
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-1793 ; originally published online December 17, 2012; Pediatrics Muhammad Mamdani, Catherine S. Birken and Patricia C. Parkin Jonathon L. Maguire, Gerald Lebovic, Sharmilaa Kandasamy, Marina Khovratovich, Childhood The Relationship Between Cow's Milk and Stores of Vitamin D and Iron in Early located on the World Wide Web at: The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275. Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 2012 by the American Academy published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned, PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly at Indonesia:AAP Sponsored on February 13, 2013 Downloaded from


jurnal ini mengenai penatalaksanaa awal pada penyakit anak-anak. dengan penatalaksanaan awal diharapanakan menurunkan angka kejadian atau menurunkan angka kesakitan akibat penyakit pada anak-anak.dengan begitu akan menurunkan angka morbiditas dan mortalitas pada anak-anak. bahan ini sendiri memiliki tujuan untuk menurunkan resiko keluhan pada anak-anak. penatalaksannaa yang diberikan melalui bahan ini juga bersifat sangat sederhana sehingga akan mudah dipelajari oleh teman-teman sekalian

Transcript of Pediatrics-2012

DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-1793; originally published online December 17, 2012;Pediatrics

Muhammad Mamdani, Catherine S. Birken and Patricia C. ParkinJonathon L. Maguire, Gerald Lebovic, Sharmilaa Kandasamy, Marina Khovratovich,

ChildhoodThe Relationship Between Cow's Milk and Stores of Vitamin D and Iron in Early

located on the World Wide Web at: The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is


of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275.Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 2012 by the American Academy published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Pointpublication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned, PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly

at Indonesia:AAP Sponsored on February 13, 2013pediatrics.aappublications.orgDownloaded from

The Relationship Between Cow’s Milk and Stores ofVitamin D and Iron in Early Childhood

WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Cow’s milk consumption hasopposite effects on vitamin D and iron levels in children; however,the amount of cow’s milk intake required for sufficient stores ofvitamin D and iron is poorly understood, and existing guidelineson consumption are unclear.

WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: Two cups of cow’s milk per day issufficient to maintain healthy vitamin D and iron stores for mostchildren. Wintertime vitamin D supplementation appearsparticularly important among children with darker skinpigmentation.

abstractOBJECTIVE: To examine the association between cow’s milk intake onboth vitamin D and iron stores in healthy urban preschoolers.

METHODS: Healthy children 2 to 5 years of age were recruited fromDecember 2008 through December 2010 through the TARGet Kids!practice-based research network. Cow’s milk intake was measuredby parental report. Vitamin D and iron stores were measured by usingserum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and ferritin. Bivariate multivariable linearregression was used to examine the effect of cow’s milk intakesimultaneously on 25-hydroxyvitamin D and serum ferritin. Analyseswere stratified by important clinical variables including skinpigmentation, bottle feeding, vitamin D supplementation, and season.

RESULTS: Among 1311 children, increasing cow’s milk consumption wasassociated with decreasing serum ferritin (P , .0001) and increasing25-hydroxyvitamin D (P # .0001). Two cups (500 mL) of cow’s milk perday maintained 25-hydroxyvitamin D.75 nmol/L with minimal negativeeffect on serum ferritin for most children. Children with darker skinpigmentation not receiving vitamin D supplementation during thewinter required 3 to 4 cups of cow’s milk per day to maintain 25-hydroxyvitamin D .75 nmol/L. Cow’s milk intake among childrenusing a bottle did not increase 25-hydroxyvitamin D and resulted inmore dramatic decreases in serum ferritin.

