Path Planning using Neural A* Search

Path Planning using Neural A* Search Ryo Yonetani *1 Tatsunori Taniai *1 Mohammadamin Barekatain 12 Mai Nishimura 1 Asako Kanezaki 3 Abstract We present Neural A*, a novel data-driven search method for path planning problems. Despite the recent increasing attention to data-driven path planning, machine learning approaches to search- based planning are still challenging due to the discrete nature of search algorithms. In this work, we reformulate a canonical A* search algorithm to be differentiable and couple it with a convo- lutional encoder to form an end-to-end trainable neural network planner. Neural A* solves a path planning problem by encoding a problem instance to a guidance map and then performing the dif- ferentiable A* search with the guidance map. By learning to match the search results with ground- truth paths provided by experts, Neural A* can produce a path consistent with the ground truth accurately and efficiently. Our extensive exper- iments confirmed that Neural A* outperformed state-of-the-art data-driven planners in terms of the search optimality and efficiency trade-off. Fur- thermore, Neural A* successfully predicted real- istic human trajectories by directly performing search-based planning on natural image inputs 1 . 1. Introduction Path planning refers to the problem of finding a valid low- cost path from start to goal points in an environmental map. Search-based planning, including the popular A* search (Hart et al., 1968), is a common approach to path plan- ning problems and has been used in a wide range of ap- plications such as autonomous vehicle navigation (Paden et al., 2016), robot arm manipulation (Smith et al., 2012), and game AI (Abd Algfoor et al., 2015). Compared to other planning approaches such as sampling-based plan- ning (Gonz ´ alez et al., 2015) and reactive planning (Tamar et al., 2016; Lee et al., 2018), search-based planning is guar- * Equal contribution 1 OMRON SINIC X, Tokyo, Japan 2 Now at DeepMind, London, UK. 3 Tokyo Institute of Tech- nology, Tokyo, Japan. Correspondence to: Ryo Yonetani <[email protected]>. Copyright 2021 by the authors. 1 Project page: neural-astar/. (a) Input A* Neural A* (b) Input Human trajectory Neural A* Start Goal Figure 1. Two Scenarios of Path Planning with Neural A*. (a) Point-to-point shortest path search: finding a near-optimal path (red) with fewer node explorations (green) for an input map. (b) Path planning on raw image inputs: accurately predicting a human trajectory (red) on a natural image. anteed to find a solution path, if one exists, by incrementally and extensively exploring the map. Learning how to plan from expert demonstrations is gath- ering attention as promising extensions to classical path planners. Recent work has demonstrated major advan- tages of such data-driven path planning in two scenarios: (1) finding near-optimal paths more efficiently than classi- cal heuristic planners in point-to-point shortest path search problems (Choudhury et al., 2018; Qureshi et al., 2019; Takahashi et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2020; Ichter et al., 2020) and (2) enabling path planning on raw image inputs (Tamar et al., 2016; Lee et al., 2018; Ichter & Pavone, 2019; Vlastel- ica et al., 2020), which is hard for classical planners unless semantic pixel-wise labeling of the environment is given. In this study, we address both of these separately studied scenarios in a principled fashion, as highlighted in Fig. 1. In contrast to most of the existing data-driven methods that extend either sampling-based or reactive planning, we pur- sue a search-based approach to data-driven planning with the intrinsic advantage of guaranteed planning success. Studies in this direction so far are largely limited due to the difficulty arising from the discrete nature of incremen- tal search steps in search-based planning, which makes the arXiv:2009.07476v3 [cs.LG] 7 Jul 2021

Transcript of Path Planning using Neural A* Search

Page 1: Path Planning using Neural A* Search

Path Planning using Neural A* Search

Ryo Yonetani * 1 Tatsunori Taniai * 1 Mohammadamin Barekatain 1 2 Mai Nishimura 1 Asako Kanezaki 3

AbstractWe present Neural A*, a novel data-driven searchmethod for path planning problems. Despite therecent increasing attention to data-driven pathplanning, machine learning approaches to search-based planning are still challenging due to thediscrete nature of search algorithms. In this work,we reformulate a canonical A* search algorithmto be differentiable and couple it with a convo-lutional encoder to form an end-to-end trainableneural network planner. Neural A* solves a pathplanning problem by encoding a problem instanceto a guidance map and then performing the dif-ferentiable A* search with the guidance map. Bylearning to match the search results with ground-truth paths provided by experts, Neural A* canproduce a path consistent with the ground truthaccurately and efficiently. Our extensive exper-iments confirmed that Neural A* outperformedstate-of-the-art data-driven planners in terms ofthe search optimality and efficiency trade-off. Fur-thermore, Neural A* successfully predicted real-istic human trajectories by directly performingsearch-based planning on natural image inputs1.

1. IntroductionPath planning refers to the problem of finding a valid low-cost path from start to goal points in an environmental map.Search-based planning, including the popular A* search(Hart et al., 1968), is a common approach to path plan-ning problems and has been used in a wide range of ap-plications such as autonomous vehicle navigation (Padenet al., 2016), robot arm manipulation (Smith et al., 2012),and game AI (Abd Algfoor et al., 2015). Compared toother planning approaches such as sampling-based plan-ning (Gonzalez et al., 2015) and reactive planning (Tamaret al., 2016; Lee et al., 2018), search-based planning is guar-

*Equal contribution 1OMRON SINIC X, Tokyo, Japan2Now at DeepMind, London, UK. 3Tokyo Institute of Tech-nology, Tokyo, Japan. Correspondence to: Ryo Yonetani<[email protected]>. Copyright 2021 by the authors.

1Project page:

(a) Input A* Neural A*

(b) Input Human trajectory Neural A*



Figure 1. Two Scenarios of Path Planning with Neural A*.(a) Point-to-point shortest path search: finding a near-optimalpath (red) with fewer node explorations (green) for an input map.(b) Path planning on raw image inputs: accurately predicting ahuman trajectory (red) on a natural image.

anteed to find a solution path, if one exists, by incrementallyand extensively exploring the map.

Learning how to plan from expert demonstrations is gath-ering attention as promising extensions to classical pathplanners. Recent work has demonstrated major advan-tages of such data-driven path planning in two scenarios:(1) finding near-optimal paths more efficiently than classi-cal heuristic planners in point-to-point shortest path searchproblems (Choudhury et al., 2018; Qureshi et al., 2019;Takahashi et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2020; Ichter et al., 2020)and (2) enabling path planning on raw image inputs (Tamaret al., 2016; Lee et al., 2018; Ichter & Pavone, 2019; Vlastel-ica et al., 2020), which is hard for classical planners unlesssemantic pixel-wise labeling of the environment is given.

In this study, we address both of these separately studiedscenarios in a principled fashion, as highlighted in Fig. 1.In contrast to most of the existing data-driven methods thatextend either sampling-based or reactive planning, we pur-sue a search-based approach to data-driven planning withthe intrinsic advantage of guaranteed planning success.

