PARENT BULLETIN - Figtree High School · have your say. Enjoy reading this edition of our latest...

Page 1 of 13 T4 Week 6 Week Starting 13 November Friday 17/11/17 Year11/12 – Assessment Task – Ancient History Year 10 – PASS Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling Year 9 – Pass Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling T4 Week 7 Week Starting 20 November Monday 20/11/17 Year 10 – PASS Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling Year 9 – PASS Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling Year 9 – Marine Studies Excursion Tuesday 21/11/17 Year 10 – RAW Excursion –Selected students Year 9 – Peer Support Training Wednesday 22/11/17 Year 11/12 – Studies of Religion Essay Thursday 23/11/17 Year 11 – VSA HSC Workshop Year 11 - PDHPE Task RAW – EALD Excursion EALD Excursion Stage 4 Maths Enrichment Program Friday 24/11/17 Year 11 – Merit Assembly Year 11/12 – Assessment Task – Modern History Year 9 – PASS Excursion – Premiers Sporting Challenge RAW- EALD Excursion T4 Week 8 Week Starting 27 November Monday 27/11/17 Year 11/12 – Assessment Task –Bus. Studies Year 10 – Snorkelling Excursion Tuesday 28/11/17 Zone Presentation Day Wednesday 29/11/17 Year 11/12 – Biology Task Year 10 – PASS Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling Year 9 – PASS Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling P&C Meeting – 6:00pm Thursday 30/11/17 Friday 1/12/17 Year 11/12 – Assessment Task – Chemistry Year 11/12 – Assessment Task – Senior Science Year 10 – PASS Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling Year 9 – PASS Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling T4 Week 9 Week Starting 4 December Monday 4/12/17 Year 11/12 – Assessment Task – General Mathematics Year 10 – PASS Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling Year 9 – PASS Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling Year 7 – 2018 Parent Information Evening 2 Tuesday 5/12/17 Year 6 into 7 Transition Day Wednesday 6/12/17 Year 10 – Sports Assembly audience Year 7 – Sports Assembly audience Thursday 7/12/17 Year 10 – Online safety in schools Year 9 – Online safety in schools Year 8 – online safety in schools Friday 8/12/17 Year 8 – Merit Assembly Year 7 – Merit Assembly Year 12 Purple Year 11 Olive Year 10 Blue Year 9 Red Year 8 Green Year 7 Orange Thoughts from the Principal Term 4 is steadily disappearing. HSC examinations are over, students are entering their final assessment phases of each course. Year 11 have commenced their HSC course and Year 7 have almost completed their first year at high school. It is a busy but very productive time. STUDENT CELEBRATIONS: We look forward to seeing many of you as we celebrate your child’s academic improvement and success at the semester Merit Assemblies. These important events also showcase student leadership and creative and performing arts. Letters will be sent home inviting you but please keep the secret as your child doesn’t know they are receiving an award. NEW PLAN: Our new school plan 2018-2020 is shaping up well and we value your input in this process. Thank you to those parents who took time to complete a Tell Them From Me survey recently. There will be more opportunities for your input at the upcoming Merit Assemblies and the Year 7 2018 Parent Information Evening. HOSPITALITY TREAT: Staff were thoroughly spoilt this week with own resident High Tea. Staff booked in and were attended to by our Year 11 Hospitality class. Savory and sweet treats and cups of tea made for a very pleasant morning tea. Definitely restaurant status. Thank you to Mrs Parr, Mrs Williamson and the students for such a fabulous experience. PARENT BULLETIN Term 4 Week 6, 2017 Address: 2 Gibsons Road, Figtree NSW 2525 Phone: 02 4271 2787 Email: [email protected] Fax: 02 4271 6626

Transcript of PARENT BULLETIN - Figtree High School · have your say. Enjoy reading this edition of our latest...

