Part 7: Organized Crime Enforcement

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Complete Bibliography Organized Crime in North America and the World:A Bibliography

September 2017

Part 7: Organized Crime Enforcement

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Part Seven: Organized Crime Enforcement

This category refers to literature that focuses on efforts to control organized crime. The

primary focus is on enforcement although some emphasis has been placed on alternative

approaches (prevention & citizen participation).

General Enforcement Literature

Intelligence and Analysis

Asset Forfeiture and Other Proceeds of Crime Enforcement Techniques

Citizen and Community Participation

Critiques of and Alternatives to Traditional Enforcement (including Prevention)

Informants, Agents and Witness Protection

Inter-agency and Inter-governmental Cooperation at the Domestic and International Level

Investigations, Interdiction, Undercover Operations and Surveillance

Law and Legislation

Prosecution, Sentencing and Corrections

General Enforcement Literature

Beare, Margaret E. and Frederick T. Martens. 1998. “Policing Organized Crime: The Comparative Structures, Traditions and Policies within the United States and Canada.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 14(4, November): 398-427.

Canada. Parliament. Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights. Sub-Committee on Organized Crime. 2000. Combatting Organized Crime. Ottawa, ON: Parliament of Canada.

Dean, Geoff; Ivar Fahsing & Petter Gottschalk. 2010. Organized Crime: Policing Illegal Business Entrepreneurialism. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.

DenBoer, Monica. 2001. ” Fight Against Organized Crime in Europe: A Comparative Perspective.” European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. 9(3, Autumn): 259-72.

Edelhertz, Herbert. et al. 1984. The Containment of Organized Crime. Lexington: D.C. Heath and Company.

Edelhertz, Herbert (Ed.). 1987. Major Issues in Organized Crime Control: Symposium Proceedings, Washington, DC, Sept. 25-26, 1986. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Finckenauer, James. 2000. “Meeting the Challenge of Transnational Crime.” National Institute of Justice Journal. July.

Godson, Roy. 1998. “International Crime Control Strategy.” Trends in Organized Crime. 4(1, Fall). Goldfarb, Ronald. 1995. Perfect Villains, Imperfect Heroes: Robert F. Kennedy’s War Against

Organized Crime. New York, NY: Random House. Jacobs, James, Coleen Friel, and Robert Radick. 1999. Gotham Unbound: How New York City Was

Liberated from the Clutches of Cosa Nostra. New York, NY: New York University Press. Kennedy, Robert. 1962. “Three Weapons Against Organized Crime.” Crime and Delinquency.

8(4): 321-324. Kefauver, Estes and United States Congress. Senate. Special Committee to Investigate Organized

Crime in Interstate Commerce. 1951. Crime in America. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co.

Ontario Police Commission. 1964. Report to the Attorney General for Ontario on Organized Crime. Ontario: Ontario Police Commission.

Pace, Denny and Jimmie Styles. 1983. Organized Crime: Concepts and Control. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Powell, Stewart. 1986. “Busting the Mob.” U.S. News and World Report. 100(February 3): 24-29. Quebec Police Commission Inquiry on Organized Crime. 1976. The Fight Against Organized

Crime in Quebec. Quebec: Government of Quebec. Reichel, Philip (Ed.). 2005. Handbook of Transnational Crime and Justice. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Rhodes, Robert. 1984. Organized Crime: Crime Control vs. Civil Liberties. New York, NY: Random

House. Schramm, R.R. 1989. “Organized Crime: A Canadian Approach.” The Police Chief. 55(1) January:

32-34. Smith, Dwight and Ralph Salerno. 1970. “The Use of Strategies in Organized Crime Control.” The

Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science. 91(1, March): 101-111. United Nations. 2000. The United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.

Palermo, Sicily: United Nations. Williams, Phil and Dimitri Vlassis (eds.). 2001. Combating Transnational Crime: Concepts,

Activities and Responses. Portland, OR: Frank Cass Publishers. Voronin, Yuriy. 2000. Measures to Control Transnational Organized Crime. Washington, DC: U.S.

