PD Co-workers meeting 24 Feb 2008. Liping Opening Prayer Review Agenda.

PD Co-workers meeting 24 Feb 2008

Transcript of PD Co-workers meeting 24 Feb 2008. Liping Opening Prayer Review Agenda.

PD Co-workers meeting24 Feb 2008


• Opening Prayer

• Review Agenda

Section I (1:30-2:30 pm)

Section II (2:45 - 3:30 pm)

Coffee Break (15 min)

Section I (1:30-2:30 pm)

• Opening prayer/Review of Agenda (5 min)– Liping

• PD Chair sharing (20 min)

• Fellowship Department Sharing (30 min)– Coworker structure/Communication with PDB

• Liping (10 min)

– Intro of each fellowship/co-workers (20 min)

• Closing Prayer (5 min)– Jianping

PD Chair

• Introduction of new deacons

• Vision/Theme this year

• 2008 Calendar

Deacons 2008

Chair – Bill Chiu

GM & Mission – Jianping

Fellowship – Liping

Worship- Lydia

Treasurer – Jimson

Caring – open• Lydia signs reimbursement.

Secretary – open• deacons take turn taking meeting minutes.• Baptism and membership – contact Bill

Education – open• Bill: adult Sunday school/sign reimbursements• Zhang Fan: children Sunday school

Vision/Theme for 2008

“ 活在真理上,行在光明中”

(Live by the Truth, Walk in the Light)

DoctrinesLife活 行在真理上 在光明中???

Whole Bible Law/Grace

Healthy Church


Holy Spirit






How to achieve?

• Strengthen existing programs– Worship– Education/Sun School– Fellowship/Bible Study

• Add NEW stuff– Electronic Library

• Systematic approach on doctrinal teaching

Systematic approach to Biblical Truth

Foundations of Biblical Truth

The Bible 圣经

Exegesis 释经学

Biblical Theology 圣经神学

Systematic Theology 系统神学

Church History 教会历史

Not included: Summer baptism

subjected to pastor availability

麥城華人基督教會主曆二零零 8年度行事曆 Madison Chinese Christian Church 2008 Church Calendar

Month Date Day Description 同工/部門(Person /Dept. in charge)

Jan (一) 01/06 Sun (日) 牧執會 PDB Meeting PDB Chair

01/20 Sun (日) 教會二十二 週年 22th Anniversary New deacons installation & Lunch

Chair/Worship – Rev Yi

Feb (二) 02/10 Sun (日)

02/16 Sat (六) Evangelistic Meeting Mission – Rev Yamin Huang

02/17 Sun (日) Evangelistic Meeting Mission – Rev Yamin Huang

02/24 Sun (日) PD-Fellowship Co-workers Meeting Chair/Fellowship

Mar (三) 03/02 Sun (日)

03/15 Sat (六) Spring Retreat – Evangelistic Training Mission – Matthew Lin

03/16 Sun (日) Spring Retreat – Evangelistic Training Mission – Matthew Lin

03/21 Fri (五) 受難節聚會 Good Friday Meeting Worship/choir

03/23 Sun (日) 復活節 Worship

Apr (四) 04/06 Sun (日) 牧執會 PDB Meeting PDB Chair

May (五) 05/04 Sun (日) 牧執會 PDB Meeting PDB Chair

05/11 Sun (日) 母親節Mother’s Day Worship/CSS

05/18 Sun (日) (畢業生)主日崇拜 Graduation Day Worship (Rev Yi)

Jun (六) 06/01 Sun (日) 牧執會 PDB Meeting PDB Chair

06/15 Sun (日) 父親節 Father’s Day Worship

Jul (七) 07/06 Sun (日) 牧執會 PDB Meeting PDB Chair

07/13 Sat (六) 教會清潔日 Cleanup Day GM

Aug (八) 08/03 Sun (日) 牧執會 PDB Meeting PDB Chair

08/23 Sat (六) New Student Welcome Fellowship/Rev Matthew Lin

08/24 Sun (日) New Student Welcome Fellowship/Rev Matthew Lin

Sept (九) 09/07 Sun (日) 牧執會 PDB Meeting PDB Chair

09/14 Sat (六) 採蘋果日 Pick Apple day Fellowship

Oct (十) 10/05 Sun (日) 牧執會 PDB Meeting PDB Chair

10/12 Sun (日) 會員大會 Congregational Meeting Deacons

10/18-19 Sat -Sun Revival Meeting PDB Chair/Education: Rev Biao Chen

Nov (十一) 11/02 Sun (日) 牧執會 PDB Meeting PDB Chair

11/27 Thurs 感恩節 Thanksgiving Fellowship

Dec (十二) 12/07 Sun (日) 牧執會 PDB Meeting PDB Chair

12/20 Sat Christmas Program Worship/Choir 12/31 Wed Year end prayer Chair

Fellowship Department Sharing (30 min)

Coworkers Structure/Communication with PDB

• Liping (10 min)

Fellowship CoworkersPD Board Deacons










Cooperative Effort and Communication BetweenPD Board and Fellowship Coworkers



Vice President

Program Coordinator

Evangelistic BS Coordinator

Care/Outreach Coordinator

Contact Coordinator

Music Coordinator

General Manager



Departmental Meeting

• Caring Dept.- (see Worship)

• Education Dept.- Program Coordinator, Small Group Leader, etc.

