Parents & Friends Association AGM Meeting … P&F...P&F Treasurer’s Report – Peter Pontikis P&F...

Saints Peter and Paul’s School Parents & Friends Association AGM Meeting Minutes - November 2018 Date | time 21 st November 2018 - 7.30pm Meeting called to order by Ana Croger In Attendance Ana Croger, President| Emily Shaw, Vice President | Peter Pontikis, Treasurer | Melanie Gordon, Secretary| Sister Ann-Maree Nicholls, Principal| Damien Sullivan, Vice Principal| Teresa Brennan (Sustainability) | Tania Nitschke (Comms) | Lisa Magee (Welcome Wagon) | Dan Kadziela, Michael Johnson, Tim Isaac, Cheryl Isaac, Tiah Miller Guppy, Suzi Slattery, Father Tom, Rose Boyd, Suzy French, Beth Streten Apologies Lynne Healey & Sonia Horsburgh (Social Committee) | Petrina Jaeger & Kelly Morgan (Health & Wellbeing) Approval of Minutes The minutes from the October meeting were read by Ana Croger, moved by Peter Pontikis and seconded by Emily Shaw as a true and correct record of the meeting. Business arising from previous meeting – Ana Croger Action Assigned to Status Follow-up with Rachel to develop a Banking Co-ordinator job description and determine how we can split the role. Ana Croger Complete Michael Johnson will be taking on this role in 2019 – thank you Michael! Develop a process for the Welcome Wagon and how/ when they will be notified of new starters by the enrolments team. Lisa Magee Complete Annual reports due for all sub-committees at the next meeting (AGM) All P&F sub- committee leaders Complete

Transcript of Parents & Friends Association AGM Meeting … P&F...P&F Treasurer’s Report – Peter Pontikis P&F...

Page 1: Parents & Friends Association AGM Meeting … P&F...P&F Treasurer’s Report – Peter Pontikis P&F Treasurer’s report is attached (Attachment 3). Approved - $2250 for purchase of

Saints Peter and Paul’s School

Parents & Friends Association

AGM Meeting Minutes - November 2018

Date | time 21st November 2018 - 7.30pm

Meeting called to order by Ana Croger

In Attendance

Ana Croger, President| Emily Shaw, Vice President | Peter Pontikis, Treasurer | Melanie Gordon,

Secretary| Sister Ann-Maree Nicholls, Principal| Damien Sullivan, Vice Principal| Teresa Brennan

(Sustainability) | Tania Nitschke (Comms) | Lisa Magee (Welcome Wagon) | Dan Kadziela, Michael

Johnson, Tim Isaac, Cheryl Isaac, Tiah Miller Guppy, Suzi Slattery, Father Tom, Rose Boyd, Suzy

French, Beth Streten


Lynne Healey & Sonia Horsburgh (Social Committee) | Petrina Jaeger & Kelly Morgan (Health &


Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the October meeting were read by Ana Croger, moved by Peter Pontikis and

seconded by Emily Shaw as a true and correct record of the meeting.

Business arising from previous meeting – Ana Croger

Action Assigned to Status

Follow-up with Rachel to develop a

Banking Co-ordinator job description and

determine how we can split the role.

Ana Croger Complete

Michael Johnson will be taking on

this role in 2019 – thank you Michael!

Develop a process for the Welcome Wagon

and how/ when they will be notified of

new starters by the enrolments team.

Lisa Magee Complete

Annual reports due for all sub-committees

at the next meeting (AGM)

All P&F sub-




Page 2: Parents & Friends Association AGM Meeting … P&F...P&F Treasurer’s Report – Peter Pontikis P&F Treasurer’s report is attached (Attachment 3). Approved - $2250 for purchase of

There is a google drive set up for the P & F

- please put together a how to guide and

folder for your sub-committee with all

relevant documents in that drive

All P&F sub-



Waiting on Social Committee to

complete this task

Please let Ana know if you are stepping

down from your position. Nominations are

required 2 weeks before AGM (7th Nov).

Known vacancies are grants, sustainability,

comms and banking

All P&F sub-




Please prepare comms - Parish requires

parent volunteers for kids liturgy. Will

need a blue card. 10-12 new families





Consider guest speaker for 2019 (eg

Rebecca Sparrow – social media and

entering high school)


Jaeger &




Consider and advise technology

requirements to be purchased from fete





Principal’s Report – Sister Ann-Maree

Principal’s report is attached (Attachment 1).

