PATCHOGUE LOCALS Pr - NOW . . . Low Swezey Newins...

PATCHOGUE LOCALS Cooler. flood eating apples in the mar- kpt - Card parties getting into full swing. Leaves are beginning: to turn. Next week is Fire Prevention week. Travel may bo broadening but it flattens the pocketbook . Only a few . wars ago, this time of year was a dull business sea- son until Thanksgiving. Thous- ands of new residents have offset the slump in retail sales and busi- ness booms merrily on. First issue of The Advance for October. , Posters of all standard types such as "Fo r Rent ," "Fo r Sale, " etc. on sale at all times in The Advance office. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tallarme, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lotito , Roy Williams and Michae l i. at- tended the installation of officers at Cardinal Mereier assembly of Fourth degree Knights of Colum- bus in I.indenhvvrst last Wednes- day night. Mr. Williams took part as an honor guard in the cere- mony. Frances Regina S k i p po n , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Skippon , Jr., was christened Sun- day in the Methodi- .U church by the Rev. Wesley l>. Osborne . The liaby' s sponsors were Miss Ver- onica Gannon of Patchogue and Samuel I.. Piro of Fuoco lano , Bellport. A small reception was held at the purents' home , 02 Mowbray street , following the ceremony. The baby wore an old- fashioned, long, white satin drosis with French imported lace and a satin bonnet and slippers. She re- ceived many lovely gifts. Deposits to Savings Accounts at the Sayviile Federal Savings and Loan association, 150 .Main street , Sayville, N. Y., made on or before October 10. 1953 will draw dividends from October 1, 1953. Current dividend rate 3% per an- num. Savings Accounts may he opened by mail. —Adv. Mrs. R. J. Meyer has returned to her home in Madison , Wis., af- ter a two-week visit with her brother-in-law and .sister , Mr. and Mrs. Otto Seostro m of Oak street. Robert (Jlenil , son of Village Police Sergeant and Mrs. George Meyers of Park avenue , was christened in St. Paul' s Hpiscopal church September 20 by the Rev. llaiiit.gton Wilson , rector emeri- tus. The godparent. ' atv Mr. and Mrs. Jay Malsky of Ptt»rlnn-ii" A family party was held in the ba- by' s honor. M rs. Ann Carl of Lindeiibiirst and Mrs. .loan Sheridan of Yap- hank were hostesses at u sur- prise baby shower held n cently at Club 61 in honor of Mrs. Rob- ert J. Smith. The tallies were dee- orated with yellow and pink roses. Those present were Me^dames Rarba ru Seiter , Kniily Kross , Kv- elyn Walters. Winifred Tomkins, Elizabeth Fiala , Ardis Kropp, Jeanette Wyllins, KIsi< » Sehwar/ - er, Antoinette Scevola , Marie fiil- lette , Stelle Marsh. Sophie Wor- rad, Jeanne Shaber, Marjorie Stoecjccl , I-orraine Lowden , Vicki Hunter, Lydia Shaber, Shirley Deedy, Frances Schwaab , Augus- ta Seiter, Lorraine Ilianca , Ann I^evermau , Kathleen BenkemUciii, Johanna Showers , Rose Felice , Hope Killers , K tn m a Crosby, Christina Flyini, Mildred Macres , Kvclyn Hecht. of Patchogue; Mrs. \ Jane Marivald, Mrs . Catherine , (>ibbon , Hayport; Mm. Elsie Fi- ala, Bay Shore ; Mesdamex Alice \ Silleck , Aichioth, l'r*ula ' Purtee , Lotenc Pcdlesny, Joan Purtee . Peggy Purtee , West Is- 1 Up; Mesdamcs Josephine Beebe , Orace Crunk , June Allen , Kvclyn j Maasch , (V< i|iu Risley, Savville; ¦ Mesdumcs Kllcn Davis , Annette { Rensch, Joan Sheridan , Kdythe I David, Alice Sheridan , Yaphank; i Mesdame* I.ucv Fiala , Doris ! Champlii; , Ann Carl. Miss Lucille Carl , Lindenhurst ; Mrs. Catherine j Korsendorfer , Itockv Point; Mis. Dolores Pollis , D< rothv Cuiuieen , Marlene Risb-v , M.'