NetLink - ESRD Network of Texas 6 NetLink February 2015 The Texas Department of Aging and Disability...

The CMS-2744 is an annual survey that summarizes dialysis and transplant unit activity for a calendar year, including admits, discharges, treatments, modalities, and staff number. This information is compiled by the Networks and submitted to the Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and reported to Congress and the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services in order to help determine things such as funding for the ESRD Program. In previous years, Network 14 has generated this report for the Texas units and mailed it out with patient rosters, event listings, and Vocational Rehabilitation paperwork. With the national launch of CROWNWeb, however, this report will now be generated by the units under the Form 2744 module in CROWNWeb. It is now time to begin the CMS-2744 process. Prior to generating your unit’s 2014 CMS-2744, you should complete the suggested preparation tasks below. IMPORTANT DEADLINE — CMS 2744— (Draft) should be generated by February 15, 2015 Verify your PART Verify your PART no later than February 8, 2015. You must verify every patient on the PART, not just your new admits from the previous month, and this includes transients. By verifying every patient every month, you are ensuring that your roster is up-to-date and that every patient’s individual modality is accurate. For more information on the PART, go to Continued on Page 2... CMS-2744 It’s Time for the 2014 Annual Survey February 2015 Texas Launches Toll-Free Number to Help Older Texans and People with Disabilities 6 Social Worker CE Credits Available for Dialysis Book 6 Advance Care Planning Brochure 7 NHSN e-News 8 KCER and FDA Alerts 10 5-Diamond Patient Safety Program 11 Community Announcements 12 Calendar 13 Patient Corner 14 Inside this Issue: NetLink The Network 14 NetLink is created and published under CMS contract number: HHSM-500-2013-NW014C End Stage Renal Disease Network of Texas, Inc. (aka: Network 14) 4040 McEwen Road, Suite 350 * Dallas, Texas * 75244 * [email protected]

Transcript of NetLink - ESRD Network of Texas 6 NetLink February 2015 The Texas Department of Aging and Disability...

The CMS-2744 is an annual survey that summarizes dialysis and transplant unit activity for a calendar year, including admits, discharges, treatments, modalities, and staff number. This information is compiled by the Networks and submitted to the Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and reported to Congress and the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services in order to help determine things such as funding for the ESRD Program. In previous years, Network 14 has generated this report for the Texas units and mailed it out with patient rosters, event listings, and Vocational Rehabilitation paperwork. With the national launch of CROWNWeb, however, this report will now be generated by the units under the Form 2744 module in CROWNWeb.

It is now time to begin the CMS-2744 process. Prior to generating your unit’s 2014 CMS-2744, you should complete the suggested preparation tasks below. IMPORTANT DEADLINE — CMS 2744— (Draft) should be generated by February 15, 2015

Verify your PART

Verify your PART no later than February 8, 2015. You must verify every patient on the PART, not just your new admits from the previous month, and this includes transients. By verifying every patient every month, you are ensuring that your roster is up-to-date and that every patient’s individual modality is accurate. For more information on the PART, go to

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CMS-2744 It’s Time for the 2014 Annual Survey

February 2015

Texas Launches Toll-Free Number to Help Older Texans and People with Disabilities


Social Worker CE Credits Available for Dialysis Book


Advance Care Planning Brochure


NHSN e-News 8

KCER and FDA Alerts


5-Diamond Patient Safety Program





Calendar 13

Patient Corner 14

Inside this Issue:


The Network 14 NetLink is created and published under CMS contract number:


End Stage Renal Disease Network of Texas, Inc. (aka: Network 14)

4040 McEwen Road, Suite 350 * Dallas, Texas * 75244 * [email protected]

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Vocational Rehabilitation (Voc Rehab)

Enter your Voc Rehab information for your patients aged 18-54. The Voc Rehab information is entered on the Patient Attributes Page in CROWNWeb. It is located in the Misc Info box at the bottom of the screen. To enter the information, follow these steps:

1) Click on the Patients tab.

