Pediatric and internal examination

1. Task-The child is 6 months old,is sick for 3 days,the sickness started with nasal discharge and coughing.The temperature is 37.5*C.The mother supplied the child with Byceptole in the evening.The face of the child got swallen in the next morning,the eyelids and lips have edema.What can all these changes be explained with? A) Born mixedema B) Adenovirus infection C) Renal illness D) Edema without protein E) Angioneurotic edema 2. The patient has a squeezing pain behind the breastbone, which has appeared during physical activity. It lasts 50-60 minutes, not relieved by Nitroglycerin. What is the diagnosis? A) Myocarditis B) Angina pectoris C) Neuralgia D) Aortitis E) Myocardial infarction 3. Character of the percussion sound over the smooth-wall cavity 6 cm in diameter is: A) Tympanic B) Muffled C) Resonant D) Dull E) Metallic 4. Both tones of heart gets strong in: 1) Pericarditis 2) Physical alertness 3) Lung emphysema 4) Cardiomyopathy 5) Neurosis A) 1, 2 B) 2, 4

Transcript of Pediatric and internal examination

Page 1: Pediatric and internal examination

1. Task-The child is 6 months old,is sick for 3 days,the sickness started with nasal

discharge and coughing.The temperature is 37.5*C.The mother supplied the childwith Byceptole in the evening.The face of the child got swallen in the nextmorning,the eyelids and lips have edema.What can all these changes be explained


A) Born mixedema

B) Adenovirus infection

C) Renal illness

D) Edema without protein

E) Angioneurotic edema

2. The patient has a squeezing pain behind the breastbone, which has appearedduring physical activity. It lasts 50-60 minutes, not relieved by Nitroglycerin. What isthe diagnosis?

A) Myocarditis

B) Angina pectoris

C) Neuralgia

D) Aortitis

E) Myocardial infarction

3. Character of the percussion sound over the smooth-wall cavity 6 cm in diameteris:

A) Tympanic

B) Muffled

C) Resonant

D) Dull

E) Metallic

4. Both tones of heart gets strong in:

1) Pericarditis

2) Physical alertness

3) Lung emphysema

4) Cardiomyopathy

5) Neurosis

A) 1, 2

B) 2, 4

Page 2: Pediatric and internal examination

C) 2, 5

D) 1, 5

E) 3, 5

5. During palpation of the of heart region the apex beat is located in the sixthintercostal space on the left midclavicular line, it is diffuse, high, resistant. Over thebase of heart simultaneously with the apex beat systolic purring thrill is define

A) These are characteristic for:

B) Mitral valve insufficiency

C) Mitral stenosis

D) Incompetence of aortic valve

E) Aortic stenosis

6. Which breathing is physiological in a newborn?

A) Weakened vesicular

B) Bronchial

C) Amphoric

D) Puerile

E) Breathing hard

7. Physiological properties in infants:

1) Easily injured

2) Regulation of local temperature is sufficient?

3) Respiration is weak

4) Desquamation of the skin

5) Ability of resoption is high

A) 1, 2, 3, 4

B) 2, 3, 4, 5

C) 2, 3, 4

D) 1, 4, 5

E) 1, 2, 4

8. The systolic murmur is not heard in:

A) stenosis of the right atrioventricular orifice

B) aortic stenosis

C) tricuspid valve insufficiency

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D) mitral valve insufficiency

E) stenosis of pulmonary artery

9. “Quail rhythm” can be detected:

A) Incompetence of the mitral valve

B) In mitral stenosis

C) Incompetence of aortic valve

D) In aortic stenosis

E) Incompetence of the tricuspid valve

10. Morphological features of the skin at really aged children:

1) Corneal layer Is well developed

2) Cells of corneal layers are weakly connected to each other

3) In basal layer the elements of connective tissue aren’t numerous

4) Granular layer is well developed

5) In basal layer epithelial cells are divided intensive

A) 1, 3, 5

B) 2, 3, 4

C) 2, 3, 5

D) 1, 3, 4

E) 2, 4, 5

11. In norm height of the apex of lung in front is:

A) on the level of clavicle

B) for 8 sm upper from the clavicle

C) for 3-4 sm upper from the clavicle

D) for 1 sm upper from the clavicle

E) 1 sm below of the clavicle

12. Number of heart beats at the age of 8 in a minute

A) 100

B) 90

C) 80

D) 110

E) 70

13. Upper expansion of relative dullness of heart observed :

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1) Hypertrophy of right ventricular

2) Mitral insufficiency

3) Stenosis of mitral hole

4) Deficiency of aorta valves

5) Ventricular septal defect

A) 1, 3

B) 4, 5

C) 2, 4

D) 1, 2

E) 2, 3

14. Causes of hyperglycemic coma:

A) insufficient caloric content of daily dietary intake

B) insufficient injection of insulin

C) diet

D) dehydration as result of diarrhea

E) excessive injection of insulin

15. Inhallation is prolonged in the presence of:

A) Abnormalities in medium bronchi

B) Cavity in lung communicated with bronchus via narrow aperture

C) Increasing of airiness of pulmonary tissue

D) Stenosis of the larynx or trachea

E) Spasm of small bronchi

16. Newborn’s body length increases 3 times

A) at the age of 10 years

B) at the age of 12 years

C) at the age of 9 years

D) at the age of 11 years

E) at the age of 13 years

17. Is not characteristic for acute left ventricular failure :

A) Palpitation

B) Ortopnea

C) Peripheral edemas

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D) Skin hyperemia

E) Foamy pink sputum

18. Occurrence the pains in 2,5-3 hours after meal is typical for the pathology of:

A) Duodenum

B) Gallbladder

C) Transverse colon

D) Stomach

E) Liver

19. Physiological glycosuria is observed in:

A) emotional stress

B) myxedema

C) chronic glomerulonephritis

D) diabetes mellitus

E) Itsenko-Cushing’s syndrome

20. Basic pathophysiological mechanism of bronchial asthma attack is:

A) obturation of the fine bronchi

B) inflammation, oedema of mucous membrane of bronchi, bronchospasm

C) fluid accumulation in pleural cavity

D) air accumulation in pleural cavity

E) purulent process

21. Signs of the paralytic form of the thorax:

A) Ribs are wide, intercostal spaces - narrow

B) Ribs are narrow, intercostal spaces - wide

C) Flattening of the thorax

D) İncreasing of anteroposterior sizes of the thorax

E) Epigastric angle is more 90 degree

22. Liver sizes by Kurlov are:

A) 11-9-7 sm

B) 11-10-9 sm

C) 9-8-7 sm

D) 10-9-8 sm

E) 12-11-10 sm

23. Respiratory rate of a 5 year old child in one minute:

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A) 35

B) 40

C) 20

D) 16-18

E) 25

24. In gall-bladder disease is not revealed:

A) Murphy’s symptom

B) Ortner’s symptom

C) Moessi-Georgievski’s symptom

D) Kehr's symptom

E) Pasternatsky symptom

25. The main respiratory murmur is

A) Amphoric respiration

B) Rales

C) Pleural friction rub

D) Crepitation

E) Vesicular respiration

26. Analysis of ECG doesn’t reveal:

A) heart rate

B) conductivity disorders

C) hypertrophy of atriums and ventricles

D) dilatation of ventricles

E) ischemia and necrosis in myocardium

27. Atropy of percution sound occurs in the Trauble space:

A) During upper part pneumonia of the left side

B) In the case of exudare in the right pleural cavity

C) During upper part pneumonia of the right side

D) In the case of exudate in the left pleural cavity

E) During pneumoscleroz

28. Anamnesis morbi includes

A) Onset of disease

B) Housing conditions

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C) Past illnesses

D) Professional diseases

E) Harmful habits

29. Anatomic closure of ductus arteriosus occurs:

A) At the end of fetal period

B) Close to birth

C) In the 2nd month of life

D) At the end of first year.

E) In the 6th month of life

30. Which features are characteristic for neuropsychological development for 4

months infant

1) Giggling for long time

2) Knows mother

3) Sits well

4) Turns from spine to side

5) Turns from abdomen to back ward

A) 3, 4, 5

B) 2, 3, 5

C) 1, 2, 4

D) 1, 2, 5

E) 1, 3, 5

31. Exophthalmos is characteristic for:

A) myxedema

B) nodular goiter with hyporthyroidism

C) diabetes mellitus

D) diffuse goiter with hyperthyroidism

E) lymphatic leukemia

32. Normal chest type is

A) Asthenic

B) Boatshaped

C) Funnel-shaped

D) Paralytic

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E) Emphysematous

33. One of the following causes often of pulmonary atelectasis in newborn:

1) Narrowness of bronchioles

2) Immaturity of cartilages

3) Immaturity of connective tissue

4) Poor development of elastic tissue

5) For the substance surfactant being in a small amount

A) 3, 5

B) 1, 4, 5

C) 2, 3, 4

D) 1, 3, 4

E) 2, 5

34. Diameter of vascular bundle is:

A) 3-4sm

B) 5-6sm

C) 7 -8sm

D) 2-3sm

E) 4-5sm

35. Weakening of the vocal fremitus is not observed in:

A) Pleuritis

B) Pneumosclerosis

C) Emphysema

D) Рheumothorax

E) Obturatory atelectasis

36. İs not risk factor for atherosclerosis:

A) underweight

B) hypertension

C) diabetes

D) hyperlipidemia

E) smoking

37. Weight deficiency in the 1-st degree of hypotrophy

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A) 10-20

B) 5-8

C) 8-10

D) 20-30

E) more than 30

38. For the Chronic Right Ventricular Heart failure is not characteristic:

A) Assitis

B) Acrocyanosis

C) Peripheral edemas

D) Ortopnoe

E) Facies Corvisare

39. Features of the apex beat are:

A) Frequency

B) Filling

C) İrradiatio

D) Localization

E) Rhythm

40. Lymphocytosis is:

A) Decrease in the number of lymphocytes in blood

B) Decrease in the number of monocytes in blood

C) An abnormal increase in the number of lymphocytes in blood

D) Increase in the number of monocytes in blood

E) increase of the number of eosinophils in blood

41. Pathological splitting of the 1st cardiac sound is observed in:

A) Atrioventricular heart block

B) Aortic valve incompetence

C) Blockade of the of bundle of His

D) Atrial fibrillation

E) Sinoauricular block

42. Exophthalmos is:

A) pain in eye-balls

B) protrusion of the eyeballs

C) gritty feeling in eyes

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D) prolapse of the eyelid

E) edema of eyelids

43. Presence of a considerable quantity of the digested and undigested grains ofstarch in faces is called:

A) Steatorrhea

B) Creatorrhea

C) Ascaridosis

D) Amylorrhea

E) Melena

44. Abnormal curving of the spine to the side - and backward is:

A) Kyphosсoliosis

B) Kypholordosis

C) Kyphosis

D) Scoliosis

E) Lordosis

45. Pulsus mollis is characteristic for:

A) Aortic insufficiency

B) Arterial hypertension

C) Mitral insufficiency

D) ventricular premature beats

E) Arterial hypotension

46. Unilateral protrusion or expansion of the chest is observed in:

A) Atelectasis of lungs

B) Fibrotic changes in lungs

C) Cavity in the lung

D) Pulmonary emphysema

E) Fluid and air accumulation in pleural cavity

47. Formation of functional murmur is related to:

1) Increase in the velocity of blood flow

2) Decrease in the tone of heart muscles

3) Hypothyreosis

4) Narrowing of mitral hole

5) Anemia

A) 1, 2, 3

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B) 3, 4,5

C) 1, 3, 5

D) 2, 4, 5

E) 1, 2, 5

48. Which signs are characteristic for the insufficiency of aortal valves:

1) Cyanosis of skin

2) Pale of skin

3) Dilataion of relative bluntness of heart to the left side

4) Dilataion of relative bluntness of heart to the right side

5) Loud second sound on aorta

6) Caroitid pulsation

A) 1, 3, 6

B) 2, 4, 5

C) 3, 5, 6

D) 1, 4, 6

E) 2, 3, 6

49. Rules of the comparative percussion of lungs:

A) Percussion is performed in one side

B) Examination is started from the back surface of the chest

C) Percussion is performed in a bottom-up direction

D) Tapping strictly on symmetric sites of the chest

E) Examination is started from lateral surface of the thorax

50. In children under one year old which segments are ventilated poorly in lungs?

1) Second

2) Eight

3) Sixth

4) Tenth

5) Third

A) 1, 3, 5

B) 3, 4, 5

C) 2, 4, 5

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D) 2, 3, 4

E) 1, 3, 4

51. Anasarca is:

A) edema of the entire organism with fluid accumulation in serous cavities

B) liquid in abdominal cavity

C) liquid in pericardial cavity

D) liquid in pleural cavity

E) edema of foot and ankles

52. For ascitis is not characteristic:

A) Umbilical hernia

B) Frog-shaped belly in horizontal position

C) Well-defined venous network on the anterior abdominal wall

D) Fuctuation symptom

E) Ingrowth of navel

53. If influences on child’s growth α development since 11 years

1) Somatotrop

2) Thyroxin

3) Androgenez

4) Insulin

A) 1, 2

B) 1

C) 1, 4

D) 2, 4

E) 2, 3

54. Borders of the lower edge of lungs on the right parasternal line is located on the:

A) Upper edge of the 6 rib

B) Upper edge of the 5 rib

C) Lower edge of the 5 rib

D) Lower edge of the 7 rib

E) Lower edge of the 6 rib

55. Cheyne-Stokes respiration is characterized with:

A) Prolonged exhalation

B) Prolonged inspiration

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C) Short inspiration

D) Short exhalation

E) Gradual increasing and gradual decreasing of breath

56. Increasing of the airiness of lungs is characteristic for:

A) Cavity in the lungs, connected with bronchus

B) Pulmonary emphysema

C) Pneumothorax

D) Pleural effusion

E) Dry pleuritis

57. Sign typical for mitral valve insufficiency is:

A) Systolic murmur with a decreasing character on the apex

B) Systolic murmur on the apex with an increasing character

C) Murmur with radiation to the right axillary area

D) Diastolic murmur on the apex

E) Murmur without radiation

58. Auscultative sign of the smooth-walled cavity in the lung:

A) Moist rales

B) Dry rales

C) "Amphoric" bronchial respiration

D) Weakened vesicular respiration

E) Crepitation

59. The pulse pressure is:

A) maximal systolic pressure

B) minimal systolic pressure

C) maximal diastolic pressure

D) difference between systolic and diastolic pressure

E) minimal diastolic pressure

60. For the left axis deviation is characteristic:

A) R111 > R11 > R1

B) R 11> R1 > R111

C) R 11< R1 < R111

D) R11 < R111 < R1

E) R1 > R11 > R111

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61. The left border of the absolute cardiac dullness is detected in the 5th intercostalspace

A) 2,0 sm outside from the left it is midclavicular line

B) 2,0 sm inside from the left midclavicular line

C) 1,0 sm inside from the left it is midclavicular line

D) On the left midclavicular line

E) 1,0 sm outside from the left midclavicular line

62. Pulsation in the right ventricular area characterized by systolic retraction anddiastolic protrusion of the chest is characteristics for:

A) Tricuspid valve incompetence

B) Mitral valve incompetence

C) Mitral stenosis

D) Aortic stenosis

E) Aortic valve incompetence

63. The main auscultation phenomenon in diagnostics of dry pleurisy is presenceof:

A) Fine bubbling moist rales

B) Bronchial respiration

C) Dry rales

D) Crepitation

E) Pleural friction rub

64. Characteristic features of the grey fat tissue

1) Participates in the heat generating during the first days of life

2) Disappears immediately during starvation

3) Disappears in the end during starvation

4) Participates in the heat generating in the first year of life

5) Constitutes 1-3% of the children body mass

A) 2, 4

B) 2, 4, 5

C) 3, 4, 5

D) 1, 3, 5

E) 1, 2, 5

65. Quantity of platelets decreases in:

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A) Pain syndrome

B) Hemorrhagic syndrome

C) Asthenoneurotic syndrome

D) Hypertension syndrome

E) Fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity

66. Full closure of foramen ovale hole usually occurs in most children:

A) At the end of 1st year

B) During newborn period

C) in the 3rd month

D) In the 2nd month

E) In the 6th month

67. Is positive enlargement of paratracheal lymph nodes?

A) Arkavin

B) Symptom of Korani de lya Kamp

C) Filatov

D) Filosofov

E) Trusso

68. Number of heart beat at the age of 10 ( in a minute)

A) 115

B) 95

C) 105

D) 80

E) 70

69. Cardiogenic shock often is complication of:

A) Focal pneumonia

B) Myocardial infarction

C) Acute bronchitis

D) Gastric ulcer

E) Stable angina

70. When do the properties if conditioned reflex 9 formation appear?

A) Immediately after birth

B) During the 3rd week of the life

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C) In the 2nd month

D) In the 3rd month

E) In the 4th month

71. What colour is newborn’s skin with the first 2 days

1) Red

2) Pale

3) A bit edematic

4) Amount of fluid is a little

5) Yellowish

A) 1, 3

B) 2, 3

C) 3, 5

D) 4, 5

E) 1, 4

72. Sign of mitral stenosis is:

A) Dilation of the right border of relative cardiac dullness upwards and to the right

B) The apex beat is located in a typical place, is diffuse, refractory, and high

C) Apex beat is located in the 6th intercostal space

D) Systolic purring thrill on the apex

E) Diastolic purring thrill over the aorta

73. Acute phlegmonous gastritis is caused by:

A) alcohol abuse

B) spoiled, poor-quality food

C) presence in the organism of the septic focus

D) Helicobacter pylori

E) ingestion of caustic alkalis, acids

74. Tourniquet test is used for the diagnostics of:

A) pneumonia

B) myocardial infarction

C) cholelithiasis

D) glomerulonephritis

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E) thrombocytopenia

75. Signs of aortic stenosis:

A) Heart beating

B) Apex beat is limited, low, not refractory

C) Diastolic purring thrill on the aorta

D) Systolic purring thrill on the apex

E) Apex beat is displaced to the left and downwards

76. Increasing of the systolic and decreasing of the diastolic arterial pressure istypical for:

A) Aortic stenosis

B) Mitral valve incompetence

C) Tricuspid valve incompetence

D) Aortic valve incompetence

E) Mitral stenosis

77. Diffuse apex beat is revealed in:

A) Pulmonary emphysema

B) Esophageal tumors

C) Lung abcess

D) Incompetence of the tricuspid valve

E) Incompetence of the mitral valve

78. Dysphagia is characterized by:

A) Diarrhea

B) Eructation with air and food

C) Difficulty in deglutition

D) Heartburn

E) Vomiting

79. Is not a sign of the portal hypertension:

A) Varicose expansion of hemorrhoidal veins

B) Varicose expansion of esophageal veins

C) Splenamegaly

D) Varicose expansion of the anterior abdominal wall veins

E) Shifting of mediastinal organs to the affected side

80. It refers to transitor rudimentary reflexes in newborns

1) Galant’s response

2) Grasping reflex (Robinson s responsE)

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3) Cortical (or corticovisceral) reflex

4) Kernik’s reflex

5) Landau’s reflex

A) 1, 4, 5

B) 1, 2, 3

C) 2, 4, 5

D) 1, 2, 4

E) 3, 4, 5

81. Is not a pathological form of the chest:

A) paralytic

B) barrel shaped

C) emphysematous

D) hypersthenic

E) boatshaped

82. Is not typical for cardiogenic shock:

A) Disturbances of consciousness

B) Cold sweat

C) Hyperemia of integuments

D) Pallor of integuments

E) Acrocyanosis

83. Inspiratory breathlessness happens in children:

A) In pleurit

B) In foreng body

C) In bronchial asthma

D) In bronchopneumonia

E) In bronchiolitis

84. On examionation of arterial pulse “pulsus differens” is revealeD) This is typicalfor:

A) Mitral valve incompetence

B) Aortic valve incompetence

C) Aortic stenosis

D) Mitral stenosis

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E) Tricuspid valve incompetence

85. Dryness of the skin is observed

1) In atrophy

2) In rachitis

3) Mixideme

4)A avitamonosis

5) Pneumonia

A) 1, 2, 5

B) 1, 2, 3

C) 1, 4, 5

D) 2, 3, 4

E) 1, 3, 4

86. Hepatic anemia is not characteristic for:

A) Toxic damaging of liver

B) Virus hepatitis B

C) Liver cirrhosis

D) Septic endocarditis

E) Primary cancer of liver

87. Leukocytosis is not found in:

A) pleuritis

B) sepsis

C) cholesystitis

D) pneumonia

E) radiation illness

88. Melena is typical for:

A) Ulcerative colitis

B) Anal fissure

C) Bleeding hemorrhoids

D) Colon cancer

E) Gastric bleeding

89. Additional respiratory murmurs are:

A) Rales, crepitation

B) Rough respiration

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C) Vesicular respiration

D) Amphoric respiration

E) Bronchial respiration

90. Maturing of alveoles is completed:

A) At the age of 8 years

B) At the age of 5 years

C) In the time of birth

D) At the age of 2 month.

E) At the age of 2 years

91. This is not concern to arrhythmias:

A) excitability disorders

B) automaticity disorder

C) conductivity disorder

D) contraction disorders

E) filling disturbances

92. Decreasing of erythrocyte sedimentation rate is characteristic for:

A) Pyelonephritis

B) Pneumonia

C) Gastric ulcer

D) Myocardial infarction

E) Rheumatism

93. Which symptoms are characteristic for meningitis?

1) Babinsky’s symptom

2) Kerning’s symptom

3) Trunk reflex

4) Brudzinsky’s symptom

5) Galant symptom

A) 2, 3

B) 1, 5

C) 2, 5

D) 2, 4

E) 1, 4

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94. ECG signs of the left ventricular hypertrophy:

A) decrease of R-wave in V5-V6 chest lead

B) increase of R-wave in the III lead

C) increase of R-wave in aVF

D) increase of R-wave in the I lead

E) increase of R-wave in V1-V2 chest leads

95. It is characteristic for organic murmur:

1) Having relations with tones

2) Having no relations with tones

3) Strong musical tembre

4) Usually is low frequency

5) Usually is high frequency

A) 1, 3, 5

B) 2, 3, 4

C) 2, 3

D) 2, 3, 5

E) 1, 3, 4

96. The first component of 1st cardiac sound on phonocardiography is:

A) Vascular component

B) Valvular component

C) Atrial component

D) Arterial component

E) Muscular component

97. The increasing in the airiness of the lung on percussion is characterized by:

A) muffled sound

B) bandbox sound

C) metallic sound

D) dull sound

E) tympanic sound

98. Intensifying of a vocal fremitus is observed in:

A) Increasing of air in the lungs

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B) The first stage of pneumonia

C) Air accumulation in the pleural cavities

D) Pulmonary infarction, pneumonia

E) Fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity

99. An abnormal decrease in the number of basophils is:

A) basophilia

B) eosinopenia

C) neutropenia

D) lymphopenia

E) eosinophilia

100. Until which time larynx is remained in funnel form and glottis is narrow?

A) Until the age of 12 years

B) Until age of 3 years

C) Until the age of 6-7 years

D) Until the age of 15 years

E) Until 1 year

101. Is not a sign of hepatic jaundice:

A) Appearance of urobilin in urine

B) Increasing of stercobilin content in feces

C) Decreasing of stercobilin content in feces

D) Appearance of bilirubin in urine

E) Increasing of free and bound bilirubin in blood

102. Maturation of bronchial pulmonary tissue is completed:

A) At the age of 5

B) At the age of 15

C) At the age of 2

D) At the age of 12

E) At the age of 7-8

103. Normal number of the platelets in blood:

A) (180-320)109/l

B) (400-500)109/l

C) (520-640)109/l

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D) (640-820)109/l

E) (360-480)109 /l

104. In which area Korani de lya Kamp's symptom is positive in increase of

bronchial lymph nodes in preschool child’s:

A) III thorax vertebra

B) II thorax vertebra

C) V thorax vertebra

D) IV thoracic vertebra

E) I thoracic vertebra

105. White cell count does not include:

A) neutrophils

B) monocytes

C) eosinophils

D) lymphocytes

E) erythrocytes

106. The apex beat is normally located:

A) 1-1,5 sm inwardly from the right midclavicular line

B) In the fifth intercostal space 1-1,5 sm inwardly from the left midclavicular line

C) In the seventh intercostal space

D) 1-1,5 sm outwardly from the left midclavicular line

E) In the sixth intercostal space 1-1,5 sm inwardly from the right midclavicular line

107. Represents in the formation of the first breathing:

1) PO2 decreasing

2) PCO2 increasing

3) Warmly irritation of skin receptors

4) Pain irritation of skin receptors

5) Acidosis

A) 3, 4, 5

B) 2, 3, 4

C) 2, 4, 5

D) 1, 4, 5

E) 1, 2, 5

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108. Beginning of main veins gets equal:

A) At the age of 5

B) At the age of 12

C) At the age of 7

D) At the age of 9

E) At the moment of birth

109. Pathological glycosuria is observed in:

A) hypothyroidism

B) Itsenko-Cushing’s syndrome

C) physical exertion

D) after the excessive carbohydrates intake

E) emotional stress

110. For anaphylactic shock is not characteristic:

A) Urticaria

B) Development of reaction in 24 hours after the allergen introduction

C) Vascular collapse

D) Obstruction of respiratory tract

E) Angioneurotic edema

111. Sign typical for esophageal diseases:

A) Meteorism

B) Sickness

C) Bitter taste in a mouth

D) Diarrhea

E) Dysphagia

112. Hematuria is not found in:

A) nephrolithiasais

B) pyelonephritis

C) renal infarct

D) glomerulonephritis

E) malignant neoplasm of kidneys

113. Right border of relative dullness of heart in child at the age of 9-10years:

A) In the middle between right parasternal and sternal lines

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B) Outside from right parasternal line

C) On the right parasternal line

D) On the right sternal line

E) A little inside from right parasternal line

114. Signs which are not characteristic for bronchial asthma:

A) inspiratory dyspnea

B) air lack sensation

C) excretion of sticky, viscid sputum after the asthma attack

D) paroxysmal cough

E) expiratory dyspnea

115. On visual examination the patient has severe cyanotic edemas in the lowerextremities, appear towards the evening. Pressing by a finger causes pitching which

flattens slowly. It is typical for diseases of:

A) Abdominal cavity organs

B) Thyroid gland

C) Cardiovascular system

D) Locomotive system

E) Kidneys

116. Body temperature, which is typical for the onset of lobar pneumonia:

A) 36-370C

B) 38-390C

C) 37-37,50C

D) 35-360C

E) less than 350C

117. Percussion "hip dullness" is determined:

A) In bronchitis

B) Pneumothorax

C) At the beginning of croupous pneumonia

D) In bronchopneumonia

E) In exudative [wet] pleurisy

118. Enhancing of the vocal fremitus is not characteristic for:

A) pneumothorax

Page 26: Pediatric and internal examination

B) pulmonary infarction

C) infiltrating tuberculosis

D) compression atelectasis

E) pneumonia

119. Level of the blood pressure in arterial hypertension I degree:

A) 140/90-159/99mmHg

B) more than 180/110mmHg

C) 160/100-179/109mmHg

D) 130/80-139/89mmHg

E) 120/70-130/80mmHg

120. Left border of relative dullness of heart in child at the age of 4 years:

A) 3 cm outcide from left breast line

B) On the left parasternal line

C) 1-2 cm outside from left breast line

D) On the left breast line

E) 1-2 cm inside from left breast line

121. In quiet children breathing rate oscillates (in peaceful situation) from averageage norm:

A) 15%

B) 10%

C) 5%

D) 25%

E) 20%

122. Acute corrosive gastritis is caused by:

A) alcohol abuse

B) spoiled, poor-quality food

C) Helicobacter pylori

D) ingestion of alkali , acids

E) presence in the organism of septic focus

123. Korani de lya Kamp's symptom is determined:

A) On handle of breastbone by percussion

Page 27: Pediatric and internal examination

B) On the middle axillaries line by percussion

C) On paravertebral line by percussion

D) In auscultatory paravertebral area

E) On edge extracts of vertebras by percussion

124. Roseola:

A) it is 2-5 mm spot of inflammatory origin

B) it is 5-10 mm spot of inflammatory origin

C) it is 1-2 mm spot of inflammatory origin

D) point shaped apoplexy

E) it is 2-5 mm hemorrage ( apoplexy)

125. The complaint, which is not characteristic for diseases of esophagus:

A) dysphagia

B) bleeding

C) heartburn

D) diarrhea

E) vomiting

126. Symptom, which is typical for chronic gastritis:

A) hemorrhage

B) spider naevi

C) nausea

D) fever

E) jaundice

127. Interventricular partition is formed:

A) At the end of 4th week of embryonic period

B) At the end of 5th week of embryonic period

C) At the end of 6th week of embryonic period

D) At the end of 3rd week of embryonic period

E) At the end of 2nd week of embryonic period

128. This is not a cardiac murmur:

A) splashing sound

B) diastolic murmur

Page 28: Pediatric and internal examination

C) systolic murmur

D) pleuropericardial rub

E) pericardial friction rub

129. Diagnostic technique in chronic calculous cholecystitis is:

A) oesaphagogastroduodenoscopy

B) duodenal drainage

C) Ultrasonography

D) gastric drainage

E) radioisotope scanning

130. By which reflexes is muscular tonus estimated in newborns?

1) Search reflex

2) Sucking reflex

3) Tonic labirint

4) Symmetric tonic cervical reflex

5) asymmetric tonic cervical reflex

A) 1, 3, 5

B) 3, 4, 5

C) 2, 4, 5

D) 1, 3, 4

E) 1, 2, 3

131. For infective endocarditis are not characteristic:

A) Positive Konchalovski-Rumple-Leede’s symptom

B) Nails in the form of watch glasses

C) Facies mitralis

D) Yellowish-grey skin (coffee with milk)

E) Clubbing fingers

132. Signs of gastric dyspepsia:

A) Nausea

B) Constipation

C) Meteorism

D) Blood spitting

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E) Diarrhea

133. Symptoms are not characteristic for lobular pneumonia:

A) debility

B) chest pain in breathing

C) cough with excretion of rusty sputum

D) dyspnea

E) cough with mucopurulent sputum

134. Normal ratio between of daily and nocturnal dieresis is:

A) 2:1

B) 4:3

C) 1:2

D) 3:1

E) 1:4

135. In dry pleurisy the pain is aggravated:

A) during the deep inhalation

B) by the position on the affected side

C) by a deep exhalation

D) during the daytime

E) by the decrease of body temperature

136. Auscultative phenomenon related to the pathological process in lungs:

A) bronchial respiration over the trachea

B) harsh respiration

C) bronchial respiration over the larynx

D) vesicular respiration

E) puerile respiration

137. ECG signs of the right ventricular hypertrophy:

A) decrease R-wave in the III lead

B) increase of R-wave in the I lead

C) increase R-wave in V3-V6 chest leads

D) increase of R-wave in aVL

E) increase of R-wave in the III lead

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138. Anamnesis vitae doesn't include:

A) Previous diseases

B) Harmful habits

C) Housing conditions

D) Hereditary anamnesis

E) Effectiveness of the previous treatment

139. Signs of biliary colic are:

A) acute and stubbing pains in right hypochondrium

B) dull aches in the right hypochondrium

C) dull aches in left hypochondrium

D) irradiation of the pain to the right leg

E) quiet behaviour of the patient

140. In the patient with pleural effusion on visual examination is defined

A) Unilateral protrusion of the chest in the affected side

B) Barrel shaped chest

C) Unilateral protrusion of the chest in the healthy side

D) Retraction of the intercostal spaces on inspiration

E) Orthopnea position

141. Cyanosis of the skin may be:

A) In Fallo disease

B) In aortal defects

C) In acute abdomen

D) In respiratory distress syndrome

E) In laryngospasm

142. For Сhronic Left Ventricular Heart failure is characteristic:

A) Assitis

B) Edema

C) Acrocyanosis

D) Enlargement of the liver

E) Blood spitting

143. This is not a complication of acute glomerulonephritis:

A) acute kidney failure

B) primarily contracted kidney

Page 31: Pediatric and internal examination

C) acute heart failure

D) anemia

E) hypertensive encephalopathy

144. In infants which type of breathing dominates?

A) Thoracic-abdominal

B) Diaphragmatic

C) Thoracic

D) Costal

E) Abdominal

145. When there is visible pulsation in arteries and peripheral capillaries?

A) In the insufficiency of aorta valves

B) In the insufficiency of tricuspid valve

C) In the insufficiency of lung artery valve

D) In the insufficiency of mitral valve

E) Stenosis of mitral hole

146. Is not characteristic for diabetes:

A) hyperglycemic

B) ketoasidotic

C) hypoglycemic

D) hyperosmotic

E) uremic coma

147. It refers to non-inflammatory spots:

1) Roseola

2) Petexia

3) Erythema

4) Purpura

5) Echimosis

A) 2, 3, 4

B) 2, 3, 5

C) 2, 4, 5

D) 1, 3, 5

Page 32: Pediatric and internal examination

E) 1, 2, 3

148. The subcutaneous fat layer of the 6 months child is well developed in the

1) Face

2) Abdomen

3) Thorax

4) Shoulder-blade

5) Extremities

A) 2, 3, 4, 5

B) 1, 2, 3, 4

C) 2, 3, 5

D) 1, 2, 4

E) 1, 3, 4, 5

149. Rises above the lower border of the lung in topographic percussion:

1) In acute pneumonia

2) In ascites

3) In bronchial asthma

4) In pneumothorax

5) In exudative pleuritis

A) 1,2

B) 2,4,5

C) 3,5

D) 1,3,4

E) 3,4,5

150. The facial expression of the patient with renal disease is:

A) facies mitralis

B) facies febrilis

C) facies Basedovica

D) facies myxedemica

E) facies nephritica

151. Subcutaneous fat layer:

Page 33: Pediatric and internal examination

1) Starts forming in the 5-th antenatal period

2) Well-developed in premature newborn

3) Unrequally developed in 1-st year of the life

4) During disease firstly disappears of the face

5) In pubertant period better developed in boys than girls

A) 4, 5

B) 1, 3

C) 2, 3

D) 3,4

E) 1, 4

152. The normal form of the chest is:

A) funnel-shaped

B) asthenic

C) boat-shaped

D) rachitic

E) paralytic

153. An informative auscultative sign of mitral stenosis is:

A) weakining of the 2nd sound over the aorta

B) mitral valve opening snap

C) accentuation of the 2nd sound over the aorta

D) weakining of the 2nd sound over the pulmonary artery

E) weakening of the 1st sound over the apex

154. For mitral stenosis is characteristic:

A) Systolic murmur on the apex

B) Diastolic murmur over the aorta

C) Quail rhythm

D) Pericardial friction rub

E) Gallop rhythm

155. An abnormal increase in the number of basophils:

A) basophilia

B) neutropenia

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C) lymphopenia

D) eosinopenia

E) eosinophilia

156. This is not concern to the complaints of patients with cardiovascular system


A) cough

B) palpitation

C) pain

D) asthma attacks

E) hematuria

157. It isn’t characteristic for 14 days infant

1) Palm-month reflex

2) Hypertonus of extensors

3) Athetosic movements

4) Monotonus cry

5) Chaotic movements

A) 2, 5

B) 3, 4

C) 1, 4

D) 1, 3

E) 2, 4

158. In the dry pleurisy observes:

1) Moist rales with diffrent calibre

2) By percution muffled sound

3) Sharply decrease of breathing

4) Pleural rub murmur

5) Weakening of vocal vibration

6) Pain in the damaged area

A) 4, 6

B) 2, 3

C) 1, 4

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D) 3, 6

E) 1, 5

159. The 1st cardiac sound is consist of:

A) 4 components

B) 3 components

C) 5 components

D) 2 components

E) 1 component

160. The main clinical sign of the central vomiting:

A) Symptoms of the expressed intoxication

B) Nausea precedes vomiting

C) Abundant quantity of vomit masses (fountain-like vomitng)

