Part1 a


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Page 1: Part1 a

Beliefs and Values Inventory

Mica Pettibone

Perspectives on Ideology Pg. 30

1. I feel that most things run better if planned by a team of people rather than one person: Often 2. If you are not in it to win, then you are not in it: No

3. Competition causes people to mistrust and fear one another. Co-operation is a much better way to achieve a goal: Sometimes

4. People should take care of one another. We really are our fellow’s keepers: Sometimes

5. You are a product of the people you have met: Sometimes

6. I dislike teamwork. One person always slacks off, and my contribution should not have to make up for someone else’s laziness: No

7. The buck stops with me. I am responsible for my own actions at all times: Sometimes

8. As a society, we would not be anywhere if everyone just did as they wanted. Often

9. My life is directed primarily by what I want to achieve for myself: Sometimes

10. The most important thing in the world is to be yourself. Even if other people disapprove of your actions, being yourself is worth it in the end: Sometimes

11. When people agree on something, they can move forward and accomplish anything: Often

12. What I earn I work hard for. My earnings belong to me. Why should my money go to other people? : Sometimes

13. At home, in school, and in life, it is important to know that rules are for the good of everyone and we should obey them: Sometimes

14. If I come across a regulation that is inconvenient to me, I speak up and say why the rule should be changed.: Sometimes

15. It bothers me that just a few people control so much wealth. No wonder there is so much crime. They should share it with others who do not have anything.: Sometimes

16. Working hard and getting somewhere in life is what it is all about.:Sometimes

17. We are only as strong as our weakest link.:Often

18. I decide things for myself. Nobody had the right to make decisions for me.: Often

19. A person’s sense of fulfillment comes mainly from personal accomplishments: Sometimes

20. True personal happiness is found in doing things for others: Sometimes

My Statement:

There is a time and place for everything, people should think of the effects on everyone before implementing change.