Part 1-The Big Ideas The AP Biology curriculum is centered ...

Part 1-The Big Ideas The AP Biology curriculum is centered around 4 big ideas. You must find one current event article for each big idea. Big Idea 1-The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life. Big Idea 2-Biological Systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce and to maintain dynamic homeostasis. Big Idea 3-Living Systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes. Big Idea 4-Biological Systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties. Articles can be taken from journals, magazines or the internet. All sources must be current (within last 2-3 years). For each article: a-You must have a copy of the article to turn in with summary b-Summarize each article c-Explain why you think it fits with one of the Big Ideas. Part 2 Biology Prefixes and Suffixes-The Language of Science The main reason students find it difficult to understand science is because of all the hard to write, spell and read words. Actually, scientific vocabulary is a mix of small words that are linked together to have different meanings. If you learn the meanings of the little words, you'll find scientific vocabulary much easier to understand. Find the mean to the following Greek/Latin root words. Word Meaning a / an meso leuco aero anti amphi aqua / hydro arthro auto bi / di bio cephal chloro chromo cide cyto derm

Transcript of Part 1-The Big Ideas The AP Biology curriculum is centered ...

Part 1-The Big Ideas The AP Biology curriculum is centered around 4 big

ideas. You must find one current event article for each big idea.

Big Idea 1-The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.

Big Idea 2-Biological Systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow,

to reproduce and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.

Big Idea 3-Living Systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential

to life processes.

Big Idea 4-Biological Systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess

complex properties.

Articles can be taken from journals, magazines or the internet.

All sources must be current (within last 2-3 years).

For each article:

a-You must have a copy of the article to turn in with summary

b-Summarize each article

c-Explain why you think it fits with one of the Big Ideas.

Part 2 Biology Prefixes and Suffixes-The Language of Science The main reason students find it difficult to understand science is because of all the hard to write, spell

and read words. Actually, scientific vocabulary is a mix of small words that are linked together to have

different meanings. If you learn the meanings of the little words, you'll find scientific vocabulary much

easier to understand. Find the mean to the following Greek/Latin root words.

Word Meaning

a / an






aqua / hydro



bi / di









ecto (exo)












primi / archea
















multi / poly












zoo, zoa




zyg / zygous


path / pathy

sym / syn


DIRECTIONS: Analyze the following experimental design and data.

BACKGROUND: A marine biologist conducted a study of the ability of vertebrate blood to carry oxygen. He believed that a low environmental temperature would cause the organism’s blood to carry less oxygen than at a higher temperature. The following reflects the scientists experiment and the data he collected.

• Two tanks of salt water, each containing 25 gallons, were set up in the lab. • Each tank was filled with the same types of organisms (perch and salmon). • The same types of aerators were added to each tank to supply oxygen to the

fish. • To one of the tanks, marked TANK A, the temperature was decreased at

increments of 5 degrees Celsius every 20 minutes. • The second tank, marked TANK B, the temperature was raised at increments of 5

degrees Celsius every 20 minutes. • Blood was removed from each of the fish and measured for its oxygen content. • Below are the results from the above experiment.

Amount of Dissolved Oxygen in fish at Varying Temperatures

Temperature in Degrees Celsius

Amount of Dissolved Oxygen found in fish in TANK A (ml/g)

Temperature in Degrees Celsius

Amount of Dissolved Oxygen found in fish in TANK B (ml/g)

25 35 25 35

20 30 30 32

15 23 35 39

10 12 40 35

5 8 45 20

1. Develop a hypothesis for the experiment based on the background information. (If ______________ then _______________ because _______________)

2. What are the experimental controls in this experiment?

3. What is the independent variable in the above experiment?

4. What is the dependent variable in the above experiment?

5. Is the above experiment a controlled experiment? 6. Why or why not?

VISUALIZING THE DATA: Create a graph of the above data. (Ask yourself… what type of graph would be most appropriate. Remember to include all aspects of a graph)

7. Based on the data, is the hypothesis correct? 8. Why or why not?

9. What equation could you use to calculate rate of change in the dissolved oxygen levels?

10. Calculate the rate of change in dissolved oxygen over time in the fish in TANK A? Show your work, answer, and units.

11. Provide an explanation for the data collected. You might have to do a little research. Cite your resources.

Part 4 Insect and Tree Collection

Insect Collection Due on September 24th, 2018 200 Possible Points Criteria

• 20 different insect families must be represented.

