PBA Mailer

P A S T CONTRIBUTIONS: Vo l untee r Cente rof BergenCo u n t y N ET SBeatCance rF und T eaneckRotary Globa l You n gLeadersConference Pol i cePi p es & D rumsof BergenCo u nty C o mmunityScho l arsh ipFu nd B erge n Coun t y200 Clu b A V ONFou n dat i o n Ca n ce r Researc h Makea WishFoundat i on P rojec t G r ad u a ti on T heSpec i a l Olympics T eane c kSouthernL i ttl e Lea g ue C ureAu tism N o w -- - - Teaneck T itansB a seball Tomo rr o ws C hil dre n T e an ec k Sc h ool S a fe ty P atro l Ne p hcu re Tea n e ck C ha mber o f C o m m e r ce Tea n eckArmory F am l yAss i stanc eC enter P ro j ec tEZRA T e an e c k V olu nt e e r A m bul a n ceC or ps BurnAd v o ca t esNetw or k T eanec k B aske t ba ll PoliceU ni tyTour St . JudeChild r en ' sResearchHo s pital W WW . PBA2 1 5 . 0RG ~ /J/ ! ! If ! J I~• TEANECK P.B.A. LOCAL 215 Pol i c e men ' s Be n e v o len t A ssoc i at ion , Inc. P ost Office B o x 12 , Teaneck , NJ 07666 ay\;~ 1 A4;:f,t F U N D D R I V E e ar Friend s , T he me m be rsh i p o f P. B . A - : - Lo c al #215 , the Teanec k Pol t cer n en ' s B e n evole nt As so ci at io n i s o nce a ga in asking yo u , t he reside nt s o f T eaneck for your much needed , a nd mu ch a pp re ci at ed h el p . Wi t h yo u r g en er ou s s up po r t w e have bee n able t o part i cipa t e in a n d contribute to a number of w orth y causes , organi zat i o ns and programs . D uri n g the past few yea r s , your generosit y has allo w ed us to assist a numbe r of or gani z a t io ns i nc lu di ng S pe ci a l Olympics , Cu re Au ti sm No w , St . Jude Chil dre n ' s Resear h Hosp it al , Tomorrows Chil dr en , Teanec k Ar mo ry F ami ly A s s i stance Center and the Teaneck Ro t ry C lu b. Mo ni es c ol l ected are a l so us e d for th ger l eral and admi n - istrative e x penses i ncur r ed by ou r l ocal , allo w ing us to provide for the good and w e l fare of our members h ip as w el l as the community. \ The membership of P . BA Local #215 does not solicit by p h one and r e l ies o n our an n ual mai l dri v e to pro v ide the funds need d t o conti nu e our in v ol v ement in these p ro q r a r n s. An y other so li ci tat i ons y ou ma y r e c e iv e a r e in no way aff i l i ated w ith t he Tea n eck Pol i ce Department or i ts memb e rs . I While we are hono r ed to be able to su p port and participate i n t hese programs , it \ is your con - ti nued generosi t y t h a t ma ke s i t possible . It is our pleasure to protect and se rv e tH e r esidents of Teanec k and " W i th y ou r h e lp , We can help . " \ Tha n k y o u, The M e n a n d Women of th e Teanec k Pol i ce Depar t me n t Poli c emen ' s Bene v olent A ss o c iation ~ - - - - -- = -- - - - - -- =- = -~ = - - - - = = . ...-- = - - - - ........ : = . .... - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - ~~ = - - - - - - - - - - = - r - - - - = - - = -- = -- - = - = --- = - - ~ : - - - - = ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - - - I I I I I TEANECK P.B.A. LOCAL 215 TEANECK P. B.A. LOCAL 215 Poli c emen ' s Bene v olent Assoc i at i on , I n c . Post O ffic e Box 12 , T e aneck , NJ 07666 W WW .PB A215 . 0 RG Po l i cemen ' s Be n e v o le nt As so cia ti on , In c. P o st O ffi c e B ox 1 2 , Teane c k , NJ 0 7666 WW W . PBA2150RG o $10.00 0$2 0 .00 0$2 5 .00 Dear Fr ie nds , Th e T ea n e c k Po l ic em e n ' s Benevole n t Associ a t i on Local #21 5 greatly appr ec i ates you r thoughtful contribu t i on to o u r An n u a l F un d Dri v e . 0 $40 . 00 o $50 . 0 0 o $1 00 . 00 n~ 1f<>u, T he Me n a n d W o m en of t he T ea n eck P o l ice D epartment Po l i ce me n ' s B e n evole nt Asso i iation D~ e I Chec k # I Amount $ I Don a t ions can a l s o b e made a { www . pb a2 15 .o rg . I - C ont r ibut i on Recei p t - Retainfor Y ou rR eco r ds - - Co nt ri b ut i on St ub - P le a seen cl o s e t his p o rti o n wi th y our cont r i b utio n . Dona tion s can a l so b e ma de at www . pba215. o rg .

