Park Tract! CRACKERS...Los Angeles Daily Herald. VOL. XIX. LOS ANGELES, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 18,...

Los Angeles Daily Herald. LOS ANGELES, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 18, 1883. VOL. XIX. NO. 76. LATE TELEGRAMS. ?SPECIAL "TO THE HERAM). | Nan Franelae© Xews Builgi t San Francis*.',,,, May 17. -The Aus- tralian steauer nov*' due will bring a Urge quantity of tin. The market here iialready overatocked. Fivo hundred boxes of opium are ex- pected by the same, steamer and a similar quantity by v China steamer, al*o over" uue. Tho' duties on tbo opium will amount to about IISJ.OOO. Tho steamer Conntaiithn i.; - uhitituted, temporarily for the \u25a0( lamer LOl Anyeles on the south coast route, pending the r la'tir's overhauling. Latest developmeu s in the caee of Booth, arrested on a charge ot stealing 92,000 from Miss McKay, show that Booth's real name I*Henry Jamison, and that his family live in Wellington, New Zealand. The Treasury Department is informed that hereafter the tonnage of American vessels arriving in English ports is lo aocepted aa it appears on the register. The French National League have "oted that a fund be opened in this State for subscriptions to the Gnmbetla monu- ment to he erected inParis. There were 11,3.% urrivala from .Japan and China in the first four months of 1882, and from the same countries this year 1,563 arrivals, while of peopleoTei. iand there are 5,442m0re than Ins', year. The City of Tokio arrived this morn- ing. She bring* $93,900 in treasure, and among her passengers are the Duke of Athole and about twenty officers of the U. 8. Navy returning home from the Asiatic Squadron. A special Washington dispatch thin morning auiiomirca the appointment of George Edward Stanley as British Con snl fur the Pacitic Coast, A re-union of all California Young Mens' Christian Associations is t >be held here May 24th. Deputy Coroner Specht, accused of nn attempt to force a bribe of $300 from the PreK'dio Railroad Company,.* discharged Charges preferred against tin- Stat. Prison Commissioneis appointed by Gov- ernor Perkins is denounced by members of the Commission a* a poll Ii -nl intrigue. It is announced that tbo pretwnt Board are examining the books of the Demo- cratic administration of tin: prison under Governor Jrwin, and have discovered that the appropriation of $200,000 fot an addition to the building did not ap- pear on the books. Calneae laborers Attacked by WhlteM. San FRANrisro, May 17. ? A Victoria, B. C, dispatch says that a furious attack was made by railrosd laborers on [ha Chinese workmen,by which nine Chinese were terribly mangled. One in <l\ing from his wounds. Th white men at- tacked the Chinese while they were in bed and as they m.-died out of their tents clubbed them with pick handles, after which they burned their ramp. Carrie R#adlry and Chief I.ap- nea.** Ileal. Portland, Ogn., May 17. Curie Bradley, serving twelve years ivthe peni- tentiary for the murder of J. N. Brown in this city in October, 1881, was exam Ined to-day at Salem by counsel for the the prosecution and defense concerning Chief of Police J. H. Lappeus, now be- ing investigated hy the City Council for accepting a bribe of fSOO from CarHe Bradley to allow to escape after the murder of Brown. The woman, Brodley, testified that Lappeus was cognizant of the murder that Lappeus told her he knew of the murder and said for $500 ho would keep the affair quiet and if it leaked out he would asdst her to escape. She said she paid the money to Lappeus when the body was found. Lappeus told her to leave quietly and he would see that no requisition was issued to se- cure her return. Lawyers volunteered todefend her free, saying Lappeus would put up the money. A Cigar Msker's Tyranny, Chicago, May 17.-The Cigar Mak- er j'Committee heard the testimony ti six young girls employed by one Behr- man, on Kiosey street. It whs shown that they worked from six in the mom ing to 9at night, and three nights each week till eleven, making bunches for ci- gars. The most of them got S3 a week, and in order to make \u25a0 profit out of this scanty pittance he charges them for every minute of lost time. When the Health Inspector visits the place the Sroprletor manage* to secrete the ebil- ren nnder age employed by him. Other tyrannic are alleged and it is claimed that tho place is only a typi of others in the city . The I >oil if**City Trouble. Doixie City, May 17.?Things are quiet, hut trouble is fermenting. Sheriff Geo. T. Henkley has been ordered by Governor Glick tft protect Luke short and his companion, the famous Boh Mas terton, formerly Sheriff of the county, but now an outlaw. The city otliciats have nodoubt Short win return. There Is a strong feeling that he should be al- lowed to return. The Governor tele- graphs that the law must be enforced, rights, life, and property protected. A company of military is awaiting orders. The other side is talking fight. They will guard the trains with a posßc. Phil.Thompson Acquitted. HARRonsprßci, Ky., May I".?ln the Thompson trial the jury came in with a verdict, and the Court asking what it was, handed in the following: "We, the jury, find Philip B. Thompson, defend ant, not guilty as charged in the indict- ment " Then came a shout; the men rushed to congratulate the defendant aud during the confusion Phil. Thomp- son said, "Thank God, tricky wives can now be protected." The C, *K. 1. Withdraw* from tlie Pool. Chicauo, May 17.?The Chicago and Rock Island Railroad has given notice of its withdrawal from the pool so far as passenger business is concerned. The reason given for the step is that the pool, as now arranged, is simply a dead letter, as it cannot be earned out so long as the Milwaukee and St. Paul road refuses to join. Re due Hon Works Barned. Oenvkr, May 17.? The Harrison Re- duction -Works, a I.eadville branch of the St. Louis Smelting and Refining Company was burned this morning. Loss sixty to seventy thousand dollars. The I. P. Hues a Competitor. Oode.v, May 17.?The Union Pacific Railway have applied for an injunction restraining the Denver and Rio Grande