P&F Presidents Report – Ana Croger

President’s report is attached (Attachment 2).

We achieved $505 profit from the most recent Parish bake sale. A total of $1065 has been raised

this year from the Parish bake sales which is wonderful.

Ana attended the Morningside State School assembly to present a cheque from our free clothes

day to support them following the fire at their school. The key message was that neighbours

support each other and the Morningside students were very happy with the kind support.

Ana presented Mrs Montgomery with a gift at assembly today to wish her the best for her

retirement and thank her for everything she has done for the school.

Day for Daniel was a great day and there were lots of parents helping to cut up fruit for the

children. Thanks to all volunteers from this day!

The disco was a wonderful event. Many thanks to Lisa Magee for co-ordinating the volunteers

which was such a key factor to making the event run smoothly. The high vis vests were very

effective and we should use them for future events.

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Prep orientation went well and 14 new families have expressed an interest in being involved

in the school community.

We are very excited about the undercroft toilet refurbishment which is scheduled to be done

over the Christmas holidays.

P&F Treasurer’s Report – Peter Pontikis

P&F Treasurer’s report is attached (Attachment 3).

Approved - $2250 for purchase of 5 tall standing height adjustable tables for grade 5 and 6.

Approved - $600 for 4 sets of soccer goals.

Approved - $5000 for upgrade and repairs to the Adventure Playground.

Sub-Committee Reports

Health & Wellbeing Committee (Petrina Jaeger & Kelly Morgan)

o See Presidents Report (Attachment 2).

Social Committee (Lynne Healey & Sonia Horsburgh)

It has been a very busy, challenging, eventful and very rewarding year for myself, Lynne Healey and

fellow Social Coordinator Sonia Horsburgh, we are both an apology this evening. We have hosted a

full suite of events for the 2018 calendar which included a very special fundraiser in May.

We kicked off the year with our annual welcome drinks for parents who have children in Grades 1 to

6. It was held on the terrace of the Good Samaritan Hall, parents arrived at the venue 30 minutes prior

to the class meetings and the social committee served the beer, wine & soft drinks as the guests arrived.

They washed this down with a snack from the spread of antipasto, cheese and fruit platters. This event

is fully funded by the P&F committee and is designed to bring parents together at the beginning of

the year and allow them to relax before they attend their children’s classrooms to meet the teacher

and receive curriculum information for the year. As always it was a huge success, we gauge this by

considering the sheer volume of drinks served across 30 minutes and by the level of encouragement

required by Sister Ann-Maree and her leadership team to move our guests along to the classrooms.

On Sunday, 4th March we held the annual Day on the Green. This event was held on the oval in the

afternoon. We booked a musical duo Vic Kena & Row Morrissey, and they most certainly did well to

set the tone for this fun filled afternoon, all of the littlies were quite in awe of the very glamorous Row

and had her dancing in her bare feet on the grass with them as she punched out their favourite songs.

Approximately 200 attendees came along with their picnics, drinks and sunshades. The kids ran

around playing freely in their familiar space, whilst the parents were able to sit back, relax and enjoy

the music for the afternoon. What’s not to love about this event, so much fun for everyone and it’s

free!! Once again I’d like to say a great big thanks to the year 5 and 6 children who looked after the

little ones, it’s always a lovely thing to see.

On Friday 4th May 2018 we had a very special event at the school that saw the Opening and Blessing

of our new building, we as a committee staged the rooftop area to receive dignitaries and guests from

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local and state government, catholic education and guests from our community; we came together

and celebrated this very special event by means of serving drinks and grazing platters.

The next event was our only but very special fundraiser of the year which included the Mother’s Day

Benefit Garden Party and Raffle which had the major prize of a Fiji Holiday with Flights, the prize

was drawn at the Garden Party and the winner was Arna Harris a school parent, and the 2nd and 3rd

prizes were also won by school families. This inaugural event was held on Saturday, 12th May on the

lawn of the Bulimba Golf Club and raised funds to support the Ward Family as they continued with

their journey to find a cure for the little boy Luke who is currently in Grade 3. It was a beautiful Ladies

only event, we dressed up in our finest, sipped pink bubbles and enjoyed lots of delicious canapes, it

was such a successful, classy and heartfelt event that we have already booked the venue for next year’s

garden party. The event & raffle, coupled with live auctions and a GoFund Me Page raised a

tremendous amount of money totaling in excess of $30,000.