Dept of Justice. National Institute of Justice.

Intelligence and Analysis

Albanese, Jay. 2001. Prediction and Control of Organized Crime: A Risk Assessment Instrument for Targeting Law Enforcement Efforts. Washington, DC: US Dept of Justice, National Institute of Justice.

Andrews, P. and M. Peterson. 1990. Criminal Intelligence Analysis. Loomis, CA: Palmer Enterprises.

Brown, John and Joseph Long. 2000. “El Paso Intelligence Center: A National Resource for Local Agencies.” Sheriff. 52(1, January-February): 18-22.

Carney, John. 1982. “Managing the Intelligence Function.” Criminal Justice Journal. 1(10, October): 1-5.

Carter, David; Steven Chermak; Ed McGarrell; Jeremy Carter & Jack Drew. 2012. Understanding the Intelligence Practices of State, Local, and Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies. Rockville, MD: U.S. Dept of Justice National Institute of Justice

Clark, J. and C. Sanctuary. 1992. “Anti Drug Smuggling Operational Research in HM Customs and Excise.” Public Administration. Winter: 577-89.

Dintino, Justin J. and Frederick T. Martens. 1981. “Enduring Enigma: The Concept of Intelligence Analysis.” The Police Chief. 48(12, December): 58-64.

________. 1983. Police Intelligence Systems in Crime Control. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas. Harper, W. and D. Harris. 1975. “Application of Link Analysis to Police Intelligence.” Human

Factors. 17(2, April): 157-64. Harris, Don, M. Maxfield and G. Hollady. 1976. Basic Elements of Intelligence: A Manual for

Police Department Intelligence Units. Washington, DC: Law Enforcement Assistance Administration.

International Association of Chiefs of Police. 2002. Criminal Intelligence Sharing: A National Plan for Intelligence-Led Policing at the Local, State and Federal Levels. Washington, DC: International Association of Chiefs of Police.

Kelly, Robert J. 1990. “Analyzing Illicit Markets: Some Macroeconomic Hypotheses.” Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis Digest. 5(2): 1-9.

Loschiavo, N. J. 1975. “Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit.” The Police Chief. 62(2, February): 46 & 82.

Lupsha, Peter A. 1980. “Steps Toward a Strategic Analysis of Organized Crime.” The Police Chief. 47(4, May): 36-38.

Martens, Frederick. 1986. “An Enforcement Paradox: The Intelligence Dilemma in Narcotic Enforcement.” Journal of Justice Issues. 1(2, Fall): 1-14.

McDowell, Don, John Schmidt, and Grant Wardlaw. 1991. A Model for the Development of Strategic Crime Assessments. Canberra: Attorney-General’s Department of Australia.

Metzdorff, Howard A. 1975. “The Module Concept of Intelligence Gathering.” The Police Chief. 42(2, February): 52-53.

Morehouse, Robert. 1991. “Organized Crime Intelligence Collection and Analysis California Style.” Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis Digest. 6(2, Winter): 13-16.

Oldfield, R. W. 1988. The Application of Criminal Intelligence Analysis Techniques to Major Crime Investigation: An Evaluation Study. London, UK: Home Office.

Pagano, Clinton and Justin Dintino. 1983. “Applied Intelligence: From Theory to Practice.” The Police Chief. 50(4): 66-68.

Pagano, Clinton, Justin Dintino and Frederick Martins. 1981. “Organized Crime Control Efforts: A Critical Reassesment of the Past Decade.” The Police Chief. November: 20-25.

Peterson, Marilyn. 1991. “Strategic Intelligence for Law Enforcement.” Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis Digest. 6(2, Winter): 17-30.

Peterson, Marilyn and Glen Ridgeway. 1990. “Analytical Training in Today’s Law Enforcement Environment.” Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis Digest. 5(2, Winter): 10-24.