Page 1: PARENT BULLETIN - Figtree High School · have your say. Enjoy reading this edition of our latest news. Mrs Karen Burke Principal PBL Core Values WEEK 6: Learning Be on time for your

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T4 Week 6 Week Starting 13 November

Friday 17/11/17

Year11/12 – Assessment Task – Ancient History Year 10 – PASS Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling Year 9 – Pass Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling

T4 Week 7 Week Starting 20 November

Monday 20/11/17

Year 10 – PASS Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling Year 9 – PASS Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling Year 9 – Marine Studies Excursion

Tuesday 21/11/17

Year 10 – RAW Excursion –Selected students Year 9 – Peer Support Training

Wednesday 22/11/17

Year 11/12 – Studies of Religion Essay

Thursday 23/11/17

Year 11 – VSA HSC Workshop Year 11 - PDHPE Task RAW – EALD Excursion EALD Excursion Stage 4 Maths Enrichment Program

Friday 24/11/17

Year 11 – Merit Assembly Year 11/12 – Assessment Task – Modern History Year 9 – PASS Excursion – Premiers Sporting Challenge RAW- EALD Excursion

T4 Week 8 Week Starting 27 November

Monday 27/11/17

Year 11/12 – Assessment Task –Bus. Studies Year 10 – Snorkelling Excursion

Tuesday 28/11/17

Zone Presentation Day

Wednesday 29/11/17

Year 11/12 – Biology Task Year 10 – PASS Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling Year 9 – PASS Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling P&C Meeting – 6:00pm

Thursday 30/11/17

Friday 1/12/17

Year 11/12 – Assessment Task – Chemistry Year 11/12 – Assessment Task – Senior Science Year 10 – PASS Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling Year 9 – PASS Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling

T4 Week 9 Week Starting 4 December

Monday 4/12/17

Year 11/12 – Assessment Task – General Mathematics Year 10 – PASS Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling Year 9 – PASS Excursion – Ten Pin Bowling Year 7 – 2018 Parent Information Evening 2

Tuesday 5/12/17

Year 6 into 7 Transition Day

Wednesday 6/12/17

Year 10 – Sports Assembly audience Year 7 – Sports Assembly audience

Thursday 7/12/17

Year 10 – Online safety in schools Year 9 – Online safety in schools Year 8 – online safety in schools

Friday 8/12/17

Year 8 – Merit Assembly Year 7 – Merit Assembly

Year 12 Purple Year 11 Olive Year 10 Blue Year 9 Red Year 8 Green Year 7 Orange

Thoughts from



Term 4 is steadily disappearing. HSC examinations are

over, students are entering their final assessment

phases of each course. Year 11 have commenced their

HSC course and Year 7 have almost completed their first

year at high school. It is a busy but very productive time.

STUDENT CELEBRATIONS: We look forward to seeing

many of you as we celebrate your child’s academic

improvement and success at the semester Merit

Assemblies. These important events also showcase

student leadership and creative and performing arts.

Letters will be sent home inviting you but please keep

the secret as your child doesn’t know they are receiving

an award.

NEW PLAN: Our new school plan 2018-2020 is shaping

up well and we value your input in this process. Thank

you to those parents who took time to complete a Tell

Them From Me survey recently. There will be more

opportunities for your input at the upcoming Merit

Assemblies and the Year 7 2018 Parent Information


HOSPITALITY TREAT: Staff were thoroughly spoilt this

week with own resident High Tea. Staff booked in and

were attended to by our Year 11 Hospitality class.

Savory and sweet treats and cups of tea made for a very

pleasant morning tea. Definitely restaurant status.

Thank you to Mrs Parr, Mrs Williamson and the students

for such a fabulous experience.

PARENT BULLETIN Term 4 Week 6, 2017

Address: 2 Gibsons Road, Figtree NSW 2525 Phone: 02 4271 2787 Email: [email protected] Fax: 02 4271 6626

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UNIFORM UPDATE: Following a review of the Figtree

High School uniform with our staff, student leaders and

the P&C, we have decided to make some changes to the

current uniform for 2019.

We think everyone in the school community should

have the chance to provide feedback and suggestions

about the new school uniform. During Term 1 next

year, there will be a number of opportunities for you to

have your say. We understand how busy you are, but

any contribution you are able to make to our decision-

making would be greatly valued.

Please keep an eye on your email, our website,

Facebook page and newsletters for opportunities to

have your say.

Enjoy reading this edition of our latest news.

