2015 Fortnight for Freedom 2015 Fortnight for Freedom June 21 - July 4 June 21 - July 4 “Freedom to Bear Witness” “Freedom to Bear Witness” PARISH RESOURCE GUIDE


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2015 Fortnight for Freedom2015 Fortnight for FreedomJune 21 - July 4June 21 - July 4“Freedom to Bear Witness”“Freedom to Bear Witness”


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I. Ideas for Celebrating the Fortnight for Freedom at Your Parish 

II. Religious Liberty Prayer Cards 

III. Eucharistic Holy Hour for Life, Marriage, and Liberty (English/Spanish) 

IV. Litany for Liberty (English/Spanish) 

V. Prayers of the Faithful for Life, Marriage, and Liberty (English/Spanish) 

VI. Patriotic Rosary (from the Archdiocese of Baltimore) 






For questions or additional information please contact Mike Day, Director of Marriage & Family Life/Respect Life at [email protected] or (904) 551‐2619. 

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Prayer1. Celebrate a memorial Mass for SS. Thomas More and John Fisher on June 21 (vigil) or June 22 

(their feast day) to open the Fortnight for Freedom. 

2. Organize day‐long (or multi‐day) Holy Hour with Eucharistic Adoration.  

1. Lead a Eucharistic Procession through your community on a path that passes important 

government or civic buildings.  

2. Pray a Litany for Liberty. 

3. Pray a Patriotic Rosary for the nation. 

4. As a parish at the end of daily Mass, pray the Prayer for the Protection of Religious Liberty. 

5. Display prayer cards in the Church with the Prayer for the Protection of Religious Liberty. 

6. Organize an Independence Day family picnic with a special Mass to close the Fortnight for 


Activities1. Present a Catholic movie night for members of your parish, showing any of the following 


a. War of the Vendée, a movie for children and acted entirely by children about the 

Catholic counter‐revolution in France . 

b. A Man for All Seasons, about the martyrdom of St. Thomas More; 

c. For Greater Glory, about the struggle for religious freedom in Mexico; 

d. First Freedom: The Fight for Religious Liberty, a PBS video about religious freedom; 


e. Becket, about 12th century English martyr St. Thomas à Becket, the Archbishop of 


2. Invite a local or national figure to speak to your parish about religious liberty. Also, encourage 

parishioners to read Our First, Most Cherished Liberty, a document of the Bishops’ Ad Hoc 

Committee for Religious Liberty. 

3. Host a concert with religious music. 

4. Plan a parish outreach event including a meal—a fish fry, a picnic, a pancake breakfast, or a 

spaghetti supper—to raise awareness about the Fortnight and advertise local Fortnight events. 

5. Host a panel discussion on the wide range of current religious freedom issues; on a single 

religious freedom issue in depth; or on how religion can and should influence policy issues 


6. Sponsor a presentation on the history of Catholicism in the United States. 

7. Host a study group on Dignitatis Humanae, the groundbreaking document from the Second 

Vatican Council on religious liberty, using the 14‐day reflection piece at 

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PrayerCardsThe following prayer cards can be obtained through the Diocesan Center for Family Life for use at your 

parish.  Prayer cards come in quantities of 50 up to 200 maximum per parish.  To make a request, email 

Mike Day at [email protected] with your card choice (“capitol” or “flag”), quantity, and mailing address.  

Both cards have the same Prayer for Religious Liberty drafted by the USCCB on the back. 


Card Type: “Capitol” Card Type: “Flag”  



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FOR LIFE, MARRIAGE AND LIBERTY United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

[On or near the last Sunday of each month, all Cathedrals and parishes throughout the country are encouraged to join together in prayer and adoration for the intention of defending life, marriage, and religious liberty. The following Holy Hour is a basic model with suggested readings and prayers for this time. Other suitable prayers may be used by the presiding minister.] Procession/Exposition

Opening Hymn: “O Salutaris Hostia” or another suitable Eucharistic hymn Opening Prayer Presiding Minister:

Lord our God, in this great sacrament we come into the presence of Jesus Christ, Your Son, born of the Virgin Mary and crucified for our salvation. May we who declare our faith in this fountain of love and mercy drink from it the water of everlasting life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. All: Amen. Liturgy of the Word or Liturgy of the Hours Suggested readings:

God created man and woman in His image and likeness: Gen 1:26-28, 31a (LFM 801-1) Choose life: Deut 30:15-20 (LFM 751-4) Give yourself as a living sacrifice: Rm 12:1-2, 9-18 (LFM 802-2) For freedom Christ set us free: Gal 5:1, 13-18 (LFM 99) Marriage a sign of Christ’s love for the Church: Eph 5:2a, 21-33 (LFM 802-6) The New Jerusalem, the bride: Rev 21:1-7 (LFM 792-16) The Beatitudes: Mt 5:1-12a (LFM 742-1) Love your enemies and pray for them: Mt 5:38-48 (LFM 886-3) Enter through the narrow gate: Mt 7:6, 12-14 (LFM 372) Faith the size of a mustard seed: Mt 17:14-20 (LFM 412) Persecution and perseverance: Lk 21:12-19 (LFM 505) The new commandment of love: Jn 15:9-17 (LFM 724-11)

Homily or reflection/meditation on Scripture

The Presiding Minister may offer insights on the inviolable dignity of every human life, the gift and vocation of marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and the importance of religious liberty and the public witness of the faith in relation to the chosen reading(s). Period of Silent Reflection and Adoration (Rosary and/or a Litany may also be prayed)


Presiding Minister:

God is the author of life, marriage, and liberty. In Him we place our faith as we pray the following petitions: For Pope Francis, bishops, priests, and all the faithful, that we may be strengthened by the grace of the Holy Spirit to continue proclaiming the intrinsic dignity of all human life from conception to

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natural death, the unique meaning of marriage, and the importance of religious liberty for all. Let us pray to the Lord. For all those who serve us in public office, that they may have the wisdom and courage to uphold conscience rights and protect all people from being forced to violate their moral and religious convictions. Let us pray to the Lord. For greater respect for the inviolable dignity of all human life from conception to natural death, especially for the most vulnerable among us, including the unborn, the poor, the immigrant, the infirm and elderly. Let us pray to the Lord. For the healing of troubled and broken marriages and families, and for renewed understanding of and reverence for God’s loving plan for marriage as the permanent, faithful and fruitful union of one man and one woman. Let us pray to the Lord. For the protection of conscience rights and religious liberty, and that all people of good will may work together against the increasing threats to these fundamental rights. Let us pray to the Lord. For all of us gathered here before the Lord in His Most Blessed Sacrament, that we may live our faith in confidence and charity, trust in the Lord’s mercy, and witness to Him so as to invite others to seek His Face. Let us pray to the Lord. Presiding Minister: Almighty and merciful Father, we give You thanks for all of Your many blessings, and we ask You to hear these petitions in the name of Your Son, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.

All: Amen. Benediction: “Tantum ergo” or another suitable Eucharistic hymn

Presiding Minister: Let us pray. O God, who in this wonderful sacrament have left us a memorial of Your Passion, grant us, we pray, so to revere the sacred mysteries of Your Body and Blood that we may always experience in ourselves the fruits of Your redemption. Who live and reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

All: Amen. Reposition

Divine Praises

Blessed be God. Blessed be His Holy Name. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man. Blessed be the Name of Jesus. Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart. Blessed be His Most Precious Blood. Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy. Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception. Blessed be her glorious Assumption. Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother. Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse. Blessed be God in His angels and in His Saints. Amen. Closing Hymn: “Holy God, We Praise Thy Name”

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Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos

[Cerca del último domingo de cada mes, todas las catedrales y parroquias por todas

partes del país están invitadas a convocar una jornada de oración y de adoración por la

intención de la defensa de la vida, el matrimonio, y la libertad religiosa. La hora santa

que sigue es un modelo básico con lecturas y oraciones sugeridas para este tiempo

litúrgico. Otras oraciones apropiadas pueden ser usadas por el ministro que preside.]

Procesión / Exposición

Canto de Apertura: “O Salutaris Hostia” u otro canto eucarístico apropiado.

Oración Colecta


A quienes creemos y confesamos que en este sacramento está realmente presente

Jesucristo, el cual para redimirnos nació de la Virgen Maria, padeció muerte de cruz y

resucito de entre los muertos, concédenos, Dios nuestro, obtener de él nuestra salvación

eterna. Por Jesucristo, nuestro Señor.

Todos: Amén.

Liturgia de la Palabra o Liturgia de las Horas

Lecturas sugeridas:

Dios crea al hombre y a la mujer a su imagen y semejanza: Génesis 1,26-28, 31ª

Envía la vida: Deuteronomio 30,15-20

Por la libertad que Cristo nos ofrece: Gálatas 5,1, 13-18

El matrimonio es un signo del amor de Cristo a la iglesia: Efesios 5,2ª, 21-33

La Nueva Jerusalén, la novia: Apocalipsis 21,1-7

Los Bienaventurados: Mateo 5,1-12ª

Amen a sus enemigos y rueguen por ellos: Mateo 5,38-48

Entren por la puerta estrecha: Mateo 7,6, 12-14

La fe es pequeña como una semilla de mostaza: Mateo 17,14-20

La persecución y la perseverancia: Lucas 21,12-19

El mandamiento nuevo de la vida: Juan 15,9-17

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Homilía o reflexión/meditación sobre las escrituras

El ministro que preside puede ofrecer unas reflexiones sobre la dignidad inviolable de

cada vida humana, el don y vocación del matrimonio como la unión entre un hombre y

una mujer, y la importancia de la libertad religiosa y del testimonio público de la fe

según las escrituras escogidas.

