Peace Notes November 2014

A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF WORD OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF WORD OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF WORD OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF WORD OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH PEACE NOTES PEACE NOTES PEACE NOTES PEACE NOTES NOVEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER 2014 All Saints Day Memorial Service Sunday, November 2 12:30pm at the Word of Peace Cemetery Everyone is invited to aend this special worship service to remem- ber those we have lost this year and those who are buried at the Word of Peace Cemetery. The cemetery is located on Terri- torial Road just west of Tucker Road, next to the old St. John's Episcopal Church. Thanksgiving Eve Worship and Pie Social Wednesday, November 26 at 6:30pm Come for Worship, Stay for Pie! 7 th Grade Hunger & Homelessness Event On October 4, 115 of our 7 th grade confirmaon students, guides and junior guides gathered at Word of Peace for the annual Hunger & Home- lessness Event (formerly “Box City”). They played games, watched a video about home- lessness in the Twin Cies, and waited in long lines outside in the cold to get a cup of soup. Through interacve learning, the students gained a beer understanding of how hunger and homelessness impact our communies, and they went away knowing that there are ways in which we can all help. The highlight of the evening was when Allan Law, founder of the 363 Days Food Program, spoke with the kids about hunger in Minnesota. Allan, a rered school teacher now in his late sevenes, works 20 hours a day picking up and delivering sandwiches to homeless shelters all over the Twin Cies. He speaks at over 500 sandwich- making events in a year (yes, 500) and we were honored to have him visit ours. The 7 th graders and guides made and packaged 1,000 sandwich- es during the evening. Way to go! Thank you to all the youth and adult volunteers and staff who helped make the evening successful. We couldn’t have done it without you! And thank you to our 7 th grade stu- dents for your energy, enthusiasm and awesome sandwich-making skills!


Word of Peace Lutheran Church in Rogers, MN

Transcript of Peace Notes November 2014

Page 1: Peace Notes November 2014



All Saints Day

Memorial Service Sunday, November 2

12:30pm at the

Word of Peace Cemetery

Everyone is invited to a�end this

special worship service to remem-

ber those we have lost this year

and those who are buried at the

Word of Peace Cemetery.

The cemetery is located on Terri-

torial Road just west of Tucker

Road, next to the old St. John's

Episcopal Church.

Thanksgiving Eve

Worship and

Pie Social Wednesday, November 26

at 6:30pm

Come for Worship,

Stay for Pie!


Grade Hunger & Homelessness Event

On October 4, 115 of our 7th

grade confirma-on

students, guides and junior guides gathered at

Word of Peace for the annual Hunger & Home-

lessness Event (formerly “Box City”). They

played games, watched a video about home-

lessness in the Twin Ci-es, and waited in long

lines outside in the cold to get a cup of soup.

Through interac-ve learning, the students

gained a be�er understanding of how hunger

and homelessness impact our communi-es, and

they went away knowing that there are ways in

which we can all help.

The highlight of the evening was when Allan Law,

founder of the 363 Days Food Program, spoke

with the kids about hunger in Minnesota. Allan, a

re-red school teacher now in his late seven-es,

works 20 hours a day picking up and delivering

sandwiches to homeless shelters all over the

Twin Ci-es. He speaks at over 500 sandwich-

making events in a year (yes, 500) and we were

honored to have him visit ours. The 7th


and guides made and packaged 1,000 sandwich-

es during the evening. Way to go!

Thank you to all the youth and adult volunteers and staff who helped make the evening

successful. We couldn’t have done it without you! And thank you to our 7th

grade stu-

dents for your energy, enthusiasm and awesome sandwich-making skills!

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Pastor Rick Skare, Senior Pastor

Pastor Krista Strum, Pastor

21705 129th Ave. N.

Rogers, MN 55374

Church Office


(press 3 to leave an emergency

message for the pastor)

Office Hours

Mon-Thurs 8am-4:30pm

Fri 8am-12:30pm

Our Vision Statement

Our vision is to be a community

where everyone knows Christ’s

Love and shares Christ’s Love with

all people.

