Pass out student note handouts. On graph paper, graph the following functions 1.7 Transformations...

• Pass out student note handouts

Transcript of Pass out student note handouts. On graph paper, graph the following functions 1.7 Transformations...

Page 1: Pass out student note handouts. On graph paper, graph the following functions  1.7 Transformations of Functions.

• Pass out student note handouts

Page 2: Pass out student note handouts. On graph paper, graph the following functions  1.7 Transformations of Functions.

On graph paper, graph the following functions

2)()( xxf

2)( 2 xxg 2)4()( xxk2)2()( xxl 22)( xxh

1.7 Transformations of Functions

2)( xxj

2)( xxf

Page 3: Pass out student note handouts. On graph paper, graph the following functions  1.7 Transformations of Functions.

I. There are 4 basic transformations for a function f(x).y = A • f (Bx + C) + D

A) f(x) + D (moves the graph + ↑ and – ↓)

B) A • f(x)

1) If | A | > 1 then it is vertically stretched.

2) If 0 < | A | < 1, then it’s a vertical shrink.

3) If A is negative, then it flips over the x-axis.

C) f(x + C) (moves the graph + and – )

D) f(Bx) or f(B(x)) (factor out the B term if possible)

1) If | B | > 1 then it’s a horizontal shrink.

2) If 0 < | B | < 1, then it’s horizontally stretched.

3) If B is negative, then it flips over the y-axis.

Attached to the y – vertical and intuitive

Attached to the x – horizontal and counter-intuitive

Page 4: Pass out student note handouts. On graph paper, graph the following functions  1.7 Transformations of Functions.

1.7 Transformations of Functions

II. What each transformation does to the graph.

A) f(x) f(x) + D f(x) – D

B) +A f(x) +A f(x) –A f(x) . A > 1 0 < A < 1

Page 5: Pass out student note handouts. On graph paper, graph the following functions  1.7 Transformations of Functions.

1.7 Transformations of Functions

II. What each transformation does to the graph.

C) f(x) f(x + C) f(x – C)

D) f(Bx) f(Bx) f(-Bx) . B > 1 0 < B < 1

Page 6: Pass out student note handouts. On graph paper, graph the following functions  1.7 Transformations of Functions.

1.7 Transformations of Functions

III. What happens to the ordered pair (x , y) for shifts.

A) f(x) + D (add the D term to the y value)

Example: f(x) + 2 (5 , 4)

f(x) – 3 (5 , 4)

B) A • f(x) (multiply the y value by A)

Example: 3 f(x) (5 , 4)

½ f(x) (5 , 4)

–2 f(x) (5 , 4)

C) f(x + C) (add –C to the x value) [change C’s sign]

Example: f(x + 2) (5 , 4) (subtract 2)

f(x – 3) (5 , 4) (add 3)




Page 7: Pass out student note handouts. On graph paper, graph the following functions  1.7 Transformations of Functions.

1.7 Transformations of Functions

III. What happens to the ordered pair (x , y) for shifts.

D) f(Bx) or f (B(x))

1) If B > 1 (divide the x value by B)

Example: f(2x) (12 , 4)

f(3x) (12 , 4)

f (4(x)) (12 , 4)

2) If 0<B<1 (divide the x value by B) [flip & multiply]

Example: f(½x) (12 , 4) f (¾(x)) (12 , 4)

3) If B is negative (follow the above rules for dividing)

Example: f(-2x) (12 , 4) f (-½(x)) (12 , 4)




Page 8: Pass out student note handouts. On graph paper, graph the following functions  1.7 Transformations of Functions.

1.7 Transformations of Functionsf(x) is shown below. Find the coordinates for the following shifts.

f(x) + 4 f(x) – 6

2 f(x) ½ f(x) -3 f(x)

f(x + 4) f(x – 3)

f(2x) f(½x) f(-3(x))

(-4,6) (-1,4)

(1,7 ) (2,1)

(-4,-4) (-1,-6)

(1,-3) (2,-9)

(-8,2) (-5,0)

(-3,3) (-2,-3)

(-1,2) (2,0)

(4,3) (5,-3)

(-4,4) (-1,0)

(1,6) (2,-6)

(-4,1) (-1,0)

(1,3/2) (2,-3/2)

(-4,-6) (-1,0)

(1,-9) (2,9)

(-2,2) (-1/2,0)

(1/2,3) (1,-3)

(-8,2) (-2,0)

(2,3) (4,-3)

(4/3,2) (1/3,0)

(-1/3,3) (-2/3,-3)

Page 9: Pass out student note handouts. On graph paper, graph the following functions  1.7 Transformations of Functions.

• Identify the parent function and describe the sequence of transformations.

1.7 Transformations of Functions






xxg2)( xxf Horizontal shift eight units

to the right

3)( xxf Reflection in the x-axis, and a vertical shift of one unit downward

or y-axis!

Page 10: Pass out student note handouts. On graph paper, graph the following functions  1.7 Transformations of Functions.

• Identify the parent function and describe the sequence of transformations.

• Parent Function

• Left 2

• Horizontally compressed by a factor of 1/2

2)42()( xxk

1.7 Transformations of Functions

2)]2(2[ x2)( xxf

Always factor

If possible!

Page 11: Pass out student note handouts. On graph paper, graph the following functions  1.7 Transformations of Functions.

• Identify the parent function and describe the sequence of transformations.

• Flip over y-axis and right 4

• If x is negated, factor out a negative!

2)4()( xxk

1.7 Transformations of Functions

2)]4([ x

Page 12: Pass out student note handouts. On graph paper, graph the following functions  1.7 Transformations of Functions.

• When graphing, perform non-rigid transformations 1st and rigid transformations last

• That means stretch / compress / reflect before moving left / right / up / down

• Then find a few points and perform transformations on those points.

• Ex: Graph

• Ex: Graph


1)( 2 xxf

3)2()( 3 xxf

Page 13: Pass out student note handouts. On graph paper, graph the following functions  1.7 Transformations of Functions.


• Ex: Graph

• Ex: Graph

4)3(2)( 2 xxf

2)42()( 3 xxf

Page 14: Pass out student note handouts. On graph paper, graph the following functions  1.7 Transformations of Functions.

H Dub

• 1-7 Page 80 #9-12 (parts A and B only), 13-18all, 19-39EOO