PCC Courier 10/03/13

COURIER PASADENA CITY COLLEGE VOLUME 108 ISSUE 6 ONLINE EXCLUSIVES AT PCCCOURIER.COM October 3, 2013 The independent student voice of PCC. Serving Pasadena since 1915 SPEAK OUT! Do you think the federal government shutdown is justified? Vote at PccCourier.com Council calls for mediation to quell campus turmoil Christine Michaels Editor-in-Chief The college plans to hire an outside mediator to try to repair the fractured relationship between administration, student and faculty groups to avoid po- tential problems when accredita- tion begins in 2015. Matt Jordan, interim associate dean of general education and a member of the Institutional Planning and Research team, spoke with the College Council at its Sept. 26 meeting regarding the fate of the college if collegi- ality amongst shared government groups was not improved. “I try to be authentic and honest. I just have to say that communications have really broken down between shared governance constituencies where there is no communication,” Jordan said. “Colleges are receiv- ing sanctions because they have received repeated recommen- dations and not fully addressed them,” Jordan said. In the college’s last accredita- tion report in 2009, accreditors recommended it fix issues with collegiality, shared governance and campus climate. Over the last two years, shared governance groups such as the Calendar Committee, the Aca- demic Senate and the Associated Students worked together to make recommendations regard- ing a major calendar change and a restructuring of the college schools and administration. When the recommendations to keep a winter intersession and to keep the college structure virtually unchanged went up to the College Council (the shared governance group which makes recommendations that go direct- ly to the Board of Trustees), the recommendations were changed and then given to the Board. Many campus constituents were outraged by the recom- mendation alterations, leading to a hostile campus climate and much blame directed at Presi- dent Mark Rocha. COUNCIL page 7 Avid protestor now a V.P. File Photo Courtesy of Neil Protacio Campus Police deny student protestor Sarah Belknap from attending the Board of Trustees in the Creveling Lounge of the CC Building on July 17, 2013. Luis Rodriguez Staff Writer The Associated Students filled its last vacant vice president position after starting off the school year with three unexpect- ed vacancies, selecting a fire- brand known for clashing with the administration. Sarah Belknap, who has been an active voice on campus in the past, was appointed as the AS Vice President for Sustainability at an AS meeting on Sept. 25. Belknap has frequently made appearances at protests and board meetings, voicing frus- tration at the administration’s actions. She was escorted outside of the Creveling Lounge as recently as a July 17 Board of Trustees meeting after quietly unfurling a “Bring Back Winter” banner. “I sat with information in my hands with my hand raised for over an hour that transfers would not be able to go in [for fall 2013 transfer]. This was a completely foreseeable prob- lem,” Belknap said at the time. Belknap is now eager to use her time on the AS Executive Board to benefit PCC students. “[Associate Students] has been operating with not enough students for the first half of the semester,” Belknap said. “I was excited to take some of that load off and do my fair share. I wanted to come out of the gate running.” Belknap was quick to sign up BELKNAP page 6 AS expresses accreditation concerns Raymond Bernal and Justin Clay Staff Writers Members of the Asso- ciated Students expressed concerns and optimism this week about PCC’s upcoming accreditation process scheduled for 2015. To help inform mem- bers of the Associated Students, Stephanie Flem- ing and Matt Jordon, plan- ning and priority commit- tee, made an accreditation presentation during an AS meeting Wednesday. Miranda Alvarado, AS vice-president for student services, praised the com- mittee for reaching out to the AS and for trying to be transparent ahead of a visit from the Accrediting Commission for Commu- nity and Junior College in the spring of 2015. But she did have some accredi- tation concerns. “I would say my main concern is the major changes at PCC which may affect our accredi- tation negatively, such as switching to the Canvas system, cutting staff and students feeling they aren’t being reached out to,” Alvarado said. “Transpar- ency and communicating better with our students is key.” The presentation focused on trying to learn from past mistakes. “We are focusing on past recommendations from the ACCJC previous three cycles such as integrated planning and governance collegiality campus climate among other recommen- dations,” Fleming said. AS President Jordyn Orozco expressed a solution that he says may help with reaching out to students. “Appointing a panel that may help address and investigate student com- munication issues will be a good start,” said Orozco. “We [AS] are also trying to help with the communica- tion problems by making ourselves accessible to students.” Justin Clay/Courier Dean Matt Jordan and instructor Stephanie Flem- ing update the Associated Students on PCC’s efforts to stave off the loss of the school’s accredi- tation during its meeting on Wednesday. Campus prepares for ‘ShakeOut’ Samantha Molina Staff Writer “Drop, cover and hold on.” This is the drill that will be practiced on campus and worldwide on Oct. 17 at 10:17 a.m. as a part of the Great Shake- Out Earthquake Drills. Two different drill scenarios will be practiced in the C building, D building and the Shatford Library, according to Sergeant Bill Abernathie. “There will be a complete evacuation drill in the C building and a non-evacu- ation drill in the D building and library which includes the basic ‘drop, cover and hold on’ response,” Sgt. Abernathie said. At 10:17 a.m. fire alarms in the C building will signal the beginning of the 15-minute earthquake drill. At that time students and staff in the C building will evacuate and gather near the mirror pools. Those in the D building and library will be instructed to drop to the ground, take cover under a table or desk and hold on for 60 seconds as if an earthquake were happening. “The whole purpose of getting in- volved in the Great ShakeOut is to get people to think about what they would do if an earthquake were to happen right now,” Abernathie said. “Instead of panicking and running out of the building they will be properly prepared for an earthquake.” The Great California ShakeOut began in 2008 primarily in Southern California but has now been expanded to all of California as well as more than 20 regions. Those regions include states in the South- east, Northeast, Rocky Mountains and Central United States. The Great Shake- Out Earthquake Drills not only take place in the United States but in other countries including Canada, Southern Italy, Japan and New Zealand. As of Sept. 30, over 20 million partic- ipants have registered for the 2013 Great ShakeOut with over 8.7 coming from California, according to shakeout.org. Zombie Headshots WHAT’S INSIDE: Walk through zombie shooting grounds at Haunted Hollywood Sports PAGE 7>> PAGE 7>> Alumnus Success Story GRASSROOTS


