Pattern Recognition

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Eunho Lee 2017-01-03(Tue) January 8, 2017 1 / 33

Transcript of Pattern Recognition

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

Eunho Lee


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1 IntroductionPolynomial Curve FittingProbability TheoryThe Curse of DimensionalityDecision TheoryInformation Theory

2 Appendix C - Properties of MatricesDeterminantsMatrix Derivatives2.3. Eigenvector Equation

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1. Introduction

Input data setx ≡ (x1, · · · , xN)T

Target data sett ≡ (t1, · · · , tN)T

Traning set

Input data set + Target data set

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1. Introduction

Data Set

Probability Theory

Decision Theory

Pattern Recognition

* Probability theory provides aframework for expressing uncentainty

* Decision theory allows us toexploit the probablisticrepresentation in order to makepredictions that are optimal

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Introduction Polynomial Curve Fitting

1.1. Polynomial Curve Fitting

y(x ,w) = w0 + w1x + w2x2 + · · ·+ wMxM =



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Introduction Polynomial Curve Fitting

1.1. Polynomial Curve Fitting1.1.1. Error Functions

Error Function

E (w) =1



{y(xn,w)− tn}2 (1)

Root-mean-square(RMS) error 1


2E (w∗)/N (2)

* allows us to compare different sizes of data sets* makes same scale as the target variable

1w* is a unique solution of the minimization of the error functionJanuary 8, 2017 6 / 33

Introduction Polynomial Curve Fitting

1.1. Polynomial Curve Fitting1.1.2. Over-Fitting


Very poor representation

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Introduction Polynomial Curve Fitting

1.1. Polynomial Curve Fitting1.1.3. Modified Error Function

Modified Error Function

E (w) =1



{y(xn,w)− tn}2 +λ


∥∥w∥∥2 (3)

prevent the large coefficients w

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Introduction Probability Theory

1.2. Probability Theory

Sum Rule

p(X ) =∑Y

p(X ,Y )

Product Rulep(X ,Y ) = p(Y | X )p(X )

Bayes’ Theorem

p(Y | X ) =p(X | Y )p(Y )

p(X )

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Introduction Probability Theory

1.2. Probability Theory


E[f ] =∑x

p(x)f (x) ' 1



f (xn)

Variancevar [f ] = E[(f (x)− E[f (x)])2]

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Introduction Probability Theory

1.2. Probability Theory1.2.1. Two Different Probabilities

1. Frequentiest probability (only for large data set)

p(x) =occurence(x)


2. Bayesian probability 2

p(w | D) =p(D | w)p(w)


2p(wㅣD): posterior, p(w): prior, p(Dㅣw): likelihood function, p(D): evidenceJanuary 8, 2017 11 / 33

Introduction Probability Theory

1.2. Probability Theory1.2.2. The Gaussian Distribution

The Gaussian distribution (single real-valued variable x)

N(x | µ, σ2) =1

(2πσ2)1/2exp{− 1

2σ2(x − µ)2}

The Gaussian distribution (D-dimensional vector x)

N(x | µ,Σ) =1

(2π)D/2 |Σ|1/2exp{−1

2(x− µ)TΣ−1(x− µ)}

where µ is mean and σ2 is variance

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Introduction Probability Theory

1.2. Probability Theory1.2.2. The Gaussian Distribution

In the pattern recognition problem, suppose that the observations aredrawn independently from a Gaussian distribution.

Because our data set is i.i.d, we obtain the likelihood function

p(x | µ, σ2) =N∏


N(xn | µ, σ2) (4)

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Introduction Probability Theory

1.2. Probability Theory1.2.2. The Gaussian Distribution

Our goal is to find µML, σ2ML which maximize the likelihood function (4).

Take log for convenience,

ln p(x | µ, σ2) = − 1



(xn − µ)2 − N

2lnσ2 − N

2ln (2π) (5)

From (5) with respect to µ,

µML =1



xn (sample mean)

Similarly, with respect to σ2,

σ2ML =1



(xn − µML)2 (sample variance)

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Introduction Probability Theory

1.2. Probability Theory1.2.2. The Gaussian Distribution

Therefore,E[µML] = µE[σ2ML] = (N−1

N )σ2

The figure shows that how variance is biased

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Introduction Probability Theory

1.2. Probability Theory1.2.3. Curve Fitting (re-visited)

Assume that target value t has a Gaussian distribution.

p(t | x ,w, β) = N(t | y(x ,w), β−1) (6)

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Introduction Probability Theory

1.2. Probability Theory1.2.3. Curve Fitting (re-visited)

Because the data are drawn independently, the likelihood is given by

p(t | x,w, β) =N∏


N(tn | y(xn,w), β−1) (7)

1. Maximum Likelihood Function MethodOur goal is to maximize the likelihood function (7).Take log for convenience,

ln p(t | x,w, β) = −β2


{y(xn,w)− tn}2 +N

2lnβ − N

2ln (2π) (8)