• A minimum of 6 different orders to be represented.

• Must be displayed in a case.

• Insect must be separated into their correct orders.

• Each insect must have a identification label (1 square inch).

Awarding of Points - The total collection. (Total of 36 points) +2 points for the each order represented with minimum orders of six orders. +3 point for each individual family with a minimum of eight families.

Each Individual Label - Total of 8 points for each correct label For each label for the insect the following information must be displayed in this order on a square inch labels (4 points, total).

• The insect placed in the correct order& name.+4 points

• The correct family identification. +4 points

• The collector.

• The location (city & state). • The county. • The identifier.

Points will be taken off of your final grade if more than three of the insects are collected & identified by someone else. Tree Project Due on September 24th, 2018 40 Different Species 200 Points, 5 points per leaf Each Tree Label Includes

• Scientific Name

• Common

• Region (most likely South West PA)

• Habitat (ex. park, yard, street, etc…)

• Collector (most likely you)

• No (1-40)

• Date (fall 2018)

Points will be taken off of your final grade if more than three of the insects are collected & identified by someone else.

Part 5 Biology Key Terms. Must be hand written and in a spiral notebook.


2.Acetyl coenzyme 3.Acetylecholine 4. Acidic 5. Acid rain

6. Action potential 7. Activation energy 8. Activation energy is the energy needed to begin a chemical reaction.

9. Active site 10. Active transport 11. Adaptation 12. Adenosine triphosphate

13. Adhesion 14. Adhesion proteins 15. Adrenal cortex

16. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) 17. Aerobic respiration 18. Agnostic behavior 19. AIDS

20. Allantois 21. Allopatric speciation 22. Allosteric activator

23. Allosteric inhibitor 24. Allosteric regulators 25. Allosteric sites 26. Altruistic behavior

27. Amine 28. Amino acids 29. Amino group

30 .Amnion 31. Amphipathic 32. Anaerobic respiration 33. Analogous structures

34. Anterior pituitary 35. Antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) 36. Antigen 37. Apoptosis

38. Associative learning 39. Atom 40. ATP synthase

41. Autonomic nervous system 42. Autotrophs 43. Axon 44. Axon bulb

45. Basic 46. Behavior 47. Bioenergetics

48. Biogeography 49. Bio-magnification 50. Biomes 51. Biosphere

52. Blastocoel 53. Blastula

54. B-lymphocytes 55. Bone remodeling 56. Brain hormone 57. Bulk flow

58. Calcitonin 59. Capillary action 60. Carbohydrates

61. Carbohydrate side chains 62. Carbon 63. Carbon cycle 63 .Carboxyl group

64. Carrying capacity 65. Cell body 66. Cell-mediated immunity

67. Cells 68. Cell sap 69. Cellular respiration 70. Cellulose

71. Cell wall 72. Central nervous system 73. Centrioles 74. Cerebellum

75. Cerebral cortex 76. Cerebrum 77. Channel proteins

78 .Charles Darwin 79. Chemical bond

80. Chemical reaction 81. Chitin

82. Cholesterol 83. Choloroplasts 84. Chorion

85. Chromosomes 86. Cilia 87. Circadian rythyms 88. Citric acid

89. Classical conditioning 90. Cleavage 91. Climax community

92. Coenzymes 93. Cofactors 94. Cohesion 95. Commensalism

96. Community 97. Comparative anatomy 98. Competitive inhibition

99. Complement proteins 100. Compound 101. Convergent evolution 102. Corpus callosum

103. Corpus luteum

104. Covalent bond 105. Critical period

106. Cyclic AMP (cAMP) 107. Cytochromes 108. Cytoplasm 109. Cytoskeleton

110. Cytotoxic T-cells 111. Deforestation 112. Dehydration synthesis

113. Dendrites 114. Density-dependent factors 115. Density-independent factors 116. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