road from entering Ogden on a third rait upon tho Central Pacific track, clauning damage to their property. The writ is returnable to-morrow. The Men Brltlnh Connnl for this Count. Washington,Moy 17.?The President recognized George Kdward Stanley, Con- sul for Herßrittanic Majesty to theStatea oi California and Oregon and to Washing- ton Territory. He will reside inSan Fran- Testing The Strong Man. For a roan of inti'clc, >i prodigious negro in Providence in the ablest man in Khoito Island. He is retained as an ex- pert by an express company in lifting ca*dca and righting the law of gravity generally. Recently, when In tin-gym- naaiuia attached to v c lub-room, he was irhaltenged to exhibit bis Htrength, and Bfil drew himself up by rings banging fiinn the ceiling. These rings formed the terminals of an idcctric battirv, and, When he had saised himself, the circuit was closed, contracting the muscles so that he could not lower himself to the flocr, iVhen the current was switched off he left, faying that he did not wish any mora gymnast in. CaMmm lUy, the Jowiah millionaire, ditd recently in Cairo, aged 73. His property la eftimated at over §0,000,- --000. He wan private b inker of the form- er Vice King, whoso unlimited conri- dence ho possessed. Ho owned a syn- agogue ot his own, in which services were daily held, and he carefully ob- served Jewish rites in dirt, etc. He had two wives, one of whom survives, and a numerous progeny. An attempt will soon be m.ida tobreak up the Chinese opium .smoking and ganibling dens near the Church of the Transfiguration in New York. It is charged that children on their way to and from school are given candy dosed with opium in order to create ft taste for the drug by the Chinese occupants of what arc ackl to be duns of the most dis- reputable character in every way. DAILY HERALD. Published every morning, except Monday, by JOSEPH D. LYNCH. TERMS FOR DAILY HERALD. er annum, bymill or express 910.00 x months, hy mall or express S.OO ree months 2.50 DRLrVKRKD Bf C Aft KIBES, pir Wkkk, it 6c, WEEKLY IIKKALJJ. Pi/muhiied Evert Saturday MoaxuMf, ? TERMS: one yw*r, by mall er express, one copy 93.0C Sixmonth*, bymail or express 1 76 Tare*; month*, by mall or express 1.00 AOVKRTIsESIKVrs Inserted at reasonable rates OlTAllKiutb of Job Work done U> compete with t'Aiaclsoo in pries, Styls and elirgaiico ot *.>rkuianablp. WANTS -LOST-FOUND. WANTED, C'uiif r»<toi . fi,r propin it* on a two story brick hou*\ ?J.'.iiß, at the roi.ier First and Main street!. Plans to be seen in the an-hitei«' office \u25a0I Reeppneti RehhcrU, eonier Fir*t and Main streets. idIO 3l BOARDING WANTED. Atady.irtramierln the city, would lis* room and t.t,,rl uh r.MI!.r L - nr.' n . .itbur li'tirde r*. PfciSS a<Mi«SS MlS'* 1,. I STOCKTON. MNNhMiI WANTED. A taw nulert hoard*, ra cm lie ...commodatcd ut d.>or from <>oriior i.f Se;-oi:>i. on < h irilv rtfest, north (i mumttrwjt tnl7 lw LOST. At Saul iMnnici, on Sunday, Hsy IStk, . -tin- git; -t.iHuiliiiiiioii<t nr.;;, *ithn.ii.uN <>;i the in- side. Tho fl'n). r will nt-jivva ltbersl r. w .rd on rstllllllMg *amy tj Hkkkld ntrtc*. nilfltf PARTNER WANTED. Willi a capital of #l;Mi or S:'fiO to pngmo in a ip.tod p .\ in if buniiifHi; cm mike oU*> per in mth. FOf paxtmißli addrem f. .1 11., |.>ck boHl 10 I.'m Anyelui P. O. nil '. Iw DOOK-KEEPINC. A nAbMi party, who can spare several hours per day, dMlrxM to kea-p books, strain MMa# eountH, CDtlcct debti and rents, etc, etc. Beat mmm n gtven. Addreai a. A , mnau etwe> mIS PARTNER WANTED. FOR ASY.W FOl NLRY, HMttlcapital needed. Addresa R., Heaald office. MM |w PARTNER WANTED. With three or four thoumnd dollars capita), in a (rood paving buslmw. Addrexi J. Valdor, 'MS S. SpririL- st . ml3Iw WANTED. A span of hows which can tie bought Cheap; must be IQBOIbaJo wcijrht. larjrer proferalil \u25a0. Ad dress, giyinifall porticutare, T. U., care OflMd Oantral Hotel m8iw RiR BALK PQB LUENT. rOR RENT. A house with mven roOMH on Main street, third door from Fifth str.-. ; '';.llbetween tt A. m. and 11 a Lf. mt7St FOR SALE. A FINE I.ltvL'Olt STORE ANI>SALOON ON a STi-kml otrcet Will nell . heap on account ol de- partjre AMMI L 11.. P. O. IJox 270. ml 2lw TO R£NT. Three furnixhad rum in Alien 810.-k, Uom suite and the other furnished room be inert fir an nttl v ifde-ired. * nil at \u25a0O*SM 12mH 13, , mlMw ROOMS FOR RENT. Two coii'eniently located roonifl, "uitahle for oftic.n. K'n|Hirc at Nos, 17 and 10 Coniiiioc.-!;'.! PICTURES AT COST. Will soil, for the ...-.a 10 Jays, a laiye stock of plfjtaMaas] yietwe taawe at cost fume one, com*.' all. mttl bff ENGINE FOR SALE. Anew suven horse power upright limine and boflW for «le at No. lOfl, AHso it. aW FOR BALE. Huiliiinir l. tt in the Korckhoff tract, frontinif .I. Mrtiti an.l Ui- Anecles streets. Apply fix the premise-. WWt HOUSE TO LET. and pantry, Apjilv at the nurthw.M cornsr of Charity and Second streets. m8lw ROOMS ANDBOARD. Two nicely furnished room* with board, at Mrs' Tannv's, on the south side of Seventh, batween Miin and Spring streets mS FURNISHED ROOMS, Pleasantly local snd neatly furnished, TO LET, SINGLE OR EN SUITE, Corner Fort and Franklin *ir.-.-n one block from Postofnoe. i .'X ROOMS ANDBOARD. Nicely furnished rooms, en *nitc and eintrle, co.italnin« modern cjnvciiiencea, with the KIMBALL MANSION, NEW HIGH ST., NEAR TEMPI.I; al Excursion Bast. Th» l»«t MWhaS .xcunlon o( the M win. UUTI UN* \ v«.i:i i>, M A.V 22d. For P.n.llKn Apply tm J- Z». W ILB V , Boom 4. P. O. Building. Down Mtalin. » A Iflw more wanted to complete the party MM NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . Joseph Murtagh & CO., 40 V MAINSTREET, PHILLIPS BLOCK, Will offer substantial Bargains for the Next 10 Days In ot&n t.. Hake room for their stock of Summer Goods in transit. Some Lines of DRESS GOODS Marked Down to ONE-HALF ORIGINAL PRICE Silks, Hosiery, Fancy Hoods and Domestics MATERIALY REDEUCED. LADIES' CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' HATS We are Receiving Daily f rom New York and Chicago. Some Lilies of GENTS' FURNISHING- GOODS Will lie Closed Out AT A GREAT SACRIFIC E. .JOSEPH MUKTAGH & CO.. 40 NORTH MAINST., Nearly Opp. Court House. Barker &Allen, 8 & 10 MAIN ST., NEAR PICO HOUSE. «" ami lldall Uvalera In Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper, Etc, Are !