Partidas Brilhantes de Xadrez

GM David Bronstein (2575) - GM Ljubo Ljubojevic (2680) [B02] Petropolis (FIDE) Interzonal Brazil, South America; 1973. [A.J. Goldsby I] (The ratings are accurate. I simply added 50 points to each for inflation.) One of the most brilliant and imaginative games ever played. Period - and bar none. This game was played in the FIDE Interzonal Tournament in Petropolis, Brazil. (1973.) This game could not have been played in a more important setting - at a very critical time for both players. Ljubojevic - who, at one time, was the # 3 player in the world - was in clear first place, and leading this tournament. (Which was a key step in qualifying for the World Championships.) Bronstein, who played in the first FIDE World Championship Match in 1948, was playing well ... but really needed to win to have any chance of qualifying for the Candidates Matches. The result is one of the greatest modern masterpieces ever played. (The game was unanimously voted as the most beautiful of the whole tournament.) (This game has won many different awards. Not only did it win first brilliancy prize from an important Interzonal - which featured dozens of brilliant games - it also won the year-long contest as the best game for that issue of the Informant. It also was voted game of the year by a distinguished panel of judges formed by the BCF.) *** A very minor footnote: I first saw this game many years ago, it very well may have been in the pages of 'CL&R' shortly after this game was played. I had renewed interest in this game in 1977 or 1978. What had happened is one of the south's leading chess players had been interviewed. He was asked to name what the THREE (3) most complicated games of chess ever played were. {This was one of the games that was named.} The GA chess editor, maybe only because he knew no one else who would even bother, asked me to annotate all three games. I mostly copied from books, and did very little original work. The work that I did do was probably (mostly) entirely forgettable. In the end, the majority of this material was run in the scholastic publication for the state high school players. (And in some parts of Alabama as well.) (I only mention this in case anyone comes across any of my old stuff, and also to let you know my interest in this game dates back almost thirty years now.) 1.e4 Nf6; {Diagram?} The very sharp Alekhine's defence. Very few top GM's employ this line on a regular basis today. (GM's Lev Alburt and Mike Adams both come to mind.)

Transcript of Partidas Brilhantes de Xadrez

Page 1: Partidas Brilhantes de Xadrez

GM David Bronstein (2575) - GM Ljubo Ljubojevic (26 80) [B02]

Petropolis (FIDE) Interzonal Brazil, South America; 1973.

[A.J. Goldsby I]

(The ratings are accurate. I simply added 50 points to each for inflation.)

One of the most brilliant and imaginative games ever played. Period - and bar none.

This game was played in the FIDE Interzonal Tournament in Petropolis, Brazil. (1973.)

This game could not have been played in a more important setting - at a very critical time for both players. Ljubojevic - who, at one time, was the # 3 player in the world - was in clear first place, and leading this tournament. (Which was a key step in qualifying for the World Championships.) Bronstein, who played in the first FIDE World Championship Match in 1948, was playing well ... but really needed to win to have any chance of qualifying for the Candidates Matches.

The result is one of the greatest modern masterpieces ever played. (The game was unanimously voted as the most beautiful of the whole tournament.)

(This game has won many different awards. Not only did it win first brilliancy prize from an important Interzonal - which featured dozens of brilliant games - it also won the year-long contest as the best game for that issue of the Informant. It also was voted game of the year by a distinguished panel of judges formed by the BCF.)


A very minor footnote: I first saw this game many years ago, it very well may have been in the pages of 'CL&R' shortly after this game was played. I had renewed interest in this game in 1977 or 1978. What had happened is one of the south's leading chess players had been interviewed. He was asked to name what the THREE (3) most complicated games of chess ever played were. {This was one of the games that was named.} The GA chess editor, maybe only because he knew no one else who would even bother, asked me to annotate all three games. I mostly copied from books, and did very little original work. The work that I did do was probably (mostly) entirely forgettable.

In the end, the majority of this material was run in the scholastic publication for the state high school players. (And in some parts of Alabama as well.)

(I only mention this in case anyone comes across any of my old stuff, and also to let you know my interest in this game dates back almost thirty years now.)

1.e4 Nf6; {Diagram?} The very sharp Alekhine's defence.

Very few top GM's employ this line on a regular basis today. (GM's Lev Alburt and Mike Adams both come to mind.)

Page 2: Partidas Brilhantes de Xadrez

This opening was practically unseen at the GM level for a very long time, until Bobby Fischer used it, (successfully); against Boris Spassky in their WCS match in 1972. {Then it seemed everyone wanted to play it.}

[ In such an important game, I would have thought that Black would play 1...e5; or even 1...c5; which is the respected Sicilian Defense. ]

2.e5, {Diagram?} The move that is the most often played in this position.

[ Another line is: 2.Nc3!? d5! ; 3.e5!? d4!? ; "~" {Diagram?} with an unbalanced {unclear} position. ]

2...Nd5; 3.d4 d6 ; 4.c4!? ; {Diagram?} Was this a prepared line ... or was this some of Bronstein's justly famous OTB innovation?

This is not that c4 is a new move here! But to play it against his opponent - who was one of the world's experts in this line - took a tremendous amount of ... let's say confidence in your own abilities. (To say the least!)

(Ljubojevic already had the reputation of being thoroughly at home in this line ... with either color!)

[ MCO gives the line of: 4.Nf3, {Diagram?} This is the main line, and what is most often played here ... especially today at the GM level. 4...Bg4 ; {Diagram?} The older line, but still probably the most solid here. (For 4...g6!? see column # 7.) 5.Be2 e6; 6.0-0 Be7; 7.c4 Nb6 ; 8.h3!? Bh5 ; 9.Nc3 0-0; 10.Be3 a5!? ; {Diagram?} A newer move. (For the older 10...d5!?; see column # 2.) 11.exd6 cxd6 ; 12.Qb3 N8d7 ; {Diagram?} The end of the column. 13.Qb5!? Bg6 ; 14.c5 Nc8 ; 15.Rfd1 , "+/=" {Diagram?} White has a solid edge here, and went on to win a nice game.

"White's Queen is in some danger, yet his Queen-side initiative is very strong." - GM N. de Firmian .

I. Glek - A. Shabalov ; USSR, 1989. [ See MCO-14; page # 157, column # 1, & also note # (f.). ] ]

4...Nb6; {Diagram?} The only good move.

[ A mistake is: 4...Nb4? ; 5.Qa4+ N8c6; 6.d5, "+/" {Diagram?} White will eventually win a piece here. ]

5.f4!? , {Diagram?} This is definitely razor-sharp. Either Bronstein came loaded for bear, or this is something the Russians prepared for poor Ljubo.

Page 3: Partidas Brilhantes de Xadrez

This starts the line known as: "The Four Pawns Attack."

This is certainly one of the wildest lines in all of chess ... and leads to the most unbalanced positions that you could imagine. (I have played this line since before I was a teen-ager.)

This line is a VERY infrequent guest at the Super-GM level. When I was a youngster, I used to go to tournaments, and check the Informants. (Which I would occasionally purchase.)

A whole year could go by without one single GM-versus-GM game in this line.

Bronstein guarantees a fight!

This variation: "promises extremely sharp positions, with mutual chances for both parties." - GM J. Timman .

[ White can also play the "Exchange Variation," with: 5.exd6!? cxd6 ; 6.Nc3! g6 ; 7.Be3 Bg7 ; 8.Rc1 0-0; 9.b3! e5 ; 10.dxe5 dxe5 ; 11.Qxd8 , 11...Rxd8 ; 12.c5 N6d7 ; 13.Bc4 Nc6 ; {Diagram?} The end of the column. 14.Nf3 Nd4 ; 15.Ng5 Rf8 ; 16.Nce4 Nf5 ; 17.0-0 Nf6; 18.Nd6 Nxd6 ; 19.cxd6 Bd7 ; 20.a4, "+/=" {Diagram?} ... "with the better ending for White here." - GM N. de Firmian . GM Roman Dzindzichhasvili - GM Lev Alburt ; U.S. Championships, 1996. [ See MCO-14; page # 161, column # 15, and also note # (j.). ]


It was not too late to play: 5.Nf3!? , {Diagram?} and try to transpose to the main line. ]

5...dxe5 ; 6.fxe5 c5!? ; {Diagram?} This was thought (previously) to be dubious by theory but was on the brink of becoming rehabilitated. Ljubojevic was to go on to become the world's leading expert in this line.

Ljubojevic has also - obviously! - come prepared.

GM Lev Alburt says this move could be doubtful. (In his book: "The Alekhine For The Tournament Player.")

GM J. Timman says that this is a possibly a line with a poor reputation, and that it originates with a master from Russia, named Argunov. (Many books today call this line, "The Ljubojevic Variation.")


NOTE: I did numerous database searches from this position. I found many recent games from recent events. I found about 25 games, and Black won the majority of the encounters. (But in many of these contests, the second player was higher rated by a fairly considerable margin.) But as none of the games were GM - vs. - GM contests, I do not include them here. (January 07, 2003.)

Those interested in research should go to an on-line database and search this position further.

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See also, (for research): D. Bryson (2388) - T. Luther (2538) ; FIDE (Men's) Olympiad Bled, Slovenia; 2002. (The game was drawn in 28 moves.)

[ The (more normal?) main line, which is played much more often than the text, is: 6...Nc6; 7.Be3 Bf5 ; 8.Nc3 e6; 9.Nf3, "+/=" {Diagram?} White usually retains a very small edge in these lines.

(I sometimes prefer the move order of 9.Be2 and then 10.Nf3.)

I stop here, as Black has about 6 different moves he has used in tournament play - all with some measure of success. (See any good reference book for details. 9...Be7; is probably the main line, though. I would definitely know, as I have over 25 years of tournament experience in this particular variation.)

ChessBase's on-line database says that this position has occurred at the master level over 1000 times. (!!)

The first time was: Emanuel Lasker - S. Tarrasch ; Maehrisch Ostrau, 1923. (!)

The most recent GM example, that I could find, was the game: GM D. Velimirovc - GM V. Kupreichik ; JUG Championship (Cup) Tournament. Becici, YUG; 1994.

MCO quotes the game: Fernandez Garcia - Peter Leko ; Debrecen, 1992. [ See MCO-14, page # 163, columns # 19 through # 23, notes # (a.) through # (p.); ....................... especially column # 19, and see also note # (e.). ] ]

The next few moves are all (pretty much) forced. 7.d5 e6; 8.Nc3 exd5 ; 9.cxd5 c4 ; {Diagram?} An old idea of V. Mikenas, this line had never been really tested (much) at the GM level.

'!' - GM Lev Alburt. [ "The Alekhine For The Tournament Player." By Alburt and Schiller, (c) 1985. ]

Black must be willing to sacrifice material - especially the QBP - for play, in this variation.


Both players seem to be playing an odd form of po ker. Each is playing chess as if trying to say, ... .. . ... "I call your sharp line ... and raise you with an e ven more wild line!" (The complications seem to be increasing exponentially here.)


Page 5: Partidas Brilhantes de Xadrez

[ Previously played was: 9...Qh4+!? ; 10.g3 Qd4 ; {Diagram?} when Black was thought to have a fair amount of play, but then White discovered the move: 11.Bf4! , "+/=" {Diagram?} which gives the first player a very solid advantage.

R. Verber - A. Segal ; World Championship Tourney; (Under-26 players), 1967.


a). One of my games, from the early-to-mid - 70's, once went: 11.Bf4! N8d7!? ; {Diagram?} Several players have also tried the move ...g5 here, but without any real success. 12.Nf3 Qb4 ; {Diagram?} This is almost forced.

(12...Qxd1+?; 13.Rxd1 a6; 14.e6 fxe6?!; 15.dxe6 Nf6; 16.Bc7, "+/-" {Diagram?} Black has lost a piece. )

13.Qd2!? , {Diagram?} This is very good for White.

(But probably >= 13.e6!, "+/" {Diag?} is even better. Nearly "+/-")

13...Be7; 14.Rd1 0-0; 15.Qc2! , "+/" {Diagram?} White had a large edge, and went on to win in less than 30 moves ... against a player who out-rated me by more than 700 points.


b). The older line here was: 11.Bb5+!? Bd7 ; 12.Bxd7+! , {Diagram?} Probably the best move here.

( Not as convincing is the older move: 12.Qe2!?, "~" {Diagram?} which often worked out to favor Black. (See Timman's book and also, "The Encyclopedia of Chess Openings.") )

12...N8xd7 ; 13.Nf3! Qxd1+ ; 14.Kxd1 0-0-0 ; 15.Kc2! , "+/=" {Diag?} which probably will give White a small advantage here. (Maybe - "+/") (Analysis. {A.J.G.}) ]


10.Nf3, ('!') {Diagram?} The most natural move here.