Pasadena City College Courier October 3, 2013 Vol. 108 Issue 6

Transcript of PCC Courier 10/03/13

Page 1: PCC Courier 10/03/13



The independent student voice of PCC. Serving Pasadena

since 1915

SPEAK OUT!Do you think the federal government shutdown

is justified?

Vote atPccCourier.com

Council calls formediation to quellcampus turmoilChristine MichaelsEditor-in-Chief

The college plans to hire an outside mediator to try to repair the fractured relationship between administration, student and faculty groups to avoid po-tential problems when accredita-tion begins in 2015.

Matt Jordan, interim associate dean of general education and a member of the Institutional Planning and Research team, spoke with the College Council at its Sept. 26 meeting regarding the fate of the college if collegi-ality amongst shared government groups was not improved.

“I try to be authentic and honest. I just have to say that communications have really broken down between shared governance constituencies where there is no communication,” Jordan said. “Colleges are receiv-ing sanctions because they have received repeated recommen-dations and not fully addressed them,” Jordan said.

In the college’s last accredita-

tion report in 2009, accreditors recommended it fix issues with collegiality, shared governance and campus climate.

Over the last two years, shared governance groups such as the Calendar Committee, the Aca-demic Senate and the Associated Students worked together to make recommendations regard-ing a major calendar change and a restructuring of the college schools and administration. When the recommendations to keep a winter intersession and to keep the college structure virtually unchanged went up to the College Council (the shared governance group which makes recommendations that go direct-ly to the Board of Trustees), the recommendations were changed and then given to the Board.

Many campus constituents were outraged by the recom-mendation alterations, leading to a hostile campus climate and much blame directed at Presi-dent Mark Rocha.

COUNCIL page 7

Avid protestor now a V.P.

File Photo Courtesy of Neil ProtacioCampus Police deny student protestor Sarah Belknap from attending the Board of Trustees in the Creveling Lounge of the CC Building on July 17, 2013.

Luis RodriguezStaff Writer

The Associated Students filled its last vacant vice president position after starting off the school year with three unexpect-ed vacancies, selecting a fire-brand known for clashing with the administration.

Sarah Belknap, who has been an active voice on campus in the past, was appointed as the AS Vice President for Sustainability at an AS meeting on Sept. 25.

Belknap has frequently made appearances at protests and board meetings, voicing frus-tration at the administration’s actions. She was escorted outside of the Creveling Lounge as recently as a July 17 Board of Trustees meeting after quietly unfurling a “Bring Back Winter” banner.

“I sat with information in my hands with my hand raised for over an hour that transfers would not be able to go in [for fall 2013 transfer]. This was a completely foreseeable prob-

lem,” Belknap said at the time.Belknap is now eager to use

her time on the AS Executive Board to benefit PCC students.

“[Associate Students] has been operating with not enough students for the first half of the semester,” Belknap said. “I was excited to take some of that load off and do my fair share. I wanted to come out of the gate running.”

Belknap was quick to sign up

BELKNAP page 6

AS expresses accreditation concernsRaymond Bernal and Justin ClayStaff Writers

Members of the Asso-ciated Students expressed concerns and optimism this week about PCC’s upcoming accreditation process scheduled for 2015.

To help inform mem-bers of the Associated Students, Stephanie Flem-ing and Matt Jordon, plan-ning and priority commit-tee, made an accreditation presentation during an AS meeting Wednesday.

