PDF Viewing archiving 300 dpi · remove cast iron cover "X," Figure 5, from mo,•e~ ment, exposing...

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Transcript of PDF Viewing archiving 300 dpi · remove cast iron cover "X," Figure 5, from mo,•e~ ment, exposing...

Page 1: PDF Viewing archiving 300 dpi · remove cast iron cover "X," Figure 5, from mo,•e~ ment, exposing the clutch and reduetion gears to view; operate switch several times and note that



Page 2: PDF Viewing archiving 300 dpi · remove cast iron cover "X," Figure 5, from mo,•e~ ment, exposing the clutch and reduetion gears to view; operate switch several times and note that










IC-t-34-2. Printed ID U. S. A.

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Page 3: PDF Viewing archiving 300 dpi · remove cast iron cover "X," Figure 5, from mo,•e~ ment, exposing the clutch and reduetion gears to view; operate switch several times and note that

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Swissvale, Pa.


lock Opettttinq rod

Fig. 1

All Movements are Arranged for Right-hand Location, as Shown in Figure 1, When Shipped

from Factory unless otherwise specified.


To change locking to accommodate left-hand io­cation of the movement, proceed as follows: Be sure . movement is in the position which brings lock box · E-G Figure 2 at. the end of its stroke nearest the worm gear and motor. This is the position opposite to that shown in Figure 2. Then unscrew tap bolts B and screws C, Figure 3, by means of which the cir­cuit controller is f.3stened to the case. Swing con­~oller up into the position shown in Figure 2, turn­ing it about the wire conduit Das !.f. center. Remove lock box E-G, turn it upside down and replace it in the same location, relative to the slide bar by . which


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it ie actuated. Replace the circuit controller in its original position and fasten it down by means of bolts B and screws C. Care should be taken that the circuit controller segments have not moved while pin­ion F is out of mesh with rack G. By making this

change in the position of the lock box, it is possible to use the same lock rod for ~th right and left­hand layouts.


Page 5: PDF Viewing archiving 300 dpi · remove cast iron cover "X," Figure 5, from mo,•e~ ment, exposing the clutch and reduetion gears to view; operate switch several times and note that

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After the movement has been connected to the switch, throw it by using the hand crank at K, Figure 5, so that the. switch points will be in the normal position and the lock box at the end of its stroke. In this position, the normal indication contact springs 1-1, Figure 3, should be down, and in engagement with their lower contact parts. This movement of springs 1-1 is allowed by the roller under their sup­port dropping into the notch in cam N, Figure 2. Reverse indicati_on contact springs m-m should be up, one of these engaging the short-circuiting strip S, Figure 3. Short-circuiting strips are adjusted for single switch operation when movements leave the factory. Figure 3 shows the strips arranged for move­ment on a single switch. These short-circuiting strips can be changed to suit the location of the move­ment by removing screw W and following directions on the wiring diagram.

Cams N and P, Figure 2, are adjusted at the fac­tory for the switch in normal position as shown in Figure 1. If it is necessary to change the position of these on the ground, proceed as follows: Unfasten springs 1-1 and m-m by removing nuts g and retain­ing springs, Figure 3. Disengage the springs from the dowels and screws and then pull them to the right as shown by the arrow. This will allow them to be thrown back as shown in Figure 4.

With the switch and lock movement in its normal position, cam N should have its notch at the top as shown in Figure 4. Cam P should have its notch down and out of sight, as also indicated in Figure 4.

To change th~ position of either cam N or P, force the cam against its retaining coil spring, by means of a screw-driver, until the pins which engage


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Fig. 3 the cam are free and then move the cam until the notch ,comes into proper position, when the cam will snap back into place. The movement should be changed to the reverse position by means of hand crank, in which position cam P should have its notch at the top. The notch in cam N is out of sight when movement is in the reversed position. Replace springs 1-1 and m-m tog~ther with their retaining springs and make these secure by nuts g.

The circuit controller is adjusted 'as shown in wiring diagram in cover of movement. Keep operat­ing segments tight by means of castellated nuts. Do this by removing cotters ( one in each end of shaft), tighten up the castellated nuts, then restore and spread cotters.


