Parents Meeting: 11 th September 2014 Welcome to Year 1.

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Transcript of Parents Meeting: 11 th September 2014 Welcome to Year 1.

  • Slide 1

Parents Meeting: 11 th September 2014 Welcome to Year 1 Slide 2 Todays Meeting Year 1 team Daily timetable English Reading and Weekly Planners Maths Homework Slide 3 The Staff Teachers 1AMiss Ali (Year Leader) 1AKMiss Akhtar 1PMMr McDonnell 1MMrs Machingauta Slide 4 The Staff Teaching Assistants Mrs Saroay Mrs Masters Miss Doe Mrs Bannister Slide 5 Our Timetable Guided reading English Maths Weekly Science CLC (History, Geography, R.E, Art, Music) Phonics Slide 6 A typical day in Year 1 8.50 9.15 Shared Reading 9.15 - 9.45 Guided Reading 9.45 10.45English 10.45 - 11.00 Play time 11.00 12.00Maths 12.00 1.00Lunch time 1.00 1.15Handwriting 1.15 2.15CLC/Science 2.15 2.30Play time 2.30 2.50Phonics 2.50 3.05Story time 3.05 3.15Getting ready for home time Slide 7 Our Topic New Beginnings Slide 8 English Learning and writing a traditional story Drama/speaking and listening activities Using Phonics to help with spelling Correct letter formation Use of finger spaces Using a capital letter and a full stop Slide 9 Reading and Weekly Planners The class teacher will read with your child once a week and give your child a reading book to take home. Your childs book will be changed three times a week. Please record your childs book and reading in the planner. Slide 10 Maths Counting forwards and backwards in ones Counting objects accurately Reading and writing numbers Addition Slide 11 Homework Daily reading Handwriting - correct letter formation Reading and writing high frequency words Spelling list for some children Mathletics Slide 12 Weekly News Sheet Brief outline of the week ahead Slide 13 Medical Matters Children to stay at home if they have sickness or diarrhoea. Head lice are common! Please check you childs hair regularly and treat as recommended. Any medicines can only be administered by prior arrangement. Slide 14 Other matters P.E on Thursdays PE kits - (white t-shirt or house colour t-shirt with black shorts/joggers and plimsolls or trainers) Named water bottles Tissue Boxes Slide 15 Any concerns Class teacher Miss Ali (Year Leader) Miss Mijatovich (Deputy Head) Slide 16 Free School Meals Slide 17 Thank you for coming!