Miranda Alvarado, AS vice-president for student services, praised the com-mittee for reaching out to the AS and for trying to be transparent ahead of a visit from the Accrediting Commission for Commu-nity and Junior College in the spring of 2015. But she did have some accredi-tation concerns.

“I would say my main concern is the major changes at PCC which may affect our accredi-tation negatively, such as

switching to the Canvas system, cutting staff and students feeling they aren’t being reached out to,” Alvarado said. “Transpar-ency and communicating better with our students is key.”

The presentation focused on trying to learn from past mistakes. “We are focusing on past recommendations from the ACCJC previous three cycles such as integrated planning and governance collegiality campus climate

among other recommen-dations,” Fleming said.

AS President Jordyn Orozco expressed a solution that he says may help with reaching out to students.

“Appointing a panel that may help address and investigate student com-munication issues will be a good start,” said Orozco. “We [AS] are also trying to help with the communica-tion problems by making ourselves accessible to students.”

Justin Clay/CourierDean Matt Jordan and instructor Stephanie Flem-ing update the Associated Students on PCC’s efforts to stave off the loss of the school’s accredi-tation during its meeting on Wednesday.

Campus prepares for ‘ShakeOut’Samantha MolinaStaff Writer

“Drop, cover and hold on.”This is the drill that will be practiced

on campus and worldwide on Oct. 17 at 10:17 a.m. as a part of the Great Shake-Out Earthquake Drills.

Two different drill scenarios will be practiced in the C building, D building and the Shatford Library, according to Sergeant Bill Abernathie.

“There will be a complete evacuation drill in the C building and a non-evacu-ation drill in the D building and library which includes the basic ‘drop, cover and hold on’ response,” Sgt. Abernathie said.

At 10:17 a.m. fire alarms in the C building will signal the beginning of the 15-minute earthquake drill. At that time students and staff in the C building will evacuate and gather near the mirror pools. Those in the D building and library will be instructed to drop to the ground, take cover under a table or desk and hold

on for 60 seconds as if an earthquake were happening.

“The whole purpose of getting in-volved in the Great ShakeOut is to get people to think about what they would do if an earthquake were to happen right now,” Abernathie said. “Instead of panicking and running out of the building they will be properly prepared for an earthquake.”

The Great California ShakeOut began in 2008 primarily in Southern California but has now been expanded to all of California as well as more than 20 regions. Those regions include states in the South-east, Northeast, Rocky Mountains and Central United States. The Great Shake-Out Earthquake Drills not only take place in the United States but in other countries including Canada, Southern Italy, Japan and New Zealand.

As of Sept. 30, over 20 million partic-ipants have registered for the 2013 Great ShakeOut with over 8.7 coming from California, according to shakeout.org.

Zombie Headshots


Walk through zombie

shooting grounds at

Haunted Hollywood

SportsPAGE 7>>

PAGE 7>>

Alumnus Success Story


Page 2: PCC Courier 10/03/13

2 COURIER October 3, 2013

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Courier2012 JACC

General Excellence Award-Winner

Note to ReadersLetters to the Editor

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CorrectionsThe Courier staff endeavors to ensure accuracy in all aspects of its

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COURIEROctober 3, 2013

ONLINE POLL RESULTSOnline, we asked: Do you think the Lone Shooter posters effectively promote campus safety?

Results as of 5 p.m. Wednesday: Yes, they are helpful: 21% What posters?: 43% No, how does throwing a chair help?: 36%

Vote at PccCourier.com

Editor-in-ChiefChristine Michaels

Managing EditorPhilip McCormick

Online EditorMadison Miranda

Asst. News EditorJustin Clay

Opinion EditorRaymond Bernal

Asst. Opinion EditorAubrey Quezada

Arts & Entertainment EditorPaul Ochoa

Asst. Arts & Entertainment EditorSamantha Molina

Features EditorEmily Chang-Chien

Lifestyle EditorLuis Rodriguez

Sports EditorDaron Grandberry

Asst. Sports EditorAndrew Salmi

Photo EditorAntonio Gandara

Asst. Photo EditorAnthony Reyes

Online Photo EditorJohn Novak

Scene EditorMatthew Chan

Chief PhotographerBenjamin Simpson

Staff Writers: Bryan Acosta, Aerika Dave, Tiffany Herrera, Talia Karaalp, Tiffany Roesler, Benjamin Simpson

Staff Photographers: Justin Clay, Bianca Kruspodin, Corey Harris, Rene Henriquez, Teresa Mendoza, Mary Nurrenbern, Rene Rojas, Meg Symanow, Caitlin KellyThompson, Daniel Valencia

Faculty AdviserNathan McIntire

Photography AdviserTim Berger

Advertising CoordinatorDaniel Nerio

The Courier is published weekly by the Pasadena City College Journalism Department and is a free-speech forum. Editorials and comments are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the position of the institution and its administration, student government or that of the Pasadena Area Community College District.