.lford ; Miv. ! Kdith Shaber. lilue Point; Mrs. , Catherine Tishmann , Port JelTer- i ?on Station; Mrs . Sadie Cirinr* ' ione, Forest HWs. John NeAvberg. son of Mr and i Mrs. John Newberg of lon-s street , celebra t ed his third birth- j day at home with a party for j his family and friend* . John rv- \ reived many gifts. Mr. and Mrs. t.eorgo Kogarty of oil Thorne street entertained at a buffet supper Sunday after- noon in honor of Mr . and Mrs. David Nemschick , who were re- cently married. Those present we re Mr. and Mrs. Richard La- hndt and Mrs. Doris Cilliberti of Yonkers , Mr . and Mrs. C. Nemschick and children, Doris , Jerry, Mickey and Johnny, of Holtsville , Mrs. L. Krespach of Farmingville, Mr. and Mrs. An- thony Znmbriski arid daughter , Rarbara , of Aquebogue , Mrs. Con- nor of Oakdnle, Mr. and Mrs. George Fogarty, Jr. , and daugh - ter , Maureen , of Bellport , Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Ockers and children, Jill , Ann and Tommy of Bellport , Mr. and Mrs. James Bendotto and son , Lawrence- , of East Patchogue , Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fogarty, Sr., Mrs. Wil- lavd MaginiH's and Mvs. Shirley Kublin , of Patchogue . The new- lyweds received manv beautiful gifts. Mrs . Nemschick is the for- mer Miss Carol Fogarty. A clean and thorough Job on Oil Burner Service and Heating in- stallation in Patchogue is being done b y the Gem Heating Com- pany. PAfchogue 3-0032.—Adv. A son , Allen David , " was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Newberg of Jones street at Mather Me- morial hospital , Port Jefferson Friday. The baby weighed 7 pounds , 2 ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Newberg have another son , John , who is . '(. Mr. and Mrs. George NeuhclT of Maple avenue have returned to their home after a two-uv/K vacation s|ivnt traveling through Canada. Mrs. Evelyn Jordan will enter- tain the past noble grands of Dorothea Rebekah lodge, Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows to- night at her home on Orchard road , East Patchogue . Mrs. Otto Seostrom of Oak street and her sister, Mrs. Ray Meyer of Madison , Wis., have been guests of their brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Smith of Hewlett , for the past week. Sunday their guests were Mr. and Mis. Hrico Oakley of Bellaire , Clinton Oakley of Saratoga Springs , Otto Seostrom of Patchogue , Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard W. Swee t man and daughter , Dawn , of Kast Patchogue , M- . and Mr. Joseph Burg of Wood- mere , Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pya- zak of Cedarhurst , Miss Irma and Miss Cornelia Smith of Hewlett. Clinton Oakley and Brice Oakley are brothers of Mrs. Seostrom, Mrs . Smith and Mrs . Meyer. Tin- Family Sewing club met at the home of Mrs. Percy Ham- mond at 2' .< Rosalie street last Monday afternoon. Those pres- ent were Mesdames Nellie Man- ning. Doris Lucas, Clifford Ham- mond , Mabel King, Mabel Wilber , Charlotte Whaley, May Ham- mond, Ethel Emery, Grayce Dorn . all of Patchogue and Mrs . Mabel Conklin , Miss Jeannine Conklin nnd Dorn Conklin of Bayport . Next Monday afternoon the club will meet with Mrs. Doris Lucas at her home, 40 Pine Neck ave- nue , East Patchogue. The past presidents of the Indies' auxiliary of Patchogue post , American Legion, who at- tended A meeting Monday ni'fnt at the home of Mrs. Paula Ma- thewson were Mesdames Edna Biggs . Viola Roberts , Grayce Les- sey, Muriel Skinner, Nellie Ham- mond, al) of Patchogue , and Mrs. Dorothy Foster of St. Petersburg. Fla.. who is a past president of the unit. The next meeting will be held Monday at the home of Mrs. Edna Biggs at r>:i Mulfo rd street. The birthdays of Mrs . Biggs and Mrs. Emma Mango were celebrated. The auxiliary presented them with lovely nu ' ts. A. birt hday party was held Saturday nirht at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Pierce 'ii honor of Mr. Pierce ' s and Josepn Christ ' s birthdays . Mr. Christ is a cousin of Mrs. Pierce. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Christ and son, Joseph. Jr., and daughters , Barbara -ind Betty Ann. anil Mr. and Mrs. C. Mavo of Sayville , Mr . Mid Mrs. John Cuff and son , Jackie , Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kiefe r. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pierce and daughter. Kathy, Mr. and Mrs. William Downs and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Felice of Patchogue. Special October Sale! SUPPORTED PLASIH WINDOW SHADES 69* Regularly l.l' . i . Sizes to :' ¦ ." wide . Choice of whit- or eeln. Very -lightly irivguhn . MKT M. VENETIAN BLINDS 2*>» , In «hife. If. " lo 3fi" wjde. .Mi " drop. Melal enclosed head. MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS FILLED H Ot' SFAVARKS HKPT. Basement « \ ftJwezey liewins PATCHOGUE 3-02*80 i Enjoy yourseif . . . it' s later than you think . . . that's to- day ' s " weather tip on this won- derful , enjoyable Indian summer. Personally, we are making the most of it and still looking; for- ward to that always pleasant cold , nippy spell that' s just around the corne r. IT PS & DOWNS From the roof to the basement floor , S&N is just brimming with new ideas, new items, new merchandise. All of it. is the very latest in Fall 1953 style and at the lowest of prices. It' s a new season and everywhere you see fresh stock. HERE & THERE Return- ing this week was Emma (Lin- gerie dept.) Neuhoff who came back lo the old .stamping grounds from a northward two-week va- cation looking her usual smiling self. Planning on a mid-October fishing trip toward the warmer climes is Joe "Rugs" Gutteridge. Another returnee this week was "Essie" Fuehs who visited Niag- ara Falls. "CAN CAN" GIRLS Take one look at the rhinestone trimmed nylon taffeta petti- coats in our lingerie dept. and you will understand why they are called "Can Can" petti- coats. They add a decided full- ness to any skirt. You'll find a complete size selection in red, pink , white €»r black. 100' , ; MALE No , this isn ' t a supplement of the you know what report but it occurred to us the other day that the boys in our men' s dvpt. have a recoi'd of five sons and no daughU \s . Evidently they are all Ir-ok'ng forward to more and more busi- ness in the men' s dept. FRENCH1E Speaking or the men ' s dept., new Van lleusen shirt additions now give S&N customers their choice of three styles of French cuffed shirls. They are a rounded eyelet collar , the fa- mous Century (no wrinkle) collar and a white-on-w hite shirt with a spread collar. AH are priced at a low $3.95. F. W. ORCHIDS This week we awaril two bouquets both to local service clubs of Patchogue. First one goes to the Rotary club for their sponsorship of the high school football parade and rally while the second goes to the K»- wanis club for their work on the National Kids Day last Saturday. HOYS . BOYS . HOYS—There are a million and one of them and every one is a delightfu l creature. And S&N has an en- tire department net up to accom - modate their clothing needs. Next time you are in just stop be- hind our children' s dept. and look at the excellent selection for your spirited young fellow. » SPEAKING If you have never read the article , "What Is a Boy?" we suggest that you write the New England Life In- surance Co. of Boston , Mass. Every parent <>f a boy should have a copy und reread it every six months. F. W. SPFA'IAI. Here it is! Number one on this week' s S&N hits are >. . the value- packed decorative sofa pillows newly arrived in our furniture dept. Just the thing to add color to your livingroom. They are priced from $1 in chrome- spun, kapok-filled, modern metallic, prints , houcles , cor- duroys , wedge shape, etc. Don't miss this supe r value. » * HUNGRY You had better get going because it' s a fart that un average person eats 45 tons uf food in a lifetime. Won- der what 46 tons of food look* like? FUTURE MOMS Here' s a bit of sage advice. Before you Ntarl looking for maternity clothes be sure to visit SAN' s second floor maternity depart* ment. You'll find a wonderful selection of fall dresses, as well as separates of slax , fops and skirts. « » STORK LOAN Just anothtr S&N extra service is our popular