Patient Wise - Presentation - Updating Your Recruitment Strategy 2013

Zero Moment of Truth: Finding Your Patients and Updating Your Patient Recruitment Strategy Presented by: Annie Garvey Director, Patient Outreach


Presentation from Annie Garvey (Director, Patient Outreach at PatientWise).

Transcript of Patient Wise - Presentation - Updating Your Recruitment Strategy 2013

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Zero Moment of Truth:Finding Your Patients and

Updating Your Patient Recruitment Strategy

Presented by: Annie Garvey

Director, Patient Outreach

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Learning Objectives

• Update your patient recruitment and marketing strategy

• Understand who and where your patients are

• Recognize the “Zero Moment of Truth” and how it affects patient recruitment

• Begin to contribute to the conversation

• Understand which metrics are most important

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What is Zero Moment of Truth?

Point in time where you grab your laptop/smartphone and start learning about a product or service that you’re

thinking about trying or buying

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What is Zero Moment of Truth?

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Why Does Zero Moment of Truth Matter?

• 70% of Americans say they look at product reviews before making a purchase1

• 79% of consumers now say they use a smartphone to help with shopping2

• 83% of moms say they do online research after seeing TV commercials for products that interest them3

1. “The New Info Shopper,” Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates, 20092. Google/Ipsos OTX MediaCT, “The Mobile Movement Study,” April 2011, N=5,0003. BabyCenter Study on Google Search, Nov. 2009

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Why Does Zero Moment of Truth Matter?

• American households now spend as much time online as they do watching TV but in 2010 only 15% of media budgets were spent online1

• In 2011, average shopper used 10.4 sources, up from 5.3 sources in 20102

• 84% of shoppers say that ZMOT shapes their decisions2

1. eMarketer, “U.S. Total Media and Online Ad Spending,” Nov. 20102. 2. Google/Shopper Sciences, Zero Moment of Truth Macro Study, U.S., April 2011

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What Does This All Mean?

ZMOT is a new model and a new conversation that we all have to be a

part of

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Where are these “conversations?”

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Understanding the Benefits of the Conversation

1. Positions your site as the subject matter expert2. Builds audience trust through competency and

consistency3. Clinical research seen as a safe alternative4. Leads to an increase in patients

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Before You Join the Conversation

1. Update your websitea. Clear “entrances” for Patients and Sponsors/CROsb. Organized copyc. Friendly/personable language

2. Add a blog/news pagea. Helps with optimization

3. Set up social media accountsa. Even if there’s no plan, secure the nameb. Create a master document with logins/passwords

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ZMOT’s Affect on Patient Recruitment

• M/F, 18-75, with [disease] is not a viable answer

• Need a bit more creativity to target your audience

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ZMOT’s Affect on Patient Recruitment

• Truly paint the picture of your “ideal patient”

• Male/female

• Age

• Lifestyle

• Financial situation

• Geographic radius

• Daily activities

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Meet Cheryl – ZMOT Style

• Female• 60 years old• Diagnosed with T2D• Loves bird watching• Middle-class• Eugene, OR• Tries to walk and clean around the house• Enjoys her monthly book club • Valiant attempts to manage her health• Facebook user to reconnect with college

classmates• Avid online user to research new recipes and


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Discussion: How Do We Engage Cheryl?

• Promotion of healthy recipes? • Attending a health fair? • Radio advertising?• Local magazine/newspaper?• Facebook Advertising? • Google Ad Words? • Bird watching groups? • Referring physician program?

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Polling Question: Social Media

• How successful have your social media efforts been?

• Awesome – we love social media!

• Some success – we’re really not sure.

• Ehhhhh – yeah, not that good.

• We haven’t done anything/Not sure where to start.

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Social Media Infographic

1. (data for January 20122. from:

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Social Media: Before You Start

1. Define your mission and purpose

• Measure your results by likes, friends, etc.

2. Answer the question “why should I…”

• Like you? Follow you?

3. Be realistic about your resources

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Social Media: Best Practices

• Be relevant

• Be consistent

• Use eye-catching images

• Keep your posts short

• Be educational

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Social Media: How to Engage

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Social Media: Here’s Who’s Doing it Well

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Social Media: Not Going Well

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Social Media: What You Can Do Right Now

• Set up your social media accounts

• Even if you don’t use them, take the username(Facebook page/place, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest)

• Baseline your “signs of life”

• Start following, liking, friending, etc. to build network

• Share and like: people are watching who is sharing and liking

• Little bits of good content can bring high value

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Social Media: Feeling Overwhelmed?

• Think of ZMOT and social media like a new friendship

• It takes time

• Talk to people through social media like they are people

• Even if you don’t use them, take the username

• Showing the correlation between social media and patient recruitment is not exact

• Start small but be consistent

• Start following, liking, and friending Sponsors/CROs, referring clinics, patients, etc.

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Track, Track, Track

• Know what is and isn’t important

• Comments, likes, # of followers, shares, re-tweets

• Use the metrics to your advantage

• Edit campaigns

• Push for marketing dollars

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Track, Track, Track

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Track, Track, Track

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Back to ZMOT

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• HubSpot’s Blog

• Zero Moment of Truth Download

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Questions & Answers

Annie GarveyDirector, Patient

[email protected]