{<'<?<'iviiiir their ImnieuMe Spring Stock Direct from Eastern Factories. Will metit any prices on the Pacific Coast. The Public are cordially invited to call and ccc our goods and grot prices be- fore purchasing. ml tf SAN PEDRO LUMBER CO , SAN PEDRO, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, Wholesale and Eetail Lumber Dealers, Having completed their Wharf to Deep Water, BRINGING SHIP AND RAIL TOGETHER, Are prepare.! to furnish all kiada of LUMBBIt AWD TIMBER X*. O. 33. Cars or delivered at any R. R. Station of S. P. R. R. J. BUYSON A MOWN are our Aerntu at l.aa Ancdr-a Correspondence Solicited. MERIOK REYNOLDS, Manager, San Pedro. ' ° ' FOB/ JS^XaXI. Highland Park Tract! The proprietors of the Hunter Highland View tract are now prepnred to offer. Inaddition to the former tract, for §ale the HIGHLAND PARK TRACT In loti of htm 2J to 5 acres eaoh. This tract is located midway between Los An- geles and Pasadena, in the Arroyo Se_*o. Pasadena Avenue, as recently laid out, (the direct route to the latter place) passes through the centre of the tract. This tract has been known for many years as the Ramirez Homestead Tract. It is a littlemore than three miles from the Plaza, the center of our city, and euutaius about 420 acres of most desirable land. PURE MOUNTAIN WATER In an abundant supply is now being conducted to the tract in pipes. More than ninety men arc at this moment engaged in this work. Pasadena Avenue is being graded. It is intended to make this spot the most Desirable for Suburban Homes Ofanything in Southern California. We invite all desirous of securing pleasa nt and convenient homes, where all the conveniences of country and city lite are easi- lyaccessible, to look at Highland Park. We are prepared to show them. G. W. MORGAN, Agent. ROOM 55, TEMPLE BLOCK, UP-STAIRS. CLOSING OUT SALE. Carriages, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, Etc, ONE OF THELAEOEST STOCKS evar brought to I,os Angelea. Will be sold at price* whichdefy competition. Call unil see me before purchasing elsewhere. A.1.1. STTI.ES ABfD PBIOES, AnJ Koort. .-.-irraiited to be a* repnmnM. A. T. NEWHALL, apr 4 ltn 108 Loa Aafaiee fjtraat. FXC.A.SB-K XX- XaOWB, FORMERLY WITH WOOI.LACOTT, nAS OPENED AN ESTABLISHMENT IN THE lif i it.-ro Block. Man Fernando Mt..Oppanlt> the New Pa*«ena;er nepot. RKTAII. HI M.Kit IN riN» WI3STES, laIQXTORS «te CIGARS. nottied ftoottM a Mpeelalty. Hi<> patroimKo of the puMi.- is respectfully solicited. alt 111 FOR, SALE! GRAZING LAND FOR SALE I Well Watered. Just the Thing for Fine Cattle. A Breeding Farm. Fonr Miles from the City. SFRzaror -wjkjxran In abandonee, distributed over the tract of between three and four hundred acres. NEVER FAILING WATER Runs across the tract. Enquire of Q. W. MORGAN, No. 55 Temple Block. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Crystal Palace. REDUCED PRICE . Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Chandeliers AT COST OF IMPORTATION! Gel Our Prices Before Purchasing Elsewhere. i Wo will Always Sell Cheaper than our Competitors. MEYBERG BROS., 81 MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES, j J. W. CALKINS CARRIAGE CO., Cor. ofLos Augeles and Arcadia Sts.. Ojiji. Aliso St. . - ?5' 5 J I jj y. ? 5 Sole Agents for Southern California for tin- Celebrated work of R, F. BRIGGS & CO., of Amesbtiry, Mass,, The finest work ever shown in tliis city. A full stock of ' various styles now ready for inspection, including DENNETTS & OPPENHEIH BI G«Y .!IMP-SEATS. ALSO THE CALIFORNIA 4-SPRINI.' WACOM IN THIS FINE QUALITY. DEALERS ANDLIVERY HEN SrTPPLIED. The "Tip Top" Carriage .Sunshade. Gin be adjusted to any desired position; very cheap and desirable. arPlease call or send for illustrated pries list. »17 3n) d*w The Largest Carriage and Wagon Repository in California! A $40,000 Stock! Look at Our Prices! Buggy with top $115 ! Photons flflO Buggy without top 100 Platform spring wagon . 135 Carnages, extension top 250 Three spring wagon 120 Open kit-ouches 125 J Business spring wagon 00 Four spring wagon, $1.3;"). WE HAVE ALMOSTANY STYLE YOU WANT. We also carry a large stock of DOUBLE ANDSINGLE HARNESS of the best quality and stylo at correspondingly low prices. NEXT DOOR EAST OF FASHION STABLES, MAIN ST., LOS ANGELES. ~83m J. R. McMANIS, Manager. I am Just Unloading Five Car-loads of STUDEBAKER BROS' FARM WAGONS, The Best inthe World. Also HB ADBR T R TJ O X S , Made Expressly for our Soil, with .1 and 1-inch tire. Prices Lower than Ever. Spline: Wagons and Buggiei Superior to any in tho city. Also an Immense stock of LOUIS COOK '8 BUGGIES, lite. Our Leather Top Buggy, lor $115. Beats Anything In the Market. Double the Stock of any house in the city. S. W. LUITWEILER, in 2 Ist 100 and lOS Los Anselcs Street. Cor. Rcnnena. H. SLOTTERBECK, Sportsmen's Headquarters, Temple Block, Opposite United States Hotel, Dealer inall English and American Latest !». , proved Trehk-. Wedge Fast and Ilammcrlcss Breech-Loading pftyßali) Also, latest improved !-; li-'l. am Hrl&fer^. PISTOLS. S9r *Mfl| Choke-boring and Repairing tln Hir)yijiS gun. a specialty. jSf^Wßg All work done in best style, speaking for itself and leaving no need lor .sell praise. o2fj WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FIRST STREET. BETWEEN SPRING AND MAIN, tO» AWOWalia, OalT. bbntt NEWADVMfMgBM EXTS. Extra Bargains -THIS WEEK AT B. F. Coulter's TABLE LINEN. TOWELS, NAPKINS BED SPREADS. In the Prettiest Black Cash- meres sold on the Coast, Onr Black Silks Head the List, and if you want a good dress at a Lower Prico than you can get elsewhere, buy the QUEEN SILK AT COULTER'S. JUST RECEIVED, Direct from New York, another beautiful assortment of the new Dress Satteens. Call and see them. DO.VT BE DECEIVED. You cannot buy Better Goods. You cannot buy Cheaper Goods in California than we are now offering. We will \»i lie liidersold. We buy the Latest Styles and Best Bargains. We Give Our Customers Bargains. For instance; Linen Bosom Shirts nt 50 cents each. Jl.OO ?' " i These, ore better value, than you cut aM < clsowhere, as a rule. 1 If you want tho best tittirifr. best wearing Shirt you have ever had, buy tbo 'COULTER SHIRT," The best of aU, at Coulter s, in Baiter Block. B. F. COULTER, (Xcw Numbers.) 