Peddinghaus Steel Fabricators' Review Fall 2007

FABRICATORS MAKING TODAY’S SKYLINE POSSIBLE IN THIS ISSUE F. Hackländer GmbH 5 Serving Your Industry Pays Dividends Steel Project Spotlight 8 Euclid/Park Avenue Bicycle- Pedestrian Bridge Caunton Engineering 9 Technology Today’s Global Markets Robinson 12 Then & Now Tour Structural Fab Shops… 17 Peddinghaus Style AISC Steel Solutions Center 18 Providing Timely and Reliable Information to the Industry The Power to Innovate: A “Model” Project 20 Three Companies Collaborate Industry News 24 Sustainability in the Future Design Data Users Group 26 Conference Wrap Up CAUNTON ENGINEERING Technology Driven for Today’s Global Markets To become an industry leader, a firm must be capable of exploring new technologies, and carry the strength and fortitude to successfully implement this new found expertise into daily business activities and production. It takes skill and persistence to identify technologies and methods which will affect the future of your company. Caunton Engineering maintains the uncanny ability of foreseeing and then utilizing new technology and separating true workable technologies from simple machine trends. See full story on page 9 Mr. Simon Bingham, Managing Director, Caunton Engineering Robinson Construction We take a follow-up look at Robinson Construction in Derby, UK. Four years ago Robinson implemented a new fast track “Speed Line” for structural fabrication, realizing the full potential of the system within months, and processing jobs in record time. See full story on page 12 Mr. Roger Gillanders, Engineering Director, Robinson Construction F. HACKLÄNDER GmbH Serving Your Industry Pays Dividends The descriptive name for the steel supply industry may vary from country to country— some call it “steel stock holders” or “steel stocking center” or “steel service center”—but the intent is the same. Any firm that engages in the distribution of structural steel must be dedicated to their customers, and provide first class services with timely deliveries. One of the premier firms in today’s global market is F. Hackländer GmbH, Kassel, Germany. See full story on page 5 Mr. Hans-Hartwig Koether, Managing Director, Hackländer GmbH


SFR Volume 24 - The Peddinghaus Steel Fabricators' Review is a magazine published by Peddinghaus Corporation - the acknowledged global leader in the manufacture of Steel Fabricating equipment. The magazine chronicles not only structural steel fabricators but steel service centers, and manufacturers that use Peddinghaus equipment including: beam drill lines, angle lines, automatic copers, plate processors, ironworkers, and band saws. These punching, drilling, coping, plasma and oxy-fuel cutting machines are employed to cut costs, enhance efficiency, and generate profits from a wide array of industries. The Steel Fabricators' Review also covers many leading BIM, Nesting, and MRP software techniques for use with Peddinghaus CNC equipment and also discusses other processes such as painting, shot blasting, welding, and more!

Transcript of Peddinghaus Steel Fabricators' Review Fall 2007

Page 1: Peddinghaus Steel Fabricators' Review Fall 2007

F A B R I C A T O R S M A K I N G T O D A Y ’ S S K Y L I N E P O S S I B L E

IN THIS ISSUE F. Hackländer GmbH 5Serving Your Industry Pays Dividends

Steel Project Spotlight 8Euclid/Park Avenue Bicycle-Pedestrian Bridge

Caunton Engineering 9Technology Today’s Global Markets

Robinson 12Then & Now

Tour Structural Fab Shops… 17Peddinghaus Style

AISC Steel Solutions Center 18Providing Timely and ReliableInformation to the Industry

The Power to Innovate: A “Model” Project 20Three Companies Collaborate

Industry News 24Sustainability in the Future

Design Data Users Group 26Conference Wrap Up


Technology Driven for Today’s Global MarketsTo become an industry leader, a firm must be capable of exploring new technologies, and carry the strength and fortitude to successfully implement this new found expertise into daily business activities and production. It takes skill and persistence to identify technologies and methods which will affect the future of your company. CauntonEngineering maintains the uncanny ability of foreseeing and then utilizing new technology and separating true workabletechnologies from simple machine trends. See full story on page 9

Mr. Simon Bingham, Managing Director, Caunton Engineering

Robinson Construction We take a follow-up lookat Robinson Construction in Derby, UK. Four years ago Robinsonimplemented a new fasttrack “Speed Line” forstructural fabrication,realizing the full potentialof the system withinmonths, and processingjobs in record time.

See full story on page 12Mr. Roger Gillanders, Engineering Director, Robinson Construction


Serving Your Industry Pays DividendsThe descriptive name for the steel supplyindustry may vary from country to country—some call it “steel stock holders” or “steelstocking center” or “steel service center”—butthe intent is the same. Any firm that engagesin the distribution of structural steel must bededicated to their customers, and provide firstclass services with timely deliveries. One ofthe premier firms in today’s global market is F. Hackländer GmbH, Kassel, Germany.

See full story on page 5

Mr. Hans-Hartwig Koether,Managing Director, Hackländer GmbH

Page 2: Peddinghaus Steel Fabricators' Review Fall 2007

AISC Second Quarter ResultsJohn Cross, AISC, Vice President ofMarketing:“Second quarter resultshave been reported by McGraw-Hill andindicate a market share for structural steel of 54%.* The compares to a market share for all of 2006 of 50%. This increase of 4 points of market share represents an additional 200,000 tons of structural steel consumption in the constructionmarket…”

*As a reference, this percentage has been steadilyincreasing the past two years. In the first quarter, themarket share was 52% For a related story, see page 18“AISC Solution Center Puts the “Structure” in SteelConstruction”.

According to McGraw Hill, construction volume inthe non-residential sector continues at a pace 3%ahead of 2006. Educational and governmental build-ing show strong levels of activity along with storesand restaurants.

Reed Construction reports two categories that reflectstrong growth, not reported by McGraw Hill—hotelsand motels under 5 stories and domestic militaryconstruction.

American Institute of ArchitectsHere’s the latest report from the AIA in Washington, D.C.—“Up slightly from the 59.3 mark in June, theArchitecture billings Index (ABI) in July reached thesecond highest mark since the survey's inception in1995. As a leading economic indicator of construc-tion activity, the ABI shows an approximate nine totwelve month lag time between architecture billingsan d construction spending. The American Instituteof Architects (AIA) reported the July ABI rating was60.0 (any score above 50 indicates an increase inbillings, ) and inquiries for new projects was 66.2%.

The message here is to look forward to 2008, as thefuture looks very promising, indeed.

Peddinghaus Expands Latin AmericanRegional Headquarters

Peddinghaus is pleased toannounce the expansion of its Latin AmericanRegional Headquartersin Monterrey, Mexico.Ms. Jessica Trevino hasjoined the staff asAdministrative Assistant.Jessica will be responsiblefor all office documenta-

tion including sales and service coordination. Shejoins the staff along with service technicians ManuelSalinas, Eduardo Gonzalez, and Victor Reyes.

Mr. Jose Cavazos, the Managing Director, LatinAmerican Operations, has a strong background in thestructural steel fabrication industry. After completinghis Electronics degree at the University, he beganworking for Forjas Metalicas where he first learnedabout Peddinghaus equipment. At that time, Forjas purchased three angle lines and one drill line,and Jose’s education began there. Steve Farrow,Peddinghaus Vice President, was the Sales Manager in charge of Latin America and the person who sawthe potential of the region.

Ten years ago, Peddinghaus decided to invest in theregion and did the first hiring in Latin America, Josewas hired to do service. At that time, Peddinghaushad 7 customers in 5 different countries.

Peddinghaus has more than 60 customers in 14 countries, and the expectations of continued growthare still very high.

Jose is proud to say that Peddinghaus Latin Americais known for having the best customer service andassistance prior and post sale in all of Central andSouth America. This is possible due to the hard workand dedication of Manuel, Eduardo, and Victor. Thisgreat Latin American Peddinghaus service team worksin conjunction with the service support groups inBradley, IL and Andrews, SC.

Continued on page 4

“How do you see business,now? Are you busy”?

“What’s your market like?Is it still strong?”

“How do you see the economy?”

