Paramedicine Education Program Management Handbook

Paramedicine Education Program Standards and Approval Handbook MARCH 2011

Transcript of Paramedicine Education Program Management Handbook

Paramedicine Education

Program Standards and Approval Handbook

MARCH 2011


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics


The Alberta College of Paramedics would like to thank the many people who shared their time,

expertise, resources and humour in the development of the paramedicine education program

approval and audit process and standards.

We extend a special thank you to all of the education and workplace employers for supporting

employee participation in our consultation. For a list of participants see page 51 in Section 4:

Resources and Tools.

The College strives to use leading practices in program approval standards and processes,

through collaboration with stakeholders in support of patient safety.


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................... 2

Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4

Section One: Meeting New Standards of Approval ................................................................ 5

New Education Program Submissions .............................................................................................5

Previously Approved Education Programs .......................................................................................5

Section Two: Paramedicine Education Program Approval Process ......................................... 6

Program Categories ........................................................................................................................6

Education Program Approval Levels ................................................................................................7

Education Program Assessment and Approval Process ....................................................................8

Annual Self-Reporting and Audit Process ........................................................................................9

Site Visit Process ............................................................................................................................9

Complaint Management Process .................................................................................................. 10

Section Three: Paramedicine Education Program Approval Standards ................................. 12

The Alberta College of Paramedics ................................................................................................ 12

The Alberta Occupational Competency Profiles ............................................................................. 13

Canadian Medical Association Accreditation Alignment ................................................................ 13

Program Approval Standards ........................................................................................................ 14

Standard One: Program Administration ................................................................................ 14

Standard Two: Policies and Procedures ................................................................................ 14

Standard Three: Resources ................................................................................................... 14

Standard Four: Competency and Curriculum ......................................................................... 14

Standard Five: Evaluation ..................................................................................................... 14

Criteria for Meeting Approval Standards ....................................................................................... 15

Approval Standard Requirements for Program Level ..................................................................... 25

Section Four: Resources and Tools ....................................................................................... 29

Resource One: Glossary of Terms ......................................................................................... 30

Resource Two: Approval Standards Checklist ....................................................................... 37

Resource Three: Re-Design Stakeholder Group .................................................................... 50

Education Program Approval Redesign Steering Committee .................................................. 50

Education Program Approval Advisory Committee ................................................................ 50

Alberta Advanced Education and Technology ....................................................................... 50

Educators Group .................................................................................................................. 50


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics


The Alberta College of Paramedics is the regulatory body for paramedicine in Alberta. We strive

to maintain the highest standards in the education of paramedicine practitioners. In 2010, the

College conducted a comprehensive review of its approval and audit process, and standards for

education programs.

Our consultation with key stakeholders included surveys, an environmental scan, literature

review and key informant interviews. This consultation was instrumental in gathering

stakeholder perspectives, establishing recommendations for redesigning the process and

revising standards, and developing a framework for the College‟s approval of paramedicine

education programs in Alberta.

The College established the Education Program Steering Committee to review the numerous

historical challenges with approving and monitoring paramedicine education programs.

Reporting to the CEO/Registrar, the steering committee provided significant strategic direction

to the redesign project. This included a comprehensive approach to standards of approval,

human resources, legislation and regulation, program compliance and sanctions in allied health

disciplines, and a comprehensive framework for supporting policy and procedures within

program approval.

A separate committee, the Education Program Advisory Committee, representing all educators

from approved programs, gathered feedback through a constituency model framework. These

stakeholders provided insight, direction and resources to ensure the process, standards, criteria

and verification of standards would be reasonable and would demonstrate the education

program‟s ability to meet the College‟s standards.

Based on this review and ongoing consultation with stakeholders, the advisory committee made

several recommendations to the College Council and to the Health Disciplines Board of Alberta.

The College Council approved all of the recommendations on January 12, 2011, and the Health

Disciplines Board approved them on January 19, 2011. These recommendations and the site-

specific approval requirements from June 25, 2010, are the foundation for the education

program approval process, standards and transition within this handbook.

This document provides the framework for requesting new or continued approval of education

programs. Further stakeholder consultation and collaboration will assist in the ongoing

development of the program approval process, program approval standards, resources,

reporting tools and process evaluation.


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Section One: Meeting New Standards of Approval

New Education Program Submissions

As of February 1, 2011, new education program submissions must follow the College‟s

education program submission process and meet all program standards. New program

submissions are subject to the program-specific moratorium information found below.

The moratorium on new EMT–Paramedic education programs is rescinded. As of February 1,

2011, education providers may submit new EMT–Paramedic program submissions.

The moratorium on new EMT education programs, including approval of new program delivery

sites, will remain in effect until January 1, 2012.

The moratorium on new EMR education programs, including approval of new program delivery

sites, will remain in effect until December 31, 2012.

Previously Approved Education Programs

Previously approved education programs will be transitioned to the education program approval

process immediately and assigned transition status. Programs that are successful in the

transition phase will be moved to approved program status.

Transition status requires programs to submit quarterly verifications under each of the five

standards and, in the final quarter, a demonstration through individual site and final program

review. Education programs maintaining transition status may submit minor and major program

changes and new program site applications for consideration under the program approval


Program-specific transition phases for previously approved programs are aligned with the

program submission moratorium timelines, and are as follows:

EMT–Paramedic education programs: February 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011

EMT education programs: January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012

EMR education programs: March 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012

The transition status for submissions is defined according to five standards of program approval,

which will be introduced in four phases, as indicated below:

Phase One: Standard One: Program Administration

Phase Two: Standard Two: Policies and Procedures; Standard Three: Resources

Phase Three: Standard Four: Curriculum and Competency

Phase Four: Standard Five: Evaluation


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Section Two:

Paramedicine Education Program Approval Process

The College reviews submissions for new education programs, and annual self-reports of

existing programs, to ensure that paramedicine education in Alberta meets the standards set

out in this handbook. The College evaluates three categories of program submissions and

assigns one of four levels of approval.

Program Categories

The College considers submissions in the following three broad categories.

New program

A new education program is one that has not been previously offered or approved at the

presenting institution. A proposed new program must meet all program approval standards.

Minor changes to an approved program

The College defines minor changes as refinements to the content or delivery of an approved

program that do not significantly affect the objectives or outcomes of the program, or affect the

resources or profile of the program and school.

Editorial changes to a program title or description are examples of a minor change. A name

change to a program, however, might affect the name on a licence granted by Alberta Advanced

Education and Technology. Therefore, the College may review the impact of such a change

more extensively. The College requires institutions to submit all minor changes for approval,

using the Minor Change to an Education Program Submission Form (to be developed).

Major changes to an approved program

The College defines major changes as refinements that might affect a student‟s ability to

acquire the competencies needed to successfully complete the program of study or the delivery

model. Such changes include, but are not limited to:

Extension, expansion, reduction, suspension, termination or transfer of a program

Changes related to the program‟s length, such as a reduction in classroom or practical

hours resulting in a compressed program of study or a substantial increase in

hours/credits resulting in a significantly longer program

Changes related to the student, such as a change in criteria used to determine

successful completion of the program of study

Changes related to the resources (e.g., fiscal, physical, human, preceptors, instructors,

clinical), such as a reduction in operating budget, instructor/student ratios, loss of

physical training space or reduced clinical capacity and availability of clinical


Changes related to the curriculum (e.g., philosophy, conceptual framework, course

content, new courses or delivery method), such as a new delivery method that changes


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

how a student acquires required knowledge (e.g., from a classroom environment to an

online, self-directed mode of learning)

A change whereby the corporate authority/organization originally approved for the

delivery of the program maintains oversight of the program and is responsible for

strategic and financial decisions as well as awarding certification for the program,

transfers oversight to another organization

Changing the name of the program to include wording inconsistent with titles protected

in the Health Disciplines Act and Health Professions Act

Any other change deemed by the College to make the program significantly different

from the education program as originally proposed

The Alberta College of Paramedics will use these definitions and processes to evaluate

substantive changes to previously approved programs and to determine if a new program

approval application is required.