236 & 238 NORTH MAINSTREET, BAKER BLOCK, Owner of the Los Angeles Woolen Mills, is now selling at Seduced Prices to CAMPERS.MINERS& TRAVELERS, Pure, all wool BLANKETS, just the ar- ticles for TOURISTS, ai d cheaper than ever before. Call and see them. We have Shoddy Comforters, and we have Comforters NOT SHODDY. And we sell all at prices us low as were ever sold hy any house. Don't be deceived, COULTER'S is the place to trade. a 25 lm OIL HOUSE. Scofield&Tevis CONTINENTAL OIL & TRANSPOR- TATION CO. B. A. EDWARDS, Manager. Importers and and dealers in Paints, White Lead, Turpentine Glass, illuuunatiue; and Lu- bricating Oil,, etc., etc. NO. 23 LOS ANGELES STREET, Hns UMVilt CALIFORNIA. apltl Gillette, Gibson & Wood, Examiners of Title and Conveyancers, Rooms 13 and 14, ilcDonald Block, Main LOS A Si. iLis CAL, PONET & ORR, UNDERTAKERS &6 MBAIMERS, (HI Main street EmUrtlinintr tor Shipping :i Bpw 'i' We don't Hi t] '20 per ,-enf tar. than other house,, linttile puMii- willIn- sat- isfied on inquirine that our prices are Lower than Any Other House In the en v And SATISFACTION (lI'ARANTKKI). Telepuone connection with store and rcaidenre. inrllltf I ??I??? ABERNATHY & CO., MM,YOUTHS', BOYS ANDCHILDREN'S CLOTHINC & FURNISHING COODS, HATS AND CAPS, TRUNKS ANDVALISES, > « Stock New, flood, of the Boat Duality. No. ft Srins St.. Los \ im. lt"., (Ono door Kutth ot Preusa k Pironi'a.) atTlro HO FOR SAXTA MO\KA ( AX YON. Don't fail to milat I \< I.X THUS < Will* For fine brand, <d|tl»r» nnrl Civ.i:'-. '.u*£!dPS*i*'h'.Hfil'mt.'.. '""'w'"' l. .' paa-tawftMdhafcov prt7tf] Rt'LO A CO. OWNIRB OF OOCB, ATTENTION ! Inaccordant, with the ordinanco of the city of liOa Anuele. all do|r, rumiltiff at larire after the FIRST DAY OF JUNK, IStffl, Without the proper License Tatr, will be taken up and inniouiidod. H. KINO. ChUlof Police Los Anfrele., May 11, 1883. mlltw Phineas Banning, FORWARDING 4 COMMISSION AGENT, WILMINGTON,lot Angclc, County, Ckl. VeMla towad, goods Ilghteml, lundw and grata stored, with ACCUSTOMED PROMPTNESS. MM NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AT BRIGHT'S CHEAP STOEE \on chii gel tlii' following' jrooils at less prices than any other house: 2,000 yards White Dress goods. 3,000 yards Spring Styles Wool Dress Goods. 10,000 yards of Lace and Embroideries. 10,000 pairs Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hose. 5,000 Ladies' Misses' and Children's Hats. 5,000 Men's and Boys' Hats. 5,000 pairs Ladies' and Children's Shoes. 2,000 pairs Men's Boots and Shoes, and aLargeStock of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. Pants Ms, Shirtings, Ginghams, Lawns, COLLARS, TIES, RIBBONS, And Ten Thousand oilier articles too numerous to mention. Call at No, 289 Main Street, mint Santa Monica Hotel, A SUMMER AND WINTER RESORT. A PIMt-VIaM Motel ot flu room, on tho Mutt overlooking the Ocean, Id mile*toy rut from I/ISAngeles, (i'jod suit ever," inontliintti.i \..-ir Urge l(:itl] Houses on the' Beach directly infrom of Hie II.del: furnish Hot ?r fold, :iilt and Kicsh Water liaths. Touriats should not fullto wvil I Insdelightful ns-ot. Trains ]cue l.ns AnL'ele iid 0 in A. .M. and rr:00 1' M Leav. Santa Monica at 7 IS A. M. and It I. M. J. W. SCOTT, PROPRIETOR S. M. HOTEL AND BATH HOUSES. d«cl7tf r. m. ouiol. ? i b. knapp BRUNSWICK BILLIARDPARLORS. The I IJiEHT 111 1,1.1 \ It II HtI,IMI\ Went of < blouse.. JONES BLOCK, Immediately Adjoining the "Herald" office. MECOWO FLOOR. mtO lm JM. w. childs, HARDWARE EMPORIUM NO. 21 LOS ANGELES ST. . Dealer in Stoves, Range*, Hardware, Afrricnltnral Implemonta, Force nnd Lift Pumps, Rubber Hone, Crockery ami Glassware, Iron nn>t Lead Pipe. Sole Agent for the Superior Stoves and Ranges, manufactured hy Bridge* Beach Mannfactnr- tngCo., St. Louis, Mo. Manufacturer of Tin, Chopper and Sheot Ironware and Arterial] Well Pipe. Plumbing inall it* branches done to order with ncatnem and dispatch. jy2l-tf Los Angeles Cracker Co., COR. OF ALISO ST. & ALISO ROAD. Los Angeles, Col., is now prepared to furnish to the Trade on the brat of term* all CRACKERS AND CAKES Known to the Trade of the Pari lie Coast. Full Weight for our (roods Guaranteed IN EVERY CASE. The Los Angeles Cracker Company is a Home Institution and nearly all the material used is produced in Southern California. ALiberal Price Paid for Empty Cracker Oases. For further particulars apply to L. WINTER, Manager, P. o. Box 862. AT THE BUSINESS OFFICE. Globe Coffee and Spice Mills (FORMERLY OLD ALISO MILLS) \u25a0.ft. r:lit::l,KKLli, Uvneral Manaifer. J. B. THRELKKLD,ProorM* We aro now ready ulth uew .ml Improved machlDery to rupply the trade generally, With Goods in our Line at Sail Francisco Prices Our Gooda Were awarded the Flint Premium at the Loa Angeles Fair, October. 18H Jan!l tl 3E3- OBEHSTELLER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN .?- ZEPHYR, CERMANTOWN, KNITTINC WORSTED, SAXONY, SHETLAND WOOL, AND FLOSS, FAIRY ZEPHYR, CANVAS, EMBROIDERY MATERIALS, ETC. IfiS - MAI\ STREET. - Ml rarticulnr titU-ntlrm given toorden firFrench Stamping nn<l eb»-t HAS OPENED A LAROB STtX'K or? Saddles, Harness, Robes, Whips, Etc., ON THE CORNER OF FIRST NO U >;)!) jr.! ETS. lie liaa Hlao openn. a lIRANCHSTOKL at I'ASADE.VA. He warrant* all hit work, ntitifatftto being tynaraiiteod. He mil* aa cheap aa the i*heape*t. rail and exajntne hi<t good* l*fc>r«purckuk Kg elsewhere, twth at his Lo* Ang-vlea .tons anJ at the .?as-vlew. branch. iiiarlT-ln MAIN STOBB. JOYAUX & TROMBONI, COMMISSION MERCHANTS And General Agents in Wool. Sheep and other Produce. Agents for Matthews' Sheep Hip. Wholesale and Retail Man in Urooeri*., Provision*, Wines, Liquors, Tulu.w. Kto.; Fiitmera', Wine-tirowere and Stock.Raiser*' Sundries. arGooda Dellverod Promptly to any part or the city 110 Mala Ittreet. Bet nem « otti t unit Viral. !...« t iiu. l<» < ill.