CONCLUSIONS: There is a trade-off between increasing 25-hydroxyvitaminD and decreasing serum ferritin with increasing milk intake. Two cups ofcow’s milk per day appears sufficient to maintain healthy vitamin D andiron stores for most children. Wintertime vitamin D supplementation wasparticularly important among children with darker skin pigmentation.Pediatrics 2013;131:e144–e151

AUTHORS: Jonathon L. Maguire, MD, MSc, FRCPC,a,b,c

Gerald Lebovic, PhD,a Sharmilaa Kandasamy, BSc,b MarinaKhovratovich, MD,c Muhammad Mamdani, PharmD, MA,MPH,a,d Catherine S. Birken, MSc, MD, FRCPC,c and PatriciaC. Parkin, MD, FRCPC,c on behalf of the TARGet Kids!CollaborationaThe Applied Health Research Centre of the Li Ka ShingKnowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital, University ofToronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; bDepartment of Pediatrics, St.Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; cPediatric OutcomesResearch Team (PORT), Division of Pediatric Medicine,Department of Pediatrics, University of Toronto, The Hospital forSick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; and dLeslie Dan Facultyof Pharmacy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

KEY WORDSvitamin D, child, preschool, parathyroid hormone, cross-sectionalstudies

ABBREVIATIONSAAP—American Academy of PediatricsCI—confidence intervalCRP—C-reactive protein

Dr Maguire conceptualized and designed the study, designed thedata collection instruments, analyzed data, drafted themanuscript, critically revised and reviewed the manuscript forimportant intellectual content, and approved the finalmanuscript as submitted; Dr Lebovic analyzed and interpretedthe data, performed statistical analysis, and approved the finalmanuscript as submitted; Ms Kandasamy and Dr Mamdanidrafted the manuscript, critically revised and reviewed themanuscript for important intellectual content, and approved thefinal manuscript as submitted; Dr Khovratovich designed thedata collection instruments, coordinated and supervised datacollection, approved the final manuscript as submitted; DrBirken critically revised and reviewed the manuscript forimportant intellectual content, and approved the finalmanuscript as submitted; and Dr Parkin conceptualized anddesigned the study, analyzed data, critically revised andreviewed the manuscript for important intellectual content, andapproved the final manuscript as submitted.


Accepted for publication Aug 14, 2012

Address correspondence to Jonathon Maguire, MD, MSc, FRCPC,Department of Pediatrics, St. Michael’s Hospital, 30 Bond St,15-014 Cardinal Carter, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1W8 Canada. E-mail:[email protected]

(Continued on last page)

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Consumption ofmilk andmilk products isrecommendedbynumerous internationalorganizations, given its positive effects onbone health.1–3 In the United States andCanada,.70%of childrenconsumecow’smilk daily.4,5 Although vitamin D–fortifiedmilk contributes to important body storesof vitamin D needed for maintaining bonehealth, cow’s milk contains very little ironand consumption .500 mL per day hasbeen associated with reduced iron storesin young children.6–9

Vitamin D and iron are both essentialmicronutrients and adequate levels ofeach are critical for health and de-velopment in children.7,8 Vitamin Dpromotes calcium absorption, which isneeded for preventing rickets and op-timizing bone mass in children.6,7,10,11

Vitamin D may also be important forthe prevention of a number of chronicconditions, including autoimmune,12–16

respiratory,17–21 and cardiovasculardisease.6,7,10,11,22–26 Dietary iron is im-portant for child health and devel-opment, as it plays a crucial role inearly brain development.27–29 Iron de-ficiency with or without anemia hasbeen associated with permanently im-paired psychomotor development.27–36

It is well established that 25-hydrox-yvitamin D above 50 nmol/L is sufficientto prevent rickets.37 Therefore, the In-stitute of Medicine and the AmericanAcademy of Pediatrics (AAP) have rec-ommended that 25-hydroxyvitamin Dlevels in children be .50 nmol/L toavoid deficiency.6,7 Data from adultssuggest that serum parathyroid hor-mone, a hormone that increases cal-cium resorption from bone, tends to beminimized once 25-hydroxyvitamin D is.75 nmol/L; therefore, the CanadianPediatric Society has suggested that“optimal” 25-hydroxyvitamin D is .75nmol/L.38,39 To our knowledge, there areno consensus recommendations re-garding optimal iron stores for children.

The optimal amount of cow’s milk con-sumption to promote healthy vitamin D

and iron stores is poorly understood,particularly among young children;moreover, current guidelines as theyrelate to cow’s milk consumption areunclear. The AAP Committee on Nutri-tion recommends that children whoare ingesting ,1000 mL per day of vi-tamin D–fortified milk receive supple-mental vitamin D.7 Conversely, the AAPsBright Futures Guidelines for HealthSupervision suggest that cow’s milkintake be limited to 2 cups (500 mL) perday for children 2 to 6 years of age toavoid iron deficiency.40 It is unclearwhat clinicians are to tell parents whenasked, “How much cow’s milk shouldmy child be drinking?”