Rapp, Burt. 1989. Deep Cover: Police Intelligence Operations. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press. Ratcliffe, Jerry. 2003. Intelligence-Led Policing. Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice No.

248. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology. Ratledge, Edward and Jacoby Joan. 1989. Handbook on Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems

in Law Enforcement. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. Raynor, William. 1975. “Police Intelligence.” The Police Chief. 42(2, February): 18. Rochford, J. 1975. “Police Intelligence and Organized Crime Enforcement.” The Police Chief.

62(2): February: 47-49. Ruxlow, Thomas. 1988. “New Intelligence Concept Curbs Crime.” FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin.

January: 16-18. Sanderson, Karen. 1987. “An Analytical Response to the Clandestine Drug Laboratory Problem.”

Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis Digest. 2(1, February). Schneider, Stephen. 1995. “The Criminal Intelligence Function: Toward a Comprehensive and

Normative Model.” Law Enforcement Intelligence Analyst Digest. 9(2, June): 1-26. Schultz, D. O. 1968. Police Operational Intelligence. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas. Schwartz, Daniel & Tony Rouselle. 2008. “Targeting criminal networks: Using social network

analysis to develop enforcement and intelligence priorities.” IALEIA Journal. 18(1, April): 18-43. Sommers, Marilyn. 1986. “Law Enforcement Intelligence: A New Look.” International Journal of

Intelligence and Counterintelligence. 1(3): 25-40. Sparrow, Malcolm. 1991. “Network Vulnerabilities and Strategic Intelligence in Law

Enforcement.” International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence. 5(3): 255-74.

___________. 1992. “The Application of Network Analysis to Criminal Intelligence: An Assessment of the Prospects.” Social Networks. 5(January): 255-74.

Stier, Edwin and Peter Richards 1987. “Strategic Decision Making in Organized Crime Control: The Need for a Broadened Perspective.” in Herbert Edelhertz (Ed.) Major Issues in Organized Crime Control. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice.

Stockley, D. 1988. “National Drugs Intelligence Unit.” Police Journal. 61(4): 295-303. Stratton, Tony. 1979. Evaluating the Performance of an Intelligence Unit: A Guidebook for Self

Evaluation and Report Writing. Sacramento, California: California Department of Justice. United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Task Force on International Narcotics

Control. 1987. The Role of Intelligence in International Narcotics Control: Hearing, May 7, 1987. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Valentine, Bill. 1995. Gang Intelligence Manual: Identifying and Understanding Modern Day Violent Gangs in the United States. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press.

Wellings, Lytton. 1990. “A Powerful New Tool to Assist the Analyst or the Investigator.” Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis Digest. 4(2, Winter): 14-45.

Willes, E. 1971. “Criminal Intelligence Service Canada Gives Canadian Law Enforcement Agencies a Base for National System to Fight Organized Crime.” The Police Chief. September: 18-19.

Williams, Phil and Roy Godson. 2002. “Anticipating Organized and Transnational Crime.” Crime, Law and Social Change. 37(4, June):311-55.

Wolf, John B. 1978. The Police Intelligence System. New York, NY: Criminal Justice Center. Zunno, Frank. 1971. “Let’s Put Intelligence in Perspective.” The Police Chief. 38(9) September.

Asset Forfeiture and Other Proceeds of Crime Enforcement Techniques

Bauer, Hans-Peter and Peter Martin. 2002. “Global Standards for Money Laundering Prevention.” Journal of Financial Crime. 10 (1, July):69-72.

Calder, James. 1992. “Al Capone and the IRS: State Sanctioned Criminology of Organized Crime.” Crime, Law and Social Justice. 17(1): 1-23.

