Patient Safety 1:Infection Control

Patient Safety 1: Infection Control Yi-Hsiu Liu RN, MEd [email protected] Carol Allen Ph D [email protected]

Transcript of Patient Safety 1:Infection Control

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Patient Safety 1:Infection Control

Yi-Hsiu Liu RN, [email protected]

Carol Allen Ph [email protected]

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Acknowledgments o World Health Organization

– The World Health Organization is committed to promoting healthy outcomes for all of the world’s people.

– This lecture is primarily based on the World Health Organization Patient Safety Curriculum Guide retrieved from

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Learning Objectives1. Recognize patient safety as an important

nursing responsibility in global health care systems.

2. Apply required knowledge in preventing and/or minimizing infection.

3. Perform appropriate behaviors required to prevent health care associated infections.

4. Demonstrate required competence to provide patients with safe care.

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Introduction to Patient Safety:Definition

o Patient safety is a discipline in the health care sector that applies safety science methods toward the goal of achieving a trustworthy system of health care delivery. Patient safety is also an attribute of health care systems; it minimizes the incidence and impact of, and maximizes recovery from, adverse events (Emanuel et al., 2008) .

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Introduction to Patient Safety: Background

o Adverse medical events are widespread and preventable (Emanuel et al., 2008) .

o Much unnecessary harm is caused by health-care errors and system failures.– Ex. 1: Hospital acquired infections from

poor hand-washing.– Ex. 2: Complications from administering

the wrong medication.

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Introduction to Patient Safety:Goal

o Prevent and/or minimize the adverse events and eliminate preventable harm in health care.

o All health care professionals including nurses are responsible for ensuring patient safety

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Introduction to Patient Safety:

This unit of patient safety will focus on Infection Control

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Global Infection ProblemsAccording to WHO (2005),o On average, 8.7% of hospital patients suffer

health care-associated infections (HAI).o In developed countries: 5-10% o In developing countries:

– Risk of HAI: 2-20 times higher– HAI may affect more than 25% of patients

o At any one time, over 1.4 million people worldwide suffer from infections acquired while in hospital.

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Health Care-Associated Infections (HAI)

According to WHO:o HAI is also called “nosocomial”.o HAI is defined as:

– an infection acquired in hospital by a patient who was admitted for a reason other than that infection.

– an infection occurring in a patient in a hospital or other health-care facility in whom the infection was not present or incubating at the time of admission.

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Impacts of Health Care-Associated Infections (HAI)

HAI can: o Increase patients’ suffering.o Lead to permanent disability.o Lead to death.o Prolong hospital stay. o Increase need for a higher level of care.o Increase the costs to patients and


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Preventing infections

Requires health care providers who have: – Knowledge of common infections and

their vectors– An attitude of cooperation and

commitment – Skills necessary to provide safe care

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Required Knowledge

o Knowledge of the extent of the problem;o Knowledge of the main causes, modes of

transmission, and types of infections.

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Required Attitudes

Being an effective team player.

Commitment to preventing HAIs

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Required Skills

o Apply universal precautions*o Use personal protection methodso Know what to do if exposedo Encourage others to use universal

precautionso Report breaks in technique that increase

patient riskso Observe patients for signs and symptoms

of infection

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One more important thing!

Protect YourselfProtect Yourself Be sure you have been immunized against

Hepatitis B since it is very easy to transmit!

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Main Sources of Infection

o Person to person via hands of health-care providers, patients, and visitors

o Personal clothing and equipment (e.g. Stethoscopes, flashlights etc.)

o Environmental contaminationo Airborne transmissiono Hospital staff who are carriers o Rare common-source outbreaks

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Campaigns to Decrease Infection Rates

o WHO “Clean hands are safer hands” campaign

o Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “prevent antimicrobial resistance” campaign in health-care settings

o Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) “5 million lives” campaign– Developing country focus

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Main Routes for infections

o Urinary tract infections (UTI)– Catheter-associated UTIs are the most

frequent, accounting for about 35% of all HAI.

o Surgical infections: about 20% of all HAIo Bloodstream infections associated with the use

of an intravascular device: about 15% of all HAIo Pneumonia associated with ventilators:

about15% of HAI

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Burke J Infection control-a problem for patient safety New Eng Journal of Medicine (February 13, 2003)

Types of Infections

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Four Ways to Prevent HAI

1. Maintain cleanliness of the hospital.2. Personal attention to handwashing before

and after every contact with a patient or object.