The primary objective of this study wasto examine the association betweenmilk intake and both vitamin D and ironstores in healthy preschoolers. Oursecondary objective was to examinehow clinically relevant biological, en-vironmental, and behavioral factorsmight change the effect of cow’s milkintake on vitamin D and iron stores.


Subjects and Design

We conducted a cross-sectional ob-servational study of healthy children 2to 5 years of age through the TARGetKids! primary care practice-based re-search network in Toronto, Canada(latitude 43.4°N) between December2008 and December 2010. TARGet Kids!is a collaboration between child healthoutcomes researchers in the Faculty ofMedicine at the University of Torontoand 7 large primary care group practi-ces from the Department of Pediatricsand the Department of Family and Com-munity Medicine at the University ofToronto. The overall objective of TARGetKids! is to advance the scientific base forrecommendations regarding diseaseprevention (screening and surveillancefor early detection of disease), anticipa-tory guidance, and interventions forcommon nutritional and developmental

disorders delivered by primary healthcare providers in office practice settings.

Childrenwere excluded from this TARGetKids! study if they had any chronic ill-nesses (other than asthma) or acuteinflammation (C-reactive protein [CRP].10 mg/L), were on medications knownto alter vitamin D or ironmetabolism (ie,antiseizure medications), or had a ges-tational age ,32 weeks. Children ,2years of age were excluded to minimizethe effect of breastfeeding and iron-fortified formula use on cow’s milk in-take estimates.


Data were collected during a routinehealth maintenance physician visit bytrained research assistants embeddedin each practice. Clinically relevant bi-ological, environmental, and behavioralvariables were obtained from con-senting parents by a standardizedparent-completed data-collection formbased on the Canadian CommunityHealth Survey.41 The following surveydata were collected: age, gender, dateof visit, daily cow’s milk consumption,vitamin D and iron supplementation,outdoor free play (minutes per day),and bottle use. Cow’s milk consumptionwas measured from parental reportbased on response to the followingquestion: “How many 250-mL cups ofcow’s milk does your child drink ina typical day?” Bottle use was mea-sured based on response to the fol-lowing question: “Does your childcurrently use a bottle?”

Weight was measured by using aprecision digital scale (60.025%;SECA, Hamburg, Germany) and stand-ing height was measured by using astadiometer (SECA). BMI was calculatedas the weight in kilograms divided bythe height in meters squared.42,43 BMIz-scores were calculated by using WorldHealth Organization growth standards.44

Skin pigmentation was measured byusing research assistant–assigned


PEDIATRICS Volume 131, Number 1, January 2013 e145 at Indonesia:AAP Sponsored on February 13, 2013pediatrics.aappublications.orgDownloaded from

Fitzpatrick score, which is a 6-categoryskin pigmentation classification sys-tem that is widely used in dermato-logical research.45

Venous blood was drawn by trainedpediatric phlebotomists and sent dailyto the Clinical Biochemistry Laboratoryat Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto,Ontario. Total 25-hydroxyvitamin D wasmeasured fromserumsamplesby usingacompetitive2-stepchemiluminescenceassay with a Diasorin LIAISON 25-hydroxyvitamin D TOTAL (Diasorin S.P.A.,Vercelli, Italy).46 Extensive testing andvalidation of this machine has demon-strated an interassay imprecision of4.9% at 32 nmol/L, 8.9% at 77 nmol/L, and17.4% at 213 nmol/L.47,48 Serum ferritinwas measured by using an electro-chemiluminescence immunoassay onthe Roche Modular E170 analyzer (RocheDiagnostics, Indianapolis, IN), which hadan interassay imprecision of 7.5% at 6mg/L, 4.2% at 30 mg/L, and 4.7% at 390mg/L. To avoid falsely elevated serumferritin owing to inflammation, childrenwith CRP .10 nmol/L were excludedfrom the analysis.8,9

Medidata RAVE (Medidata Solutions Inc. was used asthe secure electronic data capturesystem and data repository for allTARGet Kids! data.