2) Click on the PART tab in the blue sub-menu.

3) Click on a patient’s name in the Patient Name column.

4) Click on the Edit Patient tab in the gray sub-menu on the patient’s attributes page.

5) Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and select the patient’s Current Employment Status from the drop-down menu.

6) Enter the Effective Date of the patient’s current employment status. (This date should be the actual date the employment status went into effect; if the status has been the same since the patient was admitted to your unit, you may put the patient’s admit date.)

7) Select the patient’s Current School Status.

8) Enter the Effective Date of the patient’s current school status. (This date should be the actual date the school status went into effect; if the status has been the same since the patient was admitted to your unit, you may put the patient’s admit date.)

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9) Select the patient’s Current Vocational Rehabilitation Status.

10) Enter the Effective Date of the patient’s current Voc Rehab status. (This date should be the actual date the Voc Rehab status went into effect; if the status has been the same since the patient was admitted to your unit, you may put the patient’s admit date.)

11) Make sure the patient’s Medicare Enrollment Status is correct; if not, select the patient’s Current Medicare Enrollment Status.

12) Medicare Enrollment Status is needed for the CMS-2744. Make sure that the Effective Date accurately reflects when these changes took effect (the date Medicare Part B was entitled); if the patient is only entitled to Medicare Part A, put that entitlement date; if the patient is not currently enrolled in Medicare, put the patient’s admit date to your unit as the Effective Date.

13) Click Submit at the bottom of the screen.

14) Click the PART Verification hyperlink in the breadcrumb trail located beneath the gray sub-menu.

15) Repeat these steps for all of your permanent patients aged 18-54.

Network 14 also strongly urges you to enter the other values in the Misc Info box:

1) Citizenship (This info is needed should your patient receive a transplant in the US.)

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Note: If inaccurate effective dates have already been entered in these fields on the patient’s attributes page, navigate to the patient’s Attributes History page by clicking the View Patient Attribute History tab in the gray sub-menu and make your corrections to the effective dates by clicking Edit Patient Attribute History in the gray sub-menu. Make your changes to the dates and click Submit.

These preparation tasks should be done by all Network 14 facilities, whether they are part of a Batch Submitting Organization (BSO) or not (Non-BSO). BSOs are: DaVita, FMC, DCI, and NRAA.

Once these preparation tasks are completed, you should generate your CMS-2744. To generate the form, follow these steps:

1) Click the Form 2744 tab.

2) Click the Add New 2744 tab in the blue sub-menu.

3) Enter all mandatory facility information

a. If your Facility DBA Name isn’t already populated, or if there are no DBA Names to choose from on the drop-down list, enter your Facility CCN (CMS Certification Number) or NPI and click Go.

b. Year: 2014

4) Click Add.

5) Enter the Treatment and Staffing Information in the fields.

6) Click Generate.

7) Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save.

IMPORTANT DEADLINE: Your 2014 CMS-2744 should be generated (Draft status) by February 15, 2015.

Now that the CMS-2744 has been generated and saved, you have access to reports that you should generate prior to submitting a final CMS-2744 for Network acceptance. These reports include:

Patients Receiving Care at End of Survey Period Report

Additions During Survey Period Report

Patients Hemodialyzing More Than 4 Times Per Week Report

Patient Eligibility Status Report

Vocational Rehabilitation Report

You should generate all of these reports and check them for accuracy. If anything is inaccurate, you should navigate to the patient records of those patients in question and check the Attributes Page, Admit/Discharge Summary, and Treatment Summary for accuracy.

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Make changes as needed and generate the reports again. To generate the reports, follow these steps:

If you are already in the saved CMS-2744 screen:

1) Click on the desired report tab in the gray sub-menu.

2) A “File Download” dialog box will display; click Open or Save.

If you are not already in the saved CMS-2744:

1) Click the Form 2744 tab.

2) Enter your search criteria to find the appropriate form for your unit.

3) Click the hyperlinked ID of the appropriate form.

4) Click a report tab in the gray sub-menu.

