Passive p82

مجهول فعل) passive ( be + past participle

Transcript of Passive p82

فعل مجهول ) passive (

be + past participle

:فعلها از نظر فاعل آنها بر د و گونه اند

( active (معلوم1- )passive (مجهول2-

)active (معلوم1-

است ) معلوم(آن شناخته شده ) فاعل(فعلی که انجام دهنده–

• I will grow coconuts when I grow up.

• Friedrich loved flowers and plants.• The cows are eating grass in the field.

• These monkeys live in the jungles of the lands.

• She was afraid that Newton might forget to eat the egg.

Reza doesn’t know where it is.Does he always do his homework carefully.Who teaches English to you this year?I will give him some money. The host invited the rich man to dinner.

)passive (مجهول2-

است ) مجهول(آن ناشناخته ) فاعل(فعلی که انجام دهنده•یا اینکه شناخت فاعل مهم نیست و خود کار مهم است•

فعل مجهول در زبان فارسی

صفت مفعولیدر زبان فارسی فعل مجهول با استفاده از : •.سا خته می شود شدن+

ه+نوشت : ه مثال + ریشه گذشته فعل = صفت مفعولی ( •)برده = ه + برد , نوشته =

جواب داده شدنیا نوشته شدن : مثل•

خورده خواهد شد ، پرسیده شدند•گفته می شود ، گفته شد•چیده شدند ، توضیح داده می شوند•


در نتیجه فعل مجهول یک فعل دو قسمتی است که در آن• دارد وثابتیدر زمانهای مختلف شکل صفت مفعولی

. می کندتغییر زمان و شخصبر اساس " شدن" مصدر

فعل مجهول در زبان انگلیسی

be +past در زبان انگلیسی فعل مجهول با استفاده از •

participle پس در زبان انگلیسی هم فعل. سا خته می شود to beقسمت اول فعل : مجهول یک فعل دو قسمتی است

فعل . اسم مفعول به معنی past participleو قسمت دوم to be هم هماناسم مفعولو " شدن" معادل فعل

. می باشدمفعولی صفت

اسم مفعول

به حا لت صفتی گذشته فعل اسم مفعول گفته می شود کهدر زبان. در زبان فارسی هما ن صفت مفعولی است

اسم مفعول با قاعدهبه افعال dیا edانگلیسی با افزودن هم باید شکل بی قاعدهآنها ساخته می شود برای افعال

درست آنها را از یک منبع معتبر پیدا کرده و از حفظگاهی اوقات به اسم مفعول شکل سوم فعل هم می. نمودصفت مفعولیبرای معنی کردن اسم مفعولها معنی . گویند

فعل مورد نظر در زبان فارسی را در نظر می گیریم

چند فعل با قاعده

• wash washed( pt ) washed ( pp )• explain explained ( pt) explained ( pp )• invite invited ( pt ) invited ( pp )• plan planned ( pt ) planned ( pp )• paint painted ( pt ) painted ( pp )• clean cleaned ( pt ) cleaned ( pp )

چند فعل بی قاعده

• see saw ( pt ) seen ( pp )• take took ( pt ) taken( pp )• buy bought( pt ) bought ( pp ) • put put ( pt ) put( pp )• eat ate ( pt ) eaten ( pp )• build built ( pt ) built( pp )

چند فعل بی قاعده

• see saw ( pt ) seen ( pp )• take took ( pt ) taken( pp )• eat ate ( pt ) eaten ( pp )• build built ( pt ) built( pp )• buy bought( pt ) bought ( pp ) • put put ( pt ) put( pp )• Cut cut (pt) cut(pp) • Come came(pt) come(pp)

روش ساخت فعل مجهول

و اسم مفعول یک فعل beپس با کنار هم گذاشتن فعل •.مجهول ساخته می شود

ببینید •

چند مثال از فعل باقاعده

be washed ( شدن شسته , (be repaired ( شدن عمیرت ( , be painted ( شدن رنگ ) ,be answered ( شدن پاسخ داده ( be killed ( شدن کشته ) , be passed ( شدن داده ( be dressed( شدن پوشانده ,(be explained( شدنداده توضیح (

be invited ( شدن دعوت , (be cleaned ( شدن تمیز ( be opened ( شدن باز , ( be practiced ( شدن تمرین ( be typed ( شدن تایپ , (be used ( شدن استفاده (

