Parish Communion Sunday 8 May 2011 and Notices

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Transcript of Parish Communion Sunday 8 May 2011 and Notices

  • 8/6/2019 Parish Communion Sunday 8 May 2011 and Notices



    Holy Trinity Clapham Connecting People with God

    Parish Communion

    Sunday 8 May 2011 at 10.00am

    Third Sunday of Easter

    President and Preacher:

    Revd Canon David Isherwood, Rector

    Revd Caroline Clarke is at St Marks Kenningtonand Rosy Skinner is at St Thomass Hospital

    Welcome! If you would like to connect with us, please complete a

    Welcome Card (in the pew) and hand it to a Steward at the end of the

    service. Please turn your mobile phone to off or silent.

    Were joining together in one booklet a combined worship, prayer andnews sheet to make more seamless our worship and prayer concerns.

    Please take this away with you and use it to pray for our shared concerns.

    Children in Church Today

    Children are invited to come to the front with the leaders during the first hymn.Chicks - Crche for babies and toddlers (under 3s) in the Vestry,

    Sparrows (3-5 year olds) in the Lower Wilberforce Centre,Doves (6-10 year olds)in the Upper Wilberforce Centre,Eagles (11 years upwards) in the Thornton ChapelIf you are not sure which group your child should go to - please ask!

    All children are welcome, but we ask parents to be sensitive to other members ofthe congregation around them. Please feel free to walk around with your child if youneed to: movement is far less distracting than noise.

    Gift Aid During the offertory hymn we take a collection for the work of theChurch. You may Gift Aid your gift, by placing it in a yellow envelope before thecollection is taken, printing your name and postcode, and signing and dating thedeclaration. If you are a UK taxpayer, we will be able to reclaim the tax you havepaid on your gift - thats 1.40 for every 5 you generously donate.Please only use the envelopes if you are willing for us to claim the tax,

    in which case it is essential to fill in your details on the front.

    Holy Trinity Church Office, Clapham Common Northside, London SW4 0QZTel: 020 7627 0941 email: [email protected]

  • 8/6/2019 Parish Communion Sunday 8 May 2011 and Notices


  • 8/6/2019 Parish Communion Sunday 8 May 2011 and Notices


  • 8/6/2019 Parish Communion Sunday 8 May 2011 and Notices


  • 8/6/2019 Parish Communion Sunday 8 May 2011 and Notices


  • 8/6/2019 Parish Communion Sunday 8 May 2011 and Notices




    Living God, your Son made himself known to his disciplesin the breaking of bread: open the eyes of our faith,that we may see him in all his redeeming work;who is alive and reigns, now and for ever.Amen.


    We hear from the children and their leaders what they have been doing in their groups



    The God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus,

    that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the eternal covenant,make you perfect in every good work to do his will,working in you that which is well-pleasing in his sight;and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,be among you and remain with you always

    All Amen.

    FINAL HYMN Rejoice the Lord is King!

    Please turn to face the procession as it moves down the aisle.

    Rejoice the Lord is King!Your Lord and King adore!Mortals, give thanks and sing,and triumph evermore:Lift up your heart!lift up your voice!Rejoice! again I say, rejoice!

    Jesus, the Saviour reigns,the God of truth and love:when he had purged our stains,he took his seat above:

    His kingdom cannot fail;he rules o'er earth and heaven;the keys of death and hellare to our Jesus given.





    He sits at God's right handtill all his foes submit,and bow to his command,and fall beneath his feet:

    Charles Wesley 1707 - 88


    Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. Alleluia! Alleluia!All In the name of Christ. Amen. Alleluia! Alleluia!

    Prayer MinistryWe are a praying community. If you would like someone to pray with youplease speak with one of us after the service.

    Holy Trinity budget 2011 Time for discussion at the Annual ParochialChurch Meeting on 10 April was limited and so Suzi Smith (Treasurer) willgive a further presentation after the 10.00 service today. There are someimportant funding issues for us all to consider, so please stay after the serviceor come along at 11.30.

    Copyright acknowledgment (where not already indicated above):Material included in this service is copyright: The Archbishops Council 2000.

    Hymns are reproduced under CCL Licence No 155415422