Período de reflexión en silencio y adoración (se puede rezar el rosario con las letanías)

Las peticiones


Dios es el autor de la vida, del matrimonio y de la libertad. Ponemos nuestra confianza

en el Señor y presentemos estas peticiones:

Que el Papa Francisco, los obispos, sacerdotes y todos los fieles puedan ser

fortalecidos con la gracia del Espíritu Santo para continuar la proclamación de la

dignidad intrínseca de toda la vida humana, desde la concepción hasta la muerte

natural, la significación única del matrimonio, y la importancia de la libertad religiosa

para todos, roguemos al Señor.

Que todos los que nos sirven en la gestión pública puedan tener la sabiduría y el valor

de apoyar los derechos de conciencia y proteger a todas las personas de que no sean

forzadas a violar sus creencias morales y religiosas, roguemos al Señor.

Por un respeto mayor de la dignidad inviolable de toda la vida humana desde la

concepción hasta la muerte natural, especialmente por los más vulnerable en medio de

nosotros, incluyendo a los que van a nacer, los pobres, los inmigrantes, los enfermos y

los ancianos, roguemos al Señor.

Por la reconciliación y la sanación de los matrimonios y de las familias con problemas y

destruidas, y por una renovada comprensión y reverencia del plan de Dios sobre el

matrimonio como la unión permanente, fiel y fructífera entre un hombre y una mujer,

roguemos al Señor.

Que toda la gente de buena voluntad trabaje junta contra las amenazas a los derechos

fundamentales de la conciencia y de la libertad religiosa, roguemos al Señor.

Por todos nosotros convocados ante el Señor en su Santísimo Sacramento, que vivamos

nuestra fe con confianza y caridad, tengamos confianza en la misericordia del Señor, y

demos testimonio de Él para invitar a otros a buscar su presencia, roguemos al Señor.

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Padre todopoderoso y misericordioso, te damos gracias por todas tus bendiciones, y te

pedimos que escuches estas peticiones en el nombre de tu Hijo, nuestro Señor y

Salvador Jesucristo, que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo y es Dios

por los siglos de los siglos.

Todos: Amén.

Bendición: “Tantum ergo” u otro canto apropiado.


Oremos. Señor nuestro Jesucristo, que en este sacramento admirable nos dejaste el

memorial de tu pasión, concédenos venerar de tal modo los sagrados misterios de tu

Cuerpo y de tu Sangre, que experimentemos constantemente en nosotros el fruto de tu

redención. Tú que vives y reinas por los siglos de los siglos.

Todos: Amén.


Las Alabanzas Divinas

Bendito sea Dios.

Bendito sea su santo nombre.

Bendito sea Jesucristo, verdadero Dios y verdadero hombre.

Bendito sea el nombre de Jesús.

Bendito sea su Sacratísimo Corazón.

Bendita sea su Preciosísima Sangre.

Bendito sea Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento del altar.

Bendito sea el Espíritu Santo Paráclito.

Bendita sea la excelsa Madre de Dios, María Santísima.

Bendita sea su santa e inmaculada Concepción.

Bendita sea su gloriosa Asunción.

Bendito sea su nombre de Virgen y Madre.

Bendito sea San José, su castísimo esposo.

Bendito sea Dios en sus ángeles y en sus santos. Amén.

Canto Final

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Litany for Liberty For use during the Fortnight for Freedom

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

This prayer may be prayed in a group setting led by a leader of prayer, who begins the litany with the introduction and the announcement of each invocation, or if it is prayed individually, the individual prays the entire prayer.

INTRODUCTION Christ the Lord has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light. Let us turn to him in humble but fervent petition, seeking the grace to root out from our hearts all trace of darkness, and all that holds us back from walking in the full freedom of the children of God.As Christ is our great model for that inner freedom, which enables us to do the right, let us turn to him with confidence that we, too, may follow him to the fullness of spiritual freedom.

Lord, have mercy; Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy; Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy; Lord, have mercy.