چند مثال از فعل بی قاعده

be sold ( شدن فروخته ) ,be built ( شدن ساخته ) be eaten ( شدن خورده , (be found ( شدن پیدا ) be shown ( شدن نمایش داده , (be taken ( شدن برده ( be taught ( شدن تدریس , (be seen ( شدن دیده (

be written ( شدن نوشته ) ,be made ( شدن ساخته ( be given ( شدن داده , (be fed ( شدن غذا داده ( be spoken ( شدن صحبت , (be lost ( شدن گم (


یعنی )متعدی ( گذرا افعال لزم به توضیح است که تنها •می توانند در حالت مجهول به کار مفعول دارندآنهایی که

.بروندهمچنین افعالی که فقط حالت را نشان می دهند در مجهول•

به کار نمی روند

زمان در فعل معلوم

• sell / sells - don’t sell / doesn’t sell :حال ساده • sold - didn’t sell :گذشته ساده • هآینده ساد : will ( not) sell• am / is / are (not) selling : حال استمراری• was / were ( :not) sellingگذشته استمراری• have / has ( :not) soldماضی نقلی

زمان در فعل مجهول

• am / is / are sold :حال ساده • was / were sold :گذشته ساده • هآینده ساد : will be sold• am / is / are being sold : حال استمراری• was / were being sold: گذشته استمراری• have / has been sold: ماضی نقلی• can / could / ,…:be sold فعل کمکی


• Meat is sold at the butcher’s .


• Meat is sold at the butcher’s .• English is spoken in many countries .


• Meat is sold at the butcher’s .• English is spoken in many countries .• The films are shown on Fridays.


• Meat is sold at the butcher’s .• English is spoken in many countries .• The films are shown on Fridays. • I am invited to their party every year.


• Meat is sold at the butcher’s .• English is spoken in many countries .• The films are shown on Fridays. • I am invited to their party every year.• The village was destroyed by the soldiers .


• Meat is sold at the butcher’s .• English is spoken in many countries .• The films are shown on Fridays. • I am invited to their party every year.• The village was destroyed by the soldiers .• The rooms were cleaned last night.


• Meat is sold at the butcher’s .• English is spoken in many countries .• The films are shown on Fridays. • I am invited to their party every year.• The village was destroyed by the soldiers .• The rooms were cleaned last night.• This house was built many years ago

مثال بیشتر

• The bicycles were repaired last week.

مثال بیشتر

• The bicycles were repaired last week.• The doors will be opened at 8 tomorrow.

بیشتر مثال

• The bicycles were repaired last week.• The doors will be opened at 8 tomorrow.• The windows will be painted next week.

مثال بیشتر

• The bicycles were repaired last week.• The doors will be opened at 8 tomorrow.• The windows will be painted next week. • This problem will be solved next Monday.

مثال بیشتر

• The bicycles were repaired last week.• The doors will be opened at 8 tomorrow.• The windows will be painted next week. • This problem will be solved next Monday.• The questions will be answered soon.

مثال بیشتر

• The bicycles were repaired last week.• The doors will be opened at 8 tomorrow.• The windows will be painted next week. • This problem will be solved next Monday.• The questions will be answered soon.• The monkeys are being studied in the zoo.

مثال بیشتر

• The bicycles were repaired last week.• The doors will be opened at 8 tomorrow.• The windows will be painted next week. • This problem will be solved next Monday.• The questions will be answered soon.• The monkeys are being studied in the zoo.• The problem was being talked yesterday.

باز هم مثال بیشتر

• English has been taught in Iran for years.

باز هم مثال بیشتر

• English has been taught in Iran for years.• The cars have been used very carefully.

باز هم مثال بیشتر

• English has been taught in Iran for years.• The cars have been used very carefully.• The questions have been answered correctly

باز هم مثال بیشتر

• English has been taught in Iran for years.• The cars have been used very carefully.• The questions have been answered correctly• The letter must be typed soon.

باز هم مثال بیشتر

• English has been taught in Iran for years.• The cars have been used very carefully.• The questions have been answered correctly• The letter must be typed soon.• These problems can be solved easily.

باز هم مثال بیشتر

• English has been taught in Iran for years.• The cars have been used very carefully.• The questions have been answered correctly• The letter must be typed soon.• These problems can be solved easily.• Lesson 8 should be practiced more .

باز هم مثال بیشتر

• English has been taught in Iran for years.• The cars have been used very carefully.• The questions have been answered correctly• The letter must be typed soon.• These problems can be solved easily.• Lesson 8 should be practiced more .• The babies should be fed very carefully

در حالت سوالی یا منفی

می دانید برای سوا لی کردن یا منفی کردن جمله به فعل•کمکی نیاز است که در حالت مجهول در همه زمانها فعل

کمکی موجود است


• Where was the child found ?