stork that makes almost nightly appearances at showers for ex- pectant mothers. If you would like to borrow it , just ask "Kathy" Hawkins of our infants' and children' s dept. » « » THOUGHTS WHILE STROL- LING Store getting a face lifting with new coat of paint . . . f amoUH A lden cotton rug* now available in broadloom with 5 year guarantee in 9 ft., 12 fl. and IS fl. widths . . Don Conn and Frank Toth combin- ing talents on our windows these days . . . $5.88 ladies' dresses a big hit on second floor . - , a new shipment just in so net fast . . . Tuesday found S*N buyers combing all the NW markets for extra special vat* ues . . . Jerry Knapp working on C of C banquet. Oct. 29th. . . . that does it for this week except our THOUGHT FOR WEEK A pessimist is a guy who aiies himself up and then gets sore. See yod during the week at the store. THE FL OORWALKER Rweeey Newins Patchogw ™*Mi«*»^"»»^"*^"«*»»^^M"»l*M*J» """"* * «""" The FLOORWALKER at Swezey & Newins - NOW . . . at Swezey Newins at a Spec^l Low Pr ice I OCTOBER 0PWRT1IT1ES PROPORTIONED SKIRTS TO SHOP and SAVE ! hy Sporteens A Must for Every Fall Wardrobe , MATERIAL SPECIALS! j <r in O Q NICELY DETAILED i 54 in - WOOL & 54 in. WOOL & 36 in. SOLID ! *P 1 | " O IN SMALL , MEDIUM m0N surnNGS RAYON PLAIDS VELVETEEN S ^gw AND TALL SIZES 9*lSfc vrl l *Ufc vA Gray, Black , Brow n and Navy 3^"^ VC ^ ^* M. J ' 1 , Practical and popular Stew- Terrific value. Comes in as- ; SPORTSWEAR Main Floo r \ timel y special choice of art plaid . Black Watch , and sorted lengths. Choice of 1 j red . royal , blue and black. K'«-K George. colors. j r _.. . ... . r .. ^^ I Keg. 3.9S >d. Ilefj. 3.19 yd. Reg. 2.59 yd. i r^^ktt gfqM MATERIALS Main Floor , Rear 4 * t/l Sv M map ic! Contro lling cuff ^"1,^ LuZl perfect fit " (! )) 4 CUSHIONS - ( wE> JF>St~\ 8l 'l C8 't r ' m hip«, «atin elaa* 1 #5d 1- Wr- v " nti l ,ic front and back panel9 DOMESTICS Main Floor, Rear j j^I 'A ** *** 4; , ' |J3| flatten tummy and back. «¦»——-¦—^.««¦—•—¦—-«,»»»»•»»—»-—¦—.——-,—.—»»—,««-««¦—»™»««.^^ * \lt viT-j £,LlCI B°ttom caff controla Aelf ^^^ C*^ thig hs. Sleek. «oft, imart, D A D B /T*I ATU rkD A DCC Hathaway Permanent Finish .^fSn f ZS^^ SSr BAKKLL0TH DRAPES ORGANDY CURTAINS i j/r * "* \ ¦« ! Whi ,e. .. an ,,. Q98 nt , 09tt / ' - «•»¦'• 750 " P » pr ' ->» J on*. . ... T . .. ,n «" 54" * M" *«n*th«. Re». 3.98. FOIM.A I .ONS - 2nd Floor '* ^"J """"-^ fi^. .J H«« wh.l, , 72" 81" , SO- at S.98. Reg 4 98 rose , sold, wine . red. ReE. 5.98 pr. Rouble widths (72" and 90") «.98 Triple widths (72" and 90") 10.98 ill ' ll OOMESTICS Main Floor , Rear I Here s the * - Modern Miracle NOTION VALUES ! SHOE BAGS SATIN HANGERS Pillow Comfort! 89c 8 for *1 Regularly 1 .49. Hold. 6 pairs . Regularly 1 96. 2 Packages of DACROMILLED PILLOWS \ ¦ -»-—- .1" fc,l ~ Pn ~ Made by ] PUROFIED i Pay As You Get Paid! i [i i , -¦,=,¦»= j | | I Layawa y Your Blanket Choice Toda y I fWl 'JTJ ^ ^ " I *l DOWN HOLDS YOUR PURCHASE | \5MI3. ^ | FAMOUS MARIPOSA i 1QS I y C I 1 00% WOOL BLANKET I I I I< S I I Reg* 15.98. Choic e of Ros e, Golil Dark Green , Cherry. | -A. . . v . I | 1IOMBSTICB •— Main Floor, Rear , ^ft ¦ ¦ ¦§M S leep Baraa 'n ~ You SA VE MM I ^% Wv ,#^ 1 INNERSPRING M ATTRESS ¦™H5255H5H25HHH555 M ^. iUMHBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSi . V^ i l|i3V 24** Soft as dow n. il ' * . non-allcrKic , odorle** , ilu-t proof , moth- f^ V^Jv ^**" * u ~ 1* *^^ proof . ' It n ill near ;ind "cu r. : I I* KI Ha«h. sluving extra , ¦aWVWMtfri.iwi * ' ]. ^^ u. . . . . . . resilient ^ .^^1 ^ Jv f"^ Slordy innentprine connlruction with durable 7 V^^5v»ff a^^CV^ * rey and lto,d ¦ ick,n *- Here' M a real barcain ^\ C < ^^^ v5 ^ L ~^€fik « iH fw r»U in twin , three-quarter or full hlttn. vLXtT^ *!^*6H^H Fl RNITrRK 2nd Floor l-THNUVRK 2nd l lm.r . XliK * Swezey Newins PATCHOGUE 3-0280 ' "Locally Owned . Locally Operated Since 1 894" OPEN DAILY 9:30 A. M. TO 5 :30 P. M. FRIDAY 9:30 A. M. TO 9 P. M. —1 ... _ -_