Visit any meeting concerningsteel construction, and thesecomments are always heard.What is interesting is that youheard these comments in 1985,1995, 2005—and today.

The point being is that no matter the current business levels, astute industry profes-sionals always have an “eye to the future” and an “ear to the ground”.

We are not economists, but we certainly can attest to thecontinuing positive spirit andenthusiasm that still pervade thesteel construction and heavyplate fabrication industries.

Let’s look at a few facts fromsome very well respected industry experts—quoted onthese pages before—to get their opinion on the current“State of Steel Construction”

Lyle Menke


Sr. Jose Cavazos (right) of Peddinghaus with Ing. ServandoAldana of Acestra, Guadalajara.

Page 3: Peddinghaus Steel Fabricators' Review Fall 2007


Sales History in the MakingNever in the history of PeddinghausCorporation, have we seen such faith placed in us by our wonderful customers. Our clientsplaced their confidence in Peddinghaus byplacing orders that have exceeded our projectedsales figures. This large order backlog is derivedfrom our global clientele. I am pleased to saythat Peddinghaus received orders from everycontinent in the world this summer.

Thanks to you–our amazing customers–Peddinghaus is on a record pace to reach a sales volume of $130M this fiscal year. Evenwith this increased sales volume, I am pleased toreport that we maintain a delivery schedule ofless than 6 months on most of our products. We have “ramped up” with new CNC machinetools for our machine shop, expanded manufac-turing and warehousing space—and moreimportantly our work force. We are nowapproaching 500 employees at our facilities inNorth America alone—specifically from Bradleyand Andrews, SC.

Bringing your “A” Game to Peddinghaus Every Day…As you know, I was born in Germany andalways liked “football”–what Americans call“Soccer”. But as a teenager working in the shophere in Bradley, the guys taught me aboutAmerican Football: the NFL, the Superbowl, everything.

The one point I always admired about American Football was the intricate plays and the teamwork needed by the players on the field to execute the play properly. Each player had his responsibility, and if done properly, the play wasgood, and the team was successful.

The Peddinghaus team is essentially the same.We have a great team of players who have onegoal in common: winning customer satisfaction.All of our employees - whether shop or manage-ment - believes in each other, and stronglybelieves in our products. We don't have any“superstars” but we have many “all-stars” whobring their “A” game to Peddinghaus every day.

Customer Service for You is our PriorityThe dynamic growth in our industry and atPeddinghaus places emphasis on customer serv-ice, training, and spare parts delivery. We con-tinue to expand and upgrade our people, ourfacility, and our training programs to betterserve you. We will soon have fifty (50) servicetechnicians are on the road traveling, along withtwenty (20) phone technicians and support per-sonnel at our location here in Bradley.

We are equipping new service vehicles for largeinstallations with every component imaginableto expedite the installation process. From fittingsto laser levels to welders—it will all be “onboard” for a fast efficient install. We want youup and running so you can use our technologyto save money on that next job!

If you have any concerns about our service capabilities, catch a flight to Chicago. We’ll pick you up at the airport and in about an hour, you will see the difference that a realservice commitment makes. We are proud of our new Customer Call Center, which iscomplete with today’s digital technology—including remote diagnostics consoles for fastproblem solving. As I discussed in my last article, I regret not proceeding as rapidly withcustomer training, but I am pleased to announcethat a senior technician, Keith Birge, has beenappointed as instructor, and our new world classtraining center is now completed.

Here is an example of how we continually seekto improve our customer service. For our singlespindle Avenger users, we have twelve (12) dedi-cated technicians to assist. Previously, our instal-lation time was one week. However, now eachAvenger is a two week installation process, whereour technicians spend more time training andinstructing than installing. This process paysdividends for you as you face each new steelproject with confidence.

Continued on page 8


Anton Peddinghaus

As we approach the Autumn season here in Bradley, we can already detect the “signs of the season”, as days are getting shorterand trees are starting to turn. Summer is a great time of the year,but those of us with kids admit - juggling their many summer timeactivities keep all of us parents running in many directions. WhenFall comes, our kids are back in school, and everyone returns again to a sense of normal “daily structure”. The kids have theirschoolwork, and we can concentrate fully on our work requirements.

Even though we appreciate Fall, at Peddinghaus, we almost hate to say good-bye to Summer, 2007…Why? Because the Summer of '07 turned out to be one of the most unbelievably dynamic periodsin the steel construction and heavy plate industries!

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Continued from page 2

SUPPORTING GREEN DESIGNSFrom the AISC quarterly report, we learned that structural steel hasincreased market share to 54%, which is excellent news for our industry. Intoday’s market, being environmentally correct can also mean saving money.How, do you ask? Here are a few items that Peddinghaus is actively involvedin to help our environment—and save you some cash along the way:

Micro Mist Lubrication for Band Saws Peddinghaus design engineers have utilized the latest blade lubrication technology to create a superior method for lubricating band saw blades—without flood coolant! This new design is available on all Peddinghaus bandsaws—the DGP 1270 and DG 1100 miter series and the 1250-510 straightcutting band saw. Why pay for a flood coolant that actually COSTS moremoney in actual production?

Did You Know?

The cost of buying, managing, and disposing of cutting fluids has

risen dramatically in the last two years. For example, a recent survey

in the automotive industry revealed that coolant costs account for

20% of total production costs, compared with 7.5% for cutting tools.

Coolant disposal costs now exceed the initial cost of the coolant, and

are increasing. So, shops are attracted to techniques that reduce the

use of cutting fluids for some applications, even if this means a slight

reduction in tool life.

American Machinist MagazineAugust, 2007

PeddiCool–the exclusive micro mist coolant from Peddinghaus—is the 21st century solution for band saw blade lubrication. When your band saw is equipped with mist coolant technology, PeddiCool is the choice for you.

This environmentally friendly, vegetable oil based coolant is designed foryour toughest band sawing jobs–without the coolant mess and hazards:

• Applies in a fine mist DIRECTLY onto the blade before it enters the cut

• A thin sheen provides full protection to glide the blade through your material

• For all shapes from solids to tubes to jumbo wide flange beams and columns

• Glides chips away with lubricated ease

Why Mess with Flood Coolant? Here’s the PeddiCool advantage:

• No flooding of your beam profiles or structural shapes

• No time spent to clean flooded beams before painting

• No more slippery floors from coolant overflow

• No bacteria build up means NO ODORS or skin irritation

PLUS PeddiCool Actually Saves You Money:• No mixing—apply right from the container

• No labor costs to clean up structural shapes or profiles

• No labor costs to pump out old coolant

• No costs for hazardous material removal

• No paperwork to monitor old coolant removal

• Users report one gallon sufficient for 600 running hours

Watch two videos on the advantages of Micro Mist lubrication at

• PeddiCool (watch for the tiger)

• DG 1100 miter band saw

Keep Thinking Green—Steel is the Original Recycler!!

Page 5: Peddinghaus Steel Fabricators' Review Fall 2007


The steel supplier F. Hackländer GmbH was

founded 1870 in Kassel, in the state of Hesse,

Germany, and has been a member of the

Carl Spaeter Group GmbH, Duisburg, since 1908.

Today, it is one of the most important and

capable steel suppliers in Germany. Partnership

and customer orientation are the basis of their

continued success, now spanning an entire

century. This is reflected by long-term business

relationships and a high level of customer

satisfaction with all their clients.

A sales volume of approx. € 300 million (stocksales and third-party deals) in the business year2006–corresponding to about US$ 400 million–and sales of 410,000 tons at an average stockinventory of about 60,000 tons, has madeHackländer, Kassel, the largest branch withinthe Spaeter Group. In the first five months ofthe business year 2007, Hackländer has succeed-ed–not least due to their modern service centrethat was established in recent years–in increasingtheir output even more significantly. They havesucceeded in bringing their customer deliveries up to 212,000 tons as of May, 2007,corresponding to a sales volume of approx.€ 154 million (US$ 205 million). Assuming the positive trend of the economy in Europecontinues, this would mean a dramatic increaseof about 20% compared to the previous year.