Studies in this direction so far are largely limited due tothe difficulty arising from the discrete nature of incremen-tal search steps in search-based planning, which makes the








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Path Planning using Neural A* Search

EncoderProblem instance Guidance map Differentiable A* module

(1) Produce guidance map (2) Perform A* search iterations

(3) Update the encoder via back-propagation

Search history Ground-truth path



Neural A*’s path

Select Expand

Figure 2. Schematic Diagram of Neural A*. (1) A path-planning problem instance is fed to the encoder to produce a guidance map.(2) The differentiable A* module performs a point-to-point shortest path search with the guidance map and outputs a search history and aresulting path. (3) A loss between the search history and the ground-truth path is back-propagated to train the encoder.

learning using back-propagation non-trivial. Some existingmethods thus train heuristic cost functions at each grid pointindependently, which requires fine-grained expert annota-tions such as oracle planners running online (Choudhuryet al., 2018) and exhaustive pre-computations of the opti-mal heuristic function of a planner (Takahashi et al., 2019).However, such rich annotations are not always availablenor scalable, especially when involving labor-intensive man-ual annotation processes as in (Kim & Pineau, 2016; Kret-zschmar et al., 2016; Perez-Higueras et al., 2018). Morerecently, Vlastelica et al. (2020) have applied black-boxoptimization to combinatorial solvers integrated into neuralnetworks, thus enabling end-to-end learning through combi-natorial algorithms including search-based planning. Thisgeneral-purpose optimization can be adapted to our problem.However, treating the entire search procedure as a black-box function loses the detailed track of internal search steps,making the training hard.

To address the non-differentiability of search-based plan-ning, we propose a novel data-driven search-based plannernamed Neural A*. At its core, we reformulate a canonicalA* search algorithm to be differentiable as a module referredto as the differentiable A*, by combining a discretized acti-vation technique inspired by Hubara et al. (2016) with basicmatrix operations. This module enables us to perform anA* search in the forward pass of a neural network and back-propagate losses through every search step to other trainablebackbone modules. As illustrated in Fig. 2, Neural A* con-sists of the combination of a fully-convolutional encoderand the differentiable A* module, and is trained as follows:(1) Given a problem instance (i.e., an environmental map an-notated with start and goal points), the encoder transforms itinto a scalar-valued map representation referred to as a guid-ance map; (2) The differentiable A* module then performs asearch with the guidance map to output a search history anda resulting path; (3) The search history is compared againstthe ground-truth path of the input instance to derive a loss,which is back-propagated to train the encoder.

The role of the differentiable A* for training is simple:

teaching the encoder to produce guidance maps that leadto minimizing the discrepancy between the resulting searchhistories and ground-truth paths. The encoder then learnsto capture visual cues in the inputs that are effective forreproducing the ground-truth paths. This learning princi-ple provides unified solutions to the aforementioned twoproblem scenarios. Specifically, in the shortest-path searchscenario (Fig. 1a), where the ground-truth paths are given byoptimal planners, the encoder is trained to find near-optimalpaths efficiently by exploiting visual cues such as shapes ofdead ends. Here, guidance maps are served to augment theinput maps to prioritize which nodes to explore/avoid forimproving the search optimality-efficiency trade-off. On theother hand, when the ground-truth paths are given by hu-man annotators for raw image inputs (Fig. 1b), the encoderenables the planning directly on the images by learning pass-able and impassable regions from colors and textures as low-and high-cost nodes in guidance maps.

We extensively evaluate our approach on both syn-thetic (Bhardwaj et al., 2017) and real-world datasets (Sturte-vant, 2012; Robicquet et al., 2016). Our results show thatNeural A* outperformed state-of-the-art data-driven search-based planners (Choudhury et al., 2018; Vlastelica et al.,2020) in terms of the trade-off between search optimalityand efficiency for point-to-point shortest path problems. Fur-ther, we demonstrate that Neural A* can learn to predictpedestrian trajectories from raw real-world surveillance im-ages more accurately than Vlastelica et al. (2020) and otherimitation learners (Ratliff et al., 2006; Tamar et al., 2016;Lee et al., 2018).

2. PreliminariesPath planning problem. Let us consider a path planningproblem, in particular a point-to-point shortest (i.e., lowest-cost) path problem, on a graph G = (V, E) where V is the setof nodes representing the locations of the environment and Eis the set of potentially valid movements between nodes. Forconvenience, we define an alternate graph form G = (V,N )with N (v) = {v′ | (v, v′) ∈ E , v 6= v′} referring to the

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Path Planning using Neural A* Search

Algorithm 1 A* SearchInput: Graph G, movement cost c, start vs, and goal vgOutput: Shortest path P

1: Initialize O ← vs, C ← ∅, Parent(vs)← ∅.2: while vg /∈ C do3: Select v∗ ∈ O based on Eq. (1).4: Update O ← O \ v∗, C ← C ∪ v∗.5: Extract Vnbr ⊂ V based on Eq. (2).6: for each v′ ∈ Vnbr do7: Update O ← O ∪ v′, Parent(v′)← v∗.8: end for9: end while

10: P ← Backtrack(Parent, vg).

set of the neighbor nodes of v. Each edge (v, v′) is given anon-negative movement cost c(v′) ∈ R+ that depends onlyon the node v′. Given start and goal nodes, vs, vg ∈ V , theobjective of path planning is to find a sequence of connectednodes, P = (v1, v2, . . . , vT ) ∈ VT , v1 = vs, vT = vg,with its total cost

∑T−1t=1 c(vt+1) being the lowest among

all possible paths from vs to vg. Following Choudhury et al.(2018), this work focuses on a popular setting where Grefers to the eight-neighbor grid world and c(v′) is a unitcost taking c(v′) = 1 when v′ is passable and c(v′) = ∞otherwise, e.g., when v′ is occupied by an obstacle.

A* search. Algorithm 1 overviews the implementation ofA* search employed in this work. It explores nodes to find ashortest path P by iterating between (1) selecting the mostpromising node from the list of candidates for constructinga shortest path and (2) expanding neighbors of the selectednode to update the candidate list, until the goal vg is selected.More specifically, the node selection (Line 3 of Algorithm 1)is done based on the following criterion:

v∗ = arg minv∈O

(g(v) + h(v)) , (1)

where O ⊂ V is an open list that manages candidate nodesfor the node selection. g(v) refers to the actual total costaccumulating c(v′) for the nodes v′ along the current bestpath from vs to v, which is updated incrementally duringthe search. On the other hand, h(v) is a heuristic functionestimating the total cost from v to vg, for which the straight-line distance between v and vg is often used in the gridworld. All the selected nodes are stored in another list ofsearch histories called closed list, C ⊆ V , as done in Line 4.

In Line 5 of Algorithm 1, we expand the neighboring nodesof v∗ as Vnbr ⊂ V based on the following criterion:

Vnbr = {v′ | v′ ∈ N (v∗) ∧ v′ /∈ O ∧ v′ /∈ C}. (2)

The neighbor nodes Vnbr are then added to O in Line 7 topropose new selection candidates in the next iteration. Thesearch is terminated once vg is selected in Line 3 and storedin C, followed by Backtrack that traces the parent nodesParent(v) from vg to vs to obtain a solution path P .

Data-driven planning setup. As explained in Sec. 1, weseek a principled search-based approach to two distinctscenarios of data-driven path planning in existing work:(1) finding near-optimal paths efficiently for point-to-pointshortest path problems (Choudhury et al., 2018), and (2)enabling the path planning on raw images in the absence ofmovement costs (Vlastelica et al., 2020).