Page 7: PDF Viewing archiving 300 dpi · remove cast iron cover "X," Figure 5, from mo,•e~ ment, exposing the clutch and reduetion gears to view; operate switch several times and note that

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Fig. 4 The contact springs which bear on the brass seg­

ments should give a contact pressure of between 1 % and 2 pounds. Steel stop or supporting pieces are provided beneath these springs to prevent the con­tact springs from being bent· downward far enough to be buckled by the segments. Care should be exer­cised when making adjustments of the contact springs to see that they are not bent downward toward the controller shaft far enough to prevent them riding up freely over the end of the segment. A drop of good acid-free non-freezing oil, such as our Spec. 1093 oil, rubbed over the s_urface of the segments at frequent intervals will reduce both friction and wear on these parts. By the use of a good non-free.zing oil, troubles from frost on the contacts may be practically elimi­nated. If the contacting surfaces are kept clean, the oil will be beneficial, but if dirt is allowed to collect so as to form a paste or gum, trouble may develop.


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All movements are wired alike. No external wires go directly to the circuit controller. Make external connections to terminal boards at motor end of movement and change jumpers, when necessary in accordance with instructions on wiring diagram!':.

WmE OunET:

Outlet, arranged for 2" flexible conduit, is located at the motor end of the movement. If trunking is to be used, an adapter may be applied, or conduit clamp removed to allow space for the truTlking.

MOTOR: The motor commutator should be kept smooth

·. and free from grease and excess oil. To clean com­mutator or to clean and grind brushes to fit the com­mutator use a piece of fine barton paper (not emery cloth); if barton paper is not available, No. 00 sand paper may be substituted. The brush pressure -should be maintained between three-quarters and one pound. If brushes squeak or chatter, wipe commutator with a cloth conta~ning a slight amount of oil Spec. 1093.

PoINTDET~: Style "M" movements are furnished either .with

or withont point detector rod A, as shown respectively in Figures 3 and 2. In either case, the openings in the movement housing for this rod are covered dur­ing shipment.

Where separate point detector attachment is to be used, it should be installed as follows: Remove cap screws attaching plate J to rod A, Figure 3. In­sert rod A through the holes in the side of the case to the position shown in Figure 3. Replace screws and connect rod A to the switch points. Throw the switch points by hand-cranking the movement, so that . the switch point farthest from the movement will be closed. Adjust the rod connected to the point detector so as to bring dog R, Figure 3, on the con-


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troller slide, into the fixed notch of detector rod A. ~hen throw. the movement. to the other extreme posi­tion and adJust plate J, Figure 3, so as to bring dog R into the notch formed in the end of J. ·


On the worm shaft is a friction clutch which should be inspected about once a month. To do this remove cast iron cover "X," Figure 5, from mo,•e~ ment, exposing the clutch and reduetion gears to view; operate switch several times and note that the clutch slips a little on the completion of each stroke. Before leaving the shops. clutch is adjusted for greater than the average switch load. This adjustment should · take care of, with plenty of operating mar~, any of the abnormally high switoh loads such as may· be en­countered in service.

Readjustment, if necessary due to wear, may be made tiy inserting an ammeter in the motor circuit and operating the switch movement with a block of wood ( or substitute) inserted between the switch point and rail. The clutch in this case will slip in its at­tempt to drive an obstructed switch and should be set to slip at the following vialues for different combina­tions of movements and motors.

Adjustment to Slip the Clutch

Motor Volts Gear Ratio Amperes Remarks

llO volt 26 Cycle llO 112 to l 14.0 For Single Switch Spec. 991 llO 187 to l 14.0 For Mov. Pt. Frog

100 volt 50 Cycle 100 112 to l 14.0 For Single Switch Spec. 993 100 187 to l 14.0 For l!<{ov. Pt. Frog

110 volt 60 Cycle llO 112 to l 14.0 For Single Switch Spec. 993 110 187 to l 14.0 For Mov. Pt. Frog

110 volt llO 112 to l 9.0 For Single Switch D. C. Spec. · 992 110 187 to l s.o For Mov. Pt. Frog

20 v.d-c. series field connection Spec. 997 20 726 to l 6.0 30 ·second Movement

20 v.d-c. series 20 Second Movement field connection 20 89$ to 1 8.0

Spec. 997

20 v.d-c. series parallel field connection

20 396 to 1 9.0 14 Second Movement

Spec. 997-A


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The load to be handled and the frequency of operations determine the length of time permissible between oilings. The periods stated below may be considered as a guide until a more exact determination can be made by the railroad to suit conditions pecul­iar to the road.

When sent out from the factory, all working parts of the mechanism, ex~ept the worm gear, are sufficiently lubricated to be placed in service.