Hackländer has achieved this performance witha total workforce of 306, 145 of which areworking in their offices and 141 on the shopfloor. They also employ a total of 20 trainees.

Aside from their headquarters in Kassel, wherethe purchasing and sales departments as well as administration and management offices arelocated, Hackländer maintains branches withwarehousing operations in Kaufungen–the central warehouse for rolled steel and the servicecentre–Bad Salzuflen and Körner, as well as salesoffices in Riesa and Weimar. The large ware-house capacity of 46,000 m2 covered storage area comprises Hackländer’s entire rangeof steel products, as well as stainless steel, aluminum and synthetic materials. With a wide and deep assortment range, as well as a broad processing capability and services,Hackländer is able to meet the varied requirements of their customers.

A capable fleet of 35 owned vehicles plus thefleets of contracted forwarders assure the timelydelivery of customer's orders to their destinations.

In addition to these locations, Hackländer maintains additional warehouses in Germany,Holland, Belgium and Poland. Their facilities in Kassel and Kaufungen are strategically welllocated–in the heart of the central Europeanmarket–with excellent connections to major traffic routes. Situated right in the middle, in a north-south as well as east-west direction,Hackländer is geographically close to customersanywhere. As one of the largest suppliers of steelin Germany, Hackländer delivers their productsto large steel processors as well as the regionalsteel trade nationwide and in neighboring countries such as Benelux, Austria, CzechRepublic or Poland.

When direct delivery is needed by customers,Hackländer works directly with the productionof European steel suppliers. Using this thirdparty “teamwork”, Hackländer is one of just afew suppliers in Germany capable of providingthis contracting business in cooperation withother steel producers.

Their highly qualified workforce offers outstanding consulting competence, is highlymotivated and ready to acquire your business.

Continued on page 6


Serving Your Industry Pays Dividends

Headquartered in Kassel, Hackländer is a thriving entityin the global steel distribution market.

With multiple locations and a large inventory, Hackländer has achieved record sales volume.

With 35 vehicles, Hackländer knows timely deliveries are the key to success.

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SERVING YOUR INDUSTRY PAYS Continued from page 5

As of today, a total of € 50 million (US$ 67million) has been invested in their logistics and service centre located in Kaufungen since its inception in 1966. Starting in September ofthis year, they will make further significantinvestments in this facility in order to increasewarehousing and logistic capacities as well asenhance the capabilities of their machinery and processing centers. Among others, the newconstruction of two additional warehouse buildings with a total floor space of 7,430 m2

including a fully automated high rack storagearea with a total of 2,890 compartments. Thesum of € 12 million (US$ 16 million) will bemade available to realize this investment.Furthermore, the company premises of currently57,000 m2 in Kaufungen will be expanded byacquiring an adjacent property of 26,000 m2

in order to provide room to grow for the entirebusiness enterprise far into the future.

To expand their processing capability,Hackländer placed an order with Peddinghausin March 2007 for another band saw unit 1020DGP and a band saw unit 1270 DGP with astructural Drill line model BDL 1250/ 9. TheBDL multi-spindle drill has capacity to processnine different hole diameters giving Hackländerfull flexibility.

These investments are intended to round offtheir current service facility, consisting of:

5 saw units,3 automatic pipe cutting machines,1 plasma cutting system,3 flame cutting machines, and1 Paint preservation line

(blasting and primer system).

The heart of their processing operation is the most modern plate processing system inEurope, Model FPDB 2500, purchased last year from Peddinghaus.

After Hackländer had dealt with preparationsfor the investment for almost a year, collectinginformation on the available types and function principles of the products from variousmanufacturers, Hackländer decided in favor of the FPDB 2500 after a visit to PeddinghausCorporation in Bradley, Illinois USA.

After some of their employees participated intraining measures for several days in Bradley,

the FPDB 2500 arrived in their workshop in October of 2006. Installation and commissioning in Hackländer’s workshop went without a hitch, allowing them to workwith the machine without any problem rightfrom the start. Today, about a year later, the machine is already running in two-shift

operation, and three-shift operation is scheduledto begin in the third quarter, 2007.

An important reason for the decision in favor of a system by Peddinghaus from the USA was that Peddinghaus has qualified service technicians and spare parts available at theirlocation in Gevelsberg. This customer service ishighly qualified and is able to solve smallerproblems by phone. The transmission of data

The new Peddinghaus Miter Band Saw with measuringsystem is perfectly designed for the steel distributionmarket.

Mr. Mario Kirchner (Production Manager); Mr. Hans-Hartwig Koether (Managing Director); Mr. Thomas Schroeder (Plant Director) confer on the new Peddinghaus project.

Hackländer says “The heart of our plate processing is the most modern plate system in Europe–the Peddinghaus FPDB 2500.”

The demand for steel plate

is so interesting that

Hackländer started looking

into investing in a second

plate line in the future.

Weighing in at over 33,000 kg (70,000 lbs), the FPDB is atrue “Powerhaus” machine.

Page 7: Peddinghaus Steel Fabricators' Review Fall 2007


to Bradley is also possible at any time, thusreducing downtimes due to machine defects.

Should the presence of a service technician berequired on-site, he can be there on short notice,the driving time is only two hours. Hackländerwas recently able to take advantage of this quickservice after the occurrence of a sudden problemwith the plasma head. The repair was done rightaway and downtime was significantly reduced.

However, up to this point there have been no problems worth mentioning, allowingHackländer to use the system at full capacity.Because, interest and demand from the side of

potential customers is high and exceeds theirexpectations. The major portion of current production has been going to structural steel,but the demand from the machine building sector, a growth industry in Germany, generatesinteresting orders, as well.

Since structural steel represents one of theirmain markets, they have once again opted infavor of products by Peddinghaus for the investment in new saws and the drilling

machine. The saw 1270 DGP and the 1250/9drill are evidence of many years of experience in structural steel and enjoy a high level ofacceptance with their customers.

Therefore, Hackländer will continue to expandthe range of products in the coming years withthe aid of equipment by Peddinghaus, amongothers, by investing in an ABCM 1250 coping system that convinced them with ademonstration of efficiency and performanceduring the visit to a Peddinghaus customer in Alabama in May of this year. As an alternative, the Ring Of Fire has now becomepart of the discussion.

The required space for infeeds, roller tables and cross conveyors has already been taken into consideration in planning for the installation of the sawing-drilling line in October of thisyear. A further focal point of investments will bethe construction of a second blasting unit forflat products with a working width of 3.20 m inorder to shorten internal work procedures andto reduce outsourced services.

To expand processing capabilities, Hackländer has recently installed a Peddinghaus BDL 1250/9 drill with a DGP 1270 miter band saw.

Hackländer positioned the FPDB into their shop carefully.

No matter the industry–

in today’s competitive

global economy–

a thriving business must

continue to improve. With

the implementation of

productive new equipment,

the steps necessary

to build a modern, capable

and customer oriented

steel service center will

essentially have been

completed for the 21st century.

A lot of power in a small shop space: 2500 mm (wide) x 75 mm (thick)—(96” x 3”)6 meter infeed—(20’)Punch, drill, mark, thermal cut and unload

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F R O M T H E C E OContinued from page 3

Wow—I am Glad that we Build Machines—Not Buildings!!From my previous editorials, you know we are in the process of constructing a new 50,000 square foot manufacturing facility here on our Bradley campus. I don’t want to exchange places with any of our steel construction friends, as I've learned (the HARD WAY) about the many“challenges” and “opportunities” of putting up a building:

• Zoning rules and regulations• Dealing with Power Utilities (Ever had to move a dozen electrical poles?)• Unexpected weather (record rainfall)• Etc, Etc, Etc

The good news is that we are making progress, and if the weather continuesto cooperate, we hope to have a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Seriously, we needthe space to improve our deliveries to you—that remains our goal.

