Part 6: Judaism Slide 1 Session 4: Major Developments ... · 4/18/2016 Core Values according to...

Slide 1 World Religions Part 6: Judaism Session 4: Major Developments From 1700 until World War I Dirk’s Contact Info Phone: 603.431.3646 (Bethany Church’s main number) Email: [email protected] Facebook Page: Pastor Dirk Rodgers Twitter: @dirk_at_bethany Tumblr: Dirk’s Web Site: Bethany Church Web Site:

Transcript of Part 6: Judaism Slide 1 Session 4: Major Developments ... · 4/18/2016 Core Values according to...

Page 1: Part 6: Judaism Slide 1 Session 4: Major Developments ... · 4/18/2016 Core Values according to Ismar Schorsch, Former Chancellor of JTS ... The general outline for this section of

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World Religions

Part 6: Judaism

Session 4: Major Developments From 1700 until World War I

Dirk’s Contact Info

Phone: 603.431.3646 (Bethany Church’s main number) Email: [email protected] Facebook Page: Pastor Dirk Rodgers

Twitter: @dirk_at_bethany Tumblr:

Dirk’s Web Site: Bethany Church Web Site:

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This Session

1. Rise of Hasidism2. Rise of Haskalah3. Revised Forms of Judaism4. Zionism












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Part 6.4: Major Developments From 1700 until World War I












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Baal Shem Tov, Founder of the Hasidic Movement

Image Source: Eliyahu (Eli) - Own work, Public Domain,

Traditional Gravesite in Medzhybizh, Ukraine

c. 1698 – 1760“Baal Shem Tov”

(“Besht”) means “Master of the Good Name”

Born, Israel ben EliezerLeft no writings, his

words are preserved by others

Heavily influenced by Kabbala, Isaac Luria (the ARI)












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Geographical spread of Hasidic Courts in the 18th century

Image Source:












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Misnagdim (“Opponents”)

Image Source: By Michał Elwiro Andriolli -, Public Domain,

Older Synagogue in Jurbarkas. Lithuania, center of the Misnagdim

Based in LithuaniaVilna Gaon

excommunicates Hasidic Jews in 1772

Viewed as collaborators with

Lithuanian nobilityLater known as













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Hasidism Comes to America

Image Source: HaIvrim - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Joel Teitelbaum(1887 – 1979)

Arrives in NYC, 1946

Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn(1880-1950)

Arrives in NYC, 1940

Image Source: Public Domain,












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Major Concepts in HasidismCentrality of the “Tzadik”

or “Rebbe”Divine engagement in

every detail of lifeFervent Love for Hashem

(God); Love for Every Jewish Person

HappinessHistorical Opposition to

ZionismUse of Yiddish

Distinctive Dress and Appearance

Image Source: By Adam Jones - Flickr: Hasidic Family in Street - Borough Park -Hasidic District - Brooklyn - New York -USA, CC BY-SA 2.0,












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Part 6.4: Major Developments From 1700 until World War I












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What is the Haskalah?

A Jewish cultural movement, beginning in early 19th century Europe, which sought to embrace the new learning of the Enlightenment and new political opportunities in various areas.

Its followers were called “maskilim”.












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Naphtali Hirz Wessely

1725-1805 Hamburg, Germany "Words of Peace and Truth"

(Divre shalom ve-emet) 1782 Torah of God; Torah of Man:

Jews must study both Emphasis on Bible study

over Talmud study Emphasis on German and

Hebrew over Yiddish

Image Source: By User:Netan'el -JewishEncyclopedia, Public Domain,












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Moses Mendelson

1729-1786 Berlin, Germany “The Paths of Peace"

(Netivot ha-shalom) 1783 –Includes literal, German translation of the Torah

Truths of Judaism can be ascertained through reason

Image Source: After Anton Graff - Upload by James Steakley. Das Jahrhundert der Freundschaft. Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim und seine Zeitgenossen, ed. Ute Pott (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2004), p. 109., Public Domain,












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Joseph Perl

1773-1839 Galatia (Modern

Ukrainian/Polish borderland)

“Revealer of Secrets” (Megalleh Temirim) 1819

Harsh critique of Hasidic belief and practice

Image Source: Public Domain,












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Isaac Baer Levinsohn

1788-1860 “Father of Russian Haskalah” “A Warning to Israel”

(Te‘udah be-Yisra’el), 1828 Defends the Haskalah,

arguing that it derives from a true understanding of Jewish tradition.