Education Program Approval Levels

The College will review all proposed education programs and decide on the following levels of

approval, based on the standards outlined in Section Three and in accordance with legislation.


Approval means the educational institution has met the College‟s standards. The program is

approved initially for four years, during which time the institution will address the College‟s

recommendations and will comply with annual reporting processes. Subsequent approval may

result in approval for a six-year term, depending on continued compliance with annual self-

reporting requirements.

Conditional approval

Conditional approval means the College has identified program deficiencies during its review of

a proposed education program or a substantive change to an existing program. The educational

institution has the opportunity to correct the deficiencies, address the College‟s

recommendations and provide verification in a written report. A maximum of 18 months may be

allowed to correct a deficiency, depending on the severity of the deficiency. A site visit may be

required. Program deficiencies identified as a result of an annual self-evaluation of a previously

approved program may result in a status change to conditional approval.

Approval denied

Approval is denied when the College‟s review has identified major deficiencies in a new

education program or a substantive change to an existing program. A major deficiency is one

that could negatively affect students‟ competency during the term of the program. The College

will require institutions to resubmit the program for approval.

Approval withdrawn

The College will withdraw its approval from any program operating under Conditional Approval

that fails to correct deficiencies within the specified timeframe. Graduates from such a program


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

will be ineligible to write the ACP registration exam. Reinstatement of a program will require a

full submission under the College‟s new program approval process.

Education Program Assessment and Approval Process

The College will be guided by the following processes for assessing and approving education


New program approval

Assessment of a new program begins with a general application to the College for program

approval submission forms. If the College does not have a moratorium on approvals for new

programs in the area requested, it will provide the appropriate program approval submission

form. The College prioritizes and processes submissions in the order we receive complete

submissions. New program applications must include complete application forms and fees.

New education program submissions must meet the standards outlined in Section Three. Final

approval of a new program submission depends on the institution‟s verified compliance with

approval standards, completed application forms and time of submission. The College intends

to provide reasonable timeframes and relevant feedback to programs during the application

process. The College reserves the right to approve, conditionally approve or deny approval for

each new education program submission, in accordance with the legislation.

Maintaining approval of a program

Once approved, programs are approved initially for four years and subsequently for six years.

Annual self-reporting is required to maintain continued program approval. Failure to comply with

conditions such as the annual self-reporting audit process and payment of initial and annual

fees may result in an audit by the College and a change in program status to conditional


The College reserves the right to review an approved program‟s status based on any of the


Program outcomes

Licensure examination outcomes


Program changes

Audit or site visit outcomes

New evidence in leading practice

Updating approved programs

The College may require an approved program to update its curriculum based on new evidence

developed in the pre-hospital arena through research, technology and adult learning theory.

Programs will be required to submit the required components to the College.


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Program status and student outcomes

The College will review any change in a program‟s status that adversely affects a student‟s

ability to acquire specific competencies and registration/licensure with the College. The College

may engage other education institutions delivering approved programs to identify solutions that

support affected students.

Annual Self-Reporting and Audit Process

Institutions with approved programs must submit an annual self-report to maintain their

approved status. Failure to submit an annual self-report will result in a review by the College,

which could lead to a change in status.

The College may require subsequent auditing and assessment of a program if:

Conditional approval is assigned to a program

An annual self-report suggests discrepancies or non-compliance with approval


Evidence suggests discrepancies or non-compliance with approval standards

Program evaluation metrics indicate a student is not acquiring specific competencies

Site Visit Process

An onsite visit and review of a paramedicine education program by an auditor on behalf of the

College may occur if:

The review process for approval of a new paramedicine education program requires

onsite inspection

The program has received conditional approval

Evidence suggests an approved program is not adhering to the approved standards

The review of an annual self-evaluation suggests non-compliance to the approved


An education institution requests a site visit

Rationale for site visits

The rationale for a site visit will be clearly articulated to the education institution in a formal

written notification. This will include a request for an in-person meeting with the education

program manager to determine if a site visit is required.

At the first meeting with a education program manager, the College will:

Review the rationale for the site visit

Review the current status of the program

Use the Approval Standards Checklist (Resource Two: p. 38) to confirm compliance or

non-compliance with standards

Document the discussion

The College will review the documentation and the record of discussion to determine whether a

site visit is necessary. If the College decides that a formal site visit is necessary, the institution‟s


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

education program manager will be informed in writing that a formal site visit is required at the

earliest convenience.

If a site visit is not warranted, the College will inform the education institution in writing that no

further action is required.

Elements of a site visit

A site visit may include:

Arrangement by the education institution for viewing of supporting documentation

previously detailed by the College

Review of the annual self-report or documentation related to the need for a site visit

Review of a progress report produced by the education institution to address identified

deficiencies or non-compliance with approval standards

Non-Compliance in Approval Process

If an education institution fails to comply with actions required by the College and based on

program review, continued approval, transition status or assessment of a paramedicine

education program, the College may implement the following program status changes:

Non-compliance based on an annual self-report of a program with approved status:

Change of status to conditional approval

Non-compliance of a program with conditional approval status may result in a

recommendation for change of status to approval withdrawn

Complaint Management Process

The College responds to complaints in three areas:

Paramedicine education programs approved by the Alberta College of Paramedics

College administration of the approval and audit process

Individuals associated with the approval and audit process

The following complaint management process details the steps that will be taken by the College:

Ensure the complaint receives the appropriate attention

Describe and make transparent the requirements of each step of the process

Outline complaint resolution avenues

Describe the response process to complainants

Resolution of complaints from students regarding any aspect of a paramedicine program should

begin at the level of the institution or program provider.

Step 1: Submit complaint

All complaints must be directed to the College‟s Education and Equivalency Manager by

facsimile, electronic mail or in writing. Complaints must include:

Date of correspondence

Name of the party or individual filing the complaint

Name of individual or party about whom the complaint is being levied

Respectful description of the complaint


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Date of the incident leading to the complaint

Documentation of compliance with education program complaint policy and procedures

Relationship of the complainant to the complaint

Any complaint submitted anonymously to the Education and Equivalency Manager will be

rejected due to the College‟s inability to determine the legitimacy of the complaint and to protect

the innocent from unsubstantiated accusation.

Step 2: Review complaint

The College‟s Education and Equivalency Manager will:

Review the complaint

Consider the nature, content and substance of the complaint

Contact the complainant directly, if necessary, to seek clarity

Forward a letter to the complainant acknowledging receipt of the complaint and outlining

the next steps in the process

Step 3: Complaint outcome

The Education and Equivalency Manager may:

Decide no action is warranted

Review applicable policy to address the complaint

Contact the person or party to whom the complaint is made (without revealing the name

of the complainant) to inform and solicit a written response

Arrange to conduct a program review of the specific education program and/or institution


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Section Three:

Paramedicine Education Program Approval Standards

The College‟s mission, values and code of ethics, and the Alberta Occupational Competency

Profiles for three categories of practitioners, provide the foundation for the College‟s program

approval standards. These approval standards are the basis by which the College reviews and

evaluates paramedicine education programs for initial approval, continued approval, individual

program monitoring and program review.