Statistical Analysis

Our primary analysis aimed to examinethe association between cow’s milk in-take and 25-hydroxyvitamin D and serumferritin simultaneously. To accomplishthis, a bivariate multivariable linear re-gression model was developed.49 Serumferritin and 25-hydroxyvitamin D (con-tinuous variables) were modeled as si-multaneous outcome variables withdaily volume of milk consumption (con-tinuous variable) as the main predictorvariable. We then used this model toadjust for variables known or suspectedto affect vitamin D or iron stores.These included gender, season (October

through April versus June throughSeptember), Fitzgerald skin pigmenta-tion scale (light I–III versus dark IV–VI),current bottle use, minutes of outdoorfree time per day, BMI (zBMI), and vita-min D and iron supplementation. Thesecovariates were a priori specified andall were included in the final model. Toaccommodate skewed distributions of25-hydroxyvitamin D and serum ferritin,both variables were log transformed.Marginal estimates were tested by us-ing a Wald statistic, whereas the bi-variate estimates were examined byusing the Pillai test statistic.50 Modelchecking was performed on the mar-ginal models by using residual analysis.Bootstrap validation of the linear re-gression model (100 times) was used toobtain 95% confidence intervals (CIs).51

Our secondary analysis aimed to ex-amine the association between cow’smilk intake and serum ferritin and 25-hydroxyvitamin D across various clinicalscenarios of gender, skin pigmentation,season, bottle use, and vitamin Dsupplementation. To accomplish this,biologically plausible interactions be-tween cow’smilk consumption and eachof the covariates were added to the bi-variate model developed for the pri-mary analysis. This model was thenused to examine how these interactionsmight modify the effect of cow’s milkintake onmedian serum ferritin and 25-hydroxyvitamin D, and estimate thevolume of cow’s milk required to main-tain 25-hydroxyvitamin D.75 nmol/L.

As this was an observational study,amoderateamountofmissingdatawasexpected. Although the data appearedmissing completely at random,multipleimputation was implemented to de-termine the effect of missing data. Be-cause of the inherent structure of themodel, the imputation was imple-mented by using marginal models, and5 datasets were used for each model.52

The resulting estimates were consis-tent, with the marginal model estimates

using complete case analysis, so re-ported results are from the completecase bivariate analysis.

Data were analyzed by using the Rproject for statistical computing.53 ThisTARGet Kids! study was approved by theresearch ethics board at The Hospitalfor Sick Children, and all parents ofparticipating children consented toparticipation in the study.


Of the 3396 children who consented toparticipate, venousbloodsamplingwasobtained in 1366 children; 1311 (96%)had CRP#10 and were included in theanalysis (see Fig 1). Seventy-six percentof children had complete survey, an-thropometric, and laboratory data.Mean daily cow’s milk intake was 460mL. Mean 25-hydroxyvitamin D was 88nmol/L (95% CI: 87–89 nmol/L); 35%(95% CI: 33%–38%) had 25-hydrox-yvitamin D,75 nmol/L and 6% (95% CI:5%–7%) had 25-hydroxyvitamin D ,50nmol/L. Mean ferritin was 31 mg/L; 4%(95% CI: 3%–5%) had ferritin,12 mg/L. Subject characteristics are pre-sented in Table 1. Imputation for miss-ing values did not change descriptivecharacteristics.

FIGURE 1Participant flow and recruitment.

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For the primary analysis, the adjustedbivariate model identified that in-creased cow’s milk consumption wasassociated with increased 25-hydrox-yvitamin D (P , .0001) and decreasedserum ferritin (P = .0001). Each cup(250 mL) of cow’s milk increased 25-hydroxyvitamin D on average by 6.5%(for example, a 5.5-nmol/L increasewas associated with an increase incow’s milk consumption from 2 to 3cups, 95% CI: 3.9–7.1) and decreasedserum ferritin on average by 3.6% (forexample, a 1-mg/L decrease was asso-ciated with an increase in cow’s milkconsumption from 2 to 3 cups, 95% CI:0.3–1.7). Children with serum ferritin,12 mg/L drank 130 mL more cow’smilk than children with serum ferritin$12mg/L (95% CI: 50–210 mL). VitaminD supplementation (P, .001), currentbottle use (P = .005), light skin pig-mentation (P , .001), summer season(P, .001), and lower zBMI (P = .005) allincreased 25-hydroxyvitamin D and

winter season increased serum ferri-tin (P = .01) (see Fig 2 and Table 2).

