Assembly Times LIFE Groups - Garden Ridge Church Times Assembly Times ... Build your own Ice Cream...

LIFE Groups Assembly Times Assembly Times Assembly Times Assembly Times Sunday Class 9:00 A.M. Assembly 10:15 A.M. LIFE Groups 6:00 P.M. Wednesday 7:00 P.M. 102 N. Garden Ridge—Lewisville 75067 972-221-3561 Website: Find us on Facebook This is a publication of Garden Ridge Church of Christ August 3 August 3 August 3 August 3, , , , 2014 2014 2014 2014 Struggling with hurts, habits or hang-ups? Ready for solutions? Come to Celebrate Recovery Come to Celebrate Recovery Come to Celebrate Recovery Come to Celebrate Recovery Wednesday Time: From 7 to 8 Room: Fellowship Center Come and join us Trust Your Instruments! Trust Your Instruments! Trust Your Instruments! Trust Your Instruments! The following excerpt comes from the daily devotional Battlefields & Blessings (page 26). Hugh Godefroy was a Spitfire pilot during World War II. He left Toronto University in 1940 to volunteer for the Royal Canadian Air Force and join the air battle in defense of Eng- land. Early in his training he encountered the difficulty of flying in clouds with no horizon or other outside reference points. He writes, One day I spent doing nothing but cloud flying. We had to master the technique of fighting the vertigo which plagues pilots flying on instruments. In the early days I often found myself sweating. I felt as though I were spinning in a spiral dive. One had to say to himself, ‘The instruments are right, and I am wrong.’ Finally I would break cloud and find to my great relief that I was flying straight and level. In the early days of aviation, pilots had to fly “by the seat of their pants.” There were no instruments to guide them. Now there are myriad devices that enable flight in darkness or clouds without visual references. Like most pilots I have experienced the overwhelming sensa- tion while flying on instruments that the aircraft was doing something totally different from what the instruments were telling me. It became a struggle between my feelings and my knowledge of what was correct. In our lives, our “instruments” are God’s words revealed in the Bible. Sometimes biblical instructions are also counterintuitive. Jesus’ entire Sermon on the Mount is a departure from what then was considered ‘conventional’ wisdom. Even when our hearts attempt to steer us in the wrong direction, we must instead move in the direction God provides in His word. There is a reason airplanes are equipped with all of the instrumentation that they have. Fly- ing “by the seat of your pants” can be extremely dangerous because it is so easy to get disori- ented and confused by what seems right. The same is true in our spiritual journey! How many have followed what felt right only to crash upon the rocks of life because their readings were not true? How many look back with regret at the moment of choice in which they elected to trust their own perspective rather than the wisdom from One who is eternal? There is a reason the Scriptures have survived for centuries and continue to provide practical and relevant coun- sel! Will we trust our instruments rather than our gut feeling or limited perspective? Scott Garden Ridge Church of Christ Reaching Out. Sharing Jesus. Changing Lives. This Wednesday August 6 @ 7pm Larry Barber “Faith and The Grief Experience” Larry is director of GriefWorks counseling in Dallas and author of the book Love Never Dies-- the story of how he dealt with losing his wife and daughter in a car accident. Larry is a minister, a licensed professional counselor, and certified in Thanatology (grief). Upcoming Events August: 5: Build your own Ice Cream Tuesdae & Movie Night 6: 45 in the fc. Children’s Ministry...all families with kids invited. Family friendly movie and bring your own pillow. 17: Praise Night...Sandwich & Ice Cream Dinner 23: Back to School Bash Details soon from Dan 24: Promotion & Backpack Sunday 27: Fall Classes & Wednesday Nite Bite Start September 11& 12: Women’s Retreat 21: Young Disciples Parent Day Parents will attend CS with child for family activities 22-24: Book Fair—LCS 28: Christian Soldiers Parent Day * Parents will attend with child for family activities October 10& 11: Men’s Retreat

Transcript of Assembly Times LIFE Groups - Garden Ridge Church Times Assembly Times ... Build your own Ice Cream...

Page 1: Assembly Times LIFE Groups - Garden Ridge Church Times Assembly Times ... Build your own Ice Cream Tuesdae & ... Makalah’s Last HangoutMakalah’s Last Hangout


Groups Assembly TimesAssembly TimesAssembly TimesAssembly Times

Sunday Class 9:00 A.M. Assembly 10:15 A.M. LIFE Groups 6:00 P.M. Wednesday 7:00 P.M.

102 N. Garden Ridge—Lewisville 75067

972-221-3561 Website:

Find us on Facebook This is a publication of Garden Ridge Church of Christ

August 3August 3August 3August 3, , , , 2014201420142014 Struggling with hurts, habits or

hang-ups? Ready for solutions?

Come to Celebrate Recovery Come to Celebrate Recovery Come to Celebrate Recovery Come to Celebrate Recovery Wednesday Time: From 7 to 8 Room: Fellowship Center

Come and join us


The following excerpt comes from the daily devotional Battlefields & Blessings (page 26).