• Where was the child found ? • When will the lesson be taught ?


• Where was the child found ?• When will the lesson be taught ?• Are the windows washed every week ?


• Where was the child found ?• When will the lesson be taught ?• Are the windows washed every week ?• How many people were killed in the



• Where was the child found ?• When will the lesson be taught ?• Are the windows washed every week ?• How many people were killed in the

accident?• Were the radios made in the United States of


تبدیل جمله معلوم به جمله مجهول

تبدیل جمله معلوم به جمله مجهول

برای تبدیل جمله معلوم به جمله مجهول این مراحل را•:طی می کنیم

تبدیل جمله معلوم به جمله مجهول

)در ابتدای(نوشتن مفعول جمله معلوم به عنوان فاعل 1- •.جمله مجهول

تبدیل جمله معلوم به جمله مجهول

.جمله مجهول) در ابتدای(نوشتن مفعول جمله معلوم به عنوان فاعل - 1

و شخص) آینده, گذشته ,حال(را بر اساس زمان beنوشتن شکل درست فعل 2- )دوم و سوم شخص مفرد و جمع, اول (

یاد آوری

beاشکال فعل

am , is ,are

,was ,were,




تبدیل جمله معلوم به جمله مجهول

.جمله مجهول) در ابتدای(نوشتن مفعول جمله معلوم به عنوان فاعل - 1•

و) آینده, گذشته ,حال(یعنی را بر اساس زمان beنوشتن شکل درست فعل 2- )دوم و سوم شخص مفرد و جمع, اول ( شخص

نوشتن اسم مفعول فعل 3- •

تبدیل جمله معلوم به جمله مجهول

.جمله مجهول) در ابتدای(نوشتن مفعول جمله معلوم به عنوان فاعل 1- •و شخص) آینده, گذشته ,حال(بر اساس زمان beنوشتن شکل درست فعل 2- •

) دوم و سوم شخص مفرد و جمع, اول ( نوشتن اسم مفعول فعل 3- •

-قید های جمله بدون هیچ تغییری نوشته می شود 4- •


They teach English in high school.


They teach English in high school.



They teach English in high school.

English is ….


They teach English in high school.

English is taught …


They teach English in high school.

English is taught in high school…


They teach English in high school.

English is taught in high school by ...


They teach English in high school.

English is taught in high school by them .


They taught English last year. ( گذشته )


They taught English last year. ( گذشته )

English ………


They taught English last year. ( گذشته )

English was ……..


They taught English last year. ( گذشته )

English was taught ……


They taught English last year. ( گذشته )

English was taught last year .


They will teach English next year .(آینده )


They will teach English next year .(آینده )



They will teach English next year .(آینده )

English will


They will teach English next year .(آینده )

English will be


They will teach English next year .(آینده )

English will be taught


They will teach English next year .(آینده )

English will be taught next year.


The mechanic will fix the car tomorrow.


The mechanic will fix the car tomorrow. The car


The mechanic will fix the car tomorrow. The car will


The mechanic will fix the car tomorrow. The car will be


The mechanic will fix the car tomorrow. The car will be fixed


The mechanic will fix the car tomorrow. The car will be fixed tomorrow


The mechanic will fix the car tomorrow. The car will be fixed tomorrow by


The mechanic will fix the car tomorrow. The car will be fixed tomorrow by him .


They made these radios in Japan .


They made these radios in Japan .

These radios


They made these radios in Japan .

These radios were


They made these radios in Japan .

These radios were made


They made these radios in Japan .

These radios were made in Japan .


Did people see the cows near the village?


• Did people see the cows near the village? • The cows


• Did people see the cows near the village? • The cows Were


• Did people see the cows near the village? • The cows Were seen


• Did people see the cows near the village? • The cows Were seen near the village.


• Did people see the cows near the village? • Were the cow seen near the village?


They close the doors at 7 p.m. .


• They close the doors at 7 p.m. .• The doors


• They close the doors at 7 p.m. .• The doors are


• They close the doors at 7 p.m. .• The doors are closed


• They close the doors at 7 p.m. .• The doors are closed at 7 p.m. .

More examples

They will show the cartoons tonight .

More examples

They will show the cartoons tonight .

The cartoons

More examples

They will show the cartoons tonight .

The cartoons will

More examples

They will show the cartoons tonight .

The cartoons will be

More examples

They will show the cartoons tonight .

The cartoons will be shown

More examples

They will show the cartoons tonight .

The cartoons will be shown tonight.

More examples

Those invited Reza to the party .

More examples

Those invited Reza to the party .


