PASTOR S PAGE - John Knox Presbyterian Church

March 2020 Volume 85 1 Youth Group Pizza & Sub Sale PASTORS PAGE Showing up. Members and friends of John Knox, there’s not a week that goes by when you don’t amaze me with the ways you show up for service. You show up to prepare, serve and clean up meals for interreligious events, Bible studies, grieving families, hungry people in our surrounding communities, and Friday Fish Fries. You show up for the important and meaningful work of committees, task groups, Deacons, Session, and Stephen’s Ministry. You show up to engage in relationship and Bible study in Children’s Ministry, VBS, Youth Group, Life Groups, Faith at Work groups, Tuesday breakfast, Wednesday class, healing prayer, yoga, Book Club, and various classes throughout the year. You show up to sing, ring, play flute, dance, strum, mix sound, pass plates, count plates, greet worshipers, pass out bulletins, pray and read liturgy in weekly worship. You show up to answer phones, fold, staple, make copies and quilts and chemo caps, and stock the pantry. You show up at Habitat for Humanity sites, hospitals, shelters, homes of refugee families, neighbors in need, villages hit hard by poverty or disaster in North Dakota, Texas, New Jersey, Louisiana, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Mexico and Cameroon. My heart is full, watching all the good that goes on in and through our church by the power of the Holy Spirit and willing hearts. Thank you for celebrating my 25th year of ordination, February 23, and inspiring me daily with your faithful and heartfelt service to our Lord. You are a strong and beautiful church. Don’t forget it! Tom

Transcript of PASTOR S PAGE - John Knox Presbyterian Church

Showing up.
Members and friends of John Knox, there’s not a week that goes by when you don’t amaze me with the ways you show up for service.
You show up to prepare, serve and clean up meals for interreligious events, Bible studies, grieving families, hungry people in our surrounding communities, and Friday Fish Fries.
You show up for the important and meaningful work of committees, task groups, Deacons, Session, and Stephen’s Ministry.
You show up to engage in relationship and Bible study in Children’s Ministry, VBS, Youth Group, Life Groups, Faith at Work groups, Tuesday breakfast, Wednesday class, healing prayer, yoga, Book Club, and various classes throughout the year.
You show up to sing, ring, play flute, dance, strum, mix sound, pass plates, count plates, greet worshipers, pass out bulletins, pray and read liturgy in weekly worship.
You show up to answer phones, fold, staple, make copies and quilts and chemo caps, and stock the pantry.
You show up at Habitat for Humanity sites, hospitals, shelters, homes of refugee families, neighbors in need, villages hit hard by poverty or disaster in North Dakota, Texas, New Jersey, Louisiana, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Mexico and Cameroon.
My heart is full, watching all the good that goes on in and through our church by the power of the Holy Spirit and willing hearts. Thank you for celebrating my 25th year of ordination, February 23, and inspiring me daily with your faithful and heartfelt service to our Lord. You are a strong and beautiful church. Don’t forget it!
“Youth Sunday”
that Binds
Rev. Susanne Bendoraitis
MARCH 4 Rise Against Hunger
Simple Supper— 5:30-6:15 PM
MARCH 5 John Knox Book Club — 12 PM (Library)
MARCH 6, 13, 20 & 27 Fish Fry—5 PM (Trinity)
MARCH 9 Session—7 PM (Lounge)
MARCH 11, 18, 25, & APRIL 1 Faith, Science and Beyond — Lynn
Bondurant; The Bible for Dummies—
Jan Hart; Life in an Anxious World—
Rev Susanne Bendoraitis—6:15-7:30
-7:30 PM
Thomas-11 AM - (Lounge)
MARCH 17 Vote!
A Healing Prayer Testimony
Offered by Bruce Knowlton
In healing prayer, we often focus our petitions to God asking Him to bring healing from bodily ailments and dis- eases that afflict us and those that we love. But, sometimes, the most painful and debilitating suffering comes in the form of wounded and broken interpersonal relationships, often the result of divorce, addictions, and estrange- ment from those we have cared about, those who have shaped our lives, and our identities. These types of condi- tions are some of the most difficult to heal from, for there is no medicine you can take, or medical procedure that a doctor can perform – suffering and pain can feel ever-present, with experiences and memories often bringing back painful reminders of better times in the past.
Let me share with you an experience from my own family about healing broken relationships. My late mother grew up in a family of 12 children in a small town in southern Ohio. In the late 1970’s, one of the great aunts passed away, leaving the entirety of her modest estate to one of her nieces (my aunt) who had faithfully cared for her in her final years. This incensed 2 of the brothers, my uncles, who felt they had a claim to the proceeds from the estate. A bitter, and permanent rift in the family ensued, that persisted even to the deaths of my aunt and her brothers, the parties to this unfortunate situation. When this first happened, family get-togethers ceased and communication among the family stopped, even the cousins on these sides of the family no longer associated with each other. While my mother and our family were not first-party to this rift, it was painful knowing there was a black cloud of resentment and scorn in what up until then was a loving and caring family.
