PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 - City of Hawkesbury...Hawkesbury City Council PART 2 of...

Hawkesbury City Council PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 SS - Hawkesbury Heritage Farm (formerly Australiana Pioneer Village) date of meeting: 2 February 2010 location: council chambers time: 6:30 p.m.

Transcript of PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 - City of Hawkesbury...Hawkesbury City Council PART 2 of...

Page 1: PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 - City of Hawkesbury...Hawkesbury City Council PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 SS - Hawkesbury Heritage Farm (formerly Australiana Pioneer Village)












P A R T 2 o f

a t t a c h m e n t 1

t o

i t e m 1 0

S S - H a w k e s b u r y H e r i t a g e

F a r m ( f o r m e r l y A u s t r a l i a n a

P i o n e e r V i l l a g e )

d a t e o f m e e t i n g : 2 F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 0

l o c a t i o n : c o u n c i l c h a m b e r s

t i m e : 6 : 3 0 p . m .

Page 2: PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 - City of Hawkesbury...Hawkesbury City Council PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 SS - Hawkesbury Heritage Farm (formerly Australiana Pioneer Village)
Page 3: PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 - City of Hawkesbury...Hawkesbury City Council PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 SS - Hawkesbury Heritage Farm (formerly Australiana Pioneer Village)
Page 4: PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 - City of Hawkesbury...Hawkesbury City Council PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 SS - Hawkesbury Heritage Farm (formerly Australiana Pioneer Village)
Page 5: PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 - City of Hawkesbury...Hawkesbury City Council PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 SS - Hawkesbury Heritage Farm (formerly Australiana Pioneer Village)
Page 6: PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 - City of Hawkesbury...Hawkesbury City Council PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 SS - Hawkesbury Heritage Farm (formerly Australiana Pioneer Village)
Page 7: PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 - City of Hawkesbury...Hawkesbury City Council PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 SS - Hawkesbury Heritage Farm (formerly Australiana Pioneer Village)
Page 8: PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 - City of Hawkesbury...Hawkesbury City Council PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 SS - Hawkesbury Heritage Farm (formerly Australiana Pioneer Village)
Page 9: PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 - City of Hawkesbury...Hawkesbury City Council PART 2 of attachment 1 to item 10 SS - Hawkesbury Heritage Farm (formerly Australiana Pioneer Village)