D) Does not bring relief to the patient

E) Brings relief to the patient

161. Unlike crepitating moist rales

1) Only heard at inspiratory breathing

2) Only at expiratory breathing

3) Heard both at inspiratory breathing, and at expiratory breathing

4) Changes after cough

5) Doesn't change after the cough

A) 3, 4

B) 1, 4

C) 2, 5

D) 1, 5

E) 3, 5

162. Strong pulse for teniosn shows:

A) Increase in arterial pressure

B) Insufficiency in aorta valves

C) Arterial hypotonia

D) Collapse

E) Weak contraction of heart

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163. İn pulmonary diseases on palpation is determined:

A) fluctuation symptom

B) fremitus catterie

C) vocal fremitus

D) bronchophony

E) Shetkin-Blumberg’s symptom

164. In patient with bronchial asthma is not revealed:

A) lower borders of the lung are lowered

B) decrease of mobility of the lung’s lower boundaries

C) tympanitic sound over the lung

D) increasing of the mobility of lower boundaries of lungs

E) upper borders of the lungs are raised

165. Features of pleural rub murmur:

A) Is heard only on exhalation

B) is badly audible during imitation the breathing movements

C) Audible only on inspiration

D) Strengthening on pressure with stethoscope and forward inclination of trunk

E) displaces after coughing

166. The cough cannot be:

A) periodic

B) rhythmic

C) moist

D) “barking”

E) dry

167. Polyfecalia is caused by:

A) chronic gastritis

B) chronic enteritis

C) chronic hepatitis

D) peptic ulcer

E) chronic colitis

168. Is not characteristic for infective endocarditis:

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A) obesity

B) expressed intoxication

C) thromboembolism of spleen and kidney

D) dyspnea

E) long-lasting fever

169. Have no concern with instrumental methods of examination of the respiratory


A) bronchoscopy

B) bronchography

C) fluorography

D) thoracoscopy

E) colonoscopy

170. About the intensification of the 1stsound over the apex is not true:

A) sonority of the 1st sound depends on contraction velocity of ventricular muscles in


B) the strengthened I sound arises from simultaneous contraction of auricles and


C) the strengthened I sound is a sign of mitral stenosis

D) the strengthened I sound is a sign of hypertension

E) the 1st sound has intensified because of insufficient filling of ventricle on diastole

171. Components of the 2nd cardiac sound are:

A) Valvular, vascular

B) Atrial, vascular

C) Muscular, valval

D) Vascular, muscular

E) Muscular, atrial

172. Systolic-diastolic murmur in the II intercostal part in the left part of breastboneis characteristic:

A) Ventricular septal defect

B) Atrial septal defect

C) Aortic stenosis

D) Patent ductus arteriousus

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E) Coarctation of aorta

173. The 1stsound does not weaken in:

A) dilated cardiomyopathy

B) mitral stenosis

C) heart failure

D) insufficiency of mitral valve

E) myocarditis

174. Normal hemoglobin concentration in blood in women:

A) 145-165 g/l

B) 115-145 g/l

C) 90-100 g/l

D) 165-175 g/l

E) 100-115 g/l

175. The condition, which is not the reason of chronic heart failure:

A) hypertension

B) acute bronchitis

C) coronary heart disease

D) dilated cardiomyopathy

E) heart valve diseases

176. The symptom, which is not related to the lesser circulatory circle insufficiency:

A) tachycardia

B) swelling of neck veins

C) haemoptysis

D) breathlessness with attacks of asthma at nights

E) unsonorous moist rales in the inferior of lungs

177. Presence of neutral fat in faeces is called:

A) Steatorrhea

B) Melena

C) Creatorrhea

D) Ascaridosis

E) Amylorrhea

178. Increase of heart weight by 2 times is observed

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A) In 2 months

B) At the age of 1 year

C) In 10 months

D) In 4 months

E) In 6 months

179. There is systolic shake in right II intercostal part during palpation:

A) Stenosis of pulmonary artery

B) Mitral stenosis

C) Patent ductus arteriousus

D) Aortic stenosis

E) Tricuspid insufficiency

180. Determination of the left lung’s lower edge is started from:

A) anterior medial line

B) medioclavicular line

C) anterior axillary line

D) parasternal line

E) sterna line

181. Arterial hypertension II grade is characterized by:

A) right atrial hypertrophy

B) left ventricular hypertrophy

C) right ventricular hypertrophy

D) collaptoid state

E) absence of changes in the eyeground

182. Complaints are not characteristic for patients with pulmonary diseases:

A) chest pain connected with respiration

B) blood spitting

C) frequent and painful urination

D) shortness of breath, asthma attack

E) cough

183. Includes in the defects accompanied with hypervolemia of small blood


Page 40: Pediatric and internal examination

1) Patent ductus arteriousus

2) Atrial septal defect

3) Stenosis of pulmonary artery

3) Disease of Fallot

4) Ventricular septal defect

A) 1, 2, 4

B) 1, 2, 5

C) 2, 3, 4

D) 3, 4

E) 2, 4, 5

184. bitonal coughis observed:

A) In croupous pneumonia

B) At tracheitis

C) In whooping cough

D) At pleuritis

E) In increase of bronchial lymph nodes

185. Percussion of abdomen reveals:

A) i ntestinal peristalsis

B) hepato-, splenomegaly

C) peritoneal friction rub

D) painful points

E) vesicular sound above the stomach

186. Is not characteristic for myocardial infarction:

A) exudate in pleural cavity

B) cardiogenic shock

C) pulmonary edema

D) prolonged heart attack

E) arrhythmias

187. An abnormal increase in the number of eosinophils is:

A) eosinopenia

B) eosinophilia

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C) neutropenia

D) lymphopenia

E) basophilia

188. Criteria for estimation of types of the chest doesn’t include

A) Value of the epigastric angle

B) Correlation between the anteroposterior and lateral dimensions of the chest

C) Degree of the muscular development

D) Expressiveness of the supraclavicular and subclavicular fossae

E) Contour of the scapulas

189. Mitral stenosis characterized by :

1) Apical reduction of the first sound

2) Apical load and beating of the first sound

3) Apical systolic murmur

4) Apical diastolic murmur

5) Increase of the second sound on pulmonary artery

6) Reduction of the second sound on pulmonary artery

7) Opening sound of mitral valves

A) 2, 4, 5, 7

B) 1, 4, 6

C) 2, 3, 5, 7

D) 1, 3, 6

E) 2, 4, 6

190. What statement about the pleural friction rub is not correct:

A) is heard on inhalation and exhalation

B) is formed by friction of changed pleural sheets

C) is heard only in exhalation

D) is determined in palpation of the chest

E) does not change in cough

191. The main etiological factor of rheumatic fever is:

A) Staphylococcus

B) Pneumococcus

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C) β-hemolytic streptococcus

D) colibacillus

E) clamydia

192. The statement about pulsus differens is not correct:

A) it does not depend on cardiac function and condition of vascular system

B) it is found in mitral stenosis

C) it is appear in consequence of subclavian artery compression

D) it is observed in aneurysm of aortic arch

E) it is delay or various volume of pulse in one of the hands

193. The signs are not characteristic for mitral stenosis:

A) deviation of contrasted esophagus on arch of small radius

B) diastolic thrill on the apex

C) clapping 1st sound on the apex

D) displacement of cardiac borders upwards and to the right

E) diasolic murmur over the Botkin-Erb’s point

194. By percution tympanic sound is observing:

1) During exudative pleurisy

2) During pneumothorax

3) During caverna

4) During bronchial asthma

5) During croupous pneumonia

A) 3, 5

B) 1, 3, 5

C) 3, 4, 5

D) 2, 3, 4

E) 1, 2, 3

195. Could be found out in the patient with aortic stenosis:

A) displacement of the apex beat to the inside

B) increasing of systolic and pulse pressures

C) thready pulse

D) additional pulsation on the left side of the sternum

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E) systolic murmur on the 2nd intercostal space on the right side

196. Total sleeping hours at the age of 6 months

A) 11 hours

B) 13 hours

C) 14 hours

D) 12 hours

E) 10 hours

197. Lower border of the lung on the scapular line corresponds to the:

A) the IX rib

B) the VII rib

C) the VI rib

D) the X rib

E) the VIII rib

198. Signs are not characteristic for hypothyroidism:

A) bradycardia

B) cramps of the muscles of extremities

C) drowsy

D) oedematous face

E) tachycardia

199. Border of the relative cardiac dullness in aortic stenosis shifts:

A) upwards and to the right

B) to the left

C) to the right

D) to the right and to the left

E) upwards and to the left

200. Deep sliding palpation of the abdomen is carrying out according the method

suggested by:

A) Murfi

B) Rauchfus-Grocco

C) Garland

D) Obrazchov-Strajesko

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E) Shetkin –Blumberg

201. The breathing kind observing with increasing of depth and speed of breathing,

then decreasing and breaking off calls:

A) Cheyne - stokes

B) Biotic

C) Stenotic

D) Expiratory groan

E) Outcast animal breathing

202. The sputum analysis in bronchial asthma reveals:

A) Joll’s corpuscle

B) Sharco-Leiden’ crystals

C) Kebot’s rings

D) neutrophila

E) atypical cells

203. The following substances influence on growth α development under 5 years

A) Thyroxin

B) Somatotrop

C) Insulin

D) Calcitonin

E) Androgenez

204. Somatotrop hormones influence on growth α development

A) Under 1 years

B) 3-11 years

C) Puberty age

D) Prepuberty age

E) 1-3 years

205. Intensifying of bronchophony is observed in:

A) Еmphysema

B) Peumothorax

C) Obese people

D) Pulmonary infarction, pneumonia

E) Рleuritis

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206. Newborn’s head circumference

A) 31-32 cm

B) 36-37 cm

C) 37-38 cm

D) 32-33 cm

E) 34-35 cm

207. It is formed at child’s birth

A) Nervous cells 5%

B) Nervous cells 20-25%

C) Nervous cells 30-50%

D) Nervous cells 50-90%

E) Nervous cells 10-15%

208. Weight deficiency in 2-nd degree of hypotrophy (%)

A) 5-8

B) 10-20

C) 8-10

D) more than 30

E) 20-30

209. İncreasing of urobilin quantity in the urine is observed in:

A) posthepatic jaundice

B) chronic pyelonephritis

C) hepatocellular jaundice

D) uremia

E) chronic glomerulonephritis

210. The infant’s weight under 1 year

A) 9 kg

B) 12 kg

C) 13 kg

D) 14 kg

E) 10 kg

211. Signs of first degree respiratory failure:

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1) In quiet condition is tachypnea

2) After the physical tension is tachycardia and tachypnea

3) Decreased respiratory reserve

4) Increases arterial pressure

5) Decreases arterial pressure

6) Ph less than-7.3

7) PO2 80-90 mm of mercury column

8) PO2 70-80 mm of mercury column

A) 1, 4, 6

B) 2, 5, 7

C) 2, 6, 8

D) 2, 3, 7

E) 1, 5, 8

212. Newborn’s weight increases twice at the age of

A) 2 months

B) 4 months

C) 6 months

D) 3 months

E) 7 months

213. Newborn’s height increases twice

A) at the age of 3 years

B) at the age of 4 years

C) at the age of 5 years

D) at the age of 6 years

E) at the age of 2 years

214. Signs of the asthenic chest type:

A) Epigastric angle is less than 90 degree

B) Expressed shoulder-blade contours, which do not overhang the chest cage

C) Supraclavicular and subclavicular fossas are flattened

D) Epigastric angle is 90 degree

E) Epigastric angle is more than 90 degree

215. The characteristic features of heart edemas:

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A) Appear predominately on the face, periorbital areas

B) Appear in the morning

C) Appear toward the evening

D) Pale edemas

E) Have descending character

216. An infant is 4 months at present it is 7500 gr, height is 62 cm. At birth its weight

was 3500 gr, length -50 cm. Is child’s weight α height proper to its age?