Transcript of PATCHOGUE LOCALS Pr - NOW . . . Low Swezey Newins...

Page 1: PATCHOGUE LOCALS Pr - NOW . . . Low Swezey Newins … · National Kids Day last Saturday. HOYS. BOYS. HOYS—There

PATCHOGUE LOCALSCooler.flood eating apples in the mar-

kpt - • •Card parties getting into fullswing.

Leaves are beginning: to turn.Next week is Fire Prevention

week.Travel may bo broadening but

it flattens the pocketbook.Only a few .wars ago, this time

of year was a dull business sea-son until Thanksgiving. Thous-ands of new residents have offsetthe slump in retail sales and busi-ness booms merrily on.

First issue of The Advance forOctober. ,

Posters of all standard typessuch as "For Rent ," "For Sale,"etc. on sale at all times in TheAdvance office.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tallarme,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lotito , RoyWilliams and Michael i . at-tended the installation of officersat Cardinal Mereier assembly ofFourth degree Knights of Colum-bus in I.indenhvvrst last Wednes-day night. Mr. Williams took partas an honor guard in the cere-mony.

Frances Regina S k i p po n ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JosephSkippon, Jr., was christened Sun-day in the Methodi-.U church bythe Rev. Wesley l>. Osborne. Theliaby's sponsors were Miss Ver-onica Gannon of Patchogue andSamuel I.. Piro of Fuoco lano,Bellport. A small reception washeld at the purents' home, 02Mowbray street , following theceremony. The baby wore an old-fashioned, long, white satin drosiswith French imported lace and asatin bonnet and slippers. She re-ceived many lovely gifts.

Deposits to Savings Accountsat the Sayviile Federal Savingsand Loan association, 150 .Mainstreet , Sayville, N. Y., made on orbefore October 10. 1953 will drawdividends from October 1, 1953.Current dividend rate 3% per an-num. Savings Accounts may heopened by mail.—Adv.

Mrs. R. J. Meyer has returnedto her home in Madison, Wis., af-ter a two-week visit with herbrother-in-law and .sister, Mr. andMrs. Otto Seostrom of Oak street.

Robert (Jlenil , son of VillagePolice Sergeant and Mrs. GeorgeMeyers of Park avenue , waschristened in St. Paul's Hpiscopalchurch September 20 by the Rev.llaiiit.gton Wilson, rector emeri-tus. The godparent.' atv Mr. andMrs. Jay Malsky of Ptt»rlnn-ii" Afamily party was held in the ba-by's honor.

M rs. Ann Carl of Lindeiibiirstand Mrs. .loan Sheridan of Yap-hank were hostesses at u sur-prise baby shower held n centlyat Club 61 in honor of Mrs. Rob-ert J. Smith. The tallies were dee-orated with yellow and pink roses.Those present were Me^damesRarba ru Seiter, Kniily Kross, Kv-elyn Walters. Winifred Tomkins,Elizabeth Fiala , Ardis Kropp,Jeanette Wyllins, KIsi< » Sehwar/ -er, Antoinette Scevola , Marie fiil-lette, Stelle Marsh. Sophie Wor-rad, Jeanne Shaber, MarjorieStoecjccl , I-orraine Lowden, VickiHunter, Lydia Shaber, ShirleyDeedy, Frances Schwaab, Augus-ta Seiter, Lorraine Ilianca, AnnI^evermau, Kathleen BenkemUciii,Johanna Showers, Rose Felice,Hope Killers, K tn m a Crosby,Christina Flyini, Mildred Macres,Kvclyn Hecht. of Patchogue; Mrs. \Jane Marivald, Mrs . Catherine ,(>ibbon, Hayport; Mm. Elsie Fi-ala, Bay Shore ; Mesdamex Alice \Silleck , Aichioth, l'r*ula 'Purtee, Lotenc Pcdlesny, JoanPurtee. Peggy Purtee , West Is- 1Up; Mesdamcs Josephine Beebe,Orace Crunk , June Allen , Kvclyn jMaasch, (V< i|iu Risley, Savville; ¦Mesdumcs Kllcn Davis , Annette {Rensch, Joan Sheridan, Kdythe IDavid, Alice Sheridan , Yaphank; iMesdame* I.ucv Fiala , Doris !Champlii;, Ann Carl. Miss LucilleCarl, Lindenhurst ; Mrs. Catherine jKorsendorfer, Itockv Point; Mis .Dolores Pollis , D< rothv Cuiuieen , •Marlene Risb-v , M.'.lford ; Miv. !Kdith Shaber. lilue Point; Mrs. ,Catherine Tishmann, Port JelTer- i?on Station; Mrs . Sadie Cirinr* 'ione, Forest HWs.

