Parkinson treatment in india

What is Parkinson’s disease? Parkinson’s disease is a chronic, progressive movement disorder associated with the abnormal functioning of the central nervous system. The disease generally comes under a group of condition known as motor system disorder. The disease is expressed due to the loss of dopamine-producing brain cells. How prevalent is Parkinson’s disease? As per the CDC report, the age-adjusted death rates for the disease has increased drastically from 2000 to 2015. It has been statistically studies that the death rate for the males suffering from the disease was 8.8 per 1, 00,000 population by the end of 2000, which has been increased to 13.5 by the end of 2014. Similarly, death rate of females suffering from the disease was 3.9 by the end of 2000 which has increased to 4.8 by the end of 2014. The data as well indicate that men are more prone to the diseased condition as compared to females. On the basis of ethnicity of the individual, it is evidently concluded that the prevalence rate of whites is much more than that of the black. Factors responsible for SCI In general a spinal cord injury is resultant due to the severe damage to different parts of the spinal cord such as vertebral column, ligaments or the spinal disks. This has been worldwide reported to be originated from sudden agony to the spinal cord such as fracturing, crushing or dislocating one or more vertebrae. Additional damage has as well been reported due to excessive bleeding, swelling, inflammation as well as other opportunistic infections. The most common reported causes of the Spinal Cord Injury are: Motor cycle road accidents or accidents without protection leading to the traumatic spinal cord injury. In the aged population or women with osteoporosis the SCI is often caused due to a fall. About 15-20% of the reported cases of spinal cord injury are as a result of violent encounters such as gun shots, knife wounds, fights, etc. Some of the athletes who undergo impact sports or diving, etc. have as well been reported to have been pray to SCI. Some of the diseases such as cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis and inflammation of spine can as well cause Spinal cord injury.

Transcript of Parkinson treatment in india

Page 1: Parkinson treatment in india

What is Parkinson’s disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a chronic, progressive movement disorder associated with the abnormal functioning of the central nervous system. The disease generally comes under a group of condition known as motor system disorder. The disease is expressed due to the loss of dopamine-producing brain cells.

How prevalent is Parkinson’s disease?

As per the CDC report, the age-adjusted death rates for the disease has increased drastically from 2000 to 2015. It has been statistically studies that the death rate for the males suffering from the disease was 8.8 per 1, 00,000 population by the end of 2000, which has been increased to 13.5 by the end of 2014. Similarly, death rate of females suffering from the disease was 3.9 by the end of 2000 which has increased to 4.8 by the end of 2014.

The data as well indicate that men are more prone to the diseased condition as compared to females. On the basis of ethnicity of the individual, it is evidently concluded that the prevalence rate of whites is much more than that of the black.

Factors responsible for SCI

In general a spinal cord injury is resultant due to the severe damage to different parts of the spinal cord such as vertebral column, ligaments or the spinal disks. This has been worldwide reported to be originated from sudden agony to the spinal cord such as fracturing, crushing or dislocating one or more vertebrae. Additional damage has as well been reported due to excessive bleeding, swelling, inflammation as well as other opportunistic infections. The most common reported causes of the Spinal Cord Injury are:

Motor cycle road accidents or accidents without protection leading to the traumatic spinal cord injury.

In the aged population or women with osteoporosis the SCI is often caused due to a fall.

About 15-20% of the reported cases of spinal cord injury are as a result of violent encounters such as gun shots, knife wounds, fights, etc.

Some of the athletes who undergo impact sports or diving, etc. have as well been reported to have been pray to SCI.

Some of the diseases such as cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis and inflammation of spine can as well cause Spinal cord injury.

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Symptoms Associated with the SCI

In general, the severities as well as the area of injury are the factors to be concerned in most of the cases of Spinal Cord Injury. On the basis of severity of injury, SCI is classified as:

Complete SCI: – If all the sensory and motor functions are lost, the injury is referred to as complete spinal cord injury.

Incomplete SCI:-If some degree of motor and sensory function is retained after the injury, it is referred to as incomplete spinal cord injury.