We enjoyed a little break for a couple of months and then we were back in to top gear organising for

our final events of the year.

On Saturday 28th July we held our annual School Trivia Night, the theme this year was Christmas in

July. Guests were invited to join a team, dress in theme for the occasion and then dress their tables

accordingly. I didn’t realise that we had so many creative people in our school community, the

costumes and table tops were incredible. Andrew Oberthur who is actually a Principal at another

catholic primary school and the very lovely husband of Lisa in the office very kindly donated his time

as our Quiz Master Extraordinaire. This event is a not a fundraiser event and all funds raised from

ticket sales go towards theming the room and buying trophies and prizes for the night. It was a huge

success, the quiz was tonnes of fun, and we had lots of fun games and competitions on the night. We

topped off the evening with a few moves on the dance floor. A very big thanks goes out to Terry Shaw

our Audio Visual expert & trusty assistant who once again donated their time, expertise and playlist

and set the tone for a great night out for our school community.

On Friday 9th November we held the annual school disc, personally this is our favourite for the year

because it’s all about our kids. This year we themed the disco as a Pyjama Party School Disco and I

think the kids truly enjoyed the extra excitement of choosing their favourite PJs in preparation. We

served pizza, a popper and every child received a freddo frog on the way out the door, all for $6

including the ticketing fee, it really is a great value night out for our kids. We used try booking for our

ticket purchasing process yet again and it was a huge success. This again is a not for profit event and

all monies raised go towards the experience, food and prizes on the night. We engaged the services of

DJ James from G&M Eventing once again and he is the perfect DJ for our school disco, we would

definitely recommend booking him whenever possible for this event ongoing. Once again a massive

thanks to Terry & Co for their Audio Visual expertise, we are humbled by his continuing support,

given that Terry no longer has children at the school.

That’s it for this year. Thank you to my co-coordinator Sonia Horsburgh for her incredible creativity.

Thank you to the Executive Committee, the School Leadership Team, the Ladies in the office, in

particular Dee French and anyone else (I may have missed) that has supported our committee in

achieving our objectives this year.

Sonia and I are stepping down from the committee in our roles as social coordinators next year

however I personally aim to support the transition of the new format for the committee that I put

forward at the September meeting. I have served in the role for 3 years and am most regretful that I

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can’t join you this evening to farewell my chair. Thank you for making this a fabulous year as our last

one. We will still be very active volunteers and participants in the P&F and look forward to another

fabulous year at Sts Peter and Paul’s.

Care & Concern Committee (Ana Croger)

o See Presidents Report (Attachment 2).

Welcome Wagon Committee (Lisa Magee)

2018 was another successful year for the Welcome Wagon which supports families in Years 1-6 new to

Sts Peter and Paul’s School. The Welcome Wagon continued to welcome new families to the school and

assist their transition by offering to match them with veteran buddy families. To date, 27 new families

had been invited to participate in the programme. Many families chose not to participate in the buddy

matching programme, due to the fact they had existing connections, but all feedback indicated that

the invitation was warmly received and that it was a unique and positive P&F programme.

Key initiatives for 2018 have included the introduction of a welcome morning tea at the

commencement of Term One to connect new families, the majority of which, join the school

community at the beginning of the year. A review of the programme was also undertaken and new

process and communication documents designed to ensure consistency of communication.

Thanks must go to the class coordinators for their enthusiastic assistance in welcoming new families

at the class level and also to veteran buddy families for volunteering their time to assist with the

programme. The Welcome Wagon continues to be a valued programme and I look forward to leading

it again in 2019.

Sustainability (Teresa Brennan)

Thanks to Jake Knowles and the Grade 6 children for their support of the sustainability agenda.

New Year, New Lunch box campaign: To encourage parents thinking about buying a lunch-

box for 2018 to consider a waste-free option. A list of products (for varying budgets) from local

and online providers was provided. Biome offered a 10% discount for families.

