Partners’ Newsletter Autumn 2019 - YFC

Partners’ Newsletter Autumn 2019

Transcript of Partners’ Newsletter Autumn 2019 - YFC

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Partners’ Newsletter Autumn 2019

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Lives changed forever!!!Our God moves beyond expectation when we are released out of our comfort zones. When returning from Mexico in 2017 God gave me the vision to take a group from Bath to Mexico in 2019, which completely scared the living daylights out of me. However, I had trust in God that he would provide, and he came through on so many levels including bringing not only young people into relationship with him, but also adults, including Amy.

I first got to know Amy through working for the YMCA at Timsbury Youth Club and she helped us at Bath Youth for Christ with One

Eighty, Greenbelt and the Accompanying project. Amy moved on to residential youth work and our paths no longer crossed. About 4 years later, Amy and I found ourselves on the same Property Maintenance evening course. On the first evening Amy said she thought someone (God) might have a plan for our meeting again. At the time I was honing some skills for my first trip to Mexico, and Amy was on the course to help with her work. Since then we have stayed in contact and Amy now works for us at the Riverside Youth Club. I was thrilled that she responded to my invitation to join the Mexico trip.

One of the last jobs on the house build was to hang the door. Amy and I were able to use the skills we had learnt on the college course and problem solved the difficulties that arose. The ‘door’ had so much more meaning behind it than just the practical task of hanging it. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you”. Matthew 7:7 came to mind as God was opening a ‘door’ for Amy to get know Him and let her know that He loves her unconditionally. Amy is now in a relationship with God and her life is going to be changed forever. I am sure God has some amazing plans for Amy. Thank you, Jesus!

There are so many other stories of change from this amazing God given adventure - anxiety being lifted, young people coming to faith and relationships formed between a group of people that will always have a deep connection. Please take a look at our centre pages to hear more about the trip from one of the young people and John Fudge, Director Amor Europe.

To conclude, I consider the Mexico 2019 trip to have been the most enriching project I have been part of since joining Bath Youth for Christ, particularly for the discipleship and relationship building opportunities. I know God has more in store for us partnering with Amor. We hope to be able to take a group to Moldova in the future, so keep an eye out for developments. Exciting times ahead!

Dave Joyce

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By the time you read this, I’m sure Summer will seem far away, but as I write we’re just drinking the dregs of it!

With the help of volunteers, over the last 11 months, I have established a Friday night youth club for 11-14 year olds. During the more relaxed summer weeks we have been bowling, trampolining, played games in the park, cooked hot dogs in Dave’s camper van, and climbed up Glastonbury Tor. These trips helped us spend quality time together, try out new activities, have fun and ward off the modern malaise of boredom!

We also held an evening specially for the local young people moving up to secondary school this year. With the Year 6 young people in the village going to several different schools, we want to maintain their links with established

friends and the local community. The evening will be repeated in September so that they get a chance to meet with their former classmates and share how it’s going so far.

We’re looking forward to what lies ahead. We will continue to help in the local primary school, link up with the Anglican church’s children’s work, build links with the new work beginning in Peasedown, restart our Cooking Project with a new group, and continue to work with the Parish Council as they consult with the village on how best to spend money for the benefit of young people. In all of it, being Jesus for young people to show them they are loved, valued and helping them to find their space.

Jane van Haaps

Timeout in Timsbury

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All the planning and praying resulted in a hugely successful mission trip in July. Here, John Fudge, Director Amor Europe, reflects on his experience with the team.

This justice expedition provided an opportunity for a team of young people, some with a faith and others not, and leaders to share the Good news of Jesus to a family trapped by housing poverty.

Crossing the border from affluent San Diego into sprawling ramshackle Tijuana presented the first glimpse of the stark contrast in wealth. We stared at the obvious deprivation of the communities clinging to the hillsides. Our camp site conditions were clean but basic - long drop toilets, tents, bucket showers, bottled drinking water and authentic Mexican food – but everyone quickly adjusted to their new surroundings.

On our first day of building we were welcomed by a shy, older couple, Jose and Michela; parents to 5 grown up kids and many grandchildren. Most live on the site in a poorly constructed leaky hand-built large shack. We had a brutal energy-sapping day mixing concrete for the foundation slab. The remaining 4 days saw us constructing wooden wall and roof panels, using tar paper and chicken wire to cover the walls, felting the roof, installing a door and windows, and

applying a concrete skin (stucco) to the walls – all with no power tools! The young people excelled, and we built a high-quality home.

