PC-I Video Conferencing%28final%29 Customed to Districts

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  • 8/11/2019 PC-I Video Conferencing%28final%29 Customed to Districts


    Establishment of Video Conferencing for Punjab Government


    Establishment of Video Conferencing Facility

    Original Cost PKR. 3,990,000/-

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  • 8/11/2019 PC-I Video Conferencing%28final%29 Customed to Districts


    Establishment of Video Conferencing for Punjab Government

    Gestation Period

    (12-Months)June, 201

    !""ro#al $oru% &&'C

    ale o* Contents

    1. Name of the Project:.................................................................................................................... .2

    2. Location:......................................................................................................... ............. ........... .....2

    3. Authorities responsible for:........................................................................................... .............. .2

    4. Plan Provision:........................................................................................................................... ..2

    5. Project objectives and its relationship ith other sector objectives:...................................... .....2

    !. "elationship ith other Projects in the same sector:.............................................................. .....3

    #. $escription and %ustification of the Project:.................................................................. ............ .3

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  • 8/11/2019 PC-I Video Conferencing%28final%29 Customed to Districts


    Establishment of Video Conferencing for Punjab Government

    &. 'apital 'ost (stimates:.......................................................................................................... ......4

    ). Annual *peratin+ 'ost:......................................................................................... ........... ........... 4

    1,. -ardare pecifications:............................................................................................... ........... ...4

    11. $emand and uppl/ Anal/sis:.................................................................................................. ....4

    12. 0inancial Plan:....................................................................................................... ......................4

    13. enefits of the project and anal/sis:................................................................. ........... ............ ....5

    14. mplementation chedule:............................................................................................ ............ ....!

    15. ana+ement tructure and anpoer "euirements:................................................................!

    1!. Additional Projects$ecision "euired:.......................................................................................!

    1#. 'ertificate.......................................................................................................................... ...........#

    1&. Anne6ure7A................................................................................. ......................................... .........&

    1). Anne6ure7................................................................................. ........................................ ........1,

    2,. Anne6ure7'...................................................................................................................... ...........11

    21. Anne6ure7$.................................................................................................................................1#

    22. Anne6ure7(................................................................................. ........................................ ........1&

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  • 8/11/2019 PC-I Video Conferencing%28final%29 Customed to Districts


    Establishment of Video Conferencing for Punjab Government

    1. +a%e o* the Proet

    Establishment of Video Conferencing Facility

    2. oation

    Province of the Punjab

    3. !uthorities res"onsile *or

    . '"onsoring


    . eution


    . O"eration and Maintenane


    4. Plan Pro#ision

    . * the "roet is inluded in the Mediu% er% / $i#e 3ears Plan, s"ei*4 atual alloation


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  • 8/11/2019 PC-I Video Conferencing%28final%29 Customed to Districts


    Establishment of Video Conferencing for Punjab Government

    . * not inluded in the urrent "lan, 5hat 5arrants its inlusion and ho5 is it no5 "ro"osed to e ao%%odated6

    %he scheme &ill be funded through bloc' allocation for (% )ector for financial year 201$-201*+

    . * the Proet is "ro"osed to e *inaned out o* lo7 "ro#ision, indiate

    otal 8lo7 Pro#ision!%ount !lread4


    !%ount Pro"osed

    *or this Proet



    !"# !"# !"# !"#

    9. Pro#ision in the urrent P'&P / !&P


    5. Proet oeti#es and its relationshi" 5ith other setor oeti#es

    Project *bjectives

    (n the revailing la& and order situation the objective of this roject is to rovide a fast. secure. efficient and effective &ay of

    communication to the high /ovt+ officials in rovincial caital. divisional headuarters and district headuarters for the timely echange of

    information in order to ma'e timely decisions and to increase the roductivity+ Follo&ing articular objectives are aimed for this roject