Jesus, victor over sin and death… Free our hearts. Jesus, source of light and hope… Free our hearts.Jesus, fullness of truth and mystery… Free our hearts.Jesus, teacher of seeking hearts… Free our hearts.Jesus, healer of body and soul… Free our hearts.Jesus, bringer of mercy and justice… Free our hearts.Jesus, who humble the heart and mind… Free our hearts.Jesus, release of captives… Free our hearts.Jesus, voice against violence… Free our hearts.Jesus, courage for the lowly/downtrodden… Free our hearts.Jesus, origin of all authority and power… Free our hearts.Jesus, true lawgiver… Free our hearts.Jesus, unity of order and passion… Free our hearts.Jesus, freedom of the Spirit… Free our hearts.Jesus, obedient Son of the Father… Free our hearts.

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For the freedom to love… Give us your grace. For the freedom to believe… Give us your grace.For the freedom to hope… Give us your grace. For the freedom to worship… Give us your grace.For the freedom to serve in charity… Give us your grace.For the freedom to care for the suffering… Give us your grace.For the freedom to comfort the sick… Give us your grace.For the freedom to feed the hungry… Give us your grace.For the freedom to shelter the homeless… Give us your grace.For the freedom to proclaim the Gospel… Give us your grace.For the freedom to walk in chastity… Give us your grace.For the freedom to live in peace… Give us your grace.For the freedom to work in good conscience… Give us your grace.For the freedom to stand in solidarity… Give us your grace. For the freedom to seek justice… Give us your grace.

For the freedom to reject sin… Give us your grace. For the freedom to reject coercion… Give us your grace.For the freedom to reject falsehood… Give us your grace.For the freedom to reject evil temptations… Give us your grace.For the freedom to reject injustice… Give us your grace.

CLOSING PRAYER O God, who gave one origin to all peoples and willed to gather from them one family for yourself,fill all hearts, we pray, with the fire of your love and kindle in them a desire for the just advancement of their neighbor, that, through the good things which you richly bestow upon all, each human person may be brought to perfection, every division may be removed, and equity and justice may be established in human society. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.


[Collect for the Mass “For the Progress of the Peoples,” Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, No. 29,

Roman Missal, Third Edition]

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Letanía por la Libertad Para uso durante la Quincena por la Libertad

Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos

Esta letanía se puede rezar en grupo dirigido por monitor que la empieza con la

introducción, seguida por cada invocación. Si se reza en privado, la persona la reza



Cristo el Señor nos ha llamado de la oscuridad a su luz admirable.

Acudamos a él con nuestras humildes y fervientes peticiones,

buscando la gracia para borrar de los corazones toda huella de oscuridad,

y de todo lo que nos impide

avanzar hacia la plena libertad de los hijos de Dios.

Cristo es nuestro gran modelo para esa libertad interior

que nos permite hacer el bien,

acudamos a él confiados en

que nosotros también lo podemos seguir hasta la plena libertad espiritual.

V/. Señor, ten piedad; R/. Señor, ten piedad.

V/. Cristo, ten piedad; R/. Cristo, ten piedad.

V/. Señor, ten piedad; R/. Señor, ten piedad.

V/. R/. Jesús, vencedor sobre el pecado y la muerte… Libera nuestros corazones.

Jesús, fuente de luz y esperanza… Libera nuestros corazones.

Jesús, plenitud de la verdad y el misterio… Libera nuestros corazones.

Jesús, maestro de los corazones que buscan… Libera nuestros corazones.

Jesús, sanador de cuerpo y alma… Libera nuestros corazones.

Jesús, portador de misericordia y justicia… Libera nuestros corazones.

Jesús, humilde de corazón y alma… Libera nuestros corazones.

Jesús, liberación de los cautivos… Libera nuestros corazones.

Jesús, voz contra la violencia… Libera nuestros corazones.

Jesús, valor para los humildes y oprimidos… Libera nuestros corazones.

Jesús, fuente de toda autoridad y poder… Libera nuestros corazones.

Jesús, verdadero legislador… Libera nuestros corazones.

Jesús, unidad del orden y de la pasión… Libera nuestros corazones.

Jesús, libertad del Espíritu… Libera nuestros corazones.

Jesús, obediente Hijo del Padre… Libera nuestros corazones.

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V/. R/. Para la libertad de amar… Danos tu gracia.

Para la libertad de creer… Danos tu gracia.

Para la libertad de esperar… Danos tu gracia.

Para la libertad de rendir culto… Danos tu gracia.

Para la libertad de servir en caridad… Danos tu gracia.

Para la libertad de cuidar a los que sufren… Danos tu gracia.

Para la libertad de confortar a los enfermos… Danos tu gracia.