On day 5, we shared lunch with Jose and Michela, who shared something of their life. 21 years ago, they had taken a 50-hour bus journey to Tijuana for better prospects. They were a hard-working family exploited by big business and despite their efforts were unable to escape poverty. Jose explained he was a trained plasterer and asked if he could finish the house with a second coat of stucco. It was great that he could be involved in the construction of his own home.

Evenings provided the opportunity for worship, led by the young people, a dance performance from Motus, and talks from Amor and Youth for Christ speakers. There was space for the young people to reflect and express thoughts as they processed their learning about life and God in this rather

Changing Lives in Mexico… and closer to home!

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broken part of His world.

Our last night in camp included a Mexican experience. A Mariachi band, contemporary soul band, and brilliant dancers showed off

some of the loveliest of Mexican culture. Our team had some great dancers who loved participating.

Return to San Diego through the border the next day demonstrated some of Mexico’s frustrations with the USA. Despite having UK passports, it took 7.5 hours.

A visit to Aquatica gave us all a much-needed recharge after the dry dusty Mexican build site. Before the flight home, an opportunity to process and share learning experiences at a local beach helped fix memories and prepare for conversations back in the UK.

There is no doubt that this trip has increased the profile and credibility of Youth for Christ’s work in Bath, among the young people. Amor Europe was thrilled to see the intentional spiritual, social, intellectual and physical development of young people by the Bath team. Amor has a long track-record of facilitating mission and it was a joy to work with this superb group. We will be excited to explore together how this kind of opportunity can be offered to more young people in the city and maybe with other centres.

Here, Will, one of the young people on the team, reflects on his experience

I started my fundraising journey way back in summer 2017 after our first Mexico meetup. I decided that I needed something long-term, and worthwhile for both myself and those donating money. I decided on… Car washing! I sent flyers around my neighbourhood and soon I was washing 2-3 cars per weekend. Along with steadily raising the money I needed, I built a rapport with my customers

and had a great time - I washed a total of 117 cars and raised £1,700! I also sold (quite a few!) donuts at school and set up a fundraising page for donations. I’ve learnt a lot from my fundraising journey, and I think it will help me to be more enterprising and confident in the future.

I found the trip to be a life-changing experience, challenging me both emotionally and physically, but building my confidence to form new friendships, and to build my relationship with God. The highlight for me was the first day of building. After a tough morning trying to level the ground, we started mixing the concrete. Everyone was involved, and despite never having worked as a team before, we worked like a well-oiled machine and got the concrete poured at break-neck speed! The most challenging part for me was – without a doubt – the 2-mile crawl back over the Mexico-USA border. Clocking in at 8 hours exactly, it certainly wasn’t the most pleasant part of the trip!!

This trip has definitely impacted me spiritually. Having seen the level of poverty in Tijuana and comparing it to our relative luxury in the UK, I think I will be more grateful for what I have. I will continue to pray for José and Micaela in their new home. I really hope to have the opportunity to be part of a similar build in the future to change another family’s life forever.

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September>• Thank God for the huge success of the Mexico mission trip and pray for the

young people to continue to be impacted by their experience.

• Please pray for a smooth transition for Year 7 children as they move to Secondary school, and that the Accompanying Project will help a number of them to adjust to the changes. For new teachers and other staff in schools as they start the academic year.

• Thank God for all the great opportunities we have had in the last year to share Jesus with young people and pray for guidance for the leadership of the charity in the coming year. Thank God for the financial provision in the past year, enabling us to deliver projects and make a difference in the lives of young people. Pray that we would see Him provide for all we have planned for this year.

• Thank God for the opportunity to work with St Luke’s church and the Bath College. Pray for Eden Hunter as he starts the role of Youth & Schools Worker and College Chaplain.

• Pray for the recruitment of a Youth Worker in Peasedown and for the opportunity that this gives to make a difference in that community, partnering with local churches. Please pray for the interview process on the 25th.

Prayer points for Bath

Text ‘Bathyfc’ to 70085 to give £10. This costs £10 plus std rate msg.