    - Provision. installation and commissioning of the state of the art end oints euiment to join the video conferencing facility

    rovisioned by the Punjab (nformation %echnology 3oard+

    6. Relationshi" 5ith other Proets in the sa%e setor


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  • 8/11/2019 PC-I Video Conferencing%28final%29 Customed to Districts


    Establishment of Video Conferencing for Punjab Government

    7. &esri"tion and Justi*iation o* the Proet

    #s Punjab (nformation technology board has rovisioned a Central multi conferencing unit for the video conferencing facilities to

    4igher government officials and divisions of Punjab. (n order to enable the districts to join the conference and avail the central Video

    Conferencing facilities. min+ 10 53 C(6 band&idth and the end oint video conferencing unit &ill be reuired+

    Follo&ing are the 'ey benefits of Video Conferencing+

    a+ %ime saving of high /ovt+ officials+b+ 7vercome the availability issues of the /ovt+ officials as comare to the manual meeting rocedures+

    c+ 4uge cost savings in terms of traveling. rotocol. security and other related reuirements+

    d+ Efficient and timely information echange bet&een officers+

    e+ (n the revailing conditions of la& and order its a secure and efficient &ay of effective communication+

    f+ #ssist in 6ight decision ma'ing. lanning and olicy ma'ing

    g+ )eedy information retrieval and reorting+

    8. Ca"ital Cost sti%ates

    %he caital cost estimates are based on the latest mar'et survey+ Comonent &ise summary and details are given at !nneure-!+

    :. !nnual O"erating Cost

    ear &ise oerating cost is mentioned at !nneure-8+

    10. ;ard5are '"ei*iations

    4ard&are )ecifications is attached at !nneure-C+

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  • 8/11/2019 PC-I Video Conferencing%28final%29 Customed to Districts


    Establishment of Video Conferencing for Punjab Government

    11. &e%and and 'u""l4 !nal4sis

    a+ /overnment of the Punjab has already enabled the 'ey offices at rovincial caital &ith the video conferencing facility on follo&ing


    i+ C5 )ecretariat :; Club 6oad Committee 6oom

    iv+ Planning and >eveloment 3oard

    v+ 3oard of 6evenue. Punjab

    vi+ P(%3

    vii+ Chief )ecretary 7ffice :Committee 6oomistricts to be connected &ith the core offices li'e. Chief )ecretary 7ffice. C5 )ecretariat. (/ 7ffice

    etc+ to have a &ell-established and secured communication medium+

    12. $inanial Plan

    'oure o* $inaning


  • 8/11/2019 PC-I Video Conferencing%28final%29 Customed to Districts


    Establishment of Video Conferencing for Punjab Government


    13. 8ene*its o* the "roet and anal4sis


    #lready given under roject descrition = benefits ortion


    (n case of government domain &here efficiency is measured in terms of services rovided to Public )ector and the rate at

    &hich they are rovided+ @eeing in vie& this definition. the economic benefits of the roject are as follo&s -

    a. 3etter (nteraction bet&een the officials of Punjab. &hich &ill result in better Public )ector >elivery

    . Proer resource lanning and olicy decisions

    . >eveloment of Video Conferencing setu &ill decrease the cost of traveling+

    Cost 8ene*its !nal4sis

    (n addition to tangible benefits of Video Conferencing. money can be saved by reducing travel eenses+ Aith Video Conferencing

    /ovt+ officials can maintain relationshi and conduct business &ithout sending money on traveling+ #doting video conferencing

    rogram is a great &ay to romt environment B/oing /reen


    8ene*it ndiator

    CentraliDation CentraliDed communication and


    )aving of ogistic cost+

    E-gate&ay alications

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  • 8/11/2019 PC-I Video Conferencing%28final%29 Customed to Districts


