peer workshop 2


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Transcript of peer workshop 2

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 An American Game

football has been a major part of American culture, ever since the NFL came to fruition

on August 20th, 1920. Many fans have already established who their favorite franchises

are, and who rivals their team, but many do not know how it all came together. I feel

there will be little bias found in this topic proposal, as there is no side being taken,

simply about how the game of football came to be. I hope to inform the current

generation of NFL fans on how it all came to fruition, who founded the game, and why

the game is where it is today in American culture, because without all the events that

lead to the league coming together, we would still be watching baseball, and no one

likes baseball…..

When talking about fans in the NFL, they often are not knowledgeable in regards to NFL

history, the piece of football that I myself find the most fascinating. This is mostly due to

the fact that the NFL gains more and more fans by the day, many of them bandwagon

fans, ones who are not there for a history lesson, they simply want to watch, with no

background in regards to the franchise they suddenly choose to support. I personally

dislike the fans previously described, and I tend to refer to them as fake fans, fair

weather fans, etc, as they only support such teams in times of victory, rather than in

times of defeat as well.

My objective is to shed light on the past of the NFL, in the hopes that some of

today's fans may learn something new, and as I will be stating factual information, there

will be limited bias in terms of information provided by myself. As state above, I find it

important for the fans of today to know how the pro sport came to be, as it gives you agreater appreciation for the game. My hope is that one day, all fans will understand the

hard work, the blood, the sweat, the tears it had taken to get the league where it is


 All of my sources are obviously about the game of football, but more importantly, are

about how the game came to be. My most useful sources come directly from the

Professional Football Hall of Fame, where all records regarding anything in pro football

are stored. many fans today know little about the NFL's humble beginnings, and I plan

to bring them to the surface, show the fans of pro football how everything came to be,who founded the league, etc. there is little “new information” I can add, as i am writing

about the history of the game, and how professional football came to fruition. So, as

stated in my previous paragraph above, I plan to shed light on the things that really

matter, things the common fan knows nothing about, THAT is what I plan to bring to the

table. All that fans know today is who their favorite franchise is, what color they wear,

and who they play, little to none know anything regarding how it all came to be. One of

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the things all NFL fans should know is the name of the man who started it all, his name

was Walter Camp, and he is the reason for football's role in American culture today, as

without him, it wouldn't be a professional sport, and there would be a minimal amount of

“fans” behind the sport(Pro Football Hall of Fame). I also plan to talk about the different

historical events that influenced the game, and the organizations within the league, as

well as the AFL-NFL merger, which many fans are ignorant of. another piece I will touch

on that many of today's fans know about is the Madden curse, more specifically what it

is and what it does.

If you go up to any fan in the NFL today, and ask them who Walter Camp was, or

what he did for the sport of football, many would either try to throw together some

response they pulled outta thin air, while the others would just say “Who!?!?”. This, at

least in my eyes, is a major problem! I find it sad that the fans of today could be so

ignorant, not knowing the name of the man who started it all! what is also sad is that I

do not believe many of the game's commentators know who he is, or what it is that he

did for the sport.

 As many fans do not know, as I stated above, Walter Camp is the man who

started professional football. He is the sole reason we can kick back on a Sunday after

church, sit down on the couch with family and friends, and cheer for guys hitting each

other. football is a way for old friends to reconnect, for families to unify (if they support

the same team), and for the stressed to either unwind or have a heart attack depending

on the outcome of the day's game. it truly is more than just a game, and we have a mannamed Walter Camp to thank for it. For now, his name is still elusive to the ears of fans

everywhere, but hope that one day that can change. It angers me to see the man who

built it all, be lost in his own creation, he has been overshadowed by the very thing he

created. In the end, I hope that the fans of today, as well as the fans of tomorrow, will

one day know the name Walter Camp, the father of professional football.