Damsky (and others) questions this, and recommends d6 instead. Personally I think this is a matter of taste.


[ The very respected book, "Nunn's Chess Openings, " gives the following line: 10.d6!? Nc6 ; {Diagram?} The only move given by Nunn.

(10...f6?; 11.Nb5!? Na6; 12.Qe2, "+/" {A.J.G.} )

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11.Nf3 Bg4!? ; 12.Bf4 g5!? ; {Diagram?} The end of the row.

( Better had to be: >/= 12...Qd7; 13.h3 Be6; 14.Qd2, "+/=" {Diag?} but White retains a very solid edge in this variation. {A.J.G.} )

13.Ne4! gxf4?! ; ('?') {Diagram?} This seems to be a big mistake, although Nunn does not seem to notice it.

( It seems Black had to play: >/= 13...Nd7[]; 14.Bxg5 Qa5+; 15.Qd2!, 15...Qxd2+; 16.Nfxd2!, "+/" {Diagram?} but White is clearly much better in this position. {A.J.G.} )

14.Nf6+ Qxf6 ; {Diagram?} Unfortunately, this is now forced for Black. 15.exf6 0-0-0 ; 16.Qc1! , "+/" {Diagram?} White is clearly better, if not winning outright. [ See NCO; page # 131, line/row # 5, and note # 23. ]


Estrin and Panov recommend instead that White play: 10.a3!? , "+/=" {Diag?} with maybe a slight advantage. ]

10...Bg4 ; {Diagram?} Many books consider this the main line here, but it is hardly the only move available to Black.

(Black has also played ...Bb4; - see the note just below ... as well as ...a6; and ...f6.)


[ MCO gives the continuation of: 10...Bb4!? ; (Maybe - '!') {Diag?} GM John Nunn gives this move an exclamation mark. (!) 11.Bxc4 Bxc3+ ; {Diagram?} The only good move for Black here. (Otherwise, Black will lose a Pawn - for no real compensation.)

(</= 11...0-0?!; 12.Bb3, "+/" )

12.bxc3 Nxc4 ; 13.Qa4+ Nd7; 14.Qxc4 Nb6 ; {Diagram?} The end of the column. 15.Qb5+ Qd7 ; 16.Qxd7+ Bxd7 ; 17.d6 Rc8 ; 18.0-0!? , {Diagram?} The most natural move here - and also probably the safest.


a). >/= 18.Bd2! , "+/=" {Diagram?} {A.J.G.} (I recommended this move many years ago.)


b). An often over-looked possibility is that White can play Be3 here, which also seems to allow a small edge to the first player: 18.Be3 Rxc3 ; 19.Bxb6 axb6 ; 20.Kd2 Rc5 ; 21.Rhb1 b5!? ; 22.a4! 0-0; {Box? Diagram?} Black probably felt this was pretty much forced.

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(</= 22...bxa4?!; 23.Rxb7, "+/")

23.axb5 f6 ; 24.Ra7, "+/=" {Diagram?}

A. Minasian - A. Shabalov ; /Minsk, RUS/1990 (38) (White won a nice game.);


c). Not that convincing was: 18.Bf4!? Rxc3 ; 19.0-0 0-0; 20.Rfc1 Rd3 ; 21.Rd1 Ra3; 22.Bc1!? Ra4 ; 23.Rd4 Rxd4 ; 24.Nxd4 Rc8 ; 25.Bg5 h6 ; 26.Bf4 Rc4 ; 27.Rd1 Nd5 ; 28.Bg3 Nc3 ; 29.Rc1 Rxd4 ; 30.Rxc3 Bc6 ; 31.Rc2 Kf8 ; 32.Kf2 Ke8 ; 33.Ke3 Ra4; "=/+" {Diagram?} Maybe White should not lose this position, but he did - in a long opposite-colored Bishop ending.

M. Marovic - A. Shabalov ; The U.S. Open. Chicago, IL (USA)/ 1994 (50);


18...Rxc3 ; "~" {Diagram?} MCO calls this position as completely equal. ("=")

My analysis indicates that White should probably retain a slight advantage with Bb2, "+/=" here.

IM E. Formanek - GM A. Shabalov ; New York Open, NY; (USA) 1995.

[ See MCO-14; page # 163, column # 24, & also note # (s.). ]

Nunn gives this line as well, but instead recommends that both sides play: 18. Bd2, Bb5; and claims that Black has good compensation for the material.


A line that is not to be recommended here is: 10...Bc5?! ; 11.Bxc4! , "+/" {Diagram?} and White is clearly better. (Damsky. ) ]


11.Qd4! , {Diagram?} A fairly respected writer remarks that: "White can probably take the c4-pawn, but he correctly finds a stronger plan." - GM Andy Soltis .

'!' - GM Andrew Soltis. (Other annotators have also awarded this move an exclam here as well.)

I personally like Qd4, and prefer it over the alternatives. But I would be remiss in my duties as an annotator if I did not point out that modern opening theory prefers the move, 11.Be2. (!) (But I do not agree with all the conclusions of some of the various opening books here.)

Page 8: Partidas Brilhantes de Xadrez

The move ... Qd4 ... leads to: "a nightmarish analytical smorgasbord." (!!) - GM Larry Christiansen, Robert Raingruber, and also Manuel Joeseph. [The book: "The Alekhine's Defense As White; The Four Pawns Attack." (c) 1988; The Thinker's Press. ]


[ Variation # 1.) Modern theory prefers Be2, I.e., >/= 11.Be2 Bc5 ; {Diagram?} Two different books say this is the best line for Black.


( Instead, another game went: 11...Bb4!? ; 12.Qd4 Bxf3 ; 13.Bxf3 0-0 ; 14.0-0 N8d7; 15.Qf4!? Nc5 ; 16.Qg3!? Kh8 ; 17.Bg5!? Qe8 ; 18.d6 f6!? ; 19.exf6 gxf6 ; 20.Bh6 Rg8 ; 21.Qh4 Qg6?! ; (Maybe - '?!') {Diagram?} This looks doubtful to me.

( It looks like Black had to play: 21...Bxc3; 22.bxc3 Qe5; 23.Rad1 Qxc3; 24.Bh5, "+/=" {Diag?} White is clearly a lot better. (Maybe - "+/") )

22.Nd5, "+/" {Diagram?} White is clearly better.

M. Nilsson - P. Andersen ; /Bikuben/[A.J.G.]/ 1994 (36) (White won without too many problems.) )


12.Ng5! Bf5 ; {Diagram?} This is practically forced.

(12...Bxe2?!; 13.Qxe2, "+/" {Diagram?} White has a near winning attack. (Nearly "+/-") )

13.Rf1 Bg6 ; 14.h4 h6 ; 15.h5! , "+/" {Diagram?} White has a very large edge.

Buker - Fleck ; Germany, 1985. [ See MCO-14; page # 163, column # 24, and note # (r.). ]

(NCO also gives this line, but stops after 13.Rf1, "+/");


Variation # 2.) Some old analysis from one of my notebooks went: 11.Bg5!? Bxf3?! ; {Diagram?} This is bad. (Maybe - '?') {Black should play ...Be7; or even ...Qc8.}

(Much better is: >/= 11...Be7; "~")

12.Bxd8 Bxd1 ; 13.Bxb6 axb6 ; 14.Rxd1 Nd7 ; 15.Bxc4 Nxe5 ; 16.Bb5+ Nd7 ; 17.d6 f6!? ; 18.Nd5! , "+/" {Diagram?} and White wins material. (Maybe "+/-") (But the whole line is really on the level of an opening trap. Black's 11th move is simply terrible.);


Page 9: Partidas Brilhantes de Xadrez

Variation # 3.) White could also try: 11.Bxc4!? Nxc4 ; 12.Qa4+ Nd7; 13.Qxc4 , 13...Bxf3 ; 14.gxf3 Nxe5 ; 15.Qe2, "+/=" {Diagram?} White retains a small edge.

Walter Browne - Nicevsky ; Rovinj Zagreb, 1970. ]


11...Bxf3 ; 12.gxf3 Bb4!? ; {Diagram?} Many of my books say this move is best or forced, but I am not 100% certain of this.

[ Interesting is: 12...Nc6; 13.Qe4 Nb4; 14.e6, "~" {Diagram?} White <supposedly> has a winning attack, but I do not see it! {A.J.G.} (Line by - GM Vlastmil Hort.) (Maybe 14.d6!?, "+/=" instead?)

Or another line is: 12...N8d7!? ; 13.d6! , "+/=" {Diag?} White is a little better. {A.J.G.} ]

13.Bxc4 , {Diagram?} Is this forced? Or is it best?

[ 13.Qg4!? Nxd5 ; 14.Qxg7? Rf8 ; "~" {Diagram?} The 'Thinker's Press' book on this game says Black is nearly winning here, but I do not believe it! {A.J.G.}

Hecht - M. Diesen ; Solingen 1970.

(The book on this game by "The Thinker's Press," gives Qg4 a question mark. ('?') But I think the real error was Qxg7. A.J.G.) ]

13...0-0; ('!') {Diagram?} This is good, and very nearly forced in this position.

[ Worse for Black was: 13...Nc6?! ; 14.Qe4 Nxc4 ; 15.dxc6 b5 ; 16.c7 Qc8 ; 17.Rg1, "+/" {Diagram?} White is clearly much better here - close to winning. ]

14.Rg1! g6! ; (TN?) {Diagram?}

(Theoretical Novelty??)

A very large improvement over previous master practice.

'!' - GM Andy Soltis.


Page 10: Partidas Brilhantes de Xadrez

GM Soltis makes a terrible mistake in his annotations. He says here: "Black knew the position well - he had lost a game at Cacak, 1971 ..."

There are TWO inaccuracies in the above statement! # 1.) The game was played in 1970, not 1971! # 2.) Ljubojevic was WHITE in this game, NOT Black!! (See the note just below.)


[ Previously seen was: 14...Qc7!? ; ('?!') 15.e6! f6!? ; {Diagram?} This is the natural reaction, Black tries to close lines.

( 15...fxe6; 16.Bh6! e5; 17.Bxg7!! exd4; 18.Bxd4+ Kf7; 19.Rg7+ Ke8; 20.Rxc7, "+/" {Diag?} White is clearly much better. (Maybe "+/-") )

16.Bh6! Qxc4? ; {Diagram?} This is an error.

(The following continuation was forced for Black: 16...g6[]; 17.Bb3 Bxc3+; 18.bxc3 Qd6; {Diag?} etc. But Black's game is pretty much hopeless, perhaps why Black chose not to play this!)

17.Rxg7+ Kh8 ; 18.Rg8+! Kxg8 ; 19.Qg1+, {Diagram?} and Black was quickly mated.

L. Ljubojevic - Honfi ; Cacak, 1970 . ]

15.Bg5! , (Maybe - '!!') {Diagram?} A fantastic move ... that leads to complications that are nearly astronomical in proportions. (White naturally wishes to exploit the somewhat weakened dark squares around the Black King.)

'!' - GM Jan Timman. '!' - GM Andrew Soltis.

[ White might still get an edge with the continuation: 15.Be3 Nxc4 ; 16.Qxc4 Bxc3+ ; 17.bxc3 Nd7 ; 18.Qd4, "+/=" {Diag?} and White looks a little better than Black here.

Not as good is: 15.Bh6!? Nc6 ; 16.Qe4 Bxc3+! ; 17.bxc3 Nxe5! , "=/+" {D?} Black is (at least) a little better here. ]

15...Qc7; (hmmm) {Diagram?} GM Andrew Soltis notes that Black threatens to win a whole Rook. (He threatens both ...Qxc4; and also the skewer, ...Bc5.)

Black had also played this entire line very quickly, so this must have been a prepared variation here.

[ 15...Be7 ]

16.Bb3!! , (Maybe - '!!!/!!!!') {Diagram?} Surely one of the deepest and most profound sacrifices ever played.


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<< Paul Keres was among the witnesses who were stunned by this game. He said White's 16th move, leading to the sacrifice of a Rook, was "a tremendous surprise, and during the game it took me quite a while to find the point of it."

No wonder this was considered the most beautiful game of the whole tournament. >> - GM Andrew Soltis . (The book: "The 100 Best.")


To the above comments, I can only add that MANY MASTERS, (who were present at the game); thought - quite simply - that Bronstein, who was given to nearly whimsical thoughts; had just blundered.

[ 16.Rg4!? N8d7; "~" ]

16...Bc5 ; 17.Qf4 Bxg1!? ; {Diagram?} Certainly this is the most natural move in this position? (It is DEFINITELY the acid test of White's whole idea!)

Many writers virulently criticized this move, and even awarded it a question mark. ('?') They include several GM's annotating this game for a Soviet Magazine, ('S.B.'); Zaitzev and Shashin, ('64'); The authors of the first edition of ECO, (many); and Kotov, Blackstock, & Wade, in their (joint) book: "World Championship Interzonals, 1973."