Clinton, William. 1995. “Executive Order 12978: Blocking Assets and Prohibiting Transactions With Significant Narcotics Traffickers, October 21, 1995.” Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents. 31: 1907-1909.

de Feis, Nicholas. 1992. “Asset Forfeiture: How Far Can the U.S. Courts Go?” International Financial Law Review. 11(26, March): 8.

International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. 2004. Financial Intelligence Units: An Overview. Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group.

Gallant, Michelle. 1999. “Money Laundering, Criminal Assets and the 1998 Proposed Reforms. Journal of Financial Crime. 6(4, May): 232-332.

Godson, Roy. 1999. Special Focus: The International Fight Against Money Laundering. Trends in Organized Crime. 4(4, Summer): 1-7.

Gold, Alan D. 1989. Proceeds of Crime: A Manual With Commentary on Bill C-61. Toronto, ON: Carswell.

Goldsmith, Michael and William Lenck. 1990. Asset Forfeiture: Protection of Third Party Rights. Washington, DC: Police Executive Research Forum.

Hubbard, Robert, Daniel Murphy, Fergus O’Donnell and Peter de Freitas. 2004. Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime. Toronto: Irwin Law Inc.

International Chamber of Commerce. 1999. Guide to the Prevention of Money Laundering. New York, NY: International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Publishing.

Joseph, Lester. 2001. “Money Laundering Enforcement: Following the Money.” Economic Perspectives. 6(2, May):11-14.

Jurith, Edward H. 2002. “International Cooperation in the Fight Against Money Laundering.” Journal of Financial Crime. 9(3):212-16.

Kukura, Thomas V. 1991. “Civil Forfeiture: Real Property Used in Drug Trafficking.” FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. 60(October): 26-31.

Levi, Michael. 2002. “Money Laundering and Its Regulation.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 582:181-94.

Lusty, David. 2003. “Taxing the Untouchables Who Profit From Organized Crime.” Journal of Financial Crime. 10 (3, January):209-28.

Madinger, John and Sydney Zalopany. 1999. Money Laundering: A Guide for Criminal Investigators. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Maylam, Simon. 2002. “Prosecution for Money Laundering in the UK.” Journal of Financial Crime 10 (2, October):157-58.

McCormick, Kirk and Brian Stekloff. 2000. “Money Laundering.” American Criminal Law Review. 37(2, Spring): 729-56.

Miller, J. Mitchell and Lance Selva. 1994. “Drug Enforcement’s Double Edged Sword: An Assessment of Asset Forfeiture Programs.” Justice Quarterly. 11(2) June: 315-35.

Naylor, Robert T. 1995. “From Underworld to Underground: Enterprise Crime, “Informal Sector” Business and the Public Policy Response.” Crime, Law and Social Change. 24(2): 79-150.

Organization of American States. 1998. Final Report: Meeting of the Group of Experts to Control Money Laundering. Buenos Aires: The OAS.

Reuter, Peter and Edwin Truman. 2004. Chasing Dirty Money: The Fight Against Money Laundering. Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics.

Shehu, Abdullahi. 2001. Money Laundering: The Challenge of Global Enforcement. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong.

Scott, Luigi. 1986. “The Fight Against Organized Crime: A National and International Financial Approach.” International Criminal Police Review. (402): 227-32.

Sheetz, Michael. 2004. “Investigating Global Money Laundering.” Law and Order. 52(8). Stana, Richard. 2004. Investigating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing: Federal Law

Enforcement Agencies Face Continuing Coordination Challenges. Washington, DC : National Institute of Justice/NCJRS.

United States Department of Justice et al. 2007. 2007 National Money Laundering Strategy. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice.

Whitehouse A. 2003. “A Brave New World: The Impact of Domestic and International Regulation on Money Laundering Prevention in the UK.” Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance. 11(2, May):138-45.

Williams, Marian. 2002. “Civil Asset Forfeiture: Where Does the Money Go?” Criminal Justice Review. 27(2, Autumn): 321-29.