Our secondary analysis was to exam-ine the association between cow’smilk intake and serum ferritin and25-hydroxyvitamin D across variousclinical scenarios of gender, skinpigmentation, season, bottle use, andvitamin D supplementation.

For our secondary analysis, we exam-ined theassociationbetweencow’smilkintake and serum ferritin and 25-hydroxyvitamin D across various com-mon clinical scenarios (see Fig 3).Among children not using a bottle,cow’s milk consumption increasedmedian 25-hydroxyvitamin D and de-creased median serum ferritin asexpected (see Fig 3 A and B). Up to 2cups of cow’s milk per day resulted inmedian 25-hydroxyvitamin D.75 nmol/L, except for children with dark skinpigmentation (Fitzpatrick IV–VI) notreceiving vitamin D supplementationduring the winter who required 3 to 4cups of cow’s milk per day to maintain25-hydroxyvitamin D .75nmol/L (Fig3A).

Among children using a bottle, cow’smilk consumption did not increase me-dian 25-hydroxyvitamin D and resultedin more dramatic decreases in medianserum ferritin across all clinical sce-narios (see Fig 3 C and D). Essentially nomilk was needed to maintain median25-hydroxyvitamin D.75nmol/L amongchildren using a bottle.


Our findings suggest that there isa trade-off between increasing 25-hydroxyvitamin D and decreasing se-rumferritinwith increasingmilk intake;moreover, bottle use, gender, season,vitamin D supplementation, skin pig-mentation, and BMI were significantmodifiers of this trade-off. On average∼2 cups (500 mL) of cow’s milk per daywas sufficient to maintain median 25-hydroxyvitamin D .75 nmol/L withminimal impact on median serum fer-ritin; however, children with darkerskin pigmentation who did not receivevitamin D supplementation during thewinter required 3 to 4 cups of cow’smilkper day to maintain 25-hydroxyvitamin

TABLE 1 Population Characteristics

Subjects n = 1311

Age, mo, mean (SD) 48 (18)Male gender, n (%) 661 (51)Maternal education, n (%):Primary school 13(1)High school 114 (9)College or university 1105 (90)

BMI z-score, mean (SD) 0.27 (1.0)Overweight, n (%) 288 (22)Obese, n (%) 79(6)Ever breast fed, n (%) 1219 (93)Current breast feeding, n (%) 44(4)Current bottle use, n (%) 151(11)Daily milk intake, mL, mean (SD) 460 (310)Daily vitamin D

supplementation, n (%)743 (61)

Daily ironsupplementation, n (%)

163 (14)

Minutes of outdoorplay time/d, mean (SD)

62 (56)

Season (October–April), n (%) 679 (50)Skin pigmentation

(Fitzpatrick), n (%):I (lightest) 131 (10)II 537 (41)III 458 (35)IV 130 (10)V 26(2)VI (darkest) 25(2)

FIGURE 2The adjusted effect of cow’s milk intake on serum ferritin and 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Median serumferritin (mg/L) is presented on the x-axis and median 25-hydroxyvitamin D (nmol/L) is presented on they-axis. Colors represent cow’s milk intake: black 0 to 1 cup, blue 1 to 2 cups, green 2 to 3 cups, orange 3to 4 cups, and red 4 to 5 cups. Dashed colored lines represent 95% CIs. Dashed black line representsmedian 25-hydroxyvitamin D of 75 nmol/L. Data are presented for the average child.


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D .75 nmol/L with consequently alarger fall in serum ferritin. Amongchildren using a bottle, cow’smilk intakeappeared not to increase 25-hydrox-yvitamin D, yet had a more pronouncedeffect on reducing serum ferritin.