To this end, we abstract these two settings by introducinga 2D environmental-map variable X representing the inputgraph G. Specifically, corresponding to the two settingswith known and unknown movement costs c(v′), the mapX represents c(v′) either (1) explicitly as a binary map X ∈{0, 1}V taking 1 for passable locations (i.e., c(v′) = 1) and0 otherwise, or (2) implicitly as a raw colored image X ∈[0, 1]3×V . As a result, each problem instance is representedconsistently as an indexed tuple Q(i) = (X(i), v

(i)s , v

(i)g ).

For each problem instance Q(i), we further assume thata ground-truth path is given as a 2D binary map P (i) ∈{0, 1}V whose elements take 1 along the desired path. WhenX(i) is a binary map indicating the movement cost explicitly,P (i) is obtained by solving the shortest path problem usingan optimal planner. If X(i) is a raw image, we assume thatP (i) is provided by a human annotator.

3. Neural A* SearchNow we present the proposed Neural A* search. At a highlevel, Neural A* uses an encoder to transform a probleminstance Q(i) into a guidance map, as illustrated in Fig. 2.This guidance map imposes a guidance cost φ(i)(v) ∈ R+

to each node v. Then, the differentiable A* module, detailedin Sec. 3.1, performs a search under the policy to minimizea total guidance cost, i.e.,

∑T−1t=1 φ(i)(vt+1). By repeating

this forward pass and the back-propagation through thetraining procedure described in Sec. 3.2, the encoder learnsto capture visual cues in the training instances to improvethe path accuracy and search efficiency.

3.1. Differentiable A* Module

Variable representations. To reformulate A* search ina differentiable fashion, we represent the variables in Al-gorithm 1 as matrices of the map size so that each linecan be executed via matrix operations. Specifically, letO,C, Vnbr ∈ {0, 1}V be binary matrices indicating thenodes contained in O, C,Vnbr, respectively (we omit anindex i here for simplicity.) We represent the start node

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vs, goal node vg, and selected node v∗ as one-hot indi-cator matrices Vs, Vg, V ∗ ∈ {0, 1}V , respectively, where〈Vs,1〉 = 〈Vg,1〉 = 〈V ∗,1〉 = 1 (i.e., one-hot), 〈A,B〉 isthe inner product of two matrices A and B, and 1 is the all-ones matrix of the map size. In addition, let G,H,Φ ∈ RV+be a matrix version of g(v), h(v), and φ(v), respectively.

Node selection. Performing Eq. (1) in a differentiablemanner is non-trivial as it involves a discrete operation.Here, we leverage a discretized activation inspired byHubara et al. (2016) and reformulate the equation as follows:

V ∗ = Imax

(exp(−(G+H)/τ)�O〈exp(−(G+H)/τ), O〉

), (3)

where A � B denotes the element-wise product, and τ isa temperature parameter that will be defined empirically.Imax(A) is the function that gives the argmax index of A asa binary one-hot matrix during a forward pass, while actingas the identity function for back-propagation. The open-listmatrix O is used here to mask the exponential term so thatthe selection is done from the nodes in the current open list.

Node expansion. Expanding the neighboring nodes of v∗

in Eq. (2) involves multiple conditions, i.e., v′ ∈ N (v∗),v′ /∈ O, and v′ /∈ C. Inspired by Tamar et al. (2016), we im-plementN as a convolution between V ∗ and the fixed kernelK = [[1, 1, 1]>, [1, 0, 1]>, [1, 1, 1]>]. When X is given asa binary cost map indicating the passable/impassable nodes,Vnbr is obtained by the following matrix operations:

Vnbr = (V ∗ ∗K)�X � (1−O)� (1− C), (4)

where A ∗ B is the 2D convolution of A and B. The mul-tiplication by X � (1 − O) � (1 − C) acts as a mask toextract the nodes that are passable and not contained in theopen nor close lists. Masking with X preserves the originalobstacle structures and thus the graph topology, keeping thedifferentiable A* complete (i.e., guaranteed to always finda solution if one exists in the graph G, as in standard A*).We also introduce Vnbr = (V ∗ ∗K) �X � O � (1 − C)indicating the neighboring nodes already in the open list,which we will use to update G below. When X is otherwisea raw image that does not explicitly indicate the passablenodes, we use Vnbr = (V ∗ ∗K)� (1−O)� (1−C) andVnbr = (V ∗ ∗K)�O � (1− C).

Updating G. As explained earlier, g(v) here representsthe total guidance cost paid for the actual path from vs tov, instead of accumulating the original movement cost c(v′)that is not always available explicitly. To update this totalcost at each iteration, we partially update G with new costs

G′ for the neighbor nodes as follows:

G ← G′ � Vnbr + min(G′, G)� Vnbr+G� (1− Vnbr − Vnbr), (5)

G′ = 〈G,V ∗〉 · 1+ Φ. (6)

In Eq. (5), the neighbors Vnbr that are opened for the firsttime are assigned G′, and the neighbors Vnbr that havealready been opened are assigned the lower of the new costsG′ and previously computed costs G. The new costs G′

for the neighbors are computed in Eq. (6) as the sum of thecurrent cost of the selected node, g(v∗), expressed usingg(v∗) = 〈G,V ∗〉, and the one-step guidance cost to theneighbors represented by Φ.

3.2. Training Neural A*

Loss design. The differentiable A* module connects itsguidance-map input Φ and search output so that a loss forthe output is back-propagated to Φ and, consequently, to theencoder. Here, the output is the closed list C, which is abinary matrix accumulating all the searched nodes V ∗ fromEq. (3) in a search (see Eq. (8) for details). We evaluate themean L1 loss between C and the ground-truth path map P :

L = ‖C − P‖1/|V|. (7)

This loss supervises the node selections by penalizing both(1) the false-negative selections of nodes that should havebeen taken into C to find P and (2) the false-positive selec-tions of nodes that were excessive in C to match with P . Inother words, this loss encourages Neural A* to (1) searchfor a path that is close to the ground-truth path (2) withfewer node explorations.

In practice, we disable the gradients of O in Eq. (3),Vnbr, Vnbr in Eq. (5), and G in Eq. (6) by detaching themfrom back-propagation chains. Doing so effectively informsthe encoder of the importance of the guidance cost Φ inEq. (6) for the node selection in Eq. (3), while simplifyingrecurrent back-propagation chains to stabilize the trainingprocess and reduce large memory consumption2.

Encoder design. The loss shown above is back-propagated through every search step in the differentiableA* module to the encoder. Here, we expect the encoderto learn visual cues in the given problem instances for en-abling accurate and efficient search-based planning. Thesecues include, for instance, the shapes of dead ends and by-passes in binary cost maps or colors and textural patternsof passable roads in raw natural images. For this purpose,we utilize a fully-convolutional network architecture such

2We found in our experiments that fully enabling the gradientscaused training failures due to an out-of-memory problem with16GB GPU RAM.

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as U-Net (Ronneberger et al., 2015) used for semantic seg-mentation, which can learn local visual representations atthe original resolution useful for the downstream task3. Theinput to the encoder is given as the concatenation of X andVs + Vg. In this way, the extraction of those visual cues isproperly conditioned by the start and goal positions.