Wright, Rosalind. 2003. “Putting the Crooks Out of Business! The Financial War on Organised Crime and Terror.” Journal of Financial Crime. 10(4, April):366 to 369 .

Citizen and Community Participation

Anon. 2002. “In the Streets & in the Papers: Fighting the Image Battle With Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs.” Gazette (Royal Canadian Mounted Police). 64(3):13-15.

British Columbia. Ministry of Attorney General. 1996. Community Consultation on Prostitution in British Columbia: Overview of Results. Victoria: Ministry of Attorney General.

Di Cristina, Salvatore. 2000. “The Church’s Moral Condemnation of the Mafia and the Clergy’s Role in the Parish.” Trends in Organized Crime. 5(3): 39-44.

Harman, Alan. 1999. “Community Relations: Phonebusters Help Senior Citizens. Law and Order. 47(1, January): 77-80.

Helton, Arthur C. and Eliana Jacobs. 2000. “Combatting Human Smuggling by Enlisting the Victims.” Migration World Magazine. 28(4):12+.

Hill, Albert Fay. 1968. The North Avenue Irregulars: A Suburb Battles the Mafia. New York. NY: Cowles.

Hirschfeld, Adolph. 2000. “The Role of Civil Society in Combating Organized Crime: Botswana’s Experience.” Trends in Organized Crime. 5(3):71-78.

Krisberg, Barry Alan. 1975. The Gang and the Community. San Francisco: R and E Research Associates.

Lai, Alan. 2000. “A Quiet Revolution: The Hong Kong Experience.” Trends in Organized Crime. 5(3):79-85.

Ralchev, Plamen. 2004. ” The Role of Civil Society in Fighting Corruption and Organized Crime in Southeast Europe.” Journal of Southeast European & Black Sea Studies. 4(2).

Schneider, Stephen with Margaret Beare and Jeremy Hill. 2000. Alternative Approaches to Combating Transnational Crime. Ottawa, ON: Solicitor General Canada.

Siragusa, Alessandra. 2000. “Educating for Citizenship, Reconstructing the Identity of Our City.” Trends in Organized Crime. 5(3):52-57.

Skogan, Wesley and Arthur Lurigio. 1992. “The Correlates of Community Antidrug Activism.” Crime and Delinquency. 38(4, October): 510-521.

Smith, Rita and Tony Chapelle. 1991. The Woman Who Took Back Her Streets: One Woman Fights the Drug Wars and Rebuilds Her Community. Far Hills, NJ: New Horizon Press.

Thurman, Quint et al. 1996. “Community Based Gang Prevention and Intervention: An Evaluation of the Neutral Zone.” Crime and Delinquency. 42(2, April): 279-295

Trimble, Jeff. 1986. “A Citizen’s War on the Mafia.” U.S. News and World Report. February 3: 31. United States. Information Agency. 2001. “Confronting Drugs: Community Initiatives.” Global

Issues. 6(2): Entire issue. Van Dijk, Jan. 2002. “Empowering Victims of Organized Crime: On the Concurrence of the

Palermo Convention With the UN Declaration on Basic Principles of Justice for Victims.” International Review of Victimology. 9(1): 15-30.

Wiegand, Bruce and Richard Bennett. 1993. “The Will to Win: Determinants of Public Support for the Drug War in Belize.” Crime, Law and Social Change. 19(March): 203-20.

Critiques of and Alternatives to Traditional Enforcement

Albanese, Jay. 1982. Organizational Offenders: Why Solutions Fail to Political, Corporate, and Organized Crime. Niagara Falls, NY: Apocalypse Publishing.