John NeAvberg. son of Mr and iMrs. John Newberg of lon-sstreet , celebrated his third birth- jday at home wi th a party for jhis family and friend* . John rv- \reived many gifts.

Mr. and Mrs. t.eorgo Kogartyof oil Thorne street entertainedat a buffet supper Sunday after-noon in honor of Mr. and Mrs.David Nemschick, who were re-cently married. Those presentwere Mr. and Mrs. Richard La-hndt and Mrs. Doris Cillibertiof Yonkers, Mr. and Mrs. C.Nemschick and children, Doris,Jerry, Mickey and Johnny, ofHoltsville, Mrs. L. Krespach ofFarmingville, Mr. and Mrs. An-thony Znmbriski arid daughter,Rarbara, of Aquebogue, Mrs. Con-

nor of Oakdnle, Mr. and Mrs.George Fogarty, Jr. , and daugh-ter , Maureen, of Bellport , Mr.and Mrs. Cornelius Ockers andchildren, Jill , Ann and Tommy ofBellport , Mr. and Mrs. JamesBendotto and son, Lawrence-, ofEast Patchogue, Mr. and Mrs.Leonard Fogarty, Sr., Mrs. Wil-lavd MaginiH's and Mvs. ShirleyKublin , of Patchogue. The new-lyweds received manv beautifulgifts. Mrs . Nemschick is the for-mer Miss Carol Fogarty.

A clean and thorough Job on OilBurner Service and Heating in-stallation in Patchogue is beingdone by the Gem Heating Com-pany. PAfchogue 3-0032.—Adv.

A son, Allen David ," was bornto Mr. and Mrs. John Newberg ofJones street at Mather Me-morial hospital , Port JeffersonFriday. The baby weighed 7pounds, 2 ounces. Mr. and Mrs.Newberg have another son, John ,who is .'(.

Mr. and Mrs. George NeuhclTof Maple avenue have returnedto their home after a two-uv/Kvacation s|ivnt traveling throughCanada.

Mrs. Evelyn Jordan will enter-tain the past noble grands ofDorothea Rebekah lodge, Inde-pendent Order of Odd Fellows to-night at her home on Orchardroad, East Patchogue.

Mrs. Otto Seostrom of Oakstreet and her sister, Mrs. RayMeyer of Madison, Wis., havebeen guests of their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wal-ter Smith of Hewlett , for thepast week. Sunday their guestswere Mr. and Mis. Hrico Oakleyof Bellaire, Clinton Oakley ofSaratoga Springs, Otto Seostromof Patchogue, Mr. and Mrs. Rich-ard W. Sweet man and daughter,Dawn , of Kast Patchogue, M- .and Mr. Joseph Burg of Wood-mere, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pya-zak of Cedarhurst , Miss Irma andMiss Cornelia Smith of Hewlett.Clinton Oakley and Brice Oakleyare brothers of Mrs. Seostrom,Mrs . Smith and Mrs . Meyer.

Tin- Family Sewing club met atthe home of Mrs. Percy Ham-mond at 2'.< Rosalie street lastMonday afternoon. Those pres-ent were Mesdames Nellie Man-ning. Doris Lucas, Clifford Ham-mond, Mabel King, Mabel Wilber,Charlotte Whaley, May Ham-mond, Ethel Emery, Grayce Dorn.all of Patchogue and Mrs . MabelConklin , Miss Jeannine Conklinnnd Dorn Conklin of Bayport .Next Monday afternoon the clubwill meet with Mrs. Doris Lucasat her home, 40 Pine Neck ave-nue, East Patchogue.

The past presidents of theIndies' auxiliary of Patchoguepost, American Legion, who at-tended A meeting Monday ni'fntat the home of Mrs. Paula Ma-thewson were Mesdames EdnaBiggs. Viola Roberts, Grayce Les-sey, Muriel Skinner, Nellie Ham-mond, al) of Patchogue, and Mrs.Dorothy Foster of St. Petersburg.Fla.. who is a past president ofthe unit. The next meeting willbe held Monday at the home ofMrs. Edna Biggs at r>:i Mulfo rdstreet. The birthdays of Mrs .Biggs and Mrs. Emma Mangowere celebrated. The auxiliarypresented them with lovely nu'ts.