5) A “File Download” dialog box will display; click Open or Save.

If all of your data is accurate, there are no resolvable errors or warnings on your form, and your numbers for 2014 balance, you can submit your CMS-2744 to the Network for acceptance by following these steps:

1) Click the Form 2744 tab.

2) Click Status Change Updates in the blue sub-menu.

3) Click the hyperlinked ID for the CMS-2744 under the appropriate status section.

4) Click Submit for Acceptance at the bottom of the page.

5) Click Yes in the “Are you sure you want to submit this 2744 for acceptance?” dialog box.

NOTE: BSO facilities must verify that all 2014 data has been submitted prior to submitting the CMS-2744 to the Network 14 office.

Just because you have submitted the form does not mean it has been accepted. You should check the status of your CMS-2744 often to ensure that the Network does accept it. If the Network rejects your CMS-2744, it will appear under the Form 2744 Rejected Status section of the Status Change Updates tab with comments on why it has been rejected. Make the necessary changes and submit it again.

When the Network accepts your form, it will appear under the Form 2744 Accepted Status section of the Status Change Updates tab. When the Network has finalized the form, it will appear in the Form 2744 Finalized Status section of the Status Change Updates tab. The CMS-2744 has not been completed unless it has been finalized.

If you have questions about the CMS-2744, you can contact the Network 14 Information Management Department at 972-503-3215 (Kathleen Prewitt Ext 318, Magdalena Sanchez Ext 326, Sadé Brister Ext 322, Lydia Omogah Ext 320) or [email protected] or the QualityNet Help Desk at 866-288-8912 or [email protected].

DO NOT email patient-specific information (NAME, SSN, DOB, etc.) to the QualityNet Help Desk or the Network 14 office.

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The Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) is launching a toll-free number to help qualifying Texans connect with long-term care services.

The telephone number is 1-855-937-2372. It has been set up to help older adults (60 and older) who currently receive Medicaid and/or Medicare, people of all ages with disa-bilities, and caregivers.

The growing population of aging Texans, in addition to the approximately four in ten Texans who have some type of disability, has created demand for the new number. According to the 2010 census, Texas has the third largest aging population (65 and older) in the United States. More than three million Texans are over the age of 65, and that number is expected to more than double to 7.5 million by 2040.

The new number streamlines the process for those seeking information about long-term care services, which include personal care, nursing care, help around the house, and help for caregivers.

When Texans call the number, they will be

routed to a representative at the nearest Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) based on the ZIP code they enter. ADRCs provide information and help connect individuals to state and federal benefits. They are linked to hundreds of service providers statewide and can help Texans enroll for services if requested. ADRC representatives are available Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and this service is free.

Additionally, the new number will help existing Medicare/Medicaid recipients ensure they are receiving all the long-term care services for which they are eligible.

Unlike the Texas 2-1-1 number, which provides broad referral services for all Texans seeking assistance, this new toll-free number is dedicated to older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers who need long-term care services.

New in 2015: Texas Launches Toll-Free Number to Help Older Texans and People with Disabilities

Social Worker CE Credits Available for Dialysis Book

Social workers can now learn about how dialysis treatment options impact patients’ quality of life AND earn five Continuing Education (CE) social work credits. The comprehensive book, Help, I Need Dialysis! by Dori Schatell, MS, and John Agar, MD, is now available as an approved CE course at, the CE website hosted by the Medical Education Institute, Inc. (MEI). This continuing education activity has been approved by the National Association of

Social Workers, and the book is also approved for CE credits for nurses and other

healthcare professionals.

Objectives of this continuing education task include: 1) Describe all the dialysis modality options currently available in the US; 2) Explore the pros and cons of each modality option and link each modality with lifestyle choices; and

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3) Describe the system of dialysis care in the United States, including payment methods. About the book Help, I Need Dialysis! explains how dialysis works, why more is better, and how each option may impact patients’ energy levels, diet and fluid limits, medications, sleep, work, travel, exercise, sexuality, fertility, and survival. Healthcare professionals who understand the medical and psychosocial impact of maintenance dialysis on patients’ lives are better prepared to provide high-quality care and advise their patients to make choices that fit their lives. Co-author Dori Schatell, MS, is Executive Director of the Medical Education Institute. She has 25 years of experience developing educational materials about chronic kidney disease, is a proponent of patient empowerment, and is a frequent speaker at national dialysis conferences.