After the movement has been installed, remove the worm gear case cover "T," Figure 5, and place .in the compartment "U," Figure 6, about three pints of a good fluid grease that will not congeal during cold weather and that has a quality to properly lub­ricate under the high pressure developed in this move­ment. "Texaco Star Grease C," has proven quite satisfactory.

The depression formed in the top of the worm . gear, from which the grease flo'l"'S through the lower main crank bearing to the cranK ease compartment, should be filled when applying the grease. The paddle on the worm gear will throw the grease over the worm and keep the worm gear filled. The level of the grease in compartment "U" should be maintained high enough to flow into the ball bearing "Z".


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At the end of the first six months. the lubricant in this. compartment should be replenished; if it has been reduced in quantity or if its qualitv has been impaired. • ·

The working parts in the crank case compart­ment (immediately under the worm gear case com­partment) are given a liberal coating of grease be­fore leaving our shops. Sufficient grease will work down through the crank shaft bearing to replenish this grease and keep these parts well lubricated.

When cleaning of these parts becomes necessary, they should, after cleanimz. be aizain coated with grea:-e (:::ueh as described below) in .order to keep them lubrieated until the grease from the worm grar chamb~r has hnd time to flow to them.

After the fir:-:t three months, the spur gear::: '·L." Figures'6, in the gear trains for llO volt a-c. and d-c. switrh nnd frog moyements, should be removed, and the rece::::ses proYi<lcd in the hubs should, if necessary, be rcpnekcd with n good grease h:winl!; the. coni<ist­cn(:y of Yasdine, undrr normal temperature, that will retain it1; body at 140° F. and will not beeome i:,olid at -40° F.·Dixon's Brake Cylinder Lubricant is su<"h n grcasr. The nnnulnr rr<·esses in the inner faces of both clut<-h platrs "Q," Figure 6, r:;hould be par.keel with the snmr grrasc. Care should be taken to re­·mow nny <'X<'(•:>,; gl'pa:,:r from the clutch fa<'ing. The ~pur gear:-: in th(• gl•ar train for the low voltage mon­nwnt~ hnn· un r<·cc:::srs for piwking. but nre proYi<lrcl \\"ith oil hok•:; through which the bearing:,: should he· kept well lubricated with a good grade· of dyn:1mo oil. Oil hole;,: lending to the packing groow:;: arc proYide<l in the :::pur grars on llO Yolt moYl'ment,; of rl'<'l'nt eon;:truc-tion. A little dYn:uno oil nddcd occn!"ionally will proYe beneficial. ·


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The top bearing of main crank can be oiled through the opening in the top cover by removing plug Y, Fig. 5. A reservoir is provided to catch the oil a:nd lead it to the bearing.

Refer to Lubrication Chart Fig. 7


The following, tools will be of assistance in prop­erly maintaining the Style "M" movement:

1 221h0 double head "S" wrench %"-1h" hex. hd. cap screw size.

1 Monkey wrench with 1 %" opening. 1 Pair lineman's side cutting pliers. 1 Screw driver, medium size. 1 Screw driver, large size. 1 Oil can for dynamo oil.


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Winter Lubrication Instructions for Electric Switch and Lock Movements


U-5016-Style M Electric S. & L. Movement U-5026-Style M-2 Electric s: & L. Movement

U-5026-Style M-10 Electric S. & L. Movement with Type F Circuit Controller (U-5042)

U-5027-Style M-20 Dual Control Movement

U-5035-Style M-22 Dual Control Movement

U-5035-Style M-25 Dual Control Movement with integrally housed Type F Circuit Controller

The standard lubricants recommended in the above Instruction Pamphlets, for use in the gear compart­

· ·ments, etc., of switch and lock movements, have a · tendency to become viscous and stiff at very low temperatures. No matter what. type of movement these may be>, they have a number of gears and journals so that unless different summer and winter lubricants are used, as is done, for example, in auto­mobiles, the switch movements will be considerabl:v slowed up by the stiffening of t.he lubricant at sub­zero t.emperatures.

-Our instruct.ion pamphlets for the various Style M switch movements, viz.; Styles M, M-2, M-10, M-20, M-22 and M-25, recommend that the lubricant for use in the gear boxes should be a good fluid grease that will not congeal during cold weather and that. has a quality to properly lubricate under the high pressures developed in the movement; our pamphlets 2M-7-34-1S

Page 14: PDF Viewing archiving 300 dpi · remove cast iron cover "X," Figure 5, from mo,•e~ ment, exposing the clutch and reduetion gears to view; operate switch several times and note that

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