But as GM Jan Timman showed in his landmark book: "The Art Of Chess Analysis ," this move might not only be decent, it could very well be the best move for Black!


[ A postal game I played back in the 1980's went: 17...N8d7!? ; 18.d6! Qc6 ; 19.0-0-0!! , {Diagram?} This is an improvement over Ne4, (GM H. Ree); which was the move that was previously played in this position. (19.Rg2!?) 19...Bxg1!? ; 20.Rxg1 Qc5!? ; 21.Re1 Rae8; 22.e6!! , {Diag?} A very brilliant move.

(Interesting was: 22.Kb1!?, with the idea of Ne4 next. Or White could play the line: 22.Be7!? Rxe7; 23.dxe7 Qxe7; 24.e6!, "+/=" {Diagram?} - GM Jan Timman. )

22...fxe6 ; 23.Rxe6 Rxe6?! ; {Diagram?} This is inferior.


a). Necessary (probably) was: 23...Rc8; 24.Re7+ Nc4; {Diag?} This is forced.

(24...Kh8?; 25.Rxh7+ Kxh7; 26.Qh4+ Kg7; 27.Qh6#)

25.Qh4, "--->" {Diagram?} White probably has a winning attack here. ("+/-")

b). Really ugly, (for Black); is: 23...Rxf4? ; 24.Rxe8+ Kg7 ; 25.Rg8#. (Mate.)

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24.Bxe6+ Kh8?! ; ('?') {Diagram?} This is a mistake.

(Black had to play: >= 24...Kg7[]; 25.Bh6+ Kh8; 26.Bxf8, "+/-" {Diag?} but White is still winning. )

25.Qxf8+! Nxf8 ; 26.Bf6# . {Diagram?}

A.J. Goldsby - R. Timetkin ; Golden Knights Postal Tournament, 1981 - '83.

This is a very pretty mate, but it is not even original. (I think I was following an old analysis someone did, it might have been by GM P. Keres.);


Black could also try ...Re8 here: 17...Re8!? ; 18.Bf6 N8d7 ; 19.Ne4! Nxe5!? ; 20.Rxg6+!! , {Diagram?} ... "with a crushing attack." - GM Jan Timman .

Marjanovic - Filipowicz ; Yugoslavia, 1974. ]


18.d6, {Diagram?} This looks to be best and/or nearly forced. (It also opens the diagonal for the Bishop on b3, prevents ...f5, gains some space, and also gains a tempo as well.)

'!' - The Thinker's Press.

[ Ljubo was not afraid to repeat this whole line, i.e., 18.Ke2? Qc5 ; 19.Rxg1?! Qxg1 ; 20.Bf6 Qg2+ ; 21.Ke3!? Qxb2 ; 22.Kd3 N8d7 ; 23.Ne4 Rac8; 24.Qh6 Nxe5+ ; 25.Ke3 Rc3+ ; White Resigns , 0 - 1 F. Gheorghiu - L. Ljubojevic ; Manila, 1973. (25) ]

18...Qc8!? ; {Diagram?} This was branded a mistake by some, but it certainly looks very reasonable. (It is hard to believe that Black - a whole Rook ahead - would have any real problems.)

"It was very difficult to foresee that this was the wrong square for the Queen here." - GM Jan Timman .

GM Jon Speelman - in his 1982 book, "Best Chess Games, 1970 - 1980, " brands this move as an error. But as I have found several mistakes in his analysis of this game, all of his conclusions cannot be considered valid.


It is time to evaluate this position: # 1.) Material - Black is ahead nearly a whole Rook, White only has one pawn for the tower. # 2.) Time - believe it or not, is about even ... both pieces have about the same number of pieces developed.

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# 3.) Force - Although both sides have about the same number of pieces in the field of play, White's pieces co-operate and work together many times better than their counterparts. #4.) Space - Both sides pieces control approximately the same number of squares. But White's pawn wedge in the center translates to a great deal of protected squares. These pawns act as an umbrella, giving White a much greater freedom of play in the center.

Other factors that are VERY important in this position: a.) White - since he can castle has much better piece coordination, and this translates into a very large initiative. (White will be better able to generate threats over the next few moves, and thus dictate and control the way the play transpires.) b.) The second player has a hard time coordinating his pieces, and/or an ability to find good squares. He will have special difficulty getting his Q-side into real and effective play. c.) Especially significant are the grossly weakened dark-square complex on the Kingside. In some lines White threatens the very simple, (but effective); Bf6 and Qh6 ... with a mating web. d.) Because Black is so far ahead in material, he should probably be looking for any opportunity to return part of the point advantage for a chance to get to get his pieces to good posts.


AN INTERESTING OBSERVATION : One of the newest and latest programs I have is Nimzo 8.0 ... from ChessBase. It thinks here for over 5 minutes - - - and considers this position to be MUCH better, ("/+"); for Black!! (January, 2003.)

[ Several major theoretical manuals all give the line of: >/= 18...Qc5! ; {Diagram?} This is definitely the best move here, according to opening theory.

19.Ne4! Qd4! ; {Diagram?} It is best too keep Black's strongest piece centralized here.

( 18...Qc6?!; 19.e6!, "--->" ("+/-) )

20.Rd1! Qxb2! ; "~" {Diagram?} with continuing complications. (GM A. Soltis mentions this possibility as well.)

Students of theory should study the critical game: Moura - Rinaldi ; Correspondence Game, 1982/'83. (The Informant has some very interesting analysis of this game, but it is too long to go into here.)

A later game followed the following path: 21.e6!? , {Diagram?} This could be imprecise. ( >= 21.Rd2! "~") 21...N8d7! ; 22.e7 Qxh2 ; 23.exf8Q+ Rxf8 ; 24.Qxh2!? Bxh2 ; 25.Nf6+ Kg7 ; 26.Nxd7!? Nxd7 ; 27.Be7?! Rb8 ; "/+" {Diagram?} Black is clearly better ... and went on to win shortly.

GM Y. Gruenfeld - GM L. Ljubojevic ; FIDE Interzonal Tournament; Riga, LAT/ [A.J.G.] /1979 (37)

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Once again we see a Ljubojevic success on either side of this whole variation!


Black runs into problems after: 18...Qc6!? ; 19.e6!, "--->" {Diagram?} & White has a strong attack. ]

19.Ke2!? , {Diagram?} An interesting idea by Bronstein. (But probably not the best move.)

Bronstein is just a little too unconcerned for the safety of his own King.

[ Shortly after the game one of the participants pointed out the following line; which seems to be a fair improvement over the way the game was actually played: >/= 19.0-0-0! Bc5!? ; {Diagram?} It is difficult to suggest any real improvements for Black here. (19...Qc5!?; 20.e6 N8d7[]; 21.exf7+ Kg7; 22.Kb1! Qe5?!; 23.Rxg1!?, "+/=" (Maybe - "+/") {Diagram?} White is at least a little better here, in this position. - GM J. Timman .) 20.e6! fxe6 ; 21.Qe5 Re8; 22.Bh6! Qd7 ; 23.Ne4, "+/" {Diagram?} White is clearly much better here, or even winning. (Maybe "+/-") [Analysis by] - GM David Bronstein . ]

19...Bc5!? ; {Diagram?} While this appears to be the natural reaction to White's ideas, it may be a slightly (overly) materialistic way of handling the position.

"Black misses his last chance to make a fight of it." - GM Andy Soltis .

"This gains nothing." - GM Jan Timman .

[ The best line for Black was: >= 19...Qc5! ; - GM J. Timman . 20.e6 N8d7! ; "=/+" {Diagram?} Black is clearly better here. (Maybe - "/+") - GM A. Soltis . (The analysis of the variants in one book runs several columns!) ]

20.Ne4!? , (Maybe - '!') {Diagram?} GM A. Soltis makes no comment here, in this position. But this is definitely the best move here.

"Now everything goes according to White's desires." - GM Jan Timman .

[ 20.Bh6!? ]

20...N8d7; 21.Rc1 Qc6 ; {Diagram?} A casual observer might glance at this position ... and think the second player has few problems.

(The latest version of the program, "Crafty," thinks for several minutes ... {w/44 MB RAM for the hash tables} ... and says BLACK is WINNING this position!!!!!!!! Jan. 2003.)

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22.Rxc5!! , {Diagram?} White - who must have been acting on intuition at this point - removes the defender of Black's dark-square complex.

'!' - GM A. Soltis.

Soltis only gives this move one exclamation point, but I feel that this move definitely deserves two.

The sea of complications - that both parties now fi nd themselves nearly drowning in - is vast ... and virtually bottomless. (!!!)

"White gets a proud Knight on f6 by means of this exchange sacrifice." - GM Jan Timman .

[ 22.Kd1, or 22.Bh6!? ]

22...Nxc5 ; 23.Nf6+ Kh8 ; 24.Qh4 Qb5+ ; {Diagram?} Black appears to be doing OK.

25.Ke3! , (Maybe - '!!') {Diagram?} "Despite (severe) time pressure and the huge material disequilibrium, White has a mating attack." - GM Andy Soltis .

"The crowning point to White's attacking play." - GM Jan Timman .

'!' - GM Jan Timman. '!' - GM Andrew Soltis. '!!' - Yakov Damsky.

I wish to add that when I first went over this game, I was quite sure that Black would be to draw this game - due mainly to persistent threats to the White King.

[ Not nearly as good is: 25.Kf2!? Nd3+ ; 26.Kg2! Nf4+ ; 27.Bxf4 , "~" {Diagram?} - GM Andy Soltis . ]

25...h5; 26.Nxh5 , ('!') {Diagram?} Without this move, White's attack comes to a standstill.

[ 26.Qd4 Nxb3; "-/+" ]

26...Qxb3+!? ; {Diagram?} Black said after the game, that he felt his 26th move was forced.

[ Two alternatives here were: # 1.) 26...Qd3+; 27.Kf2 gxh5!? ; {Diagram?} This looks bad. (Did Black have to play: 27...Ne4+!?; in this position? ) 28.Bf6+ , ("+/-") {Diagram?} and mates. ( - GM A. Soltis.)

Or Black could try: # 2.) 26...Nd5+!? ; 27.Bxd5 Qd3+ ; 28.Kf2 Qc2+ ; 29.Kg3 , ("+/-") {Diag?} ... "and wins." - GM A. Soltis . ]


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White now shows he knows the value of a Steinitzian King. (GM A. Soltis also awards exclams to White's 28th and 29th moves.) 27.axb3 Nd5+ ; {Diagram?} Virtually ALL of my students over the years predict that the White King here will retreat to the second row.

28.Kd4! , {Diagram?} "The King is a strong piece." (Timman.)

[ 28.Ke2!? ]

28...Ne6+; 29.Kxd5! , {Diagram?} Bronstein seems to have found a new kind of chess ... and a new formula for winning in chess: Simply march your King all the way across the board! (The farther, the better?)

[ 29.Ke4; or 29.Kd3!? ]

29...Nxg5 ; {Diagram?} This is definitely forced.

[ Now White mates after: 29...gxh5!? ; 30.Bf6+ Kg8 ; 31.Ke4! , "+/-" {Diagram?} - GM Andy Soltis . ]

30.Nf6+ Kg7 ; 31.Qxg5 , {Diagram?} White's attack has now yielded a material advantage to the first player.

[ Also good is: 31.Ng4!?, "+/-" ]

31...Rfd8 ; 32.e6 fxe6+ ; 33.Kxe6 Rf8 ; {Diagram?} "Only White's time shortage kept Black from resigning." - GM Andy Soltis .

(Black played this entire game in less than an hour!)


White's technique now carefully gathers in the full point. 34.d7 a5; {Diagram?} Black has a small threat.

35.Ng4 Ra6+; {Diagram?} The QR finally enters the battle.

(Too little, too late.)

36.Kd5 Rf5+ ; {Diagram?} Has White blundered?

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37.Qxf5 , (!) 37...gxf5 ; 38.d8Q fxg4 ; 39.Qd7+ Kh6 ; 40.Qxb7! Rg6 ; 41.f4! , {Diagram?} Black RESIGNS, his game is quite hopeless. (1 - 0)


An amazing game of chess, one of the most complicated ever played in history of the game.

(It certainly rivals games like "The Immortal Game," or even Reti-Alekhine; Baden-Baden, 1925.)

This game was voted as the best and the most beautiful game of the entire tournament. This included a panel of judges, and also, (I believe.); all the players as well.

This game was also considered the best by the panel of judges for the INFORMANT. (Now the panel of judges was increased from six to ten.)


Keres says of this encounter: "Truly a wonderful game."

Timman calls this game: "A modern masterpiece." (In a Dutch chess magazine.)