    Establishment of Video Conferencing for Punjab Government


    #dding value to the

    Aor'ing Environment

    of the Emloyees

    3etter decisions

    Efficient throughut

    3etter resonse time

    3etter interactions in

    terms of data sharing

    = communications

    se of electronic 5edia in 7fficial

    Aor' Flo&s

    #ctive availability of concerned

    /overnment officials

    se of electronic media in 7fficial


    ii. (PL*8(N9 (N("A9*N ;$"('9 < N$"('9=

    %he scheme &ill create oortunities to hire technical resources on each site to oerate and maintain the Video conferencing

    euiment. &hich &ill generate direct emloyment+ !nne-&



    1. %"le%entation 'hedule

    %he roject :Phase-(< &ill begin from Guly 201$ and &ill etend u to Gune 201*+ %he detailed imlementation schedule is attached at


    %"le%entation 'trateg4

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  • 8/11/2019 PC-I Video Conferencing%28final%29 Customed to Districts


    Establishment of Video Conferencing for Punjab Government

    #fter the aroval of PC-(. an 6FP"%ender &ill be reared and advertised to urchase the hard&are+ #fter the evaluation of

    technical and financial bids and the a&ard of tender the rocurement rocess &ill be comleted &ithin ? &ee's of the a&ard of


    #fter the receiving of euiment. 5ultioint Conferencing nit :5C< &ill be installed in #)%P data centre and in arallel end

    oint Video Conferencing euiment &ill be laced and installed at resective destinations as mentioned in the scoe of the roject+

    1>. Manage%ent 'truture and Man"o5er Re

  • 8/11/2019 PC-I Video Conferencing%28final%29 Customed to Districts


    Establishment of Video Conferencing for Punjab Government

    Chec'ed by

    Verified 3y

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  • 8/11/2019 PC-I Video Conferencing%28final%29 Customed to Districts


    Establishment of Video Conferencing for Punjab Government

    #roved by

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  • 8/11/2019 PC-I Video Conferencing%28final%29 Customed to Districts


    Establishment of Video Conferencing for Punjab Government

    1A. !nneure-!

    Cost 'u%%ar4

    Sr. No. Description Cost (PKR)

    1 Hardware 1,050,000

    2 Connectivity and Bandwidth 2,400,000

    3 Manpower 540,000

    Grand Total 3,990,000

    COMPO++ =' CO' 'BMM!R3 / &!'



    ITEM Qty.Unitri!"


    1 Desktop Video Terminal 11,000,00


    2 UPS (2KVA) 1 50,000 50,000

    Tt$% 1,0>0,000

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    Establishment of Video Conferencing for Punjab Government

    &nn"!ti'ity $n( )$n(*i(t+


    ITEM Qty.Unitri!"


    1 Conneti!it" and #and$idt%10&'ps

    20,000 2,400,000(12 &ont%s)




    1 et$orkS"stem *n+ineer2

    45,000 540,000(12 &ont%s)

    (12 mont%s)

    Tt$% 540,000

    r$n( Tt$%3,990,00


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    Establishment of Video Conferencing for Punjab Government

    1:. !nneure-8

    3!R =' CO'

    E#6-A()E"C75P7!E!% A()E F(!#!C(# P4#)(!/



    *A-./ *A-.// *A-./// *A-./V *A-.V *A-.V/

    /%y 2013 /n" 2014 /%y 2014/n" 2015 /%y 2015/n" 2016 /%y 2016/n" 2017 /%y 2017/n" 2018 /%y 2018/n" 2019

    Tt$% !$%E&

    Tt$% !$%E&

    Tt$% !$%E&

    Tt$% !$%E&

    Tt$% !$%E&

    Tt$% !$%E&

    1 ard$are 1,050,000 1,050,000 ... . ... ... . ... ... . ... ... . ... ... . ...




    2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000

    &anpo$er 540,000 540,000 540,000 540,000





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  • 8/11/2019 PC-I Video Conferencing%28final%29 Customed to Districts


    20. !nneure-C

    4#6>A#6E )PEC(F(C#%(7!)

