PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. [email protected].

PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. [email protected]

Transcript of PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. [email protected].

Page 1: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.


Interview for success

Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP.

[email protected]

Page 2: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

Interview for success

When you have been selected for an interview, be assured that you have met the hiring organization’s preliminary skills and experience requirements.

As you enter the interview process, the audience is in your side.

The interviewer’s goal will be to verify that your qualifications and experience meet the hiring specifications, and that your style, personality and other attributes will be fit with the chemistry and culture of the organization.

Page 3: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

Interview for success

1. Guidelines for interview preparation.

2. Guidelines for conducting the interview.

3. The Five Sound Bites

4. Debrief after the interview and follow up.

5. Six Different types of interviews

6. An Inventory of Interview Questions.

Page 4: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

1. Guidelines for interview preparation

• Find everything you can about the organization.• Get as much information about the job as you possibly can.• Use your network to find someone who holds a similar position

ask them in details about their responsibilities, challenges, opportunities as well as the key characteristics necessary for success.

• Know your audience.• Plan your approach :

1- Anticipate the key skills, knowledge, and key characteristics that could be required for the job.

2- Include the stories arising from previous point ( 10 to 12 )

Page 5: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

1. Guidelines for interview preparation

• Plan your approach : ( continue )

3- Create a brief outline of the key points you want to get across in the interview. Jot them down

4- Go through the question provided today and plan your responses with this specific opportunity in mind.

5-Think of at least 3 questions that you could ask each interviewer.

6- Think of at least 3 reasons for your interest in the opportunity and 3 compelling reasons for the organization to choose you for

this role.

Page 6: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

1. Guidelines for interview preparation

• Find out exactly where you’re going and plan your travel rout.• Think about parking, walking distance and bad weather.• Think about the dress code for the industry sector and organization.• On the night before the interview, check your outfit and accessories

only healthy food and beverages and get good night’s sleep.• Take extra copies of your resume.• Do not weigh yourself down with an over-sized briefcase.• Do something to control your nerves and emotions.

( Walk, deep breathing exercises, meditate, pray ).• Visualize yourself doing good.

Page 7: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

2. Guidelines for conducting the interview

• Turn off your cell phone.

• First impression count. ( first 30 Seconds will set the tone)

Greet the interviewer with good eye contact

Firm handshake.

Smile and offer pleasant greeting.

Stand tall & walk with confidence.

• Break the ice by complimenting or commenting on something.

• As the interview proceeds, be direct and specific in your answers.

Page 8: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

2. Guidelines for conducting the interview

• Be concise, but don’t say too little. ( 30 Sec to 4 Minutes ).

• Take cues from your interviewer. If they appear board condense your answers.

• Sell your skills and abilities as they relate to the job by talking about accomplishments using the ( Situation--- action--- Result ) formula.

• If you are concerned that an answer hasn’t hit the mark, check it out.

It’s acceptable to ask the interviewer, “ Did I answer your question?”.

Page 9: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

2. Guidelines for conducting the interview

• Do not get discourage if the interviewers is taking notes.

• Keep thinking about inflection, expressions and body language as you speak. Don’t slouch or assume too casual a posture in the way you sit.

• Listen for expressions, phrases and recurring themes. Pick them up and use them in you answers.

• Look for the opportunities to insert evidence of your research into your answer.

• Don’t ask about remuneration. The interviewer will raise the topic when they are ready.

Page 10: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

2. Guidelines for conducting the interview

• Remember your agenda for the interview.

If the interviewer’s questions have not provided an opportunity to get your point across, mention them before the interview ends.

• As the interview close, try to find the opportunity to summarize your key strengths and qualifications and restate you interest in the job.

• When the interviewer makes it obvious that time is up, stop talking. End with a thank-you and ask what the next steps are and in what time frame.

• Stand up when the interviewer stands. Smile, shake hands and leave.

Page 11: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

The Five Sound Bites An excellent way to prepare for interviews is to create and practice a five part-

script that answer the questions most frequently asked for a job seekers. It will be most useful when you are asked, “ Tell me about yourself.”

1. Capsule Profile 30 seconds

2. Key Strengths 15 – 30 seconds

3. Career Review with Accomplishment 5 – 7 minutes

4. Leaving Story 30 seconds – 1 minute

5. What Now? 1 – 2 minutes

Page 12: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

The Five Sound Bites

Capsule Profile

• This is the conversational version of the profile statement you wrote for your resume.

• It should be developed verbally. Do not write it out first!

• Try different ways of phrasing it, and keep working on it out loud until the words flow naturally. Then write down what you said.

• It concisely describe your functional areas, level of seniority, and depth and breath of your experience.

Page 13: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

The Five Sound Bites

Capsule Profile “ Cont.”