Another well-known GM/writer/chess journalist says: "The entire 11th round was eclipsed by the quite fantastic game, Bronstein - Ljubojevic. In this unbelievable encounter, the cagey veteran Bronstein played with veritably youthful energy. In our time, few are capable of playing such a game. There can be no doubt that this game will be awarded THE First Brilliancy Prize!" - GM E. Gufeld .

(Dozens of other annotators have also praised this game. A group of editors for the Soviet Magazine, '64' named this game as being: ... "one of the five best games played in the last 50 - 75 years.")

My own opinion is that this immortal game has got to be (EASILY!!!) in the 100 best games of the last 250 years! (GM Andy Soltis ranks this as game # 41 {!!!} of the whole of The 20th Century.)


An interesting footnote was that - after leading the tournament - Ljubo virtually collapsed after losing this key game. Bronstein, on the other hand, finished very strongly ... after a somewhat average start; and almost qualified for the Candidates Matches.


(Historical footnote.) The tournament of the Interzonal for Petropolis, 1973 was one of the strongest ever held, at least in my opinion. The field was a true "Who's who?" of nearly all of the best players in the world of that period of time in chess.

The field included, aside from the two players in this game, the following participants: GM Paul Keres, (Estonia); GM Yefwim Geller, (U.S.S.R.); GM Lajos Portisch, (Hungary); GM Vlastmil Hort, (Czech); GM Samuel Reshevsky, (USA); GM V. Savon, (U.S.S.R./Ukraine); GM Lev Polugaevsky, (U.S.S.R.); GM Borislav Ivkov, (Yugoslavia);

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GM Henrique Mecking, (Brazil); GM Vassily Smyslov, (U.S.S.R.); GM Oscar Panno, (Argentina); GM Florin Gheorghiu, (Romania); and GM Peter Biyiases, (Canada).

Most of the above names need no introduction or explanation to real chess fans. A few are the true, real super-greats of chess. Savon was almost 2600 at that time, and one of the best in the world. (He won the Championship of the USSR in 1971, clear 1st.) The Romanian Gheorghiu I know real well, I played in several U.S. Opens where he competed also. A very young Mecking won this event to establish himself as one of the new super-stars of chess.


Another interesting footnote : As recently as the year 2000, I analyzed this game with a student. He had the latest versions of ChessMaster, (and a couple of other programs); running on a brand new computer. [His perception was that chess was solved, and the best program would {quickly} find the best plans. He based this on the fact that he had read somewhere that computers could already defeat 99% of all chess players.] Anyway, we spent all day one day analyzing this game. The computer - REPEATEDLY - failed to find the best line ... or even anything close to it!! (A point to mull over, and meditate upon.)

GM Garry Kasparov (2675) - GM Lajos Portisch (2630)

[E12] (Super) GM Tournament

Niksic, YUG; 1983.

[A.J. Goldsby I]


(The ratings would be at least 50 points higher today ... this would balance out nearly 20 years of inflation.)


One of the most brilliant games of chess ever played ... it almost certainly belongs in: "THE 100 BEST" of all time!!

Many GM's have told me they were very shocked and surprised by the sacrifice that Garry plays here. (Some GM's have told me this is one of the most complicated and brilliant sacrifices ever played.)

Some have suggested that this line was worked out in advance. I don't know if anyone has proven this beyond a reasonable doubt, and it really does not matter anyway.

(This is my extremely short version of this game.)

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The game starts off as a relatively routine QP opening. 1.d4 Nf6; 2.c4 e6; 3.Nf3, {Diagram?} This was probably played to avoid a Nimzo-Indian. (move-order)

[ More usual is: 3.Nc3, "+/=" ]

3...b6; Black uses the Queen's Indian Defense. This was fashioned into a respectable

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opening by A. Nimzovich and was all the rage in Master-level chess for at least a decade back in the period, from the late 70's into the early 90's.

[ By playing 3...d5; {Diagram?} Black transposes back into a Queen's Gambit. ]

4.Nc3!?, This was a little unusual, but nothing out of the ordinary. (good development)

[ At that time, the main line was considered to be: 4.g3, {Diagram?} which was patented by the great Rubinstein, and played at the master-level for 50-75 years.

[See any good opening book.] ]

Now play transposes into the Petrosian System. Both sides continue to develop in pretty much a standard way. 4...Bb7; 5.a3 d5!?; Black fights for the center in this particular line.

[ 5...Be7!? ]

6.cxd5 Nxd5!?; 7.e3 Nxc3!?; 8.bxc3 Be7; 9.Bb5+!, This forces things, and is probably superior to the older line of Bd3.

[ 9.Bd3!? ]

9...c6; This is probably positionally forced.

[ The move: 9...Nd7!? ; {Diagram?} places the steed on a less active square than the game. ]

Both sides continue to develop from this position. 10.Bd3 c5; 11.0-0 Nc6; 12.Bb2!? Rc8; 13.Qe2 0-0; 14.Rad1, {Diagram?} While this is the main line - and considered to be a virtual obligation at the master level, this (obviously) is not the only (reasonable) move for White in this particular position.

[ 14.e4!? , "+/=" or 14.Rfd1!? , "+/=" ]

14...Qc7!?; Portisch had played this many times before ... and had done very well with this line.

[ Black could play the modern main line - by transposition - with the continuation of: 14...cxd4 ; 15.cxd4 Bf6 ; 16.e4 Na5; "<=>" {Diagram?}

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Black is thought to have good play in this line ... see any good opening book on the Q.I.D.

[ See also MCO-14; page # 558, column # 1, & also mainly note (c.). ] ]

15.c4!! (TN) {Diagram?} This is a tremendous new move and one of unbelievable importance. It could be one of the most important theoretical novelties of the whole of the twentieth century.

(It completely overturns some GM analysis and nearly 20 years of master-level praxis.)

White has to be careful, in some lines his whole center could be decimated.

Most annotators only give this one exclamation mark. Because of the complexity, depth, and importance of this new move, I award it two.

[ The older line was: 15.e4, "+/=" {Diagram?} but Portisch had a very good record from this position. ]

15...cxd4!?; This opens the game ... in hindsight perhaps Black should try to keep the game closed.

(Black has decided to play against White's 'weakened' center ... many GM's who were present when this game was played thought that Black stood better here!)

[ 15...Bd6!? ]

16.exd4 Na5; 17.d5!, Garry - almost stereotypically - plays the most aggressive move. And he cares little if he loses a pawn. (Or two!)

This move clearly gives White a very powerful initiative.

[ Possibly Portisch expected Garry to play the move: 17.Ne5!? , "+/= {Diagram?} with a slight advantage. ]

17...exd5; This is probably best.

(After the game, Garry said that if Black had captured on c4, he had worked out a line all the way to mate!!!)

[ A line that was simply too risky for the second player was: </= 17...Nxc4?! ; 18.Qe4! g6 ; 19.Bxc4! Qxc4 ; 20.Qe5! f6[] ; 21.Qxe6+ Rf7 ; 22.Rc1, "+/=" {Diagram?} and White clearly has an advantage here. (Maybe - '±') ]

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18.cxd5 Bxd5; Black has won a pawn, but White has a simple method of regaining it.

[ Black should not play: 18...Bd6?! ; ('?') 19.Qe4, "+/=" {Diag?} White has a strong attack. ]

19.Bxh7+ Kxh7; 20.Rxd5 Kg8; {See the diagram just below .} The King retreat was nearly forced.

Now some GM's thought Black was better, mainly because in the ending the second player will have a distant, passed-pawn on the Queen-side.



[ 20...Nc4!? ]

Now comes one of the most shocking moves ... ever played in Master chess.

21.Bxg7!! (Probably - '!!!' ... Maybe even - !!!!') {Diagram?} White logically continues the process of tearing away the pawn cover in front of the Black King.

The players present could almost be heard to gasp ... in unison, nearly as one person!

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GM A. Soltis calls this move astonishing and totally unexpected. (As does GM John Emms.)

[ Possibly Portisch expected: 21.Ne5!? "+/=" ]

21...Kxg7; Black has no choice but to accept. (If he did not, White's attack would continue unabated; and the first player would not even be penalized materially for his idea.)

[ 21...Rfe8? ; 22.Ne5!, "/\" {Diagram?} White probably has a winning attack from this position. ]

22.Ne5!, (Maybe - '!!') Amazingly, White does not hurry here.

"An astounding quiet move ... for a man who has just sacrificed a piece," wrote one columnist.

(Most of my students want to play Nd4, with the idea of Nf5+.)

[ 22.Ng5; or 22.Re1; or 22.Nd4 ]

22...Rfd8; (Maybe - '!') This is forced or best. (The main idea is that Black gets the f8-square as a flight route for his King.)

[ All of Black's other moves lose here ... and some do so extremely quickly:

Variation # B22-A.) 22...f5; 23.Rd7 Qc5 ; 24.Nd3, "+/-" {Diagram?} White regains a piece ... with a virulent attack.


Variation # B22-B.) 22...Rh8!? ; 23.Qg4+ Kf8 ; {Diagram?} This is forced.

(23...Kh6??; 24.Nxf7+ Kh7; 25.Rh5#)

24.Qf5 f6 ; 25.Re1, {Diagram?} with a {probably} winning attack ("+/-") from this position.

(25.Re1, if 25...Nc6!?; then 26.Nd7+ Kf7; 27.Rxe7+! {D?} and White wins.)


Variation # B22-C.) 22...Qc2?! ; 23.Qg4+! Kh7 ; 24.Rd3, "+/-" {Diagram?} and Black has to give up the Queen in order to prevent a checkmate. (On the edge of the board.)


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Variation # B22-D.) 22...Rcd8!? ; 23.Nd7! , '±' (Maybe "+/-") {Diagram?} and White probably has an overwhelming attack here. ]

23.Qg4+ Kf8; 24.Qf5!, This is much better than any immediate attempt to try and regain the material.

[ 24.Nd7+!? ]

24...f6; {Box?} This is probably best.

[ </= 24...Bd6!? ; 25.Qf6!! , "--->" - GM G. Kasparov . ]

25.Nd7+, (Maybe - '!') This is also clearly the best.

[ 25.Ng6+!? Kf7! ; "~" ]

25...Rxd7; 26.Rxd7 Qc5; 27.Qh7, {Diagram?} I like this, but Garry was to later claim that Qh3 is better. (I am not so sure. Computer analysis does not show a clear win for White.)

[ Possibly: 27.Qh3!? ]

Many annotators give Black's next move an exclam. 27...Rc7!; 28.Qh8+! This is the best and is given an exclam by Kasparov himself.

[ An insidious trap was: 28.Rd3!? Qxf2+!! ; 29.Kxf2 , {D?} White has no choice here.

(29.Rxf2?? Rc1+; 30.Rd1 Rxd1+; 31.Rf1 Bc5+; 32.Kh1 Rxf1#.)

29...Bc5+ ; 30.Kg3 Rxh7 ; "/+" {Diagram?} and Black has the advantage. ]

28...Kf7; 29.Rd3 Nc4!?; Logically, for Black to have a chance at defending, this Knight must be brought back into the game.

[ 29...Qc2? ; 30.Qh5+! , ("+/-") ]

30.Rfd1!, The doubling of the Rooks looks pointless ... at least upon a superficial inspection.

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---> But it is decisive.

(Exchanging here kills the attack.)

[ 30.Qh7+!? ]

30...Ne5!?; Probably - '?!' (Maybe - '?') This is not the best defense.

But analysis has proven that Black was lost in any case. (So it probably did not matter what move Black played.)

[ Much better was: >/= 30...Bd6! ; 31.Rd5!? Qc6[] ; 32.h4! , "~" {Diagram?} when White's h-pawn may just sail down the board.

(GM J. Nunn later improved with 31.Rh3!±, maybe "+/-".)


A bad line is: </= 30...a5?; 31.Qh7+ Ke8?! ; {Diagram?} Ugly ... but played to demonstrate White's main threat.

( Better was: >/= 31...Ke6; but White plays 32.Qg8+, ("+/-") and mates in less than 10 moves from this position. )

32.Qg8+ Bf8 ; 33.Qe6+, "+/-" {Diagram?} with Rd8# mate next move. ]

White now finishes off in a quick and ruthlessly efficient manner. 31.Qh7+ Ke6; 32.Qg8+ Kf5; 33.g4+! Kf4; 34.Rd4+ K f3; 35.Qb3+, Black resigns.

(After ...Qc3; Qd5+, and mates very shortly.)

One of Kasparov's very best games.


(The following excerpts come from the long version of this game.)

One of the greatest and most spectacular games played in the 20th century. It is also certainly one of the most brilliant games ever played. It is certainly one of the more shocking and stunning King attacks of all time. And other than Black's flawed 30th move, it is almost perfectly played by BOTH parties!

A game for the ages. As long as chess is played, it will certainly be remembered as one of the greatest brilliancies of all time.