Fast-forward to a few years ago, when one day out of the blue I received a letter from a young woman in West Virginia, the daughter of one of my cousins on the estranged side of the family. Her name is Leah and she want- ed to connect with her extended family, for she had been told she had no relatives in Ohio. I would soon learn Leah is a woman of strong Christian faith, who sought to build bridges, and bring healing to her broken extended family. Through her prayers of healing and reconciliation, God delivered.
While it would have been easy to go on with her life as it was, Leah sought to build bridges, to bring about healing in a small corner of a fractured family, and as a woman of deep faith, she let the Spirit, through her prayers, lead her in this way. I learned a lot from Leah, and know that God’s hand was at work in this experience.
We are called to love one another, to forgive those who hurt us, or who hurt the ones we love. I can tell you, this can be among the hardest things to do. But with God, through healing prayer, all things are possible
Hear the words of the Apostles Paul and Peter
1 Peter 4:8: “Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of
sins." Ephesians 5:21: “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ." Ephesians 4:32: “Be kind to each oth-
er, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you."
JKPC NEW MEMBERS We would like to welcome our new members to John Knox Presbyterian Church:
Rose Akpo, Michelle Clark, Rudina Goduni, Roger Schulte James & Lynne Slater
April 16 - 27, we ask your prayers for our 26 member team as we plan to serve 5 days of clinics in 5 different mountain communities. Typically we see about 800 clients with glasses, teeth pulling and various children/ adult health problems. The organization who sponsors us is FUNDENOR an NGO in Guatemala we have worked with for 20 years. They say we bless them greatly but it is US who are blessed and we thank our Lord in our devotions every day for sending us. We will be asking for some children supplies, and if you wish to share any funds, they will be used for medi- cines and children supplies. Thank you for your pray- ers and for the funds from our Mission Committee for supplies and translators.
Stephen Ministers this September!!! We thank you John Knox for supporting Stephen Ministry for the past 31
years. In 1989 and 1990, Gordon Blasius, Don Stenzel, Tom O’Brien and Gerry Hetzel attended Leader Training
Courses for the Stephen Series. In 1990, the first class of Stephen Ministers was trained. We are eternally grateful
to these saints for committing their time and talents to become Stephen Ministers, so that they might know the
personal joy that comes from sharing Christ’s love with our congregation. We also extend a special THANK YOU
and APPRECIATION to Rev. Dr. Tom MacMillan and Rev. Susanne Bendoraitis for their continued faithful sup-
port of Stephen Ministry in our church.
Stephen Ministry is based on the idea that all Christians are ministers. The responsibility for passing on God’s love
is for all Christians, not just a chosen few. God has given each person gifts for ministry and has called each of us
to put these gifts to use. Stephen Ministry is a place where people with special gifts for caring ministry can use
those gifts to bring Christ’s love to people in need.
Stephen Ministers at John Knox are members who have gone through 50 hours of training so as to provide high
quality Christian care to individuals experiencing a crisis or challenge such as divorce, grief, loss of a job, hospitali-
zation, relocation, or loneliness. Lay people witness the unfolding of beautiful relationships between fellow mem-
bers and see it as one of the best things to have happened in a congregation. The loving care freely given by Ste-
phen Ministers can touch the heart of a congregation and open more and more people to the possibilities of
growth and service. Stephen Ministry affords people an opportunity to learn the real and personal meaning of mis-
sion—to be called and sent by God to serve the needs of others in Christ’s name.
We will be having a new Training Class starting in September. The four-hour training sessions will be on ten Sat-
urday mornings—ending in the middle of November. Application forms will be in the office or on the Stephen
Ministry bulletin board. Please contact Rev. Dr. Tom MacMillan, Rev. Susanne Bendoraitis, Marily Rep, our Ste-
phen Ministry Coordinator or any of our Stephen Ministers for more information.
For the month of March, we will be gathering: Canned Vegetables
Colorful, nutrient-dense and fiber-rich vegetables are always in high demand, and canned varieties last the
longest on a food bank’s shelves. Fruit (Canned or Dried)
Fruit, whether dried, canned or in plastic cups, makes excellent snacks for kids and adults and provide some
nutrition and fiber. Choose those that are packed in water or fruit juice rather than sugary syrups.
Applesauce Plastic jars of unsweetened applesauce provide a quick
snack, fiber and vitamin C. Applesauce also keeps well on food bank shelves.
Bring Your Donations To: Love Buggy or JKPC office. For questions, contact Sally Schwarz at
[email protected] Non-perishable donations must be in their original
packaging, labeled, unopened and cannot be compromised in any way.