The Glass is Always Half-Full!The Fall season brings a lot of trade shows, conferences, and similar industry meetings. I’ve always been a “glass is half-full” kind of guy. Iencourage you to be the same. When you attend a marketplace meeting,use positive comments like the data on page 2 from Lyle’s editorial. The American Institute of Architects and the AISC are very bullish on steelconstruction far into 2008. Be the same! Stay optimistic on the future, andyou'll be surprised how that enthusiasm carries itself forward to others inour industry.

That is what good businessPartners do—they alwayslook at the Bright Side—and always support theirPartner’s best interests. Staypositive on steel—it is theconstruction choice for anysized project.

Time to close as I have ameeting with the projectmanager for our new manufacturing building…Boy, I am glad I don’t have HIS job!

Euclid/Park Avenue Bicycle-Pedestrian Bridge

A project of Arizona Structure Technologies1945 W. Broadway Road • Phoenix, AZ 85041

From left to right the employees are Idelfonso Ramirez, welder; Troy Craft, fitter; Manuel Balcazar, fitter; Bobby Cordova, fitter; Dean Hill, beam line; John S. Hogan, fitter; and Frank Zamudio, painter.

The City of Tucson refers to the structure as the “The Basket Bridge”. The totalweight is approximately 300,000 pounds. Each truss weighs approximately 50,000pounds and is approximately 120 feet long X approximately 24 feet in height. The W14X99 were rolled by Paramount Roll & Forming, Inc. in Santa Fe Springs, CA.Besides just handling the massive size and weight of each finished piece, a coupleof the fabrication challenges were figuring out the optimum way to cut the expanded metal to fit the radius with a minimum amount of cleanup (ie; plasma cut)and carefully finish painting the variety of different colors on the finished product.

This complex project could not have been fabricated nor managed without the tireless and enthusiastic efforts of Sergio Barrera, Project Manager.


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1970There had been a blacksmith’s shop in the village of Caunton, near Newark inNottinghamshire for centuries before the business was taken over by Tom Broadberry and David Bingham.

The company was re-named CauntonEngineering Limited in 1969 and opened forbusiness on 1st February 1970. The first year’ssales totalled £25k (about $50,000 in today’sexchange rate). The company won its first build-ing order in March 1970 and continued opera-tions from the village until April 1973 when itrelocated to a new, purpose built fabricationplant at Kirkby in Ashfield, near Nottingham.

1973The move coincided with the company’s first major industrial building, a new printingworks for the Nottingham Evening Postnewspaper group.

The company started its extensive training initiative with both shop floor and technicalapprenticeships and was elected a member of theBritish Constructional Steelwork Association,encouraged by East Midlands based fabricatorswho recognized a rapidly expanding competitor.

1978Caunton purchased the first computer basedstructural analysis package from CSC for steelframes along with the first Olivetti computerimported to the UK. This marked the start ofCaunton’s long tradition and love affair withcomputing power. Every subsequent investmenthas been based on the benefits IT can bring tothe business and its customers. Even at this early stage they were carrying out all operations;design, detailing, fabrication and erection “In House”.

1982Rapid expansion took place over the comingyears resulting in the Company operating on four different sites of the same industrialestate–Caunton was starting to run out of spaceto grow the business.

1985/1986A major re-think was required. The directorsmade several trips abroad to find the most economical steel fabrication methods.Fabrication plants were visited in Germany,Australia, and the USA to study methods ofoperation and machinery used. Caunton realizedthat they needed to automate the productionplant and move to computer generated drawings.

The first step was to install BOCAD–a Germandrafting suite–this was a brave move and markedthe introduction of 3-D Geometric Modeling bya steelwork contractor in the UK.

The next step was to search for a new, biggerhome where they could install a fully integratedCAD / CAM manufacturing plant. The searchtook four years and at the end of 1989 Cauntonpurchased the National Workshops of BritishCoal at Moorgreen, near Nottingham. (Forthose readers who are not familiar–yes it is thatNottingham: Robin Hood et al.)

1990: Big Investment—Then BigRecession—Then What Happened?The company moved to Moorgreen in Januaryand embarked on an investment programtotalling £3.6M ($7.2). Peddinghaus was chosento design the layout for the new CAD/CAMfacility which was to be driven by data from theBOCAD drafting system.

Continued on page 10


Technology Driven for Today’s Global MarketsFrom software to machine tools to production and erection, Caunton has been a leader by embracingthe future–they purchased their first computer early on–which has powered their growth as a recognizable international structural steel fabricator. To fully appreciate the development of CauntonEngineering, it is best to take a chronological view of their history.

The original workshop in the village of Caunton, Nottinghamshire, 1970.

Aerial view of Caunton’s factory, 2007.

Caunton’s purpose built factory at Kirby-in-Ashfield,Nottinghamshire, 1973.

Caunton’s first major industrial building, 1974.

The Peddinghaus FDB 1500 (right) is installed with an automated loading system to improve material handlingand increased efficiency.

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TODAY’S GLOBAL MARKETSContinued from page 9

Caunton invested in a TDK saw/drill, ABCM1000 coper, AFPS 623 angle line, FPB 500 plasma punch plate processing center, and soonafter, a FDB 600 heavy plate processing center.

The project took two years to complete and‘switch on’ happened in the spring of 1992–justin time for the deepest recession the UK steelindustry has ever known!

Fortunately the investment made Caunton superefficient and, recession or not, sales rocketed and overheads fell. Productivity increased wellbeyond expectations and with increased standardization, driven by a fully integratedCAD/CAM, design/detail/manufacturing facility, Caunton gained market share andincreased profitability.

At the same time as ‘switch on’ Caunton also moved the business to a “Just in Time”operation, supported by the then British Steel(now Corus). The company was by now anational fabricator working throughout the UK,from oil rig work in Aberdeen, to Lands End inCornwall, where they built the last Tin Mine inthe UK.

1998Caunton’s impact on the industry was clear tosee and growth since 1992 had been a consistentupward path. The company was now undertakinglarge, nationally noted projects; like the newLand Rover plant at Solihull and the ThamesCourt award winning building in the City of London, both involving well in excess of2,000 tons of steel. Complete shopping centerdevelopments were also completed in Liverpool,Barrow and Mansfield.

Further sawing and plate fittings capacity wasneeded to enable them to meet the demands oftheir Clients. Caunton opted for the compara-tively new Peddinghaus bandsaw–a relativelynew technology that offered significant sawingefficiency gains. For fittings and detail workCaunton invested in an FPB 1500 plate processing centre.

2004The early years of the new century have seencontinuous improvement and developmentthroughout the business. The company’s on-sitecapabilities have grown to the point where theyare capable of erecting over 70% of all they sell.

Team development within the plant and the introduction of multi-skilling (cross-training) has enhanced the capability ofCaunton’s production, with year-on-year productivity gains.

2006/2007After many years of reliable service, some ofCaunton’s old Peddinghaus machines, plus the well worn material handling system, weregetting tired and it was clear that the latest generation of Peddinghaus equipment couldprovide further efficiency gains.

The TDK saw/drill was replaced with the latestPeddinghaus DGP 1270 miter bandsaw/BDL1250 drill combination as well as investing in anew ABCM 1250 coper/drill combination.Caunton replaced the existing FPB 500 andFDB 600 with the brand new FPDB 2500 plate

processing centre and replaced almost all of theunique material handling system.

This time though the challenge would be farmore difficult as Caunton had to carry out the whole project without disrupting normalproduction activities. A detailed plan wasworked out with the Peddinghaus team and,over a 4-month period, the project, whichincluded significant building alteration works,was completed. Considering that the firstmachine from Peddinghaus was purchased in1987–an ironworker–it is interesting to note the dedication to technology exhibited by theCaunton staff and management. (By the way,the ironworker is still being used today inCaunton’s training Academy.)

However, Caunton is quick to point out thatrelative to their business size in 1987, it was justas important then as any purchase now.

The BDL 1250/ABCM processing center drills holes and thermally cuts to the exact requirements.

The new patented DGP 1270 Band Saw and BDC 1250structural drill provide flexibility and productivity forCaunton Engineering

The recently installed FPDB 2500 has already paid dividends for Caunton.