The criteria defined under each program approval standard identify specifics related to the

standard including, but not limited to, verifications required to meet the standard.

Approved programs will be required to comply with annual reporting, auditing and changes to

the submission process as established by the College.

The Alberta College of Paramedics

The mission of the Alberta College of Paramedics is to govern and regulate the practice of

paramedicine in the public interest. While maintaining and enforcing our Code of Ethics, the

College‟s leaders and staff commit to upholding the following values:






Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics defines standards of conduct for registered practitioners of the College. The

primary aim is to ensure registered practitioners provide competent, safe and ethical emergency

medical care, consistent with federal and provincial legislation and current Standards of

Practice. It is incumbent upon an education program approved by the College to deliver

paramedicine education programs to ensure students are taught and demonstrate an

understanding of the Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics is defined within the criteria for

professionalism under the curriculum approval standard.

The College defines its Code of Ethics as:

Ethical behaviour of a registered practitioner

Providing the most effective, efficient and safe patient care.

Treating all patients with respect.

Promoting the well-being of all patients to the best of one‟s abilities.

Maintaining and improving professional competencies by actively engaging in the

College's Continuing Competency Program and other opportunities for life-long learning.


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Protecting and maintaining patient confidentiality in accordance with the requirements of

federal and provincial legislation.

Recognizing the limitations of one's competencies and respecting the competencies of

others in the care and treatment of all patients.

Responsibility of the ethical practitioner

Providing patient care within the level of one‟s competencies and seeking consultation

with other competent, regulated health care professionals when necessary.

Providing quality patient care, including physical comfort and emotional support.

Having accepted responsibility for a patient, providing ongoing care until it is no longer

required or until another qualified health care professional has accepted responsibility for


Responsibilities of the ethical practitioner to the paramedic profession

Ensuring that one's conduct reflects positively on the integrity of the profession.

Understanding the importance of personal safety and that practitioners are not obligated

to place themselves in harm‟s way beyond what a reasonable practitioner would do.

Maintaining familiarity with current applicable legislation and practice, and striving to

work to the fullest extent of one‟s competencies.

The Alberta Occupational Competency Profiles

The Alberta Occupational Competency Profiles (AOCP) define the standards and scope of

practice for Emergency Medical Responder (EMR), Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and

Emergency Medical Technologist–Paramedic (EMT–P) practitioners in Alberta. The College will

develop the Alberta Occupational Competency Profile for the EMT–P Critical Care Paramedic

(CCP) category. The profiles are a complete description of the knowledge, skills, attitudes and

judgements expected of entry-level practitioners. The AOCP is the foundation for paramedicine

curricula in Alberta and subsequently sets the standards by which the College measures all

curricula for approval.

Canadian Medical Association Accreditation Alignment

The College requires educational programs to actively pursue and maintain conjoint

accreditation with CMA. The College aims to minimize duplicate reporting and reduce

institutions' administrative burden for program approval, monitoring, auditing and compliance,


Linking approval of new and continuing EMT/EMT–P/CCP programs to the CMA

accreditation process

Reviewing information provided through the CMA accreditation process and by Alberta

Advanced Education and Technology that deals with program approval, monitoring and


Including application for CMA accreditation in new program approvals

Escalated monitoring and reporting will occur for programs during CMA‟s phase one re-

submission or appeal timeframes, at the College‟s discretion. The loss or lapse of CMA


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

accreditation (with no intention of re-registering with CMA) for an approved education program

will require the educational provider to re-submit the program to the College for approval under

the new program approval submission guidelines.

Program Approval Standards

The following program standards are based on leading practices in relation to process and

standards of approval for self-regulating health disciplines:

Standard One: Program Administration

The educational institution must identify its organizational structure and lines of authority.

This includes how the institution facilitates development and delivery of a program,

contractual agreements and partnerships, and documentation. This standard also relates

to compliance with legislation, and faculty recruitment and selection.

Standard Two: Policies and Procedures

The educational institution must have clear policies and procedures that apply to

students, faculty, admission, evaluation, prior learning, student appeals, quality

assurance, safety and student records.

Standard Three: Resources

The educational institution must identify the resources necessary for a student to

successfully complete the educational program. Resources include qualified faculty and

instructional team, appropriate instructor-to-student ratios, training equipment, student

support, external support in the form of practicum sites, preceptor expertise in the

program of study, instructional learning materials and a place to learn.

Standard Four: Competency and Curriculum

The program must address specific competencies that a student must acquire to

successfully complete the program of study. In Alberta, the competencies are defined by

the Alberta College of Paramedics in the Alberta Occupational Competency Profile for

Pre-hospital Care. How students achieve these competencies must be articulated in the

curriculum of study provided by the institution of learning.

Standard Five: Evaluation

The educational institution must define a comprehensive, systematic process for

program evaluation and program revision resulting in continuous quality improvement.

Evaluation is a critical component to learning. Evaluation demonstrates if a student has

acquired the competencies to deliver quality patient care as a paramedic. Student

outcomes are measured at the time of program completion and should also be evaluated

soon after graduation. Annual reporting for education programs is a requirement for this



March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Criteria for Meeting Approval Standards

The following table identifies criteria and supporting verifications for each standard. All programs

must meet all standards in order to achieve or maintain program approval.

Standard One: Program Administration

Criteria Required Verification

1.1 The organization is a

legal entity with a

mandate to deliver



1. One of the following:

Alberta Advanced Education and Technology licence as

required by Private Vocational Training Act

Letter of legal entity from lawyer

Letter of legal entity from dean of public institution

Letter from board of governors or directors

Proof of registration as sole proprietorship, partnership or

limited company

2. Business plan: three-year plan with market analysis

1.2 Lines of authority and


between the program

and organization are

clearly articulated.

1. Organization chart

Position descriptions

Program head

Curriculum development


2. Program contact information





3. Credential awarded*




*Copy of most recent credential award with signee and seal

1.3 Financial and operating

budgets and resources

are transparent and

adequate to ensure

sustainability of the


1. EMT and EMT–P programs:

Public institutions – exempt under Post-Secondary

Learning Act

Private institutions– exempt under Advanced Education

and Technology licence

2. EMR programs:

Public – letter of declaration from program head

Private – statutory declaration from institution‟s or

provider‟s financial officer declaring financial resources are

adequate to provide training for three years or longer


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

3. Strategic plan or program objectives related to strategic plan

1.4 Admission criteria and

program description

are readily available to

prospective students.

1. Academic calendar in paper or electronic form

1.5 Effective administration

and coordination of the

program is documented

and demonstrated.

1. Program syllabus and map

2. Instructor assignments

3. Approved site locations

1.6 Formal agreements are

in place and clearly

articulated, defining

roles and


between the

organization and

clinical placement sites

and collaborative


1. Clinical articulation agreements for practicum placements

2. Proof that student placement sites meet capacity of enrolment

3. Proof that student placement sites understand the Alberta

Occupational Competency Profile or equivalent competency

profile as approved by the College. Proof may be in the form

of documented training for preceptors.