This game won the brilliancy prize for this event, I believe. It was also picked as the best game with a nearly perfect score by a distinguished panel of judges for that issue of the Informant. It was also picked as the game of the year by dozens of chess magazines. (Most notably '64.') It was listed in the Mammoth Book for the 100 greatest chess games ever played. (See the bibliography.)


This game was played at an international tournament in Niksic, Yugoslavia. It was dedicated to the 60th birthday of the great veteran player, GM

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Svetozar Gligoric. Kasparov - really just an unproven talent, (at that time); - dominated this event, winning with 11 points. (TWO full points ahead of the next player!) Bent Larsen was in second, (9); and Portisch and Spassky finished tied for 3-4 places. (8 points.)


1 - 0

Louis Charles de LaBourdonnais (2725) - Alexander MacDonnell (2650)

[D20] Match, ENG. vs. FRA.

Westminster Chess Club London, England (Game # 50), 1834

Dozens of players, writers, chess historians, etc - have all heaped praise on this game. (And many annotators have commented on this game ... and most have gotten it dead wrong! I have seen dozens of comments on this game over the years. I have included several - with my analysis to correct their mistakes - to give you an idea of what I am talking about here.)

This is also a game that is NOT as well-known as it deserves to be. (Some better known games are Anderssen 's "Immortal Game," and his "Ever-Green Partie." Also some of Morphy's games are very well-known. This game is as good as any of those historic clashes.)

GM Ruben Fine - in his excellent (and now classic) book - "The World's Great Chess Games" - calls this the FIRST (!) great ('IMMORTAL') game of chess!!!!

Black sacrifices pieces in a manner that would do honor to M. Tal. One of the deepest and most original sacrifices ever actually made on a chessboard. An incredible concept that pre-dates all others.

(REMEMBER: This contest pre-dates A. Anderssen's famous "Immortal Game" with L. Kieseritsky by almost 20 years!!!).

This is easily Alexander MacDonnell's greatest game ............. quite simply ... the best game he ever played.


(The comments in brackets ... <blah-blah-blah> ... are from my briefly annotated version of this game.)


These two players played a series of (mini) matches ... over an extended period of time. (84 or 85 games in total.)

There seems to be quite a bit of confusion about the correct number of this game. (When it occurred between these two players in their series.) (Indeed, it seems every book gives it a different numbering.)

The book, "The Complete Chess Addict, " by Mike Fox and Richard James ; call this the Fiftieth Match Game. (Game # 50.)

The book, "The Oxford Companion To Chess ," by David Hooper and Kenneth Whyld ; ... ... ... also calls this the 50th Match game.

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One book - from the McKay chess library - "An Encyclopedia of Chess, " (several different authors); calls this the 15th game of the 3rd match of this epic series. (Another book says this is the 4th game of the Fourth Match. Their accounting is meticulous, they may be right.) (And both may be correct, it could be game # 50 {overall} ... as well as # 4 of the 4th match!)

The book, "The Batsford Chess Encyclopedia, " ... by Nathan Divinsky ; gives this game, but does not give the (correct) game number. (Anne Sunnucks also gives this game as well, but does not bother to provide the game number.)

The authoritative, and extremely meticulously researched book, "The Oxford Encyclopedia of Chess Games, " ... by IM David Levy & Kevin O'Connell ; (Volume #1, Games: 1485 - 1866); gives ALL the games of this match. They list it as game # 50, ... so that is good enough for me!!

1.d4 d5 ; 2.c4 dxc4 ; {Diagram?} Black gives up his strong point (d5) in the center, but gains good piece play.

Thus far, we have a fairly normal Queen's Gambit. (Q.G.A. = "Queen's Gambit Accepted.")

[ The continuation: 2...e6; 3.Nc3 Nf6 ; 4.Bg5 Nbd7 ; {Diag?} leads to a standard Q.G.D. (Q.G.D. = A "Queen's Gambit Declined.") ].

3.e4!? , {Diagram.} This was heavily criticized by several writers, (Fine - for one, Lowenthal for another); and was labeled as inaccurate ... or even bad.


"Questionable." - J. Jakob Lowenthal . (An American newspaper.)

"A beginner's move," wrote the well-known Irishman, ... - James Mason . (A 19th-Century player and writer.)

"A move which is today considered grossly inferior. The principles of center play were but half understood at that time." - GM Ruben Fine . ("The World's Great Chess Games.")

"Too abrupt an advance." - GM Savielly Tartakower & James Du Mont . ("500 Master Games of Chess.")


Yet by the late 1980's and the early 1990's - this reached the pinnacle of GM fashion, and was being heavily played by the world's best GM's!!!

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(In my original ChessBase edition of this game, I included a survey of over 100 games of this line .... if for no other reason than to prove how wrong GM Ruben Fine was.)

[ The (main) "book" line - which is probably close to 100 years old - is the following continuation: 3.Nf3 Nf6 ; 4.e3 e6; 5.Bxc4 , 5...c5; 6.0-0 a6; 7.Qe2, {Diagram?} This is the modern main line, according to MCO-14. (Probably the move 7.dxc5!?, is only good for equality.) 7...Nc6; {Diagram?} According to theory, this is the most modern continuation.

( The older line - played at the GM level for over 50 years - is: 7...b5!?; 8.Bb3 Bb7; 9.Rd1 Nbd7; 10.Nc3 Bd6!?; "~ {D?} with a roughly balanced position, where White holds an initiative. (I studied this line intensively as a youth, in my teens. But only from the Black point of view - in those days I only played 1.P-K4!) )

8.Nc3 b5 ; 9.Bb3 Bb7 ; 10.Rd1 Qc7 ; 11.d5 exd5 ; 12.e4! d4 ; 13.Nd5 Qd8 ; 14.Bf4 Rc8 ; "~" ("=/+") {Diag?} The end of the column. 15.a4!? , "+/=" (initiative) {Diagram?} ... "with a big advantage." [to White] (According to GM Nick de Firmian in "Modern Chess Openings."). He credits this analysis to Neishtadt , and goes on to analyze a line where White reaches a winning endgame. (Beginning with 15...c4!?) But this analysis is VERY complex, and also it is not clear if it is all forced. Black could also play 15...Na5!? ; "~" {Diagram?} as well as the line MCO gives.

I call it, (this particular position, after 15. a4); an extremely complex position, with chances for both sides. - LM A.J. Goldsby I . [ See MCO-14; page # 445, column # 6, and also note # (t.). ] ].

3...e5!; {Diagram?} This is considered the best line {today} by modern opening books! (But ... again - it was heavily criticized in the past by players {and writers!} from Paulsen to Steinitz to Reinfeld.)

"The correct reply." - GM (& Dr.) Savielly Tartakower & James du Mont .

'!' - GM Ruben Fine. '!' - GM Andy Soltis.

[ The other 'book' line here is: 3...Nf6!? ; "~" {Diagram?} with a fair game for Black.

Another line here is: 3...e6; 4.Bxc4 Nf6 ; 5.Nc3 a6; 6.Nf3 b5 ; 7.Bd3 c5 ; 8.e5, "+/=" {Diagram?} White is certainly better here. (White eventually won.)

J. Gromek - I. Boleslavky ; Krynica, 1956. ].

4.d5!? , {Diagram?} White relieves the pressure from the center.

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(MCO-14 does not even consider this move at all. But its not bad.)


[ The best line - according to a book by GM Gufeld - is the continuation: 4.Nf3 exd4!? ; 5.Bxc4 Bb4+ ; 6.Nbd2 Nc6!? ; 7.0-0, ("comp") {Diagram?} with a fairly complicated position. (Its not clear who is better here. Note that White has had to ... 'gambit' a pawn in this particular line.)

Probably the most famous example of this line is the game: GM G. Kasparov - GM R. Huebner ; World Cup Competition, /Skelleftea/SWE/1989. (Look this game up in any on-line db.) ( Maybe better is: 7.a3!? )

Now a very complicated line ... from this position ... is: 7...Nf6; 8.e5!? Nd5 ; 9.Nb3; {Diagram?} Is this the best move here?

( The book: "Nunn's Chess Openings," gives the line: 9.a3!? Be7 ; 10.Qb3 Na5; 11.Qa4+ c6; "~" {Diagram?} The end of the line/row. 12.Ba2 b5 ; 13.Qxd4 Be6 ; 14.Ne4 h6; "~" {Diagram?} Nunn labels this as "unclear." I think White is clearly (and at least); a little better. ("+/=") (White's position is visually very impressive - even at a first {and somewhat casual} glance.) [ See NCO; page # 380, line/row # 7, and note # 42. ] )

9...Nb6; 10.Bb5!? , {Diagram?} Right after this was first played, an issue of the Informant labeled it as "best" and even awarded this move an exclam. (Today it is not the only move at this juncture.)


( The 'book' (main line) continuation here is: 10.Bg5!? Be7 ; {D?} This is probably best. (The end of the column in "Modern Chess Openings." ) 11.Bxe7 Qxe7! ; {Diagram?} Considered best by several sources.

(An alternative line is: 11...Nxe7!?; 12.Bd3 Ng6!?; 13.Nfxd4, 13...Nf4!?; 14.Bb5+ c6; 15.Qf3!, "+/=" (best) {Diagram?} White is just a little better here. (Black's pieces seem to be misplaced.) GM L. Ftacnik - GM C. Hansen ; Yerevan Olympiad, 1996.)

12.Bb5 Bd7 ; 13.Bxc6 Bxc6 ; 14.Nfxd4 Bd5 ; 15.Qg4 0-0! ; "~" {Diagram?} The position is not at all clear. GM I. Sokolov - GM R. Huebner ; Haifa, (ISR); 1989.

"This position is equal, since 16.Qxg7+, Kxg7; 17.Nf5+, Kh8; 18.Nxe7, Bxb3; 19.axb3, Rfe8; wins back the pawn." - GM Nick de Firmian in MCO. [ See MCO-14; page # 452, column # 19, and also note # (e.). ].

Now 16.Rfe1! , "+/=" {Diagram?} This position MUST be slightly better for White. - LM A.J. Goldsby I . (This is confirmed by checking this position against ChessMaster 8000 and Nimzo 8.0 )

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(The continuation: 16.f4!? Bxb3!?; 17.Nf5 Qc5+; 18.Kh1 g6; 19.axb3!?, "+/=" {Diagram ?} also seems to give White a fairly small edge.) )


Now a favorite game of mine is: 10...Qd5! ; {Diagram?} Both the Informant and MCO award this move an exclam. ( Not 10...0-0?!; 11.Bxc6 bxc6; 12.Nbxd4, "+/" {D?} - MCO. (14) ). 11.Nfxd4 Bd7 ; ('!') {Diagram?} To me, this seems like the most logical move in this position. {A.J.G.}

( 11...0-0!?; 12.Nxc6 Qxb5; 13.Nxb4!? Qxb4; "=" {Diagram?} This is equal, according to MCO. GM L. Portisch - GM R. Huebner ; Tillburg, 1988. [ See MCO-14; page # 452, column # 19, and note # (d.). ] ).

(We now return to an analysis of one of my favorite games.) 12.Nxc6 Qxb5!? ; {Diagram?} It appears that Black is trying to avoid the doubled pawns. (Worse is: 12...bxc6; 13.Bd3, "+/=") 13.Nbd4!? Qc5 ; 14.Nxb4 Qxb4 ; 15.e6!? , {Diagram?} This looks attractive, but it eventually fizzles.

( Maybe White should play the move: >= 15.a3!, "+/=" {D?} when it seems he retains some (a very small) advantage. )

15...Bxe6 ; 16.Nxe6 fxe6 ; 17.Qh5+ g6 ; 18.Qe5 0-0-0; 19.Qxe6+!? , {Diagram} This regains material equality, but allows Black to equalize.

(Could White try: 19.Bf4!?, "--->" {Diagram?} in an attempt to use the c-file? ).

19...Kb8 ; 20.b3!? Rhe8 ; 21.Qh3 Qe7; {Diagram?} GM Huzman says this position is completely level. ("=") Interested parties can consult ChessBase's "Big Base" to see if they have the deeply annotated version of this game. 22.Be3 Nd5 ; 23.Rae1 Nxe3; 24.Rxe3 Qf7 ; "=" {Diagram?} Draw agreed, 1/2-1/2 GM Ljubo Ljubojevic - GM Pedrag Nikolic ; Amsterdam/NED/[A.J.G.]/1999 (24) (An extremely interesting draw!)

(Click HERE to see a modern GM game in this line.)


A less attractive line for White is the following variation: 4.dxe5!? , {Diagram?} Several books brand this as doubtful or inferior. ('?!') 4...Qxd1+ ; 5.Kxd1 Nc6 ; 6.f4 Bg4+ ; 7.Nf3 0-0-0+; ("=/+") {Diagram?} with a good game for Black. ].