Barbour, Scott (Ed.). 2000. Drug Legalization. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press Baum, Dan. 1996. Smoke and Mirrors: The War on Drugs and the Politics of Failure. Boston:

Little, Brown. Beare, Margaret. 2004. Critical Reflections on Transnational Organized Crime, Money

Laundering, and Corruption. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Belenko, Steven R. 2000. Drugs and Drug Policy in America: A Documentary History. Westport,

CT: Greenwood Publishing Group. Berney, Arthur. 1999. “Repeal Drug Prohibition and End the Financing of International Crime.”

pp 173-183 in Global Organized Crime and International Security. Emilio C. Viano (Ed.). Brookfield, VT: Ashgate Publishing Co.

Bertram, Eva. 1996. Drug War Politics: The Price of Denial. Berkeley. CA: University of California Press.

Bewley-Taylor, David R. 2003. “The American Crusade: The Internationalization of Drug Prohibition.” Addiction Research & Theory. 11 (2, April):71-83.

Chapkis, Wendy. 2004. “Trafficking, Migration, and the Law: Protecting Innocents, Punishing Immigrants.” Gender & Society. 17(6):923-37.

Defeis, Marion. 1995. “The Case for Legalization of Drugs.” Journal of Community Health. 20(2): 101-109.

Demleitner, Nora. 1994. “Organized Crime And Prohibition: What Difference Does Legalization Make?” Whittier Law Review. 15(3): 613.

Dombrink, John and James Meeker. 1986. “Beyond ‘Buy and Bust’: Nontraditional Sanctions in Federal Drug Law Enforcement.” Contemporary Drug Problems. 13(4, Winter): 711-40.

Easton, Stephen. 2004. Marijuana Growth in British Columbia. Vancouver: Fraser Institute. Public Policy Sources. Number 74. A Fraser Institute Occasional Paper.

Eldredge, Dirk. 1998. Ending the War on Drugs: A Solution for America. Bridgehampton, NY: Bridge Works Publishing Co.

EUROPOL and the European Commission. 1999. General Conclusions of the Forum on Organised Crime Prevention, The Hague, Netherlands. 4th and 5th November 1999. The Hague, Netherlands: EUROPOL and the European Commission.

Falco, Mathea. 1998. “America’s Drug Problem and Its Policy of Denial.” Current History. 97(618) April: 145-149.

Farrell, Barbara R. and Joseph R. Franco. 1999. Role of the Auditor in the Prevention and Detection of Business Fraud. Western Criminology Review. 2(1): 1-11.

Fraser Institute. 2001. Sensible Solutions to the Urban Drug Problem. Vancouver: Fraser Institute.

Goldberg, Raymond. 1998. Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Drugs and Society. Guilford, CT: McGraw-Hill.

Gray, James. 2001. Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed and What We Can Do About It: A Judicial Indictment of the War on Drugs. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.

Graycar, Adam & Marcus Felson. 2010. “Situational prevention of organised timber theft and related corruption.” pp 81-92 in Situational Prevention of Organised Crimes. Karen Bullock, Ronald V. Clarke, and Nick Tilley, (Eds). Portland, OR: Willan Publishing.

Gordon, Diana. 1994. The Return of the Dangerous Classes: Drug Prohibition and Policy. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Co.

Gray, Michael. 1998. Drug Crazy: How We Got into This Mess and How We Can Get Out. New York, NY: Random House.

Housman, Rob & Pancho Kinney. 1999. Destructive Impact of Drugs on the United States: How the Legalization of Drugs Would Jeopardize the Health and Safety of the American People and Our Nation. Washington, DC: Office of National Drug Control Policy.

Jordan, Ann. 2001. “Trafficking in Human Beings: The Slavery That Surrounds Us.” Global Issues. 6 (2):15-18.

Jost, Kenneth. 1989. “Racketeering Law Comes Under Attack.” Editorial Research Reports. March: 134-47.

Kerr, Kathel. 1973. The Politics of Moral Behavior: Prohibition and Drug Abuse. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing.

Kleiman, Mark. 1989. “Enforcement Effects on Corrupting Criminal Organizations.” Pp. 123-133 in Marijuana Costs of Abuse, Costs of Control. Mark Kleiman (Ed.). New York, NY: Greenwood Press, 123-133.

