanar~n~ an o!'rw>my t5 m.n.: .... ,.,..~-:-'O'ct AceatY tFEll."-) W}.i .:reoa:c."d !•· :~e:t ~:5-":~~ !~· ": ~ .&:---a~ see that mun1ctp:af" anJ ~·)unty Fl1:••w:!"!g the- ;>r"t"w!'l:at. ~ra. co~~ tn -h 1!fb n5k .. an&." an ... n~ :n~t :n -~a l~ ~;.;; ~' cleoYelop ~ttoll plan5.. P~"!l- ct.~l..5S ~ht"lr :.hou.r~:; r ... "J: ,·; 4eat Jteacaa has shoW11 roDSidt-r· ~1.;; ~l~a.tloll ~ -\ :"""'d aWe support for trisl.s pla.an1n.r :+tat prevnt pla.aJ lift~ :mpran.l· t.y ..... ~ta~.t..:! ('a.l. 1'ftOSt fdt tJu.~•-:.c't'&r ...mea .n.n te l'EJIIA CJft'r t~ -as noc n~..w~. and that ta:1: MZt _.... ,....n.. mo)n<ry :l.h..>tahl ~ u~ :n .&!'~&.:>

The ~ of E~ P!'e-- to) LmpMv• a.,1llit' J~.t.ndard,o~. ~ of Priner ~nr...-s Th.! atun.:!~ rtAt~ thoty wan~

• c-&7 )a ftSJIOII•lbMe for' o;kV":S• t~ rf-l.,ocat;.IQ :O.aD!I.BC opHtttd llp

iac ww if'T811:'11atl.- plart,k- fn t.:> puDh..: :r-p.~ The-y ~ ~ Cllellty -~pahc.s. 1~\ ... fian- app~h ~!'.. P-r1~ ~r!r" aiac•orts are. howt"ft'''. prt>W'!t- CouMy Co..,n.:· •hew Lt l"ff''D­

b-- ... ahelf."' arror4tac to ~u _._,. 1• Ja.n • .a:-;- aad ask that 1!

f 4irertor. RaJ Sltv~n. Silv~n fvrm a ~-:tlUr. t. ~·)..,..u..e- to rt· tM& llll'tll tAe fedft-&.1 C"'•- iy f'Sl~-ll.C' FE~..\ piaas for th<t .-.-1: takes ~blhty f:>r ~QU.ftty T'-~~> a kl ..,-eed to t\.~n-~ ~T. food, aad .,..._ !act G!'N'n:o..t!..'-; !Yp~tae~n- ,>n ._. lw dw host anas., liiiP th~nlu :h~ c..l~ . .n .... ~ -~-:>......,...nts. Rl-• plaa caa. br pracmat:C' Ht- rl1ard Ca3~ ·1 :' hl3 stand .._ .at laelieft- it ~.» ~~ hr ,a tht." ,lf-.J'lt."

~ m d:U!feraC. 'ftates to C'&3:.ald: ~c),j -~is l'eporle? tAat _..... ~ -.nt.~ ~- ~-!"'the~- .nady ttw

U.._ ~~ f"Y'KU&!wlll ptarl"' :.-. :~~ ~ t.lwy an elh<:-;: . ...... ~ -uJ 1'0 to t-.v !:'~"!!' and "'!·VII :~~y ...W: be- flD­

......... ...,.._ u--. • •osc .. n an~~-

..-.llriwe tMir.,.. ~or be T~ Gr.-.!'~-.e·: 'Pwrafto C>Btmlt­

.......... to l..oa:dLiill Cooaty. ~ ..-::: .,...,.! a,u:a • thJs tUue­v-...-.. ~ 16 .W.. MM~tlil of Oo:t. !"". : ~) t~ ~ ill St. Huca·~ ............ a.t ~ wor- GrTn..Jt.;" H.&' ?"J!)bc- i.ariWQ. 'FCJr ....... fire. fOliet aac1 -.tical llif;). ca:; C~t·6.-t'f4.-l35J.

. ...-.- .. "'--.... .... ~--10-ila~-- fllw..-..-... t11at <My ..... - _.... oorri<ft -------~ ... ..,...,.,_ --.aid. -o-- ... .. ..... die enor rate ......... _ k •• ...,. ...,.- ... ~-... ____ bellrtby

..... .,_..a, tile D.C. -. •

... se.Miy_se.ts . _ __, ... __ - .._ tile G-' el Lake :"..... .. ·:.. ~ "'=' ~ oa a . .,,...,. ..... -~ ;:.,• ~-tile ~ __ ... _ ... an.

c.a ,._ ._... • n.-. ~-eWI I - ~-will­o-.•••• .. raau ·---- -­.....,.

AttlwLibr.ry . S.t.. ~ ~ 10 a..m.--2 p.aa.. (_

"R.a.r. ·):' :''l.;-:;~·· Booksale-

lf.,n. (h..-..._ ~; LooJunc Good YiltA cu;<~:'"-"'-:1 p..a. J'Ddy J)p­lazwy. :~.;....?<!!'~~: tertjAed rolor anaiy!ot a:-:d ~a:lty roe.tGJt,ant ... :b EW..._:y F ;:- All Seasons.. Wlll npi.a;r. :rw ~~t ol per-son&i eoi<J!' £:"a.7~

Two . 0... !01 O..u.dl Story­u~ .\.~$ J.--5 \0..10·30 LIIL

Pf'ocnm i'le-id a: ~ll l..ake­Coauawuty

W eel.. O<t !': FI...Dnai ,.,._ aiDe For 'W >tk!'! ':" :30 p.-a. Coa-­riuuoft of :!w wr.• • tM ba­Sin ~ raanarnc ..,..,. aDd ~. :nn· .t.idl has boea PNW•ted oy C...., lAe of Foo:rio 41 Co , U.. ·n...n.. 0<-t. 28, ~~a~~aw­

PlhDs. Aces ~ 4-1 p.a. W1-ter Oil tM • !'kb. 1f'1tten thf

Y.W 'l'lunp A!O ." - ltal>­ben; c-. .... ca-Jin; co-p .

ThuMday. October 21, 1982

';;lt_.. ~ ~ Henry R F".t-:di. 110· G~nh1~:

~d. d;tKj ll-n~day Oc:v!owr l!'. a: a!f"' ,;... ·Jf •~ a.pp.a!"~n! h~aro:

' Mawatt Memorial t:aiteol !hthodiot Cllarc•


"The MGr~e of. aJI lean.i11• i. tile knowlechre of Go4. exalted. be- Hi• Glory." - fre• tM

BUa'i Sacred Writiar•

....... IWda lilvrn.:nc w,::-:-sh~p 'n 00 A.Jl. Re't. In C. K~r~rl:ng. Putor ~~:a~_lts H~-~·7:1~ S:~~e':~::; .. :; Greellbelt Com•naaiQ

a('t! ... l!' :r. :~e- Boy; and Gtr!$ G P.O. Boz Z4 Cu~ ~"!t!' B-,y :Sc-n:a. and ~ -&7-t.--:924 ~~~ ,. ,m~..;- •:: ~"n•Jn:r: ·~ :J '-============-~==========~ H,.. - ... ~·. ·.ed :-:; -,._.._ ... _,_!~. ~/ t ;.H'. ~~ F ~ ! ... l-.:.3 da·_;..~tl'~e'':"~. D·­ a~ J Da:-·~:-:~. ar.J l'u~ ,;..)r.

H .. nry J:- a ... ): •;r~en~.~- h.::;.

par':"r:~-" JJa~1ta a~d Ja.,.,e~ T ·"·"!.,..,.. .. ~ ~ \\' .... .._ :".' •· ar:,j a

':l:n~""' a-! ~··~ '1:<-;..>~ Fr:.,.r.·~ ... ~ay c-a · a! Garl:§'

F·..:-:-:>ra. H ~e -C" ~~· B<~.:~-~m-g.:­~·.-,.-. ._. .. Hy-a:~,-.:.:i'. ~:--:'r! 7 :.:> ~

~ !'!'. r-- .. F·~Y 1){-: ..!: F J-.era;. ·..- c·)~.;..;,·:..C a: :.h~

:~:-o::--.l: r: ...... .,. a: : & ~ F:-.da). :1.::: __ ::-:"' ?. .. ·."- .. -~ Harrv Ta_. .. :- -'~" . .!: :~ .