P&F funded new recycling bins for the school (classroom and playground)

o 6 organic waste bins for playground

o 30 classroom paper waste recycling bins

o Large Waste watcher recycling bins

SRC led the ‘make a poster competition’ and campaign to help students understand the

importance of recycling and how to recycle in the school. Posters were used for new bins to

embed understanding and habits. P&F funded 3 x $50 gift cards to winners of the recycling

poster competition to encourage students to use correct bins at school.

Brisbane City Council incursion – Year 4 “It’s not a load of Rubbish”

Buddy classes for the Prep - Year 2 students undertook activities relating to recycling in buddy


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SRC Initiatives:

o Straw no more campaign and assembly presentation on the impact of plastics on


o BCC gifted school 50 trees for Arbor Day which the year six students planted

Communications (Tania Nitschke)

The objectives of 2018 was to raise awareness within the school community about the P&F and its

activities and events, to engender a stronger sense of school community, and encourage greater

parental involvement with school activities and events. To help achieve these objectives the P&F

Communications function carried out a review of the school’s communication environment and

implemented the following activities:

P&F Facebook

Reviewed and refreshed the P&F Facebook page and established the page as the key channel via

which to communicate with school families and encourage their feedback via comments (keeping

in mind this is a public page that includes: past families, interested community organisations,

future families, other school P&Fs, etc.).

Page was used to communicate key information about upcoming school and P&F activities and

events, including: the weekly ‘What’s on week x?’ which provided families a handy summary of

what’s happening at school in the week ahead. Anecdotal feedback from parents about this weekly

post has been very positive and worthwhile. Plus FB metrics show the post has grown in


Regular reminders to parents encourage them to ‘follow’ the page to receive school and P&F

updates and news. The number of followers has steadily increased throughout the year, see below.

(Note: followers are preferred over likes)

During the year we were contacted by two schools via the FB page: 1. Victoria Park State School

P&C (Mackay) asking to use our traffic safety messages and approach; 2. Brookfield State School

P&C asking advice about parent engagement/involvement with fundraising.

Some FB 2018 stats:

o Number of followers increased from 623 (Jan 18) to 790 (as at 21 Nov 18) – more than


o More than 220 posts have been published during 2018 – up 63% on 2017.

o Most engaging post have included: Day for Daniel, Disco thank you, Book Week

Parade (more engagements than reach), Morningside SS fundraising, Fete ‘thank you’

posts, Fete early parent thank you, Fete Kids Art Auction promo, and school traffic

safety messages.

P&F Communications channels

Email - established a P&F email account to provide a central point of contact for parents to contact

the P&F re any questions and feedback, and provide an email address identity for the P&F to send


School Newsletter - produced and submitted regular updates about P&F activities and events for

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publication in the school newsletter.

Class Coordinators (CC) - as CC can have a direct dialogue with their classes, they can play a very

important role in helping disseminate information to parents. During 2018 these volunteers have

been a great support in helping promote and reinforce messages to parents. We are very grateful

for the help the CC provided in sharing important messages with their classes during the year.

Thank you Class Coordinators.

E-noticeboard – used to promote traffic safety message. Not used regularly.

Special projects:

‘Drive Safe. Park Safe. Keep all our kids safe.’ school traffic management program - following

the 2017 trial of the changes in school traffic process, the program was officially launched. This

involved updating, producing and distributing to school families: school traffic procedures

brochure, covering letter, family surname cards; plus producing posters of each key school

traffic message for Facebook and the newsletter.

Fete: produced a stream of communications to promote: the raffle, silent auction and art

auction, plus P&F FB support to promote sponsors, fete stalls, calls for volunteers, etc.

Communications support and advice:

Supported numerous programs, activities and events across the school for the purpose of:

promotion, reminding, calls for volunteers, acknowledgement of contribution to our school

community, e.g.: Scholastic book club, meals register, parish cake stalls, tuckshop, school banking,

school book club, school choir, sports events, Book Week, Striding for Justice, Day for Daniel,

Morningside SS fundraising, etc.

Published a Q&A/ Fact Sheet about the P&F to help parents understand the role, purpose, structure,

etc of the association.

Supported the various P&F sub-committees.