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Introduction Probability Theory

1.2. Probability Theory1.2.3. Curve Fitting (re-visited)

Maximizing (8) with respect to w is equivalent to minimizing thesum-of-squares error function (1)

Maximizing (5) with respect to β gives






{y(xn,wML)− tn}2

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Introduction Probability Theory

1.2. Probability Theory1.2.3. Curve Fitting (re-visited)

2. Maximum Posterior Method (MAP)Using Bayes’ theorem, the posterior is

p(w | x, t, α, β) ∝ p(t | x,w, β)p(w | α) (9)

Let’s introduce a prior

p(w | α) = N(w | 0, α−1I) = (α


2wTw} (10)

Our goal is to maximize the posterior (9)

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Introduction Probability Theory

1.2. Probability Theory1.2.3. Curve Fitting (re-visited)

Maximizing {posterior} with respect to w

⇔ Maximizing {p(t | x,w, β)p(w | α)} by (9)

⇔ Minimizing {−ln (p(t | x,w, β)p(w | α))}

⇔ Minimizing[β2

∑Nn=1{y(xn,w)− tn}2 + α

2 wTw − N2 lnβ + N

2 ln (2π)− ln ( α2π )(M+1)/2]

⇔ Minimizing[β2

∑Nn=1{y(xn,w)− tn}2 + α

2 wTw]

is equivalent to minimizing the modified error function (3) where λ = αβ

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Introduction Probability Theory

1.2. Probability Theory1.2.4. Bayesian Curve Fitting

Our goal is to predict t, therefore evaluate the predictive distribution.

p(t | x , x, t) =

∫p(t | x ,w)p(w | x, t)dw (11)

The predictive distribution (11)’s RHS can be performed analytically of theform

p(t | x , x, t) = N(t | m(x), s2(x))

where the mean and variance are given by

m(x) = βø(x)TSN∑



s2(x) = β−1 + ø(x)TSø(x)

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Introduction The Curse of Dimensionality

1.3. The Curse of Dimensionality

The severe difficulty that can arise in spaces of many dimensions

How much data do i need to classify?

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Introduction Decision Theory

1.4. Decision Theory1.4.1. Minimizing the misclassification rate

Rk is decision regions, Ck is k-th class

The boundaries between decision regions are called decisionboundaries

Each decision region need not be contiguous

Classify x to Cm which maximize p(x ,Ck)

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Introduction Decision Theory

1.4. Decision Theory1.4.1. Minimizing the misclassification rate

p(mistake) =


p(x,C2)dx +



p(x,Ck) = p(Ck | x)p(x)

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Introduction Decision Theory

1.4. Decision Theory1.4.2. Minimizing the expected loss

Dicision’s value is different each other

Minimize the expected loss by using the loss matrix L

E[L] =∑k




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Introduction Decision Theory

1.4. Decision Theory1.4.3. The Reject Option

If θ < 1/k , then there is no reject region (k is the number of classes)If θ = 1, then all region is rejected

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Introduction Information Theory

1.5. Infomation Theory

Entropy of the event x (the quantity of information)

h(x) = −log2p(x)

Entropy of the random variable x

H[x ] = −∑x


The distribution that maximizes the differential entropy is theGaussian

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Appendix C - Properties of Matrices

2. Appendix C - Properties of Matrices


Matrix Derivatives

Eigenvector Equation

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Appendix C - Properties of Matrices Determinants

2.1. Determinants

If A and B are matrices of size N ×M, then∣∣∣IN + ABT∣∣∣ =

∣∣∣IM + ATB∣∣∣

A useful special case is ∣∣∣IN + abT∣∣∣ = 1 + aTB

where a and b are N-dimensional column vectors

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Appendix C - Properties of Matrices Matrix Derivatives

2.2. Matrix Derivatives

1. ∂∂x (xTa) = ∂

∂x (aTx) = a

2. ∂∂x (AB) = ∂A

∂x B + A∂B∂x

3. ∂∂x (A−1) = −A−1 ∂A

∂x A−1

4. ∂∂ATr(AB) = BT

5. ∂∂ATr(A) = I

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Appendix C - Properties of Matrices Eigenvector Equation

2.3. Eigenvector Equation

For a square matrix A, the eigenvector equation is defined by

Aui = λiui

where ui is an eigenvector and λi is the corresponding eigenvalue

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Appendix C - Properties of Matrices Eigenvector Equation

2.3. Eigenvector Equation

If A is diagonalized, we can say that


By using that equation, we obtain

1. |A| =∏M

i=1 λi

2. Tr(A) =∑M

i=1 λi

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Appendix C - Properties of Matrices Eigenvector Equation

2.3. Eigenvector Equation

1. The eigenvalues of symmetirc matrices are real

2. The eigenvectors ui statisfies

uTi uj = Iij

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