Our Mission Statement

Christ works through us as we:

• Welcome all people to grow in

faith, love and devo-on,

• Share Christ through word

and deed,

• Care for others and the world

God made, and

• Work for jus-ce and peace.


Contact Jennie Priebe at

763-496-2401 or

[email protected].

December newsle�er deadline:

November 14


& Readings

November 2 & 3

Pastor Rick Skare, Abundant Joy, Overflowing Generosity: Giving Our Worship

Rest is so important that God has commanded it. Our true rest is worshipping Jesus

Christ, the Word.

Scripture Readings: Psalm 95:1-7; Exodus 20:8-11; Mark 2:23-30

November 9 & 10

Pastor Krista Strum, Abundant Joy, Overflowing Generosity: Giving Our Spiritual Gi&s

OHen -mes when we think of spiritual giHs we may think, “Who, me?” The answer is a

resounding, “Yes, you!” God has giHed each one of us with interests, talents and skills

to be shared with the world. In bap-sm, each one of us are claimed as part of the body

of Christ and worker in the kingdom of God.

Scripture Readings: Ma�hew 25:14-30; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11; Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18

November 16 & 17

Pastor Rick Skare, Abundant Joy, Overflowing Generosity: Giving Our Money

At this -me of pledging it may be temp-ng to think we don’t have enough. But in our

willingness to share in Jesus’ name, the blessings are more than we imagine.

Scripture Readings: 2 Corinthians 8:1-7; John 6:14 Psalm 145:10-18

November 23 & 24

Pastor Ashley Updegraff-Balow, A Shepherd in King’s Clothing

We oHen refer to Christ as Lord and King, but what does that really mean? What kind

of King is Jesus? And why does it ma�er for us? God speaks through the prophet Ezeki-

el to tell of a Kingship unlike any the world has ever seen: Jesus as a Shepherd-King,

who humbly enters his fold (that’s us!) and tends to his flock (that’s us!) with mercy

and grace?

Scripture Readings: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-14; Ma�hew 25:31-46; Psalm 95:1-7a

Wednesday, November 27—Thanksgiving Eve

Pastor Rick Skare, preaching

November 30 & December 1—First Sunday in Advent

Pastor Krista Strum, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Watching and wai-ng; wai-ng and watching. There are -mes in our lives that we do

this with great an-cipa-on of joy or sorrow. As Chris-ans, we are called to keep alert

and keep awake for Christ in the midst of the busyness of our daily lives, not with anxi-

ety or fear, but with confidence and hope.

Scripture Readings: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19; Mark 13:24-37;

Isaiah 64:1-9

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Fall is the -me of new beginnings, thanksgiving and celebra-on. We have much to be thankful for and to cel-

ebrate as we begin a new season of mission and ministry at Word of Peace. The changing season brings us a

fresh start and an opportunity to consider how God works in our lives. Our stewardship emphasis this year is

on Abundant Joy, Overflowing Generosity, taken from 2 Corinthians 8:1-7. Our four-week journey will em-

phasize our faithful prac-ces of prayer, worship, service and giving. Each week we will highlight one of these

prac-ces during worship:

Oct 26/27: “Giving our Day” – Kick off Sunday

Each day offers an opportunity to celebrate God’s presence in our lives and to give our days

to God in prayer.

Nov 2/3? “Giving the Sabbath”

Worshiping in a community of believers helps to strengthen our faith and build a worship

community by offering up words of praise and thanksgiving and devo-ng ourselves to God.

Nov 9/10? “Giving of our Gi&s”

Just like the song we all know tells us to “Let our light shine,” God is asking us to show our

praise by sharing our giHs and talents throughout our church and communi-es.

Nov 16/17? “Giving of our Income” – Pledge Sunday (Turn in your pledge cards!)

Monetary giving expresses our trust in God’s abundant provisions and is intended to ex-

press our joy and gra-tude for what has been first given to us.

