Patient Profile



Patient Profile. N.F., 55 years old Filipino female, married housewife, Roman Catholic, from Makati City Admitted last December 3, 2011. Patient Profile. Land lady, manages her own general merchandise (family’s primary source of income) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Patient Profile

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Patient Profile

N.F., 55 years old Filipino female, married housewife, Roman Catholic, from Makati City

Admitted last December 3, 2011

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Patient Profile Land lady, manages her own general

merchandise (family’s primary source of income)

Lives in a bungalow (mixed concrete and wood), located along the road, with 5 occupants, 3 rooms, 1 CR, with electricity, MAYNILAD as source of water, garbage collected daily

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Patient Profile Daly activities:

Doing household chores, accompanies grandson to school

Sleeping habit:10PM-6AM and 12NN-3PM

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Patient Profile Food preference: rice, vegetables and

fish Drinks >1L/day; rarely drinks coffee;

non-alcoholic beverage drinker Non-smoker Regular BM (1x daily) Urinates 4-5x daily, total of 2.5L/day

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Chief Complaint Body weakness of 8 days duration

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History of Present Illness 9 days PTA (+) fever (38°C), relieved by 1 tab of Bioflu

8 days PTA (+) body weakness described as feeling

of fatigue, advised bed rest by her daughter, avoided her usual activities

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History of Present Illness 6 days PTA still with body weakness (+) decrease appetite (from the usual 1

cup of rice/meal 3x a day with snacks in between to 2-3 glasses of milk and 2-3 crackers)

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History of Present Illness 2 days PTA Persistence of weakness & decrease in

appetite + vague epigastric pain (feeling of hunger, PS of 5-6/10) prompted consult at a private physician

Given Omeprazole, Mefenamic Acid and Iselpin w/c relieved the pain after taking 1 tab each

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History of Present Illness 2 days PTA Advised to drink 1 glass of Ensure per

day but did not comply due to unpleasant taste

Series of laboratory examinations done

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History of Present Illness Day of admission Follow-up consult with the same

physician for laboratory results showed elevated BUN, Creatinine, FBS, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, SGPT, uric acid, K, and WBC? (we still don’t have the copy of lab results done outside, sir X will try to contact the said private physician)

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History of Present Illness Day of admission (+) bipedal edema, grade 1 noted by the


Advised admission

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Temporal Profile

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Generalized body weakness


Epigastric pain

PTA (Days)



of s



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Past Medical History (+) UTI – 1997, treated for 1 month;

patient claimed to be recurrent (frequency not established) though no laboratories done to support, self medicated with Bactrim 1-2 doses per episode

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Past Medical History (+) Hypertension - 2005

On Losartan 50mg PRN (sorry, couldn’t find the right term, basta pagnagagalit lang dw siya) so di xa noncompliant coz that was the exact advised daw sa kanya ng dr.

Usual BP: 130-140/80-90

(+) Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 - 2005On Gliclazide 80mg BID, with poor


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Past Medical History Use of Herbal supplements (Taheebo)

for 6 months – 2005

(-) hx of nephrolithiasis, (-) chronic use of NSAIDS

(-) exposure to CT scan with contrast

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Family History (+) Hypertension (+) Diabetes Mellitus – both sides

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Review of Systems General: (?) weight loss Skin: (-) rashes, (-) pruritus Eyes: (-) visual disturbances (do we need

to specify?) Respiratory: (-) cough/colds, (-) DOB Cardiovascular: (-) orthopnea, (-) dyspnea GIT: (-) nausea/vomiting, (-) hematomesis,

(-) diarrhea, (-) constipation, (-) hematochezia, (-) melena


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Review of Systems Urinary: (-) dysuria, (-) polyuria, (-)

nocturia, (-) hematuria, (-) tea-colored urine Extremities: (-) cyanosis, (-) muscle cramps Nervous System: (-) headache, (-)

dizziness, (-) altered mental status, (-) loss of consciousness,

Endocrine: (-) intolerance to heat and cold, (-) neck surgery/irradiation, (-) excessive thirst/hunger, (-) thyroid problems

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Admitting Physical Examination Vital Signs

BP = 140/80 mmHgHR = 93 bpmRR = 17 cpmTemperature = 36.4C

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Admitting Physical Examination Head and Neck

Dirty scleraePink palpebral conjunctivaeNo cervical lymphadenopathiesNo tonsillo-pharyngeal congestion

Chest and LungsSymmetric chest expansionNo retractionsClear breath sounds

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Admitting Physical Examination Heart

Adynamic precordiumDistinct S1 and S2Normal rateRegular rhythmNo murmur appreciated

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Admitting Physical Examination

AbdomenFlabby abdomenSoftNon-tender upon palpation

ExtremitiesFull and equal pulsesBipedal edemaNo cyanosis

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Opthalmologic ExamVisual Acuity OD OS

Far vision w/ correction 20/125 20/125

w/o correction 20/125 20/100

Pinhole test 20/63 20/80

Near vision w/ correction J7 J10

w/o correction J5 J7

•Opthalmologic Impression: • Nonproliferative DM retinopathy, OD-mild,

OS-normal• Immature cataract OU