Vitamin D–fortified cow’smilk has beenidentified as the major dietary sourceof vitamin D for young children.54–56

Gordon et al11 found a 7-nmol/L in-crease in 25-hydroxyvitamin D per250-mL cup of cow’s milk in AfricanAmerican toddlers 12 to 24 months ofage during the winter months, which issimilar to our finding of 5-nmol/L in-crease per cup. A randomized con-trolled trial of vitamin D–fortified cow’smilk in toddlers in New Zealand founda 10-nmol/L increase in 25-hydrox-yvitamin D per 250 mL cup of vitamin D–fortified milk.57 Studies using nationalsurveys in the United States and Canadareported similar findings but could notquantify the effect per cup of cow’s milkowing to data limitations.56,58

Cow’s milk is believed to have a dose-dependent negative effect on ironstores in young children9,59–63; how-ever, to our knowledge, this effect hasnot been rigorously evaluated. In ad-dition, no other study has attempted toquantify the relative contribution ofcow’s milk consumption on both vita-min D and iron stores simultaneously.As the early years are critical for bothvitamin D– and iron-related health out-

comes, understanding combined, ratherthan independent, relationships be-tween these micronutrients has impor-tant practice and policy implications.

Our finding that cow’s milk consump-tion among children using a bottle notonly did not increase median 25-hydroxyvitamin D, but resulted in moredramatic decreases in median serumferritin, support a number of studiesthat have identified that children usinga bottle are at increased risk of irondeficiency.64–70 A possible explanationfor our findings could be parentalunderreporting of milk intake amongbottle users. Another is that fluidsother than milk in the bottle, like juice,do not contribute to vitamin D storesand may contribute to decreases inserum ferritin. Alternatively, any fluidintake from the bottle may replace vi-tamin D– and iron-containing solidfoods. Regardless, reported cow’s milkconsumption among children usinga bottle appears to have little benefit onmicronutrient stores, suggesting thatbottles should not be filled with cow’smilk or used at all in this age group.

Limitations of our study include theparent-reportednatureof ourexposureassessment (daily cow’s milk con-sumption), which may be subject torecall measurement error. Our pop-ulation of children was recruited dur-ing routine primary health care in thelargest Canadian city but may not be

representative of nonurban children orthose in other urban environments atother latitudes; however, the preva-lence of low vitamin D and iron storesin our population is similar to thatreported in other regions of Canadaand the United States.56,70–72 Some mayargue that the absolute effect of cow’smilk intake on median serum ferritinand 25-hydroxyvitamin D is small;however, at a population level theseeffects will result in undetected ironand vitamin D deficiency in a sizableproportion of children. Finally, becauseof the cross-sectional nature of ourstudy, we cannot determine causality inthe relationship between volume ofcow’s milk consumption, vitamin D, andiron stores.

Our findings are consistent with bothAAP recommendations of milk intakedepending on the clinical scenario.7,40

For most children, 2 cups (500 mL) ofcow’s milk per day was sufficient tomaintain healthy vitamin D stores withminimal impact on serum ferritin,which is consistent with AAP BrightFutures Guidelines.40 Children withdarker skin pigmentation not receivingvitamin D supplementation during thewinter required up to 4 cups (1000 mL)of cow’s milk to maintain healthy vita-min D stores, which is consistent withAAP guidelines on preventing vitamin Ddeficiency.7 However, 4 cups of cow’smilk resulted in a larger decrease in

TABLE 2 Effect of Clinically Important Variables on 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Serum Ferritin

Clinical Variable Percent Changein Ferritin

Change in MedianFerritin mg/L(95% CI)a,b

P Value Percent Change in25-Hydroxyvitamin D

Change in Median 25-hydroxyvitaminD nmol/L(95% CI)a,b

P Valuea

Milk intake, per cup 23.6% 21.0 (20.3 to 21.7) ,.0001c 6.5% 5.5 (3.9 to 7.1) ,.0001c

Male gender 2.7% 0.7 (20.9 to 1.7) .38 22.0% 21.7 (25.0 to 1.8) .34Vitamin Dsupplementation, yes

20.8% 20.2 (22.0 to 1.7) .82 13.2% 11.7 (6.7 to 15.4) ,.0001c

Iron supplementation, yes 22.8% 20.8 (23.2 to 1.8) .54 21.7% 21.4 (26.4 to 4.0) .60Outdoor free play, 60 min/d 22.9% 20.8 (21.7 to 0.1) .06 1.4% 1.2 (20.7 to 3.0) .22Bottle use, yes 27.5% 22.1 (24.5 to 0.5) .12 10.1% 8.5 (2.5 to 14.9) .005c

