GEOGRAPHY - KopyKitab... distinguish between western ghats and eastern ghats [4m] c)What is drainage...


Transcript of GEOGRAPHY - KopyKitab... distinguish between western ghats and eastern ghats [4m] c)What is drainage...

Page 1: GEOGRAPHY - KopyKitab... distinguish between western ghats and eastern ghats [4m] c)What is drainage basin [2m] ... Difference between Western ghats and Eastern ghats [2m]
Page 2: GEOGRAPHY - KopyKitab... distinguish between western ghats and eastern ghats [4m] c)What is drainage basin [2m] ... Difference between Western ghats and Eastern ghats [2m]



Class: IX Maximum Marks: 80

Time duration: 2hrs No of pages:2

General Instructions:

Attempt all the question of Part I Answer any 5 question of Part II

The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets.

PART I (30marks)Attempt all questions from this part

Question 1 [20]a)What is the Latitude and Longitude of Indiab)Where is Gondwanalandc)What is the other name of Jammunad)Name important spices of Indiae) What is annual growth rate f)define dependence ratiog)What is literateh)Define Ecossytemi)What is Indian standard timej)Where is the sorce of river

Question 2:On the outline map of India show the following location [10]

Name the river Damodar,NarmadaDriest stationEvergreen forestThorn Foresttwo National Park

PART II (50marks)Question 3:

a) What is the theory of “Plate Tectonics” [2m]b)What are Corlas [1m]c)Brief on Central Highlands [4m]d) Classification of Indian rivers [3m]

Question 4:a)What are Perennial rivers [2m]b)What is river system [1m]c)The biggest waterfall of India [1m]d)Why are rivers important for the country economy [4m]

Page 3: GEOGRAPHY - KopyKitab... distinguish between western ghats and eastern ghats [4m] c)What is drainage basin [2m] ... Difference between Western ghats and Eastern ghats [2m]

e)What are ocean currents [2m]

Question 5:a)What is climate of India [2m]b) Why is the monsoon considered , a unifying bond [3m]c)What is Photoperiod [2m]d)Name the types of Vegetation [3m]

Question 6:a) Name the animals found in Montane forest [2m]b)Distinguish between Flora and Fauna [4m]c)What is ecosystem [2m]d)What is biome [2m]

Question 7:a)How is India Population distributed [3m]b)What are the advantages of having a healthy population [4m]c)Define Population change [2m]d)Name two state with two extreme climate [1m]

Question 8:a)What are Tectonic plates [2m]b)Which island [2m]c) Classification o occupation n your country [5m]

d)What is death rate [1m]

Page 4: GEOGRAPHY - KopyKitab... distinguish between western ghats and eastern ghats [4m] c)What is drainage basin [2m] ... Difference between Western ghats and Eastern ghats [2m]



Class: IX Maximum Marks: 80

Time duration: 2hrs No of pages:2

General Instructions:

Attempt all the question of Part I Answer any 5 question of Part II

The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets.

PART I (30marks)Attempt all questions from this part

Question 1 [20]a) How is Srilanka separated from India b)Name the group of island lying in Arbaina Seac)What are Shiwaliksd)What is Bhagirathie)Define burstf)Where do you find one horned Rhinocerosesg)The longest river of Indiah)Name the highest peak in the eastern Ghatsi)Types of river systemj) What is water divide

Question 2:On the outline map of India show the following location [10]

2 wild life sanctuaryBird sanctuaryMontane ForetRivers of Indian deserttwo rivers of south India

PART I (30marks)Question 3:

a) What is the physical division of India [2m]b)Which is he highest peak in India [2m]c)How is Norther plain are formed [4m]d)Name the peninsular rivers flow through trough [2m]

Question 4:a)What is Island [2m]b) distinguish between western ghats and eastern ghats [4m]c)What is drainage basin [2m]d)What are major controls of the climate of any place [2m]

Page 5: GEOGRAPHY - KopyKitab... distinguish between western ghats and eastern ghats [4m] c)What is drainage basin [2m] ... Difference between Western ghats and Eastern ghats [2m]