• It should includes:

Your most recent title and very brief explanation.

Your number of years’ cumulative experience.

Types of industries where you have worked.

• Round it out with a statement of uniqueness or brief description of you value proposition as a segue to the next sound bite.

Page 14: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

The Five Sound Bites

Key Strengths• Name three or four of your most significant strengths in concise, bullet-point

form.• This is your opportunity to incorporate the work you did to identify your brand.• Highlight in one brief sentence how your particular combination of strengths,

skills and experience work together to deliver value.• You might open with phrase such as:

“My key strengths include…….”

“I excel at…………………………”


Listening and understanding my client’s needs, problem solving and cross-functional team leadership

“Do not give any details here. You are going for impact here”

Page 15: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

The Five Sound Bites

Career Review with Accomplishments

This sound bite substantiates what you have said in the first 2 segments.

Introduce it by telling your listener where you’re headed,

“ Let me give you a brief overview of my career highlights.

I will concentrate on the last few years”

Proceed chronologically from early days to today, touching on the dates, names of organizations, position titles, roles, key accomplishments and reasons for moving on.

For each accomplishment, use the “Situation – Action – Result” formula.

Page 16: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

The Five Sound Bites

Leaving Story.

There are three important guidelines with regard to your leaving story:

• Prepare it with utmost care.

• You broach it.

• You be comfortable with it.

The interviewer will take their level of comfort from you.They will be relieved when it’s out of the way.You have given impression that you have nothing to hide.

Page 17: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

The Five Sound Bites

What Now

• Use the final moments of your presentation to describe what you see yourself doing next.

• Depending on the circumstances, you can choose to stay general, speaking in terms of the skills, style and knowledge that you would like to contribute, or be specific.

Rehearse - Rehearse - Rehearse

Practice out loud is the only way to become truly comfortable with

The Five Sounds Bites.

Page 18: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

Debrief after the interview and follow up

• Before you do anything else, head for the nearest coffee shop and take the time to debrief by writing down notes about the interview.

• Your notes will help you compose the Thank-you letter and will provide a valuable refresher when you return for a subsequent interview.

Write a thank-you letter immediately. “ideally, within 24 hours”

Page 19: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

Six Different types of interviews

1. The Behavioural Interview.

2. The Situational Interview.

3. The structural Interview.

4. The unstructured Interview.

5. The panel Interview.

6. The telephone Interview.

Page 20: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

Six Different types of interviews

1. The Behavioural InterviewThis interview format is based on the premise that past behavior is the

most accurate predictor of future behavior.

The questions will cover a broad spectrum of topics and will begin with phrases such as:

Tell about time when………………..?

Give me an example of……………..?

Have you ever had to deal with…...?

Page 21: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

Six Different types of interviews

2. The Situational Interview.The situational interview is based on the premises that intention are the

best predictor of future behavior.

The questions are constructed using hypothetical but very specific, job dilemmas, situation or case studies.

Answering situational interview:

• Begin by stating your desired outcome.

• Be clear about assumptions.

• Explain clearly, the steps that you would take.

• Outline some of the obstacle.

• Explore alternative solutions.

• Explain how you would prevent the situation in the future.

• Mention follow-up that you would do.

Page 22: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

Six Different types of interviews

3. The structural Interview.Structured interviews use a pre-selected series of questions that solicit

an overview of your style and background.

A sampling of conventional questions includes:

• Tell me about yourself?

• What are your strengths? Weaknesses?

• Why did you leave your last position?

• Where do you see yourself in three years? Five?

• What interest you about this position?

• Why should we hire you?

• How would you describe your management, leadership or team style?

Page 23: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

Six Different types of interviews

4. The unstructured Interview.

The interviewer asks only a few pre-selected questions and offers minimal direction while you do most of the talking.

Te interviewer might pick up on elements of what you say and use them the basis for further questions or they might remain silent after you have stopped speaking to see where you take the conversation. It can be daunting experience. ( test your ability to perform under pressure)

The challenge for you is recognizing when you need to bring some structure to the session and determining how to do that.

Page 24: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

Six Different types of interviews

5. The panel Interview.The challenge for you is to determine who will be on the panel, their titles

and their roles. Use your network to learn something about each member’s priority and focus and identify the decision-makers.

Tips and Guidelines:

• Don’t start the interview by making jokes about how intimidating the situation feels. Be confident and your confidence will show.

• Try to memorize names and position before the interview.

• As you answer question, it’s impressive to call a a panel member by name. Don’t make mistake.

• Look at the person speaking as if they are the only one in the room.

• Don’t be thrown by panel members’ neutral expressions.

• Don’t forget to smile and thanks the panel as the session ends.

