July 12, 2017 CHURCH OF THE SERVANT Bi-Weekly … OF THE SERVANT Bi-Weekly NEWSLETTER Issue: 17.13...


Transcript of July 12, 2017 CHURCH OF THE SERVANT Bi-Weekly … OF THE SERVANT Bi-Weekly NEWSLETTER Issue: 17.13...

July 12, 2017CHURCH OF THE SERVANTBi-Weekly NEWSLETTERIssue: 17.13

SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES || 8:15 • 9:30 • 11:00



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Dr. Matthew MitchellSenior Minister

Fourth oF July in oklahoma The Mitchell’s first July 4th in Oklahoma is in the books and I must say it was defi-nitely one for the scrapbook! Thankfully, all six Mitchells have been able to count all fingers and toes this morning. Our day began with the Edmond LibertyFest Parade, and anytime I have the opportunity to see World War II war birds in the air, I have to admit, I smile like a small child. Plus, there was a B-25 Mitchell Bomber and a P-51 Mustang! Needless to say, my day was complete before 10:00 a.m.

Fast-forwarding to the evening… we enjoyed a special meal with new friends, and then the fireworks began! I need to preface this by saying that fireworks have only become legal in Georgia in recent years and the fireworks one is able to purchase in Georgia are more akin to what the corner firework vendors referred to as “the kiddy bag.” Sparklers, fountains, and Roman Candles were all that we were allowed to buy in Georgia; nothing like the Oklahoma mortars, cherry bombs, or ariels. As you all know, and we quickly learned, most of Oklahoma loves their fireworks. This night of festivities began on Sat-

urday and seemed to go late into the evening. Neighbors and cul-de-sacs were attempting to outdo one another, laughter was being shared in the streets, and many children likened the night to Christmas morning.

While I know not everyone enjoys fireworks, I know my two dogs are happy the weekend is over. I have to say, something struck me on our first Fourth of July in Oklahoma. What is it you ask? When it is time to do something, people here love to do it big and bold. This got me thinking about September 10 at Church of the Servant. As the fall begins and we prepare to see new people at this awesome church, what will each of us do in a big, bold way to share the Love, Grace and Forgiveness of Jesus Christ with our neighbors and friends? How will we invite them to this very special place?

Getting Ready for a Big Fall,


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missionsMeeting with a Mission… A story from Dr. Robyn Goggs

A story of discipleship and mission going hand in handFor 10 years, a faithful group of women has been meeting together weekly for fel-lowship and study. Over these years, they have traveled with and supported one another through many life experiences – the births of grandchildren, the deaths of spouses, cancer, and new marriages, just to name a few. Together, they have cel-ebrated when God’s presence was very clear, and they have been a reminder of hope to one another when life has been hard. Their bond is strong.

About three years ago, Judy Marlin called the church and said, “We meet together, but we want to be doing more in the life of our church. What can we do to help? Judy’s call came at just the right time. From that moment on, this group of women began purchasing and creating groceries bags to go to people in need. It is an undertaking that has brought relief to the staff and also created a mission focus for this small group.

Did you know that every week we have about 25 people walk into our build-ing seeking help with basic needs? Maybe it is groceries or an electric bill.

Many are traveling on foot. Mary Strain (who graciously welcomes each per-son into our offices) greets them, listens, and is able to offer help by giving

them a gas card, a Braum’s card and a bag of groceries.

The call of the gospel is to love God and love people! Thanks to this group for doing both in the life of our church. If your small group is looking for a mission focus, call me at 721-4141 or email me at [email protected].

Blessings,Dr. Robyn

Pictured: Pat Blair, Kay Filson, Kay Fischer, Paula Hire, Ann Kelih, Elise Weed, June Maddox, Judy Marlin, Carolyn Smith

Not Present: Judy Weathers, Bonnie Lierman

Mountains of Donations for Kenya

As I write this, the Kenya team of 10 have just left Houston and are on our way to Frankfurt, Germany where we will connect on a flight to Nairobi, Ke-nya. I ran out of time to write this before we left, but I couldn’t leave the coun-try without telling our wonderful church people and friends about all all of the donations that we brought with us. In fact, we couldn’t fit all of the donations into our 10 allotted bags. The excess items will be driven to Houston and given to a UMC team that will travel to Kenya in August. Donations received:

524 toothbrushes 300 pairs of new reading glasses698 baby caps made by a 99-year-old woman198 boxes of crayons1212 colored pencils, plus half a suit-case more!1986 pencils, plus half a suitcase more!1552 ball point pens137 pencil sharpeners 142 erasers 32 bottles of soap bubbles11 small balls,9 checker sets, 3 sacks of jacks, 2 sacks of finger puppets13 One World Play Projects – durable soccer balls (no pumps needed!)248 dry erase markers14 sets of twin sheets89 hand and bath towels87 items of baby and children’s clothing75 lbs of surgical gloves

God has blessed Church of the Servant in so many ways and the team is truly humbled with the blessing of your do-nations... it will mean more than any of us can imagine! Ann Knutson

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Mission for TEEMOne of the projects that Earthglow proudly sponsors each summer is the collection of hygiene items for TEEM (The Ed-ucation and Employment Ministry). This local agency helps recently-released prisoners in the process of re-entering so-ciety after incarceration. TEEM maintains a closet of personal items that may be shared with their clients, and this is the time of year that we, at Church of the Servant, can help them fill their shelves with shampoo, deodorant, soap, toothpaste, etc. Please help make a difference in the lives of these men and women by picking up a few new hygiene items. Bring them to the Earthglow drop-box for TEEM, and while you are in the store, help other local missions by making a purchase from our broad selection of gift items.