Onto Walter Camp, and how he started it all. It all began with small games of

soccer and rugby, from which Camp developed the games rules. The first college game

was between Rutgers and Princeton universities in 1869, though the game played was

really just a rugby match. It was not until Camp came in in the 1880’s, that the rules of American football were established. His main influences where rugby and soccer,

mostly rugby, and we can still see the resemblances in the sports today. for example,

the field goal in football stems from the extra point in rugby, where the player must punt

the ball between the uprights, only difference is in football, you line up for the kick, while

in rugby you simply punt from wherever you finish the play within the endzone. the

major difference between football and rugby is the 11 man team for football, as well as

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Ken Kardos Assignment One 

A Brief History of

the Game

Taylor Coffey

Assignment Two Draft

Have you ever thought, believed, or acknowledged that there possibly are truly

 paranormal or supernatural forces in this wonderful world we live in. For a while there has been

the argument over the true existence or falseness of beliefs about the supernatural or paranormal.

Many individuals asked would either choose the “yes” side or the “no” side because nobody

wants to be in the middle. Nobody stops to wonder if these forces are neither but rather a figment

of our own human imagination. No matter if you are supporting the existence or denying the

legitimateness of the supernatural you are saying it is there because if it didn’t exist there would

 be no need to prove it is false because there is nothing to prove false. Research has shown that

from human brains having vivid imaginations they can potentially create false memories

meaning they remember events that never even happened. Imagine a memory that would be your

most prized memory and then focus on it, imagining every little detail about it and eventually

you might begin to believe it actually happened. This is an example of how the human brain can

imagine so deeply that it tricks itself into believing that memory is original and not artificially

created. If it is possible for the human brain to convince itself of false events being real what it to

say that the human brain couldn’t convince itself that paranormal or supernatural events are real.With as long as the argument over whether or not the supernatural truly does exist could possibly

 be evidence that this idea of paranormal and supernatural is simply false. Think about it have you

ever swore something happened when it really never did? It is not a very far stretch in saying that

humans have imagined supernatural forces for years.

In the television show Supernatural there are events depicted that are based on true

 beliefs of unknown forces today. Personally I think that by having shows such as this, as well as

others such as ghost hunter shows, only increase the level of which the human brain imagines

these events. By the media creating and broadcasting these shows it only fuels the human brain

with more material in which to imagine events that may have never happened or may not truly

exist. Individuals who experience so called supernatural events often describe symptoms such as

scratches, headaches, and physical feelings which can often be imagined. Have you personallyever felt like you have been touched but only looked to see there is nothing there or felt like you

were being watched even when there was nobody around but you. The purpose of this paper is

not completely to prove or disprove the existence or non-existence of the supernatural but rather

relate how television shows can lead to the brain producing realistic imaginative ideas or


Over the course of the long lasting argument many credible scientists and others have

given their point of view in the forms of papers, arguments, videos, and many other varieties of

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media. Two such people were Dr. Eddie Tabash and J.P. Moreland. These two individuals had a

short debate which I came across where they were arguing whether or not the supernatural is

real. Tabash argued that the supernatural truly exists whereas Moreland was countering that

argument saying there are not supernatural forces whatsoever. In the show Supernatural it

appears that nobody seems to even remotely question whether or not supernatural forces exists

 because those who are not hunters or don’t know hunters never seem to even considersupernatural forces as a factor in their day to day lives. This relates to our society today because

individuals seem to never acknowledge whether or not it is possible for certain events to be

supernaturally related. Similar to many other arguments the debate had no true winner because

nobody actually knows the answer but rather only has proof to support their side of the


Similar to the idea presented earlier that supernatural and paranormal shows influence the

viewer to imagine and think of supernatural concepts there was research conducted on how

supernatural shows shape our beliefs pertaining to the supernatural. Research done by a man

known as Christopher H. Whittle emphasizes the fact that viewing supernatural shows does

influence your understanding and beliefs on the topic of the supernatural. His study was

conducted and found high levels of fictional paranormal beliefs coming from shows being broadcast in viewers who had never watched such shows. This shows that supernatural shows do

truly influence our beliefs on the supernatural. Those who do not watch shows about the

supernatural forces tend to believe in supernatural fallacies because they have not been

influenced by supernatural shows. As much as some individuals would hate to admit it, some of

the shows found on television pertaining to these supernatural forces do in fact supply the reader

with some true facts about the supernatural we feel we do know.

