Parts of a Story

Parts of a Story


Parts of a Story. Protagonist. The main character The story follows his/her life. Antagonist. The person or thing that makes problems for the protagonist Examples: prejudice, anger, . Alma – short film. Parts of a Plot. Exposition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Parts of a Story

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Parts of a Story

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Alma – short film

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Parts of a Plot

1. Exposition• Setting and characters are

introduced• Protagonist’s life is described

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Parts of a Plot

2. Inciting incident• Something happens to change

the protagonist’s life

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Parts of a Plot3. Rising Action• Conflicts develop

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Conflict Fight or struggle between two things

› Something keeps the protagonist from living his normal, happy life

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Parts of a Plot4. Climax

• Conflict is highest• Excitement is highest

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Parts of a Plot5. Falling Action

• The protagonist or

the antagonist wins

the conflict

• The conflict fades

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Parts of a Plot

6. Resolution• Life continues, but

probably in a new way

• What will the characters’ lives be like from now on?

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ThemeThe lesson within a story about life.

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Possible themes:

Slavery is wrong All people have feelings and desires We should have sympathy, not bitterness,

toward others

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Types of conflict:

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EXTERNAL conflict The protagonist struggles with

something around him

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External Conflicts

Character vs Nature

Character vs Society

Character vs Character

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Character vs. Character ConflictThis type of conflict finds the main character in

conflict with another character, human or not human.“Cinderella’s mother-in-law began to show herself in her true colors. She could not bear the good qualities of her pretty stepdaughter, so she employed Cinderella in meanest work of the house: she scoured the dishes, tables, etc., and kept the whole house clean; she lay upon a wretched straw bed, while her sisters lay in fine rooms, upon beds of the very newest fashion.The poor girl bore all patiently and dared not tell her father, who would have rattled her off; for his wife governed him entirely. When she had done her work she used to go into the chimney-corner and sit down among cinders and ashes, which made her commonly be called a cinder maid; but the youngest, who was not so rude and uncivil as the eldest, called her Cinderella.”

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Plot: Character vs. Nature Conflict

This type of conflict finds the main character in conflict with the forces of nature, which serve as the antagonist.

It´s a Truffula Seed.It´s the last one of all!

You´re in charge of the last of the Truffula Seeds.And Truffula Trees are what everyone needs.

Plant a new Truffula. Treat it with care.Give it clean water. And feed it fresh air.

Grow a forest. Protect it from axes that hack.Then the Lorax

and all of his friendsmay come back.

The Lorax by Dr. Seuss

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Plot: Character vs. Society Conflict

This type of conflict has the main character in conflict with a larger group: a community, society, culture, etc.

“I’m tired of living in a hole,” said Jenny.“Let’s fight for freedom!” cried Bouncer. “We’ll be soldiers! Rough-riding Rowdies! I’ll be the general and commander-in-chief!”

The Island of the Skog by Steven Kellogg

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INTERNAL conflict The protagonist struggles with

something inside himself Examples:

› A dilemma› Angry feelings› Overpowering memories

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Plot: ConflictConflict is the dramatic struggle between two forces in a story. Without conflict, there is no plot.

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External conflict

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Character vs. Self ConflictIn this type of conflict, the main character experiences

some kind of inner conflict.

Finally, Sam’s father said, “Go to bed now. But before you go to sleep, Sam, tell yourself the difference between REAL and MOONSHINE.”

Sam, Bangs & Moonshine by Evaline Ness

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Internal Conflict is … NOT a visual or tangible

opposition. a character dealing with

his or her own mixed feelings or emotions.

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the matrix subway

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elephant man - famous

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Soul Surfer - attack

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Dark Night - machine

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The Outsiders - rumble