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  • 8/3/2019 pcspc092211




    Defensive Driving



  • 8/3/2019 pcspc092211


    This course is designed to help you,an experienced driver, recognize theneed for improvement.

    In the following pages, you will learn


    Attitudes and Driving Driving Rules Accident Prevention

    Defensive Driving

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    Many of us have actually been involved in sometype of accident. Most of the time, we feel it is theother driver's fault.

    Most drivers believe they are better-than-averagebut there is room for improvement in all of us.

    IntroductionDefensive Driving

    Driving Safety Statistics

    Someone is injured every 18 seconds

    Over 2 million injuries annually are disabling

    A person dies in a

    crash every 11 minutes

    Motor vehicle accidents are the mostcommon cause of death

    1 in 4 fatal work injuries involves a vehicleaccident

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    Driver's license in the Philippines


    Student Permit- Must be at least 16 years old

    - Must be accompanied by professional driver

    Non-Professional- Must be at least 17 years old- Applicable for restrictions 1,2 & 4

    Professional- Must be at least 18 years old

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    Driver's license Restrictions

    Restriction codes:

    Rest #1 - Motorcycles/Motorized TricyclesRest #2 - Vehicle up to 4500 kg Gross Vehicle WeightRest #3 - Vehicle above 4500 kg Gross Vehicle Weight

    Rest #4 - Automatic Clutch up to 4500 kg Gross Vehicle WeightRest #5 - Automatic Clutch above 4500 kg Gross Vehicle WeightRest #6 - Articulated Vehicle 1600 kg Gross Vehicle Weight & BelowRest #7 - Articulated Vehicle 1601 kg up to 4500 kg Gross Vehicle WeightRest #8 - Articulated Vehicle 4501 kg & above Gross Vehicle Weight

    "Gross weight" shall mean the measured weight of a motor vehicle plus themaximum allowable carrying capacity in merchandise, freight and/orpassenger, as determined by the Commissioner of Land Transportation.

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    The Smith Systems- 5 Keys can teach you how to recognize

    and use the ones that surround your vehicle.

    1. Aim High In Steering

    2. Get The Big Picture

    3. Keep Your Eyes Moving

    4. Leave Yourself An Out5. Make Sure They See You

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    The Smith Systems

    1. Aim High In Steering

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    The Smith Systems

    2. Get The Big Picture

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    The Smith Systems

    3. Keep Your Eyes Moving

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    The Smith Systems

    4. Leave Yourself An Out

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    The Smith Systems

    5. Make Sure They See You

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    Defensive driving is often defined aspreventing crashes before they occur, it isthe demonstration of an attitude, awarenessand driving skills such as:

    Stay alert and keep eyes moving so thatyou can keep track of what is happening atall times;Look for trouble spots developing aroundyou;Have a plan of action if the other driverdoes the wrong thing; andKnow that the law requires drivers to

    protect each other from their own mistakes.

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    Attitudes and Driving

    Have a positive attitude Drive defensively Drive decisively Drive dependably

    Recognize that attitudes change due tosurrounding circumstances and therefore canaffect your driving.

    Safe drivers:

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    To deal with road rage situations:

    Put distance between you and the "rager" Do not try to "get even" or "teach them a lesson" Ignore the person causing the problem Drive to a public area Do not drive home Call the police

    After an incident, allow yourself to calm down: Take deep breaths Listen to your radio, and If necessary, pull to the side of the road for a few minutes -

    make sure the perpetrator has moved on before pulling over

    Attitude: Road Rage

    Attitudes and Driving

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    A defensive driver takes every reasonable

    precaution to prevent traffic accidents, overand above what the law requires. To become adefensive driver, "yield" rather than "take" theright-of-way.Adjust your behavior to handle:

    Unexpected actions by other drivers andpedestrians

    Unpredictable and continually changing factorsof light, weather, road and traffic conditions

    How you feel Be dedicated to error-free driving

    Defensive Driving Attitude

    Attitudes and Driving

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    Before you start each day, perform a simple pre-

    trip inspection including the following:

    Attitudes and DrivingDecisive Driving

    Brakes- Brake fluid must be at MAX level- Break pads should be checked

    Lightings- Head, signal, brake, park lights- Have an extra bulb and emergency flashlight


    - Must be at desired level and regular change- Must have an extra liter during the trip

    Water- Level at radiator must be checked- Level at the windshield wiper

    Battery-Check for corrosion at the terminal- Maintenance type must have sufficient level


    - Check for correct tire pressure including the spare tire- Check the tire for thread level and bulges

    Gas- Check for sufficient gas level and gauge is operational

    Self- Check if you are fit to drive

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    Decisive Driving: Safe Practices

    Attitudes and Driving

    Remember the following:

    Don't rely on another vehicle's signallights alone. Confirm the driver's intentionbefore you move into his or her path.