Image Source: Jacob Raisin — THE HASKALAH MOVEMENT IN RUSSIA by JACOB S. RAISIN, in Project Gutenberg [1], Public Domain












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Part 6.4: Major Developments From 1700 until World War I












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Revised Forms of Judaism

Reform Conservative Reconstructionist Orthodox












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American Jewish Population












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Reform Judaism

Abraham Geiger (1810-1874)

Image Source:

Jewish tradition is evolving; able to change

In worship: sermon and (some) prayers in German; mixed gender seating, one-day observance of festivals, introduction of the organ, cantor and choir












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Reform Judaism

First Reformed Synagogue

Image Source:


Seesen, Germany, 1810 Founded by Israel Jacobson

Image Source: Daderot - Own work, Public Domain,












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Reform Judaism

Site of First Reformed Synagogue in America

Image Source:

Charleston, SC, 1841

Site still an active as KahalKadosh Beth Elohim

Current KKBE synagogue as this location












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Reform Judaism

Isaac Meyer Wise (1819-1900)

Image Source: Library of Congress., Public Domain,

Organizes Reform Judaism in America

Arrived in Albany, NY in 1846 from Bohemia

family pews, mixed choir, confirmation rite, count women in forming minyan (quorum)

Minhag America, proposed prayer book for all Reform synagogues in the USA












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Reform Judaism

Regina Jonas (1902-1944)

Image Source: Manfred Brueckels - Own work (own picture), Public Domain,

First recorded woman to be ordained as a Jewish rabbi, 1935

Ordained by Rabbi Max Dienemann, head of the Liberal Rabbis' Association, in Offenbach am Main, Germany

Executed at Auschwitz Records discovered by Katharina

von Kellenbach, 1991 in East Berlin

Memorial tablet, Berlin, Krausnickstr. No. 6. Detail












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Reform Judaism

Sally Priesand (b. 1946)

Image Source:

First recorded American woman to be ordained as a Jewish rabbi, 1972

Ordained by Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, in Cincinnati, OH

Served in temples in NYC and Tinton Falls, NJ

Retired in 2006

Memorial tablet, Berlin, Krausnickstr. No. 6. Detail












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Reform Judaism

Belief in God as defined in the Shema. Belief that the Torah was written by human hands, in the

language of its time, with divine inspiration. Belief in the rationality of humanity. Belief that the process of reinterpretation of the Torah to the

language of today is ongoing, and that every Jew has a stake and a role in that restatement and extension.

Belief in egalitarianism (equal treatment of the sexes) wherever possible.

Belief in the strong moral and social action commitment inherent in the Torah and embodied in the concept of TikkunOlam, rebuilding the world.

From the Virtual Jewish Library: The Tenets of Reform Judaism













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Conservative Judaism

Solomon Schechter (1847-1915)

Image Source: By Israel Mandelkern (1861-1947) - [1], Public Domain,

“Founder” of Conservative Judaism in America

Visited the Cairo Geniza in 1896, and organized large collection of its documents for Cambridge University

Arrived in NYC in 1902 to become President of Jewish Theological Seminary of America

Founded United Synagogue of America, 1913












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Conservative Judaism

Reaction to Reformed Judaism in America, while allowing some flexibility in interpreting and applying received Jewish traditions

Known internationally as Masorti Judaism

Middle ground between Reform and Orthodox Judaism

Mixed-gender Conservative service at the Western Wall in Jerusalem

Image Source: - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,












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Conservative Judaism

The Centrality of Modern Israel Hebrew: The Irreplaceable Language of Jewish

Expression Devotion to the Ideal of Klal Yisrael The Defining Role of Torah in the Reshaping of Judaism The Study of Torah The Governance of Jewish Life by Halakha Belief in God

Source: “The Sacred Cluster: The Core Values of Conservative Judaism,” is copyrighted by the Jewish Theological Seminary of America and reprinted with permission at, accessed 4/18/2016

Core Values according to Ismar Schorsch, Former Chancellor of JTS












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Reconstructionist Judaism

Mordecai Kaplan (1881-1983)

Image Source: By Menorah Journal 1915 -, Public Domain,

Born in Lithuania, migrated to NYC in 1889

Ordained in 1908 (while on his honeymoon!)

1st public celebration of a bat mitzvah in the US, for his daughter Judith Kaplan, in 1922

Excommunicated by Union of Orthodox Rabbis in 1945












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Reconstructionist Judaism

Mordecai Kaplan (1881-1983)

Image Source:

Published Judaism as a Civilization in 1934

Founded Society for the Advancement of Judaism in 1922

Revised Passover Haggada, 1941

Revised Sabbath Prayer Book, 1945

Reconstructionist Rabbinic College opens in Philadelphia, 1968












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Reconstructionist Judaism

Mordecai Kaplan (1881-1983)

Image Source:

Published Judaism as a Civilization in 1934

Founded Society for the Advancement of Judaism in 1922

Revised Passover Haggada, 1941

Revised Sabbath Prayer Book, 1945

Reconstructionist Rabbinic College opens in Philadelphia, 1968












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Orthodox Judaism

“Historically, there was no such thing as Orthodoxy; in fact, you find the particular term is used primarily in North America (elsewhere the

distinction is primarily between “more observant” and “less observant”). The specific term

“Orthodox Judaism” is of rather recent origin and is used more as a generic term to differentiate the

movements following traditional practices from the Liberal Jewish movements.”













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Part 6.4: Major Developments From 1700 until World War I

Note: The general outline for this section of the presentation comes from Moshe Maor, “Israel Studies An Anthology: The History of Zionism” (May 2009), in, accessed 4/15/2016












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Coining the Term

Nathan Birnbaum (1864-1937)

Image Source: Public Domain,


Born, Studied in Vienna Coined the term “Zionism” in

1890; appearing in the Journal, Selbstemanzipation! during his student days

Later became a vocal opponent of political Zionism.