1) The weight is normal

2) The weight is more than normal

3) The weight is less than normal

4) The height is proper to the age

5) The height is less than normal

A) 3, 5

B) 2, 5

C) 2, 4

D) 3, 4

E) 1, 4

217. 3 years child’s weight is 13 kg,height is 92 cm. Are the weight α height proper

to the age?

1) Weight is proper to normal

2) Weight is more than normal

3) Weight is less than normal

4) Height is proper to the age

5) Height is less than normal

A) 2, 6

B) 1, 5

C) 2, 5

D) 3, 4

E) 1, 4

218. Shallow breathing in infancy is caused by:

1) Thorax structure

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2) Small weight of lungs

3) Narrow canal of bronchus

4) Poor development of pulmonary elastic tissue

A) 2

B) 1, 4

C) 3, 4

D) 1, 2

E) 2, 4

219. By percussion of stomach can be determined:

A) pleural friction rub

B) splashing sound

C) Ortner’s sign

D) symptom of floating ice

E) pericardial friction rub

220. Critical periods of central nervous system (CNS) formation (antenatal or

intrauterine perioD)

A) 10-18 weeks

B) 5-6 weeks

C) 19-25 weeks

D) 28-30 weeks

E) 7-8 weeks

221. How many percent of the body weight does the brain compose in newborns?

A) 10%

B) 7%

C) 15%

D) 5%

E) 2,5%

222. For the quail rhythm is typical

A) Weakening of the 1st cardiac sound

B) Оpening snap of the mitral valve

C) weakening of the 2nd cardiac sound

Page 49: Pediatric and internal examination

D) increasing of the 2nd cardiac sound

E) 2nd cardiac sound is not changed

223. When does motor speech stage begin?

A) 5-6 months

B) 8-9 months

C) 10-12 months

D) 7-8 months

E) at the 2nd year of the life

224. In central paralysis

1) Muscular tonus is increased

2) Muscular tonus is decreased

3) Reflexes are strengthened

4) Reflexes are weakened

5) Muscular atrophy

6) Appearance of pathological reflexes

A) 1, 4, 5

B) 1, 3, 5

C) 2, 5, 6

D) 2, 3, 5

E) 1, 3, 6

225. A child can turn from spine to side

A) at the age of 2 months

B) at the age of 3 months

C) at the age of 6 months

D) at the age of 7 months

E) at the age of 4 months

226. Normal specific gravity of urine is:

A) 1005-1010

B) 1012-1025

C) 1030-1040

D) 1040-1050

E) 1050-1060

Page 50: Pediatric and internal examination

227. Properties of locomotive activity in newborns

1) Athetosic movements

2) Coordinated movements

3) Chaotic movements

4) Generalized movements

5) High tonus of extensors (musclE)

A) 2, 4, 5

B) 2, 3, 4

C) 1, 4

D) 1, 2, 5

E) 1, 3, 4

228. The sputum cannot be:

A) chylous

B) serous

C) purulent

D) bloody

E) mucous

229. The initial stage of speech formation

A) 2-4 months

B) 1 month

C) 4-6 months

D) 6-8 months

E) 8-9 months

230. A child begins crawling

A) In the 5th month

B) In the 7th month

C) In the 9th month

D) In the 6 th month

E) In the 8th month

231. Task: Child is 8 month. To the hospital was admitted on the 5th day of disease.

The desease beging by nasal discharge , high temperature-38,00C, coughing. The

Page 51: Pediatric and internal examination

situation deteriorated in the last 2 days, breathing is fast, expiratory respirationdifficult. The child looks concerned. pale skin, cyanotic colored, observed oral

cyanosis. There Is mild Intercostal retraction . The number of breathing is in 1minute 76) Vocal vibration weakened both sides. It heard a tympanitis sound bypercussion. Observed hard breathing in ausculation, in expiratory prolonged anddifficult. Heard on both side dry whistle similar, small and medium sized moist rales.

about what disease may think?

A) Bronchitis

B) Bronchopneumonia

C) Bronchiolitis

D) Tracheitis

E) Exudative pleuritis

232. Bimanual palpation is used for examination of:

A) Cecum

B) Ascending and descending parts of the colon

C) Greater curvature of the stomach

D) Terminal part of the ilium

E) Sigmoid intestine

233. What must be estimated during examination of unconditioned reflexes

1) Symmetry

2) Presence or absence

3) Relation with day time

4) Appearance α disappearance time

5) Proper To the age

A) 1, 2, 4, 5

B) 1, 2, 3, 4

C) 1, 3, 4, 5

D) 2, 3, 4, 5

E) 1, 2, 3, 5

234. Period of “sensor” speech formation

A) 6 months

B) 4-5 months

Page 52: Pediatric and internal examination

C) 9-10 months

D) 2-3 months

E) 7-8 months

235. Myocardium in newborns

1) Has thin muscle fibers

2) Has thick muscle fibers

3) Has many nucleus

4) Has few nucleus

5) Connective tissue is poorly developed

A) 3, 5

B) 1, 4, 5

C) 1, 3, 5

D) 2, 4, 5

E) 2, 3, 5

236. Ventricular septal deffekt characterized by:

1) The contours of heart are dilatated to the left side

2) The contours of heart are dilatated to the left and right

3)Rough blowing systolic murmur is heard between III and IV ribs in the left edge of


4) Blowing systolic murmur is heard in the left II intercostal space

5) The second sound weakening on pulmonary artery

6) The accent of the second sound on pulmonary artery

A) 1, 3, 5

B) 1, 4, 6

C) 1, 4, 5

D) 2, 3, 5

E) 2, 3, 6

237. Properties of cerebrospinal fluid in children older than 6 months

1) Colourless, transparent

2) Protein 0,4-0,8 q\l

3) Cytosis 3/3-10/3

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4) Type of cells-neurofils

5) Sugar 2,2-4,4 mmol/l

A) 1, 4, 5

B) 1, 2, 4

C) 2, 3, 4

D) 1, 3, 5

E) 1, 2, 3

238. Properties of cerebrospinal fluid in children in the second week of life

1) Xanthochrome

2) Turbidity

3) Protein 0,4-0,8 q\l

4) Cytosis 20/3 mkl

5) Type of cells mainly neurofils

A) 3, 4, 5

B) 2, 4

C) 1, 3, 4

D) 2, 5

E) 1, 5

239. Child’s reaction to pleasant α unpleasant smell

A) 6 months

B) 1 year

C) 1 months

D) 4 months

E) 5 months

240. It isn’t proper for 4 months infant during examination

A) Keeps straight head

B) Child can rise the upper part of the body on the prone position

C) Doesn’t sit

D) Turns from abdomen to the back

E) Smiles, produce sounds

241. Cheese-like substance in newborns:

Page 54: Pediatric and internal examination

1) Rich in cholesterine

2) Has epidermis cells

3) Prevent invading of microorqanisms

4) Green-yellowish colour

5) Protect embrio from maceration

A) 1, 2, 3

B) 3, 4, 5

C) 1, 2, 5

D) 2, 3, 4

E) 1, 3, 4

242. Which indexes is characteristic for newborn’s neuropsycholosical development

1) Loud cry

2) Athetosic movements

3) Hypertonus of extensors

4) Moro’s reflex

5) Landau’s reflex

A) 2, 3

B) 1, 3, 5

C) 1, 2, 4

D) 2, 3, 4

E) 4, 5

243. Subfebrile temperature is:

A) 37-380C

B) 36-370C

C) 35-360C

D) 38-390C

E) 390C and more

244. Which indexes are characteristic for 9 month child’s neuropsychological


1) Walks kept hands

2) Recognizes mother α father among strangers

Page 55: Pediatric and internal examination

3) Knows this (her) name

4) Differentiates colours

5) Knows parts of the body

A) 2, 3, 5

B) 1, 3, 4

C) 2, 3, 4

D) 3, 4, 5

E) 1, 2, 3

245. Approximate pulse in a minute in 2 months child who has 39,00 C temperature

A) 110

B) 120

C) 160

D) 130

E) 100

246. Which indexes are characteristic for 8 months infant’s neuropsychological


1) Sits well

2) Sounds separate syllables

3) Tries drawing pictures

4) Keeps slice of bread in hands

5) Knows 10 words

A) 2, 3, 4, 5

B) 1, 2, 5

C) 1, 2, 3

D) 1, 4, 5

E) 1, 2, 4

247. Meningeal symptoms in breastfeeding infants

1) Lessage’s symptom

2)Babynsky’s reflex

3) Chvostek’s symptom

4) Erb’s symptom

Page 56: Pediatric and internal examination

5) Convexity of fontanel

A) 1, 4

B) 2, 3

C) 1, 5

D) 2, 5

E) 3, 5

248. Signs of aortic valve incompetence:

A) Rhythmical head nodding in time with the carotids pulsation

B) Systolic purring thrill

C) On femoral artery double tone of Traube is not defined

D) Heart beating

E) Pulsation of the liver

249. Characteristic sign of the fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity:

A) Retraction of intercostal spaces in the affected side

B) Symmetrical chest

C) Increasing of respiratory sounds

D) Weakening of respiratory sounds

E) Displacement of mediastinal organs to the affected side of the chest

250. Task: 1,5 aged child was taken to the hospital by ambulance. Due to which

symptoms was the patient hospitalized?