Mrs Karen Burke


PBL Core Values

WEEK 6: Learning

Be on time for your next class

WEEK 7: Safety

Play approved games only in the


WEEK 8: Learning

Move quickly back to the classroom at

the end of the break

WEEK 9: Respect

Be at the canteen only to buy for


Deputy Principal


Student selected for NSW Youth Constitutional


Well done to Hayley Maynard Khourey from Year 11

who recently attended the New South Wales

Constitutional Convention that was held at NSW

Parliament. A keen legal studies student, Hayley used

her knowledge to complete a written application on the

constitution, the need for change and the requirement

for our elected representatives to be Australian

Citizens. Hayley was selected from students across the

state and represented the school at this convention.

We are very proud of her achievement.

Year 11 into Year 12

We are currently working to support Year 11 students

as they transition into Year 12. Assessment schedules

have been distributed for all courses and assessment

requirements have been explained. Some students are

opting to change their program of study to include only

10 units in the HSC year. It needs to be stressed that

students are able to study more than 10 units and UAC

will use a students best 10 units in the calculation of the

ATAR for university entrance. The only compulsory

subject in the ATAR calculation is English.

During week 5 students in Year 11 were interviewed by

selected staff members to develop a HSC Success Plan.

The areas that were covered in these plans will included

programs of study, recreation and work balance as well

as areas for development. These plans will be revisited

through Year 12 and adjusted according to students

goals as they work throughout next year. The school is

also in the process of surveying outgoing Year 12

students on their use of the senior study area this year

and we are also looking to get input from the current

Year 11 students as we look to redevelop the senior

study area to cater to students learning needs. We will

outline the year ahead for at the Year 11 into 12

students at a Parent Information Evening on Monday

November 13 starting at 6pm. Parents are encouraged

to attend this important evening so that we can keep

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you informed of the support and procedures that will be

in place for your child next year.

Week 5 Onwards

It is important that parents are aware that we are

currently in the assessment and reporting period that

makes up a part of Term 4. While Year 11 reports have

been distributed, students have now entered their Year

12 courses and all subjects will have assessment tasks in

the last few weeks of term. Similarly for students in

Year 7 to 10, it is important that students complete all

set work to the best of their ability so that they achieve

the best results possible.

I look forward to celebrating the success of students

with parents at the merit assemblies that are held at the

end of this term.

Mr Glen Trethewy

Deputy Principal

Deputy Principal



2017 HSC Examinations for Figtree High School students

finished on Tuesday 7 November. Throughout the

month‐long exam period all students presented

themselves in a professional and focused manner, with

examiners specifically commenting on their positive

attitude, politeness and focus during a challenging

period. As a school, we are tremendously proud of our

Year 12 students and the effort and application they

have applied to their studies throughout the entire HSC

course. We know that their dedication to their studies

and the ongoing support offered by school and their

families has ensured they receive results that are truly

reflective of their abilities. Congratulations to the 39

students who have received early entry offers from the

University of Wollongong this is an outstanding

achievement. We look forward to hearing about many

students receiving offers from a range of Universities

following ATAR results. The Figtree High School

community wishes Year 12 students every success in

their individual journeys to post‐school destinations.


As the weather warms up it is a timely reminder to

parents of the need for all students to wear full school

uniform. Some students have been wearing runners to

school, which is in breach of our uniform policy. School

shoes need to be black leather lace up. This is a

Departmental requirement due to Health and Safety for

our school site. Please do not let your child wear

incorrect footwear to school. Sports uniform is to be

worn on sports days only. On other school days when

students have PDHPE, they are required to change at

school into their sports uniform.


Figtree High School had the pleasure of hosting the

Illawarra Secondary School Sports Blues Presentation

on Tuesday 14 November. Congratulations to the

students from Figtree High School who were recognised

for their outstanding achievements on the sporting field

at this ceremony.

Ethan Ball Year 9 AFL

Teagan Williams Year 8 Athletics –Track

Blake Barklay Year 10 Athletics –Track

Sam Rada Year 11 Baseball

Matthew Calder Year 12 Cricket

Cameron Lodge Year 11 Cross Country

Jarrod Buick Year 11 Gymnastics

Jake Sheppard Year 11 Hockey

Emily McKinnon Year 11 Hockey

Lauryn Neto Year 12 Netball

Zac Lomax Year 12 Rugby League

Phillip Cancar Year 10 Soccer

Luke Miners Year 9 Tennis

Colin Sharman Year 12 Volleyball

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Lauryn Neto - Netball

Colin Sharman - Volleyball

Special congratulations to Mrs Tanja Markham for being

an outstanding Sport Organiser at Figtree High School.