The Courier is written and produced as a learning experience for student writers, photographers and editors in the Journalism Department.

Phone:(626) 585-7130

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“I wasn’t planning on signing up. I’m not insured though so I’m definitely considering researching it more.”

Levi Helmuth, architecture

“I would if I needed it but I am covered under my parents’

insurance. I am pro-Obamacare.”

Spencer Doughtie, undecided

“No, my mom thinks Obamacare is not

helping hospitals and she’s a nurse.”Sarah Pante,undecided

“I’m not signing up for it because I have

the money to pay for insurance.”

Brittany Gore, biology

“Not me because our school has pretty

good health care. But I have a daughter who is

26 and I want her to sign up for it.”

Dave Douglas,Dean of Sciences

Are you planning to sign up for Obamacare?

Reporting by: Madison Miranda Photos by: Mary Nurrenbern

Obamacare ultimately benefits studentsDaron GrandberryStaff Writer

By 2014 every American, with few excep-tions, will have to have some form of health insurance or face fines.

October 1 marked the first time Ameri-cans were able to shop for private insurance in health insurance marketplaces under the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

Open enrollment runs between Oct. 1 and Mar. 31, but financial experts at the Wall Street Journal suggests holding off until December because plans bought through the exchanges won’t start until Jan. 1.

Many Americans will be eligible for gov-ernment help to pay for their plans, accord-ing to the Congressional Budget Office.

The question remains: how will our government, on the brink of bankruptcy, be able to afford caring for those who can’t afford proper health care?

Helping those who are financially unable to care for their own well-being is the mor-ally correct thing to do. However, with the deficits and financial problems this country faces it remains to be seen if Obamacare is any different from our current system.

Our government seems to be in limbo. The government wants to help the less

fortunate, but only at the expense of the middle and working class.

What varies with the plans is cost. Some plans will carry higher deductibles, while others will ask for higher co-pays. Costs will vary based on where you live.

The Congressional Budget Office also predicts employers will provide insurance for three out of every five Americans in 2014.

Starting in 2014, Obamacare will offer a number of new rights and protections that will benefit the American people.

Because of the Affordable Care Act, health insurance plans can’t refuse to cover treatment for pre-existing conditions. Cov-erage for your pre-existing conditions begins immediately, according to healthcare.gov. All insurance plans are required to cover preventative services and provide new health benefits.

The idea is that more healthy people will buy insurance, and the money the insurance companies save on them will cover the costs of insuring the older and sicker people who will now be in the insurance system.

While it seems like a system that can work, the government, as well as those in a position of power, both financially and politically, are afraid of change.

If you don’t sign up to get insurance, you’ll list that on your 2014 tax return.

The fee for the first year without coverage is $95 per adult and $47.50 per child.

Fortunately for us residing in the golden state, California is one of twenty states look-ing to expand Medicaid.

According to healthcare.gov, states choos-ing to expand Medicaid will expand the government’s resources to everyone under 138% of the poverty level. Medicaid cov-erage varies from state to state, but out-of-pocket costs are generally modest. Smoking status is not taken into account in Medicaid eligibility.

As sticklers for penny pinching and saving money, it’s time for us students to begin shopping for another bill to pay. However, this bill is much more important because starting next year it will be mandatory to have health insurance.

Students we have to continue to stay financially responsible and inquire about the different health insurance outlets. Wheth-er it’s through your parents, or from your job, we must stay educated and get insured because the government will start charging us if we do not.

If you want to see what your bill may look like, the Kaiser Family Foundation has put together a calculator on their website at kff.org. The foundation provides an estimate of your costs depending on where you live and the kind of coverage you pick.

Cartoon byAimee Scholz


Still waiting for that darn Financial


Page 4: PCC Courier 10/03/13


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2 COURIER October 3, 2013

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3OPINION COURIEROctober 3, 2013

Vote atPccCourier.com

Page 7: PCC Courier 10/03/13



What is

pride to


Emily Chang-C


Features Edito


An annual fa

mily fe

stival g

eared towards t

he gay,

lesbian, b

isexual a

nd transg

ender cultu

re united th


San Gabrie

l Valle

y community at la

rge on Sept. 28

at Pasadena’s M

emorial P


According to

the organiza

tion’s p

resident A


Saenz, the purp

ose of th

e event was t

o educate

and raise

awareness about th

e LGBT culture and to

instill a


of prid

e and resp

ect among m


of the LGBT community


SGV Prid

e’s theme th

is year w

as “Prid

e Is!” w


was chose

n after c

areful delib

eration w

ith other

board members.

The theme w

as purp

osely le




e really

wanted to

celebrate that m


equality is

now legal a

nd all these

things t

hat have

happened in our c

ommunity th

at are finally


tive,” S

aenz said. “T

hat’s why w

e added the

exclamation point ‘P

ride Is!

