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  • 8/14/2019 Part of Chapter 2 the Magic & Psychology of Numbers viki


    Part of Chapter 2

    The Nature of Numbers

    Within nature a great quantity of phenomena does not depend on any precise law. The

    stature for a specific, biological occurrence is mostly a matter of chance. Although we can

    identify certain characteristics within the blue print of life, we know that certain hereditaryproperties will be present in the offspring. A person will be tall if his parents were tall. But it is

    interesting to note that two brothers from the same parents under the same conditions,

    consuming certain foods while growing and permitted that neither had any decease. Taking

    all these factors into account does not mean both will be exactly the same length.

    If a worker in a factory produces a medical appliance that will be used for a specific

    procedure, we assume a high level of accuracy and quality workmanship. He uses the same

    machine to produce identical components. One component fits into another cylindrical in

    shape the component is not allowed to touch the sides of the cylinder, just like a piston does.

    Although the same lathe is used not one piston or component are the same.

    There are forces within this universe that holds together the fabric of reality. Only four

    fundamental forces control all natural phenomena, gravity, electromagnetism and two

    nuclear forces called weak and strong.

    Attempts to include these four forces within one theory have remained without conspicuous

    success but their interactions are no longer a mystery.

    The forces of gravity and electromagnetism are very delicately balanced, the bigger stars

    with higher mass puts out heat at a phenomenal rate becoming in the end blue giants, the

    smaller stars through the action of convection currents lose most of their heat and become

    red dwarfs in the end. Between both extremes are very narrow ranges of star size that

    allows this sort of equilibrium to occur. If the balance of the two forces tipped into the favourof gravity, all stars would be blue giants, should it favour electromagnetism the whole

    universe would have been specked with red dwarfs and life as we understand it would not

    have existed since we owe our existence and that of all typical stars to a wildly improbable

    numerical accident that equates two of the fundamental forces in the universe.

    There are no safe place should we leave the earths protective shell, known as the ozone.

    Radiation is the biggest threat all astronauts have to face.

    Helium is converted from hydrogen in stars through nuclear reactions. The sun emits energy

    through convection and radiation. Thermo-nuclear reactions heat up the plasma in the

    interior, it results in the plasma becoming less dense, which in turn causes the plasma to rise

    to the surface. When the plasma reaches the surface it releases energy into space, thusconvection zones exists within the sun and radiation transports the bulk of energy within the


    Radiation storms originate from the sun when a solar flare occurs. The space in between the

    earth and sun are mostly a void except for the few heavenly bodies. The amount of energy

    that is released through the suns surface can be calculated from the flow of it. Which can be

    derived from quantity of energy per unit of area reaching the surface of the earth, part of this

    mathematical equation is word and energy. When force is applied to a resistant object and

    this object is moved along the line of the force defines the term work, and is this capacity for

    doing work is referred to as energy. If we measure the amount of work accomplished we can

    determine the amount of energy that was used. A unit of energy or work is an erg and

    equals the work done by one dyne through a distance of 1cm. The fore that accelerates a

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    particle with a mass of 1g to experience an acceleration of 1cm during each second is a


    If we assume that all factors such as weather and time does not vary 1, 370, 000 per

    second per square centimetre of energy reaches the Earth at a 90 degrees angle to the rays

    of the sun. 1, 370, 000 ergs is equal to slightly less than 2 calories / cm per minute in

    mechanical units the earth receives 47, 000, 000, 000 kilowatt hours per second. 6.32 X 10 ergs of energy each second are emitted from the square centimetre of the solar surface

    this force requires about 700, 000 horse power to sustain this amount of energy flow. This

    means it will take almost 80 000 Ferrari engines to process the output of this energy. If we

    should cover the surface of the sun with a thick layer of ice the hest that the sun emits will

    melt the ice at a rate of 12 meters in depth per second.

    The number of stars within a typical galaxy amount to be the same as the number of

    galaxies in the universe. The age of the universe is the same as the number of charged

    particles within it expressed in nuclear units. The gravitational pull between two protons is

    the same as the electric force between them. Together with a long list of basic parameters

    these measurements all hover around the same mystic unimaginable huge number - ten to

    the power of forty. The magic of numbers are born.

    The Nobel prize winner, English physicist Paul Dirac and astronomer, Arthur Eddington were

    so impressed by this recurrence of this large unlikely number that they built elaborate

    theories around it. They stated that this could be such a coincidence that we may presume

    that it is due to some deep connection with the nature between cosmology and atomic

    theory. In the end they admitted simply and humbly, that there is something strange going

    on. The just how strange is only becoming transparent and crystal clear now. Life as we

    know it is based on carbon which did not exist in the early universe, there was only nothing

    and more nothing and a lot more nothing and a lot of hydrogen. Then unstable forces, that

    would be, caused the big bang which caused temperatures high enough to form heavier

    elements but only lasting long enough to form helium. Heavy elements synthesised in anyquantity had to wait until there were suitable stars of sufficient stability that could cook the

    ingredients for the required billions of years to come into existence. Stars turn supernova,

    when they exhausted their nuclear fuel and reached the end of their natural lives, thus

    violently explode spewing into the interstellar space their varied contents, amongst the

    contents seemed to have been an incredible amount of carbon formed as a result of

    coincidence. Carbon nuclei came into existence as a result of the rare and simultaneous

    triple collusion of three separate helium nuclei, of which the resonance frequency of all three

    are the same. If only two met under correct conditions they would form an unstable nucleus

    of the hard white metal beryllium which only exists for a very short time. The fuel for life as

    Sir James Jeans once remarked, Our bodies are formed from the ashes of long dead stars.

    The evaporating ozone and the greenhouse effect are one of the main concerns of today.

    This is already common knowledge and do not think that scientists are not working towards

    a solution to the biggest problem that man had cause. The problem is that although they

    screamed stop the greed and ignorance of man overshadowed any common sense. Too

    much carbon dioxide and too little amount of plants to remove the carbon dioxide from the

    atmosphere has caused temperature to rise.

    The difference in average temperature drop over a period of time that caused the ice age

    was 1 Degrees Celsius. The average temperature increased by 1 Degrees Celsius and we

    are already seeing the effect with the melting glaciers and in changing weather patterns.

    The melting of the ice will cause a rise in sea level and most prime property at beaches will

    in future be under water.

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    It only took one number in the temperature to drop, the effect of which is phenomenal, which

    results in extreme temperature changes