Kolly, Timothy S. 2003. Drug War: Fantasy, Reality, and Beyond. Chicago, IL: McCormick Tribune Foundation.

Kondracke, Morton M. 1989. “Don’t Legalize Drugs.” Drugs & Society. 3(34): 209-215. Krauss and Lazear. 1991. Searching for Alternatives: Drug Control Policy in the U.S. Stanford, CA:

Hoover Institution Press. Lyman, Michael and Gary Potter. 1998. “Issue of Legalizing Drugs.” pp. 383-411 in Drugs and

Society: Causes, Concepts and Control. Michael D. Lyman and Gary W. Potter (Eds.). Cincinnati, OH: Anderson Publishing.

Lynch, Timothy (Ed.). 2000. After Prohibition. Washington, DC: Cato Institute. MacCoun, Robert & Peter Reuter. 2001. Drug War Heresies: Learning From Other Vices, Times,

and Places. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Marez, Curtis. 2004. Drug Wars: The Political Economy of Narcotics. Minneapolis: University of

Minnesota Press. Mastrofski, Stephen and Gary Potter. 1987 “Controlling Organized Crime: A Critique of Law

Enforcement Policy.” Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2(3): 269-301. Musto, David. 1999. The American Disease: Origins of Narcotic Control. New York, NY: Oxford

University Press. Nadelmann, Ethan. 1999. “Commonsense Drug Policy.” Adolescence. 34(133, Spring): 33-46. Naylor, Tom. 2002. Wages of Crime: Black Markets, Illegal Finance, and the Underworld

Economy. Ithica, NY: Cornell University Press. Nolan, James. 2001. Reinventing Justice: The American Drug Court Movement (Princeton Studies

in Cultural Sociology). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Pagano, Clinton, Justin Dintino, and Frederick Martins. 1981. “Organized Crime Control Efforts: A

Critical Reassessment of the Past Decade.” The Police Chief. November: 20-25. Schaler, Jeffrey. 1998. Drugs: Should We Legalize, Decriminalize or Deregulate? Amherst, NY:

Prometheus Books. Schneider, Stephen with Margaret Beare and Jeremy Hill. 2000. Alternative Approaches to

Combating Transnational Crime. Ottawa, ON: Solicitor General Canada. Skolnick, Jerome. 1984. “A Zoning Merit Model for Casino Gambling.” Annals of the American

Academy of Political and Social Science. 474 (July): 48-60. South, Nigel. 1995. Drugs, Crime and Criminal Justice. Brookfield, VT: Dartmouth. Swisher, Karin. 1991. Drug Trafficking. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press. Thacher, Thomas. 1991. “Institutional Innovation in Controlling Organized Crime. Reflections on

the Recent Integration of Law Enforcement Personnel with Industry Policy Makers in New York City School Construction.” Pp. 169-82. in Organized Crime and its Containment: A Transatlantic Initiative. Cyrille Fijnaut and James Jacobs (Eds.). Boston: Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers.

Thompson, Stephen. 1998. War on Drugs: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press.

Thornton, Mark. 1991. The Economics of Prohibition. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press. Thurman, Quint. et al. 1996. “Community Based Gang Prevention and Intervention: An

Evaluation of the Neutral Zone.” Crime and Delinquency. 42(2, April): 279- 295. von Lampe, Klaus. 2010. “Preventing organised crime: The case of contraband cigarettes.” pp.

35-57 in Situational Prevention of Organised Crimes. Karen Bullock, Ronald V. Clarke, and Nick Tilley, (Eds). Portland, OR: Willan Publishing.

Whitbread, Brian J. and Susan Mazza. 1999. “Utilizing Civil Injunction to Combat Gangs: Part 2.” Law Enforcement Quarterly. 28(2, Summer/Fall): 34-7.