Page 25: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

Six Different types of interviews

6. The telephone Interview.Telephone interview is screening tool and your primary goal in a

telephone interview is to be invited to an in-person interview.

Tips and Guidelines:

• If you are called unexpectedly, don’t hesitate to ask to reschedule.

• If you can take the call, give yourself a moment to collect your thoughts by asking the caller to hold for a moment.

• Conduct the interview in a calm, quiet place “free of distraction”

• Make a conscious effort to sound upbeat and enthusiastic.

• Put a smile in your voice by actually smiling. It works.

• Stand up to increase your confidence and sound more powerful.

• Relax. Breathe deeply and speak clearly and purposefully.

Page 26: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

An Inventory of Interview Questions.


• What did you enjoy most (least) about your last position?

• What would you like to have done more in your last job?

• What are the three most important things you look for in a job?

• Describe your understanding of what is required to fulfill this role?

• What objectives would you set for your first 12 months in this position?

• What aspects of your current job do you consider to be most critical to your success in this role?

Page 27: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

An Inventory of Interview Questions.

Working Environment

• How would you describe the culture of your current organization?

• What would you consider to be an ideal organization culture?

• After working with the same organization for as long as you have, what obstacles or challenges do you anticipate in trying to adopt to a new organization?

Page 28: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

An Inventory of Interview Questions.

Leadership style

• How would you describe your leadership style? Please give an example of a specific action you have taken that would illustrate this style.

• How do stay current on what your team or work group is accomplishing?

• In what ways has your leadership style changed as you have gained experience?

Page 29: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

An Inventory of Interview Questions.

Operating Style• Please describe how you handle the following activities and an

example to illustrate :

- organizing your time

- managing your priorities.

- bringing new idea

- communicating with other. peers, subordinate, management, clients

- managing issues.

• Tell me about a work experience you have had that you found to be particularly frustrating. How did you deal with it and what was the outcome? How would you have handled it differently?

• What was the most difficult management responsibility you have handled?

Page 30: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

An Inventory of Interview Questions.

Team Skills.• What type of people do you work with best? Why?

• How do you handle conflict with co-worker? Please give me an example.

• Tell me about time when you were on team that was successful in accomplishing a particularly difficult task.

• From your experience in working as a team member, tell me about time when the team objected to your ideas. How did you attempt to influence or persuade them to accept your view?

• Looking back on your team experiences, have you ever assumed the role of team leader? How did you act when you were the leader on various projects?

Page 31: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

An Inventory of Interview Questions.

Negotiating Style.

• Please give me an examples of different approaches you’ve used in persuading someone to help you accomplish a work priority.

• How would you approach and prepare for dealing with complex issue requiring you to negotiate with one or more people? Give me an example.

• Please describe a particular successful negotiation in which you took part. What did you do to contribute to that success?

• Please describe a negotiation that did not produce the results you wanted. What went wrong and what would you do differently?

Page 32: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

An Inventory of Interview Questions.

Decision-Making Style.

• Please describe the process that you generally follow to make decision.

• To what extend do you provide opportunities for your subordinate to participate in making decisions?

• Describe a poor decision that you made. What might you have done differently to produce a successful result?

• Tell me about time when you changed a decision you had made or an opinion you had held because you were persuaded that you were wrong.

Page 33: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

An Inventory of Interview Questions.


• What would you consider to be your most significant career-related accomplishment to date? Why?

• Name 3 or 4 of your proudest achievements.

• What would you consider to be the biggest disappointment or failure in your career to date? How did you handle it? What did you learn from it? What should you have done differently to produce a more satisfactory outcome?

• How do you define and measure success?

Page 34: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

An Inventory of Interview Questions.

Personal Characteristics.

• What characteristics would you say are the most important for a good xxxxx to have? Can you describe some of the accomplishments that would demonstrate how you have displayed these characteristics.

• How do you react to criticism?

• How do you handle pressure on the job? Stress?

• What did you think of your last boss? Your last organization?

Page 35: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

An Inventory of Interview Questions.

Personal Characteristics.

• What would you consider to be your three strongest assets? Example.

• How would describe yourself?

Tell me about some of the people or event in your life outside work that have had the greatest influence on you.

• What makes you unique among your peers?

• What areas of your skills and abilities do you feel need more work in order for you to become more effective in your career?

Page 36: PCC Interview for success Ash Motran B.Comm,CGA,PMP. motran@rogers.com.

An Inventory of Interview Questions.

Personal Characteristics.

• How do you stay plugged in to what’s happening in your current organization?

• How do you stay current on new developments in your area of expertise?

• Tell me about a time when you had to take a stand on an unpopular position or issue.

• Have you learned more from your successes or from your failures?

• Describe three elements of your personal code of workplace ethics.

• Why have you changed jobs so frequently / infrequently?