Co-author John Agar, MD is Conjoint Clinical Professor of Medicine at Deakin University School of Medicine and Geelong Hospital, Barwon Health in Geelong, Australia. He is a Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Melbourne, and runs the popular About the Medical Education Institute MEI is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) dedicated to helping people with chronic disease learn to manage and improve their health. Since 1993, MEI has been working to help people with kidney disease live long and live well. MEI has been offering CE programs since 2004 and recently expanded its offerings to include many new courses for nurses, technicians, dietitians, and social workers. To learn more about MEI and its programs, visit

Advance Care Planning Educational Materials

Network 14 currently has available copies of the MARC (Network 5) brochure Advance Care Planning: For the Dialysis Patient and their Family. If you would like copies of this very informative

brochure, email the following information to [email protected]:

Your name

Name of your facility and it’s CCN (CCN will begin with either 45 or 67)

Facility Address

Number of copies (limit 25 copies)

Network 14 has a limited supply of these brochures and will fill requests on a first-come, first-served basis.

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National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) e-News

NHSN version 8.3 will be released in late January 2015 and has a few changes. This means that all Dialysis Component reporting plans, surveys, events, summary data, and procedures should not be entered into NHSN until late January 2015. Please use the paper forms found on NHSN’s website to collect and hold all 2015 data until after the NHSN update. Facilities can continue to enter 2014 data and update user information and locations within their NHSN facilities.

Dialysis Component: Annual Facility Survey Updates and Reminders

A new version of the Outpatient Dialysis Practices Survey will be available on the Dialysis NHSN website shortly. This survey should be completed in February 2015 and must be completed before the first week of May 2015 in order to continue reporting.

2015 Change to NHSN Affecting Dialysis Component Users

Change to the Facility Info Screen

In the January 2015 update of NHSN, an “Edit CCN” hyperlink will be added to the Edit Facility Information screen to allow users to edit their CMS Certification Number (CCN) and enter the date the new CCN is to become effective:

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The new effective date of CNN field will allow a user to change his/her facility’s CCN in NHSN and designate the correct effective date. Changing a CCN may be necessary for newly certified facilities or following an acquisition of an existing facility by a new company. This new feature will ensure that the facility’s NHSN data are attributed to the correct CCN for CMS reporting in a specific quarter.

Protocol Update

When entering associated pathogens for an event, a particular pathogen species should only be entered once, using the antibiotic susceptibility panel that shows the most resistance overall. Starting in January 2015, NHSN will not allow you to save an event if you have listed the same pathogen species twice on the event form, and you will receive an error message alerting you to this issue.

Changes in Dialysis Event Form

New optional question for Positive Blood Cultures (PBCs)

Outcome “Loss of vascular access “is now a required field

Go to for more detailed information on NHSN News and Updates. Information adapted from: December 2014 NHSN Newsletter

KCER and FDA Alerts and Recalls

The ESRD Network of Texas, Inc. is notified by both the Kidney Community Emergency Response (KCER) and the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) when there is a product alert or recall.

You can access information concerning recalls and alerts from our website at under Special Alerts and Recalls.

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Like us on Facebook.

To access go to and log in to your account. Look under “liked pages”, and type in ESRD Network of Texas.