Tzvi Freeman has an article defining the supernatural which is most interesting because

he defines the supernatural by comparing the natural and supernatural side by side. This is

interesting because I feel that many of us everyday humans do this just like how Sam and Dean

do it in Supernatural  . Many everyday humans compare their lives to other things in this world

including the supernatural. In the article Freeman looks at the natural and supernatural

comparing them to one another dating them many many years because the beliefs on the

supernatural did not form in the twentieth century as Freeman talks about in his article. The fact

that those before us had the same argument we did only leads me to stand firmer behind my idea

that humans have been imagining supernatural occurrences for so long we can actually

 physically feel and experience them. One major point that leads me to believe this level of vivid

imagination can be achieved is the fact that humans only utilize ten percent of their brain and

what happens in the other ninety percent nobody knows because no human has ever found out

 because we can’t get there. Maybe over time our brains will unlock their secrets and humans will

evolve but that is a conversation for another time.

There was even a documentary on BBC pertaining to individuals who believe inreincarnation because they can remember details of their previous life and often how they even

died. An interesting point in the documentary is the fact that those who can quote on quote

“remember their previous life” seem to have horrifically ways in which they died which leads me

to believe that once again it is the human brain and its wonderful property of imagination which

is allowing these individuals to remember their previous life. If I were to really focus on

imagining a previous life it is possible that I could trick my own brain into believing the story in

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which it is creating. This leads on into further discussing the idea of whether or not the

supernatural and paranormal are truly real of simply products of human imagination.

There are many scientific opinions on whether the supernatural and paranormal are

 physically real however to my knowledge and research there has been no research on ]the idea

that these topics are simply a figment of human imagination. Many credible scientists either look

to prove or disprove the existence of supernatural and paranormal phenomenon or forces but noone has stopped to wonder if it is all a big imagined hoax. Even if one tries to disprove these

supposed phenomenon, they are supporting the fact that it exist because if it didn’t there would

 be nothing to prove. This seems to be biased no matter how you look at it which is why i have

chosen to contribute a study that neither confirms nor denies the existence of supernatural forces

 but rather looks at both simultaneously to consider both in an unbiased manner.

Many seem to either think something exists or it doesn’t which really has no positive outcome

on the subject at hand. For example if you were to ask a random stranger about their personal

 beliefs pertaining to the supernatural they would give one of two answers, with those answers

 being yes I acknowledge the existence of the supernatural or no I deny the existence of

supernatural forces. the possibility that these ideas are a result of our imagination is not that far

fetched. If we were to reference medical research pertaining to patients imagining symptoms or pain, we can then relate this to the possibility of others imagining other things as well. The

human brain is amazing because it can convince you and your body that you are feeling

something that doesn’t actually exist. Individuals involved in paranormal encounters have

claimed to feel certain things such as touching, harmful scratching, pushing, shoving, and many

other feelings associated with paranormal encounters. The real question to ask is are these

feelings real or were they imagined by the feeler’s brain.

 Neural evidence has shown that vivid imagining can lead to false remembering. This leads me

to believe that if humans imagined that supernatural forces were real in great detail over long

 periods of time, we could possibly convince ourselves and our brain that it is truly real thus

leading to imagination of feelings associated with paranormal or supernatural phenomenon. Say

an individual imagines that their house is haunted because when they are alone there are strange

noises present in the house. Over time this could cause that individual to be completely

convinced there house is haunted when in actuality it is a normal house. this is the same from a

medical perspective because if a patient imagines they a certain disease in enough detail they

could possibly trick their body into imagining the disease is present within their body.