Please join us on this journey of “Abundant Joy, Overflowing Generosity. As we prayerfully walk through

these coming weeks, please consider how you will choose to respond to God’s call and engage in the support

of the missions of our church through your prayer, your devo-ons, your giHs and your income. Through

God’s grace, the Gospel sets us free to live abundant, joyful and generous lives.

The Stewardship Team

Pledge Sunday is November 16

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Gree-ngs, People of Word of Peace!

I am Pastor Ashley Updegraff-Balow and I am

thrilled to be your new Interim Pastor, serving among you in this

in-between -me.

AHer gradua-ng from Luther Seminary my husband, Tim, and I

moved to Urbana, Illinois where I served as an Associate Pastor of

Youth and Family ministry. Several months ago Tim was offered a

great job opportunity here in the Twin Ci-es, and we relocated.

He serves as the Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministry

at Calvary Lutheran Church in Golden Valley. We’re glad to be

back in Minnesota—we first fell in love with the lakes, the snow,

and all that the Twin Ci-es had to offer during our seminary


Since our return, I’ve been piecing together various ministry op-

portuni-es while I await a call to a congrega-on. I love being a

pastor. I par-cularly enjoy building rela-onships, wondering

about what God is up to in our -me and place, preaching, teach-

ing, and hanging out with youth. We’re all trying to figure out

how to follow Jesus, and it’s a joy to be able to do this with you!

Beyond life in the church I enjoy reading, going to the movies (can

anyone say popcorn?!), and spending -me outdoors. I love being

with my family, traveling, cooking/ea-ng, and cuddling with our

two cats. Fall equals football in our house, and you can hear us

cheering for the Iowa Hawkeyes and the Green Bay Packers.

Again, I am excited to be spending a season with you at Word of

Peace. I look forward to geTng to know you and sharing in minis-

try with you. May the Spirit guide us, root us and energize us for

the journey!

In Christ,

Pastor Ashley Updegraff-Balow

Pastor Ashley will preach once a month, help with congrega9onal visits and

perform other pastoral du9es. For now, she will be serving the congrega9on

on Mondays, Tuesdays and Sundays un9l a Pastor of Congrega9onal Life &

Growth is in place. Her hours may increase as her schedule allows.


In addi-on to Pastor Ashley, we are

excited to welcome several new in-

dividuals to the Word of Peace

Staff. They are:

Linda Thomas Part-Time Financial Manager

Linda is a returning to the staff aHer

five years; she was the Confirma-on

Coordinator and has since earned

her accoun-ng degree and started

her own accoun-ng business. She

will work part--me and her respon-

sibili-es will include finance, human

resources, and business administra-

-on. Please stop by and introduce

yourself to Linda!

Pat Hurley Part-Time Facili<es Manager

We welcome Pat Hurley who will

focus on the areas of the care and

keeping of our church building, fa-

cili-es and grounds. Pat, who is a

Word of Peace member and has

volunteered and coordinated sever-

al events here, comes to us with

several years of experience in man-

aging apartment complexes.

Welcome, Pat!

Mary Koch and

Kelly Schneider, Part-Time Nursery Assistants

Mary and Kelly are now caring for

our li�le ones in the Noah’s Ark

Nursery during worship and other

ac-vi-es throughout the week. Stop

by to say hello!

Pastor Ashley


Interim Pastor

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Marriage Encounter Weekend Retreat

Good communica-on is the key to keeping your mar-

riage vibrant and strong! And only the right communi-

ca-on tools can help your rela-onship be all that it can


The Marriage Encounter weekend is for married cou-

ples who value their rela-onship and desire a richer,

fuller life together. Marriage Encounter weekends have

enhanced millions of marriages by teaching couples a

simple communica-on technique that allows them to

privately explore important areas of their personal re-

la-onship in a spirit of love and understanding. By con-

-nuing to use this technique, husbands and wives can

grow even closer and live more joyful and purposeful


The next Marriage Encounter week-

ends are November 21-23 and Febru-

ary 13-15 in Brooklyn Center. Register

now at or con-

tact Pete & Phyllis McMahon at

[email protected] or 763-561-

1575 for more informa-on. Weekends

fill up quickly and pre-registra-on is


If so, drop your kids off at Word of Peace and

have some time to yourself while your kids

have a fun and safe time at church!