3. Use personal protective equipment whenever indicated.

4. Use and dispose of sharps safely.

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Prevention in Hospitals and Clinics

o Studies show infections are minimized when hospitals/clinics:– Are visibly clean;– Use increased levels of cleaning during

outbreaks;– Use hypochlorite and detergents during


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Prevention through Handwashing

o Handwashing: the single most important intervention before and after patient contact.

o Required knowledge and skills:– How to clean hands– Rationale for choice of clean hand

practice– Techniques for hand hygiene– Protect hands from contaminants– Promote adherence to hand hygiene


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Five moments for hand hygiene

o Before patient contacto Before an aseptic tasko After body fluid exposure even if wearing

gloves!o After patient contacto After contact with patient surroundings

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Your 5 moments for HAND HYGIENE

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How to Clean Hands

o Remove all wrist and hand jewelry.o Cover cuts and abrasions with waterproof

dressings.o Keep fingernails short, clean, and free from

nail polish.

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Effective Handwashing Techniqueo Wet hands under tepid running watero Apply soap or antimicrobial preparation

– solution must have contact with whole surface area of hands

– vigorous rubbing of hands for 10–15 seconds

– especially tips of fingers, thumbs and areas between fingers

o Rinse completelyo Dry hands with good quality paper towel.

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How to use waterless handrubo Apply a palmful of product in cupped hando Rub hands palm to palm o Right palm over left hand with interlaced fingerso Palm to palm with fingers interlacedo Backs of fingers to opposing palms with fingers

intelockedo Rub between thumb and forefingero Rotational rubbing, backwards and forwards with

clasped fingers of right hand in left palm and vice versa

o Once dry your hands are safe.

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Resources for Correct Handwashing Procedures

o Your Five Moments for Hand Hygieneo

iene_A3.pdfo How to handrub? How to handwash?o


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Personal Protective Equipment

o Gloves, aprons, gowns, eye protection, and face masks

o Health care workers should wear a face mask, eye protection and a gown if there is the potential for blood or other bodily fluids to splash.

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Personal protective equipment 2

o Masks should be worn – if an airborne infection is suspected or

confirmed– to protect an immune compromised


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Gloves must be worn for:o all invasive procedureso contact with sterile siteso contact with non-intact skin or mucous membraneso all activities assessed as having a risk of exposure

to blood, bodily fluids, secretions and excretions, and handling sharps or contaminated instruments.

Hands should be washed before and after gloving

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Safe Use and Disposal of Sharps

o Keep handling to a minimum o Do not recap needles; bend or break after

useo Discard each needle into a sharps

container at the point of useo Do not overload a bin if it is fullo Do not leave a sharp bin in the reach of


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Required Performance

Nursing students need to:o apply universal precautionso be immunized against Hepatitis Bo use personal protection methodso know what to do if exposedo encourage others to use universal


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Act to Minimize Spread of Infection-1

Before contact with each and every patient:

– clean hands before touching a patient

– clean hands before an aseptic task

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Act to Minimize Spread of Infection-2

After contact with each and every patient:

– clean hands after any risk of exposure to body fluids

– clean hands after actual patient contact

– clean hands after contact with patient surroundings

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Encourage Others to Participate in Infection Control

Students may routinely observe staff who: – apply inadequate technique in

handwashing – fail to wash hands– routinely violate correct infection control


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o Know the main guidelines in each of the clinical environments you are assigned.

o Accept responsibility for minimizing opportunities for infection transmission.

o Let staff know if supplies are inadequate or depleted.

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o Educate patients and families/visitors about clean hands and infection transmission.

o Ensure patients on precautions have same standard of care as others:– frequency of entering the room– monitoring vital signs

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References o World Health Organization. (2010). WHO Patient Safety

Curriculum Guide for Medical Schools. o World Health Organization. (2010). Topic 1: What is patient

safety?o World Health Organization. (2010). Topic 9: Minimizing

infection through improved infection control.o Emanuel, L., Berwick, D., Conway, J., Combes, J., Hatlie, M.,

Leape, L., Reason, J., Schyve, P., Vincent, C., & Walton, M. (2008). What exactly is patient safety? Advances in Patient Safety, Vol. 1: Assessment. Retrieved from

o Burke, J. P. (2003). Infection control — A problem for patient safety. The New England Journal of Medicine, 348, p. 651-656.