    >es'to Video %erminal


    +o.M D"!ritin



    5ust have and embedded system+ 5ust be 4+$2$-. 4+$20-. and )(P-comliant.and must suort the (P data connections+ 5ust be highly integrated &ith a

    built-in C> screen. camera. omni directional microhone and stereo sea'ers++

    (t must be stable enough to oerate 2*";+ 5ust suort 1080$0 and ;20?0

    video encoding and decoding+ %he dislay euiment must be able to dislay

    1080 full 4> video+

    2 Conference 6ate )uort (P access rates ranging from 128'bits"s to ? 5bit"s

    Ports Provide a standard $+9 mm audio inut and outut jac'+


    Provide an C> screen &ith the resolution of 1H20 1080 iels+ Provide a 21-

    inch or larger C> screen that suorts the asect ratio of 1?H+

    > CameraProvide an integrated camera that collect video at $0fs+ >eliver 1080$0 or


    ? Video (nde)uort 4+2?1. 4+2?$ or higher for video comression and encoding. and

    1080$0 for video format+

    @ #udio (nde)uort at least one of /+;11. /+;22. /+;28. ##C-> :22 '4Dual )tream)uort the standard 4+2$H dual-stream rotocol &ithout the need for an

    eternal dual-stream bo+ )uort resentations at a frame rate u to $0 fs+



    )uort ac'et loss concealment so that over an (P net&or'

    7bvious ielation on the video or discontinuous audio does not occur even

    &hen the ac'et loss rate reaches $I

    #udio communication can continue even &hen the ac'et loss rate reaches


    )uort automatic do&nseeding for (P net&or's so that conference rates can

    be automatically decreased or increased based on the (P net&or' band&idth

    available for ensured audio and video uality+

    11 Control

    )uort touch control on the C> screen or touch anel+ #llo& articiants to

    erform conference control and other oerations on the terminal using its &ebinterface or remote control+

  • 8/11/2019 PC-I Video Conferencing%28final%29 Customed to Districts


    Establishment of Video Conferencing for Punjab Government

    Video %erminal


    3e able to function as a comuter dislay and allo& users to uic'ly s&itch the

    dislay content bet&een comuter des'to and conference video+ Provide built-

    in microhones that suort sound ic'u &ithin a radius of ? m+ )uort

    automatic s&itch bet&een 1?H and *$ asect ratio dislay modes+ #llo& the

    local comuter des'to. local video. local resentation. remote video. and

    remote resentation to be dislayed on one dislay device+ #llo& users to adjustvideo arameters. such as the bac'ground light intensity. contrast. saturation.

    and brightness+

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  • 8/11/2019 PC-I Video Conferencing%28final%29 Customed to Districts


    Establishment of Video Conferencing for Punjab Government

    21. !nneure-&

    46 >E)C6(P%(7!

    !et&or'")ystem Engineer)6J (tem >escrition

    1 Kualification 3C) :*ears< 7r 5C):2ears< 5)c :Comuter

    )cience"(% " )oft&are Engineering< or euivalent

    recogniDed degree from ocal or Foreign reuted

    university+ CC!# Certified candidates &ill be referred+

    2 Eerience 1 year hands on eerience on different video

    conferencing devices li'e Cisco. 4ua&ei. Polycom and

    %andberg etc+

    $ Gob


    eading the suort staff for video conferencing+

    Eecuting all asects of videoconferencing including callset u. end user training. troubleshooting. and follo&

    through on escalation of trouble incidents occurring during


    4ands on eerience of video conferencing and

    teleresence devices including %andberg. Polycom. Cisco.

    4ua&ei etc+

    Provide technical consultation. suort. and act as lead

    contact for all videoconferencing oerations and


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    Establishment of Video Conferencing for Punjab Government

    22. !nneure-

    (5PE5E!%#%(7! P#!

    Activity / Month






















    "& !n"&

    Preparation o R'P

    Proc!re*ent o +, -sotare

    Deploy*ent -%perationaliation o +,


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