Para la libertad de alimentar a los hambrientos… Danos tu gracia.

Para la libertad de refugiar a los desamparados… Danos tu gracia.

Para la libertad de proclamar el Evangelio… Danos tu gracia.

Para la libertad de caminar en castidad… Danos tu gracia.

Para la libertad de vivir en paz… Danos tu gracia.

Para la libertad de trabajar en buena conciencia… Danos tu gracia.

Para la libertad de caminar en solidaridad… Danos tu gracia.

Para la libertad de buscar justicia… Danos tu gracia.

V/. R/. Para la libertad de rechazar el pecado… Danos tu gracia.

Para la libertad de rechazar la coerción… Danos tu gracia.

Para la libertad de rechazar la falsedad… Danos tu gracia.

Para la libertad de rechazar las tentaciones del mal… Danos tu gracia.

Para la libertad de rechazar la injusticia… Danos tu gracia.


Oh Dios, que diste un origen idéntico a todos los pueblos

y quisiste formar con ellos una sola familia en tu amor,

llena los corazones del fuego de tu caridad y

suscita en todos los fieles el deseo de un progreso justo y fraternal,

para que, con los bienes que generosamente repartes entre todos

se realice cada uno como persona humana,

y, suprimida toda discriminación,

reinen en el mundo la igualdad y la justicia.

Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo

que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo,

y es Dios, por los siglos de los siglos.

R/. Amén.

[Oración Colecta para la misa “Por el progreso de los pueblos”,

Misas por las necesidades públicas, No. 21,

Misal Romano, Tercera Edición]

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As part of the bishops’ Call to Prayer for Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty, it is encouraged that at

Sunday and daily Masses the Prayers of the Faithful include specific intentions for respect for all human

life from conception to natural death, the strengthening of marriage and family life, and the preservation

of religious liberty at all levels of government, both at home and abroad. The following Prayers of the

Faithful are suggestions for use/adaptation. Further resources can be found at


For life, marriage and religious liberty:

For Pope Francis, bishops, priests, and all the faithful, that we may be strengthened by the

grace of the Holy Spirit to continue proclaiming the dignity of all human life from conception to

natural death, the unique meaning of marriage, and the importance of religious liberty for all.

Let us pray to the Lord.

For all those who serve us in elected office, that they enact laws and policies that uphold the

sanctity of human life from conception to natural death, the dignity of marriage as the

permanent, faithful and fruitful union of a man and a woman, and authentic liberty for all. Let

us pray to the Lord.

For our parish and our country, that we will become ever more aware of the dignity of all

human life from conception to natural death, the beauty of God’s plan for marriage, and the

significance of full and authentic religious liberty. Let us pray to the Lord.

For life:

For parents and grandparents who have lost a child through abortion, that God will console

them in their grief and lead them to forgiveness and healing in Confession and through the

Church’s Project Rachel Ministry. Let us pray to the Lord.

That this Year of Faith will awaken in the hearts of all Catholics a renewed sense of awe and

gratitude for the gift of human life, and a renewed determination to protect all lives from

conception to natural death. Let us pray to the Lord.

For those in the twilight of their lives, that their families and caregivers will cherish them and

care for them with tender compassion, rejecting the path to assisted suicide. Let us pray to the


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For marriage:

For all married couples, that they continue to live their vocation of love as an example to their

families and to the world of God’s faithful, fruitful, and lasting love. Let us pray to the Lord.

For all those suffering from troubled or broken marriages, especially children, that they will be

assured of God the Father’s unfailing care for them. Let us pray to the Lord.

For all those discerning a vocation to the priesthood, consecrated life, or marriage, that the

Lord guide their hearts and make His will clear for their lives. Let us pray to the Lord.

For religious liberty:

For our President, Governor, legislators, judges, and all in service to the common good, that

through the gift of heavenly wisdom they may work to uphold religious freedom and

conscience protection for all. Let us pray to the Lord.

For people of faith who fight to preserve religious liberty, may the Lord strengthen their resolve

to hold firm in their witness. Let us pray to the Lord.

For the rights of individuals and institutions to conduct their professional lives according to

their religious convictions. Let us pray to the Lord.

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Oración por la Vida, el Matrimonio, y la Libertad Religiosa

Como parte del llamado a la Oración por la Vida, el Matrimonio, y la Libertad Religiosa de los

obispos, se les motiva a que en las Misas Dominicales y diarias, las Oraciones de los Fieles

incluyan intenciones específicas por el respeto a la vida humana desde la concepción hasta la

muerte natural, el fortalecimiento del matrimonio y la vida familiar, y la preservación de la

libertad religiosa en todos los niveles del gobierno, tanto en la nación como en el extranjero.