Proverbs 22:9
for they share their bread with the poor.”
VIOLIST PETER SLOWIK APRIL 3, 7 pm SANCTUARY Violist Peter Slowik will perform an all-Bach program. Bach’s Sonatas and Partitas and his Six Suites for Solo Cello represent the pinnacle compositions for each instrument. This special concert, which includes all six cello preludes and the famous Chaconne, celebrates the three-hundredth birthday for these well-loved treasures. Save the date!
JKPC BOOK CLUB MARCH 5 12 PM The Book Club will be meeting March 5, at noon in the Library. March’s book will be A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway. We hope to see you there!
Join the Easter Choir! All are invited to sing with the Chancel Choir on Easter Sunday, April 12, at the 9 am service. We will be singing Bach’s “Christ the Lord is Risen” and Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus.” There will be one rehearsal on Wednesday, April 8, at 7:30 pm in the Sanctuary, and a brief, 15-minute rehearsal on Easter morning at 8:15 am. Copies of the anthems are available upon request. Please speak with Geoff Peterson if you are interested or email at [email protected].
JKPC FISH FRY Attention Fellow Fish Fry Friends! We have four Fridays left through March 27th from 5-7:30PM. We are again offering very yummy dinners (baked and battered cod, breaded shrimp and shrimp scampi, breaded chicken, homemade macaroni and great side dishes) at a bargain price with homemade desserts and Webbers Ice Cream. Tell your friends to put it on their calendars and get ready to join a record-breaking team that will help pay down our church's mortgage with the proceeds of the Fish Fry. It is a lot of fun to help out and meet people from the community. To sign up or ask questions, see the Volunteer Board next to the Information Desk outside Trinity Hall, or contact Valerie Lyons at [email protected] or text/call 216-236-3898.
Orders for Easter Flowers will be taken during the first five weeks of Lent. Choice of plants include Easter Lily, Tulip, Daffodil, Hyacinth and Geranium. These potted plants will be used to decorate the sanctuary on Easter Sunday, and are available for you to take home after the service. If you choose, you may Donate an Easter Lily for the John Knox Deacons to deliver to Homebound Church members. Sign up using order forms located in the sanctuary pews. For more information, contact Tom Haag at (440)250-0854. Order yours before April 6!
There will be a change to the date of the monthly fresh flowers in the sanctuary. You will now see them on the third Sunday of the month. We do this to commemorate special people in the lives of members and friends of John Knox. The Chan- cel Guild invites anyone who wishes to contribute towards flowers to sign up on the Memorial Flow- er sheet on the bulletin board in the hall leading to the sanctuary. The cost of flowers is $10. Con- tact person is Dianne Magnani, 440-617-5882
The Mission Committee will once again sponsor this event thanks to special gifts to our Special Mission Fund. We will be preparing 10,000 meals for places in the world where there is great need. The meals from last October went to Democratic Republic of the Congo with meals from other churches. There will be a simple supper (soup/sandwich) at 5:30 - 6:15 pm and then begin packing the meals at about 6:30 pm. It is a great fun event for families and last year there were volunteers from 4 other local churches. Please plan to come and bring your friends. See you on March 4!
Rise Against Hunger / Sunday Class / Kids Club / Wednesday Classes
KIDS CLUB MARCH 11, 18, 25 & APRIL 1 Wednesdays, 6-7:30 pm Kids Club is a Fun Bible program that meets for children in Preschool through 5th grade. Each Kids Club night includes games, a hearty snack, a lesson in a multi-aged, small group setting with teachers dedicated to helping them build solid Christian friendships and strengthen their relationship with Jesus. We also incorporate community service projects, games and fun activities. You can still sign up. Need more information? Contact Justine at [email protected] or sign up on our website.
SUNDAY CLASS: PARABLES PART 2 MARCH 15, 22 & 29 Join us for a Sunday school Class with Rev. Oommen Thomas at 11 am in the Lounge on March 12, 22 & 29. This is a continuation from the class in the fall, but all are welcome to join and learn more about the Parables this Lenten season!
WEDNESDAY CLASSES MARCH 11, 18, 25 & APRIL 1 This year for Lent, dive deeper into your faith and spiritual practices. Three opportunities will be held on Wednesday evenings: Spiritual Moves Yoga: 6-7 pm “Faith, Science and Beyond” with Lynn Bondurant: 6:15 -7:30 pm “The Bible for Dummies” with Jan Hart and Jim Traxler: 6:15-7:30 pm “Living in an Anxious World” with Rev. Susanne Bendoraitis: 6:15-7:30 pm
Saturday, March 21, 5-10pm Wagner’s of Westlake, 30855 Center Ridge Rd. Save the date and join in celebrating the life of Tony Flauto, 10 years later. All proceeds go directly to supporting the school and children of the TFCA in Nicaragua. Ticket purchase info TBA.
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