Slipcoverillg Class ot Sl-il P:- : .. ,. .--a. :.,-,-~-.. -i..:"'"

, · ~ ·, ·. ,. .. :£ :· .:-!'. : -~"-· ·a": fA:"

.-.J.~r·! ·, '.il.; !"L ·r..- ··.·_;:-o;;e

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g ~-;~r.:l(r::.1J -~ .. :~..:"'~1~~·~!' ~~ ;-:;r::.--·. ,·or.-..-:• .. -.:·. P.-·rr·;~:;:.,. .. · ~r~-.l'.. [)r ('a,_ .. , -..:-~· ... r~~:~

_:..; a .. d .,. ... ~ :"\ '' :" F' •:- -.~ :-mat. •r. :,!2 . .-.... -5

Hymn Sing Sunday Nigltt T~.c>:v . .., . :Jo't' a -y!"r.- ,;.:-:g ~:

)f._~,-._~ M':'"l"n ~~a. ~·,._ :.-.:! :\t,.tr..­::..d:~•'h'.l:-o:-!"1 )'"! ~ur-.dA.y Oc~)Co>; ~~ a~ ':" p ~ The p:.l/:0: . ..: ., nv~:e-~

:.-. ;>-ar': . ..:;~a~ ... ·~ an ,.. .. -.-r:.!'.il' ··.f o~:~.r!".it and ~~~:.)w~h.p

,,_ Market Oct. 23 ~ .. ~t"a mariu·t on Oc-:~011!'~ 9

wu iO su~·~-,.S.Sf:Ji ~ha.: L"'~ G~:-:.­

~~~ C'-<.:~.lra: A~:.s l.'t-r.:o!'r p1&..'1.i

bo: h & ~,.a. mclr..:-: ar.d ~<!' 3&.~ ·n .5d.:.lria.y Ot:~~ l3 a:: 10 a..m u.nt.! • ;-.m ~ asual •. t.hey wt.:..! Dr- !'!f"id .n tM C~maJi

~~r ~~.~::~~~:~· :a ..


Ba.lti .. n- Bh'i.. at P--*r llil1

114. -lie ! 30 a.m. Holy Eoc'h.m'Ut

10 30 a.m H.:>ly E~Aanst Ftrst aM Uuni Suada,-,

10 30 a.m Monuq P'ra,.r S..oDd, aDd fourth s..,..layo

. R" Jolul G. Bals. ltono< ,. CZ-$067

School f,_;~ :\~1 A~es

9 -15 .j !T'.

:'\ ... :---.t:"ry prn·o,·Jded -.t :!B Hllb1de

Sherry T ...~yh~ o~nd


THIS wEEK Yuu a~ lnVlted to won.b.Jp Wlth ua

GREENBELT BAPTIST CHURCH ·- er-c-t a. Gnolllllll -B>llle Sbl<ly '"' all - tllwl.) .,. -. Wonll.lp .rrice U &.a. A- T:• p..a. -- Pra7or S....... CWodJ l:tll -. For.,_ tnaaport.atJOil eall dnareh oece 1:• a.a. to IS:• p~

c Holy Cross Lutheran Church

6905 G.-..nbelt load w-. ~' ,,,. .- u,u .... -.~,,~ .....

s..-~a, aeraiac _,...ry at ...._.•anl II.-·"-< ,_ ~Ul


SAT., OCT. 23 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.


r&AKE SALE, GAMES, ETC. LUNcH (11 a.m. to 1;30 p.m.)

GRE~'COMMUNITY . - -4~ ... , . CHURCH ·

. '-' ,~1'2"":i->!?!'i -• ::' cc-- el ~illside & c.-t loack)

~. /

CABLE Con't from page 1 was expec-ted to give approval.

But the Springhill Lake. Lake-­side North, and l"niventty Square apartment complexes al­ready have their own cable ,;ys­tems, as do Greenbriar Phases I and ll condominiums. These small systems {three channels in the case of Springhill Lake, one ehannel each for l'niHrsltY Square and Greenbrtar) are fed from dish-type antennas lO<'ate-d on the properties. Because no ca­bles cross city stT,f''it!!l. the city hu no control over these com­peting systems now avallable to half of the city's total resident:al units; and Storer is. at least ini­tially, blocked from the potential market included -a·ithin these de­velopments. Storer officials hope that rhe much greater number of vieinng choices offered by their 7~hannel system, together with their prictng structure, will eventually lead to enough clamor from apartment renters and condo member/owners to let Storer get in the doors .

When Will Cable Arrh·e ~ When will Greenbelters be able

to get tele'\'ision reception ..,;a Storer's cable~ l'hat answer also is still a bit vague. Part of the problem of~ing. is in the nec­essary a a trnent 'condo/c()-()p agreemenh scribed above. But another difficulty that has Storer officials somewhat frustrated has to do with getting its cable strung on utility poles :n order to reach potential subscnbers.

For those older sections of the city not served hy underground electrical and telephone cables. Storer is renting space on the utility poles. The three sets o! cables--electric, phone. television -muSt be kept at specific dis­tances from each other. PEPCO is taking longer than Storer had expected to sh1ft ~;res---and m some cases replace entire poles-­tcY make room for the TV cablr. Storer officials are thinklng about startmg sales and in~tallation on a pieeemeal basi~ rather than "'·aiting to use the more orderly fectJon-by-se<"tian approach they would prefer. The Municipal Building and aome nearby resi-

~~~~~!JY7!_1-d be first on the

What Storer Offers Storer offers three le•:el.s of

seT"\'iC'e, with up to 70 channe·..-. including six .. prem;um" char.­nels:

- ·•t:nh·ersal" level. in,-ta'l:­tion charge but no m(}H-t.h~y sul scription_.!ee. Pronde=: -12 chan­nels. ' ineludmg .·the three com­mercial network: channels in boti': WaWrigton and Ba1timort>; "ac-

- ceu"' channels for programmin~ by local ~·emment. educational institut~. and the public; and a ·~ Ci.tizen Community L<>'JP'~ /' ;.""*'-~)'Economy" level, free in­

::jtalj&tkm durtng rirst 45 days, ·.¥a. Jnorrthly subscription fee. Pro­

~-/'· ;{des the 12 channels of the - ·" ~·cruversal'' level plus 25 more

-c-banneh. for a.-teftal of 37 ehan-,Jilels. Included are PBS and in­

, 'dependent CHF channels in Washington. Baltimore, Annapo-

/ ~i~~ice:n:mo;;;~~~~ "p~~ii~;:.: channels ( Showtime, Cinemax . and the Spanish-language Gala-.,.

· vision) each costjng an added monthly subsc-ription fee; AP new3; two religion channels; an,j "access" channels for schools and eolleges, Bo}rs &. Girls Clubs. in­terfaith, and health.

- "Basic'' level. also free ini­tial installation but a hit higher monthly subscription fee. Pro-; vldes all the channels of tfre two lower levels plus 33 more for a total of 70 channels. In-

- eluded are three independent commereial channels in Atlanta. New York. afflt)Chicago $J>e<:~al­i:ring in ~ and rp:ones;

, choices among three. -.additional· "premium" ~hannels--' .(Home Bo.x Ot!ice, Spotlight, ~ The )[o"•e


Channel); a wide varu•tr of made--for-i:'a.ble programming channeh including focu,-e!!- on news, sports, children. con5um­ers. religion, anJ weather; tw•.) "information & entertaJnmen:·• ...aetworks; a Top-W cl'lanne:; and ''flecess" channe:s fvr co::egt>,­and women.

~Th~u~r~sd~a~y~·~Oc~to~b~e~r~-2~1~·~1~982~-~-----G~R~E~E~~~B~E~L~T~~~E~W~S~R~E~VJ~E~W~------~~~ I

The Premium eb_annels The six added-c~ .g pr~­

mium ~hanne:s otfert>J ~\' s~c)ft'r carry mosdy uneJ::.;d- n~,)\-:t'o', !>orne of qu::~ rec"'!'.: \ :r.:a~e. as well as some maJ{'-f,,r---cab:e speeials that w:!: not be shuwn on regular ';bruadca,-:" channeL,; Ratings includf' G. PG. and- R. and Stort>r',; monrh:y prr-ogr:m1 guide inc-lude;: ad\ 1,;ory ll'lfor­mation about the nat:1re 0f anY possibly ''offensJve" cor.: e.n i_

Storer officials say their cab!e offerings include no ";;oft porn" that is. no '·hard R" or X-rated material. A lockou: deY:ce is available !rom Storer for a one­time purchase cost. tv !e! par­ents control access ~.y ch1:dren to the premium chanr.e:,;

How to Subscribe

premium channels. All suhscnp- cable to, and ins:de, a residence t1on fees are payable monthly Ln wdl vary. dependmg on ~ueh advance. Durmg the first 4.5 days factors as whetht•r utik1e:< art" that st>n·ice is available. in;;:al-, aboveground tun po!e' )' m- un lat:un :-'·ill be free_ for up to thr~~· dt>rground; whelht•r tnt• rt',.;;der.n• tele\·;s;on ,.ets Ivr th .. ,st;> wh.• is freestandmj.!'. ur r .. nnedt'd t11 t'i._-.:t the Economy and Ba.,!t' <lth~l:<. apartmo.·l: ,,,n.J,,. t·~· 1. le\ el3. but tho:oe "h,) want <10:\· and where "1th:r. tri.· r• --.;J,·n~·(' tht> luwest-lt>\'t'l 1 Cnt\'t·r~a:·, tht• ont' Qr Ul<'l't' tt•:t'\'l._,,,n ~t·t:< serv:,·t> wti: Ge ..-harg,•J f,)l' .n t.• he served ar.· :<'t'•'•i ":a1:3.till0 s:,,n:T .o:su maht';; aJ lnstal!atwn fur :-:tr,n·J j, ht• d:t:onal n:onth:y char~e" 1f a ~nil dflnt:' under , .. ,r:1act \.~ :1 H'S!dence ha, twv ,,r mure tt•l,• tirm called r:x,·a:.~" ·- I ·.t 1·1t·. I11 \';":,)n sets hchlb.t'd tu the eal>:t• ~ta!ler's unLf<Jrm" and :ht<Lr Yl'

Su:Jscr:r>ers may ~_·!'~' ,,r hJdt•s ,.huw tht' F:x,·.t 1l!·, 1 !l<lnw.