However there is also the argument that those who convince themselves through vivid

imagination are crazy which is a holistic biased argument. It is crazy that another human being

would brand someone crazy for using their brain. If someone can convince their brain into

fooling their body into feeling certain things, that is not crazy, but rather intriguing because it

shows how the brain is in control and not the body. Whether or not human’s have imagined the

supernatural or if it truly does exist is a mystery that I feel won’t be solved for a long time because society as a whole is not prepared to know the true answer pertaining to the


Overall I am trying to bring about the point that the brain can do anything including maybe

imagining things that aren’t real. I want this to become a new factor in the argument of whether

or not the supernatural does truly exist because as of now it seems to be staying in the same two

answer argument format of either yes it exists or no it doesn’t exist. This two answer argument is

long overdue for change because it has become boring and is no longer getting closer to an

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answer. When arguments become unbiased answers seem to become clearer to the eyes of the


In conclusion I personally believe that there should be further research into the

imaginative properties of the human brain which I am sure is already happening in the hopes of

unlocking the secrets to the human brain. The more we learn about the brain the better the

chances we have of understanding what is now non-understandable. The idea that the human brain can imagine certain things so vividly it can convince itself certain fake events happened is

simply incredible.With the human brain being able to imagine on the level it can and television

shows feeding the brain with the ideas of the supernatural is pretty much terrifying. Think about

it, what if your whole life was something you imagined happened and in real life you are

 physically still a youngling. You could have imagined your whole life and not even know it. We

have already established the fact that television and even the media for that fact play a huge role

in what we as society do and don’t know about certain topics. In this case the media is the largest

source of media for information pertaining to the supernatural and paranormal.

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Works Cited

 Is the Supernatural Real? Eddie Tabash vs. J.P. Moreland  . Youtube, 2008.

C. Whittle, “Development of Beliefs in Paranormal and Supernatural Phenomena,” CSI The

Committee for Skeptical Inquiry  . .

Supernatural Science: Previous Lives. BBC, 1999.

T. Freeman, “What is the ‘Supernatural’?,” . .

T. Coffey, Assignment One. Concord, North Carolina, 2015.

E. Palermo, “The Origins of Religion: How Supernatural Beliefs Evolved,”   Live Science,

May-2015. .

P. Berger, A Rumor of Angels Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the Supernatural . US:

Open Road.

M. Gleiser, “Between the Natural and Supernatural,” NPR, 2015. .

(I'm sorry I'm late, it was completely difficult for me to figure out what we are doing here. Assecond language problem, I hope you guys give me many feedback to correct my work as advice

 please. Thank you)

Assignment draft two Kim, KyungHo

Every each gangster movies which plot has delineated how the looks are very dark, hopeless and

every people sparing their last of time into addicting drugs. However, here’s the film that

showing rarely light on main actor from prison time for 10 years. Getting to be changed his life

as hard worker and knowing what it really love about family. Emotionally performed in what hehas hopes and continue to compete them with smile and achievements. People might think those

who were working in not right way without being educated or no passion for studies. But the

relevant to another film “Breaking bad”. He was a normal father who had more faithful and pride

for his career in chemistry. But when he got a lung cancer making his life totally screwed

identifying himself as a drug maker part of gangster life. In this film the guy has potential to be

nice guy after learning Mathematics perfectly in the prison period. All gangsters were not

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innately born with cold, aggressive spiritual unchangeable minds. There might some bad impacts

to change them mentally struggled for long time. It should take some time for them to

acknowledge who they are to make themselves better than in the present they are. Basically most

human being have warm hearts. People are tent to care each others naturally.

Richard Cabral, he was a man member of gang. When he growing up without father let him

facing the environment which everywhere have chances to have meth and crack to addict to it.

Even when he was young attempting to steal things from others and found himself it was not that

 bad because he regarded as normal thing most people have done who around him. Joining a gang

made him cover his body with tattoos. Somehow several times of going into jails by various

reasons brought a sense of belonging to him. The recorded hallmark of being drug related murder

once he was drunk and a gun on him, incidentally shot a guy. It desperated him after the prison

same time he did not have any previous work experience enough to mind changing his life. His

desire of path for actor was so far from the reality what he was struggled. But he started bakery

store all the choirs from washing dishes. Then now people noticed that the previous events can

not bother him because he is really good man. Finally he grabbed own theater showing which it

was his dream to become a actor.

Robert Taitt, he was a good boy before entering the prison if he would not feel that he had

 just two options in his life to live like driving straight way only looked forwards with what he

decided to do is rubbery. He said that he wanted to be street smart than a book smart and It

implicates he was well educated. After 10 years sentence experience of prison refreshing him to

look back to realize what it was. It refers for some people from prison can be learned.