Enabling mini-batch training. The complete algorithmof Neural A* is summarized in Algorithm 2. To acceler-ate the training, it is critical to process multiple probleminstances at once in a mini batch. However, this is notstraightforward because those intra-batch samples may besolved within different numbers of search steps. We ad-dress this issue by introducing a binary goal verification flagη(i) = 1− 〈V (i)

g , V ∗(i)〉 and updating O(i), C(i) as follows:

O(i) ← O(i) − η(i)V ∗(i), C(i) ← C(i) + η(i)V ∗(i). (8)

Intuitively, these operations keep O(i) and C(i) unchangedonce the goal is found. We repeat Lines 9–15 until we obtainη(i) = 0 for all the samples in the batch.

4. ExperimentsIn this section, we first conduct an extensive experiment toevaluate the effect of Neural A* on the search optimality andefficiency trade-off, i.e., how efficiently Neural A* searchcan find near-optimal paths for point-to-point shortest pathproblems. Due to space limitations, we provide the detailedexperimental setups in Appendix A.

4.1. Datasets

We adopted the following public path-planning datasets withobstacle annotations to collect planning demonstrations.

• Motion Planning (MP) Dataset: A collection of eighttypes of grid-world environments with distinctive ob-stacle shapes, created by Bhardwaj et al. (2017). Eachenvironment group consists of 800 training, 100 valida-tion, and 100 test maps, with the same type of obstaclesplaced in different layouts. We resized each environ-mental map into the size of 32 × 32 to complete thewhole experiment in a reasonable time. By followingthe original setting, the training and evaluation wereconducted for each environment group independently.

• Tiled MP Dataset: Our extension to the MP datasetto make obstacle structures more complex and diverse.Specifically, we tiled four maps drawn randomly from

3As the nature of convolutional neural networks, guidance costoutputs are only sensitive to the input map within their limitedreceptive fields. Thus, when the map size is intractably large, wecould partially sweep the input map with the encoder incrementallyduring a search without changing search results.

Algorithm 2 Neural A* Search

Input: Problem instances {Q(i) = (X(i), v(i)s , v

(i)g ) | i =

1, . . . , b} in a mini-batch of size b.Output: Closed-list matrices {C(i) | i = 1, . . . , b} and

solution paths {P (i) | i = 1, . . . , b}.1: for all i = 1, . . . , b do in parallel2: Compute V (i)

s , V(i)g from v

(i)s , v

(i)g .

3: Compute Φ(i) from X(i), V(i)s , V

(i)g by the encoder.

4: Initialize O(i) ← V(i)s , C(i) ← 0, G(i) ← 0.

5: Initialize Parent(i)(v(i)s )← ∅.

6: end for7: repeat8: for all i = 1, . . . , b do in parallel9: Select V ∗(i) based on Eq. (3).

10: Compute η(i) = 1− 〈V (i)g , V ∗(i)〉.

11: Update O(i) and C(i) based on Eq. (8).12: Compute V (i)

nbr based on Eq. (4).13: Update O(i) ← O(i) + V


14: Update G(i) based on Eq. (5) and Eq. (6).15: Update Parent(i) based on Algorithm 1-L6,7.16: end for17: until η(i) = 0 for i = 1, . . . , b18: for all i = 1, . . . , b do in parallel19: P (i) ← Backtrack(Parent(i), v

(i)g ).

20: end for

the MP dataset to construct an environmental map withthe size of 64× 64. We repeated this process to create3,200 training, 400 validation, and 400 test maps.

• City/Street Map (CSM) Dataset: A collection of 30city maps with explicit obstacle annotations as binaryimages, organized by Sturtevant (2012). For data aug-mentation, we cropped multiple random patches withthe size of 128× 128 from each map and resized themto the size of 64 × 64. We used 20 of the 30 mapsto generate random 3,200 training and 400 validationmaps and the remaining 10 maps for 400 test sam-ples. In this way, we ensured that no maps were sharedbetween training/validation and test splits.

For each map, we created problem instances by randomlypicking out a single goal from one of the four corner regionsof the map as well as one, six, and fifteen start locationsfor training, validation, and test splits, respectively, fromareas sufficiently distant from the goal. We obtained theground-truth shortest paths using the Dijkstra algorithm.

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4.2. Methods and Implementations

Neural A*. As the encoder, we adopted U-Net (Ron-neberger et al., 2015) with the VGG-16 backbone (Si-monyan & Zisserman, 2015) implemented by Yakubovskiy(2020), where the final layer was activated by the sigmoidfunction to constrain guidance maps to be Φ ∈ [0, 1]V .For the differentiable A* module, we used the Chebyshevdistance as the heuristic function H suitable for the eight-neighbor grid-world (Patel, 1997). The Euclidean distancemultiplied by a small constant (0.001) was further addedto H for tie-breaking. The temperature τ in Eq. (3) wasempirically set to the square root of the map width.

Baselines. For assessing the significance of Neural A*in search-based planning, we adopted the following data-driven search-based planners as baseline competitors thathave the planning success guarantee, like ours, by design.We extended the authors’ implementations available online.

• SAIL (Choudhury et al., 2018): A data-driven best-first search method that achieved high search efficiencyby learning a heuristic function from demonstrations.Unlike Neural A*, SAIL employs hand-engineeredfeatures such as the straight-line distances from eachnode to the goal and the closest obstacles. We evaluatedtwo variants of SAIL where training samples wererolled out using the learned heuristic function (SAIL)or the oracle planner (SAIL-SL).

• Blackbox Differentiation (Vlastelica et al., 2020): Ageneral-purpose approach to data-driven combinato-rial solvers including search-based path planning. Itconsists of an encoder module that transforms environ-mental maps into node-cost maps and a solver modulethat performs a combinatorial algorithm as a piece-wise constant black-box function taking the cost mapsas input. We implemented a Blackbox-Differentiationversion of A* search (BB-A*) by treating our differen-tiable A* module as a black-box function and trainingthe encoder via black-box optimization, while keepingother setups, such as the encoder architecture and lossfunction, the same as those of Neural A*.

We also evaluated best-first search (BF) and weighted A*search (WA*) (Pohl, 1970) as baseline classical planners,which used the same heuristic function as that of Neural A*.Finally, we implemented a degraded version of Neural A*named Neural BF, which always used G = Φ in Eq. (3)instead of G incrementally updated by Eq. (5). By doing so,Neural BF ignored the accumulation of guidance costs fromthe start node, much like best-first search.

4.3. Experimental Setups

All the models were trained using the RMSProp optimizer,with the mini-batch size, the number of epochs, and thelearning rate set to (100, 100, 0.001) for the MP dataset and(100, 400, 0.001) for the Tiled MP and CSM datasets.

For each trained model, we calculated the following metricsto evaluate how much the trade-off between search optimal-ity and efficiency was improved from a standard A* searchperformed using the identical heuristic function.

• Path optimality ratio (Opt) measuring the percentageof shortest path predictions for each environmentalmap, as used by Vlastelica et al. (2020).

• Reduction ratio of node explorations (Exp) measur-ing the number of search steps reduced by a modelcompared to the standard A* search in 0 − 100 (%).Specifically, by letting E∗ and E be the number ofnode explorations by A* and a model, respectively, itis defined by max(100× E∗−E

E∗ , 0) and averaged overall the problem instances for each environmental map.