On a personal note, I wish to thank the P&F Committee and sub-committees for their support and

encouragement throughout the year. It has been a pleasure to work with everyone. I wish the 2019

team all the very best. I also wish to thank the school and school administration for their support of

the P&F’s communications efforts this year. Thank you all so very much and best wishes.

Correspondence – Melanie Gordon

Inwards correspondence:

Di Farmer MP Member for Bulimba – Newsletter and Grant information

Outwards correspondence:


General Business

1. 2019 P&F Executive Committee Appointments:

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Position of President – Ana Croger

Position of Vice President – Emily Shaw

Position of Treasurer – Dan Kadziela

Position of Secretary – Melanie Gordon

2. 2019 P&F Sub-Committee Lead Appointments

Communications – Suzy French

Health & Wellbeing Committee – Petrina Jaeger & Kelly Morgan

Care & Concern Committee – Ana Croger

Sustainability Committee – Rose Boyd

Social Committee – TBA

Welcome Wagon – Lisa Magee

Grants – Tiah Miller Guppy

3. P&F funding has been requested for reinstatement of the soccer goal posts on the oval.

Action is to check with Lyndall about selecting the type of soccer goal posts that would be

most suitable. A suggestion was also made to ask school parents if they have some unused

goal posts that they would like to donate.

4. Toilet refurbishment project – still to secure contractors to do this work. Tania knows a

parent in her year level that completes this sort of work and might be an option for us.

5. Process for exiting the parents and students after the end of year concert. Damian to develop

a process for efficiently reuniting children with their parents after the concert.

6. Discussion regarding future technology needs for the school (approx. $50,000 in value). To

be discussed in more detail in early 2019.

Actions – to be updated at the next meeting

Action Assigned to

Check with Lyndall about selecting the type of soccer

goal posts that would be most suitable for the oval. A

suggestion was also made to ask school parents if

they have unused goal posts that they would like to


Ana Croger

Confirm leader for the Social Committee for 2019 Ana Croger

Contact school parent re completing the toilet

refurbishment project and ask them to contact


Tania Nitschke

Develop a process for efficiently reuniting children

with their parents after the end of year concert

Damien Sullivan

Send Ana & Suzy the list of what the P&F have

approved for works to happen over the Christmas


Mel Gordon

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At the February 2019 P&F meeting present the details

of the technology needs for the school and the request

for funding from the P&F. Provide an order of

priorities so that spending can be staged.

Damien Sullivan

Adjournment, date of next meeting Ana Croger

Meeting adjourned at 8.59pm

Next meeting – 3rd Wednesday of February 2019 (20th Feb)

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Attachment 1 – Principal’s Report

Sts Peter & Paul's School continues to be a well sought after school within the local community. At

present, we have 475 families with a student population of 655 students. The demand for places at Sts

Peter & Paul’s School continues to be a challenge as we respond to the enrolment pressure within the

local area. In 2019, we will continue with 4 streams of Prep - Year 4; 2 streams of Year 5 and 3 streams

of Year 6. At present, we have a waiting list on some year levels.

Some reflections on the year include:


This year we welcomed Mrs Zoe Hampson (Prep), Miss Katie Heide (Year 1), Mrs Leesa Henriksen

(Year 6), Mrs Lisa Miner (Japanese Teacher); Shannon Byriel (Year 5), Natalie Guerreiro (Year 2) and

Kim Bock (Guidance Counsellor) from Term 2; and Amy Luscombe from Term 3 (Year 1). Katrina

Scodellaro, Loren Cahill, Jackie Edwards, Katherine Shears, Sheree Shelton and Jo Sobral commenced

Maternity Leave at different times throughout the year. Thank you to Megan Mobsby, Julie Beggs,

Cathy Vedelago and Liz Burge who have filled Leave and Long Service Leave positions this year.

Teacher appointments for 2019 have now been finalised and were outlined in this week’s newsletter.

School Officer appointments will be finalised over the coming week.


Delivering Excellence in Learning and Teaching (DELT) continues to be a strong curriculum focus.

As a school we have a clear, agreed set of learning qualities or dispositions. Our Child of the Week

certificates reflect our learning dispositions. Our “To be a Great Learner” posters and banners

continue to support 21st century learning as we need to promote equity and excellence; enabling

students to become successful learners; confident and creative individuals; and active and informed


The Australian Curriculum acknowledges that increasingly, in a world where knowledge itself is

constantly growing and evolving, students need to develop a set of skills, behaviours and dispositions,

or general capabilities that apply across discipline content and equip them to be lifelong learners able

to operate with confidence in a complex, information-rich, globalised world.