A. birt hday party was heldSaturday nirht at the home ofMr. and Mrs. Julius Pierce 'iihonor of Mr. Pierce's and JosepnChrist 's birthdays . Mr. Christ isa cousin of Mrs. Pierce. Thosepresent were Mr. and Mrs. Jo-seph Christ and son, Joseph. Jr.,and daughters, Barbara -ind BettyAnn. anil Mr. and Mrs. C. Mavoof Sayville , Mr . Mid Mrs. JohnCuff and son, Jackie , Mr. andMrs. Benjamin Kiefe r. Mr. andMrs. Robert Pierce and daughter.Kathy, Mr. and Mrs. WilliamDowns and Mr. and Mrs. AlfredFelice of Patchogue.

Special October Sale!SUPPORTED P L A S I H

WINDOW SHADES 69*Regularly l . l '.i . Sizes to :',» ¦." wide .Choice of whit- or eeln. Very -l ightly irivguhn .


VENETIAN BLINDS 2*>», In «h i fe . If . " lo 3fi" wjde. .Mi" drop. Melal enclosed head.


« \ftJwezey liewins

PATCHOGUE 3-02*80i

Enjoy yourseif . . . it's laterthan you think . . . that's to-day's "weather tip on this won-derful , enjoyable Indian summer.Personally, we are making themost of it and still looking; for-ward to that always pleasantcold, nippy spell that's justaround the corner.

IT PS & DOWNS — From theroof to the basement floor ,S&N is just brimming withnew ideas, new items, newmerchandise. All of it. is thevery latest in Fall 1953 styleand at the lowest of prices. It'sa new season and everywhereyou see fresh stock.

HERE & THERE — Return-ing this week was Emma (Lin-gerie dept.) Neuhoff who cameback lo the old .stamping groundsfrom a northward two-week va-cation looking her usual smilingself. Planning on a mid-Octoberfishing trip toward the warmerclimes is Joe "Rugs" Gutteridge.Another returnee this week was"Essie" Fuehs who visited Niag-ara Falls.

"CAN CAN" GIRLS — Takeone look at the rhinestonetrimmed nylon taffeta petti-coats in our lingerie dept. andyou will understand why theyare called "Can Can" petti-coats. They add a decided full-ness to any skirt. You'll find acomplete size selection in red,pink, white €»r black.

100', ; MALE — No, this isn'ta supplement of the you knowwhat report but it occurred tous the other day that the boysin our men's dvpt. have a recoi'dof five sons and no daughU \s.Evidently they are all Ir-ok'ngforward to more and more busi-ness in the men's dept.

FRENCH1E — Speaking orthe men's dept., new Vanlleusen shirt additions nowgive S&N customers theirchoice of three styles of Frenchcuffed shirls. They are arounded eyelet collar, the fa-mous Century (no wrinkle)collar and a white-on-w hite shirtwith a spread collar. AH arepriced at a low $3.95.

F. W. ORCHIDS — This weekwe awaril two bouquets both tolocal service clubs of Patchogue.First one goes to the Rotary clubfor their sponsorship of the highschool football parade and rallywhile the second goes to the K»-wanis club for their work on theNational Kids Day last Saturday.

HOYS. BOYS. HOYS—Thereare a million and one of themand every one is a delightfulcreature. And S&N has an en-tire department net up to accom-modate their clothing needs. Nexttime you are in just stop be-hind our children's dept. andlook at the excellent selectionfor your spirited young fellow.

• » •SPEAKING — If you have

never read the article, "What Isa Boy?" we suggest that youwrite the New England Life In-surance Co. of Boston, Mass.Every parent <>f a boy shouldhave a copy und reread it everysix months.

F. W. SPFA'IAI. — Here itis! Number one on this week'sS&N hits are >. . the value-packed decorative sofa pillowsnewly arrived in our furnituredept. Just the thing to addcolor to your livingroom. Theyare priced from $1 in chrome-spun, kapok-filled, m o d e r nmetallic, prints, houcles, cor-duroys, wedge shape, etc. Don'tmiss this super value.

• » *HUNGRY — You had better

get going because it's a fartthat un average person eats 45tons uf food in a lifetime. Won-der what 46 tons of food look*like?

• • •FUTURE MOMS — Here's a

bit of sage advice. Before youNtarl looking for maternityclothes be sure to visit SAN'ssecond floor maternity depart*ment. You'll find a wonderfulselection of fall dresses, as wellas separates of slax, fops andskirts.