• The Harmonic mean (Hmean) of Opt and Exp, show-ing how much their trade-off was improved by a model.

During the training, we saved model weights that markedthe best Hmean score on the validation split and used themfor measuring final performances on the test split. To inves-tigate statistical differences among models, we computedthe bootstrap mean and 95% confidence bounds per metric.

4.4. Results

Comparisons with baselines. Table 1 summarizes quan-titative results. Overall, Neural A* outperformed baselinemethods in terms of both Opt and Hmean and improvedthe path optimality and search efficiency trade-off. SAILand SAIL-SL sometimes performed more efficiently, whichhowever came with low optimality ratios especially forlarger and more complex maps of the Tiled MP and CSMdatasets. BB-A* showed higher Hmean scores than thoseof SAIL/SAIL-SL but was consistently outperformed byNeural A*. Since the only difference between Neural A*and BB-A* is whether making the A* search differentiableor treating it as a black-box in updating an identically-configured encoder, the comparison between them high-lights the effectiveness of our approach. With the differ-entiable A* module, Neural A* has access to richer infor-mation of internal steps, which is necessary to effectivelyanalyze causal relationships between individual node selec-tions by Eq. (3) and results. This information is howeverblack-boxed in BB-A*. Also, we found that classical heuris-tic planners (BF and WA*) performed comparably to or

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A* BF SAIL SAIL-SL BB-A* Neural BF Neural A*WA* Guidance map





Figure 3. Selected Path Planning Results. Black pixels indicate obstacles. Start nodes (indicated by “S”), goal nodes (indicated by “G”),and found paths are annotated in red. Other explored nodes are colored in green. In the rightmost column, guidance maps are overlaid onthe input maps where regions with lower costs are visualized in white. More results are presented in Appendix B.

sometimes better than other data-driven baselines. This re-sult could be explained by our challenging experimentalsetup adopting randomized start and goal locations insteadof pre-defined ones by the original work (Choudhury et al.,2018; Vlastelica et al., 2020). Finally, Neural BF achievedthe highest Exp scores in the Tiled MP and CSM datasetsbut often ended up with sub-optimal paths since it ignoredthe actual cost accumulation. For more evaluations includ-ing analysis on the complexity and runtime of Neural A*,see Appendix B.

Qualitative results. Figure 3 visualizes example searchresults with guidance maps produced by the encoder ofNeural A*. We confirmed that the encoder successfullycaptured visual cues in problem instances. Specifically,higher guidance costs (shown in green) were assigned tothe whole obstacle regions creating dead ends, while lowercosts (shown in white) were given to bypasses and shortcutsthat guided the search to the goal. Figure 4 depicts howNeural A* performed a search adaptively for different startand goal locations in the same map. Notice the entrance tothe U-shaped dead end is (a) blocked with high guidancecosts when the dead end is placed between the start and goaland (b) open when the goal is inside the dead end.

Ablation study. We further assessed the effects of theencoder by comparing several different configurations for itsarchitecture. In the configuration w/o start and goal, we fedonly an environmental mapXi to the encoder as input. In w/ResNet-18 backbone, a residual network architecture (Heet al., 2016) was used instead of VGG-16. Table 2 shows thedegraded performances with these configurations especiallyin terms of the optimality ratio. Additionally, we tried thefollowing variants of the proposed approach, which wefound not effective. Adopting the straight-through Gumbel-

(a) (b)




Figure 4. Adaptive Encoding Results. (a) The U-shaped dead-end obstacle is placed between the start and goal nodes; (b) Thegoal node is located inside the U-shaped dead end.

softmax (Jang et al., 2017) for Eq. (3) caused completeplanning failures (with Opt, Exp, Hmean all 0) as it biasesthe planner to avoid the most promising nodes. Using themean squared loss for Eq. (7) produces the same gradients asthe mean L1 loss up to a constant factor for binary variables(i.e., C and P ), and indeed led to a comparable performance.

Limitations. Although Neural A* worked well in vari-ous environments, its current implementation assumes thegrid world environments with unit node costs. One inter-esting direction is to extend Neural A* to work on a high-dimensional or continuous state space. This will require theencoder to be tailored to such a space, as done in Qureshiet al. (2019); Chen et al. (2020); Ichter & Pavone (2019).We leave this extension for future work.

5. Path Planning on Raw-Image InputsAs another scenario for Neural A*, we address the task ofplanning paths directly on raw image inputs. Specifically,suppose a video of an outdoor scene taken by a stationarysurveillance camera. Planning demonstrations then con-sist of color images of the scene and actual trajectories ofpedestrians (i.e., ground-truth paths provided by human an-

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Table 1. Quantitative Results. Bootstrap means and 95% confi-dence bounds of path optimality ratio (Opt), reduction ratio ofnode explorations (Exp), and their harmonic mean (Hmean).


Opt Exp Hmean

BF 65.8 (63.8, 68.0) 44.1 (42.8, 45.5) 44.8 (43.4, 46.3)WA * 68.4 (66.5, 70.4) 35.8 (34.5, 37.1) 40.4 (39.0, 41.8)

SAIL 34.6 (32.1, 37.0) 48.6 (47.2, 50.2) 26.3 (24.6, 28.0)SAIL-SL 37.2 (34.8, 39.5) 46.3 (44.8, 47.8) 28.3 (26.6, 29.9)BB-A* 62.7 (60.6, 64.9) 42.0 (40.6, 43.4) 42.1 (40.5, 43.6)

Neural BF 75.5 (73.8, 77.1) 45.9 (44.6, 47.2) 52.0 (50.7, 53.4)Neural A* 87.7 (86.6, 88.9) 40.1 (38.9, 41.3) 52.0 (50.7, 53.3)


Opt Exp Hmean

BF 32.3 (30.0, 34.6) 58.9 (57.1, 60.8) 34.0 (32.1, 36.0)WA* 35.3 (32.9, 37.7) 52.6 (50.8, 54.5) 34.3 (32.5, 36.1)

SAIL 5.3 (4.3, 6.1) 58.4 (56.6, 60.3) 7.5 (6.3, 8.6)SAIL-SL 6.6 (5.6, 7.6) 54.6 (52.7, 56.5) 9.1 (7.9, 10.3)BB-A* 31.2 (28.8, 33.5) 52.0 (50.2, 53.9) 31.1 (29.2, 33.0)

Neural BF 43.7 (41.4, 46.1) 61.5 (59.7, 63.3) 44.4 (42.5, 46.2)Neural A* 63.0 (60.7, 65.2) 55.8 (54.1, 57.5) 54.2 (52.6, 55.8)


Opt Exp Hmean

BF 54.4 (51.8, 57.0) 39.9 (37.6, 42.2) 35.7 (33.9, 37.6)WA* 55.7 (53.1, 58.3) 37.1 (34.8, 39.3) 34.4 (32.6, 36.3)

SAIL 20.6 (18.6, 22.6) 41.0 (38.8, 43.3) 18.3 (16.7, 19.9)SAIL-SL 21.4 (19.4, 23.3) 39.3 (37.1, 41.6) 17.6 (16.1, 19.1)BB-A* 54.4 (51.8, 57.1) 40.0 (37.7, 42.3) 35.6 (33.8, 37.4)

Neural BF 60.9 (58.5, 63.3) 42.1 (39.8, 44.3) 40.6 (38.7, 42.6)Neural A* 73.5 (71.5, 75.5) 37.6 (35.5, 39.7) 43.6 (41.7, 45.5)

notators). Given these data, we aim by Neural A* to predictrealistic trajectories consistent with those of pedestrianswhen start and goal locations are provided. We here com-pared Neural A* with BB-A* (Vlastelica et al., 2020) asa competitor that can also perform planning on raw imageinputs. For more comparisons with other imitation learn-ers (Ratliff et al., 2006; Tamar et al., 2016; Lee et al., 2018),see Appendix B.1.