.’ And w

e’re going to

leave it to th

e community to

unveil what p


is to th



hat is prid

e?” secretary M

itch Braim

an muse


“Pride is

political, p

ride is


to some people it

means people, so

me people it means c


We came up with

the first

two w

ords, the re

st is u


to each person. …

It’s le

ft for th

e interp

retation of

how pride affe

cts everyone diffe


and what it

means t

o them.”


ough the event in

cluded numerous events

such as b

ingo hosted by th

e eccentric Sist

ers of

Perpetual In

dulgence dressed in

drag, a classi

c car

show, a

Tom of Finland exotic

art exhibit,


vendors as w

ell as H

IV testi

ng, the SGV Prid

e’s goal

deviated from st

ereotypical perceptio

ns of th


types of e



his] event is


nt to our c


because it

brings p

ersonal a

nd community empow-

erment b

ack to w

hat has t


ed into a party

festival w

ith th

e larger u

rban prid

es,” Saenz s


“We sp

ecifically created an event th

at would alw


be free and w

ould always p

rovide education to


LGBT and community at la

rge to th

ose w

ho attend.”


e from being in


nal, the event w


also in

strumental in

helping LGBT youth.

“[SGV Prid

e gives the youth] a

n alternativ

e place

to go even though it’

s once a year,”

said Braiman. “I


shows t

he inclusio

n and it also

shows t

he support

that busin

esses a

nd organizatio

ns give th


“The LGBT community

is diverse

and accepting of

whoever you are or w

ant to be,” S

aenz added. “[


event] also

demonstrates t

hat the LGBT community

can have a great time w

ithout th

e dependency on

alcohol and drugs.”


er SGV Prid

e secretary and curre

nt volunteer

Monique LeBleu, undecided, h

as been in


with th

e planning of the event in

the past.

“I w

anted to be su

pportive so

I got in


something I b

elieve in

,” LeBleu sa

id. “I belie

ve that

anyone who w

ishes t

o get marrie

d should be

able to get m

arried. …

My contrib

ution [h

as been]

to support a

n event that is

trying to

make a change—

effect c


Matthew Chan / C


The Big Draw L.A. e

xhibit invite

s festi



to create an image of w

hat they

believe “p

ride” is

on Sept 28,2013.

Matthew Chan / C


Coordinator and tre

asurer fo


SGV Pride, C

hris Ramire

z has

been a part of th

e organizatio


since 2001. T

he pride events,

goal is to

help bring th


community to

gether, Sept. 2





Page 8: PCC Courier 10/03/13



Mary Nurre



Attendees o

f the San G


Valley LGBT fe

stival o

rder food

from th

e Taste of M

odern Luxury

food truck, w

hich is put o

n by

Celebrity Cruise

s. The fe


was held in

Pasadena at Memo-

rial P

ark on Sept. 28, 2


Mary Nurre

nbern /


Aaron Saenz, presid


of San G

abriel V


Pride enjoys b

eing at the

San Gabrie

l Valle


festival a

t Memoria

l Park

on Sept. 28, 2


“In th

e past 10 to


years we (S

GV Pride)

have come a long w


said Saenz

Matthew Chan / C


A classic car s

how takes p

lace alongside D

rag Queen Bingo and an erotic

art show, S


28, 2013.

Matthew Chan / C


The Big Draw L.A. e

xhibit invite

s festi



to create an image of w

hat they

believe “p

ride” is

on Sept 28,2013.

Matthew Chan / C


Dressed in

drag attire, C

harles C

havez “Sist

er Dominia” a



Drag Q

ueen Bingo at the SGV Prid

e event in O

ld Pasa-

dena, Sept. 2

8, 2013.

Matthew Chan / C


Advocates for O

bamacare educate visitors

about the benefits


the Affordable Care Act, S

ept. 28, 2


Matthew Chan / C


The SGV Pride fe

stival ta

kes place at M

emorial P

ark located in


Pasadena, Sept. 2

8, 2013.

Matthew Chan / C


Coordinator and tre

asurer fo


SGV Pride, C

hris Ramire

z has

been a part of th

e organizatio


since 2001. T

he pride events,

goal is to

help bring th


community to

gether, Sept. 2



COURIEROctober 3, 2013

Page 9: PCC Courier 10/03/13

FEATURES October 3, 2013COURIER6

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Cellphones vs. the classroomPaul OchoaStaff Writer

There is no denying that cellphones, in particular smart phones, have made people’s lives easier. If you need to call someone, no need to stop at a payphone when you have a phone in your pocket. Need to look up directions? That same phone probably contains GPS. How-ever, there is one place where cellphones have not always been welcomed with open arms: the classroom.