There is also reason for people get themselves into trouble not just simply because of acting

 bad at the beyond of that people did for feeling safe from their surroundings such as family

influence. Jacqueline Whitt, as a woman has experienced the time many time in the jail. She wasemotionally unstable with people who the most important to care of her. Not most of them

commit impulsively without reason at all. If we could search for their spiritual damages which

they were supposed to be supported and concerns as affection. Even when she got how to

 playing a tape as occupational chance encouraged her much being confident and learn how to

love herself has skills on it.

Some prison inside looks and the systems operating are not all the harsh and rough

components including people there. There also brightly awaiting people ask for hopes which they

consider to be better person or get rid of their unreasonable bad instincts. One prison here offer

them a very special treatment to cure Their deep inside injuries using music called Lullaby project. The project has professional musicians who they apply various ways of listening

 prisoner voices to open their heart to the others. Based on that even if it was hard to begin how it

supposed to be. But practice writing their wishes, and hopes on papers go then apparently did

work well. And it proved that their hearts are still warm or enough to be heated again.

The prison sometimes itself giving a lot of chances to some of prisoner to remind how they

should be changed. What matters of they were under arrested after that clearly judged and let

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them stimulate cognitive appearance who really they are. Comparing to others in the cage and

giving chance to realize which was bad. Daniel Genis, he was in trouble because of robbing cash

from other people. While he lived in the prison, thought of himself that he has not be suited for

other prisoners. It wasn’t all about the degree of offense. What he was awaken by knowing how

much his act was wrong. Harming people even it was not physically but mentally. And after he

was released from prison, he wrote about feelings on victims he has harmed as its apologies.

One of very interesting book who Nancy Mullane made up the title is five men in search of

redemption. Common impressions with her to see those live after murders crime villain like first

degree murder standard might kill her or they would like to kill her, she thought. However in this

 person Jesse Reed was convicted of first-degree murder in 1985. He got sentences 27 years to

life. He believes and have notion in his life after long prison days that every simple changes for

new fresh life is about having a desire to be better. One insignificant or once step on the

 beginning of doing bad choices led him more massive negative effects are getting worse. From

using drugs, looking for money for drugs and eventually made a big mistake taking someone’s

life even it was not his intention. As same human being, he was so nervous what he had done but

it was late to regret it. He knows it and think the redemption is like given another chance.

Isaac Lott has been working in deconstruction for four years. He's one of several Reclaim

Detroit employees who have spared time in prison and living a new life with the company where

he is working. When he was young both parents of him were hard workers to provide Lott and

his siblings brothers but young guys were allured by bigger amounts money which more earning

than their parents do on the street selling drugs. What he triggered was that brothers died. After

 prison period, he found the workplace cheered him up being hopeful man and industrial worker.

This topic and purpose of paper is that lets both makers and readers not just being passive

with their works. Once it put us in this assignment, taking a lot of time to try to find informationas much as related to. Training how we apply the resources what we have done to our interests

further more get other sides of information. I just had hoping that the film about gangster life

 beyond who people don’t care or know can be interesting. Gangster or people who went to

 prison they are potentially hopeful if there is serving and things that support and win their back

to have new bright life. The pains inside make people grow up mentally and those people should

not be judged. I enjoyed this movie several times since I was high school because of calm

moving gave me and many lessons that think back to the past days with family. The matter is for

in my opinion is that I can express my feelings emphasized at last at the same time cleared up

myself what I was thinking as I writing. Some people were simply became bad people after animpetus or being that kinds of people. Most of people can make mistake it doesn’t matter the

degree of committing. We can see through this to arrange our thoughts what immortality we did

and reflect on our past conducts having gratitude about growing as loved by family and

influenced from nice living environment.

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Works cited


How Former Gang Member Richard Cabral Went From Prison To Prime Time


Robert Taitt, 33, of Brooklyn, N.Y


Jacqueline Whitt, 39, of Portland, Ore.

Bringing Mothers In Prison Closer To Their Children, Through Music


Released From Prison, 'Apologetic Bandit' Writes About Life Inside

'After Murder': Learning To Live After You've Killed


Rebuilding A Life And A City After Years On Detroit's Streets

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