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When asked about how technology has spurred Caunton’s growth, Mr. Robert Berry,Deputy Managing Director, advises:

“We have witnessed periods of dramatic efficiency gains–over one 8 year period our productivity increased 400%. This was duringour first leap forward into automation. More recently of course gains have been harder to come by but we are still seeing gainsyear after year.”

“The installation phase was always going to be a very big challenge and I think the Peddinghausengineers who helped us (at times working literally around the clock) would agree!”

Being Productive in ExistingBuildings–Not “Green Grass” SitesMr Berry continues: “At times it has been difficult, but we should qualify that with thefact that by buying previously used buildings we have always had to make compromisesbetween a production ‘ideal’ and constraints ofthe buildings.”

Production Efficiency Fuels Growth toNew, Profitable MarketsThe main markets for Caunton remainEducation, Commercial Offices, Distribution,Manufacturing and process plants, Car parks,Leisure facilities, Health care and mixed usedevelopments. The only markets not activelyengaged in are sports stadiums and bridges.

Caunton Engineering is a proven success storyin today’s global structural steel marketplace.From humble beginnings, this family ownedcompany remains a technological leader in the industry. By embracing the future,Caunton remains poised for success in the coming decades.

What Role Does Peddinghaus Play in That Market Development?

“By providing capable, reliable machinery,”

advised Mr. Berry succinctly.

Complex primary school project in Manchester, U.K.

Robert Berry, Deputy Managing Director

Erection of new spine truss at Birmingham International Airport.

Commercial office block development in Durham, U.K.

When complex fabrications are required, Peddinghaus

advanced technologies provide the precise answers—and the muscle to do the job.

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S. Robinson & Sons (Engineering) LtdDerby, U.K.

THENFour years ago, Robinson implemented a newfast track “Speed Line System” for stuctural fabrication. The heart of this expansion was two(2) new Peddinghaus drills, two (2) new miterband saws, 300 M (1,000 feet) of roller conveyer,and eleven (11) separate Quiet Glide transfersystems-45 individual stands.

Within a few months, Robinson realized the full potential of the system. This carefully engineered endeavor easily increased the capacityat Robinson to 500 tons per week. However, the most important aspect of this expansion wasthe reduction in cost. Man hours per ton forstructural fabrication at Robinson was actuallydecreased by 30%. In addition, the new systemenabled Robinson to process many jobs inrecord time.

“With the new system we can process a beam

from saw to paint in less than 20 hours,”

advises Roger Gillanders, Engineering Director.

“When last minute drawing changes occur,

we have the flexibility to react quickly

and efficiently which really reduces our

fabrication costs.”

NOWBy 2006, Robinson’s business was running atrecord levels. To meet the increased customerdemand, it was necessary to again explore new methodsfor improved productivity and shop efficiency.

“It is difficult to not accept a profitable contractbecause you have no capacity,” explained Roger. “So we began to explore another new expansionto our shop facility”.

Loading stock through a wall saves shop floor space for profitable production.

Peddinghaus cross transfer systems give total flexibility. THEN—traversed two bays; NOW—traverses three bays.

Robinson Construction

Speeding up “Speed Line Fabrication” in Four Years…Robinson Construction Delivers a Fast Track to Success

T H E N N O WTHEN: Physical labor; such as gathering and stacking cut plate (left)—from a typical labor intensive burn table (middle)—and punching individually (right)…

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To meet the challenge of increased capacity, Robinsons began construction of a new manufacturing bay.This new 1,100 square meter facility provided the space needed to boost production. In this new hall,Robinson again turned to Peddinghaus:

• A new Peddinghaus BDL 1250 nine spindle heavy duty drill line• A new Peddinghaus DGP 1270 miter band saw with patented pivot design• A new Signomat Marking Press for beam identification• 60 M (190 feet) of new 1250 mm (40 in) wide roller conveyors• Three (3) sets of new Quiet Glide Cross Transfer Systems–5 stands each–11.5 Meter (38 ft) in length

“In a Speed Line Fabrication process, material handling is the key to success,” says Roger. “You must minimize crane handling to be successful–and profitable.”

The Peddinghaus Quiet Glide Cross Transfer and roller conveyor systems traverse three separate bays(halls) throughout the Robinson facility. Thus, beams can be processed in a variety of efficient methods:

1. Saw to length and holes drilled in any one of three Peddinghaus Saw/Drill Lines

2. Transferred to one of two Blast Cleaning Systems

3. Transferred to be processed via the Peddinghaus ABCM Structural Burning/Coping System

4. Transferred to the Fit-Up and Weld areas

5. Integrated fittings transfer via a new Peddinghaus FDB 1500 plate system, FDB 600 fat bar system. F 1170 plate punch with a back to back plasma cutting system, and Anglemaster 643 can provide all plate and angle detail work

“We have expanded our potential capacity now toprocess up to 600—700 tons per week, pending the product mix,”says Roger. “But keep in mind that in the UK, our projects are generally more complicated–with more components per fabricationbeam profile, and we don’t fabricate many high tonnage multi-story buildings like in the USA.”

The new 1100 square meter (12,000 square foot) facilityhouses the Peddinghaus BDL/DGP along with a new blastclean system.

From automated loading, to sawing/drilling and cross transferring–an efficient handling system saves money!

““OOuurr nneeww SSppeeeedd LLiinnee ssyysstteemm hhaass ddrraammaattiiccaallllyy

iimmpprroovveedd oouurr mmaatteerriiaall hhaannddlliinngg eeffffiicciieennccyy””

TTHHEENN NNOOWWAverage 14 crane lifts/section 3–4 crane lifts/section*

*Do the math:

Average crane cost per lift is $ 20Average reduction in crane lifts is x 10Average savings per lift $ 200Average beam lifts per shift x 50Average savings - ONE SHIFT $ 10,000!

TTHHEENN NNOOWWAverage up to 250 tons/week Average up to 500 + tons/week**

Two Peddinghaus Drill/Saw Lines = Three Peddinghaus Drill/Saw Lines= Four Speed Lines for Fabrication Six Speed Lines Fabrication

FFUUTTUURREEWith minimal material handling investment—full capacity for fourth Drill/Saw Line enabling Eight Fabrication Speed Lines**If Robinson chose to attack the heavier, multi-story market, they could easily accommodate over

700 tons per week. All tonnage based up product mix.

N N O W…are replaced with one machine that loads lengths… …drills all holes, thermal cuts to shape and length,marks the identification number…

…and delivers a completed part with one operator performing all functions—load, process and unload.

Page 14: Peddinghaus Steel Fabricators' Review Fall 2007


When the team building the Hearst Tower in Charlotte, North Carolina

ran into obstacles during construction, we didn’t f linch.We were able to provide them with

the broadest selection of high-quality steel beams up to 40 inches. All made from recycled steel

since that’s all we make at Nucor-Yamato. But we were also able to be f lexible enough to

accommodate the changes required.With ease. Quickly. On schedule.

Surpassing even our own expectations.

It’s Our Nature.®

41949 NUC Steel Fabricators 10/1/07 10:37 AM Page 1

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Peddinghaus provides you with another unique

educational opportunity for the steel construction

industry. Take a tour with us to visit two

of the most prosperous environments for steel

fabrication in the world today—

Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.

The group will depart from FrankfurtInternational Airport and arrive at Bahrain onNovember 6, where we will drive to Dammam,Saudi Arabia. Here you can view firsthand, GulfSteel, an advanced structural steel fabricator withmultiple CNC machines to generate thousandsof tons of structural steel, including two drills,three plate systems, a coping system, and threestructural band saws.

The next day, the group will travel to Dubaito visit Arabian International Steel. With eightsaw/drill lines that can produce up to 150,000tons annually, A.I.C. has invested for success.Three coping systems and an expansive automated material handling system providean efficient, reduced labor processing of structural profiles.

