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Transcript of Pecry

  • 7/31/2019 Pecry


  • 7/31/2019 Pecry


    Did we see him ?

    I am Charles Palmerston , I wish to tell you of something that happened to me recently. I am in the

    pleasant company and surroundings here at The Bell club in Belgravia, London with my good

    friends Harrison Merrill, Anthony Harkley, and Christopher Jackman.

    Gentlemen,let me tell you of an experience I do not wish to encounter again. Should I die this

    evening or in 25 years time, for what I saw haunts me still. Though we have been back for months.

    Something has really shocked you old man. Anthony remarked.

    Yes. Looks as if you have not slept in days.Harry said.

    I dare not think of sleep, my good friends. In sleep I fear for my sanity.

    What was so shocking old boy?Harrison Merrill asked.

    Harry, dear old Harry. My oldest and dearest friend, what I am about to tell you, will chill you I

    am sure.

    Your tales of daring-do have never let us down yet, Charlie. I dont think this will, replied

    Anthony Harkley.

    Thank you gents, last August we ventured into the Matto Grosso. Rumour has it that Percy

    Fawcett is still there.

    That is one theory, sport,Harrison said.

    Yes, there have been many theories for his disappearance. Some said he suffered a seizure and is

    living with cannibals. Others he was eaten either by animals or cannibals and even one chap started

    one, that he was being worshipped by a tribe of Amazons further up river.

    That I do not believe in, for the slightest moment, Anthony conjectured.

    It was with the purpose of trying to find some definite information, that I ventured my idea to

    members of the Glove.

    The Glove?Harry queried.

    A group of well to do gentlemen to whom Fawcett had belonged. They funded his last mission,

    Harry. Its a secret club, Percy only told me to contact them, in an extreme case, I think his

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    disappearance comes in that area.

    The last message from Percy said that he and Rimell along with Jack, his son, where heading

    from Dead horse camp into the territory of the Kalapolos tribes.

    How did you come across this information? Christopher asked.

    I was contacted by a member of the Glove. Who has asked to remain unknown for financial

    reasons. They funded the expedition and are greatly interested in what Percy may have found beyond

    the Upper Xingu, as they are tales of many strange animals. I was shown Percy's last letter,

    explaining his doubts about the reliance of Raliegh Rimmell and the continued health problems of

    Jack. It was clear Fawcett thought neither Jack nor Rimmell would be able to go on much longer.

    Wasnt there some controversy about the journey though. He said at all costs, no rescue was to be

    attempted? Harry added.

    Harry old chap. This wasnt a rescue attempt as we agreed, there was no chance of him being

    alive, if he was alive after all these months, he would have gone native to survive. We thought we had

    prepared well for the trip, but we had not prepared for the things we were to see in that land.

    Pray go on, do tell us, Charlie,Anthony asked of me.

    I stopped for a minute, to calm my nerves and take a shot from the whickey flask I know kept at all


    We didn't know you had a flask, Charlie. Anthony remarked.

    I didn't when I left Southampton docks that day. Since my return it has neither been empty nor far

    from my side, things I saw so worried and scared me. As you will find out soon enough, my good

    friends that I need the fluid to stay sane.

    That sounds really horrid old man! Harry said looking very worried and perplexed at what could

    have so changed his friend so much in such a short time.

    Worse than you may imagine, Harry. For thing I shall tell you, you have every right to think the

    ravings of a crazy mind. I doubt myself all the time. Yet I know I saw these things as they haunt my


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    Old chap, we never think that of you! Christopher commented looking puzzled.

    I began my story of the trip that has come to haunt my life, since those days. The journey from

    Southampton was rough, the seas were raging and many of my fellow travellers were more used to a

    steadier voyage. As for me, I had sailed before, I was aware of the ocean and her moods, even so it

    was a lot rougher I was expecting as we neared Brazil. The journey from the port to the docking

    stations at Cuiaba was troubled as two of the boats got overturned by large snakes. The size of which I

    had not heard of before. This was to be a portent of things to come. As men struggled to get out of the

    waters, the crocodiles flocked to the scenes. Even firing rifles from the other boats was not enough to

    deter these savage beasts from a free meal. We saw men torn apart, their blood soaking the water. If

    that was not enough horror to witness, the smell and sight attracted a swarm of tiny fish, with razor

    sharp teeth. Hearing those poor souls crying in such pain, haunts my nights even now. As the

    crocodiles swarmed, the river seethed with their feeding frenzy, added to by smaller fish shredding the

    flesh of their victims. It was all we could do to maintain our boats course. Firing the rifles at them had

    no effect as they were crazed and so primal in their frenzies, I believe they were beyond pain.

    I stopped for a short breath and to let this information filter into my friends minds before


    No man was spared the feelings of nausea and horror, the local tribesmen said they had never seen

    such a frenzied attack before. As we made the docks, shaken, horrified and sickened, we were all

    violently sick.

    That is terrible, old man,Christopher added with sympathy. No wonder you look drawn and

    weary man, I bet you have not slept since your return.

    Christopher, I dare not sleep, awake I can keep my mind alert and hold the images and sounds

    away. Asleep I dread to think, what I might be like. It was only the start of the terrors, we endured

    more horrors than a sane man could wish for in a life time. Although we got out alive, I fear we left

    some of our sanity behind in those jungles.

    Lord above, it got worse for you!Anthony added, not hiding the horror in his voice very well.

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    Anthony, I dread to speak of what we say. My friends I fear for the sanity of all of us, If I do. Yet

    I feel the need to tell someone, I feel if I dont my sanity will go completely. After losing a lot of

    presents and half the supply of medicines we might have needed. I saw a reason, why Fawcett, might

    have been killed out there.

    You mean, the lack of presents was considered an insult?Anthony added.

    Some see them as gifts. Others as payment for a safe trip, Anthony, my friend.Without them,

    Fawcett had almost certainly sealed his fate, if that is what happened to them.Harry added, with a

    worried face.

    If you are right, they would have had little chance, if this was what happened?

    You sound doubtful old boy.!Christopher remarked.

    As I shall tell you. I wont let you know for now, I want you can make you own choices at the

    end.. Having lost the gifts for the Xanantes peoples up the river. We were now in mortal fear for our

    lives. The hidden perils of nature were more than we had imagined. Snakes I had never seen the like

    of before, spiders bigger than a man's fist, all sorts of strange animals. The heat was so sticky our

    clothing was permanently wet, this drew a large number of mosquitoes to the open tents.

    Sounds like nothing short of man's worst nightmare. Like 'Dantes inferno,'Harry exclaimed..