Parent Notification for New and Continuing ESL Program Students

Parent Notification for New and Continuing ESL Program Students Central High School Jefferson County Public Schools


Parent Notification for New and Continuing ESL Program Students. Central High School Jefferson County Public Schools. AGENDA. Welcome & Introductions Reasons for ESL identification & need for placement in ESL Level of English proficiency Academic achievement - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Parent Notification for New and Continuing ESL Program Students

Parent Notification for New and Continuing

ESL Program Students

Central High SchoolJefferson County Public



Welcome & Introductions Reasons for ESL identification & need for placement in

ESL Level of English proficiency Academic achievement How ESL will meet educational strengths and needs of

student How ESL program will help child learn English and

meet academic standards Exit ESL Program requirements Expected rate of transition out of ESL classes Graduation requirements ESL parent rights and responsibilities

ESL at Central High School

ESL Teachers:Lisa Morris:Trans

2, Junior and Senior English

Ann Walsh: Trans 1, 2, 3, and 4

Bilingual Instructor: Jill Harmer: Spanish

Why is my child in ESL?

The law requires that language minority students be identified so that services can be offered.

How quickly does one learn English?

If a student has had an uninterrupted education and is literate in her/his first language, full English language proficiency can happen in 3-5 years

If a student has had interrupted schooling and has first language literacy, full English language proficiency usually takes 5-7 years

If a student has had no opportunity for formal education and/or does not read and write in her/his native language, full English language proficiency may take 7-10 years or longer

How is my child’s level of English proficiency measured?

W-APT – WIDA-ACCESS Placement Test ACCESS – Assessing Comprehension and

Communication in English State to State Our goal is fluency in speaking, listening,

reading, and writing: 5.0+ composite score on the test that is given in January. (Other factors may determine readiness to exit ESL program classes.)

What does my child do at school all day?

Students at CHS have 1 or 2 classes of ESL instruction in an ESL classroom with a specially trained ESL teacher.

Students are expected to learn the same content as native English speakers. When they are not in the ESL classroom, they are in mainstream classes with other CHS students.

ESL students who have been in the country for over one academic year are required to take all state-mandated assessments.

What does the ESL program offer that can help my child?

Specially trained teachers Cooperative learning groups

that are small and diverse Smaller classes and more

individual instruction Special materials geared to

the English Language Learner Teacher-monitoring of

classes and collaboration with content classes

Use of Technology/Computers

What is needed to graduate?

4 credits of English 3 credits of math (Alg 1,

Geometry, Alg II) 3 credits of science (Int A,

Biology, Chemistry) 3 credits of social studies

(Exploring Civics, World Civilization, US History)

Humanities, PE/Health Computer applications Electives to equal 22 credits

How fast will my child learn English? It depends on: Attendance in

school Opportunities for

previous schooling Native language

literacy Involvement in

school Motivation and

effort Independent


How does my child exit ESL?

ACCESS Scores Demonstrated proficiency

above what test scores may indicate

Completion of sequenced ESL classes at the high school level

Parents waive services

How can parents help?

Make sure your child comes to school every day.

Ask your child about school. Show interest.

Encourage your child to read daily.

Call us with questions. Come to PT Conferences Try to help your students

get enough sleep. Discourage them from late-night texting and chatting.

Other resources: Class blogs Family Resource

Center Free after-school

tutoring in math, science, English, and social studies

Title I-provided tutoring from professional tutors, many of whom will come to your home!

THANK YOU!We are honored to be the teachers of your

children. Thank you for trusting us and for being here.Being a parent is the greatest challenge we

have in life with the biggest reward. We all want what is best for our students.

REMINDER: Parent Conferences are October 6/11 and February 13.