Text ‘Bathyfcbible’ to 70085 to give £20 to give a bible to a local young person. This costs £20 plus a std rate msg.

Visit to give monthly or a one-off donation

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October> • Thank God for the ongoing success of our work in Southdown, for the

support of the local churches and community. Pray for Sam Ludwell as she takes on additional responsibilities and for Sharon Treharne as she joins with Sam as a new member of staff for this area.

• Thank God for the opportunity to work with young people at the Riverside Youth Club, partnering with Mentoring Plus. Pray for Amy and Dave as they deliver the project and for opportunities for the young people to encounter Jesus.

• Pray for the Accompanying Project team and hubs as they begin work with a new cohort of children.

November> • Pray for inspiration in the planning of Christmas Assemblies and for schools

to be open for their delivery.

• Pray for the AGM and Partner Evening on 13th that those attending will be encouraged and excited by the work of Bath Youth for Christ. Thank God for our Trustees and the Council of Reference and pray for wisdom as they support us in the good governance of the charity.

• Pray for our team –Dave, Katie, Sam P, Sam L, Sharon, Lisa, Lea, Eden and Jane – as well as volunteers who help deliver our projects.

December>• Pray for the delivery of Christmas assemblies in schools this month, that both

young people and staff would be receptive to the gospel message.

• Pray for thriving relationships between Bath Youth for Christ and local churches as we seek to work together to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to the young people of this city.

• Pray for young people during the Christmas and New Year break, especially those for whom this time is not a happy one due to difficult family or other circumstances. Also, for staff, trustees and volunteers to have a restful break.

New ways to give Help us to see more young people’s lives changed by Jesus text bathyfc to 70085 to donate £10.

All texts are charged at £10 plus one message at your standard network rate (based on your service provider rates); the charge will show on your bill.

You can also give via our website and press the Donate button at the top of the home page.

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Hello everyone! My name is Eden and I’m very excited to be joining the Youth For Christ Family.

Over the past few years I have been heavily involved in the youth ministry at Bath City Church, focusing on teaching, discipleship and building the ministry alongside studying theology and mission with ForMission College. Having now finished university I am so excited to move into this next position!

Three things that I am especially passionate about are enabling young people to establish their own faith, making disciples who make disciples, and joy! I hope to incorporate all of these things in my role with Youth for Christ.

I’m particularly looking forward to the dynamic evangelistic reach of the role, reaching teens both in and outside of Church. As I haven’t started yet (as of writing this), I have been preparing by spending time praying and planning for my first 3 months, specifically considering practical first steps in

establishing and building relationships with people. I’d appreciate your prayer in this too!

I am eager to see where God has already been moving and see how I can jump in on it!

Please join us at St Philips and St James Church, Odd Down

Wedneday 13th November 7.30pm AGM

8 – 9.30pm Showcase

The Partners’ evening is a celebration of what God has done and is doing through the work of Bath Youth for Christ. The evening will feature live dance, films of various Bath Youth for Christ projects, interviews, presentations and an opportunity to talk with Bath Youth for Christ staff and trustees about the work.


New Youth Worker joins the team

Bath Youth for Christ Partners Evening 2019

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In July, Motus Dance treated us to another great evening of entertainment and inspiration. Here, Chloe, one of the members reports on her experience of this project.

I’ve been part of Motus for over 5 years and the dance show is different every year. I look forward to it more and more each year because I get to dance with the people who are there for me through all the good times and the bad.

This year’s dance show was smaller than any I have ever experienced, but the dances were some of the best we have performed. We

had many new, younger people this year who joined only a few months before the show and there was concern that they may not be ready. However, they worked very hard throughout rehearsals and managed to grasp the dances just in time! I enjoyed getting to know the new members and it was an amazing feeling to know that they take inspiration from those of us who have been around a while.

Sadly, it was Chris’ last show as he has now moved to Northern Ireland. We have such great memories of Chris’ time with us and will miss him greatly – although maybe not his counting whilst marking through dances as he would always speed up and we couldn’t keep up! With a new dance leader, Sharon, joining us, I am looking forward to experiencing her styles of dance and how she interprets certain movements. I’m also looking forward to welcoming new members to expand the academy.