Follow us on Twitter



Materials for the Patient Engagement Calendar for the month of February 2015 can be located on

our website: Patient and Families Patient Engagement and Patient —

and Family — Centered Care

DO NOT EMAIL any patient specific

information (name, date of birth, social

security number, etc.) to the Network 14


Page 11 NetL ink February 2015

Network 14’s 5-Diamond Patient Safety Program


Christus Children’s Kidney Center

FMC Austin South

FMC Greenway Kidney Center

NNA Marble Falls

Plaza Drive Dialysis

RCG Center Dialysis

Reeves County Hospital Dialysis

Renal Center of Frisco

Renal Center of Lewisville

Renal Center of Nederland

Renal Center of Orange

Satellite Dialysis Kyle

Satellite Dialysis Metric

Satellite Dialysis Round Rock

Satellite Dialysis Southwood

Satellite Healthcare Mueller

Texas Children’s Hospital Dialysis

University Dialysis West

USRC Delta Dialysis

USRC Mid Valley Weslaco Dialysis

USRC Rio Grande Dialysis

UTSW Dallas Dialysis

Wilbarger General Hospital Dialysis of Vernon





The new program year began January 1, 2015.

All participants must re-register to participate.

Any facilities that did not achieve 5-Diamond

status must start from the beginning.

Make sure that you receive the recognition

you deserve by asking if you have an

acknowledgement form on file!

Page 12 NetL ink February 2015

March 25-29, 2015

Gaylord Texan, Dallas, Texas

Register at

4th Annual Creating A Culture of Quality Conference

Achieving Quality:

Reconciling Competing Goals

Guidelines, Incentives, Patient - Centered Care, Shared Decision Making...

How do we judge quality?

March 23-24, 2015

Baltimore, Maryland

For more information, go to

2015 ANNA Texas Collaborative

“On the Edge: Frontiers in CKD”

February 6-7, 2015

Moody Gardens—Galveston, Texas

For information on the program or registration, go to

Coalition for Supportive Care of Kidney Patients Webinar

The Mid-Atlantic Renal Coalition is sponsoring a webinar for the Coalition of Supportive Care for Kidney Patients on February 17, 2015, from 4 -5:00 p.m. ET. Dr. Diane Meier, Director of the Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) and Professor of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, will be sharing her knowledge about “Connecting the Institute of Medicine’s Dying in America report with CSCKP’s Strategic Goals” and Dr. Alvin Moss and Dr. Dale Lupu will discuss “Coalition Updates”. To learn more and/or participate in the webinar go to

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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and PART

updates due

9 10 11 12 13 14


Draft CMS-



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February 2015

Page 14 February 2015 NetL ink

Patient’s Corner

Written for patients

Facility staff – post both the English and Spanish pages by the patients’ scales as well

as near the sink that the patients use to wash their accesses and in the lobby/waiting


What is on your mind? Do you remember the first time that you heard that your kidneys had failed? What were you thinking or feeling? Was it difficult to process what had just been said to you? Many patients remember how overwhelmed and shocked they felt when trying to understand what the doctor or medical professional had just told them.

Trying to deal and cope with the physical and emotional process of end stage renal disease can be difficult to explain to others and even to oneself. Because of this, depression or a feeling of continuous sadness for at least two weeks or more can occur. Our minds or emotional health are often neglected for several reasons. According to a study of depression in America by Healthline (2012) ( the following was reported:

One in ten Americans reported feeling depressed at one point or another. (This number is suspected to be higher since a lot of people won’t admit to depression).

More than 80% of the people that have symptoms of depression are not receiving treatment.

The number of patients diagnosed with depression increases by approximately 20% every year.

60% to 80% of all depression cases can be effectively treated with counseling and medications.

Although depression can be easily treated, many patients often don’t seek the help needed to address this issue. These reasons vary from feeling ashamed, to not wanting to be labeled by others, to not knowing how to talk about how you are feeling. Regardless, treating what is on your mind is just as important as your physical health. Your mind or your emotional health, when left untreated, can lead to other

Continued on page 15...

To contact the Network for assistance or to file a grievance:

Patient Toll-free Number: 1-877-886-4435 (patients only please)

Facility staff: 972-503-3215

Email: [email protected]

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...Continued from page 14

other health risks such as worsening depression, thoughts of suicide, and other medical conditions. And just ignoring or denying the situation won’t make it go away. Find more information at

Don’t you deserve to be the healthiest that you can be? Of course you do! Please talk with your doctor, nurse or facility social worker about what you can do to make sure that, whatever is on your mind, is the healthiest that it can be.