Dataset. We used Stanford Drone Dataset (SDD) (Ro-bicquet et al., 2016), which comprises surveillance videoscaptured by static drone cameras placed at eight distinct loca-tions. We split the dataset in two ways: (1) intra-scenes: foreach location, choosing one video to build a single test splitwhile using the rest to train a model, to see if the model canpredict trajectories of unseen individuals observed at differ-ent times; (2) inter-scenes: performing leave-one-location-out cross-validation to see how well a learned model cangeneralize to unseen locations. As planning demonstrations,we extracted pedestrian trajectories and the local patch of avideo frame that encompassed the trajectories.

Table 2. Ablation Study. Performance comparisons with differentarchitectural design choices for the encoder on the MP dataset.

Opt Exp Hmean

Neural A* 87.7 (86.6, 88.9) 40.1 (38.9, 41.3) 52.0 (50.7, 53.3)

w/o start and goal 67.0 (65.1, 68.8) 36.8 (35.6, 38.1) 41.5 (40.2, 42.7)w/ ResNet-18 backbone 79.8 (78.1, 81.5) 41.4 (40.2, 42.7) 49.2 (47.9, 50.5)

Table 3. Quantitative Results on SDD. Bootstrap means and 95%confidence bounds of the chamfer distance between predicted andground-truth pedestrian trajectories.

Intra-scenes Inter-scenes

BB-A* 152.2 (144.9, 159.1) 134.3 (132.1, 136.4)Neural A* 16.1 (13.2, 18.8) 37.4 (35.8, 39.0)

Implementations and experimental setups. Unlike theprevious experiment with obstacle locations given explic-itly, each model now has to learn visual representations ofobstacles to avoid them during node selections. Therefore,we modified the U-Net encoder by multiplying the finalsigmoid activation by a trainable positive scalar (initializedto 10.0) so that obstacle regions can be assigned sufficientlyhigh costs. We trained both Neural A* and BB-A* usingRMSProp with the batch size, the number of epochs, andthe learning rate set to (64, 20, 0.001). Because the mainobjective of this task is to predict paths close to the ground-truth ones, rather than to improve the search optimality andefficiency trade-off, we calculated the chamfer distance as ametric for evaluating the dissimilarities between those paths.

Results. Table 3 shows that Neural A* significantly out-performed BB-A*. As visualized in the first two examplesin Fig. 5, Neural A* often predicted paths along roads, re-sulting in predictions closer to ground-truth paths comparedto those by BB-A*. However, both methods sometimesfailed to predict actual pedestrian trajectories when therewere multiple possible routes to the destinations, as shownin the example at the bottom. A possible extension to ad-dress this issue is to adopt a generative framework (Guptaet al., 2018; Salzmann et al., 2020) that allows multiplepaths to be stochastically sampled.

6. Related WorkApproaches to path planning problems can be broadly clas-sified into several types, each with its advantages and lim-itations. For example, sampling-based planning, such asRRT (LaValle, 1998) and PRM (Kavraki et al., 1996), canexplore high-dimensional state spaces and has widely beenused for robot motion planning (Kingston et al., 2018). Apractical challenge is identifying important regions in thestate spaces to effectively sample sparse state-points for effi-cient planning. To this end, a variety of data-driven methods

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Input Ground-truth BB-A* Neural A* Guidance map

Figure 5. Path Planning Examples on SDD. Neural A* predictedpaths similar to actual pedestrian trajectories.

have been developed to learn such regions (Ichter et al.,2018; Ichter & Pavone, 2019) or to learn exploration strate-gies (Qureshi et al., 2019; Perez-Higueras et al., 2018; Chenet al., 2020) from expert demonstrations or prior successfulplanning experiences.

Meanwhile, reactive planners learn a policy of movingagents to determine the next best actions, such as mov-ing left or right, from current states via supervised learn-ing (Tamar et al., 2016; Kanezaki et al., 2017; Gupta et al.,2017; Karkus et al., 2017; Lee et al., 2018; Bency et al.,2019) or inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) (Ratliff et al.,2006; Ziebart et al., 2008; Wulfmeier et al., 2015; Kim &Pineau, 2016; Kretzschmar et al., 2016; Fu et al., 2018; Yuet al., 2019). These approaches can be useful for dynamicenvironments where the agents have to act adaptively. Also,IRL-based methods are relevant to our work in that theylearn to recover cost functions from demonstrations. How-ever, they often suffer from planning failures especially fora large map and thus require the help of other classical plan-ners to enable long-range planning (Faust et al., 2018). InAppendix B.1, we provide quantitative evaluations of somerelevant methods (Ratliff et al., 2006; Tamar et al., 2016;Lee et al., 2018) with our experimental setting.

Compared to these two approaches, search-based planningis advantageous in terms of ensured success in finding validpaths in a fine grid map. Classical heuristic planners havesought better heuristic functions, search algorithms, and ef-ficient implementations to improve the search performance(e.g., Burns et al. (2012); Zhou & Zeng (2015); Abd Algfooret al. (2015)). Recent data-driven approaches further extendheuristic planners in two ways: learning from expert demon-strations to (a) find near-optimal paths efficiently (Choud-hury et al., 2018; Takahashi et al., 2019) or (b) performthe planning directly on raw image inputs (Vlastelica et al.,2020). Standing on both sides, our work proposes the firstdifferentiable search-based planner that can solve these two

problems in a principled fashion. From another perspective,data-driven heuristic planners can learn their cost functions,as in ours and Vlastelica et al. (2020), as well as their heuris-tic functions, as in Choudhury et al. (2018); Takahashi et al.(2019). These variations are analogous to learning a (nega-tive) reward function in IRL and a Q-function in RL, respec-tively. Very recently, Archetti et al. (2021) have extendedNeural A* to learn both of these functions.

7. ConclusionWe have presented a novel data-driven search-based plannernamed Neural A*, which involves a differentiable A* algo-rithm. Neural A* learns from demonstrations to improve thetrade-off between search optimality and efficiency in pathplanning and also to enable the planning directly on rawimage inputs. Our extensive experimental evaluations onmultiple public datasets have demonstrated the effectivenessof our approach over state-of-the-art planners.

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A. Details of Experimental SetupsA.1. Dataset Creation

Here we present supplementary information on how eachdataset was created in our experiments. Since our datasetgeneration process involves randomness, we fixed a randomseed in each generation program to ensure reproducibility.Please refer to the code in our project page:

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Goal: sampled from the four corner regions with size (W/4, H/4)




Start: sampled from regions where thecost from the goal location is within55-70, 70-85, 85-100-percentile points

Figure 6. Sampling of Start and Goal Locations.