There are professors who feel hand-held devices like cellphones or tablets can help improve the classroom learning experience. Michael Gougis, journalism instructor, is not one of them. “There are circumstances which I could see a hand held electronic device being a useful classroom tool,” Gougis said. “But there are times where I can see a handgun being a useful classroom tool.”

Gougis explained the problem is that cell phones attract your attention when it should be fo-cused on the instructor. “Nobody can look at a cellphone, answer a text message and pay attention at the same time. Your brain cannot do two things at once,” he said. “You’re going back and forth between two different things and you miss things. There’s no such thing as multitasking, any psychol-ogist will tell you that.”

Barbara Leos, speech, agrees that cellphones are not only a dis-traction but they can be harmful to the learning process. “When you use your cellphone in class its hurting you because your missing out on what the professor is say-ing,” said Leos.

Sandy Lee, design tech instruc-tor, feels that if done properly, technology in the classroom can be beneficiary to the student learning incoming. “It really depends on how you incorporate technology as a teaching tool. It’s

not to say one way is better than the other. If it is incorporated meaningfully as a way to learn I think it’s very beneficial,” said Lee.

Alex Matei, audio engineering, disagrees with the zero tolerance cellphone rule and feels that cellphone usage should depend on the instructor’s policy. “I have had both classes and it depends on the class. When you’re allowed to [text], students are still able to focus. I haven’t noticed a prob-lem. I do it myself but I feel I could be trusted to discern when it’s a good time to text and when I should be focused in the class,” said Matei.

Tikhon Schnitke, music, believes it is rude to use a phone during class, regardless of the professor’s policy. “Even if the professor doesn’t mind it is not something you should do. Texting in class is not right. Unless it’s an emergency,” said Schnitke.

to be an AS representative on the College Council alongside AS President Jordyn Orozco and Miranda Alvarado, vice president for student services. Orozco criticized College Council for in-consistencies concerning meeting times and locations.

“They’re very up in the air right now about where they meet and how they meet,” said Orozco.

College Council is an adviso-ry committee that incorporates faculty, staff, management and

students that advise the president before he goes to the board. Orozco compared the situation to Platform Nine and Three-Quar-ters from the Harry Potter universe—a hidden train platform only accessible by inside knowl-edge of the magical world.

Student Trustee Simon Fraser echoed that the scheduling and timing of the meeting isn’t condu-cive to student participation.

“There seemed to be some sort of agreement that this year they

would all have their schedules set in a year in advance,” Fraser said. “Students don’t get release times for classes.”

The executive board is now complete and working cohesively in contrast to last spring, when AS was embroiled in internal conflicts.

“I’m really excited about this new position,” said Belknap. “I’m bringing a lot different speakers to campus to talk about sustain-ability, the environment and some of the eco-crises we face like global warming and pollution.”

Continued from page 1BELKNAP

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Jordan explained that in his research with Academic Senate member Stephanie Fleming they could not find a specific prob-lem that led to collegiality issues.

“We had a question mark. We couldn’t identify specifical-ly what was happening at the college to make improvements in this area,” he said.

College Council member Dan Haley asked if Jordan and Fleming had any suggestions to fix shared governance issues.

“What do you think we should do?” he asked.

Jordan explained the college could bring a third party media-tor to look for possible solutions to the shattered campus climate. “I could make a recommenda-tion based upon the strategies that were re-implemented by colleges that received sanctions,” Jordan said.

He recommended the state-wide Academic Senate as possi-ble outside mediation.

“We would hear from the experts that would help us from these issues,” he said.

College Council member Carole Robinson was concerned that there was no data from other colleges with strategies to fix collegiality to make a recom-mendation from.

“I don’t see any research [about] what have other people done in the past,” Robinson

said. “Did you look up anybody

that’s done this? [Is there a] his-tory of anybody that’s brought in a third party that’s been successful?”

College Council Chair Mark Rocha explained that it was odd for colleges to not have outside mediation in general.

“Not having third party assis-tance is unusual. This is a pretty common recommendation but we can gather a long list of colleges who have had consul-tants,” Rocha said.

Rocha also stressed that the administration had no part in recommending a third party consultant, but that shared governance did need to be fixed on campus.

“This is an independent recommendation. There has been no involvement from the administration,” he said.

“I have no interest in getting to a fixed result but we all have a shared interest and we all wear the same jersey in moving to-wards the same climate that the accreditors said we haven’t had in a long time.”

“As to the implementation, my hands are off, because I want a solution, not because I am right, but because I want a solution for the college and for the next president,” Rocha said.

Tiffany RoeslerStaff Writer

Nestled in the corner of a bustling shopping center in South Pasadena sits the humble family-owned health food store Grassroots Natural Market and Kitchen. “Your health is our business,” is displayed on a huge banner as customers enter the oversized single automatic sliding door.

Those new to the world of health foods and clean eating might be apprehensive about the unfamiliar labels and vocabulary, but the fresh and savory smells of the kitchen and juice bar are hard to ignore.