Transcript of Park Tract! CRACKERS...Los Angeles Daily Herald. VOL. XIX. LOS ANGELES, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 18,...

Page 1: Park Tract! CRACKERS...Los Angeles Daily Herald. VOL. XIX. LOS ANGELES, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 18, 1883. NO. 76. LATE TELEGRAMS.?SPECIAL "TO THE HERAM). | Nan Franelae© Xews Builgi t

Los Angeles DailyHerald.



Nan Franelae© Xews Builgi tSan Francis*.',,,, May 17. -The Aus-

tralian steauer nov*' due will bring aUrge quantity of tin. The market hereiialready overatocked.

Fivo hundred boxes of opium are ex-pected by the same, steamer and a similarquantity by v China steamer, al*o over"uue. Tho' duties on tbo opium willamount to about IISJ.OOO.

Tho steamer Conntaiithn i.;-uhitituted,temporarily for the \u25a0( lamer LOl Anyeleson the south coast route, pending the

r la'tir's overhauling.Latest developmeu s in the caee of

Booth, arrested on a charge ot stealing92,000 from Miss McKay, show thatBooth's real name I*Henry Jamison, andthat his family live in Wellington, NewZealand.

The Treasury Department is informedthat hereafter the tonnage of Americanvessels arriving in English ports is lo h«aocepted aa itappears on the register.

The French National League have"oted that a fund be opened in this Statefor subscriptions to the Gnmbetla monu-ment to he erected inParis.

There were 11,3.% urrivala from .Japanand China in the first four months of1882, and from the same countries this

year 1,563 arrivals, while of peopleoTei.iand there are 5,442m0re than Ins', year.

The City of Tokio arrived this morn-ing. She bring* $93,900 in treasure, andamong her passengers are the Duke ofAthole and about twenty officers of theU. 8. Navy returning home from theAsiatic Squadron.

A special Washington dispatch thinmorning auiiomirca the appointment ofGeorge Edward Stanley as British Consnl fur the Pacitic Coast,

A re-union of all California YoungMens' Christian Associations is t >beheld here May 24th.

Deputy Coroner Specht, accused of nnattempt toforce a bribe of $300 from thePreK'dio Railroad Company,.* discharged

Charges preferred against tin- Stat.Prison Commissioneis appointed by Gov-ernor Perkins is denounced by membersof the Commission a* a poll Ii -nlintrigue.It is announced that tbo pretwnt Boardare examining the books of the Demo-cratic administration of tin:prison underGovernor Jrwin, and have discoveredthat the appropriation of $200,000 fotan addition to the building did not ap-pear on the books.

Calneae laborers Attacked byWhlteM.

San FRANrisro, May 17. ? A Victoria,B. C, dispatch says that a furious attackwas made by railrosd laborers on [haChinese workmen,by which nine Chinesewere terribly mangled. One in <l\ingfrom his wounds. Th white men at-tacked the Chinese while they were inbed and as they m.-died out of their tentsclubbed them with pick handles, afterwhich they burned their ramp.

Carrie R#adlry and Chief I.ap-nea.** Ileal.

Portland, Ogn., May 17. CurieBradley, serving twelve years ivthe peni-tentiary for the murder of J. N. Brownin this city in October, 1881, was examIned to-day at Salem by counsel for thethe prosecution and defense concerningChief of Police J. H. Lappeus, now be-ing investigated hy the City Council foraccepting a bribe of fSOO from CarHeBradley to allow to escape after themurder of Brown. The woman, Brodley,testified that Lappeus was cognizantof the murder that Lappeus told her heknew of the murder and said for $500 howould keep the affair quiet and if itleaked out he would asdst her to escape.She said she paid the money to Lappeuswhen the body was found. Lappeustold her to leave quietly and he wouldsee that no requisition was issued to se-cure her return. Lawyers volunteeredtodefend her free, saying Lappeus wouldput up the money.

A Cigar Msker's Tyranny,

Chicago, May 17.-The Cigar Mak-er j'Committee heard the testimony tisix young girls employed by one Behr-man, on Kiosey street. It whs shownthat they worked from six in the moming to 9at night, and three nights eachweek till eleven, making bunches for ci-gars. The most of them got S3 a week,and in order to make \u25a0 profit out of thisscanty pittance he charges them forevery minute of lost time. When theHealth Inspector visits the place theSroprletor manage* to secrete the ebil-

ren nnder age employed by him. Othertyrannic are alleged and it isclaimed that tho place is only a typi ofothers in the city .

The I>oilif**City Trouble.Doixie City, May 17.?Things are

quiet, hut trouble is fermenting. SheriffGeo. T. Henkley has been ordered byGovernor Glick tft protect Luke shortand his companion, the famous Boh Masterton, formerly Sheriff of the county,but now an outlaw. The city otliciatshave nodoubt Short win return. ThereIs a strong feeling that he should be al-lowed to return. The Governor tele-graphs that the law must be enforced,rights, life, and property protected. Acompany of military is awaiting orders.The other side is talking fight. Theywillguard the trains witha posßc.

Phil.Thompson Acquitted.

HARRonsprßci, Ky., May I".?ln theThompson trial the jury came in with averdict, and the Court asking what itwas, handed in the following: "We, thejury,find PhilipB. Thompson, defendant, not guiltyas charged in the indict-ment " Then came a shout; the menrushed to congratulate the defendantaud during the confusion Phil. Thomp-son said, "Thank God, tricky wives cannow be protected."

The C, *K.1. Withdraw* from tliePool.