117. Depolarization 118. Desertification 119. Desmosomes

120. Dialysis 121. Differentiation 122. Dipeptide 123. Directional selection

124. Disaccharides 125. Disruptive selection 126. Divergent evolution 127. Dominance hierarchy

128. Ecdysone 129. Ecological pyramid 130. Ecological succession

131. Ecology 132. Ecosystem 133. Electron microscopes 134. Electrons

135. Elements 136. Embryo 137. Embryology

138. Endergonic reactions 139. Endocrine glands 140. Endocytosis 141. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

142. Entropy 143. Enzymes 144. Enzyme specificity

145. Enzyme-substrate complex 146. Epididymis 147. Epinephrine 148. Ester linkage

149. Estrogen 150. Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) 151. Euglena

152. Eukaryotic cells 153. Evolution 154. Exergonic reactions 155. Exocytosis

156. Exponential growth

157. Extra-embryonic membranes 158. Facilitated transport

159. Fallopian tube 160. Fats 161. Feedback inhibition 162. Fermentation

163. Fertilization 164. Fetus 165. First law of thermodynamics

166. Fixed action pattern 167. Flagella 168. "Flight-or-fight" response 169. Fluid-mosaic model

170. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) 171. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) 172. Follicular phase

173. Food chain 174. Fructose 175. Functional group 176. GABA

177. Ganglia 178. Gap juntions 179. Gastrulation 180. Genetic drift

181. Genetic variability 182. Glucagon (alpha cell) 183. Glucocorticoids

184. Glucose 185. Glycerol 186. Glycogen 187. Glycolysis

188. Glycosidic bond 189. Golgi bodies 190. Gravitropism

191. Greenhouse effect 192. Growth hormone (GH) 193. Habituation 194. Hardy-Weinberg law

195. Heat capacity 196. Helper T-cells 197. Herbivores

198. Heterotrophs 199. Homeobox genes 200. Homeostasis 201. Homeotic genes

202. Homologous structures 203. Hormones 204. Hox genes

205. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) 206. Hydrogen 207. Hydrogen 208. Hydrogen bonds