4...f5!? ; {Diagram?} Some sources branded this as [slightly] inferior, yet Nimzovich would have enjoyed this attack at the base of White's Pawn chain.

This is not the main line today, yet is not at all bad.

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[ The modern 'book' line is: 4...Nf6! ; 5.Nc3 c6 ; "~" etc. ("=/+") Black has a good game here.

A draw (in nearly 50 moves) was the result between 2 legends of the game, in the encounter: GM Ratmir Kholmov - GM Alexander Kotov ; USSR Championship. Moscow/RUS/1948.

Kholmov is well-known in chess and pioneered many systems where Black uses an early fianchetto of his KB vs. KP openings. Kotov once won an Interzonal, and also authored the great book: "Think Like A Grand-Master. "

The wild complications that arise from: 4...b5!? ; 5.a4, "~" {D?} are very, very unclear. ].

5.Nc3 Nf6 ; 6.Bxc4 Bc5 ; {Diagram?} "Black's position is freer." - GM R. Fine .

While this might seem true, having advanced his f-pawn also gives the second player some potential weaknesses.

[ Black could also play: 6...Bd6!? ; "~" {Diagram?} but Dr. Savielly Tartakower and James du Mont call this way of playing ... "less ambitious."


A line that was quoted by one source, runs as follows: 6...fxe4 ; 7.Qe2!? , {Diagram?} A seemingly natural move. ( Black could also try: 7.Nxe4 Nxe4; 8.Qh5+ g6; 9.Qxe5+ Qe7; 10.Qxh8 Qb4+; which seems to clearly favor Black. ("/+" or "-/+") - Howard Staunton . Interesting was: 7.Bg5!? Bf5; 8.Nge2 Qd7; 9.Ng3, "+/=" {D?} - J. Jacob Lowenthal . ) 7...Bf5 ; {Diagram?} A normal developing move. 8.f3 exf3 ; 9.Qxe5+ Qe7; 10.Nxf3 ; "~" {Diagram?} - Saint Amant . (!) ].

7.Nf3, {Diagram?} A straight-forward developing move.

[ White could also try: 7.exf5 , "~" {Diagram?} as well as other moves here. ].

7...Qe7; {Diagram?} Black makes a fairly logical developing move, ... (He gets a nice, sensible, centralized Queen.); adopting a sort of "wait-and-see" attitude.

According to several programs, White is just a shade better here. (Probably - "+/=")

White now falls for a simple tactic. 8.Bg5?! , (bad) {Diagram?} This is a mistake - and walks into a common trap.

'?' - GM R. Fine.

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<< A mistake. White misses the idea of a capture on f2 by the Bishop, and then a check on c5 by the Black Queen. (The Queen on the c5-square also attacks {FORKS} the White Bishop on c4!!) >>

[ Obviously much better was: >= 8.Qc2, "+/=" {Diagram?} when White is clearly just a little better.

Interesting is: 8.Qa4+!? , "~" {Diagram?} with a playable game. ].

8...Bxf2+! ; {Diagram?} An alert tactical shot.

[ 8...h6!? , "~" ].

9.Kf1!? , {Diagram?} This is forced, according to several writers.

But I think it is inaccurate. ('?!') - {A.J.G.}

Perhaps the great La Bourdonnais - sensing he has made an error - decided to avoid exchanges and keep the game as complicated as humanly possible?

[ White may have been happier with: >= 9.Kxf2! Qc5+ ; 10.Ke1, 10...Qxc4 , "~" (Or "=/+") {Diagram?} when the size of Black's advantage is not as large as in the actual game. (Nxe5, Qa6) Lowenthal recommended Kxf2, but for the wrong reasons. (His analysis was full of holes.) ].

9...Bb6 ; "=/+" ('!') {Diagram?} The most accurate. (Maybe worthy of an exclam?)

Black is clearly just a little better now.

[ Less accurate is: 9...Bc5!? ; 10.Qa4+, "~" {Diagram?} which allows counterplay. ].

White now has great difficulty getting his King's Rook developed and into the game on an effective square. 10.Qe2 f4! ; (space & lines) {Diagram?} Black clears the diagonal for his Queen's Bishop.

[ Black could also play: 10...a6!? ; or even 10...fxe4!? ; {Diag?} with a fair game for Black in either case. ].

11.Rd1!? ; {Diagram?} A perfectly reasonable looking move, especially considering the situation that White currently finds himself in.

Yet GM R. Fine says that this is: "Preparing to lose." (!)

My analysis reveals that Black gets an advantage - no matter what move White plays here.

[ 11.Bb5+!? ].

11...Bg4!? ; (Maybe - '!') {Diagram?} A pin - properly used - is a very powerful weapon.

[ 11...Nbd7!? ].

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12.d6!? ; {Diagram?} "A serious effort to contest the initiative." - Tartakower & du Mont .

[ 12.h3!? ].

12...cxd6 ; 13.Nd5!? , {Diagram?} This move - virulently condemned by so many - is actually not a bad move. In fact it looks to be a good move. I remember testing this game on several different computers in the year 1999 or 2000. Just about all the programs picked the move ... you guessed it! ... 13. Nd5.

<< Condemned by virtually all the annotators, yet this move looks very reasonable to me. And it is the first choice of nearly all the strong chess programs. >>

[ 13.Bxf6!? ].

"In this situation Black has the choice of suffering the attack, or of beating back every attempt to attack him by giving up his Queen. His judgment inclines him towards the latter alternative and, being a brave man, he follows it. He probably saw several menaces such as 13...Qd8; 14. Nxf4, exf4; 15. e5, or 13...Qf8; 14. Bb5+, and Black is prevented from castling. On the other hand, he weighed the chances after 13...Nxd5. For his Queen, he gets two pieces, two valuable pawns and an outpost position for his Knight at e3. So he made his decision. He did not make a combination, for he could not have calculated the maze of variations ... for it was too involved. He judged, and valued, and then acted." - Emanuel Lasker .

(I don't fully agree with Lasker here. Black made a tremendous combo, and Black's conduct for the rest of the game PROVES he calculated this combination extremely well.)

13...Nxd5!! ; (Maybe - '!!!/!!!!') {Diagram?} "The move White had overlooked." - GM Ruben Fine .

One of the deepest and most brilliant sacrifices ever made ... and just darn pretty.

Tal would have been proud to play such a move.

For this sacrifice, Black will obtain 2 pieces - and a ton of play - for the Queen.

The great Master - (former) World Champion Emmanuel Lasker - looks at this game in some depth in his book: "A Manual of Chess."

I have tested this game literally dozens of times over the years against chess programs (and D.M.P.'s) since 1980 ... almost NO program has ever picked this fantastic move at this point.

"Most unexpectedly, Black decides on a rare combination - giving up two pieces for the Queen, with fine prospects." - GM Savielly Tartakower & James du Mont.

[ Most programs pick the move: 13...Qd8; "=/+" {Diagram?} in this position. ].

14.Bxe7 ; {Diagram?} This move - although it was heartily condemned by a few - is now White's only real, practical chance to win the game.

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(Computer analysis pretty much bears this out. In fact after Bxe7, most computers consider the position to be clearly better for White! 6/2000).

[ Perhaps: 14.Bb5+!? , {Diagram?} is playable?

No good for White is: 14.Bxd5?! Qc7! ; "/+" {Diagram?} Black is clearly better. ].

14...Ne3+; 15.Ke1, {Diagram?} Most writers, or at least those who bother to comment; thought this was forced here.

[ >= 15.Qxe3, "+/=" - Saint Amant . 15...Bxe3 ; 16.Bxd6 Nc6 ; 17.Bb5 0-0-0 ; 18.Bxc6 bxc6 ; "/+" {Diagram?} Black is clearly better. - A.J.G. ].

15...Kxe7! ; {Diagram?} "Black has two pieces and a powerful attack for the Queen." "Subsequent analysis has never been able to demonstrate a really adequate defense." - GM Ruben Fine .

[ 15...Ba5+!? ].

<< Black - over the next few moves - will continuously spurn material gain, in preference for continuing to increase the pressure. >>

16.Qd3, {Diagram?} Maybe the only try here.

[ >= 16.Rc1! , "+/=" {Diagram?} - GM S. Gligoric . (I have never checked his very deep analysis - with the computer - for any possible errors.)

Suffice it to say that after the simple and obvious move: 16...Nc6; ("comp") ("=/+") {Diagram?} Black has good play. ].

16...Rd8! ; {Diagram?} To me, this is much superior to the immediate capture of the Rook on d1. - LM A.J. Goldsby I

[ The authors, Tartakower and Du Mont calls the move: 16...Nxd1!? ; ("=/+" ?) {Diagram?} ... somewhat greedy and penurious. ('?!') ].

17.Rd2, {Diagram?} This may be forced, although Anderssen did not like it.

[ >= 17.Bd5 Nc6 ; 18.Bxc6 , "+/=" - A. Anderssen . (I guess he is claiming White is easily a little better here.) ( Maybe 18.Rd2!? ) But now Black wins in the following line ... which took many days to work through and verify. 18...bxc6 ; 19.Rc1 Nxg2+ ; 20.Kf1 Ne3+ ; 21.Ke2 Rac8 ; 22.h3 Bh5 ; 23.Rhg1 g6 ; 24.b3 d5 ; 25.Rg5 Kf6 ; 26.h4 Bxf3+ ; 27.Kxf3 Nf5 ; 28.Ke2 Nxh4 ; 29.Rg4 g5 ; 30.exd5 cxd5 ; 31.Rxc8 Rxc8 ; 32.Qxd5 f3+ ; 33.Ke1 f2+ ; 34.Kd2 Rd8 ; "-/+" {Diagram?} Black is clearly winning here.

Analysis by ... - LIFE-Master A.J. Goldsby I. ].

17...Nc6! ; {Diagram?} "Scorning the bait." - Tartakower & du Mont.

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[ 17...a6!? ; or 17...Ba5!? ].

18.b3!? , {Diagram?} White is trying to secure all of his pieces and also lock down some key squares. But this does not really work well here.

"18.a3! was better." - GM Ruben Fine.

[ >= 18.a3! Rac8! ; "=/+" {Diagram?} According to GM R. Fine, Black retains a bind. (And maybe Black is clearly better here.)

This is verified by dozens of other sources ... AND intensive computer analysis! {A.J.G.}

Maybe White should try to play: 18.Rf1!? ; {Diagram?} and give some of the material back. (This is similar to Gligoric's idea.) ].

18...Ba5; 19.a3!? , {Diagram?} White prepares b4, to block out the Black B on a5.

[ 19.Kf2!? - A. Anderssen. ].

19...Rac8! ; {Diagram?} Black - BEFORE Morphy! - has effectively mobilized ... all of his forces!

A VERY modern concept, ... and VERY, VERY RARE for that era!!

<< Black is not tempted by the booty on d2 or g2. Instead, ... >> (From an article I wrote years ago.)

20.Rg1, {Diagram?} White struggles to free himself. (GM Ruben Fine.)

[ Other moves fare no better: 20.Kf2 Bxd2 ; "/+" {Diagram?} Black should eventually win - without too many problems.

Much worse is: 20.b4?! Nxb4! ; "/+" ("-/+") ? and once again, Black is very much better. ].

20...b5!! ; {Diagram?} A move of unparalleled depth and brilliancy ... especially for that time.

Black sacrifices a pawn to further open the position.

"This well-prepared sacrifice gains an important tempo." - GM Savielly Tartakower & James Du Mont

[ Black could also play: 20...Bxf3!? ; 21.gxf3 Nd4 ; "-/+" {Diagram?} with some advantage. ].

White sees no choice (now) but to accept the offer on the b5-square. 21.Bxb5 , {Diagram?} Is this forced?

[ Maybe a little better was: >= 21.Bd5 Bxf3 ; 22.gxf3[] , {Diag?} This is forced. ( Much worse is: 22.Bxc6? Rxc6; 23.b4 Bh5; 24.Qxb5 Rc1+; 25.Kf2 Ng4+; 26.Ke2 Rxg1; ("-/+") {Diagram?} and Black wins. ) 22...Bxd2+!? ; {Diagram?} This is probably best. (The move: 22...Nd4!?; "=/+" {Diagram?} is fairly

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interesting.) 23.Kxd2 Nd4 ; "/+" {Diagram?} with play similar to the actual game. ].

21...Bxf3! ; {Diagram?} Easily the best move here - Black had several other playable alternatives.

[ 21...Bxd2+!? ].

22.gxf3 Nd4! ; {Diagram.} Black's pieces have invaded White's position with near decisive effect. - LM A.J. Goldsby I

(Note how Black ignores the material win by taking the Rook on d2, and also correctly passes on ...Rc1+.)