Other Trip Highlights:• Go snow skiing in the desert in the world’s

only indoor snow ski resort• Visit Jeddah’s industrial city to gain a new

perspective on business growth• Go shopping for gold in the world’s best

gold marketplace• Stay at the Grosvenors House hotel, where you enjoy the Dubai skyline

while dining at the exclusive Buddha Bar—an original French restauranttransferred to Dubai

• Experience an original Arab barbeque in the sand dunes of the desert• Dine at the wonderfully exclusive BurjElArab, the only 7 star hotel

in the world

Tour the Middle East With PeddinghausVisit Saudi Arabia and Dubai to Experience Enhanced Steel Construction

For further details contact Ms. Brigitte Steudtner:

Telephone + 49 (0) 2332/72-257Fax + 49 (0) 2332/72-208e-mail stahlbaureise@ or info@

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The American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc., headquartered in Chicago, is a not-for-profit technical institute and trade association established in 1921 to serve thestructural steel design community and construction industry. AISC’s mission is to makestructural steel the material of choice by being the leader in structural steel-related technical and market-building activities, including: specification and code development,research, education, technical assistance, quality certification, standardization, andmarket development. AISC has a long tradition of service to the steel constructionindustry of providing timely and reliable information.

Pursuing this tradition, AISC developed the Steel Solutions Center as thesingle resource for structural steel serving the design and construction industry. In today’s fast-paced, competitive construction industry, success isoften a matter of access to the right information at the right time. The Steel Solutions Center makes it easy for you to explore traditional andinnovative structural steel solutions enabling you to find, compare, selectand specify the right system for our projects. From typical framing studies to total structural systems, including project costs and schedules, the Steel Solutions Center can provide you with up-to-date information andinnovative solutions for your project!

AISC’s Steel Solutions Center has answered over 60,000 technical inquiriesand been has helped industry professionals pursue innovative structural steelsolutions on over 500 projects since opening in July 2001. Here are some ofthe questions we have answered for architects recently:

• How much will the steel frame for my office building cost? • What is happening with the price of structural steel? • Are there steel systems that can compete with concrete’s floor-to-floor heights for condos? • How do I make sure I know what I am getting when I specify Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel (AESS)? • What’s the latest innovation in structural steel and how can I apply it to my project? • Is steel sustainable and how can it help me get LEED certification? • How can I minimize fire protection costs? • How long will it take to build my 5 story, 100,000 square foot office building? • How can I use steel to maximize the flexibility of tenant space and allow for future modification? • I have heard there are ways to design steel floor to avoid annoying vibration, where should I direct the

structural engineer to get this information? • What are some details that will provide adequate sound ratings between floors for my high-class hotel?

We can answer these questions and many more. The AISC Steel Solutions Center is a FREE service. Call us at 866.ask.aisc or email solutions@ today!

We have about 75% of our technical inquiries come from structural engi-neers, the second largest group is fabricators and detailers at about 10-15%.

For our conceptual solutions on the other hand, it is about 60% fabricators,10-15% per group for architects, engineers, and contractors.

It is very important to note that we provide technical assistance to anyoneanywhere, that is domestic and foreign questions and for members and non-members. For conceptual solutions we ONLY work on DOMESTICprojects. For those readers in other countries, we would encourage them toprovide a similar service to help raise the profile of structural steel in theircountries as well.

Following is a sampling of actual questions addressed by AISC’s Steel Solutions Center:

Maximum Size of Fillet Weld Question 09/01/2007 Why is the maximum size of a fillet weld limited by the thickness of the thinner plate?

Section J2.2b (a) of the AISC specification states that for fillet welds along edges ofmaterial less than 1/4in. thick, the maximum size of the fillet weld should be no greaterthan the thickness of the material. In other words, one cannot specify a fillet weldthicker than the material thickness against which it will be placed. In material thickerthan 1/4in., the limit is 1/16 in. less than the thickness. This requirement assures thatthe edge of material is still present and the weld size can be assured visually. A meltededge on thicker material tends to obscure the true weld size, as the material cornerlikely will melt faster than the root of the joint. When the welding is not along the edgesof materials, however (e.g., a tee joint), the limitations stated above do not apply.

Amanuel Gebremeskel, P.E.

Slip-Critical Connection Question 09/01/2007 What is a slip-critical connection, and when must they be used?

Slip-critical connections are those that have an additional design requirement to providea calculable resistance to slip on the faying surfaces provided by the force of frictionbetween the connecting materials. Slip-critical connections are usually designed forservice-level slip resistance, but strength-level slip resistance is sometimes required. Ineither case, these connections require proper faying surface preparation to achieve theminimum slip coefficient and the pretensioning of bolts during installation to achievethe minimum clamping force. The combination of these creates the frictional resistanceto slip.

For more detailed information on how to design slip-critical connections, please seeChapter J and its commentary in the 2005 AISC specification, available Also, please refer to the RCSC Specification for StructuralJoints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts (available at Section 4.3 forfinding out when to use slip-critical connections. Further guidance also can be found inAISC Design Guide 17: High Strength Bolts - A Primer for Structural Engineers, availablefree to AISC members at

Amanuel Gebremeskel, P.E.

AISC Steel Solutions Center–There’s Always a Solution in Steel

Jacinda Collins Erika Winters Downey Kurt Gustafson Jason Ericksen Martin Anderson

(Pictured from left to right) Jason Ericksen (Solutions Center); Bobbi Marstellar (AISCCertification); and Todd Alwood (Regional Engineer).

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Thread Engagement Question 09/01/2007 Is there a minimum number of threads that a nut needs to be engaged on a bolt?

Section 2.3.2 of the RCSC Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490Bolts (a free download at defines the proper installation as follows: "The bolt length used shall be such that the end of the bolt extends beyond oris at least flush with the outer face of the nut when properly installed." Thus, the minimum number of threads that must be engaged is all of them; the full depth of thenut must fall within the length of the bolt.

Kurt Gustafson, S.E., P.E.

Backing Bar Removal Question 07/01/2007 We have a steel building frame where we are using ordinary moment frames (OMF) witha seismic force resisting system defined as "Structural steel systems not specificallydetailed for seismic resistance," R = 3. Since this category does not require compliancewith the AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings, which requires removalof backing bars for OMFs, I would surmise that we do not need to remove the backingbars. Is this correct?

The acronym OMF is usually reserved for a seismic load resisting system with R > 3, as defined by the IBC model building code and/or ASCE 7. In your case, you really have aconventional moment frame designed to the requirements in the AISC Specification forStructural Steel Buildings with R = 3 and not an OMF. Hence the backing bar removal

requirement found in the AISC Seismic Provisions does not apply.

Since you are not bound to the detailing requirements of the AISC Seismic Provisions,the AISC specification requirements would then be the referenced document. The AISCspecification references AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code - Steel, which states:

Steel backing for welds in statically loaded structures (tubular and non-tubular) neednot be welded full-length and need not be removed unless specified by the Engineer.

There may be some instances where it is desirable (or necessary) to remove thebacking bars to facilitate an inspection process. You may want to discuss this with theinspection agency early in the project if possible, in order to include the information inthe bid documents.

Kurt Gustafson, S.E., P.E.

Top Ten Benefits to Joining AISC• Opportunity to influence the direction of the structural steel

construction industry through committee membership and voting privileges.

• Extensive member discounts, ranging from 10% on advertising inModern Steel Construction to 50% on publications, workshops,seminars and conferences, and hundreds of dollars in savings onbooth space at the North American Steel Construction Conference(NASCC).

• An annual savings of more than $2,600.00 off the AISCCertification registration fees.

• Technical assistance by our engineering staff at the Steel SolutionsCenter ( Market information and direct project support, from providing you with conceptual estimates on a specificproject through AISC Marketing and the Steel Solutions Centerhelping you break into new markets and increase your opportunitiesfor new business.

• Research and development programs helping to improve buildingcodes across the country and increase steel's share of the market.

• National representation of our industry on government and environmental issues.

• One complimentary copy of the latest edition Manual of SteelConstruction. These are critical publications that keep you apprisedof the latest codes and specifications and assist you in your design needs.

• Opportunity to participate in university support programs, helping you gain additional visibility, possible intern opportunitiesand even possible employees for the future.

