PAWEŁ SUCHY KL.IV TA. Why it is worth to eat health y ? The Food is a part of our life if we want...

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Transcript of PAWEŁ SUCHY KL.IV TA. Why it is worth to eat health y ? The Food is a part of our life if we want...



Why it is worth to eat healthy?The Food is a part of our life if we want our diet to be healthy .It provides with elements essential for us, we must see to it, so that products of around five food groups are in our everyday menu:

CarbohydratesAre above all cereals, rice, potatoes, they provide

a lot of power, and fibre contained in them is giving a feeling of satiety, precipitating the metabolism. The organism will receive the adequate portion of carbohydrates, if in draw day eat essentially 5 - 6 slices of the brown bread, 5 average potatoes and 3 spoonfulfuls of the flour, groats or the pasta.


Vegetables and fruitsThe organism is drawing from them much-

needed for him portion of vitamins, of mineral elements, of fibre as well as other substances which are essential for the health. It is necessary for them to be consumed 500 g per day .Be necessary they should be raw.


Milk productsThey provide valuable protein and the

calcium essential for the bones. Proteins regulat processes of the metabolism and a lot of function of the system, providing with the correct state and functioning of our organism. We rank the milk above all among this group, carton of yogurts, kefir and cheeses.


FatsThey provide the food are usually being

delivered of animal origin and plant. They are essential for the organism can function. Fat in the body is matching for the regulation of the body temperature, as insulating layer. However eaten in excess leads to many illnesses but first of all to the obesity. Therefore sufficiency the organism it 30 – 40 g for twenty-four hours. Lard, pork fat, oil, oils and margarine are most often eaten fatty foods


Meat, fish, eggsThere are provid wholesome animal proteins,

of B group vitamins. similarly however as the canailles, in excess harm .That will do then , when we eat every of these products once a day.