23.Bc4!? , {Diagram?} "He at least closes the open QB file, but meanwhile Black's cavalry has overrun the position." - Tartakower & du Mont

[ Worse is: 23.Rxg7+? Kf6 ; 24.Kf2 Bxd2! ; {Diagram?} Black is winning ("-/+") easily from this position. ].

23...Nxf3+ ; 24.Kf2 Nxd2 ; ("-/+") {Diagram?} According to modern computer analysis, Black already has a won game. (Black has a Rook, two Knights, and two Pawns for his Queen. He also still has an amazing amount of piece activity.)

"The purely 'positional sacrifice' of the Queen has paid enormous dividends, but White still has something to say." - GM S. Tartakower and J. du Mont


The next series of moves seem all to be forced. (Moves # 25 through White's 29th move all seem best/forced. This is verified by YEARS of computer-assisted analysis! ---> This is in direct contradiction to what dozens of the pundits have written.) 25.Rxg7+ Kf6 ; 26.Rf7+ Kg6 ; 27.Rb7!? , {Diagram?} This appears to be the only good move for White here.

[ Much worse is: 27.Rxa7? Bb6 ; 28.Rb7 Nexc4+ ; ("-/+") {D?} winning for Black. ].

27...Ndxc4 ; 28.bxc4 Rxc4 ; {Diagram?} ... "and Black won." - Emmanuel Lasker .

29.Qb1, {Diagram?} "It is curious how the (Black) Knight (on e3) keeps the White Queen immobile." - GM Ruben Fine .

Note White now threatens Qg1+.

"After endless difficulties, the Queen has at last obtained some degree of freedom." - Tartakower & du Mont

[ 29.h4!? ; or 29.Qb3!? ].

29...Bb6 ; ('!') {Diagram?} A pretty rejoinder. (-Tartakower and du Mont)

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[ 29...h5!? ].

30.Kf3 , {Diagram?} White flees from the awesome power of the potential discovered check. (Not a bad idea ... if you think about it!)

[ 30.Qg1+!? Ng4+ ; etc. ].

30...Rc3; {Diagram?} "The same motif." - Tartakower & du Mont. (Black threatens another discovered check, winning the game.)

31.Qa2!? , {Diagram?} White has little here.

[ If White plays: 31.Ke2 Rc2+ ; 32.Kf3 Ng2 ; 33.Kg4 Rc3 ; "-/+" {Diagram?} ... "with a mating net." - Tartakower & du Mont. ].

31...Nc4+! ; {Diagram?} This is not just a check, Black also stops the threatened Qf7+ by White.

32.Kg4 , (Hmmm.) {Diagram?} Some writers criticized this move as risky, the computer seems to think it is best. (!!!)

[ About the same is: = 32.Ke2!? f3+ ; ("-/+") {Diagram?} when Black is also winning. ].

Black's next move is very subtle ... and also VERY ahead of its time. 32...Rg8! ; (nice) {Diagram?} A very sly move by Black, ... threatening a cute, ---> - and winning - discovered check. (Black's play is thematic here.)

"Threatening 33...h5+; 34.Kh4, Bd8; etc., which forces the adversary to throw more ballast overboard." - GM S. Tartakower & J. du Mont .

[ Also good was: 32...Rc2!? ; "-/+" {Diagram?} which is also very good for Black. ].

33.Rxb6 ; {Diagram?} This seems forced. (Fine says it is the only moved.)

[ Definitely not: 33.Re7 h5+; 34.Kh4 Bd8 ; "-/+" {Diagram?} and Black mates shortly. ].

33...axb6 ; 34.Kh4 Kf6! ; 35.Qe2 Rg6; 36.Qh5 Ne3; {Diagram?} White has no chance. So ... White Resigns, 0-1 . (White cannot satisfactorily meet the threat of ...Ng2+)

A very beautiful game. Surely one that was FAR ahead of its time.


This game EASILY belongs in my list of: ... "The Ten Most Beautiful Games of The (whole) Nineteenth Century. "


"An incredible game of outstanding merit," say the authors of the book: "500 Master Games of Chess. " (Dr. Savielly Tartakower & James Du Mont.) .

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"The Batsford Chess Encyclopedia " (2nd Edition), calls this game: "A game that is one of previously unmatched brilliancy ... and depth of conception."

One writer, who was working for the magazine, "Chess Review ," called this game: "One of the very best of its time." (A ... "nearly forgotten jewel," says editor Al Horowitz .)

David Hooper and Kenneth Whyld , in the book: "The Oxford Companion to Chess, " wrote that the games between MacDonnell and La Bourdonnais were generally regarded as the best of their time. They went on to note that they were some of the first games to be widely published in both England, Europe, and America; and greatly increased and stimulated the interest in the game of chess.

I christen this chess game, "The 1st Great Jewel of England."

GM Alexander MacDonnell (2650) - GM Louis Charles de LaBourdonnais (2675)

[B32] Match , ENG. vs. FRA. (Mini-Match #4) London , England . (Game # 16), 1834

[A.J. Goldsby I]


(Technically, these players are not {officially} GM's. I did that as a sort of honorary tribute. These WERE the TWO VERY BEST PLAYERS ... OF THAT TIME!! {In the world.}

The ratings are simply estimates. Chess-Metrics does not even give a rating for MacDonnell until 1862. {2522, # 8 in the world.} La Bourdonnais is not even listed!!)

Click HERE to see an explanation of the symbols I use.

One of the first great chess games. Its a visionary game by LaBourdonnais, who uses ideas that were clearly far, far ahead of his time. It is also one of the ultimate games for showing off the strong center and the power of mobile, passed-pawns.

This game alone serves as a lasting testament to LaBourdonnais's skill. (His "Immortal Game." ??)

Fox and James , (in their book, "The Complete Chess Addict " ); label this as the 62nd match game. (The Mammoth book says this is the: Fourth Match, the 16th game - of this epic series.)

This game has been annotated by practically everyone of any note. (Who ever played the game of chess.)

The entire list is too long, but a partial list is most impressive: Mason, Staunton, Morphy, W. Steinitz, Lasker, Botvinnik & Flohr, Horowitz, Chernev, Soltis, Huebner, etc. And many have not annotated this game correctly or objectively. Hopefully my voice in this group will at least be coldly objective. All my work has been meticulously checked by the computer. I have also

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taken into account the fact of the time when this game was played - an era before chess clocks, before opening books, before databases and before computers. (I think many are overly harsh when commenting on these older games. I have also taught this game to students many times, especially over the Internet. Hopefully this experience has given me more insight into this game than the average player.)

My analysis is my own, but my primary source of reference for this game was the excellent book: (The Mammoth Book of) "The World's Greatest Chess Games, " by GM John Nunn , GM John Emms , and also FM Graham Burgess . (Copyright 1998.)

1.e4 c5; 2.Nf3 Nc6; 3.d4 cxd4 ; 4.Nxd4 e5!? ; {Diagram?} Black strongly attacks the center.

This move was condemned by dozens of writers. (Mason, for example.)

But Black anticipates a modern form of the Sicilian very much in vogue in the former U.S.S.R. during the period, 1980-1995. (Kalishnikov Sicilian.) {It is still being played today.}

[ More usual is: 4...e6!? ; "~" ].

5.Nxc6?! , (Maybe - '?') {Diagram?} White exchanges, probably thinking he is avoiding losing time by moving the Knight yet again. But this move is wrong for many reasons - the most important of which is that Black's center has been greatly strengthened. (White no longer has the d5-square as an outpost, as he normally would.)

'?!' - GM J. Nunn, GM J. Emms, and FM Graham Burge ss.

'?' - GM Robert Huebner . (La Palimede)

[ Better was the continuation: 5.Nb5 d6; {Diagram?} The most commonly seen continuation for Black at this point.


(The continuation: 5...a6!?; 6.Nd6+ Bxd6; 7.Qxd6 Qf6!; "~" {Diagram?} is a line known as ....... "The Lowenthal Sicilian." (ECO Code = B32.)

It is very complicated and even somewhat bizarre. But both of the very popular writers, GM Andy Soltis and IM Jeremy Silman ; have written books recommending this line as very good for Black.).


An now the move/continuation: 6.c4!? , {Diagram?} has been used hundreds of times at the master level. (See A. Karpov - G. Kasparov ; their second World Championship Match; Game # 16, Moscow/RUS/1985; for a similar example.)

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(Also playable is: 6.N1c3!?, "+/=")

Now a 'book' line is: 6...Be7; 7.N1c3 a6; 8.Na3 Be6; 9.Be2, {Diagram?} One of my older books stopped here, and said White is a little better in this position.

(White could also play the move: 9.Be3!?, {Diagram?} with fairly good play.)

9...Bg5!? ; {Diagram?} Black rids himself of his dark- squared Bishop, as possibly a bad piece in the ending.

(Also playable was: 9...Nf6!?; {Diagram?} with a fair position for Black.)

10.Nc2 Bxc1 ; 11.Rxc1 Nf6; 12.0-0 0-0; {Diagram?} This far, both sides have developed normally. Now White should simply play the move, 13.b3, "+/=" {Diag?} with a small advantage.

This was originally some analysis I had done more than ten years ago. (Circa, 1987.) {A.J.G.} But this actually occurred in the encounter: B. Krieman - P. Moulin ; Manhattan C.C. International, New York/N.Y./USA/1995. (Source ChessBase's on-line games database.)

White won a nice game. ].

5...bxc6 ; {Diagram?} The correct move, recapturing towards the center.

[ Inferior is: 5...dxc6?! ; 6.Qxd8+ Kxd8 ; 7.Bc4 , {Diagram?} (White has the initiative.); when White's development will be easier and freer than Black. ].

6.Bc4!? , ('!') {Diagram?} White develops a piece, controls the central square d5, and tries to prevent Black from playing the freeing advance, ...d5. (He also avoids the pin ... 6.Nc3!?, Bb4; etc.)

[ Perhaps a playable alternative was the move: 6.c4!? , {Diagram?} setting up a pawn structure similar to the "Maroczy Bind." ].

All of Black's moves in this opening are extremely accurate - even by modern standards - and could (possibly) all be given an exclam. 6...Nf6; {Diagram?} Black naturally develops.


[ This move does all 4 of the basic opening principles: # 1.) Controls the center; # 2.) Develops a piece; # 3.) Prepares castling; # 4.) Attacks/defends the basic material balance. (square control) ].

The trick to playing a good opening is to find the move which does as many of each of the above principles ... EVERY TIME YOU MOVE!!!


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[ Less ambitious was: 6...d6!? ; 7.0-0, "=" {Diagram} with an approximately equal position here. ].

7.Bg5!? , {Diagram?} "Pin and win," said Reinfeld . (But this could be premature.)

This move is probably not the best. After ...Be7; Black will now threaten ...Nxe4; (winning at least a pawn) at some point. Beware of pins that are not well thought-out!

Nunn, Emms and Burgess make no comment at this juncture.

[ White should probably play: > 7.Nc3 Bb4 ; 8.Qd3 d5! ; 9.exd5 cxd5 ; 10.Bb5+ Bd7 ; 11.Bxd7+ Qxd7 ; 12.0-0 0-0; "~" {Diagram?} but Black has no worries here. (Maybe the second player is already a tiny bit better here?).

Maybe: 7.Qe2!? , "=" {Diagram?} was playable here? ].

7...Be7; {Diagram?} A simple developing move that prepares King-side castling. (It also is useful because it breaks the pin on the Knight.)

[ Playable was: 7...Rb8!? ; "~" ].

8.Qe2!? , (hmmm) {Diagram?} White still wishes to avoid the pin, yet this move is not well thought out. Once Black plays ...d5; White will retreat the Bishop. Then the White Queen will be exposed on the a6-f1 diagonal.

This move was roundly condemned by Nunn , Emms & Burgess , yet I think White's difficulties mostly stem from his inaccurate fifth move.

'?!' - Nunn, Emms, and Burgess. (W. Steinitz also criticized this move.)

[ Definitely the best line for White was: 8.Bxf6! Bxf6 ; 9.Nc3, "~" {Diagram?} when the damage has been minimized. ].

8...d5! ; {Diagram.} Black immediately breaks in the center ... and gains a tempo (on the B on c4) as well.

[ Black could also play: 8...0-0; {Diagram?} but this could transpose back to the game. ].

9.Bxf6!? , {Diagram?} White dumps his Bishop on g5, so as not to waste any further time here.

But I am not sure if this was the most accurate line for White.

[ Maybe better was: 9.exd5 cxd5 ; 10.Bb5+ Bd7 ; 11.Nc3 d4; "~" {Diagram?} the current position is unclear, (Maybe a tiny bit better for Black). But Nunn, Emms, and Burgess analyze this line to a win for Black. I am not sure if I agree with all of the moves, but interested parties can consult their book for all of that analysis. (It runs several pages!!) ].