• Fellowship Dept.- President, VP and Advisor, etc.

• GM& Treasury Dept.- GM Coworker, etc.

• Secretary Dept.- Fellowship Secretary, etc.

• Mission Dept.- Outreach Coordinator, EBS Group Leader, etc.

• Worship Dept.- Music Coordinator, Choir, Worship Teams, Presider, Usher, Caring/Outreach Coordinator, etc.

Brief Intro of fellowship/co-workers(20 min)

• Fellowship Presidents:– Caleb (Kung Mei Chao)– Canaan (Xiping Wang 王喜平 ) – Eagle Heights ( 蒋勇 ) – English (Eugene Tsai, leader)– Ruth (Tong Jing Wu)– Youth (Rebekah Towner, leader)– Zion (Hao Lu)

Detailed programs for

each Fellowship

Caleb Fellowship 08’ Spring Program

Goal: Back to Basic, Strengthen our bondings

Bible Study: Gospel of Matthew

Co-workers: Wien Cheng (Program Coordinator)

Bobo Ho (Contact and Sister Group)

Novella Man (General Manager)

Adviser: Kung Chao

Date (2008) Fridays Topic

1/26 Kick-off

2/1 Bible Study

2/8 New year night

2/15 Bible Study

2/16 Evangelistic Meeting

2/22 Talk

2/29 Bible Study

3/7 Bible Study

3/14 Bible Study

3/21 Easter Event

3/28 Prayer/Sharing Night

4/4 Bible Study

4/11 Outing

4/18 Bible Study

4/25 Movie (Jesus)

5/2 Grad Night

Canaan Fellowship Structure of co-worker committee 2008 President: Xiping Wang 王喜平 Vice-President: Shenghe Gu, Nianqing Wang 谷胜河,王念庆 Program Coordinator: Jingxi Sun, Xiuyu Yi 孙敬玺,仪修禹 Outreach/Mission Coordinator: Shenghe Gu, Nianqing Wang 谷胜河,王念庆 Care/Contact Coordinator: Ying Qian, Tong Wu 钱英,吴彤 Music Coordinator: Shijin Huang 黄世谨 General Manager: Zhanhua Ma 马占华 Secretary: Qi Deng 邓琦 Children Program Coordinator: Yonghe Yan, Chunyan Zhao 闫永和 Others: Qinglong Chang 昌庆龙 Zheyuan Jin 金哲元 Mingzhen Yang 杨明珍 Advisor: Jianping Wang 王健平

Eagle Heights同工





音乐:胡炜(主日崇拜),马利霞 (查经聚会)




场地 /周报:陈朝晖


Advisor: Lydia Hung

Worship - Lydia

• Why do we have Sunday service?

• In general, when is the climax of worship?

• What kind of co-workers do we need?

• What Book in the Bible the speakers have been preaching starting this year?

• How should we prepare to come to worship?

Caring/Fellowship • New comers package and New comer list

• Sunday lunch

• Mothers' Day (w/ children)

• Fathers' Day (w/ children)

• Thanksgiving

• Graduation

• Visitation/phone calls/E-mails

• Relocation or New student help

• Baby shower & Bridal shower

Closing Prayer (Bill)

Coffee Break (15 min)

Section II (2:45 - 3:30 pm)

• Departmental Sharing and Prayers

– Fellowship, Mission, GM, Treasury & Worship• Caring, Education, Secretary (vacant)

– Review/Feedback, Goal, Difficulties, Needs, Prayer, etc

Ministry Sharing and Reminders (Deacon) 事奉的分享

• Sharing on:

– departmental goals

– specials

– reminders, etc.

Feedback on Current/Upcoming Ministries事奉的回應

• Feedback on:

– church/fellowship direction

– Facilities

– Events

– activities • (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Coworker Meeting, Spring

Training (3/15), Mission Conference, Evangelistic Meeting, etc.)

Ministry Goals (All Fellowship Coworkers) 事奉的目標

• Sharing on:

– fellowship/personal plans

– Goals

– expectation, etc.

Difficulties and Needs 事奉的困難及需要

• Sharing on:

– ministry-related needs

– personal difficulties and needs

Pray for Each Other (All) 彼此代禱

Meeting adjourned