Hugh Godefroy was a Spitfire pilot during World War II. He left Toronto University in

1940 to volunteer for the Royal Canadian Air Force and join the air battle in defense of Eng-

land. Early in his training he encountered the difficulty of flying in clouds with no horizon or

other outside reference points. He writes,

One day I spent doing nothing but cloud flying. We had to master the technique of

fighting the vertigo which plagues pilots flying on instruments. In the early days I often

found myself sweating. I felt as though I were spinning in a spiral dive. One had to say

to himself, ‘The instruments are right, and I am wrong.’ Finally I would break cloud

and find to my great relief that I was flying straight and level.

In the early days of aviation, pilots had to fly “by the seat of their pants.” There were no

instruments to guide them. Now there are myriad devices that enable flight in darkness or

clouds without visual references. Like most pilots I have experienced the overwhelming sensa-

tion while flying on instruments that the aircraft was doing something totally different from

what the instruments were telling me. It became a struggle between my feelings and my

knowledge of what was correct.

In our lives, our “instruments” are God’s words revealed in the Bible. Sometimes biblical

instructions are also counterintuitive. Jesus’ entire Sermon on the Mount is a departure from

what then was considered ‘conventional’ wisdom. Even when our hearts attempt to steer us in

the wrong direction, we must instead move in the direction God provides in His word.

There is a reason airplanes are equipped with all of the instrumentation that they have. Fly-

ing “by the seat of your pants” can be extremely dangerous because it is so easy to get disori-

ented and confused by what seems right. The same is true in our spiritual journey! How many

have followed what felt right only to crash upon the rocks of life because their readings were

not true? How many look back with regret at the moment of choice in which they elected to

trust their own perspective rather than the wisdom from One who is eternal? There is a reason

the Scriptures have survived for centuries and continue to provide practical and relevant coun-

sel! Will we trust our instruments rather than our gut feeling or limited perspective?


Garden Ridge Church of Christ

Reaching Out. Sharing Jesus. Changing Lives.

This Wednesday

August 6 @ 7pm

Larry Barber

“Faith and The Grief Experience”

Larry is director of GriefWorks

counseling in Dallas and author

of the book Love Never Dies--

the story of how he dealt with

losing his wife and daughter in a

car accident.

Larry is a minister, a licensed

professional counselor, and

certified in Thanatology (grief).

Upcoming Events

August: 5: Build your own Ice Cream Tuesdae &

Movie Night 6: 45 in the fc. Children’s Ministry...all families with kids

invited. Family friendly movie and bring your

own pillow.

17: Praise Night...Sandwich & Ice Cream


23: Back to School Bash

• Details soon from Dan

24: Promotion & Backpack Sunday

27: Fall Classes & Wednesday Nite Bite Start

September 11& 12: Women’s Retreat

21: Young Disciples Parent Day

• Parents will attend CS with child for

family activities

22-24: Book Fair—LCS

28: Christian Soldiers Parent Day

* Parents will attend with child for family


October 10& 11: Men’s Retreat

Page 2: Assembly Times LIFE Groups - Garden Ridge Church Times Assembly Times ... Build your own Ice Cream Tuesdae & ... Makalah’s Last HangoutMakalah’s Last Hangout

Pray For... Abbie Klotzman’s 9 yr. old cousin, Hanna, brain tumor removed.

Wes Goheen: melanoma surgery

Dr. Kent Brantly: Eboli

Zach Cortez: No side effects from treatments

Paul O’Banon, Charles & Gwen’s son: Hodgkins Lymphoma

The Doyle’s & Brumbaugh’s grand daughter...born 16 weeks early

Josh Johnson: Recovering from surgery

Whitney Jarvis: Recovering from surgery

ZoNell Beaty: Infection to be gone

Russell Rich’s mom: In hospice care

Jim Williams Parkinsons diagnosis

Kerri Jarvis: RSD

Kris Williams: Staph infection...4-6 week recovery

Welcome Guests...

If you would like to know more about Garden Ridge

or if we can serve you in any way, please let it be

known on your guest card. (Please place your guest

card in the contribution plate.)

Weekly Contribution July 6 $16,850

July 13 $15,887

July 20 $16,171

July 27 $16,105

The average weekly contribution for the past four weeks is

$16,253. The planned weekly contribution is $16,838. If you

would like a convenient way to make your regular contribu-

tions, you are encouraged to look at your bank’s website or

you can visit Garden Ridge’s website and click on the Online

Giving link.

  Wednesday Night  Summer Speakers

August 6: Larry Barber

Bobby & Deborrah Bain are preparing the communion for each Sunday.

It takes 2 people about 30 minutes. to do this.

The goal: For each “2 people” group to only

prepare it 1 month out of the year.

If you want to help with this please email Bobby at

[email protected] Or call at 817-964-0729.