Wall-to-wall chalkboard menus hang above the kitchen area offering anything from home-

made fresh smoothies to vegan lasagna.

Noah Puni, a PCC and UC Berkeley alumnus was back at his family’s store and with him, a whole new attitude and headful of ideas about healthy living. The former business, agriculture, and environmental policy student has a newfound appreciation for the store, along with enthusiasm to preach a healthy lifestyle to the community.

“With Grassroots it’s funny because I’ve kind of come full circle. I didn’t really appreciate what I had and I didn’t realize what was at my disposal,” said Noah. “This store is so great and it’s what I studied. It’s the nexus between business policy, envi-ronmental policy, and agriculture. I’ve grown into the store.”

A lover of all things chemical free, gluten-free, organic, raw, and vegan, Noah always had a healthy homemade meal growing up, which was usually fresh from the store itself.

“The lunch I had at school was always the one kids were like ‘what the f**k, I’m not going to trade anything with you,’” said Noah.

“My dad sometimes takes an hour talking to people about their lives and health and what not,” said Noah. “Not even to sell them our supplements, just to see how you’re doing and just give you advice... We’re not like whole foods, we’re a little ma and pops.”

Grab-and-go coolers were another helpful idea that involves recycling the kitchen’s leftovers

and turning them into a pack-aged meal that customers can take. It’s efficient and helps avoid wasting perfectly good food.

“He’s creative and he’s just trying to help us regroup and structure better,” said his mom and Grassroot’s owner Marla Puni.

“Supplement guru” Meir Puni, Noah’s dad and the store’s owner advises anyone who’s trying to become healthier to just evaluate their mind, body, and spirituality. It’s a simple piece of advice and doesn’t involve consuming raw milk or switching out Splenda for Stevia.

LIFESTYLEOctober 3, 2013 COURIER 7

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Grassroots: a health haven

Emily Chang-ChienStaff Writer

Halloween is nigh, thus begins the ample selection of attrac-tions synonymous with gore and macabre.

With the application of realistic FX makeup paired with Hollywood theatrics, anyone can expect a good thrill as long as they’re willing to pay up.

Haunted Hollywood Sports, located in Bellflower, offers an experience where attendees can face their fears literally, as par-ticipants are allowed to fend for themselves against the undead with Airsoft guns.

According to the director of the event, Candice Catron, the attraction grounds have tradi-tionally been a paintball and Air-soft park. Now in its second year of fruition, the park moonlights as a Halloween attraction with walk-through mazes, scarezones, and killhouses.

“The Airsoft environment is kind of different from a normal haunt,” said marketing coordina-tor Jerry Paxton. “[The] zombie killhouse is a little more tactical. … You’re supposed to shoot the zombies, that’s part of the experience.”

Character actor Geoff Muller echoed the sentiment.

“How many places do you get

to shoot ‘live zombies’?” said Mueller.

Additionally, producer and co-owner of the Hollywood Sports park Giovanni D’Egidio revealed that the playing fields are all movie sets that incor-porate actual props and set pieces from blockbusters such as “Starship Troopers,” “Sav-ing Private Ryan,” “Mad Max,” “Tomb Raider” and “Water World.” Some sets also mimic scenes from video games like “Call of Duty.”

The haunt officially opens on Oct. 4 and takes place every Fri-day and Saturday until its finale on Oct. 31. Admission to the event costs about $30.

Matthew Chan /


Frightening characters in full zombie make up from Haunted Hollywood Sports in Bellflower on Sept. 27.

Shooting zombies: a new take on haunted attractions

John Novak / CourierNoah Puni next to raw milk sold at his family owned health store, Grassroots Natural Market and Kitchen, on Sept. 21.

COUNCIL Continued from page 1

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8 SPORTSCOURIER October 3, 2013

Football unravels against CougarsPhilip McCormickManaging Editor

The Lancers football team came out looking strong in the first quarter but couldn’t keep up against the regionally ranked No. 7 College of the Canyons Cou-gars. The final score was a dismal 56-10 in the SCFA National Northern Conference opener.

The Cougars are the only team out of the 53 California Commu-nity College opponents that the Lancers have faced that they have never beaten.

“They are a tough team to play against,” head coach Fred Fimbres said. “They are obvious-ly one of the better teams in the region.”

PCC scored first, opening the game with a five-minute drive down the field. That led to a 38-yard field goal by kicker Richard Cardenas, giving the Lancers a 3-0 early lead. That would be one of the very few bright spots in Saturday’s game.

“The defense got tired,” said wide receiver Turner Jackson, who had 189 all-purpose yards

in the game. “That was [the offense’s] fault. We need to do a better job in executing the game plan.”

The first half ended with the Cougars leading 20-3, but in the third and fourth quarters, they tacked on 34 more points. On top of that, COC piled up the first downs, ending the game with an overwhelming 32 to the Lancers’ 12 first downs.