1) Monotonous cry

2) Athetosic movements

3) Couvexity & intensity of fontanel

4) Hyperthermia

A) 1, 3, 4

B) 1, 2, 4

C) 2, 3, 4

D) 2, 4

E) 1, 4

251. Skin colour depends on

1) Amount of melanin

2) Composition of blood

Page 57: Pediatric and internal examination

3) Depth of capillaries

4) Thickness of granular layer

5) Degrees of ultraviolet radiation

A) 1, 2, 3, 4

B) 1, 2, 3, 5

C) 1, 3, 4, 5

D) 2, 3, 4, 5

E) 3, 4, 5

252. Calculation formula of diastolic arterial pressure after the age of 1year ( n-shows age):

A) 75+n

B) 45+n

C) 1\2 systolic pressure

D) 90+n

E) 60+n

253. Which functions of the skin aren’t in newborns?

1) Barrier

2) Formation of pigment

3) Thermoregulation

4) Resorption

5) Respiration

A) 1, 2, 3

B) 2, 3, 4

C) 1, 4, 5

D) 1, 3, 5

E) 2, 4, 5

254. The patient have the visible pulsation in the epigastric area, close to a xiphoidprocess, which is better visible in a standing position, strengthening on a deepinspiration. This is:

A) Pulsation of the right ventricle

B) Pulsation of the liver

C) Pulsation of the abdominal aorta

Page 58: Pediatric and internal examination

D) Pulsation of the left ventricle

E) Apex beating

255. Properties of cheese-like smear in newborns:

1) Rich in fats

2) Cholesterin is a little

3) Epidermis cells aren’t in composition

4) Rich in qlycogene

5) Grey-whitish colour

A) 1, 3, 5

B) 2, 3, 4

C) 3, 4, 5

D) 1, 4, 5

E) 2, 4, 5

256. Cavernous part of submucous tissue of nose formed:

A) At the age of 3

B) At the age of 7

C) At the age of 8-9

D) In the time of birth

E) In the first year of life

257. The condition on if skin vegetative receptors is examined:

A) Konchalovsky-Rumpel-Leed’s symptom

B) Pinch sign

C) Kerning’s symptom

D) Hammer sign

E) Dermographism

258. In normal person on palpation of the heart region is revealed:

A) purring thrill

B) heart beat

C) pulsation of aorta

D) epigastic pulsation

E) apex beat

Page 59: Pediatric and internal examination

259. If refers to the skin primary morphological elements

1) Node

2) Convexity

3) Lichenification

4) Pustule

5) Erosion

A) 2, 3, 4

B) 1, 4, 5

C) 3, 4, 5

D) 2, 4, 5

E) 1, 2, 4

260. If refers to the skin primary morphological elements:

1) Spot

2) Papula

3) Node

4) Scar

5) Wound

A) 3, 4, 5

B) 1, 4, 5

C) 1, 2, 3

D) 2, 3, 5

E) 2, 3, 4

261. In postnatal period myelinization of nerve fibres finish

A) In the 3rd-5th year

B) In the 2nd year

C) In the 6th year

D) In the 7th-10th years

E) In 1 year

262. Visible pulsation of neck vessels is formed:

A) In the condition of venous stagnation

B) Expiratory breathlessness

Page 60: Pediatric and internal examination

C) In myocarditis

D) In case of mitral defects

E) Growth of the thyroid gland

263. Erythema:

A) it is 10-20 mm spot of inflammatory origin

B) it is 5-10 mm spot of inflammatory origin

C) it is 1-5 mm spot of inflammatory origin

D) it is more than 20 mm spot of inflammatory origin

E) it is hemorrhagic spot

264. Physiological jaundice is connected with:

1) Acceleration of erythrocytes hemolisis

2) Increase of glucoroniltransferaza ferment

3) Atresia of bile ducts

4) Incompatibility of rhesus between mother &embryo

A) 1, 3

B) 3, 4

C) 2, 4

D) 5

E) 1, 2

265. In aortic insufficiency is revealed:

A) Merphy’s symptom

B) Musset’s symptom

C) Ortner’s symptom

D) Kehr’s symptom

E) Pasternatsky’s symptom

266. haymor's sinus are found in X-ray:

A) In birth

B) From 2 years

C) From 3 months

D) From 1 years

E) From 7 years

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267. Diffuse jaundice is observed on the skin

1) Hemolytic decrease in newborns

2) Glomerulonephritis

3) Gastritis

4) Sepsis in severe form

5) Heart defects

A) 2, 4

B) 1, 3

C) 1, 4

D) 1, 5

E) 3, 4

268. Hyperthermia of all skin is observed

1) In scarlet fever

2) In the first days of newborns life

3) In psychological &physical exertion

4) In renal disease

5) In heart diseases

A) 1, 3,5

B) 1, 2, 3

C) 2, 3, 5

D) 2, 3, 4

E) 1, 2, 5

269. The tongue in gastric ulcer is:

A) dry, with yellow coating

B) raspberry red

C) Hunter’s tongue

D) enlarged

E) clean, wet, red

270. Skin inflammatory elements differ from hemorrhagic elements

A) Due to the temperature

B) Due to color

Page 62: Pediatric and internal examination

C) In influencing on inflammatory element it becomes pale

D) In influencing on hemorrhagic element is doesn’t disappear

E) In influencing on hemorrhagic element it becomes pale

271. White blood cells (WBC) normal count is:

A) (2,0-6,0) 10 /l

B) (1,0-2,0) 10 /l

C) (10,0-20,0) 10 /l

D) (4,0-8,5) 10 /l

E) (0-10,0) 10 /l

272. Primary morphological elements of skin with cavities is:

1) Papule

2) Urtica

3) Vesicular

4) Pustule

5) Spot

A) 1,4

B) 3, 4

C) 2, 4

D) 2, 3

E) 1, 5

273. In newborn is not developed:

A) Ethmoidal sinus

B) Haymor's sinus

C) Frontal sinus

D) Sphenoidal sinus

E) All

274. Rash like points

A) Scarlatina

B) Typhoid fever

C) Measles

D) Rubella

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E) Syphilis

275. On percussion over the normal lungs is determined:

A) resonant sound

B) tympanic sound

C) metallic sound

D) dull sound

E) bandbox sound

276. Large spots populous rash:

A) Rubella

B) Measles

C) Typhoid fever

D) Syphilis

E) Scarlatina

277. Dryness of the skin is observed:

1) In coaxes

2) In Richet’s

3) In ixtiose

4) In hypothyreosis

5) In xorea

A) 3, 4, 5

B) 2, 3, 4

C) 1, 3, 4

D) 1, 3, 5

E) 1, 4, 5

278. Approximate pulse frequency in a minute in 10 years old child who has 39,50 Ctemperature

A) 70-90

B) 100

C) 110-120

D) 90

E) 140-150

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279. Strengthening of apex beat occurs:

A) Acute heart failure

B) Lung emphysema

C) Anemia

D) Stenosis of mitral hole

E) aorta stenosis

280. Fat layer in newborns is characterized:

1) A lot of water

2) A lot of saturated fat acids

3) A lot of unsaturated fat acids

4) Mostly located in the chest & abdomen

5) Presence of grey fat layer

A) 1, 3, 4

B) 1, 2, 4

C) 2, 4, 5

D) 3, 4, 5

E) 1, 2, 5

281. Properties of subcutaneous fat layer in newborns:

1) Fat cells are of small size & have nuclei

2) Fat cells are of large size & haven’t got nuclei

3) Weight of subcutaneous fat in comparison with body weigh in adults is less

4) Weight of subcutaneous fat tissue in newborns in comparison with adults body

weight is more

5) There is no embryonic fat tissue areas

A) 2, 3

B) 1, 3

C) 2, 5

D) 2, 4

E) 1, 4

282. Superficial palpation of the abdomen includes:

A) Deepening of fingers into the abdominal cavity

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B) Setting of fingers on the anterior abdominal wall

C) Skin fold formation

D) Assessment of breathing movements of the abdominal wall

E) Slipping of the finger-tips over the palpating organs

283. For the urine syndrome in acute glomerulonephritis is not characteristic:

A) cylindruria

B) proteinuria

C) hematuria

D) leucocyturia

E) oliguria

284. In the beginning subcutaneous fat layer disappears during hypotrophy in the

A) Abdomen

B) Extremities

C) Shoulder-blade

D) Chest

E) Face

285. The followings things are observed during edema

1) Concavity is formed when pressed by fingers

2) Skin paleness

3) Physiological cavity smoothening in joints

4) Increased diuresis

5) Decreased diuresis

6) Decreased weight

A) 2, 3, 4

B) 2, 3, 5, 6

C) 1, 2, 3, 5

D) 1, 3, 4

E) 2, 3, 4, 6

286. On palpation of lymph nodes is not assessed their:

A) Tenderness

B) Adhesion with the skin and between themselves

C) Pulsation

Page 66: Pediatric and internal examination

D) Size

E) Consistence

287. Soft tissue turgor means

A) Particular vibrating and crepitation are observed when pressed

B) Skin and bones located nearly react by resistance when pressed on them

C) Resistance against passive actions

D) All soft tissues react by resistancewhen pressed on them

E) Skin and subcutaneous fat tissue react by resistancewhen pressed on them

288. Musse's sign is characterisctic for:

A) Aortic insufficiency

B) Mitral valve incompetence

C) Aortic stenosis

D) Mitral stenosis

E) Tricuspid insufficiency

289. In case of second degree hypotrophy,subcutaneous fat layer

A) Reduced in face

B) Reduced in extremities,not observed in the abdomen and chest

C) Reduced generally

D) Reduced in abdomen and chest

E) Not observed at all

290. Adipose glands in infants:

1) Spreads all over the body including palms α soles

2) Begins activity after the birth

3) Functions before the birth

4) Forms little cysts in nasal α other parts of the face

5) Forms cradle cap in hairy part of the head

A) 1, 2, 4

B) 3, 4, 5

C) 1, 4, 5

D) 1, 3, 5

E) 2, 4, 5

291. Secondary interauricular partition begins to develop:

Page 67: Pediatric and internal examination

A) In the 5th week of embryonic period

B) In the 6th week of embryonic period

C) In the 7th week of embryonic period

D) In the 4th week of embryonic period

E) In the 3rd week of embryonic period

292. Cough with short pain is determined:

A) Dry pleuritis

B) Pneumonia

C) Bronchitis

D) Tracheitis

E) In increase of bronchopulmonary lymph nodes

293. Heart has 3 chamber formation:

A) At the end of 6th week of embryonic period

B) In he 4th week of embryonic period

C) In the 2nd week of embryonic period

D) In the 8th-12th week of intrauterine period

E) In the 16th week of intrauterine period

294. Factors ensuring the adaptation of fetus to placental blood flow:

1) Increase in respiratory surface of placenta

2) Velocity of blood flow being low

3) Amount of HGB and erythrocytes being high

4) Fetal hemoglobin having high ability of O2 binding

5) Tissues having low demand for O2

A) 2, 3, 4, 5

B) 1, 2, 4, 5

C) 1, 3, 4

D) 1, 3, 4, 5

E) 1, 3, 5

295. Normal borders of the lower lungs edge on the anterior axillary line is locatedon the

A) Lower edge of the 6 rib

Page 68: Pediatric and internal examination

B) 6th rib

C) 8th rib

D) 7th rib

E) Upper edge of the 6 rib

296. It is formed at the age of 1 year

A) Nervous cells 20-25%

B) Nervous cells 75-80%

C) Nervous cells 90-95%

D) Nervous cells 60-66%

E) Nervous cells 10%

297. Pneumonia is:

A) connective tissue development in the lung

B) increase of airiness of the lungs

C) an inflammation of lung lobes

D) inflammation of bronchi

E) an inflammation of pleura

298. Number of heart beat at the age of 5 (in a minute)

A) 110

B) 100

C) 115

D) 105

E) 120

299. Pulsus differens is characteristic for:

A) Mitral insufficiency

B) Aortic stenosis

C) Tricuspid insufficiency

D) Mitral stenosis

E) Aortic insufficiency

300. Number of heart beat in newborns (in a minute)

A) 140-150

B) 105

C) 100

Page 69: Pediatric and internal examination

D) 110-120

E) 90

301. Filatov's symptom of is determined:

A) On percussionly parasternal line

B) By auscultation between the scapulae

C) On percussionly axillaries lines

D) On edge extracts of percussionly spinal vertebras

E) On percussionly breastbone

302. Formula for the calculation of systolic pressure in children older than the ageof 1 year ( n-shows the age of child):