4. Partnership agreements

Standard Two: Policies and Procedures

Criteria Required Verification

2.1 Students have access

to policies and


1. Student handbook in paper or electronic form

2.2 Prerequisites and


requirements are

clearly defined for


1. Academic calendar or student handbook

2. Policies related to clinical placements:

Immunization status

Security clearance

Age – 18 years of age to enter practicum

Character reference

2.3 New student, faculty

and employee

orientation are clearly


1. Orientation policy that includes requirements for completion

2. Orientation outline


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

2.4 Institution follows

established policies

and procedures to

communicate with

regulatory bodies or

colleges if issues of

skills or performance

are not successfully


1. Performance management of student policies

2. Policy reflecting process for academic failures

3. Regulatory body reporting process:

Alberta College of Paramedics

Alberta Advanced Education and Technology

4. Reporting process map

2.5 Professional behaviour

expectations policy and

process are in place.

1. Code of conduct/ethics

2. Code of conduct/ethics breach policy

3. Academic misconduct policy

2.6 Complaint resolution

policies are in place.

1. Complaints policies address complaints from:



Colleague or peer

School or faculty



2.7 Student learning

policies are in place.

1. Program sequencing procedure

2. Student learning support policy and procedures

3. Preceptor support policy and procedures

4. Student evaluation policy:



2.8 Non-academic policies

and procedures

address areas such as

counselling, referrals,

conflict resolution,

health services and


1. Harassment/respectful workplace policy.

2. Learner support procedures:


Mental health



3. Conflict resolution procedure

2.9 Policies and

procedures are in place

for access to student

records by program


1. Academic confidentiality, security policy and procedure

2. FOIP policy or applicable privacy and access to information:

Instructor and faculty confidentiality agreements

Description of security measures

Record copying policy

3. Record storage policy


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

2.10 Policies and

procedures are in

place for access to

student records by


1. FOIP, PIPA or applicable privacy and access to information


2. Policy defining process for access and how students can

correct erroneous content

2.11 Institution complies

with Alberta

Occupational Health

and Safety

Regulations to ensure

student safety in all

areas of the program.

1. Laboratory and classroom safety policy and procedures

specific to paramedicine, including but not limited to:

Needle stick injuries

Use of electricity (e.g., defibrillation)

Patient lifting exercises

Supervision of students

Intravenous administration

Bio-hazardous waste control and management

2. Clinical placement safety policies (may be policies and

procedures from clinical placement organization)

3. Laboratory and equipment safety training outline for faculty

2.12 Student evaluation,

discipline, failure,

probation and

withdrawal policies

and procedures are

clearly articulated.

1. Student pass/fail criteria and related policy

2. Appeal policy and procedure

3. Discipline policy and process

4. Student withdrawal policy and procedure

5. Absenteeism policy

6. Re-training/remediation policy and procedure

2.13 Professional

development for

faculty and staff is

defined in policy.

1. Performance management policy and procedure

2. Instructor selection/management policy and procedure

3. Preceptor development policy and procedure

Standard Three: Resources

Criteria Required Verification

3.1 Faculty is sufficient in

number and adequately

prepared to facilitate

student learning.

1. Document(s) articulating instructor-to-student ratios and

instructor loading

2. Instructor training outline and performance measures

3.2 Faculty includes a

director or chair with

the authority to make

decisions related to the


education program(s).

1. Director‟s or chair‟s:

Name and tiitle

Phone number

Email address

Direct supervisor


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

3.3 Medical oversight is


1. Name

2. Credential

3. Title (within organization)

4. Relationship to organization:




5. Formal agreement

6. Letter from program head or physician confirming medical


3.4 Program head holds a

relevant post-

secondary degree,

preferably a Masters or

equivalent (experience,


development.) A

program head is the

individual directly

responsible for the

operational and

financial management

of the program.

(Examples include

Dean or Academic

Director from a public

institution or the owner

or manager of a private


1. Documentation stating credentials; acceptable documentation


Proof of degree – copy of official letter or degree

Proof of equivalency

Relevant experience

Professional certification

Subject matter experience or credential

Demonstration or documentation of pursuit of credential


3.5 Faculty who develop

curriculum and manage

instructional design,

implementation and

evaluation hold a

minimum of a

Bachelor‟s degree or

relevant equivalent.

Subject matter experts

hold credentials

relevant to subject.

1. Document stating credentials or demonstration or

documentation of pursuit of credential upgrading

2. Letter of confirmation from program head


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

3.6 Teaching and

instructional faculty are

regulated members in

good standing of the

Alberta College of

Paramedics and have

teaching and instructor


appropriate for the level

of education being

delivered. (Equivalency

of expertise in the

subject matter is

acceptable, with



1. Document from program head listing instructor or faculty:



Registration number or equivalency

3.7 Resources, including

clinical and practicums,

are available: learning

facilities, library,

technical, computer

equipment and support

and equipment

resources to enable

students to achieve the

course and designated

program outcomes.

1. Includes but is not limited to documentation of:

Library access including search databases such as

Pubmed or Cochrane

Classroom access

Training equipment

Computer access

Lab access

Tutorial access

3.8 Orientation materials

for preceptors include

specific descriptions of

roles, responsibilities,

and resources to the

preceptor, student and

instructor. There are

opportunities for

students to evaluate


1. Preceptor orientation program

2. Preceptor roles and responsibilities


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Standard Four: Curriculum and Competency

Criteria Required Verification

4.1 The College„s


Competency Profile, or

equivalent profile

approved by the

College, are the

foundation by which

curriculum has been

developed for the


1. Documentation and alignment cross-referencing curriculum

with AOCP or equivalent profile approved by the College

4.2 Program learning

objectives are designed

to enable students to

achieve entry-to-

practice competencies

as defined by the

Alberta Occupational

Competency Profile.

Program outcomes are

consistent with the


1. Document with program description and defined program

learning objectives relative to AOCP or equivalent profile

approved by the College

4.3 The curriculum

includes teaching,

learning and

assessment methods

that are consistent with

the philosophy,

conceptual framework

and designated

program outcomes and

are applied by all


1. Referenced descriptions of teaching and learning philosophy

and methods leading to achievement of described outcomes.

Examples may include:

Teacher directed

Problem based

Inquiry based




2. Alternate means for competency acquisition are identified and

accompanied by supporting evidence (e.g., simulation)


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

4.4 Clinical placements

(practicum) provide

sufficient opportunities

for students to meet the

designated program

outcomes and the



1. Student practicum log book and alignment with AOCP or

equivalent competency profile approved by the College

2. Employer feedback

3. Preceptor feedback

4. Proof of preceptor compliance with AOCP or equivalent

competency profile approved by the College

5. Preceptors are employed in a province where an

ACP-approved paramedicine education program exists

4.5 The curriculum is

responsive to and

reflects current trends in:

Health and wellness

Legal and ethical


Diversity in client

populations: social

issues and


populations (e.g.,



practice in


Education and



Patient and family-

centered care

Health service delivery

Patient safety

Occupational health

and safety

1. Course descriptions and evaluation metrics


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Standard Five: Evaluation

Criteria Required Verification

5.1 Measures are in place

to monitor and track

student performance

and success rates.

1. Annual program pass rate:



2. Annual unsuccessful rate:



3. Summative evaluation results assessing competency related to

AOCP objectives

4. Formative evaluation results assessing competency related to

AOCP objectives

5. New programs – description of evaluation metrics and formal

commitment to performance metrics

5.2 Trends in graduate

performance on ACP


examinations are

identified and, where

possible, compared to

national and provincial


1. Action plan that describes a mitigation strategy to address poor

graduate performance on ACP registration exams

5.3 An advisory board or

council is in place

where membership

reflects employer and


stakeholders. The

advisory board roles

and responsibilities are

clearly defined in terms

of reference.