Question 5:a)What are mechanism of Monsoon [4m]b)What is El Nino [2m]c)Why Tamil Nadu coast receives winter rainfall [2m]d)Difference between Western ghats and Eastern ghats [2m]

Question 6:a) Give an account on weather condition and characterizes of the cold season [3m]b)What is flora and Fauna [2m]c)Name the measures taken to protect Flora and Fauna [5m]

Question 7:a)Name the factors affecting climate of India [4m]b)How is India are governed by atmospheric condition [2m]c)Name the longest river of Peninsular India [1m]d)Name four Bio-reserves [2m]

Question 8:a)Write a short note on Indian Desert [5m]b)Describe how Himalayas are formed [5m]

Page 6: GEOGRAPHY - KopyKitab... distinguish between western ghats and eastern ghats [4m] c)What is drainage basin [2m] ... Difference between Western ghats and Eastern ghats [2m]

IX | Geography

– 1

ICSE Board

Class IX Geography

Sample Paper - 1

Time: 2 hrs Total Marks: 80

General Instructions:

1. Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

2. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.

This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.

3. The time given at the head of the paper is the time allotted for writing the answers.

4. Attempt all questions from Part I (compulsory) and two questions from Section A and

three questions from Section B of Part II.

5. The intended marks of questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

PART – I (30 Marks)

Question 1

a) Why are we able to see only one side of the Moon from the Earth? [2]

b) What are the lines of latitudes and longitudes? [2]

c) What is a magma chamber of a volcano? [2]

d) Name three seasons of the tropical monsoon regions. [2]

e) What are pollutants? Explain with the help of an example. [2]

f) Global warming will increase the possibility of droughts. Do you agree? Give reason

in support of your answer. [2]

g) Jet aircrafts fly in the stratosphere. Give reason. [2]

h) What is the lithosphere? [2]

i) What is meant by faulting? [2]

j) State in percentages, the distribution of land and water surface on the Earth. [2]

Question 2

On the outline map of the World, show the following:

a) Temperate Deserts [2]

b) Type of local wind - Chinooks [1]

c) Location of the Indian Ocean [1]

d) Baltic Sea [1]

e) Hudson Bay [1]

f) West Margin Type of Climate [1]

g) Mountain – Zagros [1]

h) Plateau – Drakensberg [1]

i) Plain – The Great Plain [1]

Page 7: GEOGRAPHY - KopyKitab... distinguish between western ghats and eastern ghats [4m] c)What is drainage basin [2m] ... Difference between Western ghats and Eastern ghats [2m]

PART – II (50 Marks)

Question 3

a) i. Name three types of rocks.

ii. Mention the formation of any one type of rock. [3]

b) i. What are plutonic rocks?

ii. Give one example of plutonic rocks. [2]

c) What is lithification? [2]

d) Name two processes that lead to the formation of sedimentary rocks. [3]

Question 4

a) i. What is Richter scale? [2]

ii. State its use.

b) Differentiate between the Richter scale and the Mercalli scale. [3]

c) i. What is a tsunami?

ii. How is it caused? [2]

d) i. In which earthquake zone of the world is India located?

ii. Which regions in India are prone to earthquakes? Give reasons. [3]

Question 5

a) i. What is rotation?

ii. Mention two characteristics of the rotation of the Earth. [2]

b) What is the Coriolis Effect? [2]

c) i. What is meant by equinox?

ii. When does it happen? [3]

d) Give reasons for the following: [3]

i. The month of February has 29 days in a leap year.

ii. Norway is called the ‘Land of the midnight Sun’.

iii. 25th December in New Zealand may be one of the hottest days of the year.