Professional Development in the areas of Delivering Excellence in Learning and Teaching From Good

to Great: Growing Literacy, Religious Education, Catholic Identity, Strategies that Maximise Impact

within Literacy , Multimodal Texts, Numeracy, Student Protection, Workplace, Health & Safety, CPR

update and First Aid renewals have also been undertaken by staff over the course of the year.

All members of the teaching staff have completed Professional Learning Plans (Goal Setting) with a

member of the Administration Team. Teachers have all been given the opportunity to participate in

ongoing Professional Development throughout the year in the areas already outlined. This year we

have invested a significant amount of staff meeting time working on Delivering Excellence in Learning

and Teaching, which is our core business.

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The Physical Education program with Mrs Lyndall Conaghan has seen another busy year full of

student achievements. Affiliation Fees were paid once again by the school, which enabled us to be a

member of the Metropolitan East Schools. This has given students the opportunity to be selected and

to then represent Sts Peter & Paul's School at a District and State level of competition. Students in

large numbers have continued to do well as they represent the school in Swimming, Athletics, Cross

Country and all team sports.

The Music Program with Mrs Carolyn Burchill continues to be enjoyed by the students at the school.

Students competed very successfully at the Queensland Catholic Schools Music Festival achieving a

Gold Award.

The Drama Program with Mrs Alayna Foster adds another dimension to The Arts curriculum, which

is thoroughly enjoyed by all students. At present both Carolyn and Alayna are busily preparing for

the End of Year Concert which will be held next Thursday evening.

Once again, the students of Sts Peter & Paul's School received very good NAPLAN results together

with outstanding results when they competed in the University of New South Wales English, Writing,

Spelling, Mathematics, Science and Computer Competitions as well as the Australasian Problem

Solving Mathematical Olympiads, BRAINways Days of Excellence. The Future Problem Solving

students had another successful year, with one Team being awarded Junior Australian Champions

for their Action Plan Presentation.

The Year 6 students jetted out to Canberra and Sydney in July and experienced a marvellous trip that

really enhanced their understandings of our democratic principles and responsible participation in

our government. The Year 5 students participated in a camping program at Tallebudgera Recreation

Centre and our Year 4 students participated in a day camp at Kindilan Outdoor Education Centre,



2018 was a much needed non-construction year but a most enjoyable afternoon was held when we

opened and blessed our new building and facilities.


2018 has been another busy calendar of events. Through liturgy and community events such as Feast

Day and the Fete, we have celebrated well. The Senior Leaders ‘Striding for Justice Day’ was a very

successful day despite the heat. The total amount raised through the Year 3 Bush Dance, Walk-a-thon,

Side Show Alley and Sausage Sizzle was $14 751.75. The funds have been distributed to Rural Aid

Ltd – 50%, Good Samaritan Foundation (Brisbane Housing) – 25% and our local St Vincent de Paul

Society – 25%

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Other events have also occurred this year thanks to the continued support and initiatives of the

Parents & Friends Association. These have included, for example, continued involvement with

tuckshop, library, classroom support as well as assisting with Interschool Sport and Carnival days,

safe and efficient practices when using the Pick-up and Drop-off Zones, the ANZAC Day Parade,

Disco to name just a few.


The Catholic School Identity Project will continue to inform our strategic directions from both a School

and Parish perspective.

Brisbane Catholic Education Excellent Leaning and Teaching Moving Forward directives will be

responded to and embedded into our daily practice.

With the Australian Curriculum and educational changes that occur regularly it is crucial that

professional development of all staff continues to be a high priority in order to meet the needs of

learning and teaching.

The direction for Visible Learning is that Learning Intentions, Success Criteria and Feedback will

continue to be on display and visible for all. 2019 will see a further Literacy focus on Spelling and

Language Conventions. Focused planning with effective and expected practices, data analysis, review

and response cycles, and learning walks and talks will all be important goals, which the teachers will

be working on throughout the year in order to continue to improve student data.