Chicauo, May 17.?The Chicago andRock Island Railroad has given noticeof its withdrawal from the pool so far aspassenger business is concerned. Thereason given for the step isthat the pool,as now arranged, is simply a dead letter,as itcannot be earned out so long as theMilwaukee and St. Paul road refuses tojoin.

Re due Hon Works Barned.Oenvkr, May 17.? The Harrison Re-

duction -Works, a I.eadville branch ofthe St. Louis Smelting and RefiningCompany was burned this morning.Loss sixty to seventy thousand dollars.

The I. P. Hues a Competitor.

Oode.v, May 17.?The Union PacificRailway have applied for an injunctionrestraining the Denver and Rio Granderoad from entering Ogden on a third raitupon tho Central Pacific track, clauningdamage to their property. The writ isreturnable to-morrow.The Men Brltlnh Connnl for this

Count.Washington,Moy 17.?The President

recognized George Kdward Stanley, Con-sul for Herßrittanic Majesty to theStateaoi California and Oregon and toWashing-ton Territory. He willreside inSan Fran-

Testing The Strong Man.

For a roan of inti'clc, >i prodigiousnegro in Providence in the ablest man inKhoito Island. He is retained as an ex-pert by an express company in lifting

ca*dca and righting the law of gravitygenerally. Recently, when In tin-gym-naaiuia attached to v c lub-room, he wasirhaltenged to exhibit bis Htrength, andBfil drew himself up by rings bangingfiinn the ceiling. These rings formedthe terminals of an idcctric battirv, and,When he had saised himself, the circuitwas closed, contracting the muscles sothat he could not lower himself to theflocr, iVhen the current was switchedoff he left, faying that he did not wishany mora gymnast in.

CaMmm lUy, the Jowiah millionaire,ditd recently in Cairo, aged 73. Hisproperty la eftimated at over §0,000,---000. He wan private b inker of the form-er Vice King, whoso unlimited conri-dence ho possessed. Ho owned a syn-agogue ot his own, in which serviceswere daily held, and he carefully ob-served Jewish rites in dirt, etc. Hehadtwo wives, one of whom survives, and anumerous progeny.

An attempt will soon be m.ida tobreakup the Chinese opium .smoking andganibling dens near the Church of theTransfiguration in New York. It ischarged that children on their way toand from school are given candy dosedwith opium in order to create ft taste forthe drug by the Chinese occupants ofwhat arc ackl to be duns of the most dis-reputable character inevery way.

DAILY HERALD.Published every morning, except Monday, by



er annum, bymillor express 910.00x months, hy mall or express S.OOree months 2.50DRLrVKRKD Bf CAftKIBES, pir Wkkk, it6c,

WEEKLY IIKKALJJ.Pi/muhiied Evert Saturday MoaxuMf,

? TERMS:one yw*r, by mall er express, one copy 93.0CSixmonth*, bymail or express 1 76Tare*; month*, by mall or express 1.00

AOVKRTIsESIKVrs Inserted at reasonable rates

OlTAllKiutb of Job Work done U> compete witht'Aiaclsoo in pries, Styls and elirgaiico ot



WANTED,C'uiif r»< toi .fi,r propin it* on a twostory brickhou*\ ?J.'.iiß, at the roi.ier First and Mainstreet!. Plans to be seen in the an-hitei«' office\u25a0I Reeppneti RehhcrU, eonier Fir*t and Mainstreets. idIO 3l

BOARDING WANTED.Atady.irtramierln the city, would lis*room

and t.t,,rl uh r.MI!.rL- nr.' n . .itbur li'tirder*.

PfciSS a<Mi«SS MlS'* 1,. I STOCKTON.

MNNhMiIWANTED.A taw nulert hoard*,ra cm lie ...commodatcd ut d.>or from <>oriior i.fSe;-oi:>i. on < h irilvrtfest, north (imumttrwjt tnl7 lw

LOST.AtSaul iMnnici, on Sunday, Hsy IStk, . -tin-

git; -t.iHuiliiiiiioii<tnr.;;, *ithn.ii.uN <>;i the in-side. Tho fl'n). r will nt-jivva ltbersl r. w.rd onrstllllllMg*amy tj Hkkkldntrtc*. nilfltf

PARTNER WANTED.Willia capital of #l;Mi or S:'fiO to pngmo in a

ip.tod p .\ inifbuniiifHi; cm mike oU*> per in mth.FOf paxtmißli addrem f. .1 11., |.>ck boHl 10I.'m AnyeluiP. O. nil'. Iw

DOOK-KEEPINC.AnAbMi party, who can spare several hours

per day, dMlrxM to kea-p books, strain MM a#eountH, CDtlcct debti and rents, etc, etc. Beatmmmn gtven. Addreai a. A, mnau etwe>



Addresa R., Heaald office. MM |w

PARTNER WANTED.With three or four thoumnd dollars capita), in

a (rood paving buslmw. Addrexi J. Valdor, 'MSS. SpririL- st . ml3Iw

WANTED.A span of hows whichcan tie bought Cheap;

must be IQBOIbaJo wcijrht. larjrer proferalil \u25a0. Address, giyinifall porticutare, T. U., care OflMdOantral Hotel m8iw


rOR RENT.Ahouse with mven roOMH on Main street,

third door from Fifth str.-. ; '';.llbetween tt A.m. and 11 a Lf. mt7St


a STi-kml otrcet Will nell .heap on account ol de-partjre AMMIL 11.. P. O. IJox 270. ml2lw

TO R£NT.Three furnixhad rum in Alien 810.-k, Uom

suite and the other furnished room be inertfir an nttl v ifde-ired. * nil at \u25a0O*SM 12mH 13,, mlMw

ROOMS FOR RENT.Two coii'eniently located roonifl, "uitahle for

oftic.n. K'n|Hirc at Nos, 17 and 10 Coniiiioc.-!;'.!


Will soil, for the ...-.a 10 Jays, a laiye stock ofplfjtaMaas] yietwe taawe at cost fume one,com*.' all. mttl bff

ENGINE FOR SALE.Anew suven horse power upright limine andboflW for «le at No. lOfl, AHso it. aW

FOR BALE.Huiliiinirl. tt in the Korckhoff tract, frontinif

.I. Mrtitian.l Ui- Anecles streets. Apply fix thepremise-. WWt


and pantry, Apjilv at the nurthw.M cornsr ofCharity and Second streets. m8lw

ROOMS ANDBOARD.Two nicely furnished room* with board, at Mrs'

Tannv's, on the south side of Seventh, batweenMiinand Spring streets mS

FURNISHED ROOMS,Pleasantly local snd neatly furnished,

TO LET, SINGLE OR EN SUITE,Corner Fort and Franklin *ir.-.-n one block from

Postofnoe. i .'X

ROOMS ANDBOARD.Nicely furnished rooms, en *nitc and eintrle,

co.italnin« modern cjnvciiiencea, with hoani.stthe


Excursion Bast.Th» l»«t MWhaS .xcunlon o( the M

win. UUTIUN* \ v«.i:i i>,

M A.V 22d.