A) 76+2n

B) 100+n

C) 105+2n

D) 75+n

E) 90+2n

303. Detection of acetone in the urine is characteristic for:

A) hepatic coma

B) uremic coma

C) apoplectic coma

D) hypoglycemic coma in diabetes mellitus

E) ketoacidotic coma in diabetes mellitus

304. Intensive increase of arterial pressure is observed:

1) In infancy period

2) During the first 2-3 years of life

3) Pre-school period

4) Prepubertal period

5) Pubertal period

A) 1, 5

B) 3, 4

C) 2

D) 4, 5

Page 70: Pediatric and internal examination

E) 2, 4, 5

305. Spleen sizes are:

A) Diameter 3-5 sm, length 4-6 sm

B) Diameter 5-8 sm, length 8-10 sm

C) Diameter 2-4 sm, length 5-7 sm

D) Diameter 4-6 sm, length 6-8 sm

E) Diameter 6-9 sm, length 9-11 sm

306. The right border of the absolute cardiac dullness is on the:

A) 1,0-1,5 sm outwardly from the right edge of the breast bone

B) 0,5-1,0 sm outwardly from the right edge of the breast bone

C) 0,5-1,0 sm outwardly from the left margin of the breast bone

D) Right edge of the breast bone

E) Left margin of the breast bone

307. What is the reason of decrease in heart beat when age increases?

A) Effect of vagus nerve on heart

B) Intensive metabolism

C) Child’s moving into vertical position

D) Active motor activity

E) Increase of vascular tone

308. Skin cyanosis may be

1) During increase of oxihemoglobin amount

2) During decrease of oxihemoglobin amount below 95%

3) In syndrome of respiratory impairment(disturbance)in newborns

4) In collapse

5) In methemoglobinemia

A) 1, 3, 4

B) 1, 3, 5

C) 2, 4, 5

D) 1, 4

E) 2, 3, 5

309. Intensifying of a vocal fremitus is observed in:

A) Pneumothorax

B) Thick wall of the thorax

Page 71: Pediatric and internal examination

C) Increased airiness of the pulmonary tissue

D) Pleural effusion

E) Lobar pulmonary consolidation

310. Vital indication for the pleural puncture is:

A) displacement of mediastinal organs against the affected side

B) anaemia

C) haemoptysis

D) cardialgia

E) extrasystole

311. What is the reason of increase in arterial pressure of healthy child age is


1) Increase in heart chamber volume

2) Increase in strike volume of left ventricle

3) Decrease in the size of heart

4) Decrease in the velocity of blood flow

5) Increase in peripheral resistance

A) 1, 4, 5

B) 3, 4, 5

C) 2, 3

D) 2, 3, 4

E) 1, 2, 5

312. At what age is the replacement of apex beats to 5th intercostal space of


A) At the end of 1st age

B) At the age of 1.5-2 years

C) At the age of 5-6 years

D) At the age of 7-8 years

E) At the 6th month

313. A child makes first steps,knows 8-10 words,understands prohibition. Determinechild’s age

A) 12 months

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B) 11 months

C) 16 months

D) 10 months

E) 18 months

314. Which index is characteristic for 6 month child?

1) Crawls to the toy

2) Low Landau’s reflex is formed

3) Differentiates close α strange people

4) Rolls over from back to tummy

5) Stands by help

A) 2,3,5

B) 1,3,5

C) 2,3,4

D) 3,5

E) 1,2,3

315. It is characteristic for functional murmurs

1)Murmur has continuing nature

2) Murmur doesn’t have continuing nature

3)After physical load murmur disappears

4) Murmur is related with I tone

5) Murmur is not related with I tone

A) 1, 3, 5

B) 2, 3, 4

C) 1, 3, 4

D) 2, 3, 5

E) 3, 4

316. Dysphagia is typical for diseases of the:

A) Stomach

B) Lungs

C) Small intestine

D) Large intestine

Page 73: Pediatric and internal examination

E) Esophagus

317. Pulsation in epigastrium is observed:

A) Short thorax

B) long thorax

C) Right ventricular hypertrophy

D) Left ventricular hypertrophy

E) In the insufficiency of aorta valves

318. Rash like small spots

A) Rubella

B) Scarlatina

C) Measles

D) Typhoid fever

E) Syphilis

319. How many times the number of heart beat lag behind age indicator,it can be

evaluated as norm?

A) 10-15%

B) 22-25%

C) 15-20%

D) 35-40%

E) 6-10%

320. The main clinical symptom of pulmonary emphysema is:

A) chest pain

B) haemoptysis

C) heartburn

D) breathlessness

E) cough

321. Right border of relative dullness of the heart in children at the age of 4:

A) Right parasternal line

B) Near parasternal between right parasternal and sternal lines

C) Right breast line

D) In the middle between right parasternal and sternal line

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E) Near sternal between right parasternal and sternal line

322. Newborn’s body weight increases 3 times

A) at the age of 11 months

B) at the age of 8 months

C) at the age of 7 months

D) at the age of 13 months

E) at the age of 9 months

323. haymor's sinus formation ends:

A) At 1 years

B) At 7 years

C) At 2 years

D) At 12 years

E) About births

324. Right border of relative dullness of the heart in the newborn child:

A) Between right sternal line and parasternal line

B) On the right breast line

C) Between right breast line and parasternal line

D) In the right parasternal line

E) Near right sternal line

325. On auscultation after the cough change:

A) crepitation

B) moist rales

C) dry rales

D) pleural friction rub

E) pericardial friction rub

326. At the 1st stage of lobar pneumonia are revealed:

A) moist rales

B) crepitation

C) pathological bronchial breathing

D) pleural friction rub

E) dry rales

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327. Breathing bearing a resemblance to croaking pigeon:

A) Stridorous

B) Biot

C) Stenotic

D) Cheyne-Stokes

E) Kusmaul

328. Weakening of both tones of heart is observed:

1) Neuropathia

2) During physical alertness

3) During lung emphysema

4) Myocarditis

5) Obesity

6) Pericarditis

A) 3, 4, 5, 6

B) 2, 3, 4, 5

C) 1, 3, 4, 6

D) 2, 3, 5, 6

E) 1, 2, 3, 5

329. left border of relative dullness of the heart at the age of 13-14:

A) 1 cm outside from left breast line

B) 2 cm outside from left breast line

C) 0.5-1 cm inside from left breast line

D) On left parasternal line

E) On the left breast line

330. The reasons of dry rales occurrence is:

A) Transudate in pleural cavity

B) Exudate in alveolus

C) Accumulation of liquid secret in the lumen of bronchi

D) Development of fibrosis in the pulmonary tissue

E) Spasm of fine bronchi

331. Is characteristic diastolic shake in the peak:

Page 76: Pediatric and internal examination

A) Mitral insufficiency

B) Aortic stenosis

C) Aortic insufficiency

D) Stenosis of pulmonary artery

E) Mitral stenosis

332. Radiation of pains in angina pectoris:

A) corresponds to Damoiseau’s line

B) corresponds to Rauchfus –Grokko’s triangle

C) has a belting character

D) corresponds to Zacharin-Hed’s zone

E) corresponds to Harlend’s triangle

333. Exercise: child is one year and a month old. Child often falls ill and that

troubles his / her parents. Body weight is 9 kg and the body length is 70 cm. Theskin has got pale and sianotic , lips and the ends of fingers are sianotic. Littleparasternal state of hunched is determined. "Systolic thrill" is determined in the leftside in III-IV intercostal area by palpator. The borders of the heart: right - 1 cm out of

the right parasternal line, upper- II rib, left- 2 cm out of the left middle clavicle line. Inauscultation, blowing systolic murmur is heard in the left edge of breast bone in IIIintercostal area. II sound is increased on pulmonary artery. For which pathologythere are characteristic?

A) Patent ductus arteriosus

B) Miltral stenosis

C) Congenital cardyomyopaty

D) Atrial septal defect

E) Ventricular septal defect

334. General characteristic of ECG of healthy child in the I year of life:

1) Has stable rhytm

2) Has labil rhytm

3) P wave is higher than R wave

4) P wave is lower than R wave

5) Electrical heart axis is normal

A) 1, 4

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B) 2, 3, 5

C) 2, 3

D) 1, 3, 5

E) 2, 4, 5

335. Grey fat substance is located:

1) In posterior cervical area

2) around thyroid gland

3) In the abdominal cavity

4) In extremity

5) Around great vessels

A) 3, 4, 5

B) 2, 3, 4

C) 1, 3, 4

D) 2, 4, 5

E) 1, 2, 5

336. Which index isn’t proper in normal newborn

A) Chulitsky index -25

B) Weight -3200

C) Height -51 cm

D) Head circumference -38 cm

E) Chest circumference -32 cm

337. Typical localization for Quincke’s oedema:

A) lower extremities

B) mucous membrane of genitals

C) subcutaneous tissue of the anterior surface of the neck

D) mucous membranes of mouth, larynx, oesophagus

E) upper extremities

338. Left expansion of relative dullness of heart is observed:

1) during defects of tricuspid valve

2) stenosis of pulmonary artery

3) insufficiency of aortal valves

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4) aortic stenosis

5) mitral stenosis

A) 4, 5

B) 1, 2

C) 3, 4

D) 2, 5

E) 1, 3

339. The pulmonary disease, which is a reason of blood spitting:

A) pulmonary emphysema

B) pulmonary infarction

C) bronchial asthma

D) bronchopneumonia

E) pleural effusion

340. Bronchial respiration is pathological in case of:

A) Bronchitis

B) Dry pleuritis

C) Lungs emphysema

D) Croupous pneumonia

E) Bronchiectasis

341. Reduction of diastolic arterial pressure is characterized by :

1) Mitral valve insufficiency

2) Patent ductus arteriosus l

3) In infussiciency of aortic valves

4) Diffuse myocarditis

5) Endocarditis

A) 3, 5

B) 1, 5

C) 2, 4

D) 1, 4

E) 2, 3

342. Contrast x-ray examination of digestive system does not reveal:

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A) filling defect

B) narrowing and dilatation of the esophagus

C) ”niche” sign

D) increase of size of kidneys

E) fluid level and flatus along of gastro- intestinal tract

343. An abnormal decrease in the number of neutrophils in blood is named:

A) neutrophilia

B) lymphopenia

C) basophilia

D) eosinophilia

E) neutropenia

344. In healthy child bronchial breathing is heard:

1) On larynx

2) On trachea

3) Under clavicula

4) Between the scapulas in level of 3-4 thoracic vertebras

5) Above 1-2 thoracic vertebras

A) 3, 4, 5

B) 2, 3, 5

C) 2, 3, 4

D) 1, 2, 5

E) 1, 2, 4

345. Respiratory rate of a 1 year old child:

A) 30-35

B) 35-40

C) 28-30

D) 40-60

E) 18-20

346. II tone gets strong on pulmonary artery :

1) When arterial pressure increases

2) In the insufficiency of aortal valve

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3) In mitral stenosis

4) In the mitral insufficiency

5) Stagnation of small circle blood circulation

A) 3, 4, 5

B) 2, 4, 5

C) 2, 3, 5

D) 1, 2, 3

E) 1, 3, 5

347. Proportion between respiratory rate and pulse under one year old:

1) 1:2

2) 1:3

3) 1:4

4) 1:2,5

5) 1:3,5

A) 4, 5

B) 3, 5

C) 1, 4

D) 1, 2

E) 2, 5

348. The height of hepatic dullness in the right anterior axillary line is:

A) 9-11 sm

B) 7-9 sm

C) 10-12 sm

D) 12-14 sm

E) 8-10 sm

349. Sclerema is

1) Subcutaneous fat layer hardening in a limited area

2) Subcutaneous fat layer hardening in all areas

3) Edema on the subcutaneous fat layer

4)Concavity is formed when pressed by finger

5)Observed in the first week of life

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A) 3, 4

B) 2, 4

C) 2, 3

D) 1, 5

E) 1, 3

350. Gingival almonds are not out of curves:

A) Until the age of 3 years

B) Puberty age

C) Until the age of 5 years

D) In the first year

E) Until the age of 7 years

351. In little children rarity of nose bleeding is connected with :

A) Poor development of cavernous tissue in the submucous layer

B) Narrowness of nasal ducts

C) Softness of cartilages

D) Thickness of nasal turbinates

E) Lack of lower nasal ducts

352. Hypertrophy of left ventricular in ECG is characterized with:

1) Increase of amplitude of the R wave in V5-V6

2) Increase of amplitude of the R wave in V1-V2

3) α -angle being more than 100*

4)α-angle being less than 30*

5) The shift of the transition zone to the right

6) The shift transition zone to the left

A) 2, 3, 5

B) 1, 3, 6

C) 1, 4, 5

D) 1, 4, 6

E) 1, 3, 5

353. 1 year child’s head circumference

A) 44 cm

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B) 47 cm

C) 50 cm

D) 49 cm

E) 45 cm

354. The patient complains of colicky, cutting pains in the lumbar region withradiation to inguinal area Pains appeared after sports warm-up. Preliminarydiagnosis is:

A) Glomerulonephritis

B) Nephroptosis

C) Amyloidosis of kidneys

D) Urolithiasis

E) Pyelonephritis

355. In newborn shallow and arythmic breathing is compensated by:

1) Increased blood supply of lungs

2) Increase of muscular work

3) Acceleration of breathing

4) Increase of oxygen coefficient

5) Poor blood supply of lungs

A) 2, 3

B) 1, 3

C) 1, 2

D) 3, 5

E) 1, 4

356. Right expansion of relative dullness of heart is observed:

A) aortic stenosis

B) insufficiency of aortal valves

C) stenosis of pulmonary artery

D) chronic nephritis

E) heart failure

357. Diffuse jaundice is marked:

1) In pneumonia

2) In pancreatitis

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3) In the 1-st week of the life in newborns

4) In infections hepatitis

5) In atresia of bile ducts

A) 2, 3, 4

B) 3, 4, 5

C) 1, 2, 3

D) 2, 4, 5

E) 1, 3, 4

358. In a child frontal sinus:

1) don't exists in time of birth

2) In the time of birth develops poorly

3) In the time of birth develops well

4) Maturity in full completes at the age of 10 years

5) Maturity in full completes at the age of 12 years

A) 2, 5

B) 1, 4

C) 3, 4

D) 3, 5

E) 1, 5

359. The statement about the diastolic murmur is false:

A) is heard in mitral valve insufficiency

B) is heard in stenosis of right atrioventricular orifice

C) is audible during prolonged pause between the 2nd and 1st cardiac sounds

D) is heard in aortic valve insufficiency

E) is heard in mitral stenosis

360. Equal amplitude, discontinuous breathing calls:

A) Outcast animal breathing

B) Expiratory moan

C) Chyne-stokes breathing

D) Biotic breathing

E) Stenotic

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361. For determination of the absolute liver dullness is used

A) Loud percussion

B) Very silent percussion

C) Percussion of average force

D) İmmediate percussion

E) Silent percussion

362. The respiratory type of girls in pubertal period:

A) Diaphragmal

B) Breast

C) Thoracic-abdominal

D) Costal

E) Abdomen

363. For fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity is not typical:

A) Delay of the affected half of thorax on respiration

B) Bulging on the affected side of thorax

C) Absence of the vocal fremitus on the affected side

D) Absence respiratory sound and a bronchophony on auscultation over the affected side

E) Tympanic sound on percussion over the affected side

364. Boys and girls have the same form of larynx:

A) To 15 years

B) To 3 years

C) To 12 years

D) Until the age of 6-7 years

E) Until the age of 1 years

365. The complications not characteristic for diabetes mellitus:

A) retinopathy

B) arthropathy

C) neuropathy

D) nephropathy

E) hyperglycemic coma

366. What age can children do spirography?

A) At 2 years

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B) At 5 years

C) At 7 years

D) At 4 years

E) At 10 years

367. In the case of hardening of lung tissue:

1) Vocal vibration decreases

2) Vocal vibration increases

3) Percution sound become shorter

4) Percution tympanic sound is audible

5) Bronchial breathing is audible

A) 3, 4

B) 2, 4, 5

C) 1, 4, 5

D) 1, 3, 5

E) 2, 3, 5

368. In healthy children until which age puerile breathing happens?

A) Until the age of 2-2.5 years

B) Until the age of 5-7 years

C) Until the age of 1-1.5 years

D) Until the age of 3-4 years

E) Until 5-6 month

369. Normal border of the lower edge of lungs on the posterior axillary line is

located on the:

A) 9th rib

B) Lower edge of the 8 rib

C) Upper edge of the 8 rib

D) the 10th rib

E) Lower edge of the 10 ribs

370. Rheumatic carditis is affection of:

A) cardiac muscle

B) myocardium and endocardium

C) all layers of the heart

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D) pericardium

E) endocardium

371. After which age pulmonary pic and Krenig area can be determined?

A) Age of 5 years

B) Age of 6 years

C) Age of 7 years

D) Age of 1 years

E) Age of 3 years

372. Signs of the hypersthenic type of the chest

A) Supraclavicular and subclavicular fossas are well expressed

B) The epigastric angle is more than 90 degree

C) Ribs are oblique

D) Epigastric angle is 90 degree

E) Width of ribs are 0,5-1 sm, intercostal spaces are 2-2,5 sm

373. Which sign is characteristic for the child at the age of 3years:

1) Number of heart beat being 100 in a minute

2) Number of heart beat being 132 in a minute

3)Arterial pressure =95/60 mm m.c

4) Left border of relative dullness of heart -2)5 cm outside from left breast line

5) Accent of II tone on aorta

A) 1, 5

B) 2, 3

C) 4, 5

D) 1, 4

E) 1, 3

374. Local increase of temperature is observed in:

1) Inflammation of joints

2) In vascular spasm

3) Osteomielitis

4) Inflammation of lymph nodes

5) Damage of central nervous system

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A) 1, 3, 4

B) 1, 2, 3

C) 1, 3, 4

D) 1, 3, 5

E) 1, 4, 5

375. Rubbing sound of pleura:

1) Only heard in inhalation

2) Only heard in exhalation

3) In both inhalation and exhalation

4) Remains after coughing

5) After coughing disappears

A) 3, 4

B) 1, 5

C) 1, 4

D) 2, 5

E) 3, 5

376. Cholestasis syndrome does not include:

A) İtching

B) Yellow-green skin color

C) Darkening of feces

D) Darkening of urine

E) Decolouration of feces

377. In the infants observes during pneumonia:

1) Respiratory failure

2) Weakening of vocal vibration

3) Atrophy of percution sound

4) By percution tympanic sound

5) Weakening breathing

A) 2, 4, 5

B) 1, 3, 5

C) 1, 3, 4

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D) 1, 2, 3

E) 2, 3, 5

378. How can be symptom of cup of Filosofov controlled:

A) Percussoinly in paravertebral area

B) Auscultatory on edge extract

C) Percussionly on breastbone

D) Percussionly in the I-II intercostal area

E) Percussionly on edge extract

379. Levels of the blood pressure in arterial hypertension II degree:

A) 140/90-159/99mmHg

B) more than 180/110mmHg

C) 130/80-139/89mmHg

D) 120/70-130/80mmHg

E) 160/100-179/109 mmHg

380. Formation of colourful vision:

A) 3 year

B) 1 year

C) 10 months

D) 6 months

E) 1,5 year

381. Rough barking cough is determined:

A) Bronchitis

B) Pleuritis

C) Tracheitis

D) Laryngitis

E) Pneumonia

382. The statement about the 1st and 2nd cardiac sounds is not correct:

A) the 1st sound occurs simultaneously with apex beat

B) the 1st sound is loud, good audible over the apex, longer than the 2nd sound, occurs

after the prolonged pause

C) the 2nd sound occurs simultaneously with apex beat

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D) pulsation of the carotid artery occurs simultaneously with the 1st sound

E) the 2nd sound occurs after the short pause, is better heard over the cardiac base

383. Systemic enlargement of lymph nodes is observed in:

A) Lymphogranulomatosis

B) Thyrotoxicosis

C) Hypothyroidism

D) Diabetes mellitus

E) Submaxillary lymphadenitis

384. In esophageal diseases pain occurs during:

A) Swallowing

B) Respiration

C) After the physical exercise

D) Physical exercise

E) Excitement

385. Inspiratory breathlessness happens:

A) In pneumonia

B) In bronchiolitis

C) In croup

D) In bronchial asthma

E) Respiratory distress syndrome

386. For pulmonary emphysema is not characteristic:

A) decrease of vital capacity

B) paralytic chest

C) expressed central cyanosis

D) shortness of breath

E) lower lungs borders are shifted downwards

387. Triangles which are distinguished in pleural effusion:

A) Shetkin-Blumberg’s

B) Verlhoff’s

C) Garlend’s

D) Einthoven

E) Guion’s

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388. Vocal vibration decreases:

1) During bronchitis

2) During exudation pleurisy

3) During brinchial asthma

4) In bronchopneumonia

5) In atelectasis

A) 2, 5

B) 3, 5

C) 2, 3

D) 1, 4

E) 3, 4

389. Expiratory breathlessness happens:

1) Bronchopneumonia

2) Tracheobronchitis

3) Pleuritis

4) Bronchial asthma

5) Obstructive bronchitis

A) 1, 2

B) 2, 3

C) 4, 5

D) 3, 4

E) 1, 5

390. Which indexes are characteristic for 5 months child s neuropsychological


1) Sits well

2) Can hold toy

3) Sounds syllables

4) “Animation complex” occurs when adults approach

5) Can stand while keeping by armpit

A) 3, 4

B) 1, 2

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C) 1, 5

D) 2, 4

E) 3, 5

391. Is not the component of the 1st cardiac sound:

A) simultaneously closure and tension of aortic and pulmonary artery valves

B) Vibration of aortic and pulmonary artery walls in the initial period of blood ejection from

the ventricles

C) Tension and vibration of closing mitral and tricuspid valves

D) Vibration of the strained myocardium of the right and left ventricles in period of closed


E) Vibration and tension of myocardium of auricles

392. In the bronchial obstruction syndrome is appointing:

1) Shortness of percution sound

2) Hard breathing

3) Dry whistling and buzzering wheeze

4) Outspread, hardened expiratation

5) Amplification of vocal vibration

A) 1, 2

B) 3, 4

C) 4, 5

D) 2, 5

E) 1, 3

393. Reasons of posthepatic jaundice:

A) Cardiac cirrhosis

B) Virus hepatitis

C) Alcoholic hepatitis

D) Hemolytic anemia

E) Cancer located in the head of pancreas

394. Under the Damuazo-Sokolov line observes during exsudative pleurit:

1) Amplificion of vocal vibration

2) Weakening of vocal vibration

3) Atrophy of percution sond

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4) By percution muffled sound

5) Bronchial breathing

A) 1, 4

B) 1, 5

C) 2, 5

D) 4, 5

E) 2 4

395. The upper border of the relative cardiac dullness is detected on the leftparasternal line at the level of

A) the 3rd rib

B) Upper edge of the 4 rib

C) Lower edge of the 4 rib

D) Upper edge of the 5 rib

E) the 5th rib

396. II tone strengthening in II intercostal part is observed in the right border ofchest:

A) when arterial pressure increases

B) In the insufficiency of mitral valve

C) Aortic stenosis

D) During lung emphysema

E) In the insufficiency of aorta valves

397. Rheumatic polyarthritis is not characterized by:

A) symmetric affection of joints

B) affection of small joints

C) hyperemia and swelling of joints

D) volatility of pains

E) affection of large joints

398. The third category degree respiratory failure is characterized :

1) PO2 70-80 mm of mercury column

2) P О2 lesst than 70 mm of mercury column

3) Cyanosis after the physical load

4) Soil colour cyanosis in quiet condition

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5) Increase of arterial pressure

6) Decrase af arterial pressure

7) Decreased to 50-60% of the reserve breathing

8) Decreased to 0% of the reserve breathing

A) 2, 3, 5, 7

B) 1, 3, 5, 7

C) 1, 4, 6, 8

D) 1, 3, 6, 7

E) 2, 4, 6, 8

399. Symptoms are not characteristic for B12 and folic acid deficiency anemia:

A) paresthesia, paralyses

B) alternation of constipation and diarrheas

C) burning sensation in the tongue

D) decrease of capacity for work

E) debility and dizziness

400. Characteristic feature of crepitation:

A) heard in both respiratory phases

B) heard only in exhalation

C) increases on pressing with stethoscope

D) not changed after expectoration

E) occurs in alveoli at presence in scant exudate