“The defense was out there a little too long in the second half,” defensive coordinator Carl Lopez said. “They had many opportuni-ties to read our schemes and were able to make adjustments.”

A few players did have some very good moments in the game, showing great effort. Running-back Marciss Grigsby carried the ball 11 times for 94 yards, while linebacker Roy Torres and de-fensive back Rodon Ogilvie had seven tackles apiece.

“We need to play through the entire game,” Jackson said. “And not just stop after one quarter. We’ll work on execution and come back next game and see what happens.”

Benjamin Simpson/CourierDiego Rodriguez runs down field while being chased by Daniel Lumbrano during the conference opening game away at El Camino College.

Last second win for men’s soccerBenjamin SimpsonStaff Writer

With no time left on the clock, the score tied at 0-0, and both teams scrambling to get a shot in before the final whistle, the Lancers collected a free kick at the mid-field line at El Camino College. Goalkeeper Gaetano Perez came forward to take the kick and launched it into El Camino’s 18-yard box. A leaping Luis Flores then headed it into the back of the net, and Pasadena City College walked away with their first league win in Torrance on Oct. 1.

“Excited, happy,” said a smil-ing Flores after the game. “We got our first win. It was a team effort, but I was lucky enough to score. All I tried to do was get a head on it. I knew that if I got

a head on it it was likely to go in. We won our first league game, that’s exciting.”

“We gave it everything on the last play of the game and it worked, it was a team effort,” Perez added.

It was a hard fought game, with tackles coming fast and often. The referee allowed a free flowing game, only handing out two yellow cards to players. One went to Andreadavy Cervantes of El Camino and one to Lancer Midya Housepian for a hard tackle.

But there were two other yellow cards: one for each coach. John Britton, the coach for El Camino, received his for com-plaining about a call not made, and then a short time later Lanc-er head coach Edgar Manelyan received a yellow complaining about an uncalled foul.

Both teams had numerous chances on goal, with Perez making some excellent saves to preserve Pasadena’s clean sheet.

“El Camino is a heck of a good team. It was back and forth, it could have gone either way,” Manelyan said. “We got the goal at the right time, I am very proud of my boys. We played really, really well.”

“We did good, we moved the ball better than usual, played around in the midfield better, connected passes and sprayed the ball to the forwards more,” forward Zack Larson said. “I think we did better than the preseason because we know each other better. We are going to do good in the future.”

The Lancers next game is against East Los Angeles College at home in Robinson Stadium on Friday Oct. 4 at 3 p.m.

Teresa Mendoza/Courier Lancers runningback Kitlo Meme being brought down by players from College of he Canyons at the first SCFA National Northern Conference game of the season at Robinson Stadium.

Scoring drought over for women’s soccer

Benjamin Simpson/Courier

Amanda Papac, just prior to scoring her second goal, connects with El Camino keeper Daisy Gudino, in their opening conference game victory against El Camino Col-lege in Torrance.

Benjamin SimpsonStaff Writer

On their first conference game of the season, away at El Camino College on Oct. 1, the Lancers built a 3-0 lead by the end of the first half and kept El Camino from scoring in the second half, completing their fourth clean sheet of the season by only allowing four goals in their last seven games.

The Lancers dominated the game and the first goal came from perfect team play.

Helena Macintosh—who scored a hat trick in the last game—slotted a ball between the defenders for Amanda Papac, who then chipped it over the keeper.

“I got a beautiful ball from Helena Macintosh, she placed it perfectly and I was lucky enough to get the

shot off before the keeper came out,” Papac said.

The second goal, also scored by Papac, was a bit messier. With the ball chipped into the center, both Pa-pac and the El Camino keeper Daisy Gudino went up for the ball. The ball came loose and bounced away, allowing Papac to knock it easily into the net. The El Camino players complained that the ball was in the keeper’s hands, but the goal stood.

The third goal came from a cross by Carmen Aguilar. Isabella Monta-no was waiting at the back post and headed it back across the face of the goal. The keeper touched it, but was not able to keep it out.

“I was just in the right spot and I put my head on it,” Montano said.

With six goals in the last two games, the preseason scoring drought has quickly come to an end.

“Thank God. It’s about time,” Papac said. “We’ve definitely found our rhythm and it’s going to start picking up a lot more from here on out.”

Two of the Lancers leading for-wards are out with injuries. Papac left the game near the end of the first half with a knee injury. She is estimated to be out for two weeks. Cassandra Saavedra is out for three weeks with an ankle injury.

“The last week we have been working on our attack and it’s com-ing around,” Coach Reggie Rivas said. “They are going great, I am very proud of the girls. They are working really hard in training and its getting results in the game.”

“Overall I think we did pretty good, not a bad way to start off league,” Montano added.