For the next few moves, both sides play natural moves and continue to develop. 9...Bxf6 ; 10.Bb3 0-0; 11.0-0 a5!; {Diagram.} The second party here grabs some more space.

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Already Black threatens ...a4; winning White's Bishop on b3, and also ...Ba6; winning the exchange for the 2nd player.

These threats force further positional concessions from White.

I tell all my students that any time Black is threatening to win this early in the game, it is a sure sign something has gone clearly wrong for White!!

[ A nice try is: 11...Qa5!? ; "~" ]. 12.exd5!? , {Diagram?} This basically hands Black the center on a silver platter.

Nunn, Emms, and Burgess do NOT comment here ... but it is possible this move could be inaccurate. ('?!')

[ Also unattractive for White was: 12.Rd1 Ba6; 13.Qh5 g6; "=/+" {Diagram?} with an advantage for Black. (But maybe it was better than the continuation played in the actual game?) ].

12...cxd5 ; 13.Rd1 d4; "=/+" ('!') {Diagram?} Black is already a just little bit better here, in this position. (More space and better mobility.)

[ Interesting was: 13...Ba6!? ; "~" {Diagram?} which is unclear. (Or maybe slightly better for Black?) ].

White to move here. What move should be played in this position? 14.c4?! ; {Diagram?} White is striving desperately for counterplay in this position.

But this move is incorrect. It was time to go into a "damage control" mode and play c3, and perhaps follow this with Nd2. (The Nimzovichian concept of "BLOCKADE.")

I think GM R. Fine was the first to point out that this move was not the best.

'?!' - Nunn, Emms, and Burgess.

[ Better was: >= 14.c3 a4; 15.Bc2 g6; "~" {Diagram?} when Black is just a little better due to his greater control of space. ].

14...Qb6; 15.Bc2 Bb7 ; {Diagram?} Black develops his Bishop (a fianchetto) on a good diagonal.

[ Of course not: 15...Qxb2?? ; 16.Bxh7+ , "+/-" {Diagram?} which wins Black's Queen. ].

16.Nd2 Rae8!! ; (Truly an incredible move!) {Diagram?} Black prepares a big pawn push in the center, (...g6; ...Bg7; ...f5; ...e4); and to do this, his Rooks are best situated on e8 and f8!!!

The average MASTER that I have shown this position to invariably plays ...Rfe8. (The very strong computer program, Nimzo 8.0 , does not find this move either! At least after just a couple of minutes of analysis time.)

This shows that this move by the great LaBourdonnais is exceptionally deep and insightful. It is also a tribute to his predecessor Philidor who said: "Pawns are the SOUL of chess!" (The pawns determine the open lines and where your play is at. This is what Philidor meant.)

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[ By playing the inaccurate: 16...Qxb2? ; 17.Qd3! , {Diagram?} This looks best. (17.Bxh7+ Kxh7; 18.Rab1 Qxa2; 19.Rxb7 Qc2; 20.Qf3, "~"). 17...e4; 18.Nxe4 Bxe4 ; 19.Qxe4 g6; "=" {Diagram?} Black has lost all of his advantage.

By playing the move: 16...Rfe8!? ; "=/+" {Diagram?} Black only has a small advantage. ].

17.Ne4!? , {Diagram?} White both attacks the Bishop on f6, and also tries to blockade the Black e-pawn.

[ 17.Rab1 ].

17...Bd8! ; {Diagram?} This retreat looks very passive, especially to many of my beginner students. But Black will need his dark-squared Bishop later!

Black now threatens simply ...f5; blowing White off the board.

[ 17...Bxe4 ; 18.Qxe4 g6; "~" {Diagram?} The position is unclear. ].

18.c5, {Diagram?} This is virtually forced.

[ If 18.Re1!? f5; "/+" {Diagram?} and Black is clearly better. ].

Black's next move sets up a powerful battery against the White King. 18...Qc6; {Diagram?} Black has to move the Queen! (And now if White moves his Knight, Black mates at g2.).

19.f3, {Diagram?} This is virtually (positionally) forced and also accomplishes a couple of good things. Black's mating threats against the g2-square are at least temporarily blocked. And White impedes the advance of Black's pawns. (At least for the moment.)

[ 19.Qc4!? ].

19...Be7; {Diagram?} Black had to stop Nd6.

20.Rac1 f5!! ; {Diagram?} "Black immediately begins the decisive advance. Note that he spends no time on prophylaxis against White's queen- side play, confident in the fact that his pawn storm will sweep everything from its path." - Nunn , Emms , and Burgess .

A case of a complete in-congruency: after praising this move to the skies, Nunn, Emms, and Burgess do NOT award this move a single exclam! As Black is willing to sacrifice a great deal of material in these lines, I do not think the double-exclam is out of line at all. Additionally, Black is demonstrating an idea, (a sacrifice for a pawn roller); that is brand-new for that period.

21.Qc4+ Kh8! ; {Diagram?} Black's King is safest in the corner here. This move is also preparing an exchange sacrifice.

'!' - Nunn, Emms, and Burgess.

[ If 21...Qd5!? ; 22.Bb3!? ; "~" {Diagram?} and the position is murky.].

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22.Ba4 Qh6; 23.Bxe8!? , {Diagram?} (Maybe - '?!') White grabs the material, maybe thinking he is now winning. (One can hardly blame him!)

But this move is probably premature.

'?!' - Nunn, Emms, & Burgess.

[ Nunn, Emms, and Burgess analyze the following line, (Which is probably just a little better than the game.): >= 23.Nd6 Bxd6 ; 24.Bxe8 Bc7 ; 25.c6 e4; 26.g3[] Qe3+; 27.Kf1 Qxf3+ ; ("=/+") {Diagram?} Black is clearly just a little better here. (Their analysis is very complex and very deep. And it ends in mate for Black!) ].

23...fxe4 ; 24.c6 exf3! ; (Maybe - '!!') {Diagram?} The basic idea here is that Black rips up the Pawn shield in front of the White King.

'!' - Nunn, Emms, & Burgess.

But it takes courage (and foresight) to play this move when you are down in material, ... and with another piece hanging as well! (Maybe a double-exclam move?)

25.Rc2[] ; ('!') (box) {Diagram?} This appears to be forced.

(It also shows that MacDonnell was an excellent defender!)

[ White loses quickly after taking the Bishop on b7: 25.cxb7? Qe3+; 26.Kh1 fxg2+ ; 27.Kxg2 Rf2+; 28.Kg1 Rf5+! ; 29.Kh1 Qf3+; 30.Kg1 Rg5#. {Diagram?} Very nice ... and very efficient!

Also bad for White is: 25.gxf3? Qe3+; 26.Kg2 Qxf3+ ; 27.Kg1 Rf5! ; {Diagram?} and Black has a mating attack. ].

25...Qe3+; 26.Kh1!? , {Diagram?} White tries to hide the King in the corner here.

But this could be a slightly inferior defense here.

But GM John Nunn , GM J. Emms , & FM Graham Burgess ... make no comment here at this point!

[ Maybe better than the game was: >= 26.Rf2! Ba8! ; "=/+" {Diagram?} when Black has a small edge. (Or perhaps 26...Bc8!?) ].

26...Bc8!? ; ('!') {Diagram?} This is good here, (and probably winning); but ... Black could have also played the move, 26...Ba8!?; in this position.

[ A playable move was: >= 26...Ba8!? ; "/+" {Diagram?} which also favors Black. ].

27.Bd7 , {Box? Diagram?} This is now the only real move for White in this position.

[ The continuation: 27.Bh5?! d3! ; 28.Qxd3 Qxd3 ; 29.Rxd3 f2; "-/+" {Diagram?} wins for Black here.

Also bad is: 27.Bf7? Bf5! ; "-/+" {Diagram?} and Black should win. (This is a drastic improvement over the analysis given by Nunn, Emms, and Burgess .) ].

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27...f2! ; {Diagram?} Black now has a definite threat here, in this position.

[ Black could play: 27...d3!? ; "/+" (Maybe "-/+") {Diagram?} which is also good for him. ].

28.Rf1[] ; {Diagram?} This is definitely forced here.

[ Simply terrible is: 28.Bxc8?? Qe1+; 29.Qf1 Qxd1 ; 30.Ba6, {Diagram?} Uh-oh, ... bad news. This is forced for White. (30.Qxd1?? f1Q+; 31.Qxf1 Rxf1#) 30...Qxc2 ; "-/+" {Diagram?} and Black is winning easily.

A bad line for White is: 28.Qf1? Ba6! ; "-/+" {Diagram?} and Black should win. (- Nunn, Emms, & Burgess.) ].

28...d3; ('!') {Diagram?} Now Black is winning here, no matter what White plays.

29.Rc3 Bxd7 ; {Diagram?} Black decides to rid himself of the pesky Bishop on d7 ... he has probably also has seen a win that White has no defense to.

[ Also playable - and good for Black - was the move: 29...Qe2!? ; "/+" {Diagram?} when Black is clearly better. ].

30.cxd7 , {Diagram?} This seems to be forced as well.

[ Much worse would be: 30.Rxd3? Be6! ; 31.Qc2 Qb6; "-/+" {Diagram?} when Black is winning. ].

30...e4; 31.Qc8, {Diagram?} White now threatens Qxf8, and d8(Q); winning.

[ Several of my students have suggested the move: 31.a3!? (To stop any ...Bb4) but Black wins with ...Qe1, just as he does in the actual game. ]

31...Bd8 ; ('!') {Diagram?} This is virtually forced.

[ Terrible is: 31...Rxc8+?? ; 32.Rxc8+! , ("+/-") {Diagram?} and White mates.

Also bad is: 31...h6?? ; 32.Qxf8+ Bxf8 ; 33.d8(Q), ("+/-") {Diagram?} and White is winning. ].

32.Qc4, {Diagram?} White continues to thrash about.

(It is always amusing to watch. Usually a good player knows he is lost well before he resigns. I am curious to know ... when did MacDonnell know that this game was lost for him?)

[ Maybe 32.b3!? ; {Diagram?} but Black would still win.

About the same is: 32.Qc6 Qe2; 33.Rcc1 Qxb2 ; 34.Qc5 Qf6; "/+" (Maybe "-/+") {Diagram?} and Black's three (far advanced) pawns should carry the day ... for the 2nd player. ].

32...Qe1!; (Maybe - '!!') {Diagram?} Black buries his most powerful piece on White's first row. (Then immolates it with pawns.)

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But the move is not in vain, like a Phoenix from the ashes - the Queen will rise again!

[ Maybe Black could also try: 32...Qe2!? ; "/+" ].

The next few moves are all forced. 33.Rc1 d2; 34.Qc5 Rg8! ; {Diagram?} This is the safest square for Black's Rook in this position.

Basically (now) Black has put all his faith in his Queen and his passed pawns. (His Rook and Bishop have just about taken the day off!)

[ A huge mistake would be: 34...dxc1Q?? ; 35.Qxf8# , missing a simple mate. ].

35.Rd1, {Diagram?} This is close to being forced.

[ Black also wins after: 35.Rcxe1!? fxe1Q ; 36.Qg1 Bh4 ; 37.g3 Qe2; 38.gxh4 e3; 39.h3 Qd3; "-/+" {Diagram?} White cannot stop the advanced of the connected, passed-pawns. ].

35...e3; 36.Qc3, {Diagram?} White seems to have defended relatively well. (Or ... as well as could be reasonably expected, especially given the situation.)

[ About the same was: = 36.h3!? e2; "-/+" {Diagram?} and Black will win. (With no real problems.) ].

"Now for a truly magical finish ... " - Nunn , Emms , and Burgess . 36...Qxd1!! ; 37.Rxd1 e2!; {Diagram.} White Resigns. (The box says its mate shortly.)

Black's lowly pawns have brought White's entire army to its knees!

A glorious game, one proving the power of a 'pawn roller' in rare and majestic style. ----> PAWN POWER!!!

Truly ... A ONE IN A MILLION, ULTRA - BRILLIANT FINISH ... to a chess game!!

I call this game, "The LaBourdonnais ... {Super} IMMORTAL GAME!!!" ---> I also refer to this game as: "The ULTIMATE Pawn-Roller."


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The final position is so pretty, it deserves a picture. {A diagram.}


By way of a Bibliography : I have seen this game in print, many, many, many times over the years ... far too often to try and remember or list all of them here. Just let me say is a very well-known game, and has annotated by players and writers since BEFORE the days of Paul Morphy!

The best annotations on this game, - I believe - are in the book: "The World's Greatest Chess Games. " (By GM John Nunn , GM John Emms , FM Graham Burgess . Copyright, 1998.) This is a FANTASTIC book. If you love the game of chess, and would like to explore this game to a higher level, you must get this book.

Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby I. Copyright (c) A.J.G; 2002.