Table 4. Hyper-parameter Selection. The list of hyper-parameters and ranges of these values tried during the developmentof this paper.

Parameter Name Values (range of values tried)


Optimizer RMSPropLearning rate 0.001 (0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.005)Batch size 100Number of epochs 100 (MP), 400 (Tiled MP, CSM)Tie breaking (for h func.) 0.001× Euclidean distance

Neural A*/Neural BF

Encoder arch U-Net with VGG-16 backbone(VGG-16, ResNet-18)

Temperature τ√

32 for MP,√

64 for Tiled MP and CSM


Encoder arch U-Net with VGG-16 backboneTrade-off parameter λ 20.0 (0.1, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0)


Max data samples 300 (60, 300)Sampling rate 10 (10, 100)


Weight factor for h(v) 0.8 (0.6, 0.7, 0.8)

MP/Tiled-MP/CSM datasets. In the experiments withMP/Tiled-MP/CSM datasets, we employed more challeng-ing settings involving randomized start and goal locationsinstead of pre-defined consistent locations used in priorwork (Choudhury et al., 2018; Vlastelica et al., 2020). Wedetermined these start and goal locations strategically basedon their actual distances to avoid generating easy probleminstances. Specifically, for each environmental map, a sin-gle goal location was randomly determined once and fixedthroughout the experiments. Here, for a map with the widthand height denoted as (W,H), i.e., (32, 32) for the MP and(64, 64) for the Tiled MP and CSM datasets, the goal loca-tion was sampled from one of the four corner regions of size(W/4, H/4), as illustrated in Fig. 6 (middle). Then, we per-formed the Dijkstra algorithm to compute actual movementcosts from every passable node to the goal, and calculatedthe 55, 70, 85-percentile points of the costs. For every it-

eration in the training phase, we sampled a new randomstart location from regions whose actual costs higher thanthe 55 percentile point. As for validation and testing data,we sampled two and five random but fixed start locations,respectively, from each of three kinds of regions whosecosts are within the percentile ranges of [55, 70], [70, 85],and [85, 100] (see Fig. 6 (right) for an illustration). Conse-quently, we created 2× 3 = 6 and 5× 3 = 15 diverse startlocations for each validation and test map, respectively. Theground-truth paths for all the generated problem instanceswere obtained by the Dijkstra algorithm. When computinglosses for the Tiled MP and CSM datasets, these paths weredilated with a 3× 3 kernel, which stabilized the training.

SDD. In SDD, we extracted relatively simple trajectoriesof pedestrians who moved directly towards their destina-tions. Specifically, for each trajectory provided by Robic-quet et al. (2016), we first trimmed it randomly to havea sequence length in the range of [300, 600] timesteps (at2.5fps). We then calculated the ratio of its straight-line dis-tance between start and goal points to the trajectory length,as a measure of path simplicity that gives a lower value fora more complex trajectory. We discarded trajectories whosesimplicity was less than 0.5. Finally, we cropped imagepatches that encompass each trajectory with the margin of50 pixels and resized them to the size of 64×64. As a result,8,325 samples were extracted from the dataset.

A.2. Hyper-Parameter Selection

Table 4 shows the list of hyper-parameters as well as rangesof these values we tried to produce the final results. Weselected the final parameters based on the validation per-formance on the MP dataset in terms of Hmean scores.Because completing all the experiments took a consider-ably long time (see the next section), we performed eachexperiment only once with a fixed set of random seeds.

Below we provide several remarks regarding the hyper-parameter list. We observed that the tie-breaking in A*search, i.e., the adjustment to h(v) by adding the Euclideandistance from v to the goal scaled by a small positive con-stant (0.001), was critical to improving the base efficiencyof A* search. Thus, we used this setting for all the A*-based methods throughout the experiments. The choiceof the learning rate little affected final performances givena sufficient number of epochs. BB-A* has an additionalhyper-parameter λ that controls the trade-off between “in-formativeness of the gradient” and “faithfulness to the orig-inal function” (Vlastelica et al., 2020). We tried severalvalues and found that any choice worked reasonably well,except for extremely small values (e.g., 0.1). SAIL andSAIL-SL (Choudhury et al., 2018) have hyper-parameterson how to collect samples from each training environmentinstance, which little affected final performances. Finally,

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the weighted A* baseline used a modified node selectioncriterion with a weight factor w to the heuristic function;i.e., (1 − w) · g(v) + w · h(v), for which we set w = 0.8throughout the experiments. Note that usingw = 1.0 for thecriterion corresponds to the best-first search in our baselines.

A.3. Computing Infrastructure and Training Time

We performed all the experiments on a server operatedon Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS with NVIDIA V100 GPUs, IntelXeon Gold 6252 CPU @ 2.10GHz (48 cores), and 768GBmain memory. Our implementation was based on PyTorch1.5 (Paszke et al., 2019) and Segmentation Models Py-Torch (Yakubovskiy, 2020). To efficiently carry out the ex-periments, we used GNU Parallel (Tange, 2011) to run mul-tiple experiment sessions in parallel. See our setup.pyand Dockerfile for the list of all dependencies.

In the training sessions, each model was trained using asingle V100 GPU with 16 GB graphics memory. Trainingeach of our models (Neural A* and Neural BF) took approx-imately 50 minutes on the MP dataset (100 epochs × 800maps with the size of 32 × 32) and 35 hours on the TiledMP and CSM datasets (400 epochs × 3,200 maps with thesize of 64 × 64). As for SAIL/SAIL-SL and BB-A*, thetraining on the MP dataset took approximately the sametime (i.e., 50 minutes). On the Tiled MP and CSM datasets,SAIL/SAIL-SL took up to about 22 hours and BB-A* took65 hours.

B. Additional ResultsFigures 7 and 8 show additional qualitative results (includ-ing those of MMP introduced below.) In what follows, wealso add more detailed performance analysis to Neural A*from different perspectives.

B.1. Comparisons with Imitation Learning Methods

As introduced in Sec. 6, some of the imitation learning(IL) methods are relevant to our work in that they learnto recover unknown reward (i.e., negative cost) functionsfrom demonstrations. Here, we compared our approach withseveral IL methods tailored to path planning tasks, namely,Maximum Margin Planning (MMP) (Ratliff et al., 2006),Value Iteration Network (VIN) (Tamar et al., 2016) andGated Path Planning Network (GPPN) (Lee et al., 2018).

For MMP, we followed the original work and modeled thecost function as a per-node linear mapping from features tocosts. For feature extraction, we used the VGG-16 networkpretrained on ImageNet. As in Neural A*, we activated thecosts with the sigmoid function to constrain them to be in[0, 1]. Unlike other IL-based planners, MMP uses A* searchto plan a path with the estimated cost. We used the sameimplementation of A* search as that of Neural A*.

For VIN and GPPN, we used the official codebase of Leeet al. (2018). Because these reactive planners are not basedon a search-based algorithm, we could not employ the Expand Hmean metrics, which are associated with performancesof the baseline A* search. Instead, we calculated the successratio (Suc), which is the percentage of problem instancesfor which a planner found a valid path.