1. Terms of reference

2. Minutes of advisory board‟s annual meetings

3. Feedback elicited from employers regarding graduate


4. Summary of feedback received

5. Documented responses to identified issues

5.4 The program is

continually monitored

and evaluated to

ensure the curriculum

reflects trends in

practice and is relevant

to employer needs.

1. Documentation of resolution to actions arising from advisory

board‟s annual meetings for past two years

2. Compliance with conditions of ACP‟s education program



March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

5.5 Student graduation and

job placement statistics

are reported annually.

1. Annual report or declaration that institution has provided

information to Alberta Advanced Education and Technology


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Approval Standard Requirements for Program Level

The following table provides the criteria for all levels of paramedicine education programs. The

table also includes the related criteria for Critical Care Paramedic programs in anticipation of

future development and the table includes a placeholder for anticipated refresher program


The related verifications for each criteria and standard can be found in the preceding table of

required verifications.

Standard 1.0: Program Administration


1.1 The organization is a legal entity with a mandate to

deliver paramedicine program(s).

1.2 Lines of authority and communication between the

program and organization are clearly articulated.

1.3 Financial statements and operating budgets are

transparent and adequate resources are available to

ensure sustainability of the program.

1.4 Admission criteria and program description are

readily available to prospective students.

1.5 Effective administration and coordination of the

program is documented and demonstrated.

1.6 Formal agreements are in place and clearly

articulated, defining roles and responsibilities

between the organization and clinical placement sites

and collaborative partners.

Standard 2: Policies and Procedures


2.1 Students have access to policies and procedures.

2.2 Prerequisites and admission requirements are clearly

defined for program.

2.3 New student, faculty and employee orientation are

clearly outlined.

2.4 Institution follows established policies and

procedures to communicate with regulatory bodies or

colleges if issues of skills or performance are not

successfully resolved.


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

2.5 Professional behaviour expectations policy and

process are in place.

2.6 Complaint resolution policies are in place.

2.7 Student learning policies are in place.

2.8 Non-academic policies and procedures in place to

address areas such as counselling, referrals, conflict

resolution, health services and harassment.

2.9 Policies and procedures are in place for access to

student records by program personnel.

2.10 Policies and procedures are in place for access to

student records by students.

2.11 Institution complies with Alberta Occupational

Health and Safety Regulations to ensure student

safety in all areas of the program.

2.12 Student evaluation, discipline, failure, probation and

withdrawal policies and procedures are clearly


2.13 Professional development for faculty and staff is

defined in policy.

Standard 3: Resources


3.1 Faculty is sufficient in number and adequately

prepared to facilitate student learning.

3.2 Faculty includes a director or chair with the authority

and responsibility for decisions related to the

paramedicine education program(s).

3.3 Medical oversight is defined.

3.4 Program head holds a relevant post-secondary

degree, preferably a Masters or equivalent.

3.5 Faculty who develop curriculum and manage

instructional design, implementation and evaluation

hold a minimum of a Bachelor‟s degree or relevant

equivalent. Subject matter experts hold credentials

relevant to subject.

3.6 Teaching and instructional faculty are regulated

members in good standing of the Alberta College of

Paramedics and have teaching and instructor

certifications appropriate for the level of education


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

being delivered. Equivalency of expertise in the

subject matter is acceptable with instructional


3.7 Resources, including clinical and practicums, are

available: learning facilities, library, technical,

computer equipment and support and equipment

resources to enable students to achieve the course

and designated program outcomes.

3.8 Orientation materials for preceptors include specific

descriptions of roles, responsibilities, resources

available to the preceptor, student and instructor.

There are opportunities for students to evaluate


Standard 4: Curriculum and Competency


4.1 The College‟s Alberta Occupational Competency

Profile or equivalent competency profile are the

foundation by which curriculum has been developed

for the program.

4.2 Program learning objectives are designed to enable

students to achieve entry-to-practice competencies

as defined by the Alberta Occupational Competency

Profile. Program outcomes are consistent with the

AOCP or equivalent competency profile approved by

the College.

4.3 The curriculum includes teaching, learning and

assessment methods that are consistent with the

philosophy, conceptual framework and designated

program outcomes and are applied by all personnel.

4.4 Clinical placements (practicum) provide sufficient

opportunities for students to meet the designated

program outcomes and the entry-to-practice


4.5 The curriculum is responsive to and reflects current

trends in:

Health and wellness

Legal and ethical considerations

Diversity in client populations: social issues and


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

demographic populations (e.g., homelessness)

Evidence-based practice in paramedicine

Education and research


Patient and family-centered care

Health service delivery

Patient safety

Occupational health and safety

Standard 5: Evaluation


5.1 Measures are in place to monitor and track student

performance and success rates.

5.2 Trends in graduate performance on ACP registration

examinations are identified and, where possible,

compared to national and provincial performance.

5.3 An advisory board or council is in place where

membership reflects employer and professional

stakeholders. The advisory board‟s roles and

responsibilities are clearly defined in terms of


5.4 The program is continually monitored and evaluated

to ensure the curriculum reflects current trends in

practice and is relevant to employer needs.

5.5 Student graduation and job placement statistics are

reported annually.


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Section Four: Resources and Tools

This section provides the following resources and tools to serve as a quick reference, and to

help you manage the program approval standards and program approval process:


1) Glossary of Terms

2) Approval Standards Checklist

3) Redesign Stakeholder Group


1) Annual Reporting Form – To be developed

2) General Program Approval Form – To be developed

3) New Program Submission Form – To be developed

4) Minor Change to an Education Program Form – To be developed

5) Major Change to an Education Program Form – To be developed


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Resource One: Glossary of Terms

This glossary provides the common terms and definitions for use by stakeholders within the

confines of the program approval process and program approval standards. This glossary is

intended to be developed and updated through future stakeholder consultation.



A quality assurance process to determine if a program of study complies

with established standards (not a regulatory term).

Admission Criteria Formally recognized qualifications that students must meet to gain

admission to an approved educational program. For approved

education programs, admission criteria must be aligned with the

College's requirements for registration or entry to practice.

Advanced Care


A paramedic practitioner demonstrating competencies identified in the

Paramedic Association of Canada's National Occupational Competency


Advanced First Aid


A practitioner who provides first responder services in a manner

compliant with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations.




Profile (AOCP)

The EMR, EMT and EMT–P categories of registrants have

corresponding AOCPs. Each document defines the critical competencies

(knowledge, skills, attitudes and judgement) required of practitioners,

from entry-to-practice levels to highly mature and experienced mentors

and opinion leaders in the profession.




An educational institution or provider to whom the College grants

approval to deliver a paramedicine education program.

Audit A systematic process for assessing or monitoring pre-defined criteria to

determine if an approved educational program continues to meet the

College's requirements.

Best Practices/

Leading Practices

Practices that have produced exceptional results in one or more practice

settings or jurisdictions, and may be adapted to the Alberta context.

Certificate Program A program of study that is usually one year or less. Public institutions

require a minimum of 15 credits for entry-level skills programs.

Clinical Placement A mandatory period of structured, practical, hands-on clinical

experience, included in the curriculum. Among the critical ingredients of

a successful placement are preceptorship, supervision and


Clinical Simulation A structured learning activity where key elements of health care practice


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

settings are replicated. This may be accomplished using mock patient

cases or specimens, mannequins, clinical scenarios or patients.

These activities can range from performance of simple clinical

procedures to clinical assessment and decision making in high-

resolution electronic simulations.