• A hardcopy AISC Membership Directory complete with names,titles and phone numbers giving you the opportunity to meet andnetwork with other AISC members. In addition to this hardcopyedition you also receive a directory listing on our website making iteasier for builders, contractors and owners to find your company.

• Complimentary subscriptions to ePubs, AISC News, andEngineering Journal which keep you up to date on industry information and one step ahead of your competitors.

For more information about the AISC, please contact Carly Moore (Membership Services Manager) at 312-670-5442 or [email protected]

(Left to Right) Mr. & Mrs. David Harwell, Central Texas Iron Works, Waco, Texas; Mr. & Mrs. Terry Peisha, Garbe Iron, Aurora, Illinois; Mr. Richard Barrett, BarrettStructures, Bradford, U.K., enjoy networking at the AISC Annual Meeting.

The AISC sponsored North American Steel Construction Conference is a major industry event.

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Suncor Energy contracted Waiward Steel Fabricators Ltd (M & D DraftingLtd) to detail for them a set of steepbank mine dry surge stacking conveyorsand when M & D Drafting needed to choose the right program for the job,the choice was StruCad by AceCad Software Inc.

The drafting coordinator for this project, Mr. Robert Kamau, knew that withthe help of StruCad they would be able to meet the specifications set up bySuncor and deliver the final project in a timely, efficient manner. In the pastStruCad has helped M & D Drafting complete projects in a timely manner.

This project consisted of two substantial conveyor lines with each conveyorbelt having a width of 2.1m. The average capacity of the conveyors is 12000tons/hour with a maximum of 14000 tons/hour of oil sand.

Conveyor lines ‘A’ and ‘B’ were approximately 250m and 360m respectivelyfrom head to tail, both being inclined and radiused. There was also a combined drive and take-up station positioned mid way up the inclinedsection of each conveyor.

Continued on page 22

The Power to Innovate: A “Model” ProjectSuncor Energy

Unique, reliable, innovative, and experienced. Those are the words that describe Suncor Energy.And, after more than 80 years in the oil businessthey are still just as dedicated to a clean andhealthy environment as they ever were.

In 1967 they pioneered the commercial develop-ment of the oil sands in Canada and have sincegrown to become a major North American energyproducer.

From Alberta, Canada where they produce high-quality, refinery-ready crude oil products anddiesel fuel, to Western Canada where they produce and develop natural gases, Suncor Energy pridesthemselves on responsibly developing clean renewable energy sources.

Looking to the future, Suncor Energy hopes to havefour wind power projects in operation by the end of2007 that will offset the equivalent of approxi-mately 280,000 tons of carbon dioxide annually.They also will be able to take advantage of theirSt. Clair plant by producing 200 million liters ofethanol annually.

M & D Drafting Ltd. (Waiward Steel Fabricators Ltd)

Founded in 1988 in Edmonton, Alberta Canada, M & D Drafting started out as a small detailing company that has turned into an international company with clients both around the world andacross North America. Today they provide detailingservices for hospitals, bridges, pulp mills, gasplants, car plants, convention centers, shoppingmalls, and other innovative projects.

Over the years they have prided themselves on theirexceptional organization and communication skills,which allow them to be more efficient, even overgreat distances.

Detailing programs like StruCad allow them to provide their clients with DXF, CNC, Kiss files, etc., along with the necessary fabrication and erection drawings.

Some of their services include modeling, sequenceplans, Advanced Bill of Materials (ABM), Anchor BoltPlans, erection diagrams, approval issue, fabricationissue and many more.

AceCad Software

Established in 1986, AceCad Software is the leading supplier of software solutions to the international structural steel industry. AceCad is the developerand sole distributor of the StruCad 3-D steel detailing system and provides a range of fabrication,analysis and support services for the structural steel industry.

For more than 20 years 3-D modeling using StruCadhas proven a powerful and productive solution fordraftsmen, fabricators and contractors within theinternational structural steelwork industry.

The latest version of StruCad is being used aroundthe world in over 70 countries. Users of StruCad benefit from substantial productivity improvements,arising from speed and accuracy associated with the detailing process and the automatic generation of output data.

StruCad is designed to integrate fully with recog-nized standards in software and hardware. Some ofthe automatically generated output includes generalassembly drawings, nested drawings, fabricationdrawings, material lists, bolt lists, erection drawingsand CAM data.

The Project

One might be asking at this point what these three companies have in common. Well, they are all at the top of their fields—but what really connects them is theproject they worked on together.

All steel fabricated on Peddinghausmachines by Waiward Steel,Edmonton, Alberta

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Continued from page 20

The drive stations alone on both conveyors had acombined weight of 165 tons. The balance of thetonnage was made up of mainly boxed, trussedgallery sections constructed from Class ‘H’,HHS. These gallery sections were 2m deep by2.8m wide with external walkways on each side.Some of the bigger gallery sections were over 5mwide and 45m long with shop welded frames.

The team assigned to this fast track was lead byMr. Robert Kamau and all were conversant inStruCad 3-D detailing software.

The job was detailed in a span of 12 weeks witheighty percent of it being shop-issued within the first eight weeks. To make this happen, theconveyor geometry was laid out on a base modeland then distributed to the team.

Similar areas on both conveyors were groupedtogether and assigned to a particular draftsman.The reason for this was to eliminate duplicationof connections and avoid errors. This method is especially useful when applying StruCad commands like Softmetric, which is a very handycommand when you have identical structurescalled up in different units of measurement. By using this command it takes next to no timeto convert all drawings and reports in a model tothe required division prefixes.

The Clash detection in StruCad was also extensively used to eliminate bolt access problemsand member conflicts. The Clash detection command will run for checks on the membersthat are selected for clashes between steel andsteel, steel and bolts, bolts and bolts, membersand members, and when there is a gap of morethan specified tolerance.

Another feature that played a crucial part in this project was the Technical Query sheet whichwas set up in the server where all drawing conflicts and queries were raised. RFIs (RequestFor Information) were also created from thissheet and then answered.

StruWalker, the free 3-D viewer from AceCadwhich creates a fully rendered model in a matter of seconds for distribution to connectionengineers and shop supervisors, was invaluablewhen combined with the clash facility as it pinpointed problem areas.

The approver on the project was ColtEngineering Corporation and Krupp Canada ofCalgary. They were both supplied withStruWalker 3-D models and electronic files inPDF format and were very complimentary onthe quality of the drawings received. All in allthere were some 8975 drawings generated forthis project.

Continued on page 24

The job was detailed in a span of 12 weeks with eighty percent of it being shop-issued within the first eight weeks. To make this happen, the conveyor geometry was laid out on a base model and then distributed to the team.

Don Oborowsky (left) and Ted Degner (right) of Waiward Steel attest to Peddinghaus performance.

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Sustainability—Theme for the Future of Steel ConstructionAs editor of the Steel Fabricators’ Review, I have enjoyed the opportunityto engage our industry colleagues in Europe and the USA on the current“state of the industry”. One fact remains common–sustainability ofstructural steel will play a dominant theme within the coming years.

UK and North American Fabricators AgreeIt is becoming increasingly evident that more structural fabricators (steelwork contractors) are becoming more pro active in spreading the message that steel is the best construction choice. It is especially the preferred building framing material when considering the growingchallenge of meeting the emerging global sustainability challenges.

The world is becoming smaller, and environmentally sound buildingpractices will become more prevalent. Carbon footprint will become a common term for all industry participants.

Challenges for our Industry:• Labor is still a major issue. When the construction industry ranks 247

out of 250 in job safety (ahead of rodeo clowns and crab fisherman), it is evident that a task lies ahead. But there are answers –tapping intonew employee sources, and utilizing industry advancements–such asmodern machine tools that are efficient and minimize labor.

• Green designs are here to stay! An upcoming symposium inWashington, DC this December will provide a glimpse of the futuretoday. As noted, carbon footprinting will become a common term–the future looks green to all of us!

• The challenge of concrete construction remains steadfast and dedicated.They are also exploring new technologies to minimize the “green effect”of concrete buildings. This competition will remain involved for theforeseeable future.