The large number of hours, energy and enthusiasm she

invests every week overseeing school sport ensures all

students at our school have the opportunity to succeed

on the sporting field.

Ms Johanna Clifford

Deputy Principal

Languages Faculty


We welcome Mrs Karyn Evans who is replacing Mr

Simmonds in Term 4.

In 2018 each language student from Years 8 onwards at

Figtree High will have access to the Language Perfect

website. This comprehensive online resource allows

students to practise relevant vocabulary and structures.

Teachers will be able to monitor students’ progress and

set homework using this website. Access to Language

Perfect is now available as an app, so students will be

able to use their mobile phones or iPads to practise

anywhere, anytime!

Congratulations to the following students who excelled

in the NSW Language Perfect Competition:

Elite Nina Graovac (Year 9)

Gold Connor Ryan (Year 9) Holly Wyatt, Jake

Broadhead, Rhys Cleary (Year 8)

Silver Grace Siminski, Learna-Rose Elton,

Michelle Graham, Paige Gibson (Year 8)

Credit Alyssa Parks, Caleb Rajaratnam, Ethan

Ball, Isabella Thew, Maxine McEwan (Year

9) Halie Josephson, Hannah Sheridan,

Jayden Betts, Lachlan Wilkinson, Luka

Odak-Flanagan, Reuben Dembele (Year 8)

Bronze Talysha Thickett (Year 9) Chloe Jovanoski,

Connor Bique, Ethan Thickett, Jamie

Micallef, Jasmine Bosilkovski, Marina

Kyriacou (Year 8)

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We are impressed with the dedication and enthusiasm

displayed by the vast majority of our language students.

Those who achieved particularly well in Term 4 were:


7U Audrey Napper, Mikaela Kokkin, Lucy

Creed, Kassandra Persinidis, Elisha Pickett

7I Amber Cheesewright, Alibenjamin Bazzi,

Regan Smith

7N James Robson, William Sunderland, Paige


7L Anastasia Sekuloska, Ebony Edmonds,

Jeyda Iseri, Alice Coleman

7E Mackenzie Thew, Zachary Hockey, Hafsa

Ali, Breana Walsh

7G Zane Howarth, Scarlett Jones, Jett



8M Liam Smith, Jessica Buffett, Daniel


8E Aiden Grbevski, Kobie Kokkin, Holly Wyatt

8B Chloe Jovanoski, Michelle Graham, Tessa


8R Samuel Daykin, Learna-Rose Elton, Declan


8T Philip Gjorgjioski, Zali Moore, Darby Ball


8I Paige Gibson, Marina Kyriacou, Kynan

Baes, Bailey Craft

8Y Nina Graovac, Luka Odak-Flanagan,

Jasmine Bosilkovski

Year 9 German

Sarah Neufeld, Alyssa Parks, Isabella


Year 9 French

Bree Vavros, Connor Ryan, Kasey Welsh

Year 10 German

Taylor O’Connor, Sarah Azam, Grace


Mrs Patricia Dive

Mr Peter Simmonds

CAPA Faculty Report



Over the past two weeks budding photographers from

Figtree Public School, Figtree Heights Public School and

Nareena Hills Public School have participated in the “I

love Wollongong because…” panel project at Figtree

High School.

Under the guidance of Figtree High School Photography

students; Ryan Sheridan, Daniel Jacques, Krissie Skavelis

and Clara Lazova (who successfully participated in the “I

love Wollongong because…” panel project earlier this

year) students have learnt how to successfully use a

DSLR camera to capture quality images of their local

environment and have also learnt a variety of

Photoshop techniques to enhance their images.

This exciting project was created by the Wollongong

Youth Centre and Wollongong City Council to celebrate

the photographic skills and talents of young people in

the community.

The exhibition opens Friday 15 December 2017 at 4pm

and will run until 16 March 2018.

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Students learning Photography skills at Figtree High


Left: Work by Katie Ransley

Right: Work by Fletcher Moss



The Figtree Community of Schools Band, featuring

Jamie Noble, Ben Gollan and Bailey Craft, perform at

the 2017 Illawarra Combined Schools Instrumental

Festival hosted by University of Wollongong.