Motus is my family and I am proud of every single person involved, there is never a dull moment.

Since March this year we have had the privilege of running a youth club at the Riverside Centre on the London Road. Here Amy, one of our staff members, tells us about a fun session on the river.

At the end of August, Dave and I, with the guidance of a BANES instructor, took 4 young people out on the river for a very wet kayaking session.

Despite the heavens opening just as we got onto the river, the young people were still up for carrying on with the session. Canoeing upstream at the start meant an easier ‘float’ back down. Stopping under Grosvenor Bridge, we rafted the kayaks together and took photos. This was the opportunity for Dave and

I to show off by standing up and swapping boats! We narrowly escaped sinking one boat when we both ended up on it at the same time!

Despite being wet through and tired from all the paddling (and laughing) the young people said they were looking forward to the next time. All in all, a really fun evening.


Another amazing performance from Motus

Messing about on the river!

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We are moving offices to the Roundhill YMCA Centre, Southdown in January 2020. We are very excited about relocating to an area in which we already work and where we can make a difference to a community together as a team.

Are you practical and available to help us refurbish a room for our office space? We are looking for help during the week commencing Monday 2nd December. For more details contact Dave [email protected] or on 07342100411

For those of us that can’t manage a 13-mile run, this is a great fun event for families and friends to do together. There is a choice of distances - 12.5, 17, and 21 mile and 26.5-mile routes. Lovely scenery and refreshments on the way – drinks, cakes and other food – make this a very doable and enjoyable event.

We are looking to enter a team and will pay entry fees for anyone raising sponsorship for Bath Youth for Christ - target of £250 per person, but we’d really appreciate anything you can raise.

No limit to number of places – the more the merrier!

For more information and to book a place please contact Lea Lawton (contact details above) by the end of December


Are you a runner or would like to be?!

Bath Youth for Christ are delighted to be entering a team in the Bath Half 2020. We’re looking for runners to join some staff and our chair of trustees. If you, or someone you know,

fancy the challenge we’d love to hear from you. Places are free, but we’re setting a target of £300 sponsorship per runner. For more information or to secure your place please email [email protected].

We are moving offices!!

Bath Beat Walk – 25th April 2020

Bath Half – 15th March 2020

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Bath c/o Hay Hill Baptist Church Fountain Buildings Bath BA1 5DUT 01225 336055 E [email protected] No. 1165745. A member of British Youth for Christ

Together we can see young people’s lives changed by Jesus. I would like to give a monthly gift of £ _____________ or a one-off gift of £ _____________ to see young people’s lives changed

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The face of Southdown Youth and Community work is getting a makeover! Here Sam Ludwell shares her excitement at the opportunity to develop her role in this community

I have worked for Bath Youth for Christ for 17 years, the last 6 of which based in Southdown, running Motus Dance Academy and working in schools. I have been incredibly blessed to work with Chris Porter over the last few years as he developed the role of Southdown youth & community worker and built an awesome relationship with people in the area.

As Chris moves on to new, more Irish pastures, Sharon Treharne and myself are excited to continue building on this work, developing projects Chris and myself have been running, but also starting something new and fresh.

Sharon and I are both dancers, both love all things pertaining to health and fitness and both have a huge heart for this area. We want to bring what we love into this community. As well as Breakfast Club, the Accompanying project and Motus drop in, we also want to

develop Motus dance academy. I aim to take Motus further this next year, offering more lessons, putting on more performances and even starting a class for adults! Something that many have requested for a long time!

We are looking at starting various classes and projects to help both adults and young people be more active. This includes looking at how physical activity helps with mental health and also helping people explore what it means to eat well and stay within budget.

As a parent of two young girls I can appreciate the stress of the morning school run. I am looking to expand on the work Chris and the volunteers did with breakfast club and open up an extra space where parents can drop in for a coffee and a chat after school drop off.

Sharon is incredibly gifted with film and photography and I am excited to see her bring these skills into the role! There are lots of fresh ideas all in the planning stages. We would really value your prayers over these first few months as we settle in. It would be so easy to try and implement a 100 new things but we want to bring quality to what we do. So as people get back into their regular routine in September we will re-start all our existing projects, help Sharon get started and then look at how our ideas can best serve the community of Southdown.


All change in Southdown