209. Hydrolysis

210. Hydrophilic 211. Hydrophobic

212. Hyperthyroidism 213. Hypothalamus 214. Hypothalamus 215. Hypothyroidism

216. Immune system 217. Imprinting 218. Induced fit

219. Induction 220. Inflammatory response 221. Inner mitochondrial membrane 222. Inorganic compounds

223. Insight 224. Instinct 225. Insulin (beta cell)

226. Integral proteins 227. Intercellular junctions 228. Interferons 229. Inter-membrane space

230. Interneurons 231. Interstitial cells 232. Ionic bond 233. Ions

234. Islets of Langerhans 235. Isotopes 236. Jean Baptiste de Lamarck

237. Juvenile hormone 238. k-strategists 239. Lactic acid 240. Learning

241. Light microscopes 242. Lipid 243. Logistic growth

244. Luteal stage 245. Luteinizing hormone (LH) 246. Luteinizing hormone (LH) 247. Lymph

248. Lymphatic system 249. Lymph node 250. Lymphocytes

251. Lysosomes 252. Major histocompatibility complex 253. Matrix 254. Medulla

255. Memory T-cells 256. MHC markers 257. Microfilaments

258. Microtubule Organizing Centers (MTOCs) 259. Microtubules 260. Midbrain 261. Miller and Urey

262. Mineralocorticoids

263. Mitochondria 264. Molecular biology

265. Monosaccharides 266. Morphogen 267. Morphogenesis 268. Morula

269. Motor (effector) neurons 270. Mutualism 271. Myelin sheath

272. Natural selection 273. Negative feedback system (hormones) 274. Nerve net 275. Neurons

276. Neurotransmitter 277. Neurula 278. Neutral

279. Neutral fats 280. Neutral tube 281. Neutrons 282. Niche

283. Nitrogen 284. Nodes of Ranvier 285. Noncompetitive inhibition 286. Non-polar covalent

287. Norepinephrine 288. Notochord 289. Nucleic acids

290. Nucleoid 291. Nucleolus 292. Nucleotides 293. Nucleus

294. Oils 295. Oparin and Haldane 296. Operant conditioning

297. Organelles 298. Organic compounds 299. Organizers 300. Osmosis

301. Outer membrane. 302. Ova 303. Ovulation

304. Oxaloacetate 305. Oxidative phosphorylation. 306. Oxygen 307. Oxytocin

308. Ozone depletion 309. Paleontology 310. Paramecium

311. Parasitism 312. Parasympathetic nervous system 313. Parathyroid hormone 314. Parathyroids

315. Pathogen

316. Peptide bond 317. Peripheral nervous system

318. Peripheral proteins 319. Phagocytes 320. Phagocytosis 321. Phermomoness

322. Pheromones 323. pH gradient (proton gradient) 324. Phospholipid

325. Phospholipid bilayer 326. Phototropism 327. Photperiodism 328. pH scale

329. Pinocytosis 330. Pioneer organisms 331. Pituitary

332. Placenta 333. Plasma membrane 334. Plastids 335. Polar

336. Polar covalent 337. Polarized 338. Pollution 339. Polymer

340. Polypeptide 341. Polysaccharides 342. Polyunsaturated

343. Pons 344. Population 345. Population density 346. Posterior pituitary

347. Post-zygotic barriers 348. Primary succession 349. Progesterone

350. Prokaryotic cells 351. Prolactin 352. Protein 353. Puberty

354. Pyruvic acid 355. Random mutation 356. Reasoning

357. Receptor-mediated endocytosis 358. Receptor proteins 359. Recognition and adhesion proteins 360. Refractory period

361. Repolarized 362. R group 363. Ribonucleic acid (RNA)

364. Ribosomes 365. r-strategists 366. Saltatory conduction 367. Saturated fat

368. Schwann cells

369. Secondary consumers 370. Secondary succession

371. Second law of thermodynamics 372. Seminal vesicles 373. Seminiferous tubules 374. Sensory neurons

375. Sere 376. Side chain 377. Simple diffusion

378. Sodium-potassium pump 379. Solutes 380. A solute is a substance that is dissolved in a solvent. 381. Somatic nervous system

382. Speciation 383. Species 384. Sperm cells

385. Stabilizing selection 386. Starch 387. Steriods 388. Substrates

389. Surface tension 390. Sympathetic nervous system 391. Sympatric speciation 392. Synapse

393. Target cells 394. Territoriality 395. Tertiary consumers

396. Testosterone 397. Thalamus 398. Thigmotropism 399. Threshold stimulus

400. Thyroid gland 401. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) 402. Thyroxine

403. Tight junctions 404. T-lymphocytes 405. Trace elements 406. Transmembrane proteins

407. Transport proteins 408. Tropism 409. Tubulin

410. Umbilical chord 411. Unsaturated fat 412. Endometrium 413. Vacuoles

414. Vesicles 415. Yolk sac 416. Zygote

Part 6 Complete Chapters 1, 2,& 3 study guides, Students – Please have this COMPLETED by the 1st day of class

AP Biology – Mader Chapter 1 Name: _________________________________

A View Of Life For this first chapter, address the following questions below in as much detail as you need. Remember this will be your study guide for this chapter and you will have quizzes/tests over the following information.

1. Summarize how to scientists currently define life (6 big ideas):

2. Compare the terms population, community and ecosystem:

3. How is all life classified? Diagram the classification scheme and use any pneumonic you

can to make it easy for you to remember this:

4. How are all scientific names written?

5. Talk to me about what biodiversity means to you:

6. Read Section 1.4 well! The scientific method is something we will use in EVERY lab.

Outline the steps below and include any vocabulary that you need:

7. Summarize “Scientific Theory”:

8. Is the pigeon pea/ winter wheat experiment a valid one? ______________ Explain your


9. Read the field study on bluebird aggression. The hypothesis on this is pretty vague – in

your opinion is that alright?


10. Do you think field studies would be easy to do? _______ What are some problems that

might exist in this type of study?