Competencies The combined knowledge, skills, attitudes and judgement a regulated

practitioner uses to provide health professional services.

Complaint A written statement, dealt with by formal processes within each

approved educational program.



In consultation with the College, the core content aligned with the

AOCPs and required for approved educational programs to provide

entry-to-practice level education to students eligible for registration.




A mandatory requirement in the Health Professions Act (Section 50) with

further specific requirements defined in the proposed Paramedic

Profession Regulation and formalized in the College‟s policies and

procedures. In 2006, the Health Disciplines Board approved the

Continuing Competence Program as substantially equivalent to the

continuing education requirements defined in the current Health

Disciplines Act (Section 24).

Council The College's governing body (board of directors).

Critical Care


An EMT–P possessing the highest level of competencies, consistent

with the Paramedic Association of Canada's National Occupational

Competency Profile.

Criteria The component outcomes that must be achieved to meet standards for

an approved educational program.

Curriculum A systematic and comprehensive plan of learning activities including

individual courses, their sequencing and the integration of key concepts.

Degree An undergraduate degree is a program of study offered by universities

and other authorized post-secondary institutions. It is normally three to

four years long and requires completion of 90 or 120 credits


Diploma An intermediate level program of study that is about two years long. For

public institutions, it usually requires 60 credits.


Medical Responder

A registrant regulated in the Emergency Medical Responder category of

practice, under the EMT Regulation and under the Paramedic


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

(EMR) Profession Regulation. (College registrants in all three categories are

often referred to as "paramedics" or “practitioners.”)


Medical Services


Emergency medical services dedicated to providing pre-hospital acute

medical care and/or transportation to definitive care. It also includes

transportation between healthcare facilities.


Medical Technician


A registrant regulated in the Emergency Medical Technician–Ambulance

area of practice, under the EMT Regulation and under the Paramedic

Profession Regulation. (College registrants in all three categories are

often referred to as "paramedics" or “practitioners.”)






A registrant regulated in the Emergency Medical Technologist–

Paramedic area of practice, under the EMT Regulation and under the

Paramedic Profession Regulation.

Faculty/Instructor Educators who develop and instruct discipline-specific courses in their

respective areas of expertise. Faculty members normally provide

marking and guidance to students, and participate in academic activities

and committee work.

First Responder An unregulated practitioner who responds to emergencies, including

where pre-hospital care attention may be required.


Labour Mobility

The College's recognition of an applicant for registration who is

regulated in an equivalent category of practice in another province or

territory, under the labour mobility and mutual recognition agreement

provisions of the Agreement on Internal Trade.

Minor Changes to

an Approved



As approved by the Health Disciplines Board:

"Refinements to the content and delivery of a program that, in the

College's (Health Disciplines Board's) view, do not significantly affect the

objectives or outcomes of the program, or the resources or profile of the

program and school. Editorial changes to a program title or description

are examples of a minor change."

Major or


Changes to an


Education Program

The College‟s approval is required, as the application is dealt with as a

"new program." These changes may affect a student‟s ability to gain

required competencies to successfully complete the program of study, or

the delivery model.

Changes include but are not limited to factors related to:

An extension, expansion, reduction, suspension, termination or

transfer of a program

Program length (e.g., a reduction in didactic or practical hours


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

resulting in a compressed program of study)

A student (e.g., a change in criteria used to determine successful

completion of the program of study)

Program resources (e.g., fiscal, physical, human, preceptors,

instructors, clinical), such as a reduction in operating budget,

instructor-to-student ratios or loss of physical training space

Curriculum (e.g., philosophy, conceptual framework, course

content, new courses or delivery method), such as a new delivery

method that changes how a student acquires required

knowledge, from a classroom environment to an online self-

directed mode of learning

Instances where the corporate authority or organization originally

approved for delivery of the program maintains oversight of the

program and is responsible for strategic and financial decisions

as well as awarding certification for the program, but requests to

transfer some program delivery to another organization

A new program approval application that is required

The name of the program, including wording inconsistent with

protected titles in the EMT Regulation, Health Disciplines Act and

proposed Paramedic Profession Regulation under the Health

Professions Act

Any other change deemed to make the program significantly

different from the education program that was originally proposed

Market Analysis From Alberta Advanced Education and Technology:

"Information collected should include, but is not limited to: growth rate for

employment in the field, proof of a job market for graduates with skill

sets acquired in the program, an estimation of the time that it would take

for graduates to find suitable work, an indication of whether employment

prospects are provincial or regional, the availability of full-time and/or

part-time jobs and problems or barriers (if any) that a graduate of this

program may encounter in securing employment. This evidence will

need to be updated on a regular basis.”




Profile (NOCP)

Competency profiles for different categories of practitioners, developed

and approved by the Paramedic Association of Canada.

New Program A proposed education program that has not been previously offered or

approved at the presenting institution.

Outreach Delivery With the College's prior agreement and a formal accountability


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

of an Approved


Program – Publicly

Funded – From the

main campus.

relationship, an approved educational program where another approved

educational program in a different geographic area (main campus)

provides the staff, administrative support, educational materials,

equipment, curriculum, evaluation and/or certificates or transcripts. This

relationship must be transparent to the College, Alberta Advanced

Education and Technology, CMA accreditation and relevant third parties.

(Privately funded educational institutions must apply to Alberta Advanced

Education and Technology to be licensed at another site.)



Formal education offered by an educational institution and intended to

provide students with the competencies to be eligible for College


Paramedic The term used to describe the three categories of registrants with the


Paramedicine The unique domain of practice that represents the intersection of

emergency medical services, health care, public health and public

safety. The College's Mission Statement notes that the College "governs

and regulates the practice of paramedicine in the public interest."

Practicum (clinical

and field)

The mandatory fieldwork and clinical experiences, as part of an

educational program's curriculum. A clinical practicum most often occurs

in a hospital setting, while a field practicum occurs in a ground


Preceptor An experienced registered practitioner who is a role model for students

and provides advice, support and guidance in clinical and professional

competencies when a student is on a practicum. There must be a formal

contract and set of expectations (e.g., recruitment and selection,

professional development) in place between the educational institution

and employer, with a copy provided to the College.

In conjunction with a faculty advisor and employer student coordinator,

the preceptor is responsible for mentoring, supervising and evaluating

student activities during the clinical practicum placement. For a field

ambulance practicum, a preceptor may only precept students of an equal

or lesser, registered designation.


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Preceptorship A formal teaching and learning relationship between the preceptor and

student (preceptee). The learning occurs as the student practices under

the preceptor's direct supervision. The preceptor assists the student to

consolidate theory with the roles, functions and competencies defined

within the College's Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.

Pre-hospital Care Emergency medical services provided to patients before and during

transfer to a definitive acute care hospital. While historically connected

with paramedicine, this term is becoming obsolete due to the versatility

and continuum of employment practice settings.

Primary Care


A paramedic practitioner demonstrating competencies identified in the

Paramedic Association of Canada's National Occupational Competency


Prior Learning




An educational institution's formal recognition of a student's previous

educational preparation (and work experience, if applicable), for the

purpose of admission to an approved educational program.

Professionalism The attributes, behaviours and conduct demonstrated by the discipline‟s

regulated members.

The College notes its expectation of professionalism of registrants, in its

Alberta Occupational Competency Profiles, Code of Ethics and the

Standards of Practice (under the Health Professions Act).

Program Approval The College‟s process for evaluating paramedicine education programs

for the purposes of registration with the College.