Dark skin, Fitzpatrick IV–VI 2.3% 0.7 (21.6 to 3.1) .58 29.9% 28.3 (212.4 to 4.0) .0003c

Season, winter 8.0% 2.3 (0.43 to 4.2) .01c 210.7% 29.0 (212.1 to 5.6) ,.0001c

zBMI, unit 1.6% 0.5 (20.5 to 1.3) .28 22.9% 22.4 (24.0 to 20.75) .005c

a Effect sizes shown for children with a milk intake of 2 cups (500 mL).b Negative values indicate a decrease in serum level, positive values indicate an increase in serum level.c Statistically significant effects.

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serum ferritin, highlighting the impor-tance of vitamin D supplementationduring the winter among children withdarker skin pigmentation to maintainvitamin D stores. Cow’s milk consump-tion among bottle users had no positiveeffect on either micronutrient, sug-gesting that bottle use is not helpful formicronutrient status in this age group.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe following clinical site investigatorsparticipated in the TARGetKids! Col-laboration: Tony Barozzino, DouglasCampbell, Brian Chisamore, KaroonDanayan, AnhDo,Mark Feldman, SloaneFreeman, Moshe Ipp, Sheila Jacobson,Eddy Lau, SharonNaymark, Patricia Nee-lands, Michael Peer, Marty Perlmutar,

Navindra Persaud, Michelle Porepa, AlanaRosenthal, Janet Saunderson, MichaelSgro, SusanShepherd, andCarolynTaylor.

We also thank Azar Azad, Tonya D’Amour,Julie DeGroot, Kanthi Kavikondala,Tarandeep Malhi, Magda Melo, SubithaRajakumaran, Juela Sejdo, and LaurieThompson for administrative and techni-cal support for the TARGetKids! program.


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2. US Department of Agriculture. USDA food pyr-amid. 2011. Available at: AccessedApril 21, 2012

3. World Health Organization. WHO Techni-cal Report Series 916. Diet, nutrition andthe prevention of chronic diseases. 2003.Available at:

FIGURE 3Effect of cow’s milk intake on serum ferritin and 25-hydroxyvitamin D in multiple scenarios. Median serum ferritin (mg/L) is presented on the x-axis andmedian 25-hydroxyvitamin D (nmol/L) is presented on the y-axis. A and B display model results for children not currently using a bottle versus C and D forchildren using a bottle. A and C describe model results for children with dark skin pigmentation versus B and D for children with light skin pigmentation.Colors represent cow’s milk intake: black 0 to 1 cup, blue 1 to 2 cups, green 2 to 3 cups, orange 3 to 4 cups, and red 4 to 5 cups. The dashed line representsmedian 25-hydroxyvitamin D of 75 nmol/L. Lines identified by the triangle represent summer season (May–September) and lines identified by the circlerepresent children receiving vitamin D supplementation. The dashed line represents median 25-hydroxyvitamin D of 75 nmol/L.


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(Continued from first page)

PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).

Copyright © 2013 by the American Academy of Pediatrics

FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.

FUNDING: Overall support for the TARGet Kids! program was provided by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Human Development, Child andYouth Health and the Institute Nutrition Metabolism and Diabetes, as well as the St. Michael’s Hospital Foundation. This study was supported in part by theCanadian Institutes of Health Research. The Paediatric Outcomes Research Team is supported by a grant from The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation. Thesefunding organizations were not involved in any of the following: design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data;and preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript.


PEDIATRICS Volume 131, Number 1, January 2013 e151 at Indonesia:AAP Sponsored on February 13, 2013pediatrics.aappublications.orgDownloaded from

DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-1793; originally published online December 17, 2012;Pediatrics

Muhammad Mamdani, Catherine S. Birken and Patricia C. ParkinJonathon L. Maguire, Gerald Lebovic, Sharmilaa Kandasamy, Marina Khovratovich,

ChildhoodThe Relationship Between Cow's Milk and Stores of Vitamin D and Iron in Early


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