• « »STORK LOAN — Just anothtr

S&N extra service is our popularstork that makes almost nightlyappearances at showers for ex-pectant mothers. If you wouldlike to borrow it, just ask"Kathy" Hawkins of our infants'and children's dept.» « »

THOUGHTS WHILE STROL-LING — Store getting a facelifting with new coat of paint. . . f amoUH A lden cotton rug*now available in broadloomwith 5 year guarantee in 9 ft.,12 fl. and IS fl. widths . . DonConn and Frank Toth combin-ing talents on our windows thesedays . . . $5.88 ladies' dressesa big hit on second floor . - ,a new shipment just in so netfast . . . Tuesday found S*Nbuyers combing all the NWmarkets for extra special vat*ues . . . Jerry Knapp workingon C of C banquet. Oct. 29th.. . . that does it for this weekexcept our

THOUGHT FOR WEEK — Apessimist is a guy who aiieshimself up and then gets sore.

See yod during the week atthe store.

THE FLOORWALKERRweeey NewinsPatchogw

™*Mi«*»^"»» "* "«*»» ^M"»l*M*J»""""**«"""

The FLOORWALKERat Swezey & Newins

- NOW . . . at Swezey Newinsat a Spec^l Low Price


hy SporteensA Must for Every Fall Wardrobe , MATERIAL SPECIALS!


gw AND TALL SIZES 9*lSfc vrl l*Ufc vAGray, Black, Brown and Navy 3 " VC * M. J '

1 , Practical and popular Stew- Terrific value. Comes in as-; SPORTSWEAR — Main Floor \ timely special choice of art plaid. Black Watch, and sorted lengths. Choice of1 j red. royal, blue and black. K'« -K George. colors.j r_.. . ... . r.. ^ I Keg. 3.9S >d. Ilefj. 3.19 yd. Reg. 2.59 yd.i r^ kttgfqM MATERIALS —

Main Floor, Rear

4 * t / lSv M mapic! Contro lling cuff ^"1, LuZl perfect fit"

(! )) 4 CUSHIONS

- ( wE> JF>St~\ 8l 'lC8't r'm hip«,«atin elaa*1 #5d 1- Wr- v "ntil ,ic front and back panel9 DOMESTICS — Main Floor, Rearj j I

'A***** 4;, ' |J3| flatten tummy and back. «¦»——-¦— .««¦—•—¦—-«,»»»»•»»—»-—¦—.——-,—.—»»—,««-««¦—»™»««.^^* \lt viT-j £,LlCI B°ttom caff controla

Aelf ^ C* thighs. Sleek. «oft, imart, D A D B/T*I ATU rkD A DCC Hathaway Permanent Finish


*"* \ ¦« ! Whi ,e.,,. Q98 nt, 09tt

/ '- «•»¦'• 750 " P » pr'->» J on*. . ... T. . . ,n «"• 54"* M" *«n*th«. Re». 3.98.

FOIM.A I .ONS - 2nd Floor '* "J """"- fi . .JH«« wh.l,, 72" 81", SO- at S.98. Reg 4 98

rose, sold, wine. red. ReE. 5.98 pr. Rouble widths (72" and 90") «.98— — — Triple widths (72" and 90") 10.98

i l l ' ll OOMESTICS — Main Floor, Rear

I Here s the *-


Pillow Comfort! 89c 8for *1Regularly 1.49. Hold. 6 pairs. Regularly 1 96. 2 Packages of

DACROMILLED PILLOWS \ ¦-»-—-.1" fc,l~ Pn~

Made by ]

PUROFIED i Pay As You Get Paid! i[ii ,-¦,=,¦»= j || I Layaway Your Blanket Choice Today I



I <

S I I Reg* 15.98. Choice of Rose, Golil Dark Green, Cherry. |-A. ..v . I | 1IOMBSTICB •— Main Floor, Rear ,

ft ¦¦¦§M S leep Baraa 'n ~ You SAVE MMI ^%Wv,# 1 INNERSPRING MATTRESS¦™H5255H5H25HHH555 M . iUMHBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSi. V^ i l|i3V 24**

Soft as dow n. il '*. non-allcrKic , odorle**, ilu-t proof, moth- f V^Jv **" *u~ 1** ^proof .' It n ill near ;ind "cu r. :I I*KI Ha«h. sluving extra , ¦aWVWMtfri.iwi *'] . ^ u. . . . . . .

resilient .^^1 Jv f" Slordy innentprine connlruction with durable


V^ 5v»ff a^ CV *rey and lto,d ¦ick,n*- Here'M a real barcain\ C <^ ^ v5 L ~ €fik «iH fw r»U in twin, three-quarter or full hlttn.

vLXtT *! *6H H Fl RNITrRK — 2nd Floorl-THNUVRK — 2nd l lm.r . XliK *

Swezey NewinsPATCHOGUE 3-0280 '

"Locally Owned. Locally Operated Since 1 894"OPEN DAILY 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. — FRIDAY 9:30 A. M. TO 9 P. M.

—1 ... _ -_