Las siguientes Oraciones de los Fieles son sugeridas para su utilización/adaptación. Pueden

encontrar recursos adicionales en

Por la vida, el matrimonio y la vida religiosa:

Por el Papa Benedicto XVI, los obispos, los sacerdotes, y todos los fieles, para que puedan ser

fortalecidos por la gracia del Espíritu Santo para continuar proclamando la dignidad de toda

vida humana desde la concepción a la muerte natural, el significado único del matrimonio, y la

importancia de la libertad religiosa para todos. Roguemos al Señor.

Por todos los que nos sirven en cargos de elección popular, para que aprueben leyes y políticas

que defiendan la santidad de la vida humana desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural, la

dignidad del matrimonio como la unión permanente, fiel y fructífera entre un hombre y una

mujer, y libertad auténtica para todos. Roguemos al Señor.

Por nuestra parroquia y nación, para que estemos más conscientes sobre la dignidad de toda

vida humana desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural, la belleza del plan de Dios para el

matrimonio, y la importancia de una plena y auténtica libertad religiosa. Roguemos al Señor.

Por la vida:

Por los padres y abuelos que han perdido un niño por el aborto, para que Dios les consuele en

su dolor y les guíe hacia el perdón y la sanación en la Confesión y a través del Ministerio

Proyecto Raquel de la Iglesia. Roguemos al Señor.

Que este Año de la Fe despierte en los corazones de todos los católicos un sentido de renovada

admiración y gratitud por el regalo de la vida humana, y una determinación renovada de

proteger toda vida desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural. Roguemos al Señor.

Por aquellos que están en el ocaso de sus vidas, que sus familias y quienes les proveen cuidados

los valoren y cuiden con tierna compasión, rechazando el camino del suicidio asistido.

Roguemos al Señor.

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Por el matrimonio:

Por todos los matrimonios, para que continúen viviendo su vocación de amor como un ejemplo

para sus familias y para el mundo del amor fiel, fructífero y duradero de Dios. Roguemos al


Por todos los que sufren a consecuencia de matrimonios en conflicto y matrimonios rotos,

especialmente los niños, para que se sientan seguros del amor y cuidado de Dios Padre que

nunca falla. Roguemos al Señor.

Por todos los que están discerniendo su vocación al sacerdocio, la vida consagrada, o al

matrimonio, para que el Señor guie sus corazones y manifieste claramente Su voluntad para sus

vidas. Roguemos al Señor.

Por la libertad religiosa:

Por nuestro presidente, gobernador, nuestros legisladores, jueces, y todos los que sirven por el

bien común, que a través del regalo de la sabiduría divina trabajen para defender la libertad

religiosa y la protección de los derechos de conciencia para todos. Roguemos al Señor.

Por las personas de todos los credos que luchan por preservar la libertad religiosa, para que el

Señor fortalezca su resolución de mantenerse firmes en sus principios. Roguemos al Señor.

Por los derechos de los individuos e instituciones de conducir sus vidas profesionales en acorde

a sus convicciones religiosas. Roguemos al Señor.

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In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of

the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Come, Holy Spirit

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful

and kindle in them the fire of Your Love. Send forth

Your Spirit and they shall be created, and You shall

renew the face of the earth.


I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of

Heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, his only

Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy

Spirit. born of the Virgin Mary,He suffered under

Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried.

He descended into hell; the third day He rose again

from the dead; he ascended into Heaven sits at the

right hand of God, the Father almighty; from there

he will come to judge the living and the dead. I

believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church,

the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting,



Our Father, who art in Heaven; hallowed by Thy

name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on

earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily

bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive

those who trespass against us, and lead us not into

temptation; but deliver us from evil. Amen


Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.

Blessed art thou among women and blessed is

the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of

god, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our

death. Amen


Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy

Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now and ever

shall be, world without end, Amen.


O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the

fires of hell, and lead all souls to Heaven, especially

those in most need of your Mercy. Amen.

T H E PAT R I O T I C R O S A R YThe Patriotic Rosary was written by a member of Caritas Community, Alabama.

It dedicates one Hail Mary in the traditional Catholic Rosary to each state of the

United States and asks God’s protection of and guidance for the nation. A booklet listing

all the prayers of the Patriotic Rosary is available from the Confraternity of Penitents here.

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Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our

sweetness and our hope.

To thee we cry, poor banished children of Eve.

To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and

weeping in this valley of tears.

Turn then most gracious advocate, thine eyes of

mercy towards us,

And after this our exile, show unto us the blessed

Fruit of they womb, Jesus.