As shown in Tables 5 and 6, we confirmed that the perfor-mances of these IL methods are limited compared to the pro-posed Neural A*. Although MMP ensures 100% planningsuccess as using A* search, it was consistently outperformedby Neural A* in terms of the Opt, Exp, and Hmean metrics.One possible reason of these limited performances is thatMMP cannot learn how internal search steps of A* affectsearch histories and resulting paths, as we compared BB-A*against Neural A* in Sec. 4.4. While GPPN obtained ahigher Opt score than Neural A* on the Tiled MP dataset,it did not always successfully find a valid path as shownin its success ratio. Moreover, GPPN and VIN completelyfailed to learn on SDD. These failures can be accounted forby its large input maps and limited demonstrations (singletrajectory per map), which are more challenging settingsthan those by the original work.

B.2. Path Length Optimality Evaluation

Following Tamar et al. (2016); Anderson et al. (2018), weintroduce another metric for evaluating the path optimality,which calculates the ratio of the optimal path length P topredicted one P . For consistency with the other metrics, thispath-length ratio is measured in 0–100 (%) and maximizedwhen the path is optimal, i.e., we calculate |P |/|P | × 100.As shown in Table 7, Neural A* produced the most nearly-optimal paths across all the datasets.

B.3. Computational Complexity and Runtime Analysis

The main computational bottleneck of Neural A* lies inthe differentiable A* module. Because this module usesmatrix operations involving all the nodes to enable back-propagation, its training-phase complexities in space andtime are O(k|V|), where k is the number of search steps.In theory, the required number of search steps depends onthe true path length d. Thus, the complexities in terms of damount toO(d|V|) andO(bd|V|) for the best and worst case,respectively, where b is the average number of neighboringnodes expanded per search step. Practically, when training isfinished, we can replace the differentiable A* module witha standard (i.e., non-differentiable) A* search algorithmwithout changing the testing behaviors of Neural A*. Withthis replacement, Neural A* can perform planning in O(d)and O(bd) for the best and worst case.

To analyze search runtimes empirically, we created three

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A* BF SAIL SAIL-SL BB-A* Neural BF Neural A* Guidance mapWA*S




















Figure 7. Additional Qualitative Results (MP/Tiled-MP/CSM Datasets).

sets of 50 maps with the sizes of 64× 64, 128× 128, and256× 256, by randomly drawing maps from the MP datasetand tiling them. We then measured the average runtime perproblem taken using a standard A* search implementation4

4We implemented a python-based A* search algorithmwith pqdict package ( and used its priority queuefeature for performing node selections efficiently. To accuratelymeasure a search runtime per problem, we performed the programexclusively on a single CPU core (for performing A* search) anda single GPU (for additionally running the encoder to compute

guidance maps for Neural A*) and solved the same problem fivetimes after a single warm-up trial. The use of more sophisticatedA* search implementations could result in further performanceimprovements, which is however beyond the scope of this work.coupled with and without our guidance maps. Regardlessof the test map sizes, the guidance maps were trained usingthe Tiled MP dataset of the size 64× 64, to see if our modelgeneralizes well to larger maps. As shown in Table 8, weconfirm that Neural A* greatly reduced runtimes of A*search with the help of guidance maps and also showedgood generalization ability to larger maps.

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Input Ground-truth BB-A* Neural A* Guidance mapMMP

Figure 8. Additional Qualitative Results (SDD).

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Table 5. Comparisons with Imitation Learning Methods. Bootstrap means and 95% confidencebounds of path optimality ratio (Opt), reduction ratio of node explorations (Exp), the harmonic mean(Hmean) between Opt and Exp, and success ratio (Suc).


Opt Exp Hmean Suc

VIN 24.7 (23.9, 25.5) N/A N/A 31.4 (30.6, 32.3)GPPN 71.0 (70.2, 71.8) N/A N/A 86.2 (85.6, 86.9)MMP 81.6 (80.6, 82.8) 22.4 (21.7, 23.2) 31.5 (30.6, 32.4) 100.0 (100.0, 100.0)

Neural A* 87.7 (86.6, 88.9) 40.1 (38.9, 41.3) 52.0 (50.7, 53.3) 100.0 (100.0, 100.0)


Opt Exp Hmean Suc

VIN 52.7 (51.5, 54.0) N/A N/A 58.3 (57.1, 59.5)GPPN 68.2 (67.0, 69.4) N/A N/A 81.5 (80.5, 82.5)MMP 44.8 (42.4, 47.1) 40.5 (38.7, 42.4) 35.5 (33.8, 37.2) 100.0 (100.0, 100.0)

Neural A* 63.0 (60.7, 65.2) 55.8 (54.1, 57.5) 54.2 (52.6, 55.8) 100.0 (100.0, 100.0)


Opt Exp Hmean Suc

VIN 70.4 (69.3, 71.6) N/A N/A 73.2 (72.1, 74.4)GPPN 68.9 (67.7 60.1) N/A N/A 85.3 (84.4, 86.2)MMP 66.4 (64.0, 68.9) 28.4 (26.4, 30.4) 31.9 (30.0, 33.8) 100.0 (100.0, 100.0)

Neural A* 73.5 (71.5, 75.5) 37.6 (35.5, 39.7) 43.6 (41.7, 45.5) 100.0 (100.0, 100.0)

Table 6. Comparisons with Imitation Learning Methods on SDD. Bootstrap means and 95% confi-dence bounds of the chamfer distance between predicted and actual pedestrian trajectories.

Intra-scenes Inter-scenes

VIN 920.7 (890.8, 950.4) 900.6 (888.1, 913.8)GPPN 920.7 (890.8, 952.3) 900.6 (888.0, 913.4)MMP 126.7 (119.3, 133.9) 130.3 (128.1, 132.6)

Neural A* 16.1 (13.2, 18.8) 37.4 (35.8, 39.0)

Table 7. Path Length Optimality Evaluation. Bootstrap means and 95% confidence bounds of theratio of optimal to produced path lengths (the higher the better).


BF 96.4 (96.1, 96.6) 92.1 (91.6, 92.6) 96.4 (96.1, 96.7)WA* 96.9 (96.6, 97.1) 93.4 (93.0, 93.8) 96.8 (96.6, 97.1)

SAIL 87.5 (86.8, 88.3) 78.0 (77.0, 79.0) 87.1 (86.1, 88.1)SAIL-SL 88.2 (87.5, 89.0) 73.4 (72.1, 74.7) 84.7 (83.5, 85.9)BB-A* 96.3 (96.0, 96.6) 93.0 (92.5, 93.4) 96.5 (96.2, 96.8)

Neural BF 97.5 (97.3, 97.8) 95.0 (94.7, 95.4) 97.4 (97.1, 97.6)Neural A* 99.1 (99.0, 99.2) 98.4 (98.3, 98.6) 98.9 (98.8, 99.0)

Table 8. Search Runtime Evaluation. Bootstrap mean and 95% confidence bounds of the runtime(sec) required to solve a single problem with different map sizes.

64× 64 128× 128 256× 256

A* 0.09 (0.08, 0.10) 0.21 (0.17, 0.25) 0.78 (0.72, 0.82)Neural A* 0.04 (0.04, 0.04) 0.07 (0.06, 0.08) 0.15 (0.14, 0.16)