~~s~~~~-:n~~ft~"'~~c; t 3 \r.:':?:n~~~:l~ ~.~~;.a~J~::~; r~·~ub:··:~7·1t~~:L) ~1.~:e cho.rge. The t>x~·t·p~i,ln~ a,; to mess hour:<. and a rt·,:de:'lt mLJ< msta;Iatwn charge are if tht• ~~e h<lOH' wht>n H:-:a 1 'a~J"n :~ h __ :<ub.o:cnber want,; to havt• an at! tnll done. dit:onal tele\·i~i.n: ,-;>t cunnee:eJ Two .-=tv!e~ ~1( t•nm·t·r~t r~ art· tv tht' cah1t>. or 1f ~ht• ,.uh::.,·t:ht'l a\·ailable.- Ont' 1~ dl'~tgnt"d to wants to make an "en'n tradt.<" pen·h on t•,P t'f tht· tt·lP\ ;~wn :.l'C

~;h~~e ~;;;•~~r:a~~p~:~eld~::~p~~; ;oh:nec~~ht~ t~t~!l~:~,-\'j·~~~'·'~t~:~:t·.~ Hume Sox Office and addtng l'<lrd and 1;; dt•:>Lgn;od t<- lw p1~n·d ShoWtLme). nn a nt'arhy plt'l't: ,f furniturv

Dur:ng the introdurttlry period Sen·ice l'roblem!!> and m Greenbelt. Storer's sale,per- Complaints sons w11i ht~ pu,-h1ng a packagt· Storer gJveS all :<.uh,;~·riber,.; a

phone number to call when there are serv'Te problems. The finn has a pohcy of responding wit~ in :!4 hours. and usually on the :<.ame da)·. during weekends. Re-­~ponse on weekends depends on Lh-t- nature ana severity of the problem. Actording to its ofti­Clals. Storer make5 t>Ve:ry effort to be sure tht problem is not in It~ ~y,-tt'm before pmnm~ blame on the sub:;cnhtir's tele\'i~ion set. ~t<Her does 'not charge for sei-­\'ll'l' ns1ts unless it finds a sub­ Js makinK" Jrequent calls and the pmblf'lll is. abu:>l' of the cabll' ol' conYerter .

The .city's cable ord1nancf' pro­VJde5 that the city council will n·~olve dJsagreE-ment~ tot.>tween ,:o:jtorer and 1ts !mhscribfor-. Tri cast's where Storer "has nut sat­hfoctorily responded to cont­plaint:-1' of sen·ice failu~s. poor ~er.·u.·e. infl•r1or audio or video :-ij!'nat:-:." tht' r-1ty t'oUnC"il luis the p<~wer to order adjustment!<. The city·s procPdures for dealing with :<.uhscriber complaints have not yt>t heen developed. 'l\lten Storer J:i ready to offer

service in a given· part of the city, the firm will announce the fact by postcards to al: rt'::::­dential units there The cards will be followed by do,n-t•.)--d•lOt visits by salesperson~ v.eanng orange shirts w1th Su•rer labels. In addition to giving ;;a!es p:t.chc,; and published mater1al abou:

deal that includes the tup-lt>vt"! "Ba.~ic" 70---char.nel sen·ict· p!u,­thr ... e premium channel,; 4 H0nH'

Bvx Offict', Showf.;me, & Spot­l!gh~l. w,th a t.:-n percent d1~ count on the monthly suhsc-np t.on rates for the three prerntum .::-hannels. Storer officials expect t•1 makU large number of ;:ale,; wdl" this disc.mnt mcentin.

SUBURBAN~ Storer programming and cosb. the salespersons wJ;! be able to apswer questions or get the an-

i&~".!: ~~es~~~;\o Sa~~;~;~s~~~ itial subscriptwn payment.-: I ca"h.

f!t:~d~~. mz~:? t~rd::~~~:ecr~~~ sfallation ~ ~su3.!lv \\ i!h:n abou~ ohe weE-kJ.~Re;;td~n:,; who W,tr.t

l, ''think_ it on:>r'' w:!l :.~ a!'>:l'

mail 101t:al payMen> : • ~: r­'s office m Hyatts\·d:e. If no oni- is home at a re::..­

dence''""'·hen the ~a1e~p;>n<)n;: vl~-1~, the publishe·! rn:.nenal wd~ he left at the door. and the re.o:·­dents will be able to phone Stnr er if they want more inforn:a

tio~~bscrii:>E'rs do not sign at~ kind of a eon tract with, Storer. They are required to si~ re-­ceipts !or the converters insta:lei ~Y the firm.

StOrer's monthly subscript:,m rates rang"' fr,.,m $5.95 for the Economy level of service with no premium channels to be r~ cel\'ed. to betwe~n :::~0 an.d ~.'il' fJr the Ba.,:c ~en·:c~: p'IJ.., af.

.St'orer':; expt>r!ence i.n other PG County communrtJes shows that about 50 to 60 percent· of the residents cont;a<:ted do ,;ign up for cable serv1ce. with almost ,.J! of those selectmg the tup­level ! Basic) servi~e. \"erv few l<ec~ the lowest ( t:niversal·) .o:er­,.·ic4'. and virtually none opt for the intermediate i Economy) :<.er­YLCe. The -average sub,-cribcr add,; on two .cr thrt>e of the pre­m,um channel-s.

Installation Installa~ion of cab~c te:ev•s:on

for a subscriber mvolves r1m­n:ng a' cab!e mto the -residt·m·t' and to the one or more te!ev1~!on Sf't" to be sern:·d. At each t{•le­..,.i .. :on set. tht- cablt> l'i ho<>hed ap, to ·a "conno·rter," wh:ch is about the .o:ize of a :::h0d· .. x. has chan­nel se:ect.<r sw:tr·he:<. on Lt. and ~ programmt•d :n!':de to a·low

n·ccpuon 0f all r~·gu!ar and pre­rr. urn·:~ :ncludt>d m the suh,-cnhers' .::-hotct" of serv!ce. The C<lnVt·rter ,n turn :, cnr.nt•ct P•! V> :fa· :dt•\'J.<r,.....,.~l'~

The m£:~h.,d ft,r 1-•:u~:n~ :he

,._~ ~ ~--~-? ~- =-='- \

/-==-=---.:. Greenbelt ~ ---. Cultural Arts Center


The Greehbelt Arts Trust· present


The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra

Conducted by· Sergiu Comissiona Wednesday,lllolioember 10, 8 p.m.

Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 Elgar

Symphony No. 2 Sibeliua Pictures at an Exhibition

. :lloussorg>ky/Ra,·el TIIKETS: $9.50 $';.51) St:.HiLnt;;. ~~n.·.r:<.

at C:ty F.nance Office daily- Twin Pmes, Fri. & Sat.


Greenbelt Oftk:e I

103 Centerwa~ • Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 27()-7521

Only a leader who loves pie can truly represent people in aove.rn~rtet1t/

Sharon Metcalfe is [qualified. Vote for her Oft

November 2 .

Sharon Metcalfe House of Delegates

Distrid ~ By authority of Barbara Butler, Treas;urer

Page 3: Peliee Bleuer - · u.rps all rn~ to eall t1w poUce LIIUII.e- ... Mon. thru Thun.: 9:00 a.m. - 3: OO·p.m. Friday: 9: 00 a.m. - 7 p.m.. 112 Centerway (P.O.