    Obey traffic laws--o Halt completely at stop signso At controlled intersections, yield to the vehicleon your right if both of you arrive at the sametimeo Drive within the speed limito Use your signals before initiating a turn

    Do not assume that everyone knows how to drive in inclementweather.

    Do not drink and drive. Don't hurry, be a courteous & considerate driver.

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    Attitudes and Driving

    All three vehicles have:

    Crossed the white painted stop-line

    Poor lane positions

    Decisive Driving: Check It Out

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    Dependable Driving

    Your senses play an important role in being adependable driver:

    Attitudes and Driving

    Sight - your vision decreases as speed increases,so make sure to obey all speed limits and keep alert,

    also by watching for turn signals and brake lights.Feelings - can warn us of a deficiency in some areaof driving, for instance you are cornering too fast orhave already started to skid.Hearing - communicate with other drivers by usingyour horn and realize they will do the same.

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    Dependable Driving: Check It Out

    Vehicles with adequate space for 25-30 mph

    on a rainy day Vehicles with not enough space for theweather

    Headlights are on during periods of reducedvisibility

    Two Guidelines:1.Whenever windshield wipers are turned on,

    and2.When 10% of all traffic has lights on

    Attitudes and Driving

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    3-Rules of Night Time Driving and Driving atDawn

    Be conspicuous - help other drivers see yourvehicle.

    Be courteous - recognize that oncomingheadlights can temporarily 'blind' you for 3 to 8


    Be cautious - keep the outside and inside of yourwindshield clean to minimize glare.

    Attitudes and Driving

    Attitudes and Driving

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    Some common distractions include:

    Attitudes and Driving

    Common Driving Distractions

    Looking at a scenery Looking for route signs Unfamiliar situations such as, staring at an auto accident

    Problems inside the vehicle such as, using a car phone Lighting a cigarette A bee in the car Recognizing someone you know

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    Attitudes and Driving

    Driving Distractions: Calculating theDistance

    Reaction time is 1.5 seconds.

    So, distance the car will travel before brakes are applied = 120.9 ftStopping time once the brakes engage = 134.4 ft.The conclusion is that:Total Stopping Distance = 120.9 ft + 134.4 ft = 255.3 ftReaction time is greatly affected by the alertness of the driver.

    Suppose a person is driving a car at 55 mph

    (80.67 feet/second) during the day on a dry,level road. He sees a pedestrian and applies thebrakes.What is the shortest stopping distance than canreasonably be expected?

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    Attitudes and Driving

    Faster Speeds

    Accidents Accident severity Fuel consumption Maintenance cost

    Faster speeds increase:

    Adjust your speed to the driving conditions and not to the

    speed limit. This is especially true for expressway ramps andcurves, where posted "recommended" limits are developed forcars traveling in ideal conditions.

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    Attitudes and Driving

    Seat Belts

    Seat belts:

    Reduce serious and fatal injuries by 60% Keep you inside the vehicle where your chances of

    survival are 25 times as great as if you werethrown from the vehicle

    Enhance your chances of survival Just as important to wear around town

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    Attitudes and Driving

    Rural Driving

    Extra care should be used at rural intersections.When you approach a rural intersection:

    Stop Look left

    Then look right, check left again If clear, proceed

    While driving in the country, look as far aheadas you can see. Look to the next curve or atleast one mile in the open country.

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    Safe driving involves:

    Attitudes and Driving


    Making correct, timely decision basedon defensive driving techniquesemployed in a dependable manner.

    Good driving demands:


    ou have the proper attitude and concentrationon the driving task to prevent you from beingdistracted or lulled into a false sense of security.

    Maintain a positive attitude!