Program Course


This includes all the course components and elements that integrate and

ladder clinical and professional competencies.

Program Length The length of an approved educational program, including start dates,

pre-study, classroom, practical, homework, assignments, simulations

and final evaluations. The pre-study and self-study, instructional time,

clinical hours and practical hours must be separately identified.



The College‟s approved educational program providing applicants for

registration the opportunity to update their competencies.

Registration Recognition by the College of an applicant who has the competencies

required for entry to practice.


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics



Accountable to the College's Council, the Registration Committee sets

and oversees compliance with registration and related policies, and

manages referrals from the Registrar.



The written and practical assessment of an applicant's suitability for

registration with the College, for each of the three regulated categories.



Consistent with the EMT Regulation under the Health Disciplines Act,

demonstrating to the College that the registered practitioner meets the

requirements of legislation and College policies and procedures. Practice

permits are renewed for registrants under the Health Professions Act.

Review and


The process of determining in measurable and objective terms:

An applicant or practitioner's competencies

Whether an educational program is approved by the College

Standards of


The companion document to the Code of Ethics approved by the

College's Council. Standards of Practice reflect the Health Professions

Act and the College's bylaws.

Standards for

Program Approval

The basis by which paramedicine education programs are reviewed and

evaluated for approval and audit. The criteria defined for each program

approval standard include outcomes and verification to meet the




An applicant for registration who does not possess the same academic

and related entry-to-practice competencies as those graduates from

College-approved education programs.

Syllabus A formal course outline, including but not limited to faculty or instructors,

the program philosophy and instructional methodology, dates, objectives

and examinations.

Transition Status The interim category assigned by the College to previously approved

education programs to move from previously approved standards to new

program approval standards within a specified timeframe.

Verification Proof that identified criteria related to standards exist and are being used

as intended. Documented proof may be in electronic or paper form.

Verification is required for program approval.


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Resource Two: Approval Standards Checklist

Standard One: Program Administration

Criteria 1.1

Organization is a legal entity with a mandate to deliver paramedicine program(s).

Required Verification Compliance Notes √ 1. One of the following:

Alberta Advanced Education and

Technology licence as required by Private

Vocational Training Act

Letter of legal entity from lawyer

Letter of legal entity from dean of public


Letter from board of governors or directors

Proof of registration as sole proprietor,

partner or limited company

2. Business plan: three-year plan with market


Criteria 1.2

Lines of authority between the program and organization are clearly articulated.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Organization chart

Position descriptions

Program head

Curriculum developers


2. Program contact information





3. Credential awarded*




*Copy of most recent credential award with signee

and seal


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Criteria 1.3

Financial and operating budgets and resources are transparent and adequate to ensure

sustainability of the program.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. EMT and EMT–P programs:

Public institutions – exempt under Post-

Secondary Learning Act

Private institutions – exempt under

Advanced Education and Technology


2. EMR programs:

Public – letter of declaration from program


Private – statutory declaration from

institution‟s or provider‟s financial officer

declaring financial resources are adequate

to effectively provide training for three

years or longer

Strategic plan or program objectives

related to strategic plan

Criteria 1.4

Admission criteria and program description are readily available to prospective students.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Academic calendar in paper or electronic form

Criteria 1.5

Effective administration and coordination of the program is documented and demonstrated.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √ 1. Program syllabus and map

2. Instructor assignments

3. Approved site locations


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Criteria 1.6

Formal agreements are in place and clearly articulated, defining roles and responsibilities

between the organization and clinical placement sites and collaborative partners.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Clinical articulation agreements for practicum


2. Proof that student placement sites meet

capacity of enrolment

3. Proof that student placement sites understand

the Alberta Occupational Competency Profile

or equivalent competency profile as approved

by the College. Proof may be in the form of

documented training for preceptors.

4. Partnership agreements

Standard Two: Policies and Procedures

Criteria 2.1

Students have access to policies and procedures.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Student handbook in paper or electronic form

Criteria 2.2

Prerequisites and admission requirements are clearly defined for program.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Academic calendar or student handbook

2. Policies related to clinical placements:

Immunization status

Security clearance

Age – 18 years of age to enter practicum

3. Character reference


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Criteria 2.3

New student, faculty and employee orientation are clearly outlined.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Orientation policy that includes requirements

for completion

2. Orientation outline

Criteria 2.4

Institution follows established policies and procedures to communicate with regulatory bodies or

colleges if issues of skills or performance are not successfully resolved.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Performance management of student policies

2. Policy reflecting process for academic failures

3. Regulatory body reporting process:

Alberta College of Paramedics

Alberta Advanced Education and


4. Reporting process map

Criteria 2.5

Professional behaviour expectations policy and process are in place.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Code of conduct/ethics

2. Code of conduct/ethics breach policy

3. Academic misconduct policy

Criteria 2.6

Complaint resolution policies are in place.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Complaints policies address complaints from:



Colleague or peer

School or faculty




March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Criteria 2.7

Student learning policies are in place.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Program sequencing procedure

2. Student learning support policy and


3. Preceptor support policy and procedures

4. Student evaluation policy:



Criteria 2.8

Non-academic policies and procedures address areas such as counselling, referrals, conflict

resolution, health services and harassment.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Harassment/respectful workplace policy

2. Learner support procedures:


Mental health



3. Conflict resolution procedure

Criteria 2.9

Policies and procedures are in place for access to student records by program personnel.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Academic confidentiality, security policy and


2. FOIP policy or applicable privacy and access

to information:

Instructor and faculty confidentiality


Description of security measures

Record copying policy

3. Record storage policy


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Criteria 2.10

Policies and procedures are in place for access to student records by students.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. FOIP, PIPA or applicable privacy and access

to information policy

2. Policy defining process for access and how

students can correct erroneous content

Criteria 2.11

Institution complies with Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Regulations to ensure student

safety in all areas of the program.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Laboratory and classroom safety policy and

procedures specific to paramedicine, including

but not limited to:

Needle stick injuries

Use of electricity (e.g., defibrillation)

Patient lifting exercises

Supervision of students

Intravenous administration

Bio-hazardous waste control and


2. Clinical placement safety policies (may be

policies and procedures from clinical

placement organization)

3. Laboratory and equipment safety training

outline for faculty

Criteria 2.12

Student evaluation, discipline, failure, probation and withdrawal policies and procedures are

clearly articulated.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Student pass/fail criteria and related policy

2. Appeal policy and procedure

3. Discipline policy and process

4. Student withdrawal policy and procedure

5. Absenteeism policy

6. Re-training/remediation policy and procedure


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Criteria 2.13

Professional development for faculty and staff is defined in policy.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Performance management policy and


2. Instructor selection/management policy and


3. Preceptor development policy and procedure

Standard Three: Resources

Criteria 3.1

Faculty is sufficient in number and adequately prepared to facilitate student learning.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Document(s) articulating instructor-to-student

ratios and instructor loading

2. Instructor training outline and performance


Criteria 3.2

Faculty includes a director or chair with the authority and responsibility for decisions related to

the paramedicine education programs.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Director‟s or chair‟s:

Name and title

Phone number

Email address

2. Direct supervisor

Criteria 3.3

Medical oversight is defined.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Name

2. Credential

3. Title (within organization)

4. Relationship to organization:





March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

5. Formal agreement

6. Letter from program head or physician

confirming medical oversight

Criteria 3.4

Program head holds a relevant post-secondary degree, preferably a Masters or equivalent (e.g.,

experience, professional development).