GREE:\BEL T :>.'EWS RE\,EW Thursday, October 21, 1982

..,. ... .._ Tt.e )f.arJIIaad Trawhn• ._pl!'f·

tory ~ .. n pe-rfora tM Ga7 N~Mt.i~M .wlodrallla.. ·-caucn: iD tbe WliUa's Web~ 10r lion SUmed ~ tltan SIADtDCJ at tbe l....t'ftallelt Oaltur&l Arts fin -ter (Utopia ~eor) on J'nda)'

aad s.tun~~Q". Oc-tL. :Jo-" •• ::::: .t.n-<.! ~ at 8:30 P-•

Portlca..s ol t.k ..... , ... :_~ .... :::

be- cS<.&ted to tlk t\ : • E-t, ... r ~ Qoat~Pr Don : ·:- · .-: ' ,-,;l

portvtt,ty to par• &'ft'al ew!UJlC for · -. '-: •· :.i-•llJ' and at tbe S<l~-- • .,._ .. -~;>

pon a worthy cat.~ ·


Joe's P e .,.-~---

Greenbelt Pizza 12-Podr CoM ol Colre, Tot., Sprite, or A' W

.... Beer")... $2.65 9Jrfon Half ,a-rt COLD Scldas, large Wection 39< 1>ottle FIIIDAY, SATUIIDAY, AND TUESDAY

&lnl a-s. Pizza Day

GHI NOTES -~·not Jo il~~~ ke..... If baseboard heaters appear ·not -w. Jtatc:rs... h.t~- H.lters to be workine. check t.o see that

Tht:> GHI S,.,ard •)! Dm.•dnr·s Pi iJ~al iJ1 *4(ti-f,..tail)· ~eU- the cin:ult breaker in the panel w 1:1 r.•J d. ;a 'ipe<:"la! me<e!Jng at t'lo-::· iac~. F11n~uri·~ 1M _)eaters box IS on. Also, the thermostat p m "" Oc:•")noer tl··rn, are ..c ~ ... ~-for' s1ncle- needs to be 3et higher than the ~:1e GH1 S.).:t.rd R..>om. Tile Board fa•ib ...... es..: / · 1ndoor temperature in order for w•l! d:-<eu~" a Pr.n~·e- Cwrge~ 0~ ·day . .:,+N·,..-· .. ._.:;_ thr rehab beaters to eome on. Cnur.:Y H /.1 .... :::1( ."-c.~~h0r·:y Mnd ~ M":ipo~Q. · _l·. ~r 100 calLs Last month. GHI workers Mid ~.;.ue- wh:d" ·~ou!d prnv1d~ H>Sale about ~r.: ~t'a~cr:> which a fond (arewel!f ~ary Barb,

r~~~~-~~~r ;::~ n:~-;,~! .t(r;\ ~;~:~~~, ~~~;~:y~.:~nnd~ ~~o F~~a;-~e:. ~3 yean in ~ .. ,._,:oa uA O.C":.:>~r ~ }:::;.::;.::=,;,:.::;,:.;_:_:~...:.;~:;__;;:;,;_.:..;.::.:;...;,;;;;,:;_ ____ -, .r~er a ~h·,r.. GOC B•)ard meet-" .nO( .:,ct':<:"<ito'~ for~ p m The GHI B- .a rtf Vii :1 d •":; :he pro~~ l:.t"~~ ~ud,@to:~

K~reMH Heat•n lJW,cal ~ .... ntH!, .......

las Vegas Night Greenbelt Vol. Fire Dept.

& Rescue Squad, Inc. 125 Crescent Road

Greenbelt, Md.

Od. h; 1982

7 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Color T.V.I)rowing ·Free Beer· Door Prizet

SO ·SO Dra~ing · Poker· Block Jaclc • & Man Turkey & Hom

AP,!!5~I(l;-; $.).00- }!tJst ~ 1S- •)r Older


0 Interest

onCh~king A COM~~~~N~w~!~~~~! ~FFERS:

credited monthly regardless of balance. • FREE CHECKING wiltl no service charge if you maintain

a minimumj'nonthfy balance of $500. • Monthly Statements >ncluding cancelled checks.

• Overdraft ptOtec!IOn to apprtM!d applicants. • Personalized-Servoce where you want your financial in your own community,~

~· oHers regular and commercial ~ ilccounts and installment loans.

ocailrMUNITv ~~~INGS & LOAN

t';-;;:;r;;;i:r;;;~~;;;;;-.-;:-;w,;;rtj· . -' . Twin Pines Office . Greenbelt ~!l!,C8nter • 113 Centerway Road. Greenbelt. MD 20n0 • 474-0900

•• •••••• hi 1938 1 · ~ ~ -..;-Fnday 9 iW'-3 om F-·5 om-a pm Satu<da-; 9 am-noon • I -""" Window ---F-... 3 pm-8 pm 1720 lllodet lsl.-l Ave. (Route ·1} , .-., Olflce. 1911• Wonlgomer, wtagt ....... Gtu~ MO 20760

NJallawllle/Mt. Rainier Branc~~os"' ~- Aoc••tte. GaMersllur9. Colum~>~a a­tacn account tndividually insured up to $100,000 by Maryland SaYlngs-Share Insurance Corporation

&& - I p.m. MurL-Al ... : 5 p:A SilL ...... e- Til • p.liL 927-4555

Thursday, October 21, 1M

.CANDIDATES, Can't fr. p. I House Ways and :Means Commit­tee. He pictured himself as pe.rt of a team and uryed support (or that team • Green. Ryan, Pitkin, Devlin and Castaldi. He promis­ed to continue effective represen-tation. .

RepubliC&Jt Don McBride pro- . claimed that ••one-party dictator­ship is not good for the people • and the budcet." lie Bride said he bad waited four yean (since the previous ean~Hdates' night) to tell that to Gerry Devlin. That time, be said, Devlin had inferred that a two-ll&rtY system was not neeeuary. McBride told the au~ dience that name recognition is very important to the campaign and De felt that he was gradual­ly beeomiug known. He daimed he found that marii_ ~pie did not rec:opize bis~nents' names but voted Democratic anY­way. He hoped to change' that this time. People are going to

'vote on local issues, how does their (Devlin and Ryan) leader­ship on committe-es mean any­thmg to us, · he asked! ••Jt doesn't fix potholes."' McBride­doesn"t want Democrats to make the decision on how to be taxed.

County Council . Richard Castaldi, Democrat.

hsted his priorities as ( 1) ~oning and development; 2) high quality education ana (3) public safety. H1s background includes. 20 yeaM~ experience in zonin« arid planning, lO years. on the cit:f council a.nd eom.mumty block grant committees. He wants to use _jhat knowledge and exper­ti.!e. be said.

Republican Kenneth Powell said he was !'1;1nning because "our leaders have failed us." His op­ponent says he has experience. Powell said, "and where has 1t gotten us !'• He pointed out that Metro g-oes to the Beltway in Prince Georges County aAd stops.

~t0~~';;ld c!~:t; ~~,.~~e~n t~o:J eounty seat. Powell claimed to have the answers to some o! the prOOlems. He 1s a gnduate of the Lmnrs1ty of Mar-yland v.ith ~ degr~ in govemment and poli­tks \Vitti a minor- in economics.

County ~Mutin Speaking fur Demucratlc can­

didate Parris GlendeninjZ'. Ron &hiff said hi;; Department of Aging v.ill be respon:.i..-e to Sen­ior Citizen needs. Glendening i' committed to making the streets safe lmore patrol coverage). Ar­riving }ate-l- in the evening. G1en­deeung emphuized his intereset in education. saying that "we a­bandon the future if we abandon public edu("ation." He promised profe.uioDalism-his appointments will be made on the h.sis of mer-

. it. not polities. He is for full ooast.ruetion of Metro and its ear­ly eompletion.

Republican ADD Shoch. a 20-yea..r resideat of the eountJ and a eommisaioner at MNCPPC is seelrinc o&ee because "it is time for a change.,. She opposes the Trim Plu.o 4 """""ment Qd als<> her oppoDeD.t•s other issues. R.e:­distrietinc elimiDated women from: the eounty eouncil, Shoeh pointed out. Many independent Democrats beat tlleir old-line op­ponents this time. ahowing that -otDen, too. are "very tired of wb&t. ls go inc on." Shoch said.