Dear Church of the Servant,

Thanks for joining us in the fight against hunger. We are happy to share details about the destination of your meal shipment.

The meals you packaged will make a big impact in the lives of people around the globe. A young girl, age 6, named “My” lives in a community where unpredictable droughts and flood-ing create instability for many farming families. Her family struggles to afford food, typically eating just two small meals each day. Although life is difficult for them, My is a very cheer-ful, lively child.

Since receiving Rise Against Hunger meals at school, My’s physical health and academic performance have improved greatly. She hopes to become a doctor so she can help those in need.

My is only one of the tens of thousands of children in countries all over the world who receive Rise Against Hunger meals at school. Since 2005, volunteers like you have helped package more than 310 million meals for distribution to 74 countries.

We are delighted to announce that the meals from your meal packaging event on March 5, 2017 have been shipped in a container totaling 285,120 meals from our Dallas/Fort Worth warehouse. The meals will be received by our in-country part-ner Central American Relief Efforts - USA in Honduras.

Visit www.riseagainsthunger.org for more information on how you can support Rise Against Hunger and continue your in-volvement in the fight against hunger. Follow us on Face-book at www.facebook.com/riseagainsthunger for updates, videos and photos from the field. Thank you for volunteering with Rise Against Hunger. We appreciate your dedication and commitment to the vision of a world without hunger.

Gratefully,Jeff JonesProgram ManagerRise Against Hunger Dallas/Fort Worth


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WomenJOIN US FOR A NIGHT OF COM-EDY WITH ANITA RENFROE on Thursday, October 5, 2017, 7:00 p.m. We all need a good laugh sometimes. Anita Renfroe will surely have you roll-ing with her unique take on being a woman, growing older, motherhood, and pop culture. Get tickets at www.churchoftheservant.com/events. Church of the Servant members and friends get a discounted rate of $15, using promo code RENFROE-HOST-CHURCH. But wait, EARLY BIRD SPECIAL ALERT! Get another 20% off (only $12!) if you purchase before July 31, using promo code TWEET-TWEET.

WOMEN’S MINISTRY NIGHT – DISHES & DICE Friday, August 18 // 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Dishes & Dice will be an evening of fun and fellowship as the women of the church gather for a night of Bunco. Everyone should bring her favorite potluck item and come prepared to laugh a lot, as we roll the dice and roll from table to table making new friends or renewing old friendships along the way. Child-care available by reservation. No charge, but a mission offering will be taken for Oklahoma UM Circle of Care for Children and Youth. Register at www.churchoftheservant.com/events.

“Falling Into Grace” Annual Women’s Retreat

September 8-10 // Chickasaw Retreat Center Mark your calendar for the women’s retreat in this beautiful Arbuckle paradise. A short 1-1/2 hour drive will bring you to a relaxing weekend filled with time to breathe the fresh fall air, commune with friends and nature, as well as experience a time of spiritual renewal. Through soul-stirring worship, reflective Bible study, and engaging small group sessions, you will have plenty of opportunities to connect with God, nature, and other women in fun and meaningful ways. Our guide for the weekend will be the book Falling into Grace: Exploring our Inner Life with God by Rev. John Newton. This retreat is planned and led by a team of gifted women in our church. The retreat will give you space to refresh, reflect, and renew your walk with God. There will be large and small group experiences with plenty of space to exercise, play, or rest during this meaningful weekend. Cost is $199. Register at www.churchoftheservant.com/events.

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August 4, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Parents Night Out is for infants – 10 years of age. Reservations can be made at www.churchoftheservant.com/events. Special treat for our parents – this night is FREE!! Pizza dinner will be served to the chil-dren. Lots of activities for the children – inflatables, crafts, and the movie “Trolls”. Deadline for reservation is Sunday, July 30, unless maximum child limit has been reached earlier. Also, we need volunteers to help with this event! If you can help serve pizza, play games, make crafts, or watch a movie with one of our kids, contact Jenny Kincaid at [email protected].

FUN IN THE ‘SUN’DAY! On July 30, during the 11:00 Sunday morning time for children ages 3 years to 5th grade, we will have an OUTSIDE in the SUNday FUN-DAY! Wear clothes that can get wet (please, no bathing suits) and appropriate shoes. Bring a towel and something to change into af-ter parents pick up. BIG FUN!