Saturday, November 15

1:00 - 5:00pm

Infants through 5th Grade are Welcome!

$3 per hour per potty-trained child

$5 per infant ($35 family maximum)

Sign up on the youth bulletin board

Parents’ Time Out is a fundraiser for the

middle school and high school youth.

Contact: Marcus Eads, [email protected]

or 763-496-2410


a Time Out?


A�end the New Member Orienta-on on Tuesday, November 18 from 5:30-9:00pm

Recep-on of New Members is November 30 & December 1

• Meet the pastors and key staff

• Learn what we believe and how we

do ministry

• Enjoy a fellowship supper

• Iden-fy your giHs and how to use

them at church and beyond

Please RSVP:

Contact Susen Kay in the Church Office

763-496-2400 | [email protected]

- OR -

Sign up online at


Membership is not required to par9cipate in the life of Word of Peace. Non members are always

welcome to take part in worship, study and fellowship events of this faith community.

Page 6: Peace Notes November 2014



Please consider spending part of

your -me mee-ng new people

and helping your community by

volunteering at CROSS. They are

in need of volunteers in every area! For more info contact

Stephanie 763-425-1050, ext. 104.

Two specific volunteers are needed:

1. MicrosoH Access Computer Programmer to update

CROSS database structure.

2. Lead volunteer to coordinate CROSS' par-cipa-on in the

2015 parades and farmers markets.

Nov. 13 is Give to the Max Day! Please consider an online

dona-on either to or

November Needs:

Kids treats, popcorn, cleaning supplies

For more informaAon about CROSS,

call 763-425-1050 or visit


Opera<on Christmas Child Since 1993, more than 113 million boys and girls in over 157 countries

and territories have experienced God’s love through the power of sim-

ple shoebox giHs from Opera-on Christmas Child. GiH-filled shoeboxes

are a powerful way to introduce children to God’s greatest giH, salva-

-on through Jesus Christ.

Word of Peace is a Relay Center for Opera-on Christmas Child again

this year. Simply fill a shoebox (one we provide or one of your own) or

small plas-c container with a variety of giHs that will bring delight to a

child (please no liquids, including hand sani-zer, bubbles, etc.) and

drop it off at Word of Peace during Na-onal Collec-on Week, Novem-

ber 17-24 during the following collec-on -mes:

November 17 through 21: 6pm to 8pm

November 22 and 23: 9am to noon

November 24: 10am to noon

Detailed instruc-ons and a limited number of shoeboxes will be availa-

ble soon. Or, you can go online to

opera9on-christmas-child to find out more.

Spread the Joy of Christmas? Purchase a

giH for a family in need in our congrega-

-on. Choose a wish list item from the

Adopt-A-Family wall in the Gathering Area

beginning Tuesday, November 18 and re-

turn your dona-ons to the church office

by Sunday, December 7 (include a giH re-

ceipt along with the request slip). Thank

you for blessing others with love, joy and

kindness this season.

Contact: Tracy Rowe, [email protected] or


Volunteers are needed to help collect shoe-

boxes during Na-onal Collec-on Week, and

drivers are needed to make deliveries to

Beau-ful Savior Church in Plymouth on

Wednesday, November 19 and aHer

noon on Monday, November 24. If you

would like to volunteer, please contact Tra-

cy Rowe at [email protected] or 763-496-


Page 7: Peace Notes November 2014


Fes<val Chorus Rehearsals Begin

The Fes-val Chorus weekly rehearsals

begin Wednesday November 9 at 7:30pm.

All singers, high school age and older, are

welcome to join as we prepare the music

for the 2014 Fes-val of Carols on Decem-

ber 21 at all worship services.

Contact: Michael Sahlen, 763-496-2412 or

[email protected].

Actors Wanted

If you are comfortable in the spotlight, perhaps the Word of

Peace drama ministry is the right opportunity for you! Ex-

ci-ng things are coming in 2015 such as an all-new Lenten

Drama series. If you would like to learn more or get in-

volved in drama ministry, contact Dain Swanson at dswan-

[email protected] or 763-496-2409.