Transcript of PBA Mailer

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VolunteerCenterof BergenCounty




PolicePipes& Drumsof BergenCounty


BergenCounty200 Club





TeaneckSouthernLittle League

CureAutismNow -- --





TeaneckChamberof Commerce

TeaneckArmory FamilyAssistanceCenter






St. JudeChildren'sResearchHospital


~/J/! ! If ! JI~••

TEANECK P.B.A. LOCAL 215Policemen's Benevolent Association, Inc.

Post Office Box 12, Teaneck, NJ 07666


F U N D D R IV Eear Friends,

The membership ofP.B.A-:- Local #215, the TeaneckPoltcernen's

Benevolent Association is once again asking you, the residents of

Teaneck for your much needed, and much appreciated help.

With your generous support we have been able to participate in and contribute to a number of

worthy causes, organizations and programs. During the past few years, your generosity has

allowed us to assist a number of organizations including Special Olympics, Cure Autism Now,

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Tomorrows Children, Teaneck Armory Family Assistance

Center and the Teaneck Rotary Club. Monies collected are also used for the gerleral and admin

istrative expenses incurred by our local, allowing us to provide for the good and welfare of our

membership as well as the community. \

The membership of P.BA Local #215 does not solicit by phone and relies on our annual mail

drive to provide the funds needed to continue our involvement in these proqrarns. Any other

solicitations you may receive are in no way affiliated with the Teaneck Police Department or its

members. IWhile we are honored to be able to support and participate in these programs, it\is your con-

tinued generosity that makes it possible. It is our pleasure to protect and serve tHe residents of

Teaneck and "With your help, We can help." \

Thank you,

The Men and Women of the Teaneck Police Department

Policemen's Benevolent Association

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Policemen's Benevolent Association, IncPost Office Box 12, Teaneck, NJ 07666


Policemen's Benevolent Association, Inc.

Post Office Box 12, Teaneck, NJ 07666


o $10.00



Dear Friends,

The Teaneck Policemen's Benevolent Asso

Local #215 greatly appreciates your though

contribution to our Annual Fund Drive.


o $50.00

o $100.00

n~ 1 f < > u ,

The Men and Women of the

Teaneck Police Department

Policemen's Benevolent Assoiiation

D~e I

Check # IAmount $ IDonations can also be made a{ www.pba21I- Contribution Receipt - Retainfor Your Rec

- Contribution Stub -

Pleaseenclose this portion with your contribution.

Donations can also be made at www.pba215.org.

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TEANECK P.B.A. LOC~L 215Policemen's Benevolent Association, Inc.

Post Office Box 12, Teaneck, NJ 07666

11 ' 71~111~Y()IJ 1\ , , 7 1 '111~1

That so far this year, your Police Department has,

• Answered 79,064 calls for service as of 10-31-10----- --~• Arrested 1,051 adults of which 111 were for Possession of Narcotics

and 12 for Weapon Possession.

• Responded to 2,433 Medical Calls

• 7 Arsons

• Investigated:

• 3Homicides

• 27 Robberies

• 253 Cases of Domestic Violence

• 2Rapes

• 102 Home/Business Burglaries and 99 Car Burglaries

-----. 160-cases of-Assay It

• 238 Thefts

• 24 Stolen Motor Vehicles

• 1,591 Motor Vehicle Crashes

All this in a Township of 6.1 square miles,

making Teaneck Police one of the most active

Police Departments in Bergen County.