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    Driving Rules


    Knowledgeable Skilled Alert


    In this lesson, youll learn about the five basic drivingrules that should become part of your driving habits.

    They are: Be far-sighted Move eyes continuously Take in the whole picture Maintain a space cushion Communicate

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    Driving Rules

    Five Basic Driving Rules: Rule 1

    1. Be far-sighted:

    In the city 1 block In the country next curve or hill, as

    far as you can see

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    Driving Rules

    Five Basic Driving Rules: Rule 2

    2. Move eyes continuously:

    Since you can only see clearly with your central vision, it isimportant to constantly shift your focus. Turn your head

    when necessary- Every 2 seconds Dont stare

    o Scan front areao Use mirrorso Check the sides

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    Driving Rules

    Five Basic Driving Rules: Rule 3

    3. Take in the whole picture:

    Dont forget:o Side and rear view

    o Use mirrors Be aware of:

    o Intersectionso Alleywayso Pedestrianso Parked vehicles

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    Driving Rules

    Five Basic Driving Rules: Rule 4

    4. Maintain space cushion:

    Time intervals:

    Car/Van = 2 seconds Truck/Bus = 3 seconds Tractor trailer = 4 seconds

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    Driving Rules

    Five Basic Driving Rules: Rule 5

    5. Communicate:

    Turn signals Hand signals

    Friendly horn Eye contact Lane position

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    Driving Rules

    Five Basic Driving Rules: Summary

    1. Be far-sighted2. Move eyes continuously3. Take in the whole picture

    4. Maintain a space cushion5. Communicate

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    Driving Rules

    Slowing Down

    The following steps will greatlyreduce the likelihood of someonerear-ending you:

    Slow down Signal early

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    Driving Rules


    In this lesson, youve learned about thefollowing five basic rules to help in yourdriving experiences:

    1. Be far-sighted

    2. Move eyes continuously3. Take in the whole picture4. Maintain a space cushion5. Communicate

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    Accident Prevention


    Chance does not alone determine the severity of anaccident.

    Every close call, every minor fender bender should beanalyzed so that the error can be eliminated from futuredriving. In this lesson, you will learn about accidentprevention.

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    Accident Prevention

    Standard Accident Prevention Formula

    A standard accident prevention formula consists of thesethree steps:

    See the hazard Understand the defensive driving stepsrequired Act in time to prevent an accident

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    Accident Prevention

    Two-Vehicle Crash Positions

    The four basic two-vehicle collision typesinclude:


    Rear end Passing Head-on

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    Accident Prevention

    Intersection Accidents

    When approaching an intersection takethe following defensive steps:

    1. Slow down and expect the unexpected(take in the whole picture and move youreyes continually).

    2. Show your intentions by lane position andsignals (communicate).

    3. Watch out for the other driver and yield theright-of-way if necessary.

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    Accident Prevention

    Collision with Vehicle Ahead or Behind

    The steps to protect yourself from thistype of collision are:

    Maintain an adequate space cushion Take in the whole picture watch the cars far ahead

    for turn signals, brake lights, drifting to the right or left

    Be far-sighted look beyond vehicles directly ahead ofyou to see what obstructions, traffic patterns or hazardsmight make them alter their course or speed

    Initiate action - be decisive

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    Accident Prevention

    Backing Accidents

    When backing your vehicle make sure to:

    1. Entering to make sure there are nohidden objects that might causeproblems

    2. Back immediately after checking toassure that conditions don't change

    3. If you can position your vehicle toavoid backing, this is the bestapproach

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    Accident Prevention

    Passing or Being Passed Accidents

    Awareness of your environment is critical to thesafety in moving with traffic. Follow safevehicle passing procedures. When you are

    following a slow moving vehicle, your firststep should be to ask yourself if the pass isreally necessary. If you decide to pass avehicle:

    1. Take in the whole picture, make sure the road isclear

    and no one else is starting to pass you2. Make sure there is enough distance to pass

    safely3. Signal your intentions - communicate4. Pass quickly5. Resume speed

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    Accident Prevention

    Head-On Accidents


    Ground viewing habits Centrifugal force Left turns

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    In this lesson, youve learned how toprevent accidents following the five basicdriving rules:


    Accident Prevention

    Be far-sighted Move eyes continuously Take in the whole picture Maintain a space cushion Communicate