In addition to this, the extent of movement loss can be segmented into two parts such as:

Tetraplegia: – All the limbs including arms, hands, legs, pelvic organs are paralysed by the injury.

Paraplegia: – Part of the body is paralysed.

Apart from the one stated above some common signs and symptoms can be

Functional loss of the movement. Functional loss of sensory organs such as ability to sense heat, cold and touch. Loss of bladder control Changes in sexual activity including sexual sensitivity and fertility. Difficulty in breathing and coughing.

Some of the emergency signs and symptoms after the injury requiring immediate medical attention include:

Extreme pain and pressure in lower back, neck as well as head. Weakness, lack of coordination or paralysis in any part of the body. Tingling sensation especially in the lower limb region. Maintenance of awkward posture.

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Stem Cell Treatment for Parkinson’s

What goes wrong in Parkinson’s disease?

Studies have observed the deposition of different proteins in the transverse sections of the Parkinson’s brain. These proteins are known as the Lewy Bodies.

The human brain is the principal organ, controlling all the mechanism such as movement, memory, speech, vision, etc. This control can be acquired by the passage of different signals to the different organs of the body. These signals are generated in the brain, passed on to the different organs via brain cells known as the neurons. These signals are passed on from one neuron to the other organs of the body with the help of the neurotransmitters. Dopamine is one of the different kinds of neurotransmitter which is found to be absent in the patients with the Parkinson’s disease. This dopamine is degenerated due to the deposition of proteins or lewy bodies surrounding the neurons. These lewy bodies thus interrupt the transmission of signals due to loss of dopamine leading to the progressive degeneration of motor neurons.

Thus, in patients with the disease, the motor coordination is affected to the great extent.

How Stem Cells treatment can help!

Stem cells are the mother cells that are responsible for developing an entire human body from a tiny two celled embryo; due to their unlimited divisions and strong power to differentiate into all the cells of different lineage. This power of stem cells has been harnessed by the technology to isolate them outside the human body, concentrate in the clean environment and implant back.

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Thus, stem cells treatment involves administration of concentrated cells in the targeted area, wherein they can colonize in the damaged area, adapt the properties of resident stem cells and initiate some of the lost functions that have been compromised by the disease or injury.

The loads of data accumulated from different research suggested, an evidence based differentiation of stem cells into dopamine producing neurons.

Treatment of Parkinson’s at GIOSTAR

We have mastered the technology for isolating maximum number of viable stem cells from either the autologous sources of your own body or allogeneically with the matched donor to treat various children with ASD. We are the licensed, private organization with the excellent, well equipped state of the art facility to isolate process and enrich the viable number of stem cells, which can be re infused back into the patient’s body. Generally, these cells are administered through any one of the below mentioned methods depending upon our expert’s advice:

Intrathecal Administration:-Through this mode, cell are infused in the cerebrospinal fluid through the subarachnoid spaces of the spinal canal.

Intravenous Administration:- Through this mode, cells are infused through the veins along with the mannitol to expand blood volumes in the central nervous system, to ensure that the maximum number of cells are reaching to the targeted area.

Once infused back in the body, these cells can be repopulated at the damaged parts of the brain, through their strong paracrine effects and differentiate into lost depaminergic neurons or other damaged supporting cells to improve motor functions of the brain.

Thus with our standardized, broad based and holistic approach, it is now possible to obtain noticeable improvements in the patients with the Parkinson’s Disease , in the symptoms as well as their functional abilities.

What Sets Us Apart

US Head quartered. Founder is leading stem cell scientist credited with setting up the stem cell

research labs at top research institutions in US including Salk Research Institute, Sanford-Burnham Institute, UCI, UCSD.

Medical Advisory Board comprising of luminaries from Harvard, * University of California, San Diego (UCSD), University of California Irvine (UCI), Imperial Collage, London.

Endorsed by Honourable Prime Minister of India. State of the art and only private hospital in India inaugurated by Prime

Minister. World’s largest stem cell hospital funded by government.