Wisotsky, Steven. 1990. Beyond the War on Drugs: Overcoming a Failed Public Policy. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books.

Woodiwiss, Michael. 2002. Organized Crime and American Power. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Informants, Agents and Witness Protection

Bannister, Paul and John W Stafford. 1991. Deadly Deception: Twenty One Years Undercover Without a Badge. San Diego: Images Press.

Caine, Alex. 2009. Befriend And Betray: Infiltrating The Hells Angels, Bandidos and Other Criminal Brotherhoods. 1st U.S. Ed. New York : Thomas Dunne Books, St. Martin’s Press.

Cantalupo, Joseph & Thomas C Renner. 1990. Body Mike: An Unsparing Expose by the Mafia Insider Who Turned on the Mob. New York, NY: Villard Books.

Carleton, M. S. 1997. “Protecting Witnesses.” Law Enforcement Quarterly. February/April: 17-19. Finn, P. and K M Healey. 1996. Preventing Gang- and Drug-Related Witness Intimidation.

Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice. Fyfe, Nicholas and Heather McKay. 2000. “Desperately Seeking Safety: Witnesses’ Experiences

of Intimidation, Protection and Relocation.” British Journal of Criminology. 40(4, Autumn): 675-691.

Graham, Fred P. 1977. The Alias Program. Boston: Little, Brown. Greer, Steven. 1995. “Towards a Sociological Model of the Police Informant.” British Journal of

Sociology. 46(3): 509-27. Hoffman, Paul and Ira Pecznick. 1976. To Drop a Dime. New York, NY: Putnam. Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority. 1997. Evaluation of the Illinois State Police Gang

Crime Witness Protection Program. Chicago: Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority. Janzen, Sandra. 1990. Informants and Undercover Investigations. Washington, DC: Police

Executive Research Forum. Kirby, Cecil and Thomas Renner. 1986. Mafia Assassin: The Inside Story of a Canadian Biker.

Toronto, ON: Methuen. Montanino, Fred. 1990. “Protecting Organized Crime Witnesses in the United States.”

International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminology. 14(1/2, Spring): 123+. Murphy, Mark G. 1988. The True Story of the Biker, the Mafia & the Mountie. Toronto, ON:

Avalon House. Roberts, Paul William and Norman Snider. 2001. Smokescreen: One Man Against the

Underworld. Toronto: Stoddart.

Rogan, Lisa. 1999. “Price of Protecting Our Children: The Dilemma of Allowing Children to Testify as Key Witnesses to Gang Violence.” Journal of Juvenile Law. 20: 127-140.

Sanger, Daniel. 2005. Hell’s Witness. Toronto: Penguin. Shadden, M. 1996. Literature Review: Victim-Witness Protection. Champaign, IL: Community

Research Associates. Simard, Réal and Vastel Michael. 1988. The Nephew: The Making of a Mafia Hitman.

Scarborough, ON: Prentice-Hall Canada. Slate, R. 1997. “Federal Witness Protection Program: Its Evolution and Continuing Growing

Pains.” Criminal Justice Ethics. 16(2, Summer/Fall): 20-34. Strandberg, Keith. 2001. “Protecting Witnesses: How the Witness Security Program Protects

Those Who Come to Testify for the State.” Law Enforcement Technology. 28(4, April): 109-14. United States General Accounting. Office and House Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee

on Courts. 1984. Witness Security Program: Prospective Results and Participant Arrest Data: Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Courts, Civil Liberties, and the Administration of Justice, Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives. Washington, DC: The GAO.

Wood, Gerald. 1986. “Police Informants in Canada: The Law and Reality.” Saskatchewan Law Review. 50(2): 249-70.

Inter-agency and Inter-governmental Cooperation

Anon. 2002. “Finding a Formula That Fits: Partnerships Spell Success in the Fight Against Outlaw Bikers.” Gazette (Royal Canadian Mounted Police). 64(3):7-9.

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