Report Cards will be available at 3pm on Friday 30th November. Class allocations for 2019 will be

emailed on Monday 3rd December.

Classes will again participate in their ‘End of Year’ Outings with planned activities including Wet n

Wild for Year 6, Movies for Year 5, SPLASH for Years 3 and 4, Bowling for Year 2, Movies for Year 1

and a Water Play morning for our Prep students.

The Senior Leaders Graduation will be held at 7pm on Wednesday 5th December.

The End of Year Mass is scheduled for 9.30am on Friday 7th December, our final Assembly will be at

11:20am and school will conclude for 2018 at 12 noon.

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A sincere thank you is extended to the Parents & Friends who have once again made a significant

contribution to the school in order to benefit the learning and teaching environment for the children

at Sts Peter & Paul's School. To the Executive Committee, Ana, Emily, Peter and Melanie together

with those who have led Committees – I thank you for your commitment of time, energy and

leadership throughout the year.

Sr Ann-Maree Nicholls sgs


Attachment 2 – President’s Report

2018 like most years in our community has been a busy one for staff, parents and students.

At the beginning of the year, as a team, we decided our goals were to improve communication and

engagement. We started with appointing a communications coordinator (thank you Tania for your

incredible work, we already miss you) and throughout the year we have endeavored to advertise what

it is we do as a P&F and who we are.

Our initiatives have included:

Drive safe park safe

“What’s happening” weekly posts

Weekly newsletter blurbs

School reminders on social media; and

A P&F email account.

Our social committee has done a phenomenal job with the stand out function this year being the

Mother’s Day Gala. We also supported:

1. Day on the Green day

2. Bunnings sausage sizzle (fundraiser for next year’s Year 5)

3. School disco

4. Trivia night

5. Mother’s day function/ funding for the Ward family.

Thank you to Sonia and Lynne for the service you have given the school. You will be missed in 2019.

The fete was a resounding success from a community building perspective and we have received

nothing but positive feedback from families. A special mention to Jessica Derrick for pulling this event


We have supported numerous sustainability initiatives and assisted in implementing a recycling

program within the school.

Additionally, our parents have run:

The book club

Page 14: Parents & Friends Association AGM Meeting … P&F...P&F Treasurer’s Report – Peter Pontikis P&F Treasurer’s report is attached (Attachment 3). Approved - $2250 for purchase of


Casserole banks

Parish cake stalls and

Bunnings BBQ.

Parents have assisted in covering library books, Feast Day, cutting fruit on day for Daniel, in the

tuckshop, with support a reader and in classrooms. We have had the support of parents at various

sporting events and within the Parish.

We were pleased to see the official opening of our new building which our predecessors worked hard

to assist with funding and our social committee put on a beautiful array of food and drinks once again.

The P & F have also funded:

Wreaths for ANZAC day

Cakes for feast day

A new trailer

Oval upgrade (+56K cost) AND topsoil improvement (later) in the year

(New) Sound system for the Good Samaritan Hall

Extra bins for the school ground (thanks to Teresa for all your hard work in getting our

sustainability initiatives up and running. We will miss you next year)

Year 6 Canberra Trip funding

Purchase of walkie talkies

Future problem solving registrations nationally and internationally (a special congratulations

to those teams for performing phenomenally in these events)

Day for Daniel fruit and decorations

Gifts for departing teachers

Morning tea for the teachers at Easter

Cheese platters for teachers drinks, and

Donation to Morningside State School following the fire event.

Thank you Peter for all your hard work as our treasurer! We will miss you. All Hallows will be lucky

to have you and your lovely family in 2019.

Our welcome wagon has actively met with new families and welcomed them to our school which I

think has contributed in a wonderful way towards engagement. A couple of the mothers we met in

week one have become very active members of our community and I put that down to us making

them feel so welcome from day 1. Thank you Lisa for coordinating this initiative.

I have been incredibly lucky to have an amazing hardworking team in my corner and I can’t thank

each of you enough for all that you have done and continue to do.

Ana Croger

2018 President

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Attachment 3 – Treasurer’s Report

Page 16: Parents & Friends Association AGM Meeting … P&F...P&F Treasurer’s Report – Peter Pontikis P&F Treasurer’s report is attached (Attachment 3). Approved - $2250 for purchase of