Pearl Harbor HAYDEN SCOTT. Grade level: 6 th Summary: The purpose of this powerpoint is for...


Transcript of Pearl Harbor HAYDEN SCOTT. Grade level: 6 th Summary: The purpose of this powerpoint is for...


Grade level: 6th

Summary: The purpose of this powerpoint is for students to understand the causes and effect of Pearl Harbor during WWII.

Learning Objective: Given information, websites, and visuals the students will answer questions on the powerpoint with 100% accuracy.

Content Standard: US.58 Explain the reasons for American entry into World War II, including the attack on Pearl Harbor. (H, P)

Accomplishment: 1.Examine the origins of American involvement in the war, with an emphasis on the events that precipitated the attack on Pearl Harbor.


You can go to this website research for information about Pearl Harbor.

The attack on Pearl Harbor occurred on December 7th, 1941 shortly before 8 a.m. and lasted until 9:45 a.m.

Although the attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack against the United States, the U.S and Japan had an uneasy relationship for over 10 years prior to the attack. After Japan declared war on China both the U.S and Japan knew that war would be inevitable.

On December 8, Congress approved Roosevelt’s declaration of war. Three days later, Japanese allies, Germany and Italy declared war against the United States. More than two years after the start of the conflict, the United States had entered World War II.


You can watch these videos here to provide information for the questions that you will have to answer later on.


At the time of the attack there were eight major battleships in Pearl Harbor. The battleships were the USS Utah, USS West-Virginia, USS Tennessee, USS Arizona, USS Oklahoma, USS California, USS Nevada, and the USS Maryland.

The Japanese planes destroyed a total of 20 American ships and over 200 aircrafts.

After Pearl Harbor, the U.S Navy repaired all but two of the major battleships that were targeted that day. The USS Arizona and USS Utah both serve as memorials at Pearl Harbor till this day.

When Japan declared war on ________, tension

increased between Japan and the U.S.

Great Britain


The Soviet Union


China is correct, the United States realized war with Japan was inevitable after Japan declined the United States demands to leave China after they had invaded it. The United States proceeded to cut off all of the Japanese supplies, that is when the Japanese decided to attack.

What was President Roosevelt’s famous words during his speech given after the attack on Pearl Harbor?

“December 7th, 1941 a date which will live in infamy”

“December 7th, 1941 a date which will we all remember”

“December 7th, 1941 a date which brings great sadness”


Correct, when people think of Pearl Harbor it is hard not to think about President Roosevelt’s speech. “A date which will live in infamy” will always be remembered and associated with Pearl Harbor and the sadness that was felt that day.

How long did the attack on Pearl Harbor last?

30 minutes

5 hours

1 hour and 45 minutes


1 hour and 45 minutes is right! The attack on Pearl Harbor was swift and executed to perfection. What the Japanese didn’t count on was the ability of the United States soldiers to react so quickly and to try to repel the Japanese. The attack crippled the U.S. Navy but eventually they were close to full strength. The U.S. aircraft carriers, which would become the most important ships in WWII, were out at sea at the time of the attack and none were damaged.


You have learned through this powerpoint the causes and effect of Pearl Harbor on the world and the effect it had on the grand scheme of WWII as well.

Students will also have learned how big of an impact president Roosevelt’s speech had on the country’s attitude toward going to war with the Japanese empire and it rallied the United States citizens around the troops and the war effort.

Students will have answered three questions about Pearl Harbor that were inside the powerpoint. They used the websites and videos given to them in order to answer the questions to the fullest extent.

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