Advance Care Planning Educational Materials

Network 14 currently has available copies of the MARC (Network 5) brochure Advance Care Planning: For the Dialysis Patient and their Family. If you would like a copy of this very informative brochure, mail your name and address to ESRD Network of Texas, 4040 McEwen Rd. #350, Dallas, Texas 75244.

Network 14 has a limited supply of these brochures and will fill requests on a first-come, first-served basis.

Rincón del paciente

Escrito por pacientes

Página 16 Febrero 2015 NetLink

¿En qué piensa?

¿Recuerda la primera vez que supo de su falla renal? ¿En qué pensaba o cómo se sentía? ¿Se le hizo difícil entender lo que le habían dicho? Muchos pacientes recuerdan que se sentían abrumados y chocados mientras trataban de entender lo que el doctor o profesional de medicina les acabó de decir.

Cuando uno trata de comprender y enfrentar el proceso físico y emocional de la enfermedad renal en etapa terminal, este puede ser difícil explicar a los demás e inclusive a uno mismo. Debido a esto, uno pueda experimentar la depresión o la tristeza en forma continua durante dos semanas o más. Frecuentemente se nos descuidan la mente o la salud emocional por varios motivos. Se reportó lo siguiente en un estudio de la depresión en los Estados Unidos por Healthline (2012) (

Uno de cada diez norteamericanos reporta la depresión en alguna ocasión. (Se sospecha que esta cifra será más alta ya que muchos niegan sentir la depresión).

Más de 80% de la gente con síntomas de depresión no reciben tratamiento.

Se incrementa en aproximadamente 20% el número de pacientes con diagnostico de depresión cada año.

En el 60-80% de todos los casos la depresión se puede tratar eficazmente con la consejería y medicamentos.

Aunque se puede tratar la depresión con facilidad, a menudo muchos pacientes no piden la ayuda necesaria para enfrentar este tema. Varios de estos motivos incluyen la vergüenza, el no querer que se les encasille, y el no saber hablar sobre sentimientos. Sin embargo, es igual de importante cuidar los pensamientos como la salud física. Sin no atiende sus pensamientos o su salud emocional, se puede dirigir a otros riesgos de salud, como el empeoramiento de depresión, pensamientos de suicidio y otras condiciones medicas. La situación no se desaparece si uno la ignora o la niega. Por mayores informes, consulte:

Se continúa en página 17…

Para comunicarse con la Red y pedir ayuda o presentar una queja:

Número de Teléfono Gratuito para Pacientes: 1-877-886-4435 (solamente pacientes por favor)

Personal de las Instalaciones: 972-503-3215

Correo electrónico: [email protected]

Instrucciones al Personal de las Instalaciones- cuelgue las paginas en inglés y español

cerca de las basculas de los pacientes y el fregadero que usan los pacientes para

lavar sus accesos y en el vestíbulo/sala de espera.

Página 17 Febrero 2015 NetLink

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¿No merece usted estar lo más sano posible? ¡Claro que sí! Favor de hablar con su doctor, enfermera o trabajador social de las instalaciones sobre lo que usted puede hacer, para asegurarse que piense en la manera más sana posible.

Actualmente, Network 14 [la Red 14] tiene copias disponibles del folleto de MARC (Network 5) que se llama Advance Care Planning: For the Dialysis Patient and their Family [Planificación Previa para el Cuidado: Para el Paciente de Diálisis y su Familia]. Para pedir una copia de este folleto muy informativo, envíe su nombre y dirección a ESRD Network of Texas, 4040 McEwen Rd. #350, Dallas, Texas 75244.

Network 14 tiene una cantidad limitada de estos folletos para regalar, de manera que

él que llega primero escoge.

Materiales Educativos de Planificación Previa para el Cuidado