Part4 r


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Transcript of Part4 r

Page 1: Part4 r

Principles of Liberalism Accepted:Rule of Law, Individual Rights, Human RIghts

Principles of Liberalism Rejected:Self Interest & Competition (indirectly)

Power Wielded: Power is given to governing body, but with restrictions; actions need to be approved of by a second party.

Current Example: Canada

Metaphor: Representative Democracy is when your neighbors elect someone they think reflects their opinions to decide what to do with your resources.

Principles of Liberalism Accepted:Self Interest, Competition

Principles of Liberalism Rejected:Rule of Law, Individual Rights, Economic Freedom, Private Property

Power Wielded: Power wielded by ‘leader’ with little to no limitation.

Current Example: North Korea

Metaphor: A dictatorship is a man with a carrot who holds it in front of the donkey in order to make the donkey do work, but never gives it the carrot. When the donkey complains, the man blames the road.