Continued from page 22

The fabricator for this project was Waiward SteelFabricators Ltd. The StruCad system was able to provide Waiward with the CNC data thattheir machines need in order to finish fabrica-tion. Waiward Steel Fabricators Ltd currently use Peddinghaus equipment for almost all theirfabricating needs and have also used StruCadsince 1997.

As one can see StruCad was an undeniable assetto this project. With the use of StruCad, auto-matic drawings were produced accurately forboth fabrication and seamless erection. The useof StruCad saved both time and money; andenabled all project team members to evaluate themodel and collaborate efficiently. Without theuse of StruCad significant time would have beenwasted with needless editing and reporting.

Article information provided by AceCad Software or sales@

CORPORATE HEAD OFFICEP.O. Box 38, 112 - 4 Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta Canada T2P 2V5 T: (403) 269-8100 F: (403) 269-6200Email: info@ suncormail.comWebsite:

M & D DRAFTING LTD.3604-76 AvenueEdmonton, Alberta T6B 2S8CANADATel: 780-465-1520Fax: 780-469-9178Email: info@ mddrafting.comWebsite:

ACECAD SOFTWARE INC.Whiteland Business Center825 Springdale DriveExton, PA 19341Tel: 610-280-9840Fax: 610-280-984Email: sales@ strucad.comWeb:

WAIWARD STEEL FABRICATORS LTD.Suncor Site Operations ManagerAndy AbriottiTel: 780-792-3628Email: andy.abriotti@

Complex models are processed easily on PeddinghausCNC equipment via state-of-the-art technology.

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The Users Group Conference includes more than just learning sessions.Each year, Design Data holds the Solid Steel Competition, which recognizescompanies that utilize SDS/2 in challenging projects. Users are invited toattend the annual Users Group Banquet as well, where Design Data inductsone member of its user base to the Connector Club each year, to thankthem for their contribution to SDS/2, Design Data and the steel industry.

This year’s meeting saw record attendance, with over 200 SDS/2 Usersattending the Users Group Conference. Things kicked off on Wednesdayafternoon with a new event, the Live Forum. The new Live Forum gave users an opportunity to directly address questions to a panel made upof SDS/2 Users and Design Data employees. The rest of the week was filled by learning sessions that covered a variety of topics from new items inSDS/2 v. 7.1 to holding a User Roundtable.

Each year Design Data holds a Solid Steel Competition to recognize theoutstanding work of SDS/2 Users. Thursday afternoon, Design Dataannounced the award winning projects and companies. The Best of Showwinner was GENIFAB for their RDU International Airport–Terminal Cproject in Morrisville, NC. The Commercial Grand Prize was awarded toQuadrant Services, Inc. for their Dos Lagos Outdoor Mall project inCorona, CA. The Industrial Grand Prize was awarded to Innovative SteelDetailing for their Alcoa Warrick Operations Absorber Building project in Newburgh, IN. Design Data congratulates these companies for theiraward-winning entries.

The Users Group Banquet dinner was held this year at the Strategic Air & Space Museum in Ashland, Nebraska. The museum houses all typesof aircraft from a MiG-21F to a B-52 Bomber. Though the aircraft collection was impressive, at least a few detailers were spotted inspecting theheavy truss work that held up the hangar's roof. At the banquet, the 2007Connectors Club Award was presented to Mark Selvaggio of Selvaggio Steel in Springfield, Illinois. The Connector Award recognizes individualswithin the SDS/2 Users Group who are dedicated and committed to thedevelopment of SDS/2.

The 2007 SDS/2 Users Group Conference was a great success and continues to play a vital role in the future development and direction ofSDS/2. The atmosphere and of collaboration between SDS/2 users and the Design Data development team continues to push SDS/2 in the rightdirection. Design Data looks forward to seeing even more customers return for next year’s meeting.

Above: Users Group attendees explore the Strategic Air & Space Museum before the UsersGroup Banquet gets underway.

Left: Design Data Users Group attendees enter the Strategic Air & Space Museum for theUsers Group Banquet.

Design Data

USERS GROUP CONFERENCE Design Data hosted its 2007 Users Group Conference August 22–24 in Lincoln, Nebraska. The annual Users GroupConference is a three-day event at which SDS/2 users attend learning sessions that range from general topics,such as tips and tricks, to higher level classes, like parametric programming. During the conference, SDS/2 usershave the opportunity to communicate directly with Design Data employees, from sales and support to engineersand programmers. This meeting gives users a chance to meet each other and share their tricks of the trade as wellas have an impact on the future development of SDS/2.

Doug Evans and Barry Butler of Design Data discuss SDS/2’s new version 7.1 with Mark Selvaggio of Selvaggio Steel.

Design Data customers discuss SDS/2 before the session begins. Design Data President, Jim Dager addresses the crowd to present the Connector ClubAward to Mark Selvaggio.

Page 27: Peddinghaus Steel Fabricators' Review Fall 2007


Page 28: Peddinghaus Steel Fabricators' Review Fall 2007



STEEL FABRICATOR’S REVIEWWashington and Grove StreetBradley, IL 60915



Joliet, IL

Attendees were asked what they thought of the rolePeddinghaus played in the Tekla User Meeting and theinformation presented there. Some of their responsesare shared here.

“Very important, because I’m sure many of us areinvolved with CNC or other aspects of advanced fabrication. Also, new business applications to come (BIM).”

“We thought they were informative and appreciate theirtime and effort for the sponsorship!!!”

“Peddinghaus put together a very good presentation”

“Keeps us up to date on the latest equipment and/orsoftware for their field of expertise”

“Our company has been associated with Peddinghaus formany years so it was nice to see how far they’ve come”

The Tekla North America User Meeting was a success! The 230 Tekla Users in attendance was double the amount ofthat from just two years ago when 112 Users showed up inChicago. Tekla also increased their numbers by 26% over theVegas User Meeting. In total, the marketing team hosted 299people. These attendees represented 9 different countries andover 30 states. The state most represented was nearbyPennsylvania with 25 followed by Texas with 16 and Californiaand Maryland both with 11.

The morning started with a welcome by Hans Ehrnrooth,President of Tekla, Inc. followed by the keynote speaker,Kristin Fallon, FAIA, whose presentation focused on herinvolvement as the chair of the American Institute ofArchitects–Technology in Architectural Practice AdvisoryGroup. Attendees gained an understanding of the effort goinginto the National BIM Standard as well as sound strategies toparticipate in model-exchange based projects.

After the opening session, attendees formed smaller groupsfocused on their interest in Breakout Sessions. The SteelDetailers and Fabricators had a choice of attending several

different sessions throughout the two day event including theTekla Development Roadmap, Filters and General ArrangementDrawings, Modeling for Miscellaneous Steel, Drawings forMiscellaneous Steel as well as General Sessions in IntegratedProject Delivery and Extended Tools and .NET Development.

A full course meal was served for lunch and was sponsored by Peddinghaus Corporation. Steve Farrow, Peddinghaus Vice President, commented on the thriving North Americanmarket for structural steel. Additionally he reviewed some of the latest technological innovations from Peddinghaus. Also attending were Mr. Kirk Kempen, Software Manager andMr. Istok Budic, Peddinghaus Tekla Software Specialist.

Saturday was filled with more Breakout Sessions and a wrap-up General Session. During the Wrap-Up session the winners of the User Meeting Model Competition were announced: Dowco Consultants for the Tulsa Regional Convention and Events Center and M3 Engineering & Technology Corporation for the StewardObservatory Mirror Laboratory.


Steve Farrow, Peddinghaus Vice President

Tekla’s 2007 North American User Meeting was held at the wonderful Marriott Waterfront located in the heart ofBaltimore’s Inner Harbor. Peddinghaus had a direct involvement by sponsoring and presenting there. Peddinghausproved a valuable resource for the industry attendees by providing an abundance of foresight with respect to steelfabrication in years to come.

Kirk Kempen (Software Manager); Istok Budic (TeklaSoftware Specialist); and Steve Farrow (Vice President) all from Peddinghaus addressed the Tekla Conferenceattendees.