Qaeotieu ~aelear Freeze: Hogan, Jr. was

asked whether his father would support a nuclear freeze. While · Hogan had left, the other candi­dates~ that they -would sup4

port ~· McBride insisted that · on both sides.

latereat Rat•: The incumbents were asked -how, bard they bad fought to protect consumers on mtei-at rates. Dn-lin said it was a "Hobsoa's ehoiee," keeping in­terest rates down would drive the money out ot the state. Pit.-


~~~ opk;.~ v::::~~r 1~~~:: [""----------------:--------------------, rate deregulation. ~etcalfe tho-IJI'ht the state i!hould get out of the lending and bonowmg busines-s. Mc~l~e would not raise interest tes.

Traditional am.iiy Values: Asked what \li'U mdudt>d lJll

. "traditional family valu.-.s.'' M:et­calfe said anything that ha,; to do with the family, health care, crime, etc:

Metm: Powell was a:>.ked where Metro should go in Bow1e and where the mon-ey would come from to pay for the construction. He :replied that he would Insti­tute a county-run bus ;;ystem. When reminded that he hadn't answered the question, Powell ad4 mitted he hadn't looked at where :Metro should go but said he knt'W "the roads were clogged.'"

Professionalism: T h e tina! question came from Shoch wM asked Glendening why, tf he be­lieved in using- professtonaltsm m a.ppointments. the county council hadn't awarded the cablt=> T\' con­tract to the first chotce but gave it instead to the c-ompany owned by a fonner county txecut:\-e. But Glendenmg had g(me 0r. to another forurn and Sch1ff d:d not atttempt to answer the que,;tJOn for him.


RAFIQ A. MIAN, M.D . Annouhces the opening of His Office



"Natural Child Birth"



-~ Greenbelt .Road • Suite 206 Col .... Park, Mel. 207'40


Iy AppoiMment


National Communi:y Involve­ment Month Wlll be celebrated at the Greenbelt Nurs-ing Center on Friday. Oct. 22 from 3-6 p.m The Center will hold a.n open house to celebrate th1.:i even!. The pub-he ls cord1ally invited. F vr fur- .--Opposite leltway ~Plaza

ther information call Cynthia '-;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;~;;;;;iiiii;;!ii!;;~i=jf=rj;;iiiriiiii;i~iir==~l Farler 145-~595. E

We have the commitment and experience to that beeore, too. And we've won. So hav~ you.

State Senate

-_ Leo Green~ 6A

~ouse of Deleg~tes

Gerard F. Devlin 7A

( Joan Pitkin

· Bouse of Delegates 8A

Charles J. Ryan House of Delegates


County Council

Rkhard Castaldi 11A


Vote Democratic on November 2 •

·B,- Authority: N....,. O'Brien,~

Page 4: Peliee Bleuer - · u.rps all rn~ to eall t1w poUce LIIUII.e- ... Mon. thru Thun.: 9:00 a.m. - 3: OO·p.m. Friday: 9: 00 a.m. - 7 p.m.. 112 Centerway (P.O.

f, I I



Citj to ,Amend Ethics Law _,-...-

At it.s m~ting on <kto~r t. e1ty eooncil voted to am~nd the cr:y etb1cs ord;:t_a.nce. adopte<l la5t February. wh1ch. gov~rn.s con duct conftlcts or mtenost <lf dty e1Dplo.)TH. A leotter from ~he

llaryland State Eth:cs CommiS­sion had bH'n M:"Ct>lVed adv1stn& th€' City that In OnE' Jn.itA.:'lCE' :he city ordinance wa.s. :'lOt ~n com­p.ban« with uatl" requut>men~

and espressinc ;:-oncem abou: cE"r tain otlwr prov:s1ol'l.S. In ordE-r to lDeet theR concerns. council dr­cided to ftqUif"t" <kopar~mrnt ht"ads

to. all!- aDnua.l rf'port.s of 1:ft::~ rt­ceived fJ'em penons dome bus Uless with the c;t~f Ho~vt>r a.s City_ ~r"J K Ga·se­poidted out another eity ordt­na.n~proh;b~ empioyH-s from such g>ft.,; Coun~·1i de­Cldt"d to ntrnd ~uch ~porr :1li{ rf'­quitt>IDents .ip«lficaJly t~> dt-par! ment lwacb to mf'rt any f'O-~ ... ~;b,.,. concerns of thr statt" coalml.~-swn and to avoad dLSCfl"j)a.JU'.e~ ~n the df-finlt.ion of gift..~. Otht>r m.nor :chan~ w~rt" m~ to ,:.a:3ty ill: 'tbe- Cocallusston,; con.ct"ms

-~ Amonc clt'iun ~t 1t:on.<> brough: befor~ the coun<'1l was on~ pr~

sented bJ AltM-rt Herlma: .n f't'­

p.rd to the- :Sovt"tlllboeor 10 ap~a.r an~ ol tbP Baltimof'P Symph0ny c:hebl!stra Ill conn-rt at Elea..,or .1toosrve1t Hi.a'b SchooL A..!~ He-r line ~ it thr Ba:t.mOrt"

( Sylapboay •ill be- pay:n• 1ts !"f'·

1pects to tM ERRS Symphony On:~ for tbe-ir- ftlW' sho~n1 agaiDM. worki-W1dE' compe-t1: .on. A featllfto of t.l'w ewntnc on No­-.embeor 10' will be a p~ntat•on by tJw Gfteoobelt Aru Trust of an. a .ani bonOrina: Oorot:hy P: d.: ani, dinctor 1

ol. tbe- &aHS or­-.._ Bftt.i:DC~ ~ to eoonr-il to

allow u. au a.a.c:. oace to .a tldnD to the eoeft1't.. Coul'l­c:il IICI'ftd and will U.O ~r a tlecJiual:ia1 to bollol' t1w ERHS

" .. -Coonri1 •oted tQ reappomt )hke ~ - Jofffty Gallachn lor &DOilJier te-ra OD tJw A.dYuory 'P'Immiac 8o&n:L Couec~ &lao ac­cepted llle r.alcn&ti ... oL w A. ·­......- A4YioorY- IPRABl.

Qingo 7:30p.m.

ewery Thunoday


......... _ -~-

- .-nP'OUOII -

-6.----.n ,, ......

"Rick" Barber, GR1, CRS of

Nyman Realty, Inc. GREE.'iBELT f•f:· 1-'!-:kT!E.' A L-\/L.-IBLE FOR 1.'-"Sf;.!.;t'T/0.\"

A) CHARLEST· ·WSE \"fLL\GE 3 BR. 1 !!J.! ~:? half batbs, e:c~· ... :-· ! . .J. ·~·· ·lld:th:n. pr:vatt' ;,<at. ... n. bot-low market tinaDcJng. ~c-'t-· ~ :"'r.1H

8) TWO i-BR f'D BRIIKS t!l e-•~:e•e-pt:nna~ ' nd:t:·.•n and rloM> to \ ~-::-:-~ Own.-:- ~nanc:n~r a\·a::a~;t' _,n .)ne. with JO":, dow~ ~ '£W ~-~ven!.vna! :inane:nsz- ·.~n l!'l!~t>r S5LOOO aDd 151..5(~· :"":'"'~.._·: w~y Ont :i a dupiex

C) EXTRA LARGE J BR }IASOSRY ac!"os.s f:-.,tfi cJty hal!. Ortly 4.5.-1.;1) E:c.:~:.l~l"!t :erm3. FamJ:Y-"•zt>-d i.:.l~en.-d:n:nc tombtDa: .· :1.

D) SeTe-nJ c~ ~..., ... and ~h!'~ BR r:-arnt>,. v.nw wi!h addi­tions. F .:'t.~.e :.:r:-n". a!f>rda::.;y pr:ce-d from $::!0.000 to $39.900

INVEST'IIEST opPnRTt:SITY - REAL ESTATE ha.• .u.: WAYS t->:~ a veat mv~tnw1H a.nJ ~·ao?dsrE" to ~orne fi. a&nrlally ·n<.lept"nder.~ Low ca3h m'VI!!-tnwnt to :i.belter you taxa~· ... n,·om.f' Call fvr ~un~u!at~on appo)tntlJIE'Dt.

GREE:SBELT Hl):\IE$. SYliAS REALTY and STEED JIIORTG.-\l-;E ('{)lfPAS\" have be-eon w0rk:ng together to brlllg eor·.-.-n:,. na: flnan • .-:ng to "tiT l-ommun:ty K·.- AaPt ~11 d ... "!,.. :•' lloney :snow ava;lable !or sales. rl!'no•a­liou and t't.;u.ty :oan3. I am at your J.l!'r"v:ee to explain .bow t&~s !'I 3:ur:c event ean &..~1~t )"ou and your fam1ly LD

--..rhievlng )- 'C:r h~··· "&' g'!)alS.. r would Ilk~? the orportun~ty tD disr~s :he r l tate market •1th you, of courw w1tla DO oblipt. ·n __.

441·1010 47~700 .,_ ... ,_ "Jiidl-

Second Fall SessiOn Starting Week of Oct. 25 for 7 weeks

t'•p•t..l ~lau 1 R~ t'l.1 .i fl: W f'l..w.:~o \ }t '.\ ll)-11 .1m

L!-1 p m

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Kqis1:...- af 61"'11 cl~. M bJ ill'ltoiM' •'al: ;.at-:)Lt:• f,., ! F"~-o•r ·r!f,,

:: ostga!e Shopper Work: :cs:9 G~F<:!"B<::.-:- ?::::

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Elegant Dining at :\loderate Prices ConliaUy ln,;tes You to Din~ With l's

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C.,_ A s·s IF IE""" -mghJy respbn~iite: ·no non~nst> .: U : mature self · otarter ,.,th tnns-

$2.00 minimum for ten words, 10c portation nearby. Work O\\"Tl

each additional word. No charge hours for good pay 'til January

H.L.M. Productions, Inc. Weddings Parties Special Events

tor JU:tiq ittorrus th&t are found. at Good job for Moms and SUbmit ad with payment to the re'f:irees. F. Johnson. 505-0001. N,... Berie'w omce between 8 and 10 p.m. of the Tuesday precedtng publ.ication. or to the s"'·· Be­view drop box in the Greenbelt Coop pocery store befor~ 1 p.m. Tuesday, or mail to P.O. -Box 68. Greenbelt. Mar)'land 20770. BOXED: $3.75 ·cohunn inch Mini­mum 1 h inches ($5.63).

PIA!'O"O TUSISG A:SD REPAIR Expert and Reliable Piano Serv­ice t.o Greenbelt. Benamin Berk­ofsky. 474-689.J.. Computer Mint Floppy Dtsks. 5 L~

· inch with hub rings, soft se-ctor­ed:. Elephant at. $24 ~ 10 or

~~;~a:~no;~:Ji~febo~~t 1 ~2~~5°0~ 4-ll-2062. Als.o. pla.sttc b,J:<, $:t50

ELLERS TYPEWRITER RE PAIR - Ele-:tric. standsrd and Portable. Call 474-059-t FOR SALE. slidmg wvoden pockei door \\ith frame, $25: Black and Decker electric lawn­mower w 100 ft. cord. $45. 1-l R Laurel Hill, 345--6363. CALDWELL'S APPLIASC;r SER\,CE-All makes repaired. Call after 5 p m 593-93::!3.


PeuiRemeniclc 441-8699 JDIIC NO. 12M2