A program head is the individual directly responsible for the operational and financial

management of the program. (e.g., Dean or Academic Director from a public institution or the

owner or manager of a private provider).

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Documentation stating credentials; acceptable

documentation includes:

Proof of degree – copy of official letter or


Proof of equivalency

Relevant experience

Professional certification

Subject matter experience or credential

Demonstration or documentation of pursuit

of credential upgrading

Criteria 3.5

Faculty who perform curriculum development, instructional design, implementation and

evaluation hold a minimum of a Bachelor‟s degree or relevant equivalent. Subject matter

experts hold credentials relevant to subject.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Document stating credentials or demonstration

or documentation of pursuit of credential


2. Letter of confirmation from program head


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Criteria 3.6

Teaching and instructional faculty are regulated members in good standing of the Alberta

College of Paramedics and have teaching and instructor certifications appropriate for the level

of education being delivered. Equivalency of expertise in the subject matter is acceptable with

instructional qualifications.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Document from program head listing instructor

or faculty:



Registration number or equivalency

Criteria 3.7

Resources, including clinical and practicums, are available: learning facilities, library, technical,

computer equipment and support and equipment resources to enable students to achieve the

course and designated program outcomes.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Includes but is not limited to documentation of:

Library access including search databases

such as Pubmed or Cochrane

Classroom access

Training equipment

Computer access

Lab access

2. Tutorial access

Criteria 3.8

Orientation materials for preceptors include specific descriptions of the roles, responsibilities

and resources available to the preceptor, the student and instructor. There are opportunities for

students to evaluate preceptors.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Preceptor orientation program

2. Preceptor roles and responsibilities


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Standard Four: Curriculum and Competency

Criteria 4.1

The College„s Occupational Competency Profile or equivalent profile approved by the College

are the foundation by which curriculum has been developed for the program.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √ 1. Documentation and alignment cross-

referencing curriculum with AOCP or

equivalent profile approved by the College

Criteria 4.2

Program objectives are designed to enable students to achieve entry-to-practice competencies

as defined by the Alberta Occupational Competency Profile. Program outcomes are consistent

with the AOCP or equivalent profile approved by the College.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √ 1. Document with program description and

defined program learning objectives relative to

AOCP or equivalent profile approved by the


Criteria 4.3

The curriculum includes teaching, learning and assessment methods that are consistent with

the philosophy, conceptual framework and designated program outcomes and are applied by all


Required Verification Compliance Notes √ 1. Referenced descriptions of teaching and

learning philosophy and methods leading to

achievement of described outcomes.

Examples include:

Teacher directed

Problem based

Inquiry based



2. Alternate means for competency acquisition

are identified and accompanied by supporting

evidence (e.g., simulation)


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Criteria 4.4

Clinical placements (practicum) provide sufficient opportunities for students to meet the

designated program outcomes and the entry-to-practice competencies.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √ 1. Student practicum log book and alignment with

AOCP or equivalent competency profile

approved by the College

2. Employer feedback

3. Preceptor feedback

4. Proof of preceptor compliance with AOCP or

equivalent competency profile approved by the


5. Preceptors are employed in a province where

an ACP-approved paramedicine education

program exists

Criteria 4.5

The curriculum is responsive to and reflects current trends in:

Health and wellness

Legal and ethical considerations

Diversity in client populations: social issues and demographic populations

(e.g., homelessness)

Evidence-based practice in paramedicine

Education and research


Patient and family-centered care

Health service delivery

Patient safety

Occupational health and safety

Required Verification Compliance Notes √ 1. Course descriptions and evaluation metrics


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Standard Five: Evaluation

Criteria 5.1

Measures are in place to monitor and track student performance and success rates.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Annual program pass rate



2. Annual failure rate



3. Summative evaluation results assessing

competency related to AOCP objectives

4. Formative evaluation results assessing

competency related to AOCP objectives

5. New programs – Description of evaluation

metrics and formal commitment to

performance metrics

Criteria 5.2

Trends in graduate performance on ACP registration examinations are identified and, where

possible, compared to national and provincial performance.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √ 1. Action plan that describes a mitigation strategy

to address poor graduate performance on

ACP registration exams

Criteria 5.3

An advisory board or council is in place where membership reflects employer and professional

stakeholders. The advisory board‟s roles and responsibilities are clearly defined in terms of


Required Verification Compliance Notes √ 1. Terms of reference

2. Minutes of advisory board‟s annual meetings

3. Feedback elicited from employers regarding

graduate performance

4. Summary of feedback received

5. Documented responses to identified issues


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Criteria 5.4

The program is continually monitored and evaluated to ensure the curriculum keeps pace with

and reflects current trends in practice and is relevant to employer needs.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √ 1. Documentation of resolution to actions arising

from advisory board‟s annual meetings for

past two years

2. Compliance with conditions of ACP‟s

education program approval

Criteria 5.5

Student graduation and job placement statistics are reported annually.

Required Verification Compliance Notes √

1. Annual report or declaration that institution has

provided information to Alberta Advanced

Education and Technology


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Resource Three: Re-Design Stakeholder Group

Education Program Approval Redesign Steering Committee

Tammy Leach, Chair, CEO/Registrar, Alberta College of Paramedics

Laura Schneider, Manager, Health Programs, Alberta Advanced Education

Ted Langford, Public Member

Jennifer Wheaton, Emergency Medical Services, Alberta Health Services

Terry Deis, Senior Licensing Consultant, Private Vocational Training Branch, Advanced

Education and Technology

Cassandra Fennell, Acting Director, Health Disciplines, Workforce Policy and Planning, Health

Workforce, Alberta Health and Wellness

Education Program Approval Advisory Committee

Lisa Allen, SAIT Polytechnic, Chair

Connie Shuya, Alberta College of Paramedics

Martin Marshall, Portage College

John Jacobs, Justice Institute of BC

Charna Young, Alberta Health and Safety Training Institute

Alberta Advanced Education and Technology

Laura Schneider, Manager, Health Programs, Alberta Advanced Education

Terry Deis, Private Vocational Training Branch Educators Group

John Jacobs, Justice Institute of BC

Lisa Allen, SAIT Polytechnic

Dave Adamson, Canadian Red Cross

Aileen Boyd, College of the Rockies

Paul Gurr, EMP Canada

Kolby Walters, St. John‟s Ambulance

Declan Lawlor, Academy of Emergency Training

Kathryn Hebner, Alberta Health Services

Lisa Kutzner, NAIT Polytechnic

Michael East, NAIT Polytechnic

Jocelyn Forseille NAIT Polytechnic

Scott Mullin, Medicine Hat College

Don Campbell, First Alert Inc.

Bonnie Porat, Northern Lakes College

Charna Young, Alberta Health & Safety Training Institute

James Habstritt, Professional Medical Associates

Robin Gozzola, Flatline Response

Lynel Wishlow, Kinetic Medical Inc.

Chelsey Reid, Emergency Services Academy


March 2011 Alberta College of Paramedics

Valerie Oliver, Columbia College

Martin Marshall, Portage College

Tom Hunter, Vital Signs Health Services

Stirling Martin, Lacombe Municipal Ambulance Services

Heather Verbaas, Lakeland College

Debbie Smeaton, Lakeland College

Brad Grainger, Keyano College Consultants

Jon Pascoe, Pascoe Management Consulting

Becky Donelon, MA, EMTP, Education Program Re-Design Support

Stephen Donaldson, PhD, EMTP, Education Program Re-Design Project Manager (on

secondment from Albert Health Services Emergency Medical Services)