Help Beau<fy the Sanctuary for Christmas!

PoinseTas may be ordered from

November 3 through 17. They will be

used to decorate the sanctuary

through Christmas Day, then you

can pick them up to enjoy at home.

PoinseTas are $10 each. Look for

order forms or contact the church

office for details.

Music & WorshipMusic & WorshipMusic & WorshipMusic & Worship


The Call Commi�ee for the Pastor of Congrega-onal Life & Growth feels thankful and blessed to have met

and interviewed candidates that came from congrega-on nomina-ons and the Minneapolis Synod, and those

who came forward themselves to be considered for call by Word of Peace.

AHer a journey including a second round of candidates, the Call Commi�ee was unanimous with its final can-

didate recommenda-on for the Pastor of Congrega-onal Life & Growth. They presented the candidate to the

Execu-ve Team, and the Execu-ve Team set a special congrega-onal mee-ng and vote for Sunday, October

26 at 12:00 noon. Both the Call Commi�ee and the candidate were blessed with the unmistakable presence

of the Holy Spirit in its discernment, and thank the congrega-on for its prayers and support.

Results of the vote will be made available in the weekly bulle-n and e-mail newsle�er.

The Search for Pastor of Congregational Life & Growth


Page 8: Peace Notes November 2014


Church School & Con�rmationChurch School & Con�rmationChurch School & Con�rmationChurch School & Con�rmation

Advent Family Night Tuesday, December 2, 6:30-8:00pm

You are invited to a�end a special night to pre-

pare your hearts and minds for the birth of our

King! The Educa-on Team is sponsoring a night

of Advent craHs, ac-vi-es, food, and fun!

Make meaningful Christmas ornaments, go on a

prayer walk together, par-cipate in a service

project, decorate cookies and much more!

This evening is free and all are welcome! Please

sign-up for this event so we can plan for your


Contact: Megan Moen, [email protected] or


3rd Grade Parent/Child Bible Event! Sunday, November 9 and Monday, November 10

Choose—Sunday at 8:30 am; 9:45; and 11:00 am or

Monday at 5:00 and 6:15 pm

All 3rd graders and their parents are invited to a�end a

special opportunity led by Pastor Krista to learn more

about the SPARK! NRSV Bible that they received this

year and how to use it.

Parents may choose one of the five -mes listed above to

spend -me with their child learning and exploring where

the Bible came from, who wrote the Bible, why there

are so many books in the Bible, and how to look up Bible


Contact: Lisa Buck, [email protected] or 763-496-2405

Give A Birthday Present to Jesus and to the World

Church School Kids, please bring in your loose change offering to church

school! From Thanksgiving through the end of December all church school

offerings will be given to God’s Global Barnyard in honor of Jesus’ birthday.

God’s Global Barnyard provides livestock, resources, and educa-on to fami-

lies around the world. God’s Global Barnyard is a program of the ELCA World

Hunger Campaign and creates sustainable living op-ons for families. Families

will also have the opportunity to sponsor animals to break the cycle of hunger and poverty

around the world.

Look for the informa-on table, sponsorship forms, and offering baskets beginning in November.

Contact: Kris-n Skare, [email protected] or 763-496-2404

Page 9: Peace Notes November 2014


Marcus Eads (Middle School) 763-496-2410/[email protected] | Kate Gantz (High School) at 763-496-2430/[email protected] |

Youth MinistryYouth MinistryYouth MinistryYouth Ministry

Thursday Senior Shop Rogers Bus—

Thursdays at 10am, $1.00 per rider.

Contact Judy at 763-428-7657.

Jammers Potluck & Music—Sunday,

11/2 from 1-5pm (eat at 4pm) at the

Rogers Community Room, 21201 Me-

morial Drive. Bring a dish to share. Con-

tact Dave at 763-428-4217.

Rogers Senior Dining—Tuesday

through Thursday every week at 12:00

noon at the Rogers Community Room.