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Political Zionism

Theodor Herzl (1860-1904)

Image Source: Carl Pietzner -, Public Domain,


Born in Pest, Hungary; Studied in Vienna

Followed the Dreyfus Affair while working for a Paris newspaper

Publishes Der Judenstaat (The State of the Jews), in 1896

Organized First Zionist Congress in Basel,1897, which established the World Zionist Organization (WZO)












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Theodor Herzl, The Jewish State

“Everything tends, in fact, to one and the same conclusion, which is clearly enunciated in that classic Berlin phrase: ‘Juden Raus!’ (Out with the Jews!)

I shall now put the Question in the briefest possible form: Are we to ‘get out’ now and where to? Or, may we yet remain? And, how long?”

Theodor Herzl. The Jewish State (Dover Edition, 1988), Kindle Locations 1045-1048












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Theodor Herzl, The Jewish State“Therefore I believe that a wondrous generation of Jews will spring into existence. The Maccabeans will rise again.

Let me repeat once more my opening words: The Jews who wish for a State will have it.

We shall live at last as free men on our own soil, and die peacefully in our own homes.

The world will be freed by our liberty, enriched by our wealth, magnified by our greatness.

And whatever we attempt there to accomplish for our own welfare, will react powerfully and beneficially for the good of humanity.”

Theodor Herzl. The Jewish State (Dover Edition, 1988), Kindle Locations 2048-2053












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Practical Zionism

Leon Pinsker (1821-1891)

Image Source: Public Domain,


Born in Poland, Studied in Odessa, Russia (now Ukraine)

Odessa pogrom of 1871 and subsequent hostilities challenged his assimilationist ideals

Organized 1st meeting of the Lovers of Zion (Hovevei Zion) in 1881, in Prussia

Auto-Emancipation, 1882












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Leon Pinsker, Auto-Emancipation

“We must prove that the misfortunes of the Jews are due, above all, to their lack of desire for national independence; and that this desire must be awakened and maintained in time if they do not wish to be subjected forever to disgraceful existence -- in a word, we must prove that they must become a nation.”

Leon Pinsker, Auto-Emancipation, in, accessed 4/20/2016 , emphasis is the authors.












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Leon Pinsker, Auto-Emancipation

“Judeophobia is a psychic aberration. As a psychic aberration it is hereditary, and as a disease transmitted for two thousand years it is incurable.”

“To sum up then, to the living the Jew is a corpse, to the native a foreigner, to the homesteader a vagrant, to the proprietary a beggar, to the poor an exploiter and a millionaire, to the patriot a man without a country, for all a hated rival.”

Leon Pinsker, Auto-Emancipation, in, accessed 4/20/2016 , emphasis is the authors.












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Leon Pinsker, Auto-Emancipation

“The proper, the only solution, is in the creation of a Jewish nationality, of a people living upon its own soil, the auto- emancipation of the Jews; their return to the ranks of the nations by the acquisition of a Jewish homeland.”

“The international Jewish question must have a national solution. Of course, our national regeneration can only proceed slowly. We must take the first step. Our descendants must follow us at a measured and not over-precipitant speed.”

Leon Pinsker, Auto-Emancipation, in, accessed 4/20/2016 , emphasis is the authors.












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Spiritual & Cultural Zionism

Ahad Ha'am (Asher Ginsberg)(1856-1927)

Image Source: National Library of Israel, Schwadron Collection, Public Domain,

Born in Skvyra, Russia (now, Ukraine), Studied in Odessa

Participated in the both the Lovers of Zion and the First Zionist Congress

Eventually rejected to political agendas in these movements

Warns Zionists to consider the Arab opposition they would face

Argued for a gradual transformation with spiritual/cultural Jewish centers in the Land of Israel












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Religious Zionism

Isaac Jacob Reines (1839-1915)

Image Source: Uploaded by User: to Hebrew Wikipedia on November 27, 2013, Public Domain,

Born in Karolin (now a part of Pinsk, Belarus)

Founded the Mizrahi (abbreviation referring to a spiritual center) organization from 1902 – 1905

Argues that religious Judaism must remain at the core of the Zionist Movement.












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Labor Zionism

Nahman Sirkin (1867-1924)

Image Source: By Unknown - National Library of Israel, Schwadron collection, CC BY 3.0,

Born in Mogilev, Russian (now Belarus)

Founded the Poalei Zion (Workers of Zion) organization in 1906

Argued that any new Jewish State would only be successful if economic equality is maintained among the people.












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Revisionist Zionism

Zeev Jabotinsky (1880-1940)

Image Source: Public Domain,


Born in Odessa (now in Ukraine) Founded the Jewish Self Defense

Corp in Odessa in 1903 Later cofounded the Jewish Legion

of the British army which fought in WWI

Advocated for the use of force to establish and maintain the boundaries of a new Jewish State

Later established several militant organizations in Palestine