O clement. O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.

Pray for us, O holy Mother of God

That we may be made worthy of the promises of



Sign of the Cross

Come Holy Spirit

For the Conversion of our Nation’s Capital

The Apostle’s Creed

For the Holy Father

Our Father

For Bishops, Priests, Religious

Three Hail Mary’s

For the Conversion of our Country

Glory Be

THE FIRST MYSTERY: (Joyful, Sorrowful,

Luminous, Glorious)

“No one can rejoice more than I do at every step the

people of this great country take to preserve the

Union, establish good order and government, and to

render the nation happy at home and respectable

abroad. No country upon earth ever had it more in its

power to attain these blessings than United America.

Wondrously strange then, and much to be regretted

indeed would it be, were we to neglect the means,

and to depart from the road which Providence has

pointed us, so plainly; I cannot believe it will ever

come to pass. The Great Governor of the Universe has

led us too long and too far on the road to happiness

and glory, to forsake us in the midst of it. By folly

and improper conduct, proceeding from a variety of

causes, we may now and then get bewildered; but I

hope and trust that there is good sense and virtue

enough left to recover the right path before we shall

be entirely lost.” – George Washington, June 29, 1788

For the Presidency of the United States of America

Our Father

To be prayed before each Hail Mary: “We plead the

Blood of Jesus over Alabama (name a different state

for each Hail Mary) and every soul in that state.”

Alabama Alaska Arkansas Arizona

California Colorado Connecticut Delaware

Florida Georgia

For the Conversion of our Country

Glory Be

Oh, my Jesus, forgive us our sins; save us

from the fires of hell;

lead all souls to Heaven,

especially those in most need of Thy Mercy.

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We recommend the singing of all the verses of

the songs after each decade of the Rosary. You

will discover by doing so, that the songs become

prayers in and of themselves and it deepens the

prayer of the whole Rosary.


My country, ‘tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty,

Of thee I sing.

Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims’ pride,

From ev’ry mountain side, Let freedom ring.

My native country thee, Land of the noble free,

Thy name I love.

I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and template hills,

My heart with rapture thrills, Like that above.

Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees

Sweet freedom’s song: Let mortal tongues awake,

Let all that breathe partake, Let rocks their silence break,

The sound prolong.

Our father’s God, to thee, Author of liberty,

To thee we pray.

Long may our land be bright, With freedom’s holy light.

Protect us by thy might, Great God, our King.


“It may be the will of Heaven that America shall

suffer calamities still more wasting and distresses

yet more dreadful. If this is to be the case, it will

have this good effect, at least: it will inspire us with

many virtues, which we have not, and correct many

errors, follies, and vices, which threaten to disturb,

dishonor, and destroy us. The furnace of affliction

produces refinement, in states as well as individuals.

And the new governments we are assuming, in every

part, will require a purification from our vices, and

an augmentation of our virtues or there will be no

blessings... But I must submit all my hopes and fears

to an overruling Providence; in which, unfashionable

as the faith may be, I firmly believe.”

– John Adams, July 3, 1776

For the Supreme Court of the

United States of America

Our Father

To be prayed before each Hail Mary: “We plead the

Bloodof Jesus over (name a different state for each

Hail Mary) and every soul in that state.”

Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana

Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana

Maine Maryland

For the Conversion of our Country

Glory Be

Oh, my Jesus, forgive us our sins; save us

from the fires of hell;

lead all souls to Heaven,

especially those in most need of Thy Mercy.

The Battle Hymn Of The Republic

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;

He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of

wrath are stored;

He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible

swift sword;

His truth is marching on.


Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!

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Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His truth is marching on.

I have seen Him in the watchfires of a hundred

circling camps;

They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews

and damps;

I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and

flaring lamps;

His day is marching on. Refrain

I have read a fiery Gospel writ in burnished rows of steel;

As ye deal with my contempters, so with you my

grace shall deal;

Let the “Mother of the Savior” crush the serpent with

Her heel;

Since God is marching on. Refrain

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never

call retreat;

He is sifting out the hearts of men before his

judgement seat.

O be swift, my soul, to answer him; be jubilant, my feet!

Our God is marching on. Refrain

In the beauty of the lilies, Christ was born across the sea;

With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me.

As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free.

His truth is marching on. Refrain


“Review the great scenes of history: you will find

mankind has always been obliged to pay dear

for the blessings they enjoyed... The struggles of

a great people have almost always ended in the

establishment of liberty.... Such a people are spoken

of with admiration by all future ages....” “Their souls

glow with gratitude for the virtue and self-denial of

their forefathers. They consider them as patterns

for their own conduct on similar occasions and are

continually pointing them out to the reverence and

imitation of their children. These are the glorious

effects of patriotism and virtue. These are the

rewards annexed to the faithful discharge of that

great and honorable duty, fidelity to our country.... I

pray to God that the fair character I have described

may be that of America to the latest ages.”