Question 6

a) i. What is denudation? [2]

ii. Name the processes involved in it?

b) Explain the process of frost action with the help of a diagram. [3]

c) i. What is chemical weathering? [2]

ii. How does it affect the rocks?

d) Discuss three main chief characteristics of weathering. [3]

Page 8: GEOGRAPHY - KopyKitab... distinguish between western ghats and eastern ghats [4m] c)What is drainage basin [2m] ... Difference between Western ghats and Eastern ghats [2m]

Question 7

a) Which water body has the maximum salinity? Why? [2]

b) i. What are tides? [2]

ii. Name one factor that causes tides.

c) Discuss any three factors that influence ocean currents. [3]

d) State the importance of: [3]

i. The Labrador Current

ii. The Kuro Current

Question 8

a) i. What is absolute humidity? [2]

ii. How is it expressed?

b) Explain two conditions when the air can become saturated? [2]

c) Discuss factors that determine the amount of rainfall. [3]

d) Discuss the seasonal distribution of rainfall. [3]

Question 9

a) How can we reduce pollution by changing the raw materials? [3]

b) What are alternative fuels? [2]

c) How do filters work? [2]

d) Is open dumping a suitable option for managing wastes? Why? [3]

Question 10

a) What are secondary pollutants? Explain with the help of an example. [2]

b) What are biomedical wastes? [2]

c) Why is it harmful to dispose off household wastes into water bodies? [3]

d) i. What is thermal pollution? [3]

ii. In what ways humans are responsible for thermal pollution?

Page 9: GEOGRAPHY - KopyKitab... distinguish between western ghats and eastern ghats [4m] c)What is drainage basin [2m] ... Difference between Western ghats and Eastern ghats [2m]

ICSE Board

Class IX Geography

Sample Paper – 1 Solution

PART – I (30 Marks)

Answer 1

a) The Moon completes one revolution of the Earth in about 27 days, and it completes

one rotation in about 29 days. Since the time taken by the Moon to complete one

revolution and one rotation is approximately the same, we are able to see only one

side of the Moon from the Earth.

b) Latitudes are parallel lines running horizontally from east to west on a globe.

Longitudes are the vertical lines that run from north to south on a globe.

c) Magma chamber is a large pool of molten liquid which is deposited under the

surface of the earth beneath a volcano.

d) Three seasons of the Tropical Monsoon regions are summers, winters and monsoon.

e) Pollutants are substances which contaminate the natural environment and

adversely affect plant and animal life. For example, plastic is a pollutant which

degrades the natural environment i.e. land, rivers and oceans, etc.

f) Yes, I agree that global warming may lead to droughts. This is true particularly for

dry regions. Due to the excessive heat, water will evaporate quickly from the land.

Similarly, the rate of transpiration, i.e. loss of water from the leaves of the plants,

will also increase. Soil in the dry regions with scanty vegetation will lose moisture

quickly resulting in droughts.

g) The stratosphere is free from water vapour and dust particles. The absence of

clouds and any other turbulence in the air makes it a perfect layer for jet aircrafts to

fly in.

h) The lithosphere is the outer most crust of the Earth. It is the thinnest layer of the

Earth. It consists mainly of rocks which contain large amounts of silicates, feldspar,

mica etc. Lithosphere is mainly divided into two layers- ocean floors and continents.

i) At times, when the crustal rocks are subjected to horizontal compressional pressure,

they do not get folded. Instead they develop fractures or cracks along the line of

weakness. These lines of fracture are known as faults. The movement of part of the

earth’s crust along the line of the fault is known as faulting. Block mountains are

formed due to faulting.

j) Distribution of land on the Earth - 29% of the total surface of the Earth.

Distribution of water on the Earth - 71% of the total surface of the Earth.

Page 10: GEOGRAPHY - KopyKitab... distinguish between western ghats and eastern ghats [4m] c)What is drainage basin [2m] ... Difference between Western ghats and Eastern ghats [2m]

Answer 2

Page 11: GEOGRAPHY - KopyKitab... distinguish between western ghats and eastern ghats [4m] c)What is drainage basin [2m] ... Difference between Western ghats and Eastern ghats [2m]

ICSE Question Papers For Class 9Geography

Publisher : Faculty Notes Author : Panel of Experts

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