More examples

Those invited Reza to the party .

Reza was

More examples

Those invited Reza to the party .

Reza was invited

More examples

Those invited Reza to the party .

Reza was invited to the party .

More examples

The teacher taught the lesson carefully .

More examples

The teacher taught the lesson carefully .

The lesson

More examples

The teacher taught the lesson carefully .

The lesson was

More examples

The teacher taught the lesson carefully .

The lesson was taught

More examples

The teacher taught the lesson carefully .

The lesson was taught carefully .

More examples

The students wrote the sentences slowly on the blackboard .

More examples

The students wrote the sentences slowly on the blackboard .

The sentences

More examples

The students wrote the sentences slowly on the blackboard .

The sentences were

More examples

The students wrote the sentences slowly on the blackboard .

The sentences were written

More examples

The students wrote the sentences slowly on the blackboard .

The sentences were written slowly on the black board.

More examples

They clean the windows every week.

More examples

They clean the windows every week.

The windows

More examples

They clean the windows every week.

The windows are

More examples

They clean the windows every week.

The windows are cleaned

More examples

They clean the windows every week.

The windows are cleaned every week.

More examples

We feed the babies every 3 hours .

More examples

We feed the babies every 3 hours .

The babies

More examples

We feed the babies every 3 hours .

The babies are

More examples

We feed the babies every 3 hours .

The babies are fed

More examples

We feed the babies every 3 hours .

The babies are fed every 3 hours .

More examples

The host passed the food to the guest .

More examples

The host passed the food to the guest .

The food

More examples

The host passed the food to the guest .

The food was

More examples

The host passed the food to the guest .

The food was passed

More examples

The host passed the food to the guest .

The food was passed to the guest.

More examples

We eat lunch at school every day .

More examples

We eat lunch at school every day .


More examples

We eat lunch at school every day .

Lunch is

More examples

We eat lunch at school every day .

Lunch is eaten

More examples

We eat lunch at school every day .

Lunch is eaten at school every day .

More examples

He doesn’t study the books in the library .

More examples

He doesn’t study the books in the library .

The books

More examples

He doesn’t study the books in the library .

The books aren’t

More examples

He doesn’t study the books in the library .

The books aren’t studied

More examples

He doesn’t study the books in the library .

The books aren’t studied in the library .

More examples

We will practice lesson 8 tomorrow.

More examples

We will practice lesson 8 tomorrow.

lesson 8

More examples

We will practice lesson 8 tomorrow.

lesson 8 will

More examples

We will practice lesson 8 tomorrow.

lesson 8 will be

More examples

We will practice lesson 8 tomorrow.

lesson 8 will be practiced

More examples

We will practice lesson 8 tomorrow.

lesson 8 will be practiced tomorrow.



در انجام مرحله اول اگر مفعول به صورت ضمیر باشد باید• یعنی ضمیرمفعولی در آن را به ضمیر فاعلی تبدیل کرد

هنگام نوشتن آن به عنوان فاعل جمله مجهول به ضمیرفاعلی تبدیل می شود


• Me → I


• Me → I • you → you


• Me → I • you → you • him → he


• Me → I • you → you • him → he • her → she


• Me → I • you → you • him → he • her → she • it → it


• Me → I • you → you • him → he • her → she • it → it • us → we


• Me → I • you → you • him → he • her → she • it → it • us → we • them → they


I invited them to dinner.

They ….


I invited them to dinner.

They were …


I invited them to dinner.

They were invited ….


I invited them to dinner.

They were invited to dinner.


The police found him in the park .

He …


The police found him in the park .

He was…


The police found him in the park .

He was found …


The police found him in the park .

He was found in the park …


The police found him in the park .

He was found in the park by …


The police found him in the park .

He was found in the park by the police.


They gave her some money for her good work.

She …


They gave her some money for her good work.

She was ….


They gave her some money for her good work.

She was given ….


They gave her some money for her good work.

She was given some money for her good work.

نکته کلی

می ingفعل با to beاگر جمله معلوم باشد، بعد از فعل •آید اما اگر جمله مجهول باشد ، بعد از آن اسم مفعول می

آید• Is Spanish …………………….. in your country?

No, it isn’t . (teach )• They are ………………….their homework in the

classroom now. ( do )

نکته کلی

می ingفعل با to beاگر جمله معلوم باشد، بعد از فعل •آید اما اگر جمله مجهول باشد ، بعد از آن اسم مفعول می

آید• Is Spanish…... taught…... in you country? No,

it isn’t . (teach )• They are …doing… their homework in the

classroom now. ( do )