Call at least two days in advance by

2pm for reserva-ons, 763-428-0976.

Cost: 55+ $4.00. Under 55 $5.00.

Volunteer Recogni<on Party: As a

thank you to all of the volunteers who

have helped the senior programs

throughout the years, we are gathering

for a party at the Rogers Community

Room on Friday, November 14 from 12-

2pm. Join us in celebra-on of all the

hard work that has grown our senior

programs to where they are now. As a


past or present volunteer, you deserve

a party to celebrate YOU and all of your

hard work. Come socialize with all of

the other seniors in Rogers. Food and

refreshments will be offered and music

will be played. Call Liz at 763-428-0939

if you would like to bring a food dish to


Exercise at Hampton Inn in Rogers:

$2.50/day with showers, hot tub and

towels included. Current par-cipants

meet Mon/Wed/Fri from 8 am-9 am.

Other -mes are available. There is no

instructor. Join the fun!

Senior Announcements: Be the first to

know about new senior events and re-

ceive updates! Visit www.no9fy. and select “Senior An-

nouncements” to subscribe to our new

email list. For ques-ons, call Liz at 763-

428-0939 or 763-464-4358.

The Word of Peace Kids-Care Bus takes

seniors shopping at Ridgedale every

other month. The next trip will be Decem-

ber 9. Cost is $1.00 for the round trip. The

bus starts picking up at 9:30am and re-

turns to Rogers by 1:30pm. Call Judy to

sign up at 763-428-7657.

Please contact Judy Hanson at 763-428-

7657 for resource, community or general

informa9on for seniors in the Rogers area.

To subscribe to the Rogers Senior News-

le�er, call 763-241-3520. Or, read it

online at


Join us November 16 & 30, from 9:45-

10:45am in the Youth Room for food,

devotions and games. Friends are al-

ways welcome!

MS: The Loft presents

Live Comedy Night!

6-8 graders, come out for a night of

laughs at the Rogers Activity Center,

where a stand-up comedian will be tak-

ing the stage from 9:30-11pm. Admis-

sion is $5 at the door and concessions

will be sold.

MS/HS: Parents Afternoon Out

(youth fundraiser)

6-12 graders, are you looking for a really

fun way to earn mon-

ey toward youth

events, trips or pro-

grams at Word of

Peace? Sign up on the

Youth Board to volun-

teer at Parents AHer-

noon Out on Satur-

day, November 15.

Hurry, spots fill up quickly.

HS: 2015 Summer Trip Deadline

is November 15

The deadline is quickly approaching for

current 9th


grade students to sign

up for either the Na-onal Lutheran

Youth Gathering or the Mission Trip to

Luther Park Bible Camp. Youth must

submit their WOPLC Health/Registra-on

form and ini-al deposit submi�ed by

November 15.

HS: Small Group Bible Study

HS youth are invited to small group Bi-

ble study & breakfast on Sunday morn-

ings from 11am-12pm. November dates

are the 16th

and 30th


Upcoming Youth Events MS = Middle School | HS = High School

Page 10: Peace Notes November 2014

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Ch a n g e S e r v i c e R e q u e s t e d

SundaysSundaysSundaysSundays 8:30 a.m. Traditional8:30 a.m. Traditional8:30 a.m. Traditional8:30 a.m. Traditional 9:45 a.m. Blended9:45 a.m. Blended9:45 a.m. Blended9:45 a.m. Blended 11:00 a.m. Contemporary11:00 a.m. Contemporary11:00 a.m. Contemporary11:00 a.m. Contemporary MondaysMondaysMondaysMondays 6:30 p.m. Contemporary6:30 p.m. Contemporary6:30 p.m. Contemporary6:30 p.m. Contemporary

A Veteran’s Day Community EventA Veteran’s Day Community EventA Veteran’s Day Community Event

Sunday, November 9, Sunday, November 9, Sunday, November 9,

2:00 2:00 2:00 --- 4:00pm4:00pm4:00pm

at Word of Peaceat Word of Peaceat Word of Peace





All Veterans, Friends, Family and Community are Invited!

Find out more at