For P.n.llKn Apply tm

J- Z». W ILBV ,Boom 4. P. O. Building. Down

Mtalin.»A Iflwmore wanted to complete the party




Willoffer substantial

Bargains for the Next 10 DaysIn ot&n t.. Hake room for theirstock of Summer Goods in transit.

Some Lines ofDRESS GOODS Marked Down


Silks, Hosiery, Fancy Hoods and DomesticsMATERIALY REDEUCED.

LADIES' CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' HATSWe are Receiving Daily from New York and Chicago.



40 NORTH MAINST., Nearly Opp. Court House.

Barker &Allen,8 & 10 MAIN ST., NEAR PICO HOUSE.

«" ami lldall Uvalera In

Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper, Etc,Are !{<'<?<'iviiiir their ImnieuMe Spring Stock

Direct from Eastern Factories.

Will metit any prices on the Pacific Coast. The Public are

cordially invited to call and ccc our goods and grot prices be-

fore purchasing. ml tf


Wholesale and Eetail Lumber Dealers,Having completed their Wharf to Deep Water,

BRINGING SHIP AND RAIL TOGETHER,Are prepare.! to furnish all kiada of


Cars or delivered at any R. R. Station of S. P. R. R.

J. BUYSON A MOWN are our Aerntu at l.aa Ancdr-a

Correspondence Solicited.

MERIOK REYNOLDS, Manager, San Pedro.' ° '


Highland Park Tract!The proprietors of the Hunter Highland View tract are now

prepnred to offer. Inaddition to the former tract, for §ale the

HIGHLAND PARK TRACTInloti of htm 2J to 5 acres eaoh. This tract is located midway between Los An-geles and Pasadena, in the Arroyo Se_*o. Pasadena Avenue, as recently laid out,(the direct route to the latter place) passes through the centre of the tract. Thistract has been known for many years as the Ramirez Homestead Tract. It is alittlemore than three miles from the Plaza, the center of our city, and euutaiusabout 420 acres of most desirable land.

PURE MOUNTAIN WATERInan abundant supply is now being conducted to the tract in pipes. More thanninety men arc at this moment engaged in this work. Pasadena Avenue is beinggraded. It is intended to make this spot the most

Desirable for Suburban HomesOfanything in Southern California. We invite all desirous of securing pleasa nt

and convenient homes, where all the conveniences of country and city lite are easi-lyaccessible, to look at Highland Park. We are prepared to show them.



Carriages, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, Etc,ONE OF THELAEOEST STOCKS evar brought to I,os Angelea. Will be sold

at price* whichdefy competition. Call unil see me before purchasing elsewhere.A.1.1. STTI.ES ABfD PBIOES,

AnJKoort. .-.-irraiited to be a* repnmnM. A.T. NEWHALL,apr 4 ltn 108 Loa Aafaiee fjtraat.


lifiit.-ro Block. ManFernando Mt..Oppanlt> the New Pa*«ena;er nepot.


WI3STES, laIQXTORS «te CIGARS.nottied ftoottM a Mpeelalty. Hi<> patroimKo of the puMi.-is respectfully solicited.alt 111


GRAZING LAND FOR SALE IWell Watered. Just the Thing for Fine Cattle. A Breeding

Farm. Fonr Miles from the City.

SFRzaror -wjkjxran

In abandonee, distributed over the tract of between three and four hundred acres.

NEVER FAILING WATERRuns across the tract. Enquire of

Q. W. MORGAN, No. 55 Temple Block.


Crystal Palace.

REDUCED PRICE .Crockery, Glassware,


Gel Our Prices Before Purchasing Elsewhere.


Wo will Always Sell Cheaper than our Competitors.


J. W. CALKINS CARRIAGE CO.,Cor. ofLos Augeles and Arcadia Sts.. Ojiji. Aliso St. .

- ?5' 5 JI jj y. ? 5

Sole Agents for Southern California for tin- Celebrated work of

R, F. BRIGGS & CO., of Amesbtiry, Mass,,The finest work ever shown in tliis city. A full stock of 'various styles now ready for inspection, including DENNETTS& OPPENHEIH BIG«Y .!IMP-SEATS.

ALSO THE CALIFORNIA 4-SPRINI.' WACOM IN THIS FINEQUALITY. DEALERS ANDLIVERY HEN SrTPPLIED.The "Tip Top" Carriage .Sunshade. Gin be adjusted to any desired position;

very cheap and desirable.arPlease call or send for illustrated pries list. »17 3n) d*w

The Largest Carriage and WagonRepository in California!

A $40,000 Stock! Look at Our Prices!Buggy with top $115 !Photons flflOBuggy without top 100 Platform spring wagon . 135Carnages, extension top 250 Three spring wagon 120Open kit-ouches 125 J Business spring wagon 00

Four spring wagon, $1.3;").

WE HAVE ALMOSTANY STYLE YOU WANT.We also carry a large stock of DOUBLE ANDSINGLE HARNESS of the best

quality and stylo at correspondingly low prices.


Iam Just Unloading Five Car-loads of


The Best inthe World. Also

HB ADBR TR TJ O XS ,Made Expressly for our Soil, with .1 and 1-inch tire. Prices

Lower than Ever.Spline: Wagons and Buggiei Superior to any in tho city. Also an Immense stock


Our Leather Top Buggy, lor $115. Beats AnythingInthe Market. Double the Stock ofany house in the city.

S. W. LUITWEILER,in2 Ist 100 and lOS Los Anselcs Street. Cor. Rcnnena.

H. SLOTTERBECK,Sportsmen's Headquarters, Temple Block,

Opposite United States Hotel,

Dealer inall English and American Latest !». ,proved Trehk-. Wedge Fast and Ilammcrlcss

Breech-Loading pftyßali)Also, latest improved !-; li-'l. am Hrl&fer^.PISTOLS. S9r *Mfl|Choke-boring and Repairing tln Hir)yijiS

gun. a specialty. jSf^WßgAllwork done in best style, speaking

for itself and leaving no need lor .sellpraise. o2fj





Extra Bargains-THIS WEEK AT

B. F. Coulter'sTABLE LINEN.


BED SPREADS.In the Prettiest Black Cash-meres sold on the Coast, Onr

Black SilksHead the List, and if you want agood dress at a Lower Prico thanyou can get elsewhere, buy the


JUST RECEIVED,Direct from New York, anotherbeautiful assortment of the newDress Satteens. Call and see them.

DO.VT BE DECEIVED.You cannot buy Better Goods.