Wedding shower for Shelbi Rich,

TODAY at 2:00 in the FC.

She is registered at Bed, Bath &

Beyond and Target.

Christ’s Haven House Mom’s Wishlist September 15 pick up

Clorox Wipes Plastic Solo Cups

Sharing Sisters Ministry - September 2014 - April 2015 Once a month, Dinner, Bible Study and Prayer

We are beginning the 5th year of this ministry! If tried before and didn't connect with group TRY AGAIN! There are many that have been in all 5 years and they KNOW so many more people now! Get to know ladies from other age groups! Can begin sign up online NOW!

We will be in foyers August 17 and 24 to answer questions. Don't miss out on getting to know more of your Christian sisters! Questions? contact Patty Southard at [email protected] or Jan Nichols at [email protected]

Ladies Retreat is coming up on

Sept. 12 & 13!

If you would like to donate a door

prize please turn those in to Patty

Southard by Sept. 7th.

Donate a door prize in your business

name or a product you sell and we

will place your business card or ad in

the Retreat book. Please send those

in to Pam White at:

[email protected]

*Please have all ads turned in by

Sept. 2nd.

A Nichols’ Worth…

By Philip Nichols


This Wednesday, August 6, Larry Barber will

be our special guest speaker. Larry serves as

director of one of the most important ministries

in the DFW area—GriefWorks. This ministry

works with the whole family collectively or

individually to learn how to deal with their

grief of losing a family member. Larry himself

lost his wife and little girl in a wreck in 1993.

Since then he has been a single parent raising

his two surviving daughters. His lesson will

help anyone see how to navigate the world of

grief and faith.


TEENSTEENSTEENSTEENS————Aug. 13, 20Aug. 13, 20Aug. 13, 20Aug. 13, 20

“The Time To Live is Now—The

Legacy of Lygon Stevens”

“This is one of the most inspirational

films I have seen in a long time!”

This is a breathtaking docudrama that

shows the experiences of the Stevens fami-

ly, who lost their daughter and sister,

Lygon, to an avalanche in southern Colo-

rado in 2008. Lygon’s journal was found

after she died and this is the story of her

intimate relationship with God as told and

portrayed by her own family. One excerpt

from her journal, “The Lord asked me to

dance with him today. And I said Yes! I

dressed up in the best I could… He told me

I was beautiful.”

Lygon’s dad said he never knew what real

intimacy with God was until he read his

daughter’s journal.

Please Please come see this film!

Financial Peace University course

begins Wednesday nights, on August 27.

More details to come as to the fee. Learn how

to take control of money God’s way and not let

the love of money control you.

E-mail Trane: [email protected] Trane’s cell: 469.237.7494

details :: downloadsdetails :: downloadsdetails :: downloadsdetails :: downloads


Makalah’s Last HangoutMakalah’s Last HangoutMakalah’s Last HangoutMakalah’s Last Hangout Let’s send our intern off with a blast!

All GRYMers, meet at the church at 5:30pm. Bring your own dinner and wear clothes for outdoor play. We're going to

Pilot Knoll Park for sand volleyball and oth-er fun. Bring money for drinks/ice cream after. We'll be back at the church around



Combined Breakfast of ChampionsCombined Breakfast of ChampionsCombined Breakfast of ChampionsCombined Breakfast of Champions Breakfast with the GRYM family! For all

GRYMers (guys/girls; 6th thru grads)! Meet at Mama's Daughter's Diner (off Old Or-chard and Main) at 9:30am. Bring money

to eat. Done by 11:00am.


yoUniteyoUniteyoUniteyoUnite A discussion/Bible study on relevant hot

topics for all 6thers-grads.Meet in the

youth room at the church from 7-8:15pm.


MMMMeeeemmmmoooorrrryyyy VVVVeeeerrrrsssseeee

“We will do

everything the

Lord has said.”

Exodus 19:8

Nursery Workers Today (8/03) Carolyn Graves, Merdeith Phelps, Karin & Emily Munro

Next Week Gwen O’Banon, Patricia Bybee,, Cheryl and Allie Ander-son

1st1st1st1st----3rd Grade 3rd Grade 3rd Grade 3rd Grade Memory VerseMemory VerseMemory VerseMemory Verse

“Just as you

received Christ

Jesus as Lord,

continue to live in

Him, rooted and

built up in him.”



Ridge Kids Giving The Ridge Kids Offering through August will go to Jeremiah’s Hope, Which seeks to provide God’s hope, healing, and practical help to the orphans and at-risk youth of Ukraine.

Kids Worship Programs Christian Soldiers and Young Disciples are dismissed for the Summer and will resume again in September. THANK YOU to all our wonderful volunteers who have poured themselves into our kids!

Upcoming Events

This Tuesday– Build-Your Own Ice Cream Tuesdae/Movie Night 6:45pm. FC. August 23– Back to School Bash. At GR

August 24– Promotion Sunday and Backpack Blessing