– James Iredell, May 1, 1778

For the Senate and the House of Representatives

of the United States of America

Our Father

To be prayed before each Hail Mary: “We plead

the Blood of Jesus over (name a different state for

each Hail Mary) and every soul in that state.”

Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota

Mississippi Missouri Montana

Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire

New Jersey

For the Conversion of our Country

Glory Be

Oh, my Jesus, forgive us our sins; save us

from the fires of hell;

lead all souls to Heaven,

especially those in most need of Thy Mercy.

America The Beautiful

O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain,

For purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain!

America! America! God shed His grace on thee,

And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to

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shining sea.

O beautiful for pilgrim feet, Whose stern, impassioned stress

A thoroughfare for freedom beat Across the


America! America! God mend thine ev’ry flaw,

Confirm thy soul in self control, Thy liberty in law.

O beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife,

Who more than self their country loved, And mercy

more than life!

America! America! May God thy gold refine,

Till all success be nobleness, And ev’ry gain divine.


“To the kindly influence of Christianity we owe that

degree of civil freedom, and political and social

happiness which mankind now enjoys. In proportion

as the genuine effects of Christianity are

diminished in any nation, either through unbelief, or

the corruption of its doctrines, or the neglect of its

institutions; in the same proportion will the people

of that nation recede from the blessings of genuine

freedom, and approximate the miseries of complete


“All efforts to destroy the foundations of our holy

religion, ultimately tend to the subversion also of

our political freedom and happiness.”

“Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be

overthrown, our present republican forms of

government, and all the blessings which flow from

them, must fall with them.” – Jedediah Morse, 1799

For the office of the Governors of the United

States of America Our Father

To be prayed before each Hail Mary: “We plead

the Blood of Jesus over (name a different state for

each Hail Mary) and every soul in that state.”

New Mexico New York North Carolina

North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma

Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island

South Carolina

For the Conversion of our Country

Glory Be

Oh, my Jesus, forgive us our sins; save us

from the fires of hell;

lead all souls to Heaven,

especially those in most need of Thy Mercy.

The Star Spangled Banner

Oh! say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light,

What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last


Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the

perilous fight,

O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly


And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,

Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.

Oh! say does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave

O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

Oh! thus be it ev’r when freemen shall stand

Between their loved home and the war’s desolation,

Blest with vict’ry and peace, may the Heav’n rescued land

Praise the pow’r that hath made and preserved us a


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Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,

And this be our motto, “In God is our trust.”

And the Star Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave

O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.


“Soldiers! Let us humble ourselves before the Lord,

our God, asking through Christ, the forgiveness

of our sins, beseeching the aid of the God of our

forefathers in the defense of our homes and our

liberties, thanking Him for His past blessings, and

imploring their continuance upon our cause and our


“Knowing that intercessory prayer is our mightiest

weapon and the supreme call for all Christians

today, I pleadingly urge our people everywhere

to pray. Believing that prayer is the greatest

contribution that our people can make in this

critical hour, I humbly urge that we take time to

pray - to really pray.”

“Let there be prayer at sunup, at noonday, at

sundown, at midnight - all through the day. Let

us pray for our children, our youth, our aged, our

pastors, our homes. Let us pray for the churches.”

“Let us pray for ourselves, that we may not lose the

word ‘concern’ out of our Christian vocabulary. Let

us pray for our nation. Let us pray for those who

have never known Jesus Christ and His redeeming

love, for moral forces everywhere, for our national

leaders. Let prayer be our passion. Let prayer be

our practice.” – General Robert E Lee, 1863

For all County and Municipal Offices of the

United States of America

Our Father

To be prayed before each Hail Mary: “We plead

the Blood of Jesus over (name a different state for

each Hail Mary) and every soul in that state.”

South Dakota Tennessee Texas

Utah Vermont Virginia

Washington West Virginia Wisconsin


For the Conversion of our Country

Glory Be

Oh, my Jesus, forgive us our sins; save us

from the fires of hell;

lead all souls to Heaven,

especially those in most need of Thy Mercy.

God Bless America

God bless America.

Land that I love.

Stand beside her and guide her,

Through the night with the light from above.

From the mountains to the prairies

To the oceans white with foam.

God bless America.

My home sweet home.

Hail Holy Queen

Sign of the Cross