Parenting Plan and Time Sharing

Parenting Plans and Time Sharing From Rechel and Associates

Transcript of Parenting Plan and Time Sharing

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ParentingPlans andTime Sharing From Rechel and Associates

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What is a parenting plan?

“visitation”In the State of Florida, the terms and have evolved into the concepts ofparenting plans and time-sharing schedules.


These plans are meant to be a collaborative effort onthe part of both parents to foster a good relationshipwith the children.

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Deciding Parental ResponsibilityShared ParentalResponsibility

Both Parents retain fullparental rights andresponsibilities. BothParents most confer witheach other on majordecisions.

Ultimate DecisionMaking Authority

Both parents must conferabout major decisions butone parent ultimately hasthe power to decide.

Sole ParentalResponsibility

One parent retainsexclusive authority tomake all major decisionswithout conferring with theother parent.

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Parenting planssimplify everythingfor you and yourchild. Controlled by Florida Statute §61.13,a Parenting Plan encompasses all ofthe issues that may arise regardinga minor child, including:

Daily responsibilitiesTime sharing schedulesHoliday schedulesHealthcare responsibilitiesSchool-related mattersCommunication technologies

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Parentingplans cover allthe importantdecisions

Parenting plans may also consider othercase specific issues for your childincluding, for example:

Healthcare issuesExtracurricular expensesSpecial education needsReligious participation

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Creating a Parenting Plan isEasier With the Help of anAttorney.

The experts at Rechel andAssociates are here to help.

Contact us813-931-8111