You cannot buy Cheaper Goods in

California than we are nowoffering.

We will \»i lie liidersold.We buy the Latest Styles and Best


We Give Our Customers Bargains.

For instance;Linen Bosom Shirts nt 50 cents each.

Jl.OO ?' " iThese, ore better value, than you cut aM <clsowhere, as a rule. 1If you want tho best tittirifr. best wearing

Shirt you have ever had, buy tbo

'COULTER SHIRT,"The best of aU, at Coulter s, in Baiter


B. F. COULTER,(Xcw Numbers.)


Owner of the Los Angeles WoolenMills, is now selling at Seduced

Prices to

CAMPERS.MINERS& TRAVELERS,Pure, all wool BLANKETS, just the ar-ticles for TOURISTS, ai d cheaper thanever before. Call and see them.

We have Shoddy Comforters, and wehave Comforters

NOT SHODDY.And we sellall at prices us low as were

ever sold hyany house.Don't be deceived, COULTER'S is the

place to trade. a25 lm



Importers and and dealers in Paints, WhiteLead, Turpentine Glass, illuuunatiue; and Lu-bricatingOil,, etc., etc.


Gillette, Gibson & Wood,Examiners of Title and

Conveyancers,Rooms 13 and 14, ilcDonald Block, Main

LOS ASi. iLis CAL,



EmUrtlinintr tor Shipping :i Bpw 'i'

We don't Hi t] '20 per ,-enf tar. thanother house,, linttile puMii- willIn- sat-isfied on inquirine that our prices areLower than Any Other House


Telepuone connection with store andrcaidenre. inrllltf

I ??I???



TRUNKS ANDVALISES, > «Stock New, flood, of the Boat Duality.

No. ft Srins St.. Los \ im. lt".,

(Ono door Kutth ot Preusa k Pironi'a.)atTlro


SAXTA MO\KA( AXYON.Don't failto milat

I \< I.X THUS < Will*

For fine brand, <d|tl»r» nnrl Civ.i:'-.

'.u*£!dPS*i*'h'.Hfil'mt.'.. '""'w'"'l. .'paa-tawftMdhafcov prt7tf] Rt'LO ACO.

OWNIRB OF OOCB, ATTENTION !Inaccordant, with the ordinanco of the city of

liOa Anuele. alldo|r, rumiltiff at larire after theFIRST DAY OF JUNK, IStffl,

Without the proper License Tatr, willbe taken upand inniouiidod.

H. KINO. ChUlof PoliceLos Anfrele., May 11, 1883. mlltw

Phineas Banning,


VeMla towad, goods Ilghteml, lundw

and grata stored, with




\on chii gel tlii' following' jrooils at less prices thanany other house:

2,000 yards White Dress goods.

3,000 yards Spring Styles Wool Dress Goods.

10,000 yards ofLace and Embroideries.10,000 pairs Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hose.5,000 Ladies' Misses' and Children's Hats.

5,000 Men's and Boys' Hats.5,000 pairs Ladies' and Children's Shoes.

2,000 pairs Men's Boots and Shoes, and aLargeStock of


Pants Ms, Shirtings, Ginghams, Lawns,COLLARS, TIES, RIBBONS,

And Ten Thousand oilier articles too numerous to mention.

Call at No, 289 Main Street,



A PIMt-VIaM Motelot flu room, on tho Mutt overlooking the Ocean, Id mile*toy rutfrom I/ISAngeles, (i'jod suit ever," inontliintti.i \..-ir Urge l(:itl] Houses on the'Beachdirectly infrom of Hie II.del: furnish Hot ?r fold, :iilt and Kicsh Water liaths. Touriats shouldnot fullto wvilIInsdelightful ns-ot. Trains ]cue l.ns AnL'ele iid 0 in A. .M. and rr:00 1' M Leav.Santa Monica at 7 IS A. M. and It I.M.


r. m. ouiol. ? i b. knapp

BRUNSWICK BILLIARDPARLORS.The IIJiEHT 111 1,1.1 \ ItIIHtI,IMI\Went of < blouse..

JONES BLOCK, Immediately Adjoining the "Herald"office. MECOWO FLOOR. mtO lm


NO. 21 LOS ANGELES ST. .Dealer inStoves, Range*, Hardware, AfrricnltnralImplemonta, Force nnd Lift

Pumps, Rubber Hone, Crockery ami Glassware, Iron nn>t Lead Pipe. Sole Agentfor the Superior Stoves and Ranges, manufactured hy Bridge* Beach Mannfactnr-tngCo., St. Louis, Mo. Manufacturer of Tin, Chopper and Sheot Ironware andArterial] Well Pipe. Plumbing inall it*branches done to order withncatnem anddispatch. jy2l-tf

Los Angeles Cracker Co.,COR. OF ALISO ST. & ALISO ROAD.

Los Angeles, Col., is now prepared to furnish to the Trade on the brat of term* all

CRACKERS AND CAKESKnown to the Trade of the Pari lie Coast.

Full Weight for our (roods GuaranteedIN EVERY CASE.

The Los Angeles Cracker Company is a Home Institution andnearly all the material used is produced in Southern


ALiberal Price Paid forEmpty Cracker Oases.

For further particulars apply to


Globe Coffee and Spice Mills(FORMERLY OLD ALISO MILLS)

\u25a0.ft. r:lit::l,KKLli,Uvneral Manaifer. J. B. THRELKKLD,ProorM*

We aro now ready ulth uew .ml Improved machlDery to rupply the trade generally,

With Goods in our Line at Sail Francisco PricesOur Gooda Were awarded the Flint Premium at the Loa Angeles Fair, October. 18H

Jan!l tl



IfiS - MAI\ STREET. - Mlrarticulnr titU-ntlrm given toorden firFrench Stamping nn<l eb»-t


Saddles, Harness, Robes, Whips, Etc.,ON THE CORNER OF FIRST NO U >;)!) jr.! ETS.

lie liaa Hlao openn. a lIRANCHSTOKL at I'ASADE.VA. He warrant* all hit work, ntitifatfttobeing tynaraiiteod. He mil*aa cheap aa the i*heape*t. rail and exajntne hi<t good* l*fc>r«purckukKg elsewhere, twth at his Lo* Ang-vlea.tons anJ at the .?as-vlew. branch. iiiarlT-ln


COMMISSION MERCHANTSAnd General Agents in Wool. Sheep and other Produce.

Agents for Matthews' Sheep Hip. Wholesale and Retail Man inUrooeri*., Provision*, Wines, Liquors, Tulu.w. Kto.; Fiitmera', Wine-tirowereand Stock.Raiser*' Sundries.

arGooda Dellverod Promptly to any part or the city110 Mala Ittreet. Betnem « otti t unit Viral. !...« t iiu. l< » < ill.