4th & 5th Grade Swim PartyChurch of the Servant Children’s Ministries is ex-cited to invite you to our annual 4th and 5th Grade Swim Party! Boys bring something salty to share. Girls bring something sweet to share. The Baker family will supply the drinks.

Parents are invited! Come and get better acquaint-ed with other parents! (Sorry, there are no accom-modations for siblings.)

Address and directions will be sent to you via e-mail after you RSVP. Invitations will be sent via e-mail on July 24, so make certain that we have your correct information!

Don’t forget your towel and church-appropriate swimwear!

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our liFe toGetherCelebratinG

u Bud and Alana Atkins as Alana’s son, Jack Jenks, is dealing with health is-sues.u Cary and Jennifer Bartlow as Cary is recuperating from surgery.u George and Mary Carpenter as Mary is recuperating from an illness.u Richard and Teresa Carrington as their friend, Doug Allert, is dealing with health issues.u Jim Cross and Roberta Carrier Cross as their friend, Eric Mulligan, is dealing with health issues.u Jeff, Karlee, and Griffin Chill as Grif-fin is dealing with health issues and is hospitalized at Integris Baptist Medical Center.u John and Margaret Curless as Mar-garet is dealing with health issues.u Dow and Carolyn Dozier as they are both dealing with health issues.u Ralph Engle as Ralph is dealing with health issues. u Rick and Dixie Grosshans as Rick is undergoing rehab and is hospitalized at Mercy Rehab Hospital.u Connie Harrison as Connie is recu-perating from surgery.u Nan Miller as Nan is asking for our prayers for Robin Riley and Chance Irwin who are both dealing with health issues.u Phyllis Narcomey as Phyllis is facing surgery at the OU Edmond Hospital.u Donald and Evelyn Norris as Evelyn is dealing with health issues.u David and Linda Reed and Lance and Ricque Reed as they ask for prayers for Hannah Beckelman, who is recuperat-ing from injuries from a car accident.u Jeremy and Ashley Sanders and Stan and Marcia Mortimer as Ashley is recuperating from surgery.

CARE MINISTRIESWhen a family is faced with an illness or cri-sis, it is important to remember to inform Care Ministries of that special situation. As a church family, all of us can help. If you know of a member who would benefit from our specialized care or our prayers through Care Ministries, call Care Ministries at 728-4738 or 721-4141.

our sympathy

u Barbara Eskridge at the birth of her 4th great-grandchild, William Maddon Eskridge. The proud parents are William and Madylan Eskridge of Norman, OK.

Our Prayers COntinued

u Bert Akins and Family at the death of Bert’s wife, Peggy Akins.u Richard and Teresa Carrington and Family at the death of their friend, Fred Ordelheide.u Mike and Linda Ketchersid, and Kent and Dana Israel and Family at the death of Mike’s father, Kenneth Ketchersid. u Steve and Jimmie Pallesen and Fam-ily at the death of Jimmie’s mother, Pauly Wright.u John and Cindy Petree and Family at the death of Cindy’s brother, Mike Green. u David, Sarah, and Jackson Krivy and Family at the death of Sarah’s father, Larry Seward.u Ed, Cinda, Phil, and Kristin Rodgers and Family at the death of Ed’s mother, Paula Rodgers.

our prayers

in the kitChenJuly 16 – Hawaiian Chicken and/or Pork Shish-k-Bobs with Veggies over Rice, and Dessert.July 23 – Summer Salad BuffetJuly 30 – Indian Taco Sale w/ Dessert

The Kitchen is located just inside Community Hall. Join us on Sundays

for hot breakfast or lunch!

u Ralph and Neoma Shrauner as Ralph is recuperating from surgery and under-goes rehab at Parcway Recovery Center.u Craig and Susan Sturniolo as Craig is recuperating from a procedure.u Nicole Welch as Nicole’s friend, Bucky Bradford, is dealing with health issues.u Don and Eleanor Whitsett, as Eleanor is recuperating from surgery.

Listening Tourwith Dr. Matthew MitchellOne important task to be accomplished during this period of transition to Matthew Mitchell as our new Senior Minister is providing opportunities where he can become familiar with Church of the Servant, and likewise, the congregation can meet him and he can come to know your hopes and heart for ministry as we move forward. To help this process we have arranged a series of gatherings.The small gatherings filled up quickly, but there is still time to sign up for one of the large gatherings that will take place in Community Hall. • 6:30-8:30 p.m. – Sunday, July 30th (Large Group)• 6:30-8:30 p.m. – Sunday, August 13th (Large Group)Reservations for these gatherings can be made at www.churchoftheservant.com/events or by contacting Becky Kittrell at 405-728-4746. The large group gatherings will accommodate 250 people each and will fill up on a first-come-first-serve basis. Sign up today!

ChurCh oF the servant14343 N MacArthur BlvdOklahoma City, OK 73142-9725