Three of our fine musicians, Ben Gollan (year 9), Jamie

Noble (year 9) and Bailey Craft (year 8), performed with

the Figtree Community of Schools Band on Wednesday

24th of October at the University Great Hall as part of

the program for the 2017 Illawarra Combined Schools

Instrumental Festival. Supported by Mr Malouf and Mrs

Murphy, they made an outstanding contribution to this

band and enjoyed the experience immensely. We look

forward to more opportunities for this band to get

together and perform. As they come from a variety of

schools in our Community of Schools, it is a fantastic

networking opportunity for young musicians.

Both Jamie and Bailey played excellent solos and Ben

held the band together brilliantly on the drumkit. Thank

you to Mr Greg Costello from Figtree Heights Public

School for his partnership and organizational skills in

this project.

Mrs Alicia Szoboszlay

Head Teacher CAPA

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As part of Figtree High School’s Volunteering Program,

the following Year 9 students proudly represented our

school community by selling Legacy Badges in

Wollongong Mall on Thursday 31st August.

Abby Murada, Jarni Goode, Ellie Rada, Amythest

Player, Claudia Stiff, Keller Filson.

Their contribution helped Legacy continue to assist

approximately 65,000 widow(er)s and 1,800 children

and people with disabilities Australia-wide, with

essential services such as, counselling, special housing,

medical, advocacy and social support.

These student’s efforts will also assist Legacy nurture

children’s education, by contributing towards their

school fees, books, uniforms, and recreational activities

to aid their self-development and confidence.

Ms Sue Clifford and Ms Judy Markham


Madison Gruevska received the prestigious Victor

Chang Science Award on Thursday 16 November, at a

ceremony held at Figtree High School. One Year 11

student is selected to receive this award for their

achievement in Science.

Madison is a dedicated and conscientious young woman

who displays both a natural aptitude in the sciences and

an extremely strong work ethic. She has an enquiring

mind and a genuine interest in understanding the world

around her. Madison always strives to achieve at the

highest level, modelling a highly commendable level of


Madison has demonstrated a broad knowledge and

understanding of scientific concepts, she is a confident

leader in practical situations and her ability to recall,

process and communicate information effectively is


Through her pursuit of academic excellence Madison

has achieved outstanding results in her Preliminary

Science courses, having achieved first place in both

Chemistry and Biology and second place in Physics.

These results reflect her commitment to learning and

passion for science, attributes that will assist her during

her Higher School Certificate, and in pursuing a future

career in a scientific field.

Mr Ben Hudson

Head Teacher Science

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Year 7 Vaccination Update

Adolescent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination program

In early 2017 parents/carers of Year 7 students were asked to provide consent for their children to receive three doses of HPV vaccine in the NSW School Vaccination Program.

Most* Year 7 students who have received two doses of HPV vaccine are considered to be fully vaccinated and do not require a further dose.

This change is based on recent international studies that show for children aged 9 to 14 years of age, two doses of HPV vaccine provide the same protection as three doses, as long as the second dose is given at least six months after the first dose. Based on this evidence, the World Health Organization (WHO) now recommends a two-dose HPV schedule, and this has already been adopted in comparable countries (i.e. the UK, Canada, the United States and New Zealand) and is now being adopted in Australia.

In 2017 Year 7 students were given the second dose of HPV vaccine at least six months after the first dose to accommodate the urgent roll-out of the Meningococcal W Response Program to Year 11 and 12 students. Year 7 students who have received only one dose of HPV this year will be offered their second dose in 2018. Parents/carers whose children were vaccinated in 2017 but who still wish for their child to receive a third dose of HPV vaccine can access a free dose from their general practitioner (GP).

* Students with significantly impaired immune systems are still recommended to have three doses of HPV vaccine. Parents of these students should make arrangements to complete the vaccine course with their GP or by calling their local public health unit on 1300 066 055.

More information is available on the NSW Health website at or by calling your local public health unit on 1300 066 055.

NSW Ministry of Health

ABN 92 697 899 630

73 Miller St North Sydney NSW 2060 Locked Mail Bag 961 North Sydney NSW 2059 Tel. (02) 9391 9000 Fax. (02)

9391 9101 Website.

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