AP BIOLOGY –Mader 11th Name:

Guided Reading: Ch. 2 – Basic Chemistry

1. What are the six elements that are basic to life and make up 95% of the body weight of organisms? 2. Label this diagram illustrating the structure of a typical atom:

3. Complete this table:

Particle Electric Charge Atomic Mass Location

0 Electron Shell


4. On page 23 they show you how the carbon atom is notated. In the space below, give the notation

for oxygen (O): 5. Explain the difference between an atomic number and an atomic mass

6. What are isotopes and why are they biologically significant?

7. What is the maximum number of electrons that can be found in an orbital?

8. What is the octet rule, and how does it predict weather or not an atom will react?

9. Explain the difference between an ionic bond and a covalent bond:

10. Explain the difference between a nonpolar and polar covalent bond.

11. What are hydrogen bonds and why are they important?

12. Why do water molecules cling together?

13. Why does water absorb heat without a great change in temperature?

14. Why does water have a high heat of vaporization?

15. What is the biological significance of water’s high heat capacity and heat of vaporization? 16. Explain the difference between hydrophilic and hydrophobic.

17. Explain how cohesion and adhesion is used to transport water in plants.

18. Explain why water is less dense as a solid (ice) than as a liquid.

19. Label this diagram illustrating the biological significance of the fact that ice floats in water:

20. Explain the difference between an acid and a base.

21. What is the pH scale used for, and discuss the difference between a pH of 3 and a pH of 9.

22. Discuss the biological significance of buffers:

23. Why is pH so important to biological systems?

AP BIOLOGY - - Mader 11th Name:

Guided Reading: Ch. 3 – The Chemistry of Organic Molecules

Answer the following questions as you read the chapter. Be prepared for a Reading Quiz on any or all of the questions. 1.What are organic chemicals? 2.List the four classes of organic compounds. 3.Which atoms does carbon almost always share electrons with? 4.Explain how carbon’s need for four electrons contributes to the diversity seen in carbon-based molecules.

5.How do double bonds contribute to the shape of a molecule?

6.Complete this table summarizing the characteristics of the most biologically significant functional groups:

Group Structure Compound Significance

Amine as in tryptophan

Polar, acidic; present in nucleotides, phospholipids


Carboxylic acid as in acetic acid

7.Discuss the association between polymers and monomers. 8.Complete this table summarizing the macromolecules.

Category Example Subunit(s)



Amino Acid

9.Explain the difference between hydrolysis and synthesis reactions. [p.41]

10.Which monosaccharide is the major source of cellular fuel for all living things? __________________________

11.Match the polysaccharide to the correct function below:

12.Why are lipids insoluble in water? 13.Complete this table summarizing the types of lipids: [p.45]

Type Function(s) Human Uses


Long-term energy storage and insulation in animals



14.Explain the difference between a saturated and unsaturated fatty acid (or sketch):

15.Discuss the benefit of using fat instead of glycogen for long-term energy storage. 16.List some of the many functions of proteins.

Cellulose Forms the cell walls of bacteria.

Chitin Forms the cell walls of fungi, and the exoskeletons of arthropods.

Glycogen Forms the cell walls of plant cells. Peptidoglycan The form in which animals store


Starch The form in which plants store glucose.

17.How do the 20 amino acids differ? 18.What is a peptide bond?

19.Why is a protein’ shape so important? 20.Match the level of protein structure to it’s description and example:


Folding resulting in a three-dimensional shape.

Fibrous proteins, such as keratin.


Results when there are two or more polypeptides combined in a protein.

Hemoglobin is an example.

Tertiary The specific sequence of amino acids.

Globular proteins, such as enzymes.

Quaternary The coils and folds of a polypeptide. Beta pleated sheets, alpha helices

No example.

21.What happens when a protein denatures? 22.Discuss the effect of prions like in Mad Cow:

23.Explain how DNA and RNA work together to build a protein (remember transcription/translation?)

24.What is ATP used for? 25.Label this diagram showing the structure of a nucleotide:

26.Explain the difference between purines and pyrimidines.

27.What is complementary base pairing? Write the opposite strand to: A A T C G G A:

28.Why is ATP a high-energy molecule?

29.Explain why the last phosphate bond of an ATP molecule is called a “high energy” bond (though this is somewhat misleading….):