PARKS in CRISIS Part 4 - A Tale of Two Parks

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  • 8/19/2019 PARKS in CRISIS Part 4 - A Tale of Two Parks


    PARKS IN CRISIS part 4:A tale of two parksAPRIL 16, 2015  | BY JOHN LORINC

    By John Lorinc and Alex Steep

    Over the past few years, the city has seen a handful of examples of

    park construction that oer impressive illustrations of how

    intensication and forward-looking public space planning can proceed

    hand-in-hand. Waterfront oronto developed !orktown !ommon not as

    an afterthought, but rather as a focal point for the !anary "istrict, in

    the West "onlands.

  • 8/19/2019 PARKS in CRISIS Part 4 - A Tale of Two Parks


    #ot far away, the !ity and oronto !ommunity $ousing, with strong

    encouragement from developer "aniels !orp., established the

    eponymously named %egent &ark, on "undas 'ast west of &arliament,

    as an anchor space in the middle of the mixed use(mixed income

    pro)ects going up on the old %egent &ark lands.

    *ut for each of these examples, there are many more where high

    density development has no obvious connection to any kind of public

    space ac+uisition strategy. nd there are also cases where the citys

    parkland investment plan seem troublingly disconnected from existing

    policy goals.

    $erewith, a tale of two such parks.

    College Park: A missed opportunity

    *esides the parkette in iberty /illage, the oddly-shaped swath of open

    space south of !ollege &ark may serve the highest concentration of

    local residents anywhere in oronto. butted on three sides by high rise,-79.413957,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x882b351cb1503b45:0x4a8f7b5fa8930a61,-79.383113,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x70608591c9ba10d2?sa=X&ei=oBMvVfH1FMmtyASXroHIAQ&ved=0CI8BEPwSMA8,-79.413957,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x882b351cb1503b45:0x4a8f7b5fa8930a61,-79.383113,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x70608591c9ba10d2?sa=X&ei=oBMvVfH1FMmtyASXroHIAQ&ved=0CI8BEPwSMA8

  • 8/19/2019 PARKS in CRISIS Part 4 - A Tale of Two Parks


    condos, including the two %esidences of !ollege &ark condos 012 and

    23 storeys4 and the massive 562-unit 7% tower 0!anderel

    8toneridge4, and !ollege 8treet o9ce complexes on the fourth side,

    !ollege &ark is an outdoor room that serves thousands of condo


    :t should be one of orontos great urban s+uares. ;et !ollege &ark has

    limped along for years as an increasingly neglected space, and,

    according to documents obtained by Spacing under access to

    information re+uests, planned improvements will be done on the

    cheap, with no contribution from the citys vast parkland reserves, 256 and 31.

    fter consulting with the residents stakeholder committee, F*W, a

    landscape architecture rm retained by the !ity, produced a C1.2

  • 8/19/2019 PARKS in CRISIS Part 4 - A Tale of Two Parks


    million plan that called for re-establishing the rink and the change

    house. *ut in pril, 3D, a design review panel tore into F*Ws

    concept, saying it couldnt be built for the approved budget and didnt

    meet the residents desire for a tran+uil green space, such as eardrop

    &ark, a >Wellesley happen. ?We have to be very strategic about how we deploy

    8ection 13 local park improvement HfundsI.A

  • 8/19/2019 PARKS in CRISIS Part 4 - A Tale of Two Parks


    81 S!eppard: S"!ool sites and opa#ue land deals

    :n 3

  • 8/19/2019 PARKS in CRISIS Part 4 - A Tale of Two Parks


    partnership scheme that remains unresolved many years after it was

    initially disclosed to the public.

    :nitially, the city wanted to buy >.2 ha on the southern portion of the

    site, and sought to partner with he oronto $eschel 8chool, a fast-

    growing Jewish parochial academy that wanted the school building on

    the northern portion. 0he oronto "istrict 8chool *oard had declared

    the school surplus.4 7nder the proposed agreement, the city would buy

    the entire site and the private school would buy back the building on

    the northern half, leaving the city with new community park space on

    the rest of the large tract.

    :n a 8eptember 3

  • 8/19/2019 PARKS in CRISIS Part 4 - A Tale of Two Parks


    s for the park, &asternak remains optimistic it will receive even more

    investment from the parkland improvement fund M play structures,

    landscaping and some other programming N once the ownership

    issues are ironed out. ?heres enormous potential there to take the

    southern part and turn it into a ne neighbourhood park,A he says. ?:n

    the long run, it will be a ma)or community asset.A

    Part 1: All built up but no place to grow

    Part 2: Where the money fow

    Part !: "he peril o# cah$in$lieu

    Part ! idebar: Section %2 explained

    Part %: "he tale o# two par&

    Part ': "he ytem wor&ed (lowly) #or a wet end par& 

    Part *: Are pri+ately$owned public pace the anwer to par& de,cit-

    top and middle photo by Wylie Poon

    3 COMMENTSNeither the author nor Spacing necessarily agrees with posted comments. Spacing reserves theright to edit or delete comments entirely. See our !omment &olicy.

    >. Sean Galbraith

    11 ON!HS AGO

    We must be strategic in our paralysis in how not to create a plan for spending themoney on desperately, and obviously, needed improvements. Clearly, this is thebest way to proceed.

    3. !ri"ha

    11 ON!HS AGO

    If parks fees are supposed to be used on the creation of new parks, KristynWong!am is totally right to use the funding towards "" Wellesley. !hese articles

    are technically about the creation of new park spaces, not renovating our e#istingones. !he renovation of college park would do little to actually resolve any parkscrisis.

    I$m also not sure you can blame the city about a landscape firm creating a parkdesign that e#ceeds the city budget they were supposed to stick to by nearly%&'.

    D. #a$

  • 8/19/2019 PARKS in CRISIS Part 4 - A Tale of Two Parks


    11 ON!HS AGO