PIAXO. GUITAR, VIOLIS. VOICE. BRASS INSTRI:MESTS -Your home. Our teachers are well qualified to give you the best in muskal instruction. Trav­elling Teachers Associat10n. 565-0894. UNIVERSAL CARPET CLEAX­ING--Quality work at reason­able rates. Steam ~~aned. 262-8570. Free Estim.aF·~ LAKESIDE- SAL BY OWS­ER-House for sale or lease with option - Adjaeeat to lake park, 5 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 kitdlen ram­bler With fireplace, private in­law quarters, deck, darkroom and all appliances. Below-market financing. JSrincipals only. (817) 921-6800. SALE--Good GE 8500 BTl' Air cond S50 474-9186

lleltway Applianee Seniee

SAJOI: DAY SJI:RVICK .. •W- ~~~~ •n.,.... . .._.. ."-. -~ .. _ .. _OM.-_ _,


Stem's SHOE REPAIR ...._, Plaza


Shoe ~ ttroclucts lac:a & polishes

WuN~ ... ~ ' 11-P 1._T ! Sat. 11-4

474-9593 GiMDI>ok Rd. ······ ......... "'

RECEPTIO:\""S DA:-;CES :MEET­I:SGS Located in the Party Ro<Jm Greenbriar Community Building, Greenbelt. Md. c&pacity 1:10. Fully ~uipped k1tchen. Dance floor. OOzy Fireplace. Reasonable rates for .H,oliday space~ Call Hl-1096.

Repair Special - $7.99 Plu. Parts - We Honor

All Coupon• With this Coupon Greenway C~nter


HOC.SE TO SHARE- W,•rk1ng professionals <lr famLiy. Tra\·el­ir.g owner will share large house with up to three f!lature. w,1rkm~ profes:;ionals. Excelleht \akestde location. Convement to 'JnlH'r<tty shuttle, metro, sch0ol~. Pr~vare: comfortable. Reference.:; !"eQulr­ed. t817) 921-6::\00.


Bathroom Remodeled? €ALL .l~


Specializing in '-€eramic Tile

XEED CREDIT CARDS~ Sew credit can:L X o one refused! In­formation on recei,·ing \'ISA, MASTERCARD with no credit check. Call Public Credit Serv1ce: 602-949-0276 Ext. 1037.

1973 HONDA 500 four motorcy­cle, excellent condition. C1ean. Have Md. inspectio~ certifieate. ~on.-Thurs., Sa.m.-5 p.m. 864-8844 or eves. 577--41~. Steve:

NYMAN REALTY, INC. "Rick" Barber, GRI, CRS .,C.rtlfted Reoldentlal SpeeiU (CftS)

.-Graduate Realton Institute <GRll

+Member.· Prince (]eorps County &ard of Realtors ellll Realtor Aaoclate ot

the Year e1m CdmmunJty In'\"Oho&-

ment Award ellll-1.1111 Bd. ot Dlreeto"' ellll HLS Ustln& Awud -#7 ....-t oottled llotlDp_ e~bed-llub .nJBT LISTED:

Two 1 BR Townhouse1, 1 Upper level middle, 1 •lower level end. lOc-c down finan­cing, $20,00(), $20,900 «­spectively.

W-Itte _,...,_

·-Aolll , .. -

Mo\·1es of Your E\·ent on , Video Tape

474-6748 FOR SALE 2 BR Mobtle Home, perfect condition. Furnishe-d Reasonable. 345-8293 . FOR SALE- Queen---size sleep l>ofa, arm chair with ottoman. Good cond1tion. $300. 474-1059. St:Zt:Kl PIASO LESSOSS­C('rtified and eperienced Suzuki teacher 474-901~

Professional Typing and·

Word Proceuing Services

D:;;;;ertations, Term Paper,;. Resume;;.


SALE - .! ~xl5 Tracker A-T t1res, 1 H7S-15 snow tires and Jt.'t>p nm. $~5 each. Good tread rm alL Bo"b .. f74-0614. FUli SALE- Top--o..-en eleetnc range, wh!te. ex-cellent condition.

j$25\J or otf er. Washer & Dryer -good condltlon. $1"50 both-_-or off­er. Bob 474-8312. Small male spayed dog to good hom~. 474-----4225. ·AIR CO~D. Westinghouse HD. $75. 14-C Crescent Rd. Greenhelt

Learn the strairhtforward myst~ries of Tao-K won. a martiaJ art especially designed to develop fighting ability in Amerieans by the most rapid means known. Extraordinar­ily su1table both for learn­ing street defense, and for karate and kick boxing contest preparation. Call 474-5346 for information on ela.ues in Greenbelt (ask to speak to Mr. GoJdstein).


Penonnel .speciali.IU with 0'9'er 80 yean total staff experience In the meebanlea of Federal Perl~nel Management. - SF-171 Preparation

e initial opm ratinp • merit promotion Y&canclea

e upwud m.oblllt7 e tupplemental fonu

e coTer lettera - Grievance.& -Appeals - RIF -Resume~

For information eall: ~

Putens "-iahls, hiC.

Help Wanted GHIMembers

Once a month Monday evenings

for the Engi-ring and Maintenance Com~ittee Need persons knowledgeable in plumbing, architecture, mechanical engineering, and electrical ;ngineering .

Rewarding Experience - service to your cooperative for the bettennent of the community.

Call Joan FreemAn. 474-5566 to volunteer.

POB'SAL&---Lift nN loolbJ 111tr1i ~hair. ear seat, aewing machin~ w/eabinet. «1:-2812.

CLAM CHOWDtR-FridJiy, Oct. 29. at t.:"topia The-atre. Fi..-e-pan. hannony rides yet again!





937-9590" Rt. 1 & Sellman Rd., Belt.:;vtlle

}lATH TCTOR--anthmeot1c thru calcuJus. Reasonable ra.tes. Ruth. Kastner. 4 7 -i-5605.

EXPERIESCED TYPIST - ''"'II ed1t. Quick and accurat .. · Call

~7~;2,~~~1-.fER ~ EfDED f~r ~1x year old in Greenbnar befM~ and after school. Call .l,I,5.--:\1Jl1

PIASO ISSTRl"CTIOS hy graduate JUiiliard ~.:hou! l>f ~tu­

sic'. Private,on..;. Pre-,.dW<}l. begumers to- ad\·anced. T1ny-t01ts 1

workshop - small ~roups 1 ages 3-5:). 593-9035. EXP. COLLECTORS SEEDED f<)r e;xpanding coll~ctJon ageney. F T tele-phone cullt>ctors only. Top salary plus bopus and Co . benefits. Call Mr. Ehrhch, 261~

3661. PIASO LESSO:-;S; P<ahOOy Conservatory Graduate. Begin­ners - Advanced 953-7Q94

LOST-A cold loaf oUpecl ear­nne on Oot. 1 durinc the Anni­versary fativities. Pleue eaU 82G-8408 if foUDCL WOMA.>o;"S BICYCLE-26", ext. cond. $50. 14-C Crescent Road, Greenbelt. '

BUICK 1911 RIVIERA - run;;; good, $495. U-C Crescent Road, Greenbelt.

BEST I:S MUSIC George Simons 34~828. Part.1es, Weddmgs, Shows, Reception•. Dances. etc.

GL"ITAR-Naygoya N-50-Acou­!itic. steel string. $225 or Mst offer. 34!H';182

Ford's Quality

Painting Greenbelt Reference

Interior.' Exterior over 12 yrs. Sxp.

Call Joha '!5.>-Il!le or 474-8249

Reasona.ble rates

AVAILABLE. Baby:Sitter wtlhn~t to babysit Mon-Thur nights. Call :~-15-863-o.


YARD SALE-5 & 7 Greentree Place, Lakewood, 9-2, October 2.3. Lots of · c Jotbes, antiques, books, knickknacks and all sorts of neat stuff.

BACKYARD SALE - Satun!ay, Oct. 23. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Chil~ dren·s clothing, toys, games, mise househoJd 57 S Ridce •

LICE."l!ED e IIONDED e INlllliiZD --- ~- .uw--Carpentry Addlticma Porcba SWldecb Paint!DC Storm Doon Windows Ceramic Tile



sOb Wilhide 345-8368 NO ~OB TOO SIIAIL

Plantl .. -Tree :aemc. L&WD.Oue =.!...,..,. ---~



I provide in-home urvice In fhil; ne~borllood f ~ each ~ as well u some· ~nlnp and weekends. rm. bonded. Uceased yd. top rated for ovev 20 years. You can count on m~ ~lll&tA!I and prompt fair !lervice. J atwa;rs call before YiaitiJ:Ic, c:&rTJ' IIIIOft t:batt 5 times the normal inventory of part&, and ean (almoft) aJwa,s repair your Color TV IN YOUR HOKE, ON ONE TRIP. I repair

E;l.lack 4: White seta. IU FI'1 aad V<B'a a.bto. ..___.


- I Kill' MY PiOMISB -

Receive a 5% Discount with This Ad * We Treat Your P~ With hspect,

AS IF THEY WERE OUR OWN II * Prompt, Friendly, Courteous c,...;. * Free, ACCURATE Estimates Over the Phene


Page 5: Peliee Bleuer - · u.rps all rn~ to eall t1w poUce LIIUII.e- ... Mon. thru Thun.: 9:00 a.m. - 3: OO·p.m. Friday: 9: 00 a.m. - 7 p.m.. 112 Centerway (P.O.


f l I \



C NYMAN REALTY, INC. Presents for Y-r Previewing Pleasure

I) OWNER FI!IOASCISG: 2 BR fra"'" ...-~•"ou.-" fresh paint. backs to park. great f._' ;, '"'" in condjtion.

2) RE!'IT WITH OPTJOS: 2 BR condo. : ~" ft •'r new appliances. 09t"llet" anxious to re· •." Pr:va~e location.

3) LAt:REL: 3 BR 12) V. ba. 1 full bat~. \'A" FHA fillanciDg. Low. 40'e townhouse. · U)% DOWN BAMC FINANCE AVAIL FOR GHI

" 474-7808 Ask fw Fnl6k 474-5700

Greenbelt Cultural Arts Center

Maryland Trawling lepertooy Theater

"Cauglrt in a Villian's Web ,

More Sinned Against tltaa Sinning"

Friday, October 22

Saturday, ~ 23

8:30 p_.m.



'-1.00 Adult3

$2.50 Studt>nts. l"h1ldnn. ~rlion

(Flfty ~tenl3 from ~?~h t~ket Wlll co to !h~ 1\,ll~y

£..aster Seal Ce-nter)

c-ing ~ lusty JtWw land &

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As proof positive of our marketing skills. we 'Would IJI<e to make all Greenbelt residents aware of our posJtl()n as the SO. I Re!lltor in the area. Recent P.G. County Board of Realtors statistics show the following: " Ny_, Rnlty. lac; OTHERS Total G.-belt DetaeiMi

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\'olume 45. X umber 50 P.O. Box 68. Greenbet. )!aryland 20770 Thursday. Oct. 28. 1982

City Recognizes Employee Organizations, Acts to (]arify Ethics Ordinance .

by Mavis Fletcher At its regular meeting on

October 4. rth~ Greenbelt City Council'--ttibk two ac­tions which relate to ofllcial recognition to join or not to join employee organizations, and the right of employees or their o11f8llizations to meet with the city manager after having brought the subjec:t of the meetings to the respoMible dllJ)Ilrlment head or supervisor. The res­olution also provides that employees may petition and appear before council in eertain matters.

After ~ .r"NNOutlon. was adopt· ("' eel, COUDCil took furtbn actioa. to

reeocnlae the Greenbelt Frater­nal Order of Police ~ No. 32 as an oraanis&tion ot city em­plo)'ftS u 4ellned in the just· p&Med reeolution. The- orp.niza.. ti011 consbts of the ~i~e otllcen of the' Greenbelt Police Depart­ment. An Aucust I request for aucb ~itiou by the FOP Lodp No. 32 proTided tbe impe­tus for the fonruilation and adop­tion of tbe poUcy and procedure. resolution.

At the work session Oct. 12 council pla.nned -to discuss awarding the bid for improvP­uf.ents on Ridce Rd. betwe-en Gar­denway and Southway. Improve--

Community Services Show Set lot- Beltway Plaza

On Thursday, Friday and, Sat­urday, October 28, 29 and 30. the Greenbelt JaYcees, with the co­operation of th~ Beltway Pl~za managflment. Wlil be sp0psormg Commumty, Awa~ess ExPo 1982. r·-; . ·The purpo5t> of fl'iis. proje-ct is

to bring to the commumty's at­tention various ~rvices and or­ganizations which are- available to it.

Di-splays and representatives will be at Beltway Plaza from 5 to 9 p.m. on Thunday and Fri­day and {rom 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturday.

Representatives from the

m.f'nts wtll consist of a ,;;:dt"4'alk on one s1de of the- strt>t>t. and curbs and gutters on both

and paving

AI Herling thanked coun.:il and the city .staff for the;r aJd during the Roosevelt commemo­ration eelebrat1on. He suggested that recognitiOn should be gmo•n to Betty Allen. a member of the staft' of Greenbelt Library. who served as chairman ot tbe ROOM'­ve:lt Commemoration Committee. Concurring that recogmtion of Allen wa.s appropriate, roune1l passed a motion to that eft'ect

In response to a suggestion by· Councilman Thomu X. White, the city staff wu directed to in­vesti..U the possibility of me­morialidn& former Congresswom­IUl Gladys 't'l. Spellman in the name of th«:.. _pedestrian overpass over the Ba.ltimore--W~hington Parkway. s()e.Uman was instru­mental in gettinc 1M overp8.!18 approved by the U.S Park Serv­ice.

White also asked the city man­ager for a status report on the community buildinc to bt- con­structed for WU:.d.soc . Green. Giese !'@plied that the building. which i.& the responsibility of the original deve1opers. is to be rrect­ed when half th<> umts are sold, a st~- which has not ye!'be£>n reach~. CounLJ!man Edward" Pu­tens supplied addit1onal :nfonna­t:on on this quf'st;on. norin~ that' 368 units S•)\d ·would represent the ilalf-wav mark and that 269 have IJH:on ~0ld so far He indi-catf'd, howevf'r that s<'wt'"f' lines have been :a1d Cor th12 propo;;f'd bu1lding.

Hallowe'en .Parade Center School children will

stage their annual Hallowe'en parade through the Center Mall on F1:iday, October 29 at 1:45 p.m. Memb:f'rs of the com· munity are invited to come and see the "ghosts and gob-lins.'"

Hallowe'en Warning Amerinn Red Cross, Prince

GeoTges County Chapter, will be doing blood pressure screenia.g Greenbelt Police Chief William on Saturday. Displays and rep- T. Lane reminds all parents that resent&tives from the Maryland- Hallowe'en can be a hazardous National Capit~ Parks and time for "Trick or Treaters."!' He Planning Commission, United • urges that small chiJdren be ac­

. Way of ~e Nation•s Capi~J, companied by an .OOlt and that l'e)JreHntattves from the scouting all children be warned not to eat groups in th~ area, and ~embers any of the treats cntil tbey get from the va.nous ~UJllty ser- home. Candy an~s which viee oqraniDtiou wtll be repre- are not in eommen:fal. wrappings .ented. should be discarde'd:' All treats

Children's HallawMn Party At.AIMricanletlionPost

GreeDbelt Poet and Uait #136. Amerieaa Locioa and America~~ Lecion Aaxiliary, are lj)ODOOriDC their umual Ra1101n~en Party on Satarday. October 80. fn>m S--9 p.DL in the Poat Home. • There wU1 be a cootume -teot, g&~~~n. pri>eo and ~enta. All

· ehilclren 12 &Del aDder who live ia~anilrriw.l.

should be examined care!olly for any signs of tampering.

Costumes and other deeora-· tiona aboald be flame retardant; costumes should be short enough that children will not trip Cftl

them. They also should include light. colon or reflec:~ve tape for visibilitJ'.

"Triek or Treat" ni&ht in Greenbelt will be Sunday, Octo­bual-~P.IL

~{lchael P McLaughl.n of the nty staff present12d a b1kewa1 study pNfonned by the :Ma '>' land :"lational Cap1tal Park a. i Plarfmng Commission as part • its prcgram of pla.nnmg a.ssis~ ance for municipalities. The study concentrated on developing a bikeway from Greenbel( Center to Springhill Lake, for the part not travehng . along road­sides but throuch green SlpAc.!.e. The plan presented is pretilll'i­nary; 1f a nwre detailed study is later funded, engineering draw­l~ will be provided.

In the- preliminary plan, thf' bikeway would start at the Cen­ter. follow· the stream alongside Braden Fielci past the fire house &m1 St. Hugh's, use the Pepco e8.3ement between Cre-scent and the lake to the parkinc lot at the Lake Park. From that point. sev­eral alternate routes are pos.s~ble to crooa Kenilworth Avenue and traverse the area occupied by Capit.&l Oftice Park and the State Highway Administration. The bikeway would eventually extend into Springhill Lake via a box culvert ll1'tder the Be-ltway. One branch would rrach the future :Metrorail station, the other Belt .,.,:ay Plaza.

...... H Rill On :-;0\·emher 2 Prince Georg'e:~

County residents will ~,, ~o th<'

p•lll,- not only tn \'nte for •the candtdates of the:r choice, hut

alsn to say YE,:;\ or XO on se·.-­eral important n·ferend-ums. tJr,,,

of thest'-Qut'stion K: TRIM + t -IS a critical and not well un­derst<lod pr<>,P<>:>al that should !••'

of concern lo home, condomm•-:: urn and t·••·nhlluse owners. It app-roved. Jt '<4'ould pennit ,-,Hr curren,ly capped County prop­erty taxes to mcrease by the value of new .rrowth and by as as muoh as .F{ per year if ;,tie County Council deems such\.B.n inerease necessary to maintim county services.

Strong arguments have been expressed both lor and against the proposal. To inform mem­bers and other citizens regarding both sides of this important is­sue. the Boxwood Civic Associa­tion and Lakeside Citizens Asso­ciation will jointly sponsor an Open ·Meeting at the Greenbelt Publie Library on Monday, No-­•ember 1 at 7 :30 p.m. All are urged to attend •

Supporten and opponents of the new initiative will make presentations and respond to questions.. Paul Bolig will appear on behalf of TRIJf + 4 ( Que5-tion K). while either Bill Good­man or David Bird will speak in favor of the original TRIM packace.

For further information, eall eithe-r Joe laaaes (346-6671) or Dave J...aDae (346-a21). "

. ,j

llsi~e1t Seer •••• Crptal Ball 01 love••r 2 Electi•

by Charles F. Schwan Jr. The culmination of months of campaigning is but. a

few.days away - Tu6day. Xovember 2. One of the fas­cinations of the fret- electoral process is speculating about who will be the victors. For what they may be wortn, here are this reporter's conclusions.

Democratic cand1datt·:< appear Cnmm1ssion Member. :.quares otf to have a clear P<h!'t' Jn a!i l'IHJ.- a~amst Parris Glendening, two-t~sts in which Grel·ntw!:ers may term County Counc1lman. TrtiS vote11.e., for stat('·Wirl.- <Jffil'P, t._, 0 may ~ a closer rae~ than t·.s. Senator. :\tern·· ! •: ( "n- :<nme others. ~res · from the .-::·>; District, :-;teny Hoyer. incumbent ~em·

'('·•un \'-wi-de ,)ftic' .. ·. - ' l.n{h . .:J. ht•r ,)f Con2'!'ess, should have g:·:t i;:~stnct and -lth Counnl little trouble in winning his 6nt full ternL lli5 opp<~nent, Re-

G nbelt's ~fay,,r R;c!lar·l pubh("an William P. Guthrie. u~

~~~ i~d\hi: :thhe;~·~·nc~~v~~ttt'nc\0 <:et former G~nbelter PeJTJ" His rival. Repubhcan Kenneth · ~m lth m the Primary· Powell. IS making his first bld The Cnited States Senatorial for .public office. contest is betwffn incumbent

Incumbent members of the Democrat Paul Sarbanes and louse of Delegate~. all Demo- See ELECTION. p. B.~ 1

c; ats, are much bt-tter known thnn the RepubJic~n aspirants, Sharon Metcalfe and Don Mc­Bride. Delegate. Gerard Devlin, Joan Pitkin and: Charles .. Buzz" Ryan should all win handily.

The t:ontest for State Seaator may be closer than some .others. Republican Burt Oliver, head of the county's Economic Develop... ment Department. is t~ some to pose a threat to Demo­crat Leo Green. former member of the House of Delegates and Mayor of Bowie.

For County Executive. Repub- . liea-'. Ann Shoeb. Maryland Na­tional Capital Park and PlaJl!liDI'

WHATGOfS ON Sot.. O.L M. I._IZ - C....

tume Pared. • Part)', Youth Center

Saa.. OcL 31. 6-8 P·•· "Trick or Treat," in Greenbelt.

1'11ea...NoY";2.7 ..... -sp.a. Geueral Election - Center S<hool No. 3. SL Hugh's No. 6. SoJringbill Lake Elemen· tary No. B. E. Roosevelt No. 13.

Tban-, N..,. . .t. 8 ,_ •. GHI Budget Hearing for Mem­bers.. City Council Cham­

. ben.

leten .-.u Co•si•r Sixteel lefe•••• QHSti• • ••· 2

by Charels F. S.,hwan Jr. Sixteen referendum questions will confront voters 'in

Prince Georges County when they go to the polls Novem­ber 2;, Ele,·en have been placed on the ballot by the Coun­ty Council, five by the General Assembly. •

Leading the list of N1.J:!ltY questions both in significance and in controversy is Question K. which would modify the TRIM amenameot to the charter adopt­e-d m 1~•78. That· amendment limited lO U-14 million the amoont that c:l!": be eo11ected in county prop('t ty taxes. Question K proposes cr . ..1':. the $144 million ceiling be ;r.L r.,~-.ed by the value of new grn"" th and by up to 4 percent ead·. y""ar if the Count)' Counc1l dee:n:' such increase nec­essary to ma;n~in programs.

Question .\ 1:; the only other question not aJthorizing the is­suance of bonds: It would amend the county charter to specify that the county may not be held responsible m tort when its agents or employees are not lia­ble.

Question B. which bas re-ceived considerable attention. would au­thorize the county to issue $20 million m general oblip.tion bonds to construd a new county detention facility. This amount would be-"'ftllti:he-d. by the state . The new jall would be built on the Dille Tract on Brown Sta­tion Road. The current facility, built for 143 inmates, now houses

"450. Qaeotiona C. D. E, F, G, B. I

ancl J all authorize the isnance of bonds to finance various pu~ lie improvement.. ·

Qaeotioa (;..4300,000 to .......... stru.ct ~ portion of • Khool for a county police subHationt

Qa..tioll ~ aillioD for a bos~ of fire and nKDO fadlity renovation& and ~

Qll..tioll ~li.Z Jr.illloa for six hich-y pn>jocU, IBchldlac one at H&D<.•er PukwQ-Gna-

-wa~· Center . Que-stion F - $5 million !or

three parlung lots an4 planninc for 1,000-spac,.e. multi-level park­ing garage at" New Carrollton Metro ~tion; , · Question. G--$2.5 million for

Xetro ca-pital costs. • Question H-$650,000 for a

garage at county public worb faciJity and for five 3,000-ton capacity salt storage domes;

Question I-$316,000 to \"on­s.truct and landscape a pedestri­an mall in Upper Marlboro; and

Queatioa J--$800,000 for pur­chase of land for :additional -~uf­fer area adjacent to Brown Sta­tion Road Sanitary Landfill.

Sta,. Qaeotiou The first statewide question,

Questioa. I. '.WOuld clarify t~ term .. alimony .. to make its gen­der neutral as it applies to im­prhw~nmi!nt for debt.

Questioa. 2 is the n;aosl impor­tant of the statewide queat~M. It would increase the amoaatl that tme state may ,borTOW to meet short tenn cub reqa.ire­ments. The preaent limfts are so low as to amount to a probibi­tiori. on short-term borrowina'.

· Qae.;Uo. 3 would authorise the di'rision of llontaomery County into sincle-«ember eouneil dis­tricts should tbe Yoten of ~t county doeide they preferftd IIUCh an arftDC8111ent. Q--. f ...,uld permit Bal-.

t:imore City to crate debt or b- . lue boeds with tbe pormiaion of either tbe General Aaembil' or tbe City'a lecislative deleCatioll iJl AJmapoliL Q